2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2019  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief Input control types for NEGF based quantum transport calculations
8! **************************************************************************************************
10MODULE negf_control_types
11   USE cp_subsys_types,                 ONLY: cp_subsys_get,&
12                                              cp_subsys_type
13   USE input_constants,                 ONLY: negf_run
14   USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_vals_get,&
15                                              section_vals_get_subs_vals,&
16                                              section_vals_type,&
17                                              section_vals_val_get
18   USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_string_length,&
19                                              dp
20   USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: pi
21   USE molecule_kind_types,             ONLY: get_molecule_kind,&
22                                              molecule_kind_type
23   USE molecule_types,                  ONLY: get_molecule,&
24                                              molecule_type
25   USE negf_alloc_types,                ONLY: negf_allocatable_ivector
26   USE particle_types,                  ONLY: particle_type
27   USE physcon,                         ONLY: kelvin
28   USE string_utilities,                ONLY: integer_to_string
29   USE util,                            ONLY: sort
30#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
35   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'negf_control_types'
36   LOGICAL, PARAMETER, PRIVATE          :: debug_this_module = .TRUE.
38   PUBLIC :: negf_control_type, negf_control_contact_type
39   PUBLIC :: negf_control_create, negf_control_release, read_negf_control
41! **************************************************************************************************
42!> \brief Input parameters related to a single contact.
43!> \author Sergey Chulkov
44! **************************************************************************************************
45   TYPE negf_control_contact_type
46      !> atoms belonging to bulk and screening regions
47      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: atomlist_bulk, atomlist_screening
48      !> atom belonging to the primary and secondary bulk unit cells
49      TYPE(negf_allocatable_ivector), ALLOCATABLE, &
50         DIMENSION(:)                                    :: atomlist_cell
51      !> index of the sub_force_env which should be used for bulk calculation
52      INTEGER                                            :: force_env_index
53      !> contact Fermi level needs to be computed prior NEGF run
54      LOGICAL                                            :: compute_fermi_level
55      !> when computing contact Fermi level, use the energy given in 'fermi_level' (insted of HOMO)
56      !> (insted of the HOMO energy ) as a starting point
57      LOGICAL                                            :: refine_fermi_level
58      !> Fermi level
59      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: fermi_level
60      !> temperature [in a.u.]
61      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: temperature
62      !> applied electric potential
63      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: v_external
64   END TYPE negf_control_contact_type
66! **************************************************************************************************
67!> \brief Input parameters related to the NEGF run.
68!> \author Sergey Chulkov
69! **************************************************************************************************
70   TYPE negf_control_type
71      !> input options for every contact
72      TYPE(negf_control_contact_type), ALLOCATABLE, &
73         DIMENSION(:)                                    :: contacts
74      !> atoms belonging to the scattering region
75      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: atomlist_S
76      !> atoms belonging to the scattering region as well as atoms belonging to
77      !> screening regions of all the contacts
78      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: atomlist_S_screening
79      !> do not keep contact self-energy matrices
80      LOGICAL                                            :: disable_cache
81      !> convergence criteria for adaptive integration methods
82      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: conv_density
83      !> convergence criteria for iterative Lopez-Sancho algorithm
84      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: conv_green
85      !> convergence criteria for self-consistent iterations
86      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: conv_scf
87      !> accuracy in mapping atoms between different force environments
88      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: eps_geometry
89      !> applied bias [in a.u.]
90      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: v_bias
91      !> integration lower bound [in a.u.]
92      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: energy_lbound
93      !> infinitesimal offset along the imaginary axis [in a.u.]
94      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: eta
95      !> initial guess to determine the actual Fermi level of bulk contacts [in a.u.]
96      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: homo_lumo_gap
97      !> number of residuals (poles of the Fermi function)
98      INTEGER                                            :: delta_npoles
99      !> offset along the x-axis away from the poles of the Fermi function [in units of kT]
100      INTEGER                                            :: gamma_kT
101      !> integration method
102      INTEGER                                            :: integr_method
103      !> minimal number of grid points along the closed contour
104      INTEGER                                            :: integr_min_points
105      !> maximal number of grid points along the closed contour
106      INTEGER                                            :: integr_max_points
107      !> maximal number of SCF iterations
108      INTEGER                                            :: max_scf
109      !> minimal number of MPI processes to be used to compute Green's function per energy point
110      INTEGER                                            :: nprocs
111      !> shift in Hartree potential [in a.u.]
112      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: v_shift
113      !> initial offset to determine the correct shift in Hartree potential [in a.u.]
114      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: v_shift_offset
115      !> maximal number of iteration to determine the shift in Hartree potential
116      INTEGER                                            :: v_shift_maxiters
117   END TYPE negf_control_type
119   PRIVATE :: read_negf_atomlist
123! **************************************************************************************************
124!> \brief allocate control options for Non-equilibrium Green's Function calculation
125!> \param negf_control an object to create
126!> \par History
127!>    * 02.2017 created [Sergey Chulkov]
128! **************************************************************************************************
129   SUBROUTINE negf_control_create(negf_control)
130      TYPE(negf_control_type), POINTER                   :: negf_control
132      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'negf_control_create', &
133         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
135      INTEGER                                            :: handle
137      CPASSERT(.NOT. ASSOCIATED(negf_control))
138      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
140      ALLOCATE (negf_control)
142      CALL timestop(handle)
143   END SUBROUTINE negf_control_create
145! **************************************************************************************************
146!> \brief release memory allocated for NEGF control options
147!> \param negf_control an object to release
148!> \par History
149!>    * 02.2017 created [Sergey Chulkov]
150! **************************************************************************************************
151   SUBROUTINE negf_control_release(negf_control)
152      TYPE(negf_control_type), POINTER                   :: negf_control
154      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'negf_control_release', &
155         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
157      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, j
159      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
161      IF (ASSOCIATED(negf_control)) THEN
162         IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%atomlist_S)) DEALLOCATE (negf_control%atomlist_S)
163         IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%atomlist_S_screening)) DEALLOCATE (negf_control%atomlist_S_screening)
165         IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts)) THEN
166            DO i = SIZE(negf_control%contacts), 1, -1
167               IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_bulk)) &
168                  DEALLOCATE (negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_bulk)
170               IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_screening)) &
171                  DEALLOCATE (negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_screening)
173               IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_cell)) THEN
174                  DO j = SIZE(negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_cell), 1, -1
175                     IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_cell(j)%vector)) &
176                        DEALLOCATE (negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_cell(j)%vector)
177                  END DO
178                  DEALLOCATE (negf_control%contacts(i)%atomlist_cell)
179               END IF
180            END DO
182            DEALLOCATE (negf_control%contacts)
183         END IF
185         DEALLOCATE (negf_control)
186      END IF
188      CALL timestop(handle)
189   END SUBROUTINE negf_control_release
191! **************************************************************************************************
192!> \brief Read NEGF input parameters.
193!> \param negf_control NEGF control parameters
194!> \param input        root input section
195!> \param subsys       subsystem environment
196! **************************************************************************************************
197   SUBROUTINE read_negf_control(negf_control, input, subsys)
198      TYPE(negf_control_type), POINTER                   :: negf_control
199      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: input
200      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: subsys
202      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'read_negf_control', &
203         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
205      CHARACTER(len=default_string_length) :: contact_id_str, eta_current_str, eta_max_str, &
206         npoles_current_str, npoles_min_str, temp_current_str, temp_min_str
207      INTEGER                                            :: delta_npoles_min, handle, i2_rep, i_rep, &
208                                                            n2_rep, n_rep, natoms_current, &
209                                                            natoms_total, run_type
210      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: inds
211      LOGICAL                                            :: do_negf, is_explicit
212      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: eta_max, temp_current, temp_min
213      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: cell_section, contact_section, &
214                                                            negf_section, region_section
216      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
218      CALL section_vals_val_get(input, "GLOBAL%RUN_TYPE", i_val=run_type)
219      do_negf = run_type == negf_run
221      negf_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(input, "NEGF")
223      contact_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(negf_section, "CONTACT")
224      CALL section_vals_get(contact_section, n_repetition=n_rep, explicit=is_explicit)
225      IF ((.NOT. is_explicit) .AND. do_negf) THEN
226         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
227                       "At least one contact is needed for NEGF calculation.")
228      END IF
230      ALLOCATE (negf_control%contacts(n_rep))
231      DO i_rep = 1, n_rep
232         region_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(contact_section, "SCREENING_REGION", i_rep_section=i_rep)
233         CALL section_vals_get(region_section, explicit=is_explicit)
235         IF ((.NOT. is_explicit) .AND. do_negf) THEN
236            WRITE (contact_id_str, '(I11)') i_rep
237            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
238                          "The screening region must be defined for the contact "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(contact_id_str))//".")
239         END IF
241         IF (is_explicit) THEN
242            CALL read_negf_atomlist(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_screening, region_section, 1, subsys)
243         END IF
245         region_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(contact_section, "BULK_REGION", i_rep_section=i_rep)
247         CALL section_vals_get(region_section, explicit=is_explicit)
249         IF ((.NOT. is_explicit) .AND. do_negf) THEN
250            WRITE (contact_id_str, '(I11)') i_rep
251            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
252                          "The bulk region must be defined for the contact "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(contact_id_str))//".")
253         END IF
255         IF (is_explicit) THEN
256            CALL read_negf_atomlist(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_bulk, region_section, 1, subsys)
257         END IF
259         CALL section_vals_val_get(contact_section, "FORCE_EVAL_SECTION", &
260                                   i_val=negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%force_env_index, &
261                                   i_rep_section=i_rep)
263         cell_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(region_section, "CELL")
264         CALL section_vals_get(cell_section, n_repetition=n2_rep, explicit=is_explicit)
266         IF (((.NOT. is_explicit) .OR. n2_rep /= 2) .AND. negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%force_env_index <= 0 .AND. do_negf) THEN
267            WRITE (contact_id_str, '(I11)') i_rep
268            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
269                          "You must either provide indices of atoms belonging to two adjacent bulk unit cells "// &
270                          "(BULK_REGION/CELL) for the contact, or the index of the FORCE_EVAL section (FORCE_EVAL_SECTION) "// &
271                          "which will be used to construct Kohn-Sham matrix for the bulk contact "// &
272                          TRIM(ADJUSTL(contact_id_str))//".")
273         END IF
275         IF (is_explicit .AND. n2_rep > 0) THEN
276            ALLOCATE (negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_cell(n2_rep))
278            DO i2_rep = 1, n2_rep
279               CALL read_negf_atomlist(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_cell(i2_rep)%vector, cell_section, i2_rep, subsys)
280            END DO
281         END IF
283         CALL section_vals_val_get(contact_section, "REFINE_FERMI_LEVEL", &
284                                   l_val=negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%refine_fermi_level, &
285                                   i_rep_section=i_rep)
287         CALL section_vals_val_get(contact_section, "FERMI_LEVEL", &
288                                   r_val=negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%fermi_level, &
289                                   i_rep_section=i_rep, explicit=is_explicit)
290         negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%compute_fermi_level = (.NOT. is_explicit) .OR. &
291                                                            negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%refine_fermi_level
293         IF (do_negf .AND. negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%force_env_index <= 0 .AND. &
294             (.NOT. (is_explicit .OR. negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%refine_fermi_level))) THEN
295            WRITE (contact_id_str, '(I11)') i_rep
296            CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
297                         "There is no way to reasonably guess the Fermi level for the bulk contact "// &
298                         TRIM(ADJUSTL(contact_id_str))//" without running a separate bulk DFT calculation first. "// &
299                         "Therefore, 0.0 Hartree will be used as an initial guess. It is strongly advised to enable "// &
300                         "the REFINE_FERMI_LEVEL switch and to provide an initial guess using the FERMI_LEVEL keyword. "// &
301                         "Alternatively, a bulk FORCE_EVAL_SECTION can be set up.")
302         END IF
304         CALL section_vals_val_get(contact_section, "TEMPERATURE", &
305                                   r_val=negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%temperature, &
306                                   i_rep_section=i_rep)
307         IF (negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%temperature <= 0.0_dp) THEN
308            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, "Electronic temperature must be > 0")
309         END IF
311         CALL section_vals_val_get(contact_section, "ELECTRIC_POTENTIAL", &
312                                   r_val=negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%v_external, &
313                                   i_rep_section=i_rep)
314      END DO
316      region_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(negf_section, "SCATTERING_REGION")
317      CALL section_vals_get(region_section, explicit=is_explicit)
318      IF (is_explicit) THEN
319         CALL read_negf_atomlist(negf_control%atomlist_S, region_section, 1, subsys)
320      END IF
322      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "DISABLE_CACHE", l_val=negf_control%disable_cache)
324      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "EPS_DENSITY", r_val=negf_control%conv_density)
325      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "EPS_GREEN", r_val=negf_control%conv_green)
326      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "EPS_SCF", r_val=negf_control%conv_scf)
328      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "EPS_GEO", r_val=negf_control%eps_geometry)
330      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "ENERGY_LBOUND", r_val=negf_control%energy_lbound)
331      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "ETA", r_val=negf_control%eta)
332      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "HOMO_LUMO_GAP", r_val=negf_control%homo_lumo_gap)
333      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "DELTA_NPOLES", i_val=negf_control%delta_npoles)
334      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "GAMMA_KT", i_val=negf_control%gamma_kT)
336      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "INTEGRATION_METHOD", i_val=negf_control%integr_method)
337      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "INTEGRATION_MIN_POINTS", i_val=negf_control%integr_min_points)
338      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "INTEGRATION_MAX_POINTS", i_val=negf_control%integr_max_points)
340      IF (negf_control%integr_max_points < negf_control%integr_min_points) &
341         negf_control%integr_max_points = negf_control%integr_min_points
343      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "MAX_SCF", i_val=negf_control%max_scf)
345      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "NPROC_POINT", i_val=negf_control%nprocs)
347      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "V_SHIFT", r_val=negf_control%v_shift)
348      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "V_SHIFT_OFFSET", r_val=negf_control%v_shift_offset)
349      CALL section_vals_val_get(negf_section, "V_SHIFT_MAX_ITERS", i_val=negf_control%v_shift_maxiters)
351      ! check consistency
352      IF (negf_control%eta < 0.0_dp) THEN
353         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, "ETA must be >= 0")
354      END IF
356      IF (n_rep > 0) THEN
357         delta_npoles_min = NINT(0.5_dp*(negf_control%eta/(pi*MAXVAL(negf_control%contacts(:)%temperature)) + 1.0_dp))
358      ELSE
359         delta_npoles_min = 1
360      END IF
362      IF (negf_control%delta_npoles < delta_npoles_min) THEN
363         IF (n_rep > 0) THEN
364            eta_max = REAL(2*negf_control%delta_npoles - 1, kind=dp)*pi*MAXVAL(negf_control%contacts(:)%temperature)
365            temp_current = MAXVAL(negf_control%contacts(:)%temperature)*kelvin
366            temp_min = negf_control%eta/(pi*REAL(2*negf_control%delta_npoles - 1, kind=dp))*kelvin
368            WRITE (eta_current_str, '(ES11.4E2)') negf_control%eta
369            WRITE (eta_max_str, '(ES11.4E2)') eta_max
370            WRITE (npoles_current_str, '(I11)') negf_control%delta_npoles
371            WRITE (npoles_min_str, '(I11)') delta_npoles_min
372            WRITE (temp_current_str, '(F11.3)') temp_current
373            WRITE (temp_min_str, '(F11.3)') temp_min
375            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
376                          "Parameter DELTA_NPOLES must be at least "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(npoles_min_str))// &
377                          " (instead of "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(npoles_current_str))// &
378                          ") for given TEMPERATURE ("//TRIM(ADJUSTL(temp_current_str))// &
379                          " K) and ETA ("//TRIM(ADJUSTL(eta_current_str))// &
380                          "). Alternatively you can increase TEMPERATURE above "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(temp_min_str))// &
381                          " K, or decrease ETA below "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(eta_max_str))// &
382                          ". Please keep in mind that very tight ETA may result in dramatical precision loss"// &
383                          " due to inversion of ill-conditioned matrices.")
384         ELSE
385            ! no leads have been defined, so calculation will abort anyway
386            negf_control%delta_npoles = delta_npoles_min
387         END IF
388      END IF
390      ! expand scattering region by adding atoms from contact screening regions
391      n_rep = SIZE(negf_control%contacts)
392      IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%atomlist_S)) THEN
393         natoms_total = SIZE(negf_control%atomlist_S)
394      ELSE
395         natoms_total = 0
396      END IF
398      DO i_rep = 1, n_rep
399         IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_screening)) THEN
400            IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_screening)) &
401               natoms_total = natoms_total + SIZE(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_screening)
402         END IF
403      END DO
405      IF (natoms_total > 0) THEN
406         ALLOCATE (negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(natoms_total))
407         IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%atomlist_S)) THEN
408            natoms_total = SIZE(negf_control%atomlist_S)
409            negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(1:natoms_total) = negf_control%atomlist_S(1:natoms_total)
410         ELSE
411            natoms_total = 0
412         END IF
414         DO i_rep = 1, n_rep
415            IF (ALLOCATED(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_screening)) THEN
416               natoms_current = SIZE(negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_screening)
418               negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(natoms_total + 1:natoms_total + natoms_current) = &
419                  negf_control%contacts(i_rep)%atomlist_screening(1:natoms_current)
421               natoms_total = natoms_total + natoms_current
422            END IF
423         END DO
425         ! sort and remove duplicated atoms
426         ALLOCATE (inds(natoms_total))
427         CALL sort(negf_control%atomlist_S_screening, natoms_total, inds)
428         DEALLOCATE (inds)
430         natoms_current = 1
431         DO i_rep = natoms_current + 1, natoms_total
432            IF (negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(i_rep) /= negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(natoms_current)) THEN
433               natoms_current = natoms_current + 1
434               negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(natoms_current) = negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(i_rep)
435            END IF
436         END DO
438         IF (natoms_current < natoms_total) THEN
439            CALL MOVE_ALLOC(negf_control%atomlist_S_screening, inds)
441            ALLOCATE (negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(natoms_current))
442            negf_control%atomlist_S_screening(1:natoms_current) = inds(1:natoms_current)
443            DEALLOCATE (inds)
444         END IF
445      END IF
447      IF (do_negf .AND. SIZE(negf_control%contacts) > 2) THEN
448         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
449                       "General case (> 2 contacts) has not been implemented yet")
450      END IF
452      CALL timestop(handle)
453   END SUBROUTINE read_negf_control
455! **************************************************************************************************
456!> \brief Read region-specific list of atoms.
457!> \param atomlist        list of atoms
458!> \param input_section   input section which contains 'LIST' and 'MOLNAME' keywords
459!> \param i_rep_section   repetition index of the input_section
460!> \param subsys          subsystem environment
461! **************************************************************************************************
462   SUBROUTINE read_negf_atomlist(atomlist, input_section, i_rep_section, subsys)
463      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out)    :: atomlist
464      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: input_section
465      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: i_rep_section
466      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: subsys
468      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'read_negf_atomlist', &
469         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
471      CHARACTER(len=default_string_length)               :: index_str, natoms_str
472      CHARACTER(len=default_string_length), &
473         DIMENSION(:), POINTER                           :: cptr
474      INTEGER :: first_atom, handle, iatom, ikind, imol, iname, irep, last_atom, natoms_current, &
475         natoms_max, natoms_total, nkinds, nmols, nnames, nrep_list, nrep_molname
476      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: inds
477      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: iptr
478      LOGICAL                                            :: is_list, is_molname
479      TYPE(molecule_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER    :: molecule_kind_set
480      TYPE(molecule_kind_type), POINTER                  :: molecule_kind
481      TYPE(molecule_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: molecule_set
482      TYPE(molecule_type), POINTER                       :: molecule
483      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
485      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
487      CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys, particle_set=particle_set, &
488                         molecule_set=molecule_set, &
489                         molecule_kind_set=molecule_kind_set)
490      natoms_max = SIZE(particle_set)
491      nkinds = SIZE(molecule_kind_set)
493      CALL section_vals_val_get(input_section, "LIST", i_rep_section=i_rep_section, &
494                                n_rep_val=nrep_list, explicit=is_list)
495      CALL section_vals_val_get(input_section, "MOLNAME", i_rep_section=i_rep_section, &
496                                n_rep_val=nrep_molname, explicit=is_molname)
498      ! compute the number of atoms in the NEGF region, and check the validity of giben atomic indices
499      natoms_total = 0
500      IF (is_list .AND. nrep_list > 0) THEN
501         DO irep = 1, nrep_list
502            CALL section_vals_val_get(input_section, "LIST", i_rep_section=i_rep_section, i_rep_val=irep, i_vals=iptr)
504            natoms_current = SIZE(iptr)
505            DO iatom = 1, natoms_current
506               IF (iptr(iatom) > natoms_max) THEN
507                  CALL integer_to_string(iptr(iatom), index_str)
508                  CALL integer_to_string(natoms_max, natoms_str)
509                  CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
510                                "NEGF: Atomic index "//TRIM(index_str)//" given in section "// &
511                                TRIM(input_section%section%name)//" exceeds the maximum number of atoms ("// &
512                                TRIM(natoms_str)//").")
513               END IF
514            END DO
516            natoms_total = natoms_total + natoms_current
517         END DO
518      END IF
520      IF (is_molname .AND. nrep_molname > 0) THEN
521         DO irep = 1, nrep_molname
522            CALL section_vals_val_get(input_section, "MOLNAME", i_rep_section=i_rep_section, i_rep_val=irep, c_vals=cptr)
523            nnames = SIZE(cptr)
525            DO iname = 1, nnames
526               DO ikind = 1, nkinds
527                  IF (molecule_kind_set(ikind)%name .EQ. cptr(iname)) EXIT
528               END DO
530               IF (ikind <= nkinds) THEN
531                  molecule_kind => molecule_kind_set(ikind)
532                  CALL get_molecule_kind(molecule_kind, nmolecule=nmols, molecule_list=iptr)
534                  DO imol = 1, nmols
535                     molecule => molecule_set(iptr(imol))
536                     CALL get_molecule(molecule, first_atom=first_atom, last_atom=last_atom)
537                     natoms_current = last_atom - first_atom + 1
538                     natoms_total = natoms_total + natoms_current
539                  END DO
540               ELSE
541                  CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
542                                "NEGF: A molecule with the name '"//TRIM(cptr(iname))//"' mentioned in section "// &
543                                TRIM(input_section%section%name)//" has not been defined. Note that names are case sensitive.")
544               END IF
545            END DO
546         END DO
547      END IF
549      ! create a list of atomic indices
550      IF (natoms_total > 0) THEN
551         ALLOCATE (atomlist(natoms_total))
553         natoms_total = 0
555         IF (is_list .AND. nrep_list > 0) THEN
556            DO irep = 1, nrep_list
557               CALL section_vals_val_get(input_section, "LIST", i_rep_section=i_rep_section, i_rep_val=irep, i_vals=iptr)
559               natoms_current = SIZE(iptr)
560               atomlist(natoms_total + 1:natoms_total + natoms_current) = iptr(1:natoms_current)
561               natoms_total = natoms_total + natoms_current
562            END DO
563         END IF
565         IF (is_molname .AND. nrep_molname > 0) THEN
566            DO irep = 1, nrep_molname
567               CALL section_vals_val_get(input_section, "MOLNAME", i_rep_section=i_rep_section, i_rep_val=irep, c_vals=cptr)
568               nnames = SIZE(cptr)
570               DO iname = 1, nnames
571                  DO ikind = 1, nkinds
572                     IF (molecule_kind_set(ikind)%name .EQ. cptr(iname)) EXIT
573                  END DO
575                  IF (ikind <= nkinds) THEN
576                     molecule_kind => molecule_kind_set(ikind)
577                     CALL get_molecule_kind(molecule_kind, nmolecule=nmols, molecule_list=iptr)
579                     DO imol = 1, nmols
580                        molecule => molecule_set(iptr(imol))
581                        CALL get_molecule(molecule, first_atom=first_atom, last_atom=last_atom)
583                        DO natoms_current = first_atom, last_atom
584                           natoms_total = natoms_total + 1
585                           atomlist(natoms_total) = natoms_current
586                        END DO
587                     END DO
588                  END IF
589               END DO
590            END DO
591         END IF
593         ! remove duplicated atoms
594         ALLOCATE (inds(natoms_total))
595         CALL sort(atomlist, natoms_total, inds)
596         DEALLOCATE (inds)
598         natoms_current = 1
599         DO iatom = natoms_current + 1, natoms_total
600            IF (atomlist(iatom) /= atomlist(natoms_current)) THEN
601               natoms_current = natoms_current + 1
602               atomlist(natoms_current) = atomlist(iatom)
603            END IF
604         END DO
606         IF (natoms_current < natoms_total) THEN
607            CALL MOVE_ALLOC(atomlist, inds)
609            ALLOCATE (atomlist(natoms_current))
610            atomlist(1:natoms_current) = inds(1:natoms_current)
611            DEALLOCATE (inds)
612         END IF
613      END IF
615      CALL timestop(handle)
616   END SUBROUTINE read_negf_atomlist
617END MODULE negf_control_types