2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2019  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief Calculation of non local dispersion functionals
8!>  Some routines adapted from:
9!>  Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
10!>  Copyright (C) 2009 Brian Kolb, Timo Thonhauser - Wake Forest University
11!>  This file is distributed under the terms of the
12!>  GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
13!>  in the root directory of the present distribution,
14!>  or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
15!> \author JGH
16! **************************************************************************************************
17MODULE qs_dispersion_nonloc
18   USE bibliography,                    ONLY: Dion2004,&
19                                              Romanperez2009,&
20                                              Sabatini2013,&
21                                              cite_reference
22   USE cp_files,                        ONLY: close_file,&
23                                              open_file
24   USE cp_para_types,                   ONLY: cp_para_env_type
25   USE input_constants,                 ONLY: vdw_nl_DRSLL,&
26                                              vdw_nl_LMKLL,&
27                                              vdw_nl_RVV10,&
28                                              xc_vdw_fun_nonloc
29   USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_string_length,&
30                                              dp
31   USE mathconstants,                   ONLY: pi
32   USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_bcast,&
33                                              mp_sum
34   USE pw_grid_types,                   ONLY: HALFSPACE,&
35                                              pw_grid_type
36   USE pw_methods,                      ONLY: pw_axpy,&
37                                              pw_derive,&
38                                              pw_transfer
39   USE pw_pool_types,                   ONLY: pw_pool_create_pw,&
40                                              pw_pool_give_back_pw,&
41                                              pw_pool_type
42   USE pw_types,                        ONLY: COMPLEXDATA1D,&
43                                              REALDATA3D,&
44                                              REALSPACE,&
45                                              RECIPROCALSPACE,&
46                                              pw_p_type,&
47                                              pw_type
48   USE qs_dispersion_types,             ONLY: qs_dispersion_type
49   USE virial_types,                    ONLY: virial_type
50#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
56   REAL(KIND=dp), PARAMETER :: epsr = 1.e-12_dp
58   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'qs_dispersion_nonloc'
60   PUBLIC :: qs_dispersion_nonloc_init, calculate_dispersion_nonloc
62! **************************************************************************************************
66! **************************************************************************************************
67!> \brief ...
68!> \param dispersion_env ...
69!> \param para_env ...
70! **************************************************************************************************
71   SUBROUTINE qs_dispersion_nonloc_init(dispersion_env, para_env)
72      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
73      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
75      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'qs_dispersion_nonloc_init', &
76         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
78      CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)               :: filename
79      INTEGER                                            :: funit, handle, nqs, nr_points, q1_i, &
80                                                            q2_i, vdw_type
82      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
84      SELECT CASE (dispersion_env%nl_type)
86         CPABORT("Unknown vdW-DF functional")
87      CASE (vdw_nl_DRSLL, vdw_nl_LMKLL)
88         CALL cite_reference(Dion2004)
89      CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
90         CALL cite_reference(Sabatini2013)
91      END SELECT
92      CALL cite_reference(RomanPerez2009)
94      vdw_type = dispersion_env%type
95      SELECT CASE (vdw_type)
97         ! do nothing
98      CASE (xc_vdw_fun_nonloc)
99         ! setup information on non local functionals
100         filename = dispersion_env%kernel_file_name
101         IF (para_env%ionode) THEN
102            ! Read the kernel information from file "filename"
103            CALL open_file(file_name=filename, unit_number=funit, file_form="FORMATTED")
104            READ (funit, *) nqs, nr_points
105            READ (funit, *) dispersion_env%r_max
106         END IF
107         CALL mp_bcast(nqs, para_env%source, para_env%group)
108         CALL mp_bcast(nr_points, para_env%source, para_env%group)
109         CALL mp_bcast(dispersion_env%r_max, para_env%source, para_env%group)
110         ALLOCATE (dispersion_env%q_mesh(nqs), dispersion_env%kernel(0:nr_points, nqs, nqs), &
111                   dispersion_env%d2phi_dk2(0:nr_points, nqs, nqs))
112         dispersion_env%nqs = nqs
113         dispersion_env%nr_points = nr_points
114         IF (para_env%ionode) THEN
115            !! Read in the values of the q points used to generate this kernel
116            READ (funit, "(1p, 4e23.14)") dispersion_env%q_mesh
117            !! For each pair of q values, read in the function phi_q1_q2(k).
118            !! That is, the fourier transformed kernel function assuming q1 and q2
119            !! for all the values of r used.
120            DO q1_i = 1, nqs
121               DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
122                  READ (funit, "(1p, 4e23.14)") dispersion_env%kernel(0:nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
123                  dispersion_env%kernel(0:nr_points, q2_i, q1_i) = dispersion_env%kernel(0:nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
124               END DO
125            END DO
126            !! Again, for each pair of q values (q1 and q2), read in the value
127            !! of the second derivative of the above mentiond Fourier transformed
128            !! kernel function phi_alpha_beta(k).  These are used for spline
129            !! interpolation of the Fourier transformed kernel.
130            DO q1_i = 1, nqs
131               DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
132                  READ (funit, "(1p, 4e23.14)") dispersion_env%d2phi_dk2(0:nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
133                  dispersion_env%d2phi_dk2(0:nr_points, q2_i, q1_i) = dispersion_env%d2phi_dk2(0:nr_points, q1_i, q2_i)
134               END DO
135            END DO
136            CALL close_file(unit_number=funit)
137         END IF
138         CALL mp_bcast(dispersion_env%q_mesh, para_env%source, para_env%group)
139         CALL mp_bcast(dispersion_env%kernel, para_env%source, para_env%group)
140         CALL mp_bcast(dispersion_env%d2phi_dk2, para_env%source, para_env%group)
141         ! 2nd derivates for interpolation
142         ALLOCATE (dispersion_env%d2y_dx2(nqs, nqs))
143         CALL initialize_spline_interpolation(dispersion_env%q_mesh, dispersion_env%d2y_dx2)
144         !
145         dispersion_env%q_cut = dispersion_env%q_mesh(nqs)
146         dispersion_env%q_min = dispersion_env%q_mesh(1)
147         dispersion_env%dk = 2.0_dp*pi/dispersion_env%r_max
149      END SELECT
151      CALL timestop(handle)
153   END SUBROUTINE qs_dispersion_nonloc_init
155! **************************************************************************************************
156!> \brief Calculates the non-local vdW functional using the method of Soler
157!>        For spin polarized cases we use E(a,b) = E(a+b), i.e. total density
158!> \param vxc_rho ...
159!> \param rho_r ...
160!> \param rho_g ...
161!> \param edispersion ...
162!> \param dispersion_env ...
163!> \param energy_only ...
164!> \param pw_pool ...
165!> \param xc_pw_pool ...
166!> \param para_env ...
167!> \param virial ...
168! **************************************************************************************************
169   SUBROUTINE calculate_dispersion_nonloc(vxc_rho, rho_r, rho_g, edispersion, &
170                                          dispersion_env, energy_only, pw_pool, xc_pw_pool, para_env, virial)
171      TYPE(pw_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER             :: vxc_rho, rho_r, rho_g
172      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(OUT)                         :: edispersion
173      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
174      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: energy_only
175      TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER                        :: pw_pool, xc_pw_pool
176      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
177      TYPE(virial_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER               :: virial
179      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'calculate_dispersion_nonloc', &
180         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
181      INTEGER, DIMENSION(3, 3), PARAMETER :: nd = RESHAPE((/1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1/), (/3, 3/))
183      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, i_grid, idir, ispin, nl_type, &
184                                                            np, nspin, p, q, r, s
185      INTEGER, DIMENSION(1:3)                            :: hi, lo, n
186      LOGICAL                                            :: use_virial
187      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: b_value, beta, const, Ec_nl, sumnp
188      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: dq0_dgradrho, dq0_drho, hpot, potential, &
189                                                            q0, rho
190      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: drho, thetas
191      TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER                        :: grid
192      TYPE(pw_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)         :: thetas_g
193      TYPE(pw_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)      :: drho_r
194      TYPE(pw_type), POINTER                             :: tmp_g, tmp_r, vxc_g, vxc_r
196      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
198      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(rho_r))
199      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(rho_g))
200      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(pw_pool))
202      IF (PRESENT(virial)) THEN
203         use_virial = virial%pv_calculate .AND. (.NOT. virial%pv_numer)
204      ELSE
205         use_virial = .FALSE.
206      ENDIF
207      IF (use_virial) THEN
208         CPASSERT(.NOT. energy_only)
209      END IF
210      IF (.NOT. energy_only) THEN
211         CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(vxc_rho))
212      END IF
214      nl_type = dispersion_env%nl_type
216      b_value = dispersion_env%b_value
217      beta = 0.03125_dp*(3.0_dp/(b_value**2.0_dp))**0.75_dp
218      nspin = SIZE(rho_r)
220      const = 1.0_dp/(3.0_dp*SQRT(pi)*b_value**1.5_dp)/(pi**0.75_dp)
222      ! temporary arrays for FFT
223      CALL pw_pool_create_pw(pw_pool, tmp_g, use_data=COMPLEXDATA1D, in_space=RECIPROCALSPACE)
224      CALL pw_pool_create_pw(pw_pool, tmp_r, use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
226      ! get density derivatives
227      ALLOCATE (drho_r(3, nspin))
228      DO ispin = 1, nspin
229         DO idir = 1, 3
230            NULLIFY (drho_r(idir, ispin)%pw)
231            CALL pw_pool_create_pw(pw_pool, drho_r(idir, ispin)%pw, &
232                                   use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
233            CALL pw_transfer(rho_g(ispin)%pw, tmp_g)
234            CALL pw_derive(tmp_g, nd(:, idir))
235            CALL pw_transfer(tmp_g, drho_r(idir, ispin)%pw)
236         END DO
237      END DO
239      np = SIZE(tmp_r%cr3d)
240      ALLOCATE (rho(np), drho(np, 3)) !in the following loops, rho and drho _will_ have the same bounds
241      DO i = 1, 3
242         lo(i) = LBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
243         hi(i) = UBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
244         n(i) = hi(i) - lo(i) + 1
245      END DO
246!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)              &
247!$OMP             SHARED(n,rho)              &
248!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
249      DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
250         DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
251            DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
252               rho(r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1) = 0.0_dp
253            END DO
254         END DO
255      END DO
257      DO i = 1, 3
258!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)              &
259!$OMP             SHARED(n,i,drho)           &
260!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
261         DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
262            DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
263               DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
264                  drho(r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1, i) = 0.0_dp
265               END DO
266            END DO
267         END DO
269      END DO
270      DO ispin = 1, nspin
271         CPASSERT(rho_r(ispin)%pw%in_use == REALDATA3D)
272         CALL pw_transfer(rho_g(ispin)%pw, tmp_g)
273         CALL pw_transfer(tmp_g, tmp_r)
275!$OMP             SHARED(n,lo,rho,tmp_r)   &
276!$OMP             PRIVATE(s)               &
277!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
278         DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
279            DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
280               DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
281                  s = r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1
282                  rho(s) = rho(s) + tmp_r%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3))
283               END DO
284            END DO
285         END DO
287         DO i = 1, 3
288!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)                      &
289!$OMP             SHARED(ispin,i,n,lo,drho,drho_r)   &
290!$OMP             PRIVATE(s)                         &
291!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
292            DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
293               DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
294                  DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
295                     s = r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1
296                     drho(s, i) = drho(s, i) + drho_r(i, ispin)%pw%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3))
297                  END DO
298               END DO
299            END DO
301         END DO
302      END DO
303      !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
304      !! Find the value of q0 for all assigned grid points.  q is defined in equations
305      !! 11 and 12 of DION and q0 is the saturated version of q defined in equation
306      !! 5 of SOLER.  This routine also returns the derivatives of the q0s with respect
307      !! to the charge-density and the gradient of the charge-density.  These are needed
308      !! for the potential calculated below.
309      !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
311      IF (energy_only) THEN
312         ALLOCATE (q0(np))
313         SELECT CASE (nl_type)
314         CASE DEFAULT
315            CPABORT("Unknown vdW-DF functional")
316         CASE (vdw_nl_DRSLL, vdw_nl_LMKLL)
317            CALL get_q0_on_grid_eo_vdw(rho, drho, q0, dispersion_env)
318         CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
319            CALL get_q0_on_grid_eo_rvv10(rho, drho, q0, dispersion_env)
320         END SELECT
321      ELSE
322         ALLOCATE (q0(np), dq0_drho(np), dq0_dgradrho(np))
323         SELECT CASE (nl_type)
324         CASE DEFAULT
325            CPABORT("Unknown vdW-DF functional")
326         CASE (vdw_nl_DRSLL, vdw_nl_LMKLL)
327            CALL get_q0_on_grid_vdw(rho, drho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, dispersion_env)
328         CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
329            CALL get_q0_on_grid_rvv10(rho, drho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, dispersion_env)
330         END SELECT
331      END IF
333      !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
334      !! Here we allocate and calculate the theta functions appearing in equations 8-12 of SOLER.
335      !! They are defined as rho*P_i(q0(rho, gradient_rho)) for vdW and vdW2 or
336      !! constant*rho^(3/4)*P_i(q0(rho, gradient_rho)) for rVV10 where P_i is a polynomial that
337      !! interpolates a Kronecker delta function at the point q_i (taken from the q_mesh) and q0 is
338      !! the saturated version of q.
339      !! q is defined in equations 11 and 12 of DION and the saturation proceedure is defined in equation 5
340      !! of soler.  This is the biggest memory consumer in the method since the thetas array is
341      !! (total # of FFT points)*Nqs complex numbers.  In a parallel run, each processor will hold the
342      !! values of all the theta functions on just the points assigned to it.
343      !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
344      !! thetas are stored in reciprocal space as  theta_i(k) because this is the way they are used later
345      !! for the convolution (equation 11 of SOLER).
346      !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
347      ALLOCATE (thetas(np, dispersion_env%nqs))
348      !! Interpolate the P_i polynomials defined in equation 3 in SOLER for the particular
349      !! q0 values we have.
350      CALL spline_interpolation(dispersion_env%q_mesh, dispersion_env%d2y_dx2, q0, thetas)
352      !! Form the thetas where theta is defined as rho*p_i(q0) for vdW and vdW2 or
353      !! constant*rho^(3/4)*p_i(q0) for rVV10
354      !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
355      SELECT CASE (nl_type)
357         CPABORT("Unknown vdW-DF functional")
358      CASE (vdw_nl_DRSLL, vdw_nl_LMKLL)
359!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE )                          &
360!$OMP             SHARED( dispersion_env, thetas, rho)
361         DO i = 1, dispersion_env%nqs
362            thetas(:, i) = thetas(:, i)*rho(:)
363         END DO
365      CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
366!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT( NONE )                                  &
367!$OMP             SHARED( np, rho, dispersion_env, thetas, const ) &
368!$OMP             PRIVATE( i )                                     &
369!$OMP             SCHEDULE(DYNAMIC)    ! use dynamic to allow for possibility of cases having   (rho(i_grid) .LE. epsr)
370         DO i_grid = 1, np
371            IF (rho(i_grid) > epsr) THEN
372               DO i = 1, dispersion_env%nqs
373                  thetas(i_grid, i) = thetas(i_grid, i)*const*rho(i_grid)**(0.75_dp)
374               END DO
375            ELSE
376               thetas(i_grid, :) = 0.0_dp
377            END IF
378         END DO
380      END SELECT
381      !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
382      !! Get thetas in reciprocal space.
383      DO i = 1, 3
384         lo(i) = LBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
385         hi(i) = UBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
386         n(i) = hi(i) - lo(i) + 1
387      END DO
388      ALLOCATE (thetas_g(dispersion_env%nqs))
389      DO i = 1, dispersion_env%nqs
390!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)                   &
391!$OMP             SHARED(i,n,lo,thetas,tmp_r)     &
392!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
393         DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
394            DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
395               DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
396                  tmp_r%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3)) = thetas(r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1, i)
397               END DO
398            END DO
399         END DO
401         NULLIFY (thetas_g(i)%pw)
402         CALL pw_pool_create_pw(pw_pool, thetas_g(i)%pw, use_data=COMPLEXDATA1D, in_space=RECIPROCALSPACE)
403         CALL pw_transfer(tmp_r, thetas_g(i)%pw)
404      END DO
405      grid => thetas_g(1)%pw%pw_grid
406      !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
407      !! Carry out the integration in equation 8 of SOLER.  This also turns the thetas array into the
408      !! precursor to the u_i(k) array which is inverse fourier transformed to get the u_i(r) functions
409      !! of SOLER equation 11.  Add the energy we find to the output variable etxc.
410      !! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
411      sumnp = np
412      CALL mp_sum(sumnp, para_env%group)
413      IF (use_virial) THEN
414         ! calculates kernel contribution to stress
415         CALL vdW_energy(thetas_g, dispersion_env, Ec_nl, energy_only, virial)
416         SELECT CASE (nl_type)
417         CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
418            Ec_nl = 0.5_dp*Ec_nl + beta*SUM(rho(:))*grid%vol/sumnp
419         END SELECT
420         ! calculates energy contribution to stress
421         ! potential contribution to stress is calculated together with other potentials (Hxc)
422         DO idir = 1, 3
423            virial%pv_xc(idir, idir) = virial%pv_xc(idir, idir) + Ec_nl
424         END DO
425      ELSE
426         CALL vdW_energy(thetas_g, dispersion_env, Ec_nl, energy_only)
427         SELECT CASE (nl_type)
428         CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
429            Ec_nl = 0.5_dp*Ec_nl + beta*SUM(rho(:))*grid%vol/sumnp
430         END SELECT
431      END IF
432      CALL mp_sum(Ec_nl, para_env%group)
433      edispersion = Ec_nl
435      IF (energy_only) THEN
436         DEALLOCATE (q0)
437      ELSE
438         !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
439         !! Inverse Fourier transform the u_i(k) to get the u_i(r) of SOLER equation 11.
440         !!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
441         DO i = 1, 3
442            lo(i) = LBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
443            hi(i) = UBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
444            n(i) = hi(i) - lo(i) + 1
445         END DO
446         DO i = 1, dispersion_env%nqs
447            CALL pw_transfer(thetas_g(i)%pw, tmp_r)
448!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)                        &
449!$OMP             SHARED(i,n,lo,thetas,tmp_r)          &
450!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
451            DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
452               DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
453                  DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
454                     thetas(r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1, i) = tmp_r%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3))
455                  END DO
456               END DO
457            END DO
459         END DO
460         !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
461         !! Here we allocate the array to hold the potential. This is calculated via
462         !! equation 10 of SOLER, using the u_i(r) calculated from equations 11 and
463         !! 12 of SOLER.  Each processor allocates the array to be the size of the
464         !! full grid  because, as can be seen in SOLER equation 9, processors need
465         !! to access grid points outside their allocated regions.
466         !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------
467         ALLOCATE (potential(np), hpot(np))
468         IF (use_virial) THEN
469            ! calculates gradient contribution to stress
470            grid => tmp_g%pw_grid
471            CALL get_potential(q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, rho, thetas, potential, hpot, &
472                               dispersion_env, drho, grid%dvol, virial)
473         ELSE
474            CALL get_potential(q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, rho, thetas, potential, hpot, &
475                               dispersion_env)
476         END IF
477         SELECT CASE (nl_type)
478         CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
479            potential(:) = 0.5_dp*potential(:) + beta
480            hpot(:) = 0.5_dp*hpot(:)
481         END SELECT
482         CALL pw_pool_create_pw(pw_pool, vxc_r, use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
483         DO i = 1, 3
484            lo(i) = LBOUND(vxc_r%cr3d, i)
485            hi(i) = UBOUND(vxc_r%cr3d, i)
486            n(i) = hi(i) - lo(i) + 1
487         END DO
488!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)                         &
489!$OMP             SHARED(i,n,lo,potential,vxc_r)        &
490!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
491         DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
492            DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
493               DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
494                  vxc_r%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3)) = potential(r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1)
495               END DO
496            END DO
497         END DO
499         DO i = 1, 3
500            lo(i) = LBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
501            hi(i) = UBOUND(tmp_r%cr3d, i)
502            n(i) = hi(i) - lo(i) + 1
503         END DO
504         DO idir = 1, 3
505!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)                     &
506!$OMP             SHARED(n,lo,tmp_r)                &
507!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
508            DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
509               DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
510                  DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
511                     tmp_r%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3)) = 0.0_dp
512                  END DO
513               END DO
514            END DO
516            DO ispin = 1, nspin
517!$OMP PARALLEL DO DEFAULT(NONE)                              &
518!$OMP             SHARED(n,lo,tmp_r,hpot,drho_r,idir,ispin)  &
519!$OMP             COLLAPSE(3)
520               DO r = 0, n(3) - 1
521                  DO q = 0, n(2) - 1
522                     DO p = 0, n(1) - 1
523                        tmp_r%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3)) = tmp_r%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3)) &
524                                                                      + hpot(r*n(2)*n(1) + q*n(1) + p + 1) &
525                                                                      *drho_r(idir, ispin)%pw%cr3d(p + lo(1), q + lo(2), r + lo(3))
526                     END DO
527                  END DO
528               END DO
530            END DO
531            CALL pw_transfer(tmp_r, tmp_g)
532            CALL pw_derive(tmp_g, nd(:, idir))
533            CALL pw_transfer(tmp_g, tmp_r)
534            CALL pw_axpy(tmp_r, vxc_r, -1._dp)
535         END DO
536         CALL pw_transfer(vxc_r, tmp_g)
537         CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(pw_pool, vxc_r)
538         CALL pw_pool_create_pw(xc_pw_pool, vxc_r, use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
539         CALL pw_pool_create_pw(xc_pw_pool, vxc_g, use_data=COMPLEXDATA1D, in_space=RECIPROCALSPACE)
540         CALL pw_transfer(tmp_g, vxc_g)
541         CALL pw_transfer(vxc_g, vxc_r)
542         DO ispin = 1, nspin
543            CALL pw_axpy(vxc_r, vxc_rho(ispin)%pw, 1._dp)
544         END DO
545         CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(xc_pw_pool, vxc_r)
546         CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(xc_pw_pool, vxc_g)
547         DEALLOCATE (q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho)
548      END IF
550      DEALLOCATE (thetas)
552      DO i = 1, dispersion_env%nqs
553         CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(pw_pool, thetas_g(i)%pw)
554      END DO
555      DO ispin = 1, nspin
556         DO idir = 1, 3
557            CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(pw_pool, drho_r(idir, ispin)%pw)
558         END DO
559      END DO
560      CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(pw_pool, tmp_r)
561      CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(pw_pool, tmp_g)
563      DEALLOCATE (rho, drho, drho_r, thetas_g)
565      CALL timestop(handle)
567   END SUBROUTINE calculate_dispersion_nonloc
569! **************************************************************************************************
570!> \brief This routine carries out the integration of equation 8 of SOLER.  It returns the non-local
571!> exchange-correlation energy and the u_alpha(k) arrays used to find the u_alpha(r) arrays via
572!> equations 11 and 12 in SOLER.
573!> energy contribution to stress is added in qs_force
574!> \param thetas_g ...
575!> \param dispersion_env ...
576!> \param vdW_xc_energy ...
577!> \param energy_only ...
578!> \param virial ...
579!> \par History
580!>    OpenMP added: Aug 2016  MTucker
581! **************************************************************************************************
582   SUBROUTINE vdW_energy(thetas_g, dispersion_env, vdW_xc_energy, energy_only, virial)
583      TYPE(pw_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)         :: thetas_g
584      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
585      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(OUT)                         :: vdW_xc_energy
586      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: energy_only
587      TYPE(virial_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER               :: virial
589      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'vdW_energy', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
591      COMPLEX(KIND=dp)                                   :: uu
592      COMPLEX(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)        :: theta
593      COMPLEX(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)     :: u_vdw(:, :)
594      INTEGER                                            :: handle, ig, iq, l, m, nl_type, nqs, &
595                                                            q1_i, q2_i
596      LOGICAL                                            :: use_virial
597      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: g, g2, g2_last, g_multiplier, gm
598      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: dkernel_of_dk, kernel_of_k
599      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(3, 3)                     :: virial_thread
600      TYPE(pw_grid_type), POINTER                        :: grid
602      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
603      nqs = dispersion_env%nqs
605      IF (PRESENT(virial)) THEN
606         use_virial = .TRUE.
607         virial_thread(:, :) = 0.0_dp
608      ELSE
609         use_virial = .FALSE.
610      END IF
612      vdW_xc_energy = 0._dp
613      grid => thetas_g(1)%pw%pw_grid
615      IF (grid%grid_span == HALFSPACE) THEN
616         g_multiplier = 2._dp
617      ELSE
618         g_multiplier = 1._dp
619      END IF
621      nl_type = dispersion_env%nl_type
623      IF (.NOT. energy_only) THEN
624         ALLOCATE (u_vdW(grid%ngpts_cut_local, nqs))
625         u_vdW(:, :) = CMPLX(0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, KIND=dp)
626      END IF
628!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT( NONE )                                             &
629!$OMP           SHARED( nqs, energy_only, grid, dispersion_env             &
630!$OMP                 , use_virial, thetas_g, g_multiplier, nl_type        &
631!$OMP                 , u_vdW                                              &
632!$OMP                 )                                                    &
633!$OMP          PRIVATE( g2_last, kernel_of_k, dkernel_of_dk, theta         &
634!$OMP                 , g2, g, iq                                          &
635!$OMP                 , q2_i, uu, q1_i, gm, l, m                           &
636!$OMP                 )                                                    &
637!$OMP        REDUCTION( +: vdW_xc_energy, virial_thread                    &
638!$OMP                 )
640      g2_last = HUGE(0._dp)
642      ALLOCATE (kernel_of_k(nqs, nqs), dkernel_of_dk(nqs, nqs))
643      ALLOCATE (theta(nqs))
645!$OMP DO
646      DO ig = 1, grid%ngpts_cut_local
647         g2 = grid%gsq(ig)
648         IF (ABS(g2 - g2_last) > 1.e-10) THEN
649            g2_last = g2
650            g = SQRT(g2)
651            CALL interpolate_kernel(g, kernel_of_k, dispersion_env)
652            IF (use_virial) CALL interpolate_dkernel_dk(g, dkernel_of_dk, dispersion_env)
653         END IF
654         DO iq = 1, nqs
655            theta(iq) = thetas_g(iq)%pw%cc(ig)
656         END DO
657         DO q2_i = 1, nqs
658            uu = CMPLX(0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, KIND=dp)
659            DO q1_i = 1, nqs
660               uu = uu + kernel_of_k(q2_i, q1_i)*theta(q1_i)
661            END DO
662            IF (ig < grid%first_gne0) THEN
663               vdW_xc_energy = vdW_xc_energy + REAL(uu*CONJG(theta(q2_i)), KIND=dp)
664            ELSE
665               vdW_xc_energy = vdW_xc_energy + g_multiplier*REAL(uu*CONJG(theta(q2_i)), KIND=dp)
666            END IF
667            IF (.NOT. energy_only) u_vdW(ig, q2_i) = uu
669            IF (use_virial .AND. ig >= grid%first_gne0) THEN
670               DO q1_i = 1, nqs
671                  gm = 0.5_dp*g_multiplier*grid%vol*dkernel_of_dk(q1_i, q2_i)*REAL(theta(q1_i)*CONJG(theta(q2_i)), KIND=dp)
672                  IF (nl_type == vdw_nl_RVV10) THEN
673                     gm = 0.5_dp*gm
674                  END IF
675                  DO l = 1, 3
676                     DO m = 1, l
677                        virial_thread(l, m) = virial_thread(l, m) - gm*(grid%g(l, ig)*grid%g(m, ig))/g
678                     END DO
679                  END DO
680               END DO
681            END IF
683         END DO
684      END DO
687      DEALLOCATE (theta)
688      DEALLOCATE (kernel_of_k, dkernel_of_dk)
690      IF (.NOT. energy_only) THEN
691!$OMP DO
692         DO ig = 1, grid%ngpts_cut_local
693            DO iq = 1, nqs
694               thetas_g(iq)%pw%cc(ig) = u_vdW(ig, iq)
695            END DO
696         END DO
698      END IF
702      IF (.NOT. energy_only) THEN
703         DEALLOCATE (u_vdW)
704      END IF
706      vdW_xc_energy = vdW_xc_energy*grid%vol*0.5_dp
708      IF (use_virial) THEN
709         DO l = 1, 3
710            DO m = 1, (l - 1)
711               virial%pv_xc(l, m) = virial%pv_xc(l, m) + virial_thread(l, m)
712               virial%pv_xc(m, l) = virial%pv_xc(l, m)
713            END DO
714            m = l
715            virial%pv_xc(l, m) = virial%pv_xc(l, m) + virial_thread(l, m)
716         END DO
717      END IF
719      CALL timestop(handle)
721   END SUBROUTINE vdW_energy
723! **************************************************************************************************
724!> \brief This routine finds the non-local correlation contribution to the potential
725!> (i.e. the derivative of the non-local piece of the energy with respect to
726!> density) given in SOLER equation 10.  The u_alpha(k) functions were found
727!> while calculating the energy. They are passed in as the matrix u_vdW.
728!> Most of the required derivatives were calculated in the "get_q0_on_grid"
729!> routine, but the derivative of the interpolation polynomials, P_alpha(q),
730!> (SOLER equation 3) with respect to q is interpolated here, along with the
731!> polynomials themselves.
732!> \param q0 ...
733!> \param dq0_drho ...
734!> \param dq0_dgradrho ...
735!> \param total_rho ...
736!> \param u_vdW ...
737!> \param potential ...
738!> \param h_prefactor ...
739!> \param dispersion_env ...
740!> \param drho ...
741!> \param dvol ...
742!> \param virial ...
743!> \par History
744!> OpenMP added: Aug 2016  MTucker
745! **************************************************************************************************
746   SUBROUTINE get_potential(q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, total_rho, u_vdW, potential, h_prefactor, &
747                            dispersion_env, drho, dvol, virial)
749      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(in)                 :: q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, total_rho
750      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(in)              :: u_vdW
751      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out)                :: potential, h_prefactor
752      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
753      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(in), OPTIONAL    :: drho
754      REAL(dp), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                     :: dvol
755      TYPE(virial_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER               :: virial
757      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'get_potential', routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
759      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i_grid, l, m, nl_type, nqs, P_i, &
760                                                            q, q_hi, q_low
761      LOGICAL                                            :: use_virial
762      REAL(dp)                                           :: a, b, b_value, c, const, d, dP_dq0, dq, &
763                                                            dq_6, e, f, P, prefactor, tmp_1_2, &
764                                                            tmp_1_4, tmp_3_4
765      REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                :: y
766      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(3, 3)                          :: virial_thread
767      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER                    :: q_mesh
768      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                 :: d2y_dx2
770      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
772      IF (PRESENT(virial)) THEN
773         use_virial = .TRUE.
774         virial_thread(:, :) = 0.0_dp
775         CPASSERT(PRESENT(drho))
776         CPASSERT(PRESENT(dvol))
777      ELSE
778         use_virial = .FALSE.
779      END IF
781      b_value = dispersion_env%b_value
782      const = 1.0_dp/(3.0_dp*b_value**(3.0_dp/2.0_dp)*pi**(5.0_dp/4.0_dp))
783      potential = 0.0_dp
784      h_prefactor = 0.0_dp
786      d2y_dx2 => dispersion_env%d2y_dx2
787      q_mesh => dispersion_env%q_mesh
788      nqs = dispersion_env%nqs
789      nl_type = dispersion_env%nl_type
791!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT( NONE )                                         &
792!$OMP           SHARED( nqs, u_vdW, q_mesh, q0, d2y_dx2, nl_type       &
793!$OMP                 , potential, h_prefactor                         &
794!$OMP                 , dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, total_rho, const       &
795!$OMP                 , use_virial, drho, dvol, virial                 &
796!$OMP                 )                                                &
797!$OMP          PRIVATE( y                                              &
798!$OMP                 , q_low, q_hi, q, dq, dq_6, A, b, c, d, e, f     &
799!$OMP                 , P_i, dP_dq0, P, prefactor, l, m                &
800!$OMP                 , tmp_1_2, tmp_1_4, tmp_3_4                      &
801!$OMP                 )                                                &
802!$OMP        REDUCTION(+: virial_thread                                &
803!$OMP                 )
805      ALLOCATE (y(nqs))
807!$OMP DO
808      DO i_grid = 1, SIZE(u_vdW, 1)
809         q_low = 1
810         q_hi = nqs
811         ! Figure out which bin our value of q0 is in in the q_mesh
812         DO WHILE ((q_hi - q_low) > 1)
813            q = INT((q_hi + q_low)/2)
814            IF (q_mesh(q) > q0(i_grid)) THEN
815               q_hi = q
816            ELSE
817               q_low = q
818            END IF
819         END DO
820         IF (q_hi == q_low) CPABORT("get_potential:  qhi == qlow")
822         dq = q_mesh(q_hi) - q_mesh(q_low)
823         dq_6 = dq/6.0_dp
825         a = (q_mesh(q_hi) - q0(i_grid))/dq
826         b = (q0(i_grid) - q_mesh(q_low))/dq
827         c = (a**3 - a)*dq*dq_6
828         d = (b**3 - b)*dq*dq_6
829         e = (3.0_dp*a**2 - 1.0_dp)*dq_6
830         f = (3.0_dp*b**2 - 1.0_dp)*dq_6
832         DO P_i = 1, nqs
833            y = 0.0_dp
834            y(P_i) = 1.0_dp
835            dP_dq0 = (y(q_hi) - y(q_low))/dq - e*d2y_dx2(P_i, q_low) + f*d2y_dx2(P_i, q_hi)
836            P = a*y(q_low) + b*y(q_hi) + c*d2y_dx2(P_i, q_low) + d*d2y_dx2(P_i, q_hi)
837            !! The first term in equation 13 of SOLER
838            SELECT CASE (nl_type)
839            CASE DEFAULT
840               CPABORT("Unknown vdW-DF functional")
841            CASE (vdw_nl_DRSLL, vdw_nl_LMKLL)
842               potential(i_grid) = potential(i_grid) + u_vdW(i_grid, P_i)*(P + dP_dq0*dq0_drho(i_grid))
843               prefactor = u_vdW(i_grid, P_i)*dP_dq0*dq0_dgradrho(i_grid)
844            CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
845               IF (total_rho(i_grid) > epsr) THEN
846                  tmp_1_2 = SQRT(total_rho(i_grid))
847                  tmp_1_4 = SQRT(tmp_1_2) ! == total_rho(i_grid)**(1.0_dp/4.0_dp)
848                  tmp_3_4 = tmp_1_4*tmp_1_4*tmp_1_4 ! == total_rho(i_grid)**(3.0_dp/4.0_dp)
849                  potential(i_grid) = potential(i_grid) &
850                                      + u_vdW(i_grid, P_i)*(const*0.75_dp/tmp_1_4*P &
851                                                            + const*tmp_3_4*dP_dq0*dq0_drho(i_grid))
852                  prefactor = u_vdW(i_grid, P_i)*const*tmp_3_4*dP_dq0*dq0_dgradrho(i_grid)
853               ELSE
854                  prefactor = 0.0_dp
855               ENDIF
856            END SELECT
857            IF (q0(i_grid) .NE. q_mesh(nqs)) THEN
858               h_prefactor(i_grid) = h_prefactor(i_grid) + prefactor
859            END IF
861            IF (use_virial .AND. ABS(prefactor) > 0.0_dp) THEN
862               SELECT CASE (nl_type)
863               CASE DEFAULT
864                  ! do nothing
865               CASE (vdw_nl_RVV10)
866                  prefactor = 0.5_dp*prefactor
867               END SELECT
868               prefactor = prefactor*dvol
869               DO l = 1, 3
870                  DO m = 1, l
871                     virial_thread(l, m) = virial_thread(l, m) - prefactor*drho(i_grid, l)*drho(i_grid, m)
872                  ENDDO
873               ENDDO
874            END IF
876         END DO ! P_i = 1, nqs
877      END DO ! i_grid = 1, SIZE(u_vdW, 1)
880      DEALLOCATE (y)
883      IF (use_virial) THEN
884         DO l = 1, 3
885            DO m = 1, (l - 1)
886               virial%pv_xc(l, m) = virial%pv_xc(l, m) + virial_thread(l, m)
887               virial%pv_xc(m, l) = virial%pv_xc(l, m)
888            ENDDO
889            m = l
890            virial%pv_xc(l, m) = virial%pv_xc(l, m) + virial_thread(l, m)
891         ENDDO
892      END IF
894      CALL timestop(handle)
895   END SUBROUTINE get_potential
897! **************************************************************************************************
898!> \brief calculates exponent = sum(from i=1 to hi, ((alpha)**i)/i) ) without <<< calling power >>>
899!> \param hi = upper index for sum
900!> \param alpha ...
901!> \param exponent = output value
902!> \par History
903!>     Created:  MTucker, Aug 2016
904! **************************************************************************************************
905   SUBROUTINE calculate_exponent(hi, alpha, exponent)
906      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: hi
907      REAL(dp), INTENT(in)                               :: alpha
908      REAL(dp), INTENT(out)                              :: exponent
910      INTEGER                                            :: i
911      REAL(dp)                                           :: multiplier
913      multiplier = alpha
914      exponent = alpha
916      DO i = 2, hi
917         multiplier = multiplier*alpha
918         exponent = exponent + (multiplier/i)
919      END DO
920   END SUBROUTINE calculate_exponent
922! **************************************************************************************************
923!> \brief calculate exponent = sum(from i=1 to hi, ((alpha)**i)/i) )  without calling power
924!>        also calculates derivative using similar series
925!> \param hi = upper index for sum
926!> \param alpha ...
927!> \param exponent = output value
928!> \param derivative ...
929!> \par History
930!>     Created:  MTucker, Aug 2016
931! **************************************************************************************************
932   SUBROUTINE calculate_exponent_derivative(hi, alpha, exponent, derivative)
933      INTEGER, INTENT(in)                                :: hi
934      REAL(dp), INTENT(in)                               :: alpha
935      REAL(dp), INTENT(out)                              :: exponent, derivative
937      INTEGER                                            :: i
938      REAL(dp)                                           :: multiplier
940      derivative = 0.0d0
941      multiplier = 1.0d0
942      exponent = 0.0d0
944      DO i = 1, hi
945         derivative = derivative + multiplier
946         multiplier = multiplier*alpha
947         exponent = exponent + (multiplier/i)
948      END DO
949   END SUBROUTINE calculate_exponent_derivative
951   !! This routine first calculates the q value defined in (DION equations 11 and 12), then
952   !! saturates it according to (SOLER equation 5).
953! **************************************************************************************************
954!> \brief This routine first calculates the q value defined in (DION equations 11 and 12), then
955!> saturates it according to (SOLER equation 5).
956!> \param total_rho ...
957!> \param gradient_rho ...
958!> \param q0 ...
959!> \param dq0_drho ...
960!> \param dq0_dgradrho ...
961!> \param dispersion_env ...
962! **************************************************************************************************
963   SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_vdw(total_rho, gradient_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, dispersion_env)
964      !!
965      !! more specifically it calculates the following
966      !!
967      !!     q0(ir) = q0 as defined above
968      !!     dq0_drho(ir) = total_rho * d q0 /d rho
969      !!     dq0_dgradrho = total_rho / |gradient_rho| * d q0 / d |gradient_rho|
970      !!
971      REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)                               :: total_rho(:), gradient_rho(:, :)
972      REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT)                              :: q0(:), dq0_drho(:), dq0_dgradrho(:)
973      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
975      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'get_q0_on_grid_vdw', &
976         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
977      INTEGER, PARAMETER                                 :: m_cut = 12
978      REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: LDA_A = 0.031091_dp, LDA_a1 = 0.2137_dp, LDA_b1 = 7.5957_dp, &
979         LDA_b2 = 3.5876_dp, LDA_b3 = 1.6382_dp, LDA_b4 = 0.49294_dp
981      INTEGER                                            :: i_grid
982      REAL(dp)                                           :: dq0_dq, exponent, gradient_correction, &
983                                                            kF, LDA_1, LDA_2, q, q__q_cut, q_cut, &
984                                                            q_min, r_s, sqrt_r_s, Z_ab
986      q_cut = dispersion_env%q_cut
987      q_min = dispersion_env%q_min
988      SELECT CASE (dispersion_env%nl_type)
990         CPABORT("Unknown vdW-DF functional")
991      CASE (vdw_nl_DRSLL)
992         Z_ab = -0.8491_dp
993      CASE (vdw_nl_LMKLL)
994         Z_ab = -1.887_dp
995      END SELECT
997      ! initialize q0-related arrays ...
998      q0(:) = q_cut
999      dq0_drho(:) = 0.0_dp
1000      dq0_dgradrho(:) = 0.0_dp
1002      DO i_grid = 1, SIZE(total_rho)
1004         !! This prevents numerical problems.  If the charge density is negative (an
1005         !! unphysical situation), we simply treat it as very small.  In that case,
1006         !! q0 will be very large and will be saturated.  For a saturated q0 the derivative
1007         !! dq0_dq will be 0 so we set q0 = q_cut and dq0_drho = dq0_dgradrho = 0 and go on
1008         !! to the next point.
1009         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1010         IF (total_rho(i_grid) < epsr) CYCLE
1011         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1012         !! Calculate some intermediate values needed to find q
1013         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1014         kF = (3.0_dp*pi*pi*total_rho(i_grid))**(1.0_dp/3.0_dp)
1015         r_s = (3.0_dp/(4.0_dp*pi*total_rho(i_grid)))**(1.0_dp/3.0_dp)
1016         sqrt_r_s = SQRT(r_s)
1018         gradient_correction = -Z_ab/(36.0_dp*kF*total_rho(i_grid)**2) &
1019                               *(gradient_rho(i_grid, 1)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 2)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 3)**2)
1021         LDA_1 = 8.0_dp*pi/3.0_dp*(LDA_A*(1.0_dp + LDA_a1*r_s))
1022         LDA_2 = 2.0_dp*LDA_A*(LDA_b1*sqrt_r_s + LDA_b2*r_s + LDA_b3*r_s*sqrt_r_s + LDA_b4*r_s*r_s)
1023         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------
1024         !! This is the q value defined in equations 11 and 12 of DION
1025         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------
1026         q = kF + LDA_1*LOG(1.0_dp + 1.0_dp/LDA_2) + gradient_correction
1027         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------
1028         !! Here, we calculate q0 by saturating q according to equation 5 of SOLER.  Also, we find
1029         !! the derivative dq0_dq needed for the derivatives dq0_drho and dq0_dgradrh0 discussed below.
1030         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1031         q__q_cut = q/q_cut
1032         CALL calculate_exponent_derivative(m_cut, q__q_cut, exponent, dq0_dq)
1033         q0(i_grid) = q_cut*(1.0_dp - EXP(-exponent))
1034         dq0_dq = dq0_dq*EXP(-exponent)
1035         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1036         !! This is to handle a case with q0 too small.  We simply set it to the smallest q value in
1037         !! out q_mesh.  Hopefully this doesn't get used often (ever)
1038         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1039         IF (q0(i_grid) < q_min) THEN
1040            q0(i_grid) = q_min
1041         END IF
1042         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1043         !! Here we find derivatives.  These are actually the density times the derivative of q0 with respect
1044         !! to rho and gradient_rho.  The density factor comes in since we are really differentiating
1045         !! theta = (rho)*P(q0) with respect to density (or its gradient) which will be
1046         !! dtheta_drho = P(q0) + dP_dq0 * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_drho]   and
1047         !! dtheta_dgradient_rho =  dP_dq0  * [rho * dq0_dq * dq_dgradient_rho]
1048         !! The parts in square brackets are what is calculated here.  The dP_dq0 term will be interpolated
1049         !! later.  There should actually be a factor of the magnitude of the gradient in the gradient_rho derivative
1050         !! but that cancels out when we differentiate the magnitude of the gradient with respect to a particular
1051         !! component.
1052         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1054         dq0_drho(i_grid) = dq0_dq*(kF/3.0_dp - 7.0_dp/3.0_dp*gradient_correction &
1055                                    - 8.0_dp*pi/9.0_dp*LDA_A*LDA_a1*r_s*LOG(1.0_dp + 1.0_dp/LDA_2) &
1056                                    + LDA_1/(LDA_2*(1.0_dp + LDA_2)) &
1057                                    *(2.0_dp*LDA_A*(LDA_b1/6.0_dp*sqrt_r_s + LDA_b2/3.0_dp*r_s + LDA_b3/2.0_dp*r_s*sqrt_r_s &
1058                                                    + 2.0_dp*LDA_b4/3.0_dp*r_s**2)))
1060         dq0_dgradrho(i_grid) = total_rho(i_grid)*dq0_dq*2.0_dp*(-Z_ab)/(36.0_dp*kF*total_rho(i_grid)**2)
1062      END DO
1064   END SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_vdw
1066! **************************************************************************************************
1067!> \brief ...
1068!> \param total_rho ...
1069!> \param gradient_rho ...
1070!> \param q0 ...
1071!> \param dq0_drho ...
1072!> \param dq0_dgradrho ...
1073!> \param dispersion_env ...
1074! **************************************************************************************************
1075   SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_rvv10(total_rho, gradient_rho, q0, dq0_drho, dq0_dgradrho, dispersion_env)
1076      !!
1077      !! more specifically it calculates the following
1078      !!
1079      !!     q0(ir) = q0 as defined above
1080      !!     dq0_drho(ir) = total_rho * d q0 /d rho
1081      !!     dq0_dgradrho = total_rho / |gradient_rho| * d q0 / d |gradient_rho|
1082      !!
1083      REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)                               :: total_rho(:), gradient_rho(:, :)
1084      REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT)                              :: q0(:), dq0_drho(:), dq0_dgradrho(:)
1085      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
1087      INTEGER, PARAMETER                                 :: m_cut = 12
1089      INTEGER                                            :: i_grid
1090      REAL(dp)                                           :: b_value, C_value, dk_dn, dq0_dq, dw0_dn, &
1091                                                            exponent, gmod2, k, mod_grad, q, &
1092                                                            q__q_cut, q_cut, q_min, w0, wg2, wp2
1094      q_cut = dispersion_env%q_cut
1095      q_min = dispersion_env%q_min
1096      b_value = dispersion_env%b_value
1097      C_value = dispersion_env%c_value
1099      ! initialize q0-related arrays ...
1100      q0(:) = q_cut
1101      dq0_drho(:) = 0.0_dp
1102      dq0_dgradrho(:) = 0.0_dp
1104      DO i_grid = 1, SIZE(total_rho)
1106         gmod2 = gradient_rho(i_grid, 1)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 2)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 3)**2
1108         !if (total_rho(i_grid) > epsr .and. gmod2 > epsr) cycle
1109         IF (total_rho(i_grid) > epsr) THEN
1111            !! Calculate some intermediate values needed to find q
1112            !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1113            mod_grad = SQRT(gmod2)
1115            wp2 = 16.0_dp*pi*total_rho(i_grid)
1116            wg2 = 4_dp*C_value*(mod_grad/total_rho(i_grid))**4
1118            k = b_value*3.0_dp*pi*((total_rho(i_grid)/(9.0_dp*pi))**(1.0_dp/6.0_dp))
1119            w0 = SQRT(wg2 + wp2/3.0_dp)
1121            q = w0/k
1123            !! Here, we calculate q0 by saturating q according
1124            !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1125            q__q_cut = q/q_cut
1126            CALL calculate_exponent_derivative(m_cut, q__q_cut, exponent, dq0_dq)
1127            q0(i_grid) = q_cut*(1.0_dp - EXP(-exponent))
1128            dq0_dq = dq0_dq*EXP(-exponent)
1130            !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1131            IF (q0(i_grid) < q_min) THEN
1132               q0(i_grid) = q_min
1133            END IF
1135            !!---------------------------------Final values---------------------------------
1136            dw0_dn = 1.0_dp/(2.0_dp*w0)*(16.0_dp/3.0_dp*pi - 4.0_dp*wg2/total_rho(i_grid))
1137            dk_dn = k/(6.0_dp*total_rho(i_grid))
1139            dq0_drho(i_grid) = dq0_dq*1.0_dp/(k**2.0)*(dw0_dn*k - dk_dn*w0)
1140            dq0_dgradrho(i_grid) = dq0_dq*1.0_dp/(2.0_dp*k*w0)*4.0_dp*wg2/gmod2
1141         ENDIF
1143      END DO
1145   END SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_rvv10
1147! **************************************************************************************************
1148!> \brief ...
1149!> \param total_rho ...
1150!> \param gradient_rho ...
1151!> \param q0 ...
1152!> \param dispersion_env ...
1153! **************************************************************************************************
1154   SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_eo_vdw(total_rho, gradient_rho, q0, dispersion_env)
1156      REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)                               :: total_rho(:), gradient_rho(:, :)
1157      REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT)                              :: q0(:)
1158      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
1160      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'get_q0_on_grid_eo_vdw', &
1161         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1162      INTEGER, PARAMETER                                 :: m_cut = 12
1163      REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: LDA_A = 0.031091_dp, LDA_a1 = 0.2137_dp, LDA_b1 = 7.5957_dp, &
1164         LDA_b2 = 3.5876_dp, LDA_b3 = 1.6382_dp, LDA_b4 = 0.49294_dp
1166      INTEGER                                            :: i_grid
1167      REAL(dp)                                           :: exponent, gradient_correction, kF, &
1168                                                            LDA_1, LDA_2, q, q__q_cut, q_cut, &
1169                                                            q_min, r_s, sqrt_r_s, Z_ab
1171      q_cut = dispersion_env%q_cut
1172      q_min = dispersion_env%q_min
1173      SELECT CASE (dispersion_env%nl_type)
1174      CASE DEFAULT
1175         CPABORT("Unknown vdW-DF functional")
1176      CASE (vdw_nl_DRSLL)
1177         Z_ab = -0.8491_dp
1178      CASE (vdw_nl_LMKLL)
1179         Z_ab = -1.887_dp
1180      END SELECT
1182      ! initialize q0-related arrays ...
1183      q0(:) = q_cut
1184      DO i_grid = 1, SIZE(total_rho)
1185         !! This prevents numerical problems.  If the charge density is negative (an
1186         !! unphysical situation), we simply treat it as very small.  In that case,
1187         !! q0 will be very large and will be saturated.  For a saturated q0 the derivative
1188         !! dq0_dq will be 0 so we set q0 = q_cut and dq0_drho = dq0_dgradrho = 0 and go on
1189         !! to the next point.
1190         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1191         IF (total_rho(i_grid) < epsr) CYCLE
1192         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1193         !! Calculate some intermediate values needed to find q
1194         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1195         kF = (3.0_dp*pi*pi*total_rho(i_grid))**(1.0_dp/3.0_dp)
1196         r_s = (3.0_dp/(4.0_dp*pi*total_rho(i_grid)))**(1.0_dp/3.0_dp)
1197         sqrt_r_s = SQRT(r_s)
1199         gradient_correction = -Z_ab/(36.0_dp*kF*total_rho(i_grid)**2) &
1200                               *(gradient_rho(i_grid, 1)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 2)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 3)**2)
1202         LDA_1 = 8.0_dp*pi/3.0_dp*(LDA_A*(1.0_dp + LDA_a1*r_s))
1203         LDA_2 = 2.0_dp*LDA_A*(LDA_b1*sqrt_r_s + LDA_b2*r_s + LDA_b3*r_s*sqrt_r_s + LDA_b4*r_s*r_s)
1204         !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1205         !! This is the q value defined in equations 11 and 12 of DION
1206         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------
1207         q = kF + LDA_1*LOG(1.0_dp + 1.0_dp/LDA_2) + gradient_correction
1209         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------
1210         !! Here, we calculate q0 by saturating q according to equation 5 of SOLER.  Also, we find
1211         !! the derivative dq0_dq needed for the derivatives dq0_drho and dq0_dgradrh0 discussed below.
1212         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1213         q__q_cut = q/q_cut
1214         CALL calculate_exponent(m_cut, q__q_cut, exponent)
1215         q0(i_grid) = q_cut*(1.0_dp - EXP(-exponent))
1217         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1218         !! This is to handle a case with q0 too small.  We simply set it to the smallest q value in
1219         !! out q_mesh.  Hopefully this doesn't get used often (ever)
1220         !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1221         IF (q0(i_grid) < q_min) THEN
1222            q0(i_grid) = q_min
1223         END IF
1224      END DO
1226   END SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_eo_vdw
1228! **************************************************************************************************
1229!> \brief ...
1230!> \param total_rho ...
1231!> \param gradient_rho ...
1232!> \param q0 ...
1233!> \param dispersion_env ...
1234! **************************************************************************************************
1235   SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_eo_rvv10(total_rho, gradient_rho, q0, dispersion_env)
1237      REAL(dp), INTENT(IN)                               :: total_rho(:), gradient_rho(:, :)
1238      REAL(dp), INTENT(OUT)                              :: q0(:)
1239      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
1241      INTEGER, PARAMETER                                 :: m_cut = 12
1243      INTEGER                                            :: i_grid
1244      REAL(dp)                                           :: b_value, C_value, exponent, gmod2, k, q, &
1245                                                            q__q_cut, q_cut, q_min, w0, wg2, wp2
1247      q_cut = dispersion_env%q_cut
1248      q_min = dispersion_env%q_min
1249      b_value = dispersion_env%b_value
1250      C_value = dispersion_env%c_value
1252      ! initialize q0-related arrays ...
1253      q0(:) = q_cut
1255      DO i_grid = 1, SIZE(total_rho)
1257         gmod2 = gradient_rho(i_grid, 1)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 2)**2 + gradient_rho(i_grid, 3)**2
1259         !if (total_rho(i_grid) > epsr .and. gmod2 > epsr) cycle
1260         IF (total_rho(i_grid) > epsr) THEN
1262            !! Calculate some intermediate values needed to find q
1263            !! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1264            wp2 = 16.0_dp*pi*total_rho(i_grid)
1265            wg2 = 4_dp*C_value*(gmod2*gmod2)/(total_rho(i_grid)**4)
1267            k = b_value*3.0_dp*pi*((total_rho(i_grid)/(9.0_dp*pi))**(1.0_dp/6.0_dp))
1268            w0 = SQRT(wg2 + wp2/3.0_dp)
1270            q = w0/k
1272            !! Here, we calculate q0 by saturating q according
1273            !! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1274            q__q_cut = q/q_cut
1275            CALL calculate_exponent(m_cut, q__q_cut, exponent)
1276            q0(i_grid) = q_cut*(1.0_dp - EXP(-exponent))
1278            IF (q0(i_grid) < q_min) THEN
1279               q0(i_grid) = q_min
1280            END IF
1282         ENDIF
1284      END DO
1286   END SUBROUTINE get_q0_on_grid_eo_rvv10
1288! **************************************************************************************************
1289!> \brief This routine is modeled after an algorithm from "Numerical Recipes in C" by Cambridge University
1290!> press, page 97.  It was adapted for Fortran, of course and for the problem at hand, in that it finds
1291!> the bin a particular x value is in and then loops over all the P_i functions so we only have to find
1292!> the bin once.
1293!> \param x ...
1294!> \param d2y_dx2 ...
1295!> \param evaluation_points ...
1296!> \param values ...
1297!> \par History
1298!>     OpenMP added: Aug 2016  MTucker
1299! **************************************************************************************************
1300   SUBROUTINE spline_interpolation(x, d2y_dx2, evaluation_points, values)
1301      REAL(dp), INTENT(in)                               :: x(:), d2y_dx2(:, :), evaluation_points(:)
1302      REAL(dp), INTENT(out)                              :: values(:, :)
1304      INTEGER                                            :: i_grid, index, lower_bound, &
1305                                                            Ngrid_points, Nx, P_i, upper_bound
1306      REAL(dp)                                           :: a, b, c, const, d, dx
1307      REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE                              :: y(:)
1309      Nx = SIZE(x)
1310      Ngrid_points = SIZE(evaluation_points)
1312!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT( NONE )                                         &
1313!$OMP           SHARED( x, d2y_dx2, evaluation_points, values          &
1314!$OMP                 , Nx, Ngrid_points                               &
1315!$OMP                 )                                                &
1316!$OMP          PRIVATE( y, lower_bound, upper_bound, index             &
1317!$OMP                 , dx, const, A, b, c, d, P_i                     &
1318!$OMP                 )
1320      ALLOCATE (y(Nx))
1322!$OMP DO
1323      DO i_grid = 1, Ngrid_points
1324         lower_bound = 1
1325         upper_bound = Nx
1326         DO WHILE ((upper_bound - lower_bound) > 1)
1327            index = (upper_bound + lower_bound)/2
1328            IF (evaluation_points(i_grid) > x(index)) THEN
1329               lower_bound = index
1330            ELSE
1331               upper_bound = index
1332            END IF
1333         END DO
1335         dx = x(upper_bound) - x(lower_bound)
1336         const = dx*dx/6.0_dp
1338         a = (x(upper_bound) - evaluation_points(i_grid))/dx
1339         b = (evaluation_points(i_grid) - x(lower_bound))/dx
1340         c = (a**3 - a)*const
1341         d = (b**3 - b)*const
1343         DO P_i = 1, Nx
1344            y = 0
1345            y(P_i) = 1
1346            values(i_grid, P_i) = a*y(lower_bound) + b*y(upper_bound) &
1347                                  + (c*d2y_dx2(P_i, lower_bound) + d*d2y_dx2(P_i, upper_bound))
1348         END DO
1349      END DO
1350!$OMP END DO
1352      DEALLOCATE (y)
1354   END SUBROUTINE spline_interpolation
1356! **************************************************************************************************
1357!> \brief This routine is modeled after an algorithm from "Numerical Recipes in C" by Cambridge
1358!> University Press, pages 96-97.  It was adapted for Fortran and for the problem at hand.
1359!> \param x ...
1360!> \param d2y_dx2 ...
1361!> \par History
1362!>     OpenMP added: Aug 2016  MTucker
1363! **************************************************************************************************
1364   SUBROUTINE initialize_spline_interpolation(x, d2y_dx2)
1366      REAL(dp), INTENT(in)                               :: x(:)
1367      REAL(dp), INTENT(inout)                            :: d2y_dx2(:, :)
1369      INTEGER                                            :: index, Nx, P_i
1370      REAL(dp)                                           :: temp1, temp2
1371      REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE                              :: temp_array(:), y(:)
1373      Nx = SIZE(x)
1375!$OMP PARALLEL DEFAULT( NONE )                  &
1376!$OMP           SHARED( x, d2y_dx2, Nx )        &
1377!$OMP          PRIVATE( temp_array, y           &
1378!$OMP                 , index, temp1, temp2     &
1379!$OMP                 )
1381      ALLOCATE (temp_array(Nx), y(Nx))
1383!$OMP DO
1384      DO P_i = 1, Nx
1385         !! In the Soler method, the polynomials that are interpolated are Kronecker delta funcions
1386         !! at a particular q point.  So, we set all y values to 0 except the one corresponding to
1387         !! the particular function P_i.
1388         !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1389         y = 0.0_dp
1390         y(P_i) = 1.0_dp
1391         !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1393         d2y_dx2(P_i, 1) = 0.0_dp
1394         temp_array(1) = 0.0_dp
1395         DO index = 2, Nx - 1
1396            temp1 = (x(index) - x(index - 1))/(x(index + 1) - x(index - 1))
1397            temp2 = temp1*d2y_dx2(P_i, index - 1) + 2.0_dp
1398            d2y_dx2(P_i, index) = (temp1 - 1.0_dp)/temp2
1399            temp_array(index) = (y(index + 1) - y(index))/(x(index + 1) - x(index)) &
1400                                - (y(index) - y(index - 1))/(x(index) - x(index - 1))
1401            temp_array(index) = (6.0_dp*temp_array(index)/(x(index + 1) - x(index - 1)) &
1402                                 - temp1*temp_array(index - 1))/temp2
1403         END DO
1404         d2y_dx2(P_i, Nx) = 0.0_dp
1405         DO index = Nx - 1, 1, -1
1406            d2y_dx2(P_i, index) = d2y_dx2(P_i, index)*d2y_dx2(P_i, index + 1) + temp_array(index)
1407         END DO
1408      END DO
1409!$OMP END DO
1411      DEALLOCATE (temp_array, y)
1414   END SUBROUTINE initialize_spline_interpolation
1416   ! **************************************************************************************************
1417   !! This routine is modeled after an algorithm from "Numerical Recipes in C" by Cambridge
1418   !! University Press, page 97.  Adapted for Fortran and the problem at hand.  This function is used to
1419   !! find the Phi_alpha_beta needed for equations 8 and 11 of SOLER.
1420! **************************************************************************************************
1421!> \brief ...
1422!> \param k ...
1423!> \param kernel_of_k ...
1424!> \param dispersion_env ...
1425!> \par History
1426!>     Optimised when adding OpenMP to vdw_energy (which calls this routine): Aug 2016 MTucker
1427! **************************************************************************************************
1428   SUBROUTINE interpolate_kernel(k, kernel_of_k, dispersion_env)
1429      REAL(dp), INTENT(in)                               :: k
1430      REAL(dp), INTENT(out)                              :: kernel_of_k(:, :)
1431      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
1433      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'interpolate_kernel', &
1434         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1436      INTEGER                                            :: k_i, Nr_points, q1_i, q2_i
1437      REAL(dp)                                           :: A, B, C, const, D, dk, r_max
1438      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER              :: d2phi_dk2, kernel
1440      Nr_points = dispersion_env%nr_points
1441      r_max = dispersion_env%r_max
1442      dk = dispersion_env%dk
1443      kernel => dispersion_env%kernel
1444      d2phi_dk2 => dispersion_env%d2phi_dk2
1446      !! Check to make sure that the kernel table we have is capable of dealing with this
1447      !! value of k.  If k is larger than Nr_points*2*pi/r_max then we can't perform the
1448      !! interpolation.  In that case, a kernel file should be generated with a larger number
1449      !! of radial points.
1450      !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1451      CPASSERT(k < Nr_points*dk)
1452      !! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1453      kernel_of_k = 0.0_dp
1454      !! This integer division figures out which bin k is in since the kernel
1455      !! is set on a uniform grid.
1456      k_i = INT(k/dk)
1458      !! Test to see if we are trying to interpolate a k that is one of the actual
1459      !! function points we have.  The value is just the value of the function in that
1460      !! case.
1461      !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1462      IF (MOD(k, dk) == 0) THEN
1463         DO q1_i = 1, dispersion_env%Nqs
1464            DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
1465               kernel_of_k(q1_i, q2_i) = kernel(k_i, q1_i, q2_i)
1466               kernel_of_k(q2_i, q1_i) = kernel(k_i, q2_i, q1_i)
1467            END DO
1468         END DO
1469         RETURN
1470      END IF
1471      !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1472      !! If we are not on a function point then we carry out the interpolation
1473      !! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1474      const = dk*dk/6.0_dp
1475      A = (dk*(k_i + 1.0_dp) - k)/dk
1476      B = (k - dk*k_i)/dk
1477      C = (A**3 - A)*const
1478      D = (B**3 - B)*const
1479      DO q1_i = 1, dispersion_env%Nqs
1480         DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
1481            kernel_of_k(q1_i, q2_i) = A*kernel(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + B*kernel(k_i + 1, q1_i, q2_i) &
1482                                      + (C*d2phi_dk2(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + D*d2phi_dk2(k_i + 1, q1_i, q2_i))
1483            kernel_of_k(q2_i, q1_i) = kernel_of_k(q1_i, q2_i)
1484         END DO
1485      END DO
1487   END SUBROUTINE interpolate_kernel
1489! **************************************************************************************************
1490!> \brief ...
1491!> \param k ...
1492!> \param dkernel_of_dk ...
1493!> \param dispersion_env ...
1494!> \par History
1495!>     Optimised when adding OpenMP to vdw_energy (which calls this routine): Aug 2016 MTucker
1496! **************************************************************************************************
1497   SUBROUTINE interpolate_dkernel_dk(k, dkernel_of_dk, dispersion_env)
1498      REAL(dp), INTENT(in)                               :: k
1499      REAL(dp), INTENT(out)                              :: dkernel_of_dk(:, :)
1500      TYPE(qs_dispersion_type), POINTER                  :: dispersion_env
1502      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'interpolate_dkernel_dk', &
1503         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1505      INTEGER                                            :: k_i, Nr_points, q1_i, q2_i
1506      REAL(dp)                                           :: A, B, dAdk, dBdk, dCdk, dDdk, dk, dk_6
1507      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER              :: d2phi_dk2, kernel
1509      Nr_points = dispersion_env%nr_points
1510      dk = dispersion_env%dk
1511      kernel => dispersion_env%kernel
1512      d2phi_dk2 => dispersion_env%d2phi_dk2
1513      dk_6 = dk/6.0_dp
1515      CPASSERT(k < Nr_points*dk)
1517      dkernel_of_dk = 0.0_dp
1518      k_i = INT(k/dk)
1520      A = (dk*(k_i + 1.0_dp) - k)/dk
1521      B = (k - dk*k_i)/dk
1522      dAdk = -1.0_dp/dk
1523      dBdk = 1.0_dp/dk
1524      dCdk = -(3*A**2 - 1.0_dp)*dk_6
1525      dDdk = (3*B**2 - 1.0_dp)*dk_6
1526      DO q1_i = 1, dispersion_env%Nqs
1527         DO q2_i = 1, q1_i
1528            dkernel_of_dk(q1_i, q2_i) = dAdk*kernel(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + dBdk*kernel(k_i + 1, q1_i, q2_i) &
1529                                        + dCdk*d2phi_dk2(k_i, q1_i, q2_i) + dDdk*d2phi_dk2(k_i + 1, q1_i, q2_i)
1530            dkernel_of_dk(q2_i, q1_i) = dkernel_of_dk(q1_i, q2_i)
1531         END DO
1532      END DO
1534   END SUBROUTINE interpolate_dkernel_dk
1536! **************************************************************************************************
1538END MODULE qs_dispersion_nonloc