2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2020  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief Generate the atomic neighbor lists for FIST.
8!> \par History
9!>      - build and update merged (11.02.2005,MK)
10!>      - bug fix for PERIODIC NONE (24.02.06,MK)
11!>      - Major rewriting (light memory neighbor lists): teo and joost (05.2006)
12!>      - Completely new algorithm for the neighbor lists
13!>        (faster and memory lighter) (Teo 08.2006)
14!> \author MK (19.11.2002,24.07.2003)
15!>      Teodoro Laino (08.2006) - MAJOR REWRITING
16! **************************************************************************************************
17MODULE fist_neighbor_lists
19   USE atomic_kind_types,               ONLY: atomic_kind_type,&
20                                              get_atomic_kind,&
21                                              get_atomic_kind_set
22   USE cell_types,                      ONLY: cell_type,&
23                                              get_cell,&
24                                              pbc,&
25                                              plane_distance,&
26                                              scaled_to_real
27   USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_get_default_logger,&
28                                              cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr,&
29                                              cp_logger_type
30   USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: cp_p_file,&
31                                              cp_print_key_finished_output,&
32                                              cp_print_key_should_output,&
33                                              cp_print_key_unit_nr
34   USE cp_para_types,                   ONLY: cp_para_env_type
35   USE cp_units,                        ONLY: cp_unit_from_cp2k
36   USE distribution_1d_types,           ONLY: distribution_1d_type
37   USE exclusion_types,                 ONLY: exclusion_type
38   USE fist_neighbor_list_types,        ONLY: fist_neighbor_add,&
39                                              fist_neighbor_deallocate,&
40                                              fist_neighbor_init,&
41                                              fist_neighbor_type,&
42                                              neighbor_kind_pairs_type
43   USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_vals_type,&
44                                              section_vals_val_get
45   USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_string_length,&
46                                              dp
47   USE mathlib,                         ONLY: matvec_3x3
48   USE memory_utilities,                ONLY: reallocate
49   USE particle_types,                  ONLY: particle_type
50   USE qmmm_ff_fist,                    ONLY: qmmm_ff_precond_only_qm
51   USE string_utilities,                ONLY: compress
52   USE subcell_types,                   ONLY: allocate_subcell,&
53                                              deallocate_subcell,&
54                                              give_ijk_subcell,&
55                                              reorder_atoms_subcell,&
56                                              subcell_type
57   USE util,                            ONLY: sort
58#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
64   ! Global parameters (in this module)
65   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'fist_neighbor_lists'
67   TYPE local_atoms_type
68      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                   :: list, &
69                                                          list_local_a_index
70   END TYPE local_atoms_type
72   ! Public subroutines
73   PUBLIC :: build_fist_neighbor_lists
77! **************************************************************************************************
78!> \brief ...
79!> \param atomic_kind_set ...
80!> \param particle_set ...
81!> \param local_particles ...
82!> \param cell ...
83!> \param r_max ...
84!> \param r_minsq ...
85!> \param ei_scale14 ...
86!> \param vdw_scale14 ...
87!> \param nonbonded ...
88!> \param para_env ...
89!> \param build_from_scratch ...
90!> \param geo_check ...
91!> \param mm_section ...
92!> \param full_nl ...
93!> \param exclusions ...
94!> \par History
95!>      08.2006 created [tlaino]
96!> \author Teodoro Laino
97! **************************************************************************************************
98   SUBROUTINE build_fist_neighbor_lists(atomic_kind_set, particle_set, &
99                                        local_particles, cell, r_max, r_minsq, ei_scale14, vdw_scale14, &
100                                        nonbonded, para_env, build_from_scratch, geo_check, mm_section, &
101                                        full_nl, exclusions)
103      TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
104      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
105      TYPE(distribution_1d_type), OPTIONAL, POINTER      :: local_particles
106      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
107      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)              :: r_max, r_minsq
108      REAL(KIND=DP), INTENT(IN)                          :: ei_scale14, vdw_scale14
109      TYPE(fist_neighbor_type), POINTER                  :: nonbonded
110      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
111      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: build_from_scratch, geo_check
112      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: mm_section
113      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:, :), OPTIONAL, POINTER        :: full_nl
114      TYPE(exclusion_type), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL       :: exclusions
116      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'build_fist_neighbor_lists', &
117         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
119      CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)               :: kind_name, print_key_path, unit_str
120      INTEGER                                            :: atom_a, handle, iatom_local, ikind, iw, &
121                                                            maxatom, natom_local_a, nkind, &
122                                                            output_unit
123      LOGICAL                                            :: present_local_particles, &
124                                                            print_subcell_grid
125      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: skip_kind
126      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: my_full_nl
127      TYPE(atomic_kind_type), POINTER                    :: atomic_kind
128      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
129      TYPE(local_atoms_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)  :: atom
131      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
132      NULLIFY (logger)
133      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
135      print_subcell_grid = .FALSE.
136      output_unit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, mm_section, "PRINT%SUBCELL", &
137                                         extension=".Log")
138      IF (output_unit > 0) print_subcell_grid = .TRUE.
140      CALL get_atomic_kind_set(atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, &
141                               maxatom=maxatom)
143      present_local_particles = PRESENT(local_particles)
145      ! if exclusions matters local particles are present. Seems like only the exclusions
146      ! for the local particles are needed, which would imply a huge memory savings for fist
147      IF (PRESENT(exclusions)) THEN
148         CPASSERT(present_local_particles)
149      ENDIF
151      ! Allocate work storage
152      nkind = SIZE(atomic_kind_set)
153      ALLOCATE (atom(nkind))
154      ALLOCATE (skip_kind(nkind))
155      ! full_nl
156      IF (PRESENT(full_nl)) THEN
157         my_full_nl => full_nl
158      ELSE
159         ALLOCATE (my_full_nl(nkind, nkind))
160         my_full_nl = .FALSE.
161      END IF
162      ! Initialize the local data structures
163      DO ikind = 1, nkind
164         atomic_kind => atomic_kind_set(ikind)
165         NULLIFY (atom(ikind)%list)
166         NULLIFY (atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index)
168         CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=atomic_kind, &
169                              atom_list=atom(ikind)%list, name=kind_name)
170         skip_kind(ikind) = qmmm_ff_precond_only_qm(kind_name)
171         IF (present_local_particles) THEN
172            natom_local_a = local_particles%n_el(ikind)
173         ELSE
174            natom_local_a = SIZE(atom(ikind)%list)
175         END IF
176         IF (natom_local_a > 0) THEN
177            ALLOCATE (atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index(natom_local_a))
178            ! Build index vector for mapping
179            DO iatom_local = 1, natom_local_a
180               IF (present_local_particles) THEN
181                  atom_a = local_particles%list(ikind)%array(iatom_local)
182               ELSE
183                  atom_a = atom(ikind)%list(iatom_local)
184               END IF
185               atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index(iatom_local) = atom_a
186            END DO
188         END IF
189      END DO
191      IF (build_from_scratch) THEN
192         IF (ASSOCIATED(nonbonded)) THEN
193            CALL fist_neighbor_deallocate(nonbonded)
194         END IF
195      END IF
197      ! Build the nonbonded neighbor lists
198      CALL build_neighbor_lists(nonbonded, particle_set, atom, cell, &
199                                print_subcell_grid, output_unit, r_max, r_minsq, &
200                                ei_scale14, vdw_scale14, geo_check, "NONBONDED", skip_kind, &
201                                my_full_nl, exclusions)
203      ! Sort the list according kinds for each cell
204      CALL sort_neighbor_lists(nonbonded, nkind)
206      print_key_path = "PRINT%NEIGHBOR_LISTS"
208      IF (BTEST(cp_print_key_should_output(logger%iter_info, mm_section, print_key_path), &
209                cp_p_file)) THEN
210         iw = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger=logger, &
211                                   basis_section=mm_section, &
212                                   print_key_path=print_key_path, &
213                                   extension=".out", &
214                                   middle_name="nonbonded_nl", &
215                                   local=.TRUE., &
216                                   log_filename=.FALSE., &
217                                   file_position="REWIND")
218         CALL section_vals_val_get(mm_section, TRIM(print_key_path)//"%UNIT", c_val=unit_str)
219         CALL write_neighbor_lists(nonbonded, particle_set, cell, para_env, iw, &
220                                   "NONBONDED NEIGHBOR LISTS", unit_str)
221         CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(unit_nr=iw, &
222                                           logger=logger, &
223                                           basis_section=mm_section, &
224                                           print_key_path=print_key_path, &
225                                           local=.TRUE.)
226      END IF
228      ! Release work storage
229      DO ikind = 1, nkind
230         NULLIFY (atom(ikind)%list)
231         IF (ASSOCIATED(atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index)) THEN
232            DEALLOCATE (atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index)
233         END IF
234      END DO
235      IF (PRESENT(full_nl)) THEN
236         NULLIFY (my_full_nl)
237      ELSE
238         DEALLOCATE (my_full_nl)
239      END IF
240      DEALLOCATE (atom)
242      DEALLOCATE (skip_kind)
244      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(unit_nr=output_unit, &
245                                        logger=logger, &
246                                        basis_section=mm_section, &
247                                        print_key_path="PRINT%SUBCELL")
248      CALL timestop(handle)
250   END SUBROUTINE build_fist_neighbor_lists
252! **************************************************************************************************
253!> \brief ...
254!> \param nonbonded ...
255!> \param particle_set ...
256!> \param atom ...
257!> \param cell ...
258!> \param print_subcell_grid ...
259!> \param output_unit ...
260!> \param r_max ...
261!> \param r_minsq ...
262!> \param ei_scale14 ...
263!> \param vdw_scale14 ...
264!> \param geo_check ...
265!> \param name ...
266!> \param skip_kind ...
267!> \param full_nl ...
268!> \param exclusions ...
269!> \par History
270!>      08.2006 created [tlaino]
271!> \author Teodoro Laino
272! **************************************************************************************************
273   SUBROUTINE build_neighbor_lists(nonbonded, particle_set, atom, cell, &
274                                   print_subcell_grid, output_unit, r_max, r_minsq, &
275                                   ei_scale14, vdw_scale14, geo_check, name, skip_kind, full_nl, exclusions)
277      TYPE(fist_neighbor_type), POINTER                  :: nonbonded
278      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
279      TYPE(local_atoms_type), DIMENSION(:), INTENT(IN)   :: atom
280      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
281      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: print_subcell_grid
282      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: output_unit
283      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:, :), INTENT(IN)              :: r_max, r_minsq
284      REAL(KIND=dp), INTENT(IN)                          :: ei_scale14, vdw_scale14
285      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: geo_check
286      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)                       :: name
287      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: skip_kind
288      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: full_nl
289      TYPE(exclusion_type), DIMENSION(:), OPTIONAL       :: exclusions
291      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'build_neighbor_lists', &
292         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
294      INTEGER :: a_i, a_j, a_k, atom_a, atom_b, b_i, b_j, b_k, b_pi, b_pj, b_pk, bg_i, bg_j, bg_k, &
295         handle, i, i1, iatom_local, icell, icellmap, id_kind, ii, ii_start, ij, ij_start, ik, &
296         ik_start, ikind, imap, imax_cell, invcellmap, iw, ix, j, j1, jatom_local, jcell, jkind, &
297         jx, k, kcell, kx, natom_local_a, ncellmax, nkind, nkind00, tmpdim, xdim, ydim, zdim
298      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: kind_of, work
299      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)           :: cellmap
300      INTEGER, DIMENSION(3)                              :: isubcell, ncell, nsubcell, periodic
301      LOGICAL                                            :: any_full, atom_order, check_spline, &
302                                                            is_full, subcell000
303      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)           :: sphcub
304      REAL(dp)                                           :: rab2, rab2_max, rab2_min, rab_max
305      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(3)                             :: abc, cell_v, cv_b, rab, rb, sab_max
306      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: ic(3), icx(3), radius, vv
307      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: coord
308      TYPE(neighbor_kind_pairs_type), POINTER            :: inv_neighbor_kind_pair, &
309                                                            neighbor_kind_pair
310      TYPE(subcell_type), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER    :: subcell_a, subcell_b
312      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
313      nkind = SIZE(atom)
314      nsubcell = 1
315      isubcell = 0
316      ncell = 0
317      any_full = ANY(full_nl)
318      CALL get_cell(cell=cell, &
319                    abc=abc, &
320                    periodic=periodic)
321      ! Determines the number of subcells
322      DO ikind = 1, nkind
323         DO jkind = ikind, nkind
324            ! Calculate the square of the maximum interaction distance
325            rab_max = r_max(ikind, jkind)
326            IF (skip_kind(ikind) .AND. skip_kind(jkind)) CYCLE
327            nsubcell(1) = MAX(nsubcell(1), CEILING(plane_distance(1, 0, 0, cell)/rab_max))
328            nsubcell(2) = MAX(nsubcell(2), CEILING(plane_distance(0, 1, 0, cell)/rab_max))
329            nsubcell(3) = MAX(nsubcell(3), CEILING(plane_distance(0, 0, 1, cell)/rab_max))
330         END DO
331      END DO
332      ! Determines the number of periodic images and the number of interacting subcells
333      DO ikind = 1, nkind
334         DO jkind = ikind, nkind
335            IF (skip_kind(ikind) .AND. skip_kind(jkind)) CYCLE
336            ! Calculate the square of the maximum interaction distance
337            rab_max = r_max(ikind, jkind)
338            sab_max(1) = rab_max/plane_distance(1, 0, 0, cell)
339            sab_max(2) = rab_max/plane_distance(0, 1, 0, cell)
340            sab_max(3) = rab_max/plane_distance(0, 0, 1, cell)
341            ncell = MAX(ncell(:), CEILING(sab_max(:)*periodic(:)))
342            isubcell = MAX(isubcell(:), CEILING(sab_max(:)*REAL(nsubcell(:), KIND=dp)))
343         END DO
344      END DO
345      CALL fist_neighbor_init(nonbonded, ncell)
346      ! Print headline
347      IF (print_subcell_grid) THEN
348         WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,/,T2,A,/)") &
350         WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(T4,A,10X,3I10)") " NUMBER OF SUBCELLS             ::", nsubcell
351         WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(T4,A,10X,3I10)") " NUMBER OF PERIODIC      IMAGES ::", ncell
352         WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(T4,A,10X,3I10)") " NUMBER OF INTERACTING SUBCELLS ::", isubcell
353      END IF
354      ! Allocate subcells
355      CALL allocate_subcell(subcell_a, nsubcell, cell=cell)
356      CALL allocate_subcell(subcell_b, nsubcell, cell=cell)
357      ! Let's map the sequence of the periodic images
358      ncellmax = MAXVAL(ncell)
359      ALLOCATE (cellmap(-ncellmax:ncellmax, -ncellmax:ncellmax, -ncellmax:ncellmax))
360      cellmap = -1
361      imap = 0
362      nkind00 = nkind*(nkind + 1)/2
363      DO imax_cell = 0, ncellmax
364         DO kcell = -imax_cell, imax_cell
365            DO jcell = -imax_cell, imax_cell
366               DO icell = -imax_cell, imax_cell
367                  IF (cellmap(icell, jcell, kcell) == -1) THEN
368                     imap = imap + 1
369                     cellmap(icell, jcell, kcell) = imap
370                     CPASSERT(imap <= nonbonded%nlists)
371                     neighbor_kind_pair => nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs(imap)
373                     neighbor_kind_pair%cell_vector(1) = icell
374                     neighbor_kind_pair%cell_vector(2) = jcell
375                     neighbor_kind_pair%cell_vector(3) = kcell
376                  ENDIF
377               ENDDO
378            ENDDO
379         ENDDO
380      ENDDO
381      ! Mapping the spherical interaction between subcells
382      ALLOCATE (sphcub(-isubcell(1):isubcell(1), &
383                       -isubcell(2):isubcell(2), &
384                       -isubcell(3):isubcell(3)))
385      sphcub = .FALSE.
386      IF (ALL(isubcell /= 0)) THEN
387         radius = REAL(isubcell(1), KIND=dp)**2 + REAL(isubcell(2), KIND=dp)**2 + &
388                  REAL(isubcell(3), KIND=dp)**2
389         loop1: DO k = -isubcell(3), isubcell(3)
390            loop2: DO j = -isubcell(2), isubcell(2)
391               loop3: DO i = -isubcell(1), isubcell(1)
392                  ic = REAL((/i, j, k/), KIND=dp)
393                  ! subcell cube vertex
394                  DO kx = -1, 1
395                     icx(3) = ic(3) + SIGN(0.5_dp, REAL(kx, KIND=dp))
396                     DO jx = -1, 1
397                        icx(2) = ic(2) + SIGN(0.5_dp, REAL(jx, KIND=dp))
398                        DO ix = -1, 1
399                           icx(1) = ic(1) + SIGN(0.5_dp, REAL(ix, KIND=dp))
400                           vv = icx(1)*icx(1) + icx(2)*icx(2) + icx(3)*icx(3)
401                           vv = vv/radius
402                           IF (vv <= 1.0_dp) THEN
403                              sphcub(i, j, k) = .TRUE.
404                              CYCLE loop3
405                           END IF
406                        END DO
407                     END DO
408                  END DO
409               END DO loop3
410            END DO loop2
411         END DO loop1
412      END IF
413      ! Mapping locally all atoms in the zeroth cell
414      ALLOCATE (coord(3, SIZE(particle_set)))
415      DO atom_a = 1, SIZE(particle_set)
416         coord(:, atom_a) = pbc(particle_set(atom_a)%r, cell)
417      END DO
418      ! Associate particles to subcells (local particles)
419      DO ikind = 1, nkind
420         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index)) CYCLE
421         natom_local_a = SIZE(atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index)
422         DO iatom_local = 1, natom_local_a
423            atom_a = atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index(iatom_local)
424            CALL give_ijk_subcell(coord(:, atom_a), i, j, k, cell, nsubcell)
425            subcell_a(i, j, k)%natom = subcell_a(i, j, k)%natom + 1
426         END DO
427      END DO
428      DO k = 1, nsubcell(3)
429         DO j = 1, nsubcell(2)
430            DO i = 1, nsubcell(1)
431               ALLOCATE (subcell_a(i, j, k)%atom_list(subcell_a(i, j, k)%natom))
432               subcell_a(i, j, k)%natom = 0
433            END DO
434         END DO
435      END DO
436      DO ikind = 1, nkind
437         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index)) CYCLE
438         natom_local_a = SIZE(atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index)
439         DO iatom_local = 1, natom_local_a
440            atom_a = atom(ikind)%list_local_a_index(iatom_local)
441            CALL give_ijk_subcell(coord(:, atom_a), i, j, k, cell, nsubcell)
442            subcell_a(i, j, k)%natom = subcell_a(i, j, k)%natom + 1
443            subcell_a(i, j, k)%atom_list(subcell_a(i, j, k)%natom) = atom_a
444         END DO
445      END DO
446      ! Associate particles to subcells (distributed particles)
447      DO atom_b = 1, SIZE(particle_set)
448         CALL give_ijk_subcell(coord(:, atom_b), i, j, k, cell, nsubcell)
449         subcell_b(i, j, k)%natom = subcell_b(i, j, k)%natom + 1
450      END DO
451      DO k = 1, nsubcell(3)
452         DO j = 1, nsubcell(2)
453            DO i = 1, nsubcell(1)
454               ALLOCATE (subcell_b(i, j, k)%atom_list(subcell_b(i, j, k)%natom))
455               subcell_b(i, j, k)%natom = 0
456            END DO
457         END DO
458      END DO
459      DO atom_b = 1, SIZE(particle_set)
460         CALL give_ijk_subcell(coord(:, atom_b), i, j, k, cell, nsubcell)
461         subcell_b(i, j, k)%natom = subcell_b(i, j, k)%natom + 1
462         subcell_b(i, j, k)%atom_list(subcell_b(i, j, k)%natom) = atom_b
463      END DO
464      ! Reorder atoms associated to subcells
465      tmpdim = MAXVAL(subcell_a(:, :, :)%natom)
466      tmpdim = MAX(tmpdim, MAXVAL(subcell_b(:, :, :)%natom))
467      ALLOCATE (work(3*tmpdim))
468      ALLOCATE (kind_of(SIZE(particle_set)))
469      DO i = 1, SIZE(particle_set)
470         kind_of(i) = particle_set(i)%atomic_kind%kind_number
471      END DO
472      DO k = 1, nsubcell(3)
473         DO j = 1, nsubcell(2)
474            DO i = 1, nsubcell(1)
475               CALL reorder_atoms_subcell(subcell_a(i, j, k)%atom_list, kind_of, work)
476               CALL reorder_atoms_subcell(subcell_b(i, j, k)%atom_list, kind_of, work)
477            END DO
478         END DO
479      END DO
480      DEALLOCATE (work, kind_of)
481      zdim = nsubcell(3)
482      ydim = nsubcell(2)
483      xdim = nsubcell(1)
484      is_full = .FALSE.
485      ! We can skip until ik>=0.. this prescreens the order of the subcells
486      ik_start = -isubcell(3)
487      IF (.NOT. any_full) ik_start = 0
488      ! Loop over first subcell
489      loop_a_k: DO a_k = 1, nsubcell(3)
490      loop_a_j: DO a_j = 1, nsubcell(2)
491      loop_a_i: DO a_i = 1, nsubcell(1)
492         IF (subcell_a(a_i, a_j, a_k)%natom == 0) CYCLE
493         ! Loop over second subcell
494         loop_b_k: DO ik = ik_start, isubcell(3)
495            bg_k = a_k + ik
496            b_k = MOD(bg_k, zdim)
497            b_pk = bg_k/zdim
498            IF (b_k <= 0) THEN
499               b_k = zdim + b_k
500               b_pk = b_pk - 1
501            END IF
502            IF ((periodic(3) == 0) .AND. (ABS(b_pk) > 0)) CYCLE
503            ! Setup the starting point.. this prescreens the order of the subcells
504            ij_start = -isubcell(2)
505            IF ((ik == 0) .AND. (ik_start == 0)) ij_start = 0
506            loop_b_j: DO ij = ij_start, isubcell(2)
507               bg_j = a_j + ij
508               b_j = MOD(bg_j, ydim)
509               b_pj = bg_j/ydim
510               IF (b_j <= 0) THEN
511                  b_j = ydim + b_j
512                  b_pj = b_pj - 1
513               END IF
514               IF ((periodic(2) == 0) .AND. (ABS(b_pj) > 0)) CYCLE
515               ! Setup the starting point.. this prescreens the order of the subcells
516               ii_start = -isubcell(1)
517               IF ((ij == 0) .AND. (ij_start == 0)) ii_start = 0
518               loop_b_i: DO ii = ii_start, isubcell(1)
519                  ! Ellipsoidal screening of subcells
520                  IF (.NOT. sphcub(ii, ij, ik)) CYCLE
521                  bg_i = a_i + ii
522                  b_i = MOD(bg_i, xdim)
523                  b_pi = bg_i/xdim
524                  IF (b_i <= 0) THEN
525                     b_i = xdim + b_i
526                     b_pi = b_pi - 1
527                  END IF
528                  IF ((periodic(1) == 0) .AND. (ABS(b_pi) > 0)) CYCLE
529                  IF (subcell_b(b_i, b_j, b_k)%natom == 0) CYCLE
530                  ! Find the proper neighbor kind pair
531                  icellmap = cellmap(b_pi, b_pj, b_pk)
532                  neighbor_kind_pair => nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs(icellmap)
533                  ! Find the replica vector
534                  cell_v = 0.0_dp
535                  IF ((b_pi /= 0) .OR. (b_pj /= 0) .OR. (b_pk /= 0)) THEN
536                     cv_b(1) = b_pi; cv_b(2) = b_pj; cv_b(3) = b_pk
537                     CALL scaled_to_real(cell_v, cv_b, cell)
538                  END IF
539                  subcell000 = (a_k == bg_k) .AND. (a_j == bg_j) .AND. (a_i == bg_i)
540                  ! Loop over particles inside subcell_a and subcell_b
541                  DO jatom_local = 1, subcell_b(b_i, b_j, b_k)%natom
542                     atom_b = subcell_b(b_i, b_j, b_k)%atom_list(jatom_local)
543                     jkind = particle_set(atom_b)%atomic_kind%kind_number
544                     rb(1) = coord(1, atom_b) + cell_v(1)
545                     rb(2) = coord(2, atom_b) + cell_v(2)
546                     rb(3) = coord(3, atom_b) + cell_v(3)
547                     DO iatom_local = 1, subcell_a(a_i, a_j, a_k)%natom
548                        atom_a = subcell_a(a_i, a_j, a_k)%atom_list(iatom_local)
549                        ikind = particle_set(atom_a)%atomic_kind%kind_number
550                        ! Screen interaction to avoid double counting
551                        atom_order = (atom_a <= atom_b)
552                        ! Special case for kind combination requiring the full NL
553                        IF (any_full) THEN
554                           is_full = full_nl(ikind, jkind)
555                           IF (is_full) THEN
556                              atom_order = (atom_a == atom_b)
557                           ELSE
558                              IF (ik < 0) CYCLE
559                              IF (ik == 0 .AND. ij < 0) CYCLE
560                              IF (ij == 0 .AND. ii < 0) CYCLE
561                           END IF
562                        END IF
563                        IF (subcell000 .AND. atom_order) CYCLE
564                        rab(1) = rb(1) - coord(1, atom_a)
565                        rab(2) = rb(2) - coord(2, atom_a)
566                        rab(3) = rb(3) - coord(3, atom_a)
567                        rab2 = rab(1)*rab(1) + rab(2)*rab(2) + rab(3)*rab(3)
568                        rab_max = r_max(ikind, jkind)
569                        rab2_max = rab_max*rab_max
570                        IF (rab2 < rab2_max) THEN
571                           ! Diagonal storage
572                           j1 = MIN(ikind, jkind)
573                           i1 = MAX(ikind, jkind) - j1 + 1
574                           j1 = nkind - j1 + 1
575                           id_kind = nkind00 - (j1*(j1 + 1)/2) + i1
576                           ! Store the pair
577                           CALL fist_neighbor_add(neighbor_kind_pair, atom_a, atom_b, &
578                                                  rab=rab, &
579                                                  check_spline=check_spline, id_kind=id_kind, &
580                                                  skip=(skip_kind(ikind) .AND. skip_kind(jkind)), &
581                                                  cell=cell, ei_scale14=ei_scale14, &
582                                                  vdw_scale14=vdw_scale14, exclusions=exclusions)
583                           ! This is to handle properly when interaction radius is larger than cell size
584                           IF ((atom_a == atom_b) .AND. (ik_start == 0)) THEN
585                              invcellmap = cellmap(-b_pi, -b_pj, -b_pk)
586                              inv_neighbor_kind_pair => nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs(invcellmap)
587                              rab = rab - 2.0_dp*cell_v
588                              CALL fist_neighbor_add(inv_neighbor_kind_pair, atom_a, atom_b, &
589                                                     rab=rab, &
590                                                     check_spline=check_spline, id_kind=id_kind, &
591                                                     skip=(skip_kind(ikind) .AND. skip_kind(jkind)), &
592                                                     cell=cell, ei_scale14=ei_scale14, &
593                                                     vdw_scale14=vdw_scale14, exclusions=exclusions)
594                           END IF
595                           ! Check for too close hits
596                           IF (check_spline) THEN
597                              rab2_min = r_minsq(ikind, jkind)
598                              IF (rab2 < rab2_min) THEN
599                                 iw = cp_logger_get_default_unit_nr()
600                                 WRITE (iw, '(T2,A,2I7,2(A,F15.8),A)') "WARNING| Particles: ", &
601                                    atom_a, atom_b, &
602                                    " at distance [au]:", SQRT(rab2), " less than: ", &
603                                    SQRT(rab2_min), &
604                                    "; increase EMAX_SPLINE."
605                                 IF (rab2 < rab2_min/(1.06_dp)**2) THEN
606                                    IF (geo_check) THEN
607                                       CPABORT("GEOMETRY wrong or EMAX_SPLINE too small!")
608                                    END IF
609                                 END IF
610                              END IF
611                           END IF
612                        END IF
613                     END DO
614                  END DO
615               END DO loop_b_i
616            END DO loop_b_j
617         END DO loop_b_k
618      END DO loop_a_i
619      END DO loop_a_j
620      END DO loop_a_k
621      DEALLOCATE (coord)
622      DEALLOCATE (cellmap)
623      DEALLOCATE (sphcub)
624      CALL deallocate_subcell(subcell_a)
625      CALL deallocate_subcell(subcell_b)
627      CALL timestop(handle)
628   END SUBROUTINE build_neighbor_lists
630! **************************************************************************************************
631!> \brief Write a set of neighbor lists to the output unit.
632!> \param nonbonded ...
633!> \param particle_set ...
634!> \param cell ...
635!> \param para_env ...
636!> \param output_unit ...
637!> \param name ...
638!> \param unit_str ...
639!> \par History
640!>      08.2006 created [tlaino]
641!> \author Teodoro Laino
642! **************************************************************************************************
643   SUBROUTINE write_neighbor_lists(nonbonded, particle_set, cell, para_env, output_unit, &
644                                   name, unit_str)
646      TYPE(fist_neighbor_type), POINTER                  :: nonbonded
647      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
648      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
649      TYPE(cp_para_env_type), POINTER                    :: para_env
650      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: output_unit
651      CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN)                       :: name, unit_str
653      CHARACTER(LEN=default_string_length)               :: string
654      INTEGER                                            :: atom_a, atom_b, iab, ilist, mype, &
655                                                            nneighbor
656      LOGICAL                                            :: print_headline
657      REAL(dp)                                           :: conv, dab
658      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(3)                             :: cell_v, ra, rab, rb
659      TYPE(neighbor_kind_pairs_type), POINTER            :: neighbor_kind_pair
661      mype = para_env%mepos
662      ! Print headline
663      string = ""
664      WRITE (UNIT=string, FMT="(A,I5,A)") &
665         TRIM(name)//" IN "//TRIM(unit_str)//" (PROCESS", mype, ")"
666      CALL compress(string)
667      IF (output_unit > 0) WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,/,T2,A)") TRIM(string)
669      print_headline = .TRUE.
670      nneighbor = 0
671      conv = cp_unit_from_cp2k(1.0_dp, TRIM(unit_str))
672      DO iab = 1, SIZE(nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs)
673         neighbor_kind_pair => nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs(iab)
674         CALL matvec_3x3(cell_v, cell%hmat, REAL(neighbor_kind_pair%cell_vector, KIND=dp))
675         DO ilist = 1, neighbor_kind_pair%npairs
676            nneighbor = nneighbor + 1
677            IF (output_unit > 0) THEN
678               ! Print second part of the headline
679               atom_a = neighbor_kind_pair%list(1, ilist)
680               atom_b = neighbor_kind_pair%list(2, ilist)
681               IF (print_headline) THEN
682                  WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(T3,2(A6,3(5X,A,5X)),1X,A11,10X,A8,A5,A10,A9)") &
683                     "Atom-A", "X", "Y", "Z", "Atom-B", "X", "Y", "Z", "Cell(i,j,k)", &
684                     "Distance", "ONFO", "VDW-scale", "EI-scale"
685                  print_headline = .FALSE.
686               END IF
688               ra(:) = pbc(particle_set(atom_a)%r, cell)
689               rb(:) = pbc(particle_set(atom_b)%r, cell)
690               rab = rb(:) - ra(:) + cell_v
691               dab = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(rab, rab))
692               IF (ilist <= neighbor_kind_pair%nscale) THEN
693                  WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(T3,2(I6,3(1X,F10.6)),3(1X,I3),10X,F8.4,L4,F11.5,F9.5)") &
694                     atom_a, ra(1:3)*conv, &
695                     atom_b, rb(1:3)*conv, &
696                     neighbor_kind_pair%cell_vector, &
697                     dab*conv, &
698                     neighbor_kind_pair%is_onfo(ilist), &
699                     neighbor_kind_pair%vdw_scale(ilist), &
700                     neighbor_kind_pair%ei_scale(ilist)
701               ELSE
702                  WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(T3,2(I6,3(1X,F10.6)),3(1X,I3),10X,F8.4)") &
703                     atom_a, ra(1:3)*conv, &
704                     atom_b, rb(1:3)*conv, &
705                     neighbor_kind_pair%cell_vector, &
706                     dab*conv
707               END IF
708            END IF
709         END DO ! ilist
710      END DO ! iab
712      string = ""
713      WRITE (UNIT=string, FMT="(A,I12,A,I12)") &
714         "Total number of neighbor interactions for process", mype, ":", &
715         nneighbor
716      CALL compress(string)
717      IF (output_unit > 0) WRITE (UNIT=output_unit, FMT="(/,T2,A)") TRIM(string)
719   END SUBROUTINE write_neighbor_lists
721! **************************************************************************************************
722!> \brief Sort the generated neighbor list according the kind
723!> \param nonbonded ...
724!> \param nkinds ...
725!> \par History
726!>      09.2007 created [tlaino] University of Zurich - Reducing memory usage
727!>              for the FIST neighbor lists
728!> \author Teodoro Laino - University of Zurich
729! **************************************************************************************************
730   SUBROUTINE sort_neighbor_lists(nonbonded, nkinds)
732      TYPE(fist_neighbor_type), POINTER                  :: nonbonded
733      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: nkinds
735      CHARACTER(LEN=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'sort_neighbor_lists', &
736         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
738      INTEGER                                            :: handle, iab, id_kind, ikind, ipair, &
739                                                            jkind, max_alloc_size, npairs, nscale, &
740                                                            tmp
741      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: indj
742      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: work
743      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: list_copy
744      TYPE(neighbor_kind_pairs_type), POINTER            :: neighbor_kind_pair
746      NULLIFY (neighbor_kind_pair)
747      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
748      ! define a lookup table to get jkind for a given id_kind
749      ALLOCATE (indj(nkinds*(nkinds + 1)/2))
750      id_kind = 0
751      DO jkind = 1, nkinds
752         DO ikind = jkind, nkinds
753            id_kind = id_kind + 1
754            indj(id_kind) = jkind
755         END DO
756      END DO
757      ! loop over all nlists and sort the pairs within each list.
758      DO iab = 1, nonbonded%nlists
759         neighbor_kind_pair => nonbonded%neighbor_kind_pairs(iab)
760         npairs = neighbor_kind_pair%npairs
761         nscale = neighbor_kind_pair%nscale
762         IF (npairs /= 0) THEN
763            IF (npairs > nscale) THEN
764               ! 1) Sort the atom pairs by id_kind. Pairs whose interactions are
765               ! scaled (possibly to zero for exclusion) are not touched. They
766               ! stay packed in the beginning. Sorting is skipped altogether when
767               ! all pairs have scaled interactions.
768               ALLOCATE (work(1:npairs - nscale))
769               ALLOCATE (list_copy(2, 1:npairs - nscale))
770               ! Copy of the pair list is required to perform the permutation below
771               ! correctly.
772               list_copy = neighbor_kind_pair%list(:, nscale + 1:npairs)
773               CALL sort(neighbor_kind_pair%id_kind(nscale + 1:npairs), npairs - nscale, work)
774               ! Reorder atoms using the same permutation that was used to sort
775               ! the array id_kind.
776               DO ipair = nscale + 1, npairs
777                  tmp = work(ipair - nscale)
778                  neighbor_kind_pair%list(1, ipair) = list_copy(1, tmp)
779                  neighbor_kind_pair%list(2, ipair) = list_copy(2, tmp)
780               END DO
781               DEALLOCATE (work)
782               DEALLOCATE (list_copy)
783            END IF
784            ! 2) determine the intervals (groups) in the pair list that correspond
785            !    to a certain id_kind. also store the corresponding ikind and
786            !    jkind. Note that this part does not assume ikind to be sorted,
787            !    but it only makes sense when contiguous blobs of the same ikind
788            !    are present.
789            ! Allocate sufficient memory in case all pairs of atom kinds are
790            ! present, and also provide storage for the pairs with exclusion
791            ! flags, which are unsorted.
792            max_alloc_size = nkinds*(nkinds + 1)/2 + nscale
793            IF (ASSOCIATED(neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start)) THEN
794               DEALLOCATE (neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start)
795            END IF
796            ALLOCATE (neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start(max_alloc_size))
797            IF (ASSOCIATED(neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end)) THEN
798               DEALLOCATE (neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end)
799            END IF
800            ALLOCATE (neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end(max_alloc_size))
801            IF (ASSOCIATED(neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind)) THEN
802               DEALLOCATE (neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind)
803            END IF
804            ALLOCATE (neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(2, max_alloc_size))
805            ! Start the first interval.
806            ipair = 1
807            neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind = 1
808            neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start(neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = ipair
809            ! Get ikind and jkind corresponding to id_kind.
810            id_kind = neighbor_kind_pair%id_kind(ipair)
811            jkind = indj(id_kind)
812            tmp = nkinds - jkind
813            ikind = nkinds + id_kind - nkinds*(nkinds + 1)/2 + (tmp*(tmp + 1)/2)
814            neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(1, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = ikind
815            neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(2, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = jkind
816            ! Define the remaining intervals.
817            DO ipair = 2, npairs
818               IF (neighbor_kind_pair%id_kind(ipair) /= neighbor_kind_pair%id_kind(ipair - 1)) THEN
819                  neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end(neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = ipair - 1
820                  neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind = neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind + 1
821                  neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start(neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = ipair
822                  ! Get ikind and jkind corresponding to id_kind.
823                  id_kind = neighbor_kind_pair%id_kind(ipair)
824                  jkind = indj(id_kind)
825                  tmp = nkinds - jkind
826                  ikind = nkinds + id_kind - nkinds*(nkinds + 1)/2 + (tmp*(tmp + 1)/2)
827                  neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(1, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = ikind
828                  neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind(2, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = jkind
829               END IF
830            END DO
831            ! Finish the last interval.
832            neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end(neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind) = npairs
833            ! Reduce the grp arrays to the actual size because not all pairs of
834            ! atom types have to be present in this pair list.
835            CALL reallocate(neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_start, 1, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind)
836            CALL reallocate(neighbor_kind_pair%grp_kind_end, 1, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind)
837            CALL reallocate(neighbor_kind_pair%ij_kind, 1, 2, 1, neighbor_kind_pair%ngrp_kind)
838         END IF
839         ! Clean the memory..
840         DEALLOCATE (neighbor_kind_pair%id_kind)
841      END DO
842      DEALLOCATE (indj)
843      CALL timestop(handle)
844   END SUBROUTINE sort_neighbor_lists
846END MODULE fist_neighbor_lists