2!   CP2K: A general program to perform molecular dynamics simulations                              !
3!   Copyright (C) 2000 - 2020  CP2K developers group                                               !
6! **************************************************************************************************
7!> \brief Methods for mixed CDFT calculations
8!> \par   History
9!>                 Separated CDFT routines from mixed_environment_utils
10!> \author Nico Holmberg [01.2017]
11! **************************************************************************************************
12MODULE mixed_cdft_methods
13   USE ao_util,                         ONLY: exp_radius_very_extended
14   USE atomic_kind_types,               ONLY: atomic_kind_type,&
15                                              get_atomic_kind
16   USE cell_types,                      ONLY: cell_type,&
17                                              pbc
18   USE cp_array_utils,                  ONLY: cp_1d_i_p_type,&
19                                              cp_1d_r_p_type,&
20                                              cp_2d_r_p_type
21   USE cp_control_types,                ONLY: dft_control_type
22   USE cp_dbcsr_diag,                   ONLY: cp_dbcsr_syevd
23   USE cp_dbcsr_operations,             ONLY: cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply
24   USE cp_fm_basic_linalg,              ONLY: cp_fm_column_scale,&
25                                              cp_fm_invert,&
26                                              cp_fm_transpose
27   USE cp_fm_struct,                    ONLY: cp_fm_struct_create,&
28                                              cp_fm_struct_release,&
29                                              cp_fm_struct_type
30   USE cp_fm_types,                     ONLY: cp_fm_create,&
31                                              cp_fm_get_info,&
32                                              cp_fm_p_type,&
33                                              cp_fm_release,&
34                                              cp_fm_set_all,&
35                                              cp_fm_to_fm,&
36                                              cp_fm_type,&
37                                              cp_fm_write_formatted
38   USE cp_gemm_interface,               ONLY: cp_gemm
39   USE cp_log_handling,                 ONLY: cp_get_default_logger,&
40                                              cp_logger_type,&
41                                              cp_to_string
42   USE cp_output_handling,              ONLY: cp_print_key_finished_output,&
43                                              cp_print_key_unit_nr
44   USE cp_realspace_grid_cube,          ONLY: cp_pw_to_cube
45   USE cp_subsys_types,                 ONLY: cp_subsys_get,&
46                                              cp_subsys_type
47   USE cp_units,                        ONLY: cp_unit_from_cp2k
48   USE dbcsr_api,                       ONLY: &
49        dbcsr_add, dbcsr_copy, dbcsr_create, dbcsr_init_p, dbcsr_p_type, dbcsr_release, &
50        dbcsr_release_p, dbcsr_scale, dbcsr_type
51   USE force_env_types,                 ONLY: force_env_get,&
52                                              force_env_type,&
53                                              use_qmmm,&
54                                              use_qmmmx,&
55                                              use_qs_force
56   USE grid_api,                        ONLY: GRID_FUNC_AB,&
57                                              collocate_pgf_product
58   USE hirshfeld_methods,               ONLY: create_shape_function
59   USE hirshfeld_types,                 ONLY: hirshfeld_type
60   USE input_constants,                 ONLY: &
61        becke_cutoff_element, becke_cutoff_global, cdft_alpha_constraint, cdft_beta_constraint, &
62        cdft_charge_constraint, cdft_magnetization_constraint, mix_cdft, mixed_cdft_parallel, &
63        mixed_cdft_parallel_nobuild, mixed_cdft_serial, outer_scf_becke_constraint
64   USE input_section_types,             ONLY: section_get_lval,&
65                                              section_vals_get,&
66                                              section_vals_get_subs_vals,&
67                                              section_vals_type,&
68                                              section_vals_val_get
69   USE kinds,                           ONLY: default_path_length,&
70                                              dp,&
71                                              int_8
72   USE machine,                         ONLY: m_walltime
73   USE mathlib,                         ONLY: diamat_all
74   USE memory_utilities,                ONLY: reallocate
75   USE message_passing,                 ONLY: mp_bcast,&
76                                              mp_irecv,&
77                                              mp_isend,&
78                                              mp_sum,&
79                                              mp_test,&
80                                              mp_testall,&
81                                              mp_wait,&
82                                              mp_waitall
83   USE mixed_cdft_types,                ONLY: mixed_cdft_result_type_set,&
84                                              mixed_cdft_settings_type,&
85                                              mixed_cdft_type,&
86                                              mixed_cdft_type_create,&
87                                              mixed_cdft_work_type_release
88   USE mixed_cdft_utils,                ONLY: &
89        hfun_zero, map_permutation_to_states, mixed_cdft_assemble_block_diag, &
90        mixed_cdft_diagonalize_blocks, mixed_cdft_get_blocks, mixed_cdft_init_structures, &
91        mixed_cdft_parse_settings, mixed_cdft_print_couplings, mixed_cdft_read_block_diag, &
92        mixed_cdft_redistribute_arrays, mixed_cdft_release_work, mixed_cdft_transfer_settings
93   USE mixed_environment_types,         ONLY: get_mixed_env,&
94                                              mixed_environment_type,&
95                                              set_mixed_env
96   USE particle_list_types,             ONLY: particle_list_type
97   USE particle_types,                  ONLY: particle_type
98   USE pw_env_types,                    ONLY: pw_env_get,&
99                                              pw_env_type
100   USE pw_methods,                      ONLY: pw_scale
101   USE pw_pool_types,                   ONLY: pw_pool_create_pw,&
102                                              pw_pool_give_back_pw,&
103                                              pw_pool_type
104   USE pw_types,                        ONLY: REALDATA3D,&
105                                              REALSPACE
106   USE qs_cdft_types,                   ONLY: cdft_control_type
107   USE qs_energy_types,                 ONLY: qs_energy_type
108   USE qs_environment_types,            ONLY: get_qs_env,&
109                                              qs_environment_type
110   USE qs_kind_types,                   ONLY: qs_kind_type
111   USE qs_mo_io,                        ONLY: read_mo_set,&
112                                              wfn_restart_file_name
113   USE qs_mo_methods,                   ONLY: make_basis_simple,&
114                                              make_basis_sm
115   USE qs_mo_types,                     ONLY: allocate_mo_set,&
116                                              deallocate_mo_set,&
117                                              mo_set_p_type,&
118                                              set_mo_set
119   USE realspace_grid_types,            ONLY: realspace_grid_type,&
120                                              rs2pw,&
121                                              rs_grid_release,&
122                                              rs_grid_retain,&
123                                              rs_grid_zero,&
124                                              rs_pw_transfer
125   USE util,                            ONLY: sort
126#include "./base/base_uses.f90"
132   CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER, PRIVATE :: moduleN = 'mixed_cdft_methods'
133   LOGICAL, PARAMETER, PRIVATE          :: debug_this_module = .FALSE.
135   PUBLIC :: mixed_cdft_init, &
136             mixed_cdft_build_weight, &
137             mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling
141! **************************************************************************************************
142!> \brief Initialize a mixed CDFT calculation
143!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
144!> \param calculate_forces determines if forces should be calculated
145!> \par History
146!>       01.2016  created [Nico Holmberg]
147! **************************************************************************************************
148   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_init(force_env, calculate_forces)
149      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
150      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: calculate_forces
152      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_init', &
153         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
155      INTEGER                                            :: et_freq, handle, iforce_eval, iounit, &
156                                                            mixing_type, nforce_eval
157      LOGICAL                                            :: explicit, is_parallel, is_qmmm
158      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
159      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: subsys_mix
160      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env_qs
161      TYPE(mixed_cdft_settings_type)                     :: settings
162      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
163      TYPE(mixed_environment_type), POINTER              :: mixed_env
164      TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER                  :: particles_mix
165      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, mapping_section, &
166                                                            md_section, mixed_section, &
167                                                            print_section, root_section
169      NULLIFY (subsys_mix, force_env_qs, force_env_section, print_section, &
170               root_section, mixed_section, md_section, mixed_env, mixed_cdft, &
171               mapping_section)
173      NULLIFY (settings%grid_span, settings%npts, settings%cutoff, settings%rel_cutoff, &
174               settings%spherical, settings%rs_dims, settings%odd, settings%atoms, &
175               settings%coeffs, settings%si, settings%sr, &
176               settings%cutoffs, settings%radii)
178      is_qmmm = .FALSE.
179      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
180      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
181      nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
182      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
183      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, force_env_section=force_env_section)
184      mixed_env => force_env%mixed_env
185      mixed_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED")
186      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
187      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.mixedLog')
188      ! Check if a mixed CDFT calculation is requested
189      CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXING_TYPE", i_val=mixing_type)
190      IF (mixing_type == mix_cdft .AND. .NOT. ASSOCIATED(mixed_env%cdft_control)) THEN
191         mixed_env%do_mixed_cdft = .TRUE.
192         IF (mixed_env%do_mixed_cdft) THEN
193            ! Sanity check
194            IF (nforce_eval .LT. 2) &
195               CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
196                             "Mixed CDFT calculation requires at least 2 force_evals.")
197            mapping_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(mixed_section, "MAPPING")
198            CALL section_vals_get(mapping_section, explicit=explicit)
199            ! The sub_force_envs must share the same geometrical structure
200            IF (explicit) &
201               CPABORT("Please disable section &MAPPING for mixed CDFT calculations")
202            CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%COUPLING", i_val=et_freq)
203            IF (et_freq .LT. 0) THEN
204               mixed_env%do_mixed_et = .FALSE.
205            ELSE
206               mixed_env%do_mixed_et = .TRUE.
207               IF (et_freq == 0) THEN
208                  mixed_env%et_freq = 1
209               ELSE
210                  mixed_env%et_freq = et_freq
211               END IF
212            END IF
213            ! Start initializing the mixed_cdft type
214            ! First determine if the calculation is pure DFT or QMMM and find the qs force_env
215            DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
216               IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env)) CYCLE
217               SELECT CASE (force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env%in_use)
218               CASE (use_qs_force)
219                  force_env_qs => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
220               CASE (use_qmmm)
221                  is_qmmm = .TRUE.
222                  ! This is really the container for QMMM
223                  force_env_qs => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
224               CASE (use_qmmmx)
225                  CPABORT("No force mixing allowed for mixed CDFT QM/MM")
226               CASE DEFAULT
227                  CPASSERT(.FALSE.)
228               END SELECT
229               CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env_qs))
230            END DO
231            ! Get infos about the mixed subsys
232            IF (.NOT. is_qmmm) THEN
233               CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
234                                  subsys=subsys_mix)
235               CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
236                                  particles=particles_mix)
237            ELSE
238               CALL get_qs_env(force_env_qs%qmmm_env%qs_env, &
239                               cp_subsys=subsys_mix)
240               CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
241                                  particles=particles_mix)
242            END IF
243            ! Init mixed_cdft_type
244            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft)
245            CALL mixed_cdft_type_create(mixed_cdft)
246            mixed_cdft%first_iteration = .TRUE.
247            ! Determine what run type to use
248            IF (mixed_env%ngroups == 1) THEN
249               ! States treated in serial, possibly copying CDFT weight function and gradients from state to state
250               mixed_cdft%run_type = mixed_cdft_serial
251            ELSE IF (mixed_env%ngroups == 2) THEN
252               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%PARALLEL_BUILD", l_val=is_parallel)
253               IF (is_parallel) THEN
254                  ! Treat states in parallel, build weight function and gradients in parallel before SCF process
255                  mixed_cdft%run_type = mixed_cdft_parallel
256                  IF (.NOT. nforce_eval == 2) &
257                     CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
258                                   "Parallel mode mixed CDFT calculation supports only 2 force_evals.")
259               ELSE
260                  ! Treat states in parallel, but each states builds its own weight function and gradients
261                  mixed_cdft%run_type = mixed_cdft_parallel_nobuild
262               END IF
263            ELSE
264               mixed_cdft%run_type = mixed_cdft_parallel_nobuild
265            END IF
266            ! Store QMMM flag
267            mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft = is_qmmm
268            ! Setup dynamic load balancing
269            CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%DLB", l_val=mixed_cdft%dlb)
270            mixed_cdft%dlb = mixed_cdft%dlb .AND. calculate_forces ! disable if forces are not needed
271            mixed_cdft%dlb = mixed_cdft%dlb .AND. (mixed_cdft%run_type == mixed_cdft_parallel) ! disable if not parallel
272            IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
273               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control)
274               NULLIFY (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients, &
275                        mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, &
276                        mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%expected_work, &
277                        mixed_cdft%dlb_control%prediction_error, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff, &
278                        mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl, &
279                        mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info)
280               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%LOAD_SCALE", &
281                                         r_val=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%load_scale)
282               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%VERY_OVERLOADED", &
283                                         r_val=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%very_overloaded)
284               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%MORE_WORK", &
285                                         i_val=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%more_work)
286            END IF
287            ! Metric/Wavefunction overlap method/Lowdin orthogonalization/CDFT-CI
288            mixed_cdft%calculate_metric = .FALSE.
289            mixed_cdft%wfn_overlap_method = .FALSE.
290            mixed_cdft%use_lowdin = .FALSE.
291            mixed_cdft%do_ci = .FALSE.
292            mixed_cdft%nonortho_coupling = .FALSE.
293            mixed_cdft%identical_constraints = .TRUE.
294            mixed_cdft%block_diagonalize = .FALSE.
295            IF (mixed_env%do_mixed_et) THEN
296               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%METRIC", &
297                                         l_val=mixed_cdft%calculate_metric)
298               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%WFN_OVERLAP", &
299                                         l_val=mixed_cdft%wfn_overlap_method)
300               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%LOWDIN", &
301                                         l_val=mixed_cdft%use_lowdin)
302               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%CI", &
303                                         l_val=mixed_cdft%do_ci)
304               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%NONORTHOGONAL_COUPLING", &
305                                         l_val=mixed_cdft%nonortho_coupling)
306               CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%BLOCK_DIAGONALIZE", &
307                                         l_val=mixed_cdft%block_diagonalize)
308            END IF
309            ! Inversion method
310            CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_section, "MIXED_CDFT%EPS_SVD", r_val=mixed_cdft%eps_svd)
311            IF (mixed_cdft%eps_svd .LT. 0.0_dp .OR. mixed_cdft%eps_svd .GT. 1.0_dp) &
312               CPABORT("Illegal value for EPS_SVD. Value must be between 0.0 and 1.0.")
313            ! MD related settings
314            CALL force_env_get(force_env, root_section=root_section)
315            md_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(root_section, "MOTION%MD")
316            CALL section_vals_val_get(md_section, "TIMESTEP", r_val=mixed_cdft%sim_dt)
317            CALL section_vals_val_get(md_section, "STEP_START_VAL", i_val=mixed_cdft%sim_step)
318            mixed_cdft%sim_step = mixed_cdft%sim_step - 1 ! to get the first step correct
319            mixed_cdft%sim_dt = cp_unit_from_cp2k(mixed_cdft%sim_dt, "fs")
320            ! Parse constraint settings from the individual force_evals and check consistency
321            CALL mixed_cdft_parse_settings(force_env, mixed_env, mixed_cdft, &
322                                           settings, natom=SIZE(particles_mix%els))
323            ! Transfer settings to mixed_cdft
324            CALL mixed_cdft_transfer_settings(force_env, mixed_cdft, settings)
325            ! Initilize necessary structures
326            CALL mixed_cdft_init_structures(force_env, force_env_qs, mixed_env, mixed_cdft, settings)
327            ! Write information about the mixed CDFT calculation
328            IF (iounit > 0) THEN
329               WRITE (iounit, *) ""
330               WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
331                  "MIXED_CDFT| Activating mixed CDFT calculation"
332               WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,I10)") &
333                  "MIXED_CDFT| Number of CDFT states:                                  ", nforce_eval
334               SELECT CASE (mixed_cdft%run_type)
335               CASE (mixed_cdft_parallel)
336                  WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
337                     "MIXED_CDFT| CDFT states calculation mode: parallel with build"
338                  WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
339                     "MIXED_CDFT| Becke constraint is first built using all available processors"
340                  WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
341                     "            and then copied to both states with their own processor groups"
342               CASE (mixed_cdft_serial)
343                  WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
344                     "MIXED_CDFT| CDFT states calculation mode: serial"
345                  IF (mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) THEN
346                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
347                        "MIXED_CDFT| The constraints are built before the SCF procedure of the first"
348                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
349                        "            CDFT state and subsequently copied to the other states"
350                  ELSE
351                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
352                        "MIXED_CDFT| The constraints are separately built for all CDFT states"
353                  END IF
354               CASE (mixed_cdft_parallel_nobuild)
355                  WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
356                     "MIXED_CDFT| CDFT states calculation mode: parallel without build"
357                  WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") &
358                     "MIXED_CDFT| The constraints are separately built for all CDFT states"
359               CASE DEFAULT
360                  CPABORT("Unknown mixed CDFT run type.")
361               END SELECT
362               WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,L10)") &
363                  "MIXED_CDFT| Calculating electronic coupling between states:         ", mixed_env%do_mixed_et
364               WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,L10)") &
365                  "MIXED_CDFT| Calculating electronic coupling reliability metric:     ", mixed_cdft%calculate_metric
366               WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,L10)") &
367                  "MIXED_CDFT| Configuration interaction (CDFT-CI) was requested:      ", mixed_cdft%do_ci
368               WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,L10)") &
369                  "MIXED_CDFT| Block diagonalizing the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian:         ", mixed_cdft%block_diagonalize
370               IF (mixed_cdft%run_type == mixed_cdft_parallel) THEN
371                  WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,L10)") &
372                     "MIXED_CDFT| Dynamic load balancing enabled:                         ", mixed_cdft%dlb
373                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
374                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") "MIXED_CDFT| Dynamic load balancing parameters:"
375                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,F10.2)") &
376                        "MIXED_CDFT| load_scale:", mixed_cdft%dlb_control%load_scale
377                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,F10.2)") &
378                        "MIXED_CDFT| very_overloaded:", mixed_cdft%dlb_control%very_overloaded
379                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,I10)") &
380                        "MIXED_CDFT| more_work:", mixed_cdft%dlb_control%more_work
381                  END IF
382               END IF
383               IF (mixed_env%do_mixed_et) THEN
384                  IF (mixed_cdft%eps_svd == 0.0_dp) THEN
385                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") "MIXED_CDFT| Matrix inversions calculated with LU decomposition."
386                  ELSE
387                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71)") "MIXED_CDFT| Matrix inversions calculated with SVD decomposition."
388                     WRITE (iounit, FMT="(T2,A,T71,ES10.2)") "MIXED_CDFT| EPS_SVD:", mixed_cdft%eps_svd
389                  END IF
390               END IF
391            END IF
392            CALL set_mixed_env(mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
393         END IF
394      END IF
395      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, force_env_section, &
396                                        "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
397      CALL timestop(handle)
399   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_init
401! **************************************************************************************************
402!> \brief Driver routine to handle the build of CDFT weight/gradient in parallel and serial modes
403!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
404!> \param calculate_forces if forces should be calculated
405!> \param iforce_eval index of the currently active CDFT state (serial mode only)
406!> \par History
407!>       01.2017  created [Nico Holmberg]
408! **************************************************************************************************
409   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_build_weight(force_env, calculate_forces, iforce_eval)
410      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
411      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: calculate_forces
412      INTEGER, INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL                      :: iforce_eval
414      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_build_weight', &
415         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
417      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
419      NULLIFY (mixed_cdft)
420      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
421      CALL get_mixed_env(force_env%mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
422      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft))
423      IF (.NOT. PRESENT(iforce_eval)) THEN
424         SELECT CASE (mixed_cdft%run_type)
425         CASE (mixed_cdft_parallel)
426            CALL mixed_cdft_build_weight_parallel(force_env, calculate_forces)
427         CASE (mixed_cdft_parallel_nobuild)
428            CALL mixed_cdft_set_flags(force_env)
429         CASE DEFAULT
430            ! Do nothing
431         END SELECT
432      ELSE
433         SELECT CASE (mixed_cdft%run_type)
434         CASE (mixed_cdft_serial)
435            CALL mixed_cdft_transfer_weight(force_env, calculate_forces, iforce_eval)
436         CASE DEFAULT
437            ! Do nothing
438         END SELECT
439      END IF
441   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_build_weight
443! **************************************************************************************************
444!> \brief Build CDFT weight and gradient on 2N processors and copy it to two N processor subgroups
445!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
446!> \param calculate_forces if forces should be calculted
447!> \par History
448!>       01.2016  created [Nico Holmberg]
449! **************************************************************************************************
450   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_build_weight_parallel(force_env, calculate_forces)
451      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
452      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: calculate_forces
454      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_build_weight_parallel', &
455         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
457      INTEGER :: handle, handle2, i, iforce_eval, ind, INDEX(6), iounit, j, lb_min, &
458         my_special_work, natom, nforce_eval, recv_offset, ub_max
459      INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3)                           :: bo
460      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: lb, req_total, sendbuffer_i, ub
461      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: t1, t2
462      TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control, cdft_control_target
463      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
464      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: subsys_mix
465      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
466      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env_qs
467      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
468      TYPE(mixed_environment_type), POINTER              :: mixed_env
469      TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER                  :: particles_mix
470      TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                         :: pw_env
471      TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER                        :: auxbas_pw_pool, mixed_auxbas_pw_pool
472      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
473      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, print_section
475      TYPE buffers
476         INTEGER                                         :: imap(6)
477         INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), &
478            POINTER                                      :: iv => null()
479         REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, &
480            DIMENSION(:, :, :)                           :: r3 => null()
481         REAL(KIND=dp), POINTER, &
482            DIMENSION(:, :, :, :)                        :: r4 => null()
483      END TYPE buffers
484      TYPE(buffers), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: recvbuffer
486      NULLIFY (subsys_mix, force_env_qs, particles_mix, force_env_section, print_section, &
487               mixed_env, mixed_cdft, pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool, mixed_auxbas_pw_pool, &
488               qs_env, dft_control, sendbuffer_i, lb, ub, req_total, recvbuffer, &
489               cdft_control, cdft_control_target)
491      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
492      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
493      nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
494      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
495      t1 = m_walltime()
496      ! Get infos about the mixed subsys
497      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
498                         subsys=subsys_mix, &
499                         force_env_section=force_env_section)
500      CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
501                         particles=particles_mix)
502      DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
503         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env)) CYCLE
504         SELECT CASE (force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env%in_use)
505         CASE (use_qs_force)
506            force_env_qs => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
507         CASE (use_qmmm)
508            force_env_qs => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
509         CASE DEFAULT
510            CPASSERT(.FALSE.)
511         END SELECT
512      END DO
513      IF (.NOT. force_env%mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft) THEN
514         CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env_qs, &
515                            qs_env=qs_env, &
516                            subsys=subsys_mix)
517         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
518                            particles=particles_mix)
519      ELSE
520         qs_env => force_env_qs%qmmm_env%qs_env
521         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, cp_subsys=subsys_mix)
522         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
523                            particles=particles_mix)
524      END IF
525      mixed_env => force_env%mixed_env
526      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
527      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.mixedLog')
528      CALL get_mixed_env(mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
529      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft))
530      cdft_control => mixed_cdft%cdft_control
531      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(cdft_control))
532      ! Calculate the Becke weight function and gradient on all np processors
533      CALL pw_env_get(pw_env=mixed_cdft%pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool=mixed_auxbas_pw_pool)
534      natom = SIZE(particles_mix%els)
535      CALL mixed_becke_constraint(force_env, calculate_forces)
536      ! Start replicating the working arrays on both np/2 processor groups
537      mixed_cdft%sim_step = mixed_cdft%sim_step + 1
538      CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, pw_env=pw_env, dft_control=dft_control)
539      cdft_control_target => dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control
540      CPASSERT(dft_control%qs_control%cdft)
541      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(cdft_control_target))
542      CALL pw_env_get(pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool)
543      bo = auxbas_pw_pool%pw_grid%bounds_local
544      ! First determine the size of the arrays along the confinement dir
545      IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
546         my_special_work = 2
547      ELSE
548         my_special_work = 1
549      END IF
550      ALLOCATE (recvbuffer(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
551      ALLOCATE (req_total(my_special_work*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) + SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
552      ALLOCATE (lb(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)), ub(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
553      IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
554         ! Gaussian confinement => the bounds depend on the processor and need to be communicated
555         ALLOCATE (sendbuffer_i(2))
556         sendbuffer_i = cdft_control%becke_control%confine_bounds
557         DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
558            ALLOCATE (recvbuffer(i)%iv(2))
559            CALL mp_irecv(msgout=recvbuffer(i)%iv, source=mixed_cdft%source_list(i), &
560                          request=req_total(i), &
561                          comm=force_env%para_env%group)
562         END DO
563         DO i = 1, my_special_work
564            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
565               ind = j + (i - 1)*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) + SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
566               CALL mp_isend(msgin=sendbuffer_i, &
567                             dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j) + (i - 1)*force_env%para_env%num_pe/2, &
568                             request=req_total(ind), &
569                             comm=force_env%para_env%group)
570            END DO
571         END DO
572         CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
573         ! Find the largest/smallest value of ub/lb
574         DEALLOCATE (sendbuffer_i)
575         lb_min = HUGE(0)
576         ub_max = -HUGE(0)
577         DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
578            lb(i) = recvbuffer(i)%iv(1)
579            ub(i) = recvbuffer(i)%iv(2)
580            IF (lb(i) .LT. lb_min) lb_min = lb(i)
581            IF (ub(i) .GT. ub_max) ub_max = ub(i)
582            DEALLOCATE (recvbuffer(i)%iv)
583         END DO
584         ! Take into account the grids already communicated during dlb
585         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
586            IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
587               DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
588                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
589                     DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs)
590                        IF (LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 3) &
591                            .LT. lb_min) lb_min = LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 3)
592                        IF (UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 3) &
593                            .GT. ub_max) ub_max = UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 3)
594                     END DO
595                  END IF
596               END DO
597            END IF
598         END IF
599      ELSE
600         ! No confinement
601         ub_max = bo(2, 3)
602         lb_min = bo(1, 3)
603         lb = lb_min
604         ub = ub_max
605      END IF
606      ! Determine the sender specific indices of grid slices that are to be received
607      CALL timeset(routineN//"_comm", handle2)
608      DO j = 1, SIZE(recvbuffer)
609         ind = j + (j/2)
610         IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
611            recvbuffer(j)%imap = (/mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(1, j), mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(2, j), &
612                                   mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(3, j), mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(4, j), &
613                                   lb(j), ub(j)/)
614         ELSE IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
615            recvbuffer(j)%imap = (/bo(1, 1), bo(2, 1), mixed_cdft%recv_bo(ind), mixed_cdft%recv_bo(ind + 1), lb(j), ub(j)/)
616         ELSE
617            recvbuffer(j)%imap = (/mixed_cdft%recv_bo(ind), mixed_cdft%recv_bo(ind + 1), bo(1, 2), bo(2, 2), lb(j), ub(j)/)
618         END IF
619      END DO
620      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb .AND. .NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
621         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(1) .OR. mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(2)) THEN
622            DO j = 1, 2
623               recv_offset = 0
624               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) &
625                  recv_offset = SUM(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, :))
626               IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
627                  recvbuffer(j)%imap(1) = recvbuffer(j)%imap(1) + recv_offset
628               ELSE
629                  recvbuffer(j)%imap(3) = recvbuffer(j)%imap(3) + recv_offset
630               END IF
631            END DO
632         END IF
633      END IF
634      ! Transfer the arrays one-by-one and deallocate shared storage
635      ! Start with the weight function
636      DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
637         ALLOCATE (recvbuffer(j)%r3(recvbuffer(j)%imap(1):recvbuffer(j)%imap(2), &
638                                    recvbuffer(j)%imap(3):recvbuffer(j)%imap(4), &
639                                    recvbuffer(j)%imap(5):recvbuffer(j)%imap(6)))
641         CALL mp_irecv(msgout=recvbuffer(j)%r3, source=mixed_cdft%source_list(j), &
642                       request=req_total(j), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
643      END DO
644      DO i = 1, my_special_work
645         DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
646            ind = j + (i - 1)*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) + SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
647            IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
648               CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%sendbuff(j)%weight, &
649                             dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j) + (i - 1)*force_env%para_env%num_pe/2, &
650                             request=req_total(ind), &
651                             comm=force_env%para_env%group)
652            ELSE
653               CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%weight, dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j), &
654                             request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
655            END IF
656         END DO
657      END DO
658      CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
659      IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
660         DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
661            DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff(j)%weight)
662         END DO
663      ELSE
664         DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%weight)
665      END IF
666      ! In principle, we could reduce the memory footprint of becke_pot by only transferring the nonzero portion
667      ! of the potential, but this would require a custom integrate_v_rspace
668      CALL pw_pool_create_pw(auxbas_pw_pool, cdft_control_target%group(1)%weight%pw, &
669                             use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
670      cdft_control_target%group(1)%weight%pw%cr3d = 0.0_dp
671      ! Assemble the recved slices
672      DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
673         cdft_control_target%group(1)%weight%pw%cr3d(recvbuffer(j)%imap(1):recvbuffer(j)%imap(2), &
674                                                     recvbuffer(j)%imap(3):recvbuffer(j)%imap(4), &
675                                                     recvbuffer(j)%imap(5):recvbuffer(j)%imap(6)) = recvbuffer(j)%r3
676      END DO
677      ! Do the same for slices sent during dlb
678      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
679         IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
680            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
681               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
682                  DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs)
683                     index = (/LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 1), &
684                               UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 1), &
685                               LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 2), &
686                               UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 2), &
687                               LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 3), &
688                               UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, 3)/)
689                     cdft_control_target%group(1)%weight%pw%cr3d(INDEX(1):INDEX(2), &
690                                                                 INDEX(3):INDEX(4), &
691                                                                 INDEX(5):INDEX(6)) = &
692                        mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight
693                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight)
694                  END DO
695               END IF
696            END DO
697         END IF
698      END IF
699      ! Gaussian confinement cavity
700      IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
701         DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
702            CALL mp_irecv(msgout=recvbuffer(j)%r3, source=mixed_cdft%source_list(j), &
703                          request=req_total(j), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
704         END DO
705         DO i = 1, my_special_work
706            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
707               ind = j + (i - 1)*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) + SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
708               IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
709                  CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%sendbuff(j)%cavity, &
710                                dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j) + (i - 1)*force_env%para_env%num_pe/2, &
711                                request=req_total(ind), &
712                                comm=force_env%para_env%group)
713               ELSE
714                  CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%cavity, dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j), &
715                                request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
716               END IF
717            END DO
718         END DO
719         CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
720         IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
721            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
722               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff(j)%cavity)
723            END DO
724         ELSE
725            DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%cavity)
726         END IF
727         ! We only need the nonzero part of the confinement cavity
728         ALLOCATE (cdft_control_target%becke_control%cavity_mat(bo(1, 1):bo(2, 1), &
729                                                                bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), &
730                                                                lb_min:ub_max))
731         cdft_control_target%becke_control%cavity_mat = 0.0_dp
733         DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
734            cdft_control_target%becke_control%cavity_mat(recvbuffer(j)%imap(1):recvbuffer(j)%imap(2), &
735                                                         recvbuffer(j)%imap(3):recvbuffer(j)%imap(4), &
736                                                         recvbuffer(j)%imap(5):recvbuffer(j)%imap(6)) = recvbuffer(j)%r3
737         END DO
738         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
739            IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
740               DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
741                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
742                     DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs)
743                        index = (/LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, 1), &
744                                  UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, 1), &
745                                  LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, 2), &
746                                  UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, 2), &
747                                  LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, 3), &
748                                  UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, 3)/)
749                        cdft_control_target%becke_control%cavity_mat(INDEX(1):INDEX(2), &
750                                                                     INDEX(3):INDEX(4), &
751                                                                     INDEX(5):INDEX(6)) = &
752                           mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity
753                        DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity)
754                     END DO
755                  END IF
756               END DO
757            END IF
758         END IF
759      END IF
760      DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
761         DEALLOCATE (recvbuffer(j)%r3)
762      END DO
763      IF (calculate_forces) THEN
764         ! Gradients of the weight function
765         DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
766            ALLOCATE (recvbuffer(j)%r4(3*natom, recvbuffer(j)%imap(1):recvbuffer(j)%imap(2), &
767                                       recvbuffer(j)%imap(3):recvbuffer(j)%imap(4), &
768                                       recvbuffer(j)%imap(5):recvbuffer(j)%imap(6)))
769            CALL mp_irecv(msgout=recvbuffer(j)%r4, source=mixed_cdft%source_list(j), &
770                          request=req_total(j), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
771         END DO
772         DO i = 1, my_special_work
773            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
774               ind = j + (i - 1)*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) + SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
775               IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
776                  CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%sendbuff(j)%gradients, &
777                                dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j) + (i - 1)*force_env%para_env%num_pe/2, &
778                                request=req_total(ind), &
779                                comm=force_env%para_env%group)
780               ELSE
781                  CALL mp_isend(msgin=cdft_control%group(1)%gradients, dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j), &
782                                request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
783               END IF
784            END DO
785         END DO
786         CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
787         IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
788            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
789               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff(j)%gradients)
790            END DO
791            DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff)
792         ELSE
793            DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%group(1)%gradients)
794         END IF
795         ALLOCATE (cdft_control_target%group(1)%gradients(3*natom, bo(1, 1):bo(2, 1), &
796                                                          bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), lb_min:ub_max))
797         DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
798            cdft_control_target%group(1)%gradients(:, recvbuffer(j)%imap(1):recvbuffer(j)%imap(2), &
799                                                   recvbuffer(j)%imap(3):recvbuffer(j)%imap(4), &
800                                                   recvbuffer(j)%imap(5):recvbuffer(j)%imap(6)) = recvbuffer(j)%r4
801            DEALLOCATE (recvbuffer(j)%r4)
802         END DO
803         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
804            IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
805               DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
806                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
807                     DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs)
808                        index = (/LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, 2), &
809                                  UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, 2), &
810                                  LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, 3), &
811                                  UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, 3), &
812                                  LBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, 4), &
813                                  UBOUND(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, 4)/)
814                        cdft_control_target%group(1)%gradients(:, INDEX(1):INDEX(2), &
815                                                               INDEX(3):INDEX(4), &
816                                                               INDEX(5):INDEX(6)) = &
817                           mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients
818                        DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients)
819                     END DO
820                  END IF
821               END DO
822            END IF
823         END IF
824      END IF
825      ! Clean up remaining temporaries
826      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
827         IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
828            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
829               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
830                  IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list)) &
831                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list)
832                  DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs)
833               END IF
834            END DO
835            DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff)
836         END IF
837         IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list)) &
838            DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list)
839         DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
840      END IF
841      DEALLOCATE (recvbuffer)
842      DEALLOCATE (req_total)
843      DEALLOCATE (lb)
844      DEALLOCATE (ub)
845      CALL timestop(handle2)
846      ! Set some flags so the weight is not rebuilt during SCF
847      cdft_control_target%external_control = .TRUE.
848      cdft_control_target%need_pot = .FALSE.
849      cdft_control_target%transfer_pot = .FALSE.
850      ! Store the bound indices for force calculation
851      IF (calculate_forces) THEN
852         cdft_control_target%becke_control%confine_bounds(2) = ub_max
853         cdft_control_target%becke_control%confine_bounds(1) = lb_min
854      END IF
855      CALL pw_scale(cdft_control_target%group(1)%weight%pw, &
856                    cdft_control_target%group(1)%weight%pw%pw_grid%dvol)
857      ! Set flags for ET coupling calculation
858      IF (mixed_env%do_mixed_et) THEN
859         IF (MODULO(mixed_cdft%sim_step, mixed_env%et_freq) == 0) THEN
860            dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%do_et = .TRUE.
861            dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%calculate_metric = mixed_cdft%calculate_metric
862         ELSE
863            dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%do_et = .FALSE.
864            dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%calculate_metric = .FALSE.
865         END IF
866      END IF
867      t2 = m_walltime()
868      IF (iounit > 0) THEN
869         WRITE (iounit, '(A)') ' '
870         WRITE (iounit, '(T2,A,F6.1,A)') 'MIXED_CDFT| Becke constraint built in ', t2 - t1, ' seconds'
871         WRITE (iounit, '(A)') ' '
872      END IF
873      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, force_env_section, &
874                                        "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
875      CALL timestop(handle)
877   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_build_weight_parallel
879! **************************************************************************************************
880!> \brief Transfer CDFT weight/gradient between force_evals
881!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT sub_force_envs
882!> \param calculate_forces if forces should be computed
883!> \param iforce_eval index of the currently active CDFT state
884!> \par History
885!>       01.2017  created [Nico Holmberg]
886! **************************************************************************************************
887   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_transfer_weight(force_env, calculate_forces, iforce_eval)
888      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
889      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: calculate_forces
890      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: iforce_eval
892      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_transfer_weight', &
893         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
895      INTEGER                                            :: bounds_of(8), handle, iatom, igroup, &
896                                                            jforce_eval, nforce_eval
897      LOGICAL, SAVE                                      :: first_call = .TRUE.
898      TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control_source, cdft_control_target
899      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control_source, dft_control_target
900      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env_qs_source, force_env_qs_target
901      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
902      TYPE(mixed_environment_type), POINTER              :: mixed_env
903      TYPE(pw_env_type), POINTER                         :: pw_env_source, pw_env_target
904      TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER                        :: auxbas_pw_pool_source, &
905                                                            auxbas_pw_pool_target
906      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env_source, qs_env_target
908      NULLIFY (mixed_cdft, dft_control_source, dft_control_target, force_env_qs_source, &
909               force_env_qs_target, pw_env_source, pw_env_target, auxbas_pw_pool_source, &
910               auxbas_pw_pool_target, qs_env_source, qs_env_target, mixed_env, &
911               cdft_control_source, cdft_control_target)
912      mixed_env => force_env%mixed_env
913      CALL get_mixed_env(mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
914      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
915      IF (iforce_eval == 1) THEN
916         jforce_eval = 1
917      ELSE
918         jforce_eval = iforce_eval - 1
919      END IF
920      nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
921      SELECT CASE (force_env%sub_force_env(jforce_eval)%force_env%in_use)
922      CASE (use_qs_force, use_qmmm)
923         force_env_qs_source => force_env%sub_force_env(jforce_eval)%force_env
924         force_env_qs_target => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
926         CPASSERT(.FALSE.)
927      END SELECT
928      IF (.NOT. force_env%mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft) THEN
929         CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env_qs_source, &
930                            qs_env=qs_env_source)
931         CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env_qs_target, &
932                            qs_env=qs_env_target)
933      ELSE
934         qs_env_source => force_env_qs_source%qmmm_env%qs_env
935         qs_env_target => force_env_qs_target%qmmm_env%qs_env
936      END IF
937      IF (iforce_eval == 1) THEN
938         ! The first force_eval builds the weight function and gradients in qs_cdft_methods.F
939         ! Set some flags so the constraint is saved if the constraint definitions are identical in all CDFT states
940         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env_source, dft_control=dft_control_source)
941         cdft_control_source => dft_control_source%qs_control%cdft_control
942         cdft_control_source%external_control = .FALSE.
943         cdft_control_source%need_pot = .TRUE.
944         IF (mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) THEN
945            cdft_control_source%transfer_pot = .TRUE.
946         ELSE
947            cdft_control_source%transfer_pot = .FALSE.
948         END IF
949         mixed_cdft%sim_step = mixed_cdft%sim_step + 1
950      ELSE
951         ! Transfer the constraint from the ith force_eval to the i+1th
952         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env_source, dft_control=dft_control_source, &
953                         pw_env=pw_env_source)
954         CALL pw_env_get(pw_env_source, auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool_source)
955         cdft_control_source => dft_control_source%qs_control%cdft_control
956         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env_target, dft_control=dft_control_target, &
957                         pw_env=pw_env_target)
958         CALL pw_env_get(pw_env_target, auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool_target)
959         cdft_control_target => dft_control_target%qs_control%cdft_control
960         ! The constraint can be transferred only when the constraint defitions are identical in all CDFT states
961         IF (mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) THEN
962            ! Weight function
963            DO igroup = 1, SIZE(cdft_control_target%group)
964               CALL pw_pool_create_pw(auxbas_pw_pool_target, &
965                                      cdft_control_target%group(igroup)%weight%pw, &
966                                      use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
967               ! We have ensured that the grids are consistent => no danger in using explicit copy
968               cdft_control_target%group(igroup)%weight%pw%cr3d = cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%weight%pw%cr3d
969               CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(auxbas_pw_pool_source, cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%weight%pw)
970            END DO
971            ! Cavity
972            IF (cdft_control_source%type == outer_scf_becke_constraint) THEN
973               IF (cdft_control_source%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
974                  CALL pw_pool_create_pw(auxbas_pw_pool_target, cdft_control_target%becke_control%cavity%pw, &
975                                         use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
976                  cdft_control_target%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d(:, :, :) = &
977                     cdft_control_source%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d
978                  CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(auxbas_pw_pool_source, cdft_control_source%becke_control%cavity%pw)
979               END IF
980            END IF
981            ! Gradients
982            IF (calculate_forces) THEN
983               DO igroup = 1, SIZE(cdft_control_source%group)
984                  bounds_of = (/LBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 1), &
985                                UBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 1), &
986                                LBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 2), &
987                                UBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 2), &
988                                LBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 3), &
989                                UBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 3), &
990                                LBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 4), &
991                                UBOUND(cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients, 4)/)
992                  ALLOCATE (cdft_control_target%group(igroup)% &
993                            gradients(bounds_of(1):bounds_of(2), bounds_of(3):bounds_of(4), &
994                                      bounds_of(5):bounds_of(6), bounds_of(7):bounds_of(8)))
995                  cdft_control_target%group(igroup)%gradients = cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients
996                  DEALLOCATE (cdft_control_source%group(igroup)%gradients)
997               END DO
998            END IF
999            ! Atomic weight functions needed for CDFT charges
1000            IF (cdft_control_source%atomic_charges) THEN
1001               IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cdft_control_target%charge)) &
1002                  ALLOCATE (cdft_control_target%charge(cdft_control_target%natoms))
1003               DO iatom = 1, cdft_control_target%natoms
1004                  CALL pw_pool_create_pw(auxbas_pw_pool_target, &
1005                                         cdft_control_target%charge(iatom)%pw, &
1006                                         use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
1007                  cdft_control_target%charge(iatom)%pw%cr3d = cdft_control_source%charge(iatom)%pw%cr3d
1008                  CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(auxbas_pw_pool_source, cdft_control_source%charge(iatom)%pw)
1009               END DO
1010            END IF
1011            ! Set some flags so the weight is not rebuilt during SCF
1012            cdft_control_target%external_control = .FALSE.
1013            cdft_control_target%need_pot = .FALSE.
1014            ! For states i+1 < nforce_eval, prevent deallocation of constraint
1015            IF (iforce_eval == nforce_eval) THEN
1016               cdft_control_target%transfer_pot = .FALSE.
1017            ELSE
1018               cdft_control_target%transfer_pot = .TRUE.
1019            END IF
1020            cdft_control_target%first_iteration = .FALSE.
1021         ELSE
1022            ! Force rebuild of constraint and dont save it
1023            cdft_control_target%external_control = .FALSE.
1024            cdft_control_target%need_pot = .TRUE.
1025            cdft_control_target%transfer_pot = .FALSE.
1026            IF (first_call) THEN
1027               cdft_control_target%first_iteration = .TRUE.
1028            ELSE
1029               cdft_control_target%first_iteration = .FALSE.
1030            END IF
1031         END IF
1032      END IF
1033      ! Set flags for ET coupling calculation
1034      IF (mixed_env%do_mixed_et) THEN
1035         IF (MODULO(mixed_cdft%sim_step, mixed_env%et_freq) == 0) THEN
1036            IF (iforce_eval == 1) THEN
1037               cdft_control_source%do_et = .TRUE.
1038               cdft_control_source%calculate_metric = mixed_cdft%calculate_metric
1039            ELSE
1040               cdft_control_target%do_et = .TRUE.
1041               cdft_control_target%calculate_metric = mixed_cdft%calculate_metric
1042            END IF
1043         ELSE
1044            IF (iforce_eval == 1) THEN
1045               cdft_control_source%do_et = .FALSE.
1046               cdft_control_source%calculate_metric = .FALSE.
1047            ELSE
1048               cdft_control_target%do_et = .FALSE.
1049               cdft_control_target%calculate_metric = .FALSE.
1050            END IF
1051         END IF
1052      END IF
1053      IF (iforce_eval == nforce_eval .AND. first_call) first_call = .FALSE.
1054      CALL timestop(handle)
1056   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_transfer_weight
1058! **************************************************************************************************
1059!> \brief In case CDFT states are treated in parallel, sets flags so that each CDFT state
1060!>        builds their own weight functions and gradients
1061!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT sub_force_envs
1062!> \par History
1063!>       09.2018  created [Nico Holmberg]
1064! **************************************************************************************************
1065   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_set_flags(force_env)
1066      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
1068      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_set_flags', &
1069         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1071      INTEGER                                            :: handle, iforce_eval, nforce_eval
1072      LOGICAL, SAVE                                      :: first_call = .TRUE.
1073      TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
1074      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
1075      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env_qs
1076      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
1077      TYPE(mixed_environment_type), POINTER              :: mixed_env
1078      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
1080      NULLIFY (mixed_cdft, dft_control, force_env_qs, qs_env, mixed_env, cdft_control)
1081      mixed_env => force_env%mixed_env
1082      CALL get_mixed_env(mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
1083      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1084      nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
1085      DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
1086         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env)) CYCLE
1087         SELECT CASE (force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env%in_use)
1088         CASE (use_qs_force, use_qmmm)
1089            force_env_qs => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
1090         CASE DEFAULT
1091            CPASSERT(.FALSE.)
1092         END SELECT
1093         IF (.NOT. force_env%mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft) THEN
1094            CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env_qs, qs_env=qs_env)
1095         ELSE
1096            qs_env => force_env_qs%qmmm_env%qs_env
1097         END IF
1098         ! All force_evals build the weight function and gradients in qs_cdft_methods.F
1099         ! Update flags to match run type
1100         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, dft_control=dft_control)
1101         cdft_control => dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control
1102         cdft_control%external_control = .FALSE.
1103         cdft_control%need_pot = .TRUE.
1104         cdft_control%transfer_pot = .FALSE.
1105         IF (first_call) THEN
1106            cdft_control%first_iteration = .TRUE.
1107         ELSE
1108            cdft_control%first_iteration = .FALSE.
1109         END IF
1110         ! Set flags for ET coupling calculation
1111         IF (mixed_env%do_mixed_et) THEN
1112            IF (MODULO(mixed_cdft%sim_step, mixed_env%et_freq) == 0) THEN
1113               cdft_control%do_et = .TRUE.
1114               cdft_control%calculate_metric = mixed_cdft%calculate_metric
1115            ELSE
1116               cdft_control%do_et = .FALSE.
1117               cdft_control%calculate_metric = .FALSE.
1118            END IF
1119         END IF
1120      END DO
1121      mixed_cdft%sim_step = mixed_cdft%sim_step + 1
1122      IF (first_call) first_call = .FALSE.
1123      CALL timestop(handle)
1125   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_set_flags
1127! **************************************************************************************************
1128!> \brief Driver routine to calculate the electronic coupling(s) between CDFT states.
1129!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
1130!> \par History
1131!>       02.15  created [Nico Holmberg]
1132! **************************************************************************************************
1133   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling(force_env)
1134      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
1136      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling', &
1137         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1139      INTEGER                                            :: handle
1141      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
1142      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1143      ! Move needed arrays from individual CDFT states to the mixed CDFT env
1144      CALL mixed_cdft_redistribute_arrays(force_env)
1145      ! Calculate the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian and overlap matrices.
1146      ! All work matrices defined in the wavefunction basis get deallocated on exit.
1147      ! Any analyses which depend on these work matrices are performed within.
1148      CALL mixed_cdft_interaction_matrices(force_env)
1149      ! Calculate eletronic couplings between states (Lowdin/rotation)
1150      CALL mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling_low(force_env)
1151      ! Print out couplings
1152      CALL mixed_cdft_print_couplings(force_env)
1153      ! Block diagonalize the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian matrix
1154      CALL mixed_cdft_block_diag(force_env)
1155      ! CDFT Configuration Interaction
1156      CALL mixed_cdft_configuration_interaction(force_env)
1157      ! Clean up
1158      CALL mixed_cdft_release_work(force_env)
1159      CALL timestop(handle)
1161   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling
1163! **************************************************************************************************
1164!> \brief Routine to calculate the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian and overlap matrices.
1165!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
1166!> \par History
1167!>       11.17  created [Nico Holmberg]
1168! **************************************************************************************************
1169   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_interaction_matrices(force_env)
1170      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
1172      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_interaction_matrices', &
1173         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1175      INTEGER :: check_ao(2), check_mo(2), handle, iforce_eval, ipermutation, ispin, istate, ivar, &
1176         j, jstate, k, moeigvalunit, mounit, nao, ncol_local, nforce_eval, nmo, npermutations, &
1177         nrow_local, nspins, nvar
1178      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: ncol_mo, nrow_mo
1179      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: homo
1180      LOGICAL                                            :: nelectron_mismatch, print_mo, &
1181                                                            print_mo_eigval, should_scale, &
1182                                                            uniform_occupation
1183      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: c(2), eps_occupied, nelectron_tot, &
1184                                                            sum_a(2), sum_b(2)
1185      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: coupling_nonortho, eigenv, energy, Sda
1186      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: H_mat, S_det, S_mat, strength, tmp_mat, &
1187                                                            W_diagonal, Wad, Wda
1188      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: a, b
1189      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: mo_eigval
1190      TYPE(cp_fm_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: mo_overlap
1191      TYPE(cp_fm_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: mixed_mo_coeff
1192      TYPE(cp_fm_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER    :: w_matrix_mo
1193      TYPE(cp_fm_struct_type), POINTER                   :: fm_struct_mo, mo_mo_fmstruct
1194      TYPE(cp_fm_type), POINTER                          :: inverse_mat, Tinverse, tmp2
1195      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
1196      TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: density_matrix, density_matrix_diff, &
1197                                                            w_matrix
1198      TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                          :: mixed_matrix_s
1199      TYPE(dft_control_type), POINTER                    :: dft_control
1200      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
1201      TYPE(mixed_environment_type), POINTER              :: mixed_env
1202      TYPE(qs_energy_type), POINTER                      :: energy_qs
1203      TYPE(qs_environment_type), POINTER                 :: qs_env
1204      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, mixed_cdft_section, &
1205                                                            print_section
1207      NULLIFY (force_env_section, print_section, mixed_cdft_section, &
1208               mixed_env, mixed_cdft, qs_env, dft_control, fm_struct_mo, &
1209               density_matrix_diff, mo_mo_fmstruct, inverse_mat, mo_overlap, &
1210               Tinverse, tmp2, w_matrix_mo, mixed_mo_coeff, mixed_matrix_s, &
1211               density_matrix, energy_qs, w_matrix, mo_eigval)
1212      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
1213      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
1214      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1215      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
1216                         force_env_section=force_env_section)
1217      mixed_env => force_env%mixed_env
1218      nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
1219      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
1220      IF (section_get_lval(print_section, "MO_OVERLAP_MATRIX")) THEN
1221         print_mo = .TRUE.
1222         mounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, extension='.moOverlap', on_file=.TRUE.)
1223      ELSE
1224         print_mo = .FALSE.
1225      END IF
1226      IF (section_get_lval(print_section, "MO_OVERLAP_EIGENVALUES")) THEN
1227         print_mo_eigval = .TRUE.
1228         moeigvalunit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, extension='.moOverlapEigval', on_file=.TRUE.)
1229      ELSE
1230         print_mo_eigval = .FALSE.
1231      END IF
1232      CALL get_mixed_env(mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
1233      ! Get redistributed work matrices
1234      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft))
1235      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%matrix%mixed_mo_coeff))
1236      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%matrix%w_matrix))
1237      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%matrix%mixed_matrix_s))
1238      mixed_mo_coeff => mixed_cdft%matrix%mixed_mo_coeff
1239      w_matrix => mixed_cdft%matrix%w_matrix
1240      mixed_matrix_s => mixed_cdft%matrix%mixed_matrix_s
1241      IF (mixed_cdft%calculate_metric) THEN
1242         CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%matrix%density_matrix))
1243         density_matrix => mixed_cdft%matrix%density_matrix
1244      END IF
1245      ! Get number of weight functions per state
1246      nvar = SIZE(w_matrix, 2)
1247      nspins = SIZE(mixed_mo_coeff, 2)
1248      ! Check that the number of MOs/AOs is equal in every CDFT state
1249      ALLOCATE (nrow_mo(nspins), ncol_mo(nspins))
1250      DO ispin = 1, nspins
1251         CALL cp_fm_get_info(mixed_mo_coeff(1, ispin)%matrix, ncol_global=check_mo(1), nrow_global=check_ao(1))
1252         DO iforce_eval = 2, nforce_eval
1253            CALL cp_fm_get_info(mixed_mo_coeff(iforce_eval, ispin)%matrix, ncol_global=check_mo(2), nrow_global=check_ao(2))
1254            IF (check_ao(1) /= check_ao(2)) &
1255               CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
1256                             "The number of atomic orbitals must be the same in every CDFT state.")
1257            IF (check_mo(1) /= check_mo(2)) &
1258               CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
1259                             "The number of molecular orbitals must be the same in every CDFT state.")
1260         END DO
1261      END DO
1262      ! Allocate work
1263      npermutations = nforce_eval*(nforce_eval - 1)/2 ! Size of upper triangular part
1264      ALLOCATE (w_matrix_mo(nforce_eval, nforce_eval, nvar))
1265      ALLOCATE (mo_overlap(npermutations), S_det(npermutations, nspins))
1266      ALLOCATE (a(nspins, nvar, npermutations), b(nspins, nvar, npermutations))
1267      a = 0.0_dp
1268      b = 0.0_dp
1269      DO istate = 1, npermutations
1270         NULLIFY (mo_overlap(istate)%matrix)
1271      END DO
1272      IF (mixed_cdft%calculate_metric) THEN
1273         ALLOCATE (density_matrix_diff(npermutations, nspins))
1274         DO ispin = 1, nspins
1275            DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1276               NULLIFY (density_matrix_diff(ipermutation, ispin)%matrix)
1277               CALL dbcsr_init_p(density_matrix_diff(ipermutation, ispin)%matrix)
1278               CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
1279               CALL dbcsr_copy(density_matrix_diff(ipermutation, ispin)%matrix, &
1280                               density_matrix(istate, ispin)%matrix, name="DENSITY_MATRIX")
1281            END DO
1282         END DO
1283      END IF
1284      ! Check for uniform occupations
1285      uniform_occupation = .NOT. ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%occupations)
1286      should_scale = .FALSE.
1287      IF (.NOT. uniform_occupation) THEN
1288         ALLOCATE (homo(nforce_eval, nspins))
1289         mixed_cdft_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT")
1290         CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_cdft_section, "EPS_OCCUPIED", r_val=eps_occupied)
1291         IF (eps_occupied .GT. 1.0_dp .OR. eps_occupied .LT. 0.0_dp) &
1292            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
1293                          "Keyword EPS_OCCUPIED only accepts values between 0.0 and 1.0")
1294         IF (mixed_cdft%eps_svd == 0.0_dp) &
1295            CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
1296                         "The usage of SVD based matrix inversions with fractionally occupied "// &
1297                         "orbitals is strongly recommended to screen nearly orthogonal states.")
1298         CALL section_vals_val_get(mixed_cdft_section, "SCALE_WITH_OCCUPATION_NUMBERS", l_val=should_scale)
1299      END IF
1300      ! Start the actual calculation
1301      DO ispin = 1, nspins
1302         ! Create the MOxMO fm struct (mo_mo_fm_pools%struct)
1303         ! The number of MOs/AOs is equal to the number of columns/rows of mo_coeff(:,:)%matrix
1304         NULLIFY (fm_struct_mo, mo_mo_fmstruct)
1305         CALL cp_fm_get_info(mixed_mo_coeff(1, ispin)%matrix, ncol_global=ncol_mo(ispin), nrow_global=nrow_mo(ispin))
1306         nao = nrow_mo(ispin)
1307         IF (uniform_occupation) THEN
1308            nmo = ncol_mo(ispin)
1309         ELSE
1310            nmo = ncol_mo(ispin)
1311            ! Find indices of highest (fractionally) occupied molecular orbital
1312            homo(:, ispin) = nmo
1313            DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1314               DO j = nmo, 1, -1
1315                  IF (mixed_cdft%occupations(istate, ispin)%array(j) .GE. eps_occupied) THEN
1316                     homo(istate, ispin) = j
1317                     EXIT
1318                  END IF
1319               END DO
1320            END DO
1321            ! Make matrices square by using the largest homo and emit warning if a state has fewer occupied MOs
1322            ! Although it would be possible to handle the nonsquare situation as well,
1323            ! all CDFT states should be in the same spin state for meaningful results
1324            nmo = MAXVAL(homo(:, ispin))
1325            ! Also check that the number of electrons is conserved (using a fixed sensible threshold)
1326            nelectron_mismatch = .FALSE.
1327            nelectron_tot = SUM(mixed_cdft%occupations(1, ispin)%array(1:nmo))
1328            DO istate = 2, nforce_eval
1329               IF (ABS(SUM(mixed_cdft%occupations(istate, ispin)%array(1:nmo)) - nelectron_tot) .GT. 1.0E-4_dp) &
1330                  nelectron_mismatch = .TRUE.
1331            END DO
1332            IF (ANY(homo(:, ispin) /= nmo)) THEN
1333               IF (ispin == 1) THEN
1334                  CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
1335                               "The number of occupied alpha MOs is not constant across all CDFT states. "// &
1336                               "Calculation proceeds but the results will likely be meaningless.")
1337               ELSE
1338                  CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
1339                               "The number of occupied beta MOs is not constant across all CDFT states. "// &
1340                               "Calculation proceeds but the results will likely be meaningless.")
1341               END IF
1342            ELSE IF (nelectron_mismatch) THEN
1343               IF (ispin == 1) THEN
1344                  CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
1345                               "The number of alpha electrons is not constant across all CDFT states. "// &
1346                               "Calculation proceeds but the results will likely be meaningless.")
1347               ELSE
1348                  CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
1349                               "The number of beta electrons is not constant across all CDFT states. "// &
1350                               "Calculation proceeds but the results will likely be meaningless.")
1351               END IF
1352            END IF
1353         END IF
1354         CALL cp_fm_struct_create(fm_struct_mo, nrow_global=nao, ncol_global=nmo, &
1355                                  context=mixed_cdft%blacs_env, para_env=force_env%para_env)
1356         CALL cp_fm_struct_create(mo_mo_fmstruct, nrow_global=nmo, ncol_global=nmo, &
1357                                  context=mixed_cdft%blacs_env, para_env=force_env%para_env)
1358         ! Allocate work
1359         CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=tmp2, matrix_struct=fm_struct_mo, &
1360                           name="ET_TMP_"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//"_MATRIX")
1361         CALL cp_fm_struct_release(fm_struct_mo)
1362         CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=inverse_mat, matrix_struct=mo_mo_fmstruct, &
1363                           name="INVERSE_"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//"_MATRIX")
1364         CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=Tinverse, matrix_struct=mo_mo_fmstruct, &
1365                           name="T_INVERSE_"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//"_MATRIX")
1366         DO istate = 1, npermutations
1367            CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=mo_overlap(istate)%matrix, matrix_struct=mo_mo_fmstruct, &
1368                              name="MO_OVERLAP_"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(istate)))//"_"// &
1369                              TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//"_MATRIX")
1370         END DO
1371         DO ivar = 1, nvar
1372            DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1373               DO jstate = 1, nforce_eval
1374                  NULLIFY (w_matrix_mo(istate, jstate, ivar)%matrix)
1375                  IF (istate == jstate) CYCLE
1376                  CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=w_matrix_mo(istate, jstate, ivar)%matrix, matrix_struct=mo_mo_fmstruct, &
1377                                    name="W_"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(istate)))//"_"// &
1378                                    TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(jstate)))//"_"// &
1379                                    TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ivar)))//"_MATRIX")
1380               END DO
1381            END DO
1382         END DO
1383         CALL cp_fm_struct_release(mo_mo_fmstruct)
1384         ! Remove empty MOs and (possibly) scale rest with occupation numbers
1385         IF (.NOT. uniform_occupation) THEN
1386            DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
1387               CALL cp_fm_to_fm(mixed_mo_coeff(iforce_eval, ispin)%matrix, tmp2, nmo, 1, 1)
1388               CALL cp_fm_release(mixed_mo_coeff(iforce_eval, ispin)%matrix)
1389               CALL cp_fm_create(mixed_mo_coeff(iforce_eval, ispin)%matrix, &
1390                                 matrix_struct=tmp2%matrix_struct, &
1391                                 name="MO_COEFF_"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(iforce_eval)))//"_" &
1392                                 //TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//"_MATRIX")
1393               CALL cp_fm_to_fm(tmp2, mixed_mo_coeff(iforce_eval, ispin)%matrix)
1394               IF (should_scale) &
1395                  CALL cp_fm_column_scale(mixed_mo_coeff(iforce_eval, ispin)%matrix, &
1396                                          mixed_cdft%occupations(iforce_eval, ispin)%array(1:nmo))
1397               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%occupations(iforce_eval, ispin)%array)
1398            END DO
1399         END IF
1400         ! calculate the MO overlaps (C_j)^T S C_i
1401         ipermutation = 0
1402         DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1403            DO jstate = istate + 1, nforce_eval
1404               ipermutation = ipermutation + 1
1405               CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(mixed_matrix_s, mixed_mo_coeff(istate, ispin)%matrix, &
1406                                            tmp2, nmo, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
1407               CALL cp_gemm('T', 'N', nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, &
1408                            mixed_mo_coeff(jstate, ispin)%matrix, &
1409                            tmp2, 0.0_dp, mo_overlap(ipermutation)%matrix)
1410               IF (print_mo) &
1411                  CALL cp_fm_write_formatted(mo_overlap(ipermutation)%matrix, mounit, &
1412                                             "# MO overlap matrix (step "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(mixed_cdft%sim_step)))// &
1413                                             "): CDFT states "//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(istate)))//" and "// &
1414                                             TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(jstate)))//" (spin "// &
1415                                             TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//")")
1416            END DO
1417         END DO
1418         ! calculate the MO-representations of the restraint matrices of all CDFT states
1419         DO ivar = 1, nvar
1420            DO jstate = 1, nforce_eval
1421               DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1422                  IF (istate == jstate) CYCLE
1423                  ! State i: (C_j)^T W_i C_i
1424                  CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(w_matrix(istate, ivar)%matrix, &
1425                                               mixed_mo_coeff(istate, ispin)%matrix, &
1426                                               tmp2, nmo, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
1427                  CALL cp_gemm('T', 'N', nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, &
1428                               mixed_mo_coeff(jstate, ispin)%matrix, &
1429                               tmp2, 0.0_dp, w_matrix_mo(istate, jstate, ivar)%matrix)
1430               END DO
1431            END DO
1432         END DO
1433         DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1434            ! Invert and calculate determinant of MO overlaps
1435            CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
1436            IF (print_mo_eigval) THEN
1437               NULLIFY (mo_eigval)
1438               CALL cp_fm_invert(mo_overlap(ipermutation)%matrix, inverse_mat, &
1439                                 S_det(ipermutation, ispin), eps_svd=mixed_cdft%eps_svd, &
1440                                 eigval=mo_eigval)
1441               IF (moeigvalunit > 0) THEN
1442                  IF (mixed_cdft%eps_svd == 0.0_dp) THEN
1443                     WRITE (moeigvalunit, '(A,I2,A,I2,A,I1,A)') &
1444                        "# MO Overlap matrix eigenvalues for CDFT states ", istate, " and ", jstate, &
1445                        " (spin ", ispin, ")"
1446                  ELSE
1447                     WRITE (moeigvalunit, '(A,I2,A,I2,A,I1,A)') &
1448                        "# MO Overlap matrix singular values for CDFT states ", istate, " and ", jstate, &
1449                        " (spin ", ispin, ")"
1450                  END IF
1451                  WRITE (moeigvalunit, '(A1, A9, A12)') "#", "Index", ADJUSTL("Value")
1452                  DO j = 1, SIZE(mo_eigval)
1453                     WRITE (moeigvalunit, '(I10, F12.8)') j, mo_eigval(j)
1454                  END DO
1455               END IF
1456               DEALLOCATE (mo_eigval)
1457            ELSE
1458               CALL cp_fm_invert(mo_overlap(ipermutation)%matrix, inverse_mat, &
1459                                 S_det(ipermutation, ispin), eps_svd=mixed_cdft%eps_svd)
1460            END IF
1461            CALL cp_fm_get_info(inverse_mat, nrow_local=nrow_local, ncol_local=ncol_local)
1462            ! Calculate <Psi_i | w_j(r) | Psi_j> for ivar:th constraint
1463            DO j = 1, ncol_local
1464               DO k = 1, nrow_local
1465                  DO ivar = 1, nvar
1466                     b(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = b(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) + &
1467                                                    w_matrix_mo(jstate, istate, ivar)%matrix%local_data(k, j)* &
1468                                                    inverse_mat%local_data(k, j)
1469                  END DO
1470               END DO
1471            END DO
1472            ! Calculate <Psi_j | w_i(r) | Psi_i> for ivar:th constraint
1473            CALL cp_fm_transpose(inverse_mat, Tinverse)
1474            DO j = 1, ncol_local
1475               DO k = 1, nrow_local
1476                  DO ivar = 1, nvar
1477                     a(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = a(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) + &
1478                                                    w_matrix_mo(istate, jstate, ivar)%matrix%local_data(k, j)* &
1479                                                    Tinverse%local_data(k, j)
1480                  END DO
1481               END DO
1482            END DO
1483            ! Handle different constraint types
1484            DO ivar = 1, nvar
1485               SELECT CASE (mixed_cdft%constraint_type(ivar, istate))
1486               CASE (cdft_charge_constraint)
1487                  ! No action needed
1488               CASE (cdft_magnetization_constraint)
1489                  IF (ispin == 2) a(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = -a(ispin, ivar, ipermutation)
1490               CASE (cdft_alpha_constraint)
1491                  ! Constraint applied to alpha electrons only, set integrals involving beta to zero
1492                  IF (ispin == 2) a(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = 0.0_dp
1493               CASE (cdft_beta_constraint)
1494                  ! Constraint applied to beta electrons only, set integrals involving alpha to zero
1495                  IF (ispin == 1) a(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = 0.0_dp
1496               CASE DEFAULT
1497                  CPABORT("Unknown constraint type.")
1498               END SELECT
1499               SELECT CASE (mixed_cdft%constraint_type(ivar, jstate))
1500               CASE (cdft_charge_constraint)
1501                  ! No action needed
1502               CASE (cdft_magnetization_constraint)
1503                  IF (ispin == 2) b(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = -b(ispin, ivar, ipermutation)
1504               CASE (cdft_alpha_constraint)
1505                  ! Constraint applied to alpha electrons only, set integrals involving beta to zero
1506                  IF (ispin == 2) b(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = 0.0_dp
1507               CASE (cdft_beta_constraint)
1508                  ! Constraint applied to beta electrons only, set integrals involving alpha to zero
1509                  IF (ispin == 1) b(ispin, ivar, ipermutation) = 0.0_dp
1510               CASE DEFAULT
1511                  CPABORT("Unknown constraint type.")
1512               END SELECT
1513            END DO
1514            ! Compute density matrix difference P = P_j - P_i
1515            IF (mixed_cdft%calculate_metric) &
1516               CALL dbcsr_add(density_matrix_diff(ipermutation, ispin)%matrix, &
1517                              density_matrix(jstate, ispin)%matrix, -1.0_dp, 1.0_dp)
1518            !
1519            CALL mp_sum(a(ispin, :, ipermutation), force_env%para_env%group)
1520            CALL mp_sum(b(ispin, :, ipermutation), force_env%para_env%group)
1521         END DO
1522         ! Release work
1523         CALL cp_fm_release(tmp2)
1524         DO ivar = 1, nvar
1525            DO jstate = 1, nforce_eval
1526               DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1527                  IF (istate == jstate) CYCLE
1528                  CALL cp_fm_release(w_matrix_mo(istate, jstate, ivar)%matrix)
1529               END DO
1530            END DO
1531         END DO
1532         DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1533            CALL cp_fm_release(mo_overlap(ipermutation)%matrix)
1534         END DO
1535         CALL cp_fm_release(Tinverse)
1536         CALL cp_fm_release(inverse_mat)
1537      END DO
1538      DEALLOCATE (mo_overlap)
1539      DEALLOCATE (w_matrix_mo)
1540      IF (.NOT. uniform_occupation) THEN
1541         DEALLOCATE (homo)
1542         DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%occupations)
1543      END IF
1544      IF (print_mo) &
1545         CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(mounit, logger, force_env_section, &
1546                                           "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO", on_file=.TRUE.)
1547      IF (print_mo_eigval) &
1548         CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(moeigvalunit, logger, force_env_section, &
1549                                           "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO", on_file=.TRUE.)
1550      ! solve eigenstates for the projector matrix
1551      ALLOCATE (Wda(nvar, npermutations))
1552      ALLOCATE (Sda(npermutations))
1553      IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) ALLOCATE (Wad(nvar, npermutations))
1554      DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1555         IF (nspins == 2) THEN
1556            Sda(ipermutation) = ABS(S_det(ipermutation, 1)*S_det(ipermutation, 2))
1557         ELSE
1558            Sda(ipermutation) = S_det(ipermutation, 1)**2
1559         END IF
1560         ! Finalize <Psi_j | w_i(r) | Psi_i> by multiplication with Sda
1561         DO ivar = 1, nvar
1562            IF (mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) THEN
1563               Wda(ivar, ipermutation) = (SUM(a(:, ivar, ipermutation)) + SUM(b(:, ivar, ipermutation)))* &
1564                                         Sda(ipermutation)/2.0_dp
1565            ELSE
1566               Wda(ivar, ipermutation) = SUM(a(:, ivar, ipermutation))*Sda(ipermutation)
1567               Wad(ivar, ipermutation) = SUM(b(:, ivar, ipermutation))*Sda(ipermutation)
1568            END IF
1569         END DO
1570      END DO
1571      DEALLOCATE (a, b, S_det)
1572      ! Transfer info about the constraint calculations
1573      ALLOCATE (W_diagonal(nvar, nforce_eval), strength(nvar, nforce_eval), energy(nforce_eval))
1574      W_diagonal = 0.0_dp
1575      DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
1576         strength(:, iforce_eval) = mixed_env%strength(iforce_eval, :)
1577      END DO
1578      energy = 0.0_dp
1579      DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
1580         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env)) CYCLE
1581         IF (force_env%mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft) THEN
1582            qs_env => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env%qmmm_env%qs_env
1583         ELSE
1584            CALL force_env_get(force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env, qs_env=qs_env)
1585         END IF
1586         CALL get_qs_env(qs_env, energy=energy_qs, dft_control=dft_control)
1587         IF (force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env%para_env%mepos == &
1588             force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env%para_env%source) THEN
1589            W_diagonal(:, iforce_eval) = dft_control%qs_control%cdft_control%value(:)
1590            energy(iforce_eval) = energy_qs%total
1591         END IF
1592      END DO
1593      CALL mp_sum(W_diagonal, force_env%para_env%group)
1594      CALL mp_sum(energy, force_env%para_env%group)
1595      CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, Wda=Wda, W_diagonal=W_diagonal, &
1596                                      energy=energy, strength=strength)
1597      IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, Wad=Wad)
1598      ! Construct S
1599      ALLOCATE (S_mat(nforce_eval, nforce_eval))
1600      DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1601         S_mat(istate, istate) = 1.0_dp
1602      END DO
1603      DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1604         CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
1605         S_mat(istate, jstate) = Sda(ipermutation)
1606         S_mat(jstate, istate) = Sda(ipermutation)
1607      END DO
1608      CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, S=S_mat)
1609      ! Invert S via eigendecomposition and compute S^-(1/2)
1610      ALLOCATE (eigenv(nforce_eval), tmp_mat(nforce_eval, nforce_eval))
1611      CALL diamat_all(S_mat, eigenv, .TRUE.)
1612      tmp_mat = 0.0_dp
1613      DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1614         IF (eigenv(istate) .LT. 1.0e-14_dp) THEN
1615            ! Safeguard against division with 0 and negative numbers
1616            eigenv(istate) = 1.0e-14_dp
1617            CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
1618                         "The overlap matrix is numerically nearly singular. "// &
1619                         "Calculation proceeds but the results might be meaningless.")
1620         END IF
1621         tmp_mat(istate, istate) = 1.0_dp/SQRT(eigenv(istate))
1622      END DO
1623      tmp_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(tmp_mat, TRANSPOSE(S_mat))
1624      S_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(S_mat, tmp_mat) ! S^(-1/2)
1625      CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, S_minushalf=S_mat)
1626      DEALLOCATE (eigenv, tmp_mat, S_mat)
1627      ! Construct nonorthogonal diabatic Hamiltonian matrix H''
1628      ALLOCATE (H_mat(nforce_eval, nforce_eval))
1629      IF (mixed_cdft%nonortho_coupling) ALLOCATE (coupling_nonortho(npermutations))
1630      DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1631         H_mat(istate, istate) = energy(istate)
1632      END DO
1633      DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1634         CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
1635         sum_a = 0.0_dp
1636         sum_b = 0.0_dp
1637         DO ivar = 1, nvar
1638            ! V_J * <Psi_J | w_J(r) | Psi_J>
1639            sum_b(1) = sum_b(1) + strength(ivar, jstate)*W_diagonal(ivar, jstate)
1640            ! V_I * <Psi_I | w_I(r) | Psi_I>
1641            sum_a(1) = sum_a(1) + strength(ivar, istate)*W_diagonal(ivar, istate)
1642            IF (mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) THEN
1643               ! V_J * W_IJ
1644               sum_b(2) = sum_b(2) + strength(ivar, jstate)*Wda(ivar, ipermutation)
1645               ! V_I * W_JI
1646               sum_a(2) = sum_a(2) + strength(ivar, istate)*Wda(ivar, ipermutation)
1647            ELSE
1648               ! V_J * W_IJ
1649               sum_b(2) = sum_b(2) + strength(ivar, jstate)*Wad(ivar, ipermutation)
1650               ! V_I * W_JI
1651               sum_a(2) = sum_a(2) + strength(ivar, istate)*Wda(ivar, ipermutation)
1652            END IF
1653         END DO
1654         ! Denote F_X = <Psi_X | H_X + V_X*w_X(r) | Psi_X> = E_X + V_X*<Psi_X | w_X(r) | Psi_X>
1655         ! H_IJ = F_J*S_IJ - V_J * W_IJ
1656         c(1) = (energy(jstate) + sum_b(1))*Sda(ipermutation) - sum_b(2)
1657         ! H_JI = F_I*S_JI - V_I * W_JI
1658         c(2) = (energy(istate) + sum_a(1))*Sda(ipermutation) - sum_a(2)
1659         ! H''(I,J) = 0.5*(H_IJ+H_JI) = H''(J,I)
1660         H_mat(istate, jstate) = (c(1) + c(2))*0.5_dp
1661         H_mat(jstate, istate) = H_mat(istate, jstate)
1662         IF (mixed_cdft%nonortho_coupling) coupling_nonortho(ipermutation) = H_mat(istate, jstate)
1663      END DO
1664      CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, H=H_mat)
1665      DEALLOCATE (H_mat, W_diagonal, Wda, strength, energy, Sda)
1666      IF (ALLOCATED(Wad)) DEALLOCATE (Wad)
1667      IF (mixed_cdft%nonortho_coupling) THEN
1668         CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, nonortho=coupling_nonortho)
1669         DEALLOCATE (coupling_nonortho)
1670      END IF
1671      ! Compute metric to assess reliability of coupling
1672      IF (mixed_cdft%calculate_metric) CALL mixed_cdft_calculate_metric(force_env, mixed_cdft, density_matrix_diff, ncol_mo)
1673      ! Compute coupling also with the wavefunction overlap method, see Migliore2009
1674      ! Requires the unconstrained KS ground state wavefunction as input
1675      IF (mixed_cdft%wfn_overlap_method) THEN
1676         IF (.NOT. uniform_occupation) &
1677            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
1678                          "Wavefunction overlap method supports only uniformly occupied MOs.")
1679         CALL mixed_cdft_wfn_overlap_method(force_env, mixed_cdft, ncol_mo, nrow_mo)
1680      END IF
1681      ! Release remaining work
1682      DEALLOCATE (nrow_mo, ncol_mo)
1683      CALL mixed_cdft_work_type_release(mixed_cdft%matrix)
1684      CALL timestop(handle)
1686   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_interaction_matrices
1688! **************************************************************************************************
1689!> \brief Routine to calculate the CDFT electronic couplings.
1690!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
1691!> \par History
1692!>       11.17  created [Nico Holmberg]
1693! **************************************************************************************************
1694   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling_low(force_env)
1695      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
1697      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling_low', &
1698         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1700      INTEGER                                            :: handle, ipermutation, istate, jstate, &
1701                                                            nforce_eval, npermutations, nvar
1702      LOGICAL                                            :: use_lowdin, use_rotation
1703      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: coupling_lowdin, coupling_rotation, &
1704                                                            eigenv
1705      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: tmp_mat, W_mat
1706      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
1708      NULLIFY (mixed_cdft)
1709      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
1710      CALL get_mixed_env(force_env%mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
1711      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1712      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft))
1713      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%W_diagonal))
1714      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%Wda))
1715      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%S_minushalf))
1716      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%H))
1717      ! Decide which methods to use for computing the coupling
1718      ! Default behavior is to use rotation when a single constraint is active, otherwise uses Lowdin orthogonalization
1719      ! The latter can also be explicitly requested when a single constraint is active
1720      ! Possibly computes the coupling additionally with the wavefunction overlap method
1721      nforce_eval = SIZE(mixed_cdft%results%H, 1)
1722      nvar = SIZE(mixed_cdft%results%Wda, 1)
1723      npermutations = nforce_eval*(nforce_eval - 1)/2
1724      ALLOCATE (tmp_mat(nforce_eval, nforce_eval))
1725      IF (nvar == 1 .AND. mixed_cdft%identical_constraints) THEN
1726         use_rotation = .TRUE.
1727         use_lowdin = mixed_cdft%use_lowdin
1728      ELSE
1729         use_rotation = .FALSE.
1730         use_lowdin = .TRUE.
1731      END IF
1732      ! Calculate coupling by rotating the CDFT states to eigenstates of the weight matrix W (single constraint only)
1733      IF (use_rotation) THEN
1734         ! Construct W
1735         ALLOCATE (W_mat(nforce_eval, nforce_eval), coupling_rotation(npermutations))
1736         ALLOCATE (eigenv(nforce_eval))
1737         ! W_mat(i, i) = N_i where N_i is the value of the constraint in state i
1738         DO istate = 1, nforce_eval
1739            W_mat(istate, istate) = SUM(mixed_cdft%results%W_diagonal(:, istate))
1740         END DO
1741         ! W_mat(i, j) = <Psi_i|w(r)|Psi_j>
1742         DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1743            CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
1744            W_mat(istate, jstate) = SUM(mixed_cdft%results%Wda(:, ipermutation))
1745            W_mat(jstate, istate) = W_mat(istate, jstate)
1746         END DO
1747         ! Solve generalized eigenvalue equation WV = SVL
1748         ! Convert to standard eigenvalue problem via symmetric orthogonalisation
1749         tmp_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(W_mat, mixed_cdft%results%S_minushalf) ! W * S^(-1/2)
1750         W_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(mixed_cdft%results%S_minushalf, tmp_mat) ! W' = S^(-1/2) * W * S^(-1/2)
1751         CALL diamat_all(W_mat, eigenv, .TRUE.) ! Solve W'V' = AV'
1752         tmp_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(mixed_cdft%results%S_minushalf, W_mat) ! Reverse transformation V = S^(-1/2) V'
1753         ! Construct final, orthogonal diabatic Hamiltonian matrix H
1754         W_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(mixed_cdft%results%H, tmp_mat) ! H'' * V
1755         W_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(TRANSPOSE(tmp_mat), W_mat) ! H = V^T * H'' * V
1756         DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1757            CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
1758            coupling_rotation(ipermutation) = W_mat(istate, jstate)
1759         END DO
1760         CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, rotation=coupling_rotation)
1761         DEALLOCATE (W_mat, coupling_rotation, eigenv)
1762      END IF
1763      ! Calculate coupling by Lowdin orthogonalization
1764      IF (use_lowdin) THEN
1765         ALLOCATE (coupling_lowdin(npermutations))
1766         tmp_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(mixed_cdft%results%H, mixed_cdft%results%S_minushalf) ! H'' * S^(-1/2)
1767         ! Final orthogonal diabatic Hamiltonian matrix H
1768         tmp_mat(:, :) = MATMUL(mixed_cdft%results%S_minushalf, tmp_mat) ! H = S^(-1/2) * H'' * S^(-1/2)
1769         DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
1770            CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
1771            coupling_lowdin(ipermutation) = tmp_mat(istate, jstate)
1772         END DO
1773         CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, lowdin=coupling_lowdin)
1774         DEALLOCATE (coupling_lowdin)
1775      END IF
1776      DEALLOCATE (tmp_mat)
1777      CALL timestop(handle)
1779   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_calculate_coupling_low
1781! **************************************************************************************************
1782!> \brief Performs a configuration interaction calculation in the basis spanned by the CDFT states.
1783!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
1784!> \par History
1785!>       11.17  created [Nico Holmberg]
1786! **************************************************************************************************
1787   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_configuration_interaction(force_env)
1788      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
1790      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_configuration_interaction', &
1791         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1793      INTEGER                                            :: handle, info, iounit, istate, ivar, &
1794                                                            nforce_eval, work_array_size
1795      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: eigenv, work
1796      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: H_mat, H_mat_copy, S_mat, S_mat_copy
1797      REAL(KIND=dp), EXTERNAL                            :: dnrm2
1798      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
1799      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
1800      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, print_section
1802      EXTERNAL                                           :: dsygv
1804      NULLIFY (logger, force_env_section, print_section, mixed_cdft)
1806      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
1807      CALL get_mixed_env(force_env%mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
1808      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft))
1810      IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%do_ci) RETURN
1812      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
1813      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1814      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
1815                         force_env_section=force_env_section)
1816      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
1817      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.mixedLog')
1819      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%S))
1820      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%H))
1821      nforce_eval = SIZE(mixed_cdft%results%S, 1)
1822      ALLOCATE (S_mat(nforce_eval, nforce_eval), H_mat(nforce_eval, nforce_eval))
1823      ALLOCATE (eigenv(nforce_eval))
1824      S_mat(:, :) = mixed_cdft%results%S(:, :)
1825      H_mat(:, :) = mixed_cdft%results%H(:, :)
1826      ! Workspace query
1827      ALLOCATE (work(1))
1828      info = 0
1829      ALLOCATE (H_mat_copy(nforce_eval, nforce_eval), S_mat_copy(nforce_eval, nforce_eval))
1830      H_mat_copy(:, :) = H_mat(:, :) ! Need explicit copies because dsygv destroys original values
1831      S_mat_copy(:, :) = S_mat(:, :)
1832      CALL dsygv(1, 'V', 'U', nforce_eval, H_mat_copy, nforce_eval, S_mat_copy, nforce_eval, eigenv, work, -1, info)
1833      work_array_size = NINT(work(1))
1834      DEALLOCATE (H_mat_copy, S_mat_copy)
1835      ! Allocate work array
1836      DEALLOCATE (work)
1837      ALLOCATE (work(work_array_size))
1838      work = 0.0_dp
1839      ! Solve Hc = eSc
1840      info = 0
1841      CALL dsygv(1, 'V', 'U', nforce_eval, H_mat, nforce_eval, S_mat, nforce_eval, eigenv, work, work_array_size, info)
1842      IF (info /= 0) THEN
1843         IF (info > nforce_eval) THEN
1844            CPABORT("Matrix S is not positive definite")
1845         ELSE
1846            CPABORT("Diagonalization of H matrix failed.")
1847         END IF
1848      END IF
1849      ! dsygv returns eigenvectors (stored in columns of H_mat) that are normalized to H^T * S * H = I
1850      ! Renormalize eigenvectors to H^T * H = I
1851      DO ivar = 1, nforce_eval
1852         H_mat(:, ivar) = H_mat(:, ivar)/dnrm2(nforce_eval, H_mat(:, ivar), 1)
1853      END DO
1854      DEALLOCATE (work)
1855      IF (iounit > 0) THEN
1856         WRITE (iounit, '(/,T3,A)') '------------------ CDFT Configuration Interaction (CDFT-CI) ------------------'
1857         DO ivar = 1, nforce_eval
1858            IF (ivar == 1) THEN
1859               WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A,T58,(3X,F20.14))') 'Ground state energy:', eigenv(ivar)
1860            ELSE
1861               WRITE (iounit, '(/,T3,A,I2,A,T58,(3X,F20.14))') 'Excited state (', ivar - 1, ' ) energy:', eigenv(ivar)
1862            END IF
1863            DO istate = 1, nforce_eval, 2
1864               IF (istate == 1) THEN
1865                  WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A,T54,(3X,2F12.6))') &
1866                     'Expansion coefficients:', H_mat(istate, ivar), H_mat(istate + 1, ivar)
1867               ELSE IF (istate .LT. nforce_eval) THEN
1868                  WRITE (iounit, '(T54,(3X,2F12.6))') H_mat(istate, ivar), H_mat(istate + 1, ivar)
1869               ELSE
1870                  WRITE (iounit, '(T54,(3X,F12.6))') H_mat(istate, ivar)
1871               END IF
1872            END DO
1873         END DO
1874         WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A)') &
1875            '------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
1876      END IF
1877      DEALLOCATE (S_mat, H_mat, eigenv)
1878      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, force_env_section, &
1879                                        "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
1880      CALL timestop(handle)
1882   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_configuration_interaction
1883! **************************************************************************************************
1884!> \brief Block diagonalizes the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian matrix.
1885!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
1886!> \par History
1887!>       11.17  created [Nico Holmberg]
1888!>       01.18  added recursive diagonalization
1889!>              split to subroutines [Nico Holmberg]
1890! **************************************************************************************************
1891   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_block_diag(force_env)
1892      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
1894      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_block_diag', &
1895         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
1897      INTEGER                                            :: handle, i, iounit, irecursion, j, n, &
1898                                                            nblk, nforce_eval, nrecursion
1899      LOGICAL                                            :: ignore_excited
1900      TYPE(cp_1d_i_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)    :: blocks
1901      TYPE(cp_1d_r_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)    :: eigenvalues
1902      TYPE(cp_2d_r_p_type), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)    :: H_block, S_block
1903      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
1904      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
1905      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, print_section
1907      EXTERNAL                                           :: dsygv
1909      NULLIFY (logger, force_env_section, print_section, mixed_cdft)
1911      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(force_env))
1912      CALL get_mixed_env(force_env%mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
1913      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft))
1915      IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%block_diagonalize) RETURN
1917      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
1918      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
1920      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%S))
1921      CPASSERT(ALLOCATED(mixed_cdft%results%H))
1922      nforce_eval = SIZE(mixed_cdft%results%S, 1)
1924      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
1925                         force_env_section=force_env_section)
1926      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
1927      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.mixedLog')
1928      ! Read block definitions from input
1929      CALL mixed_cdft_read_block_diag(force_env, blocks, ignore_excited, nrecursion)
1930      nblk = SIZE(blocks)
1931      ! Start block diagonalization
1932      DO irecursion = 1, nrecursion
1933         ! Print block definitions
1934         IF (iounit > 0 .AND. irecursion == 1) THEN
1935            WRITE (iounit, '(/,T3,A)') '-------------------------- CDFT BLOCK DIAGONALIZATION ------------------------'
1936            WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A)') 'Block diagonalizing the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian'
1937            WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A,I3)') 'Number of blocks:', nblk
1938            WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A,L3)') 'Ignoring excited states within blocks:', ignore_excited
1939            WRITE (iounit, '(/,T3,A)') 'List of CDFT states for each block'
1940            DO i = 1, nblk
1941               WRITE (iounit, '(T6,A,I3,A,6I3)') 'Block', i, ':', (blocks(i)%array(j), j=1, SIZE(blocks(i)%array))
1942            END DO
1943         END IF
1944         ! Recursive diagonalization: update counters and references
1945         IF (irecursion > 1) THEN
1946            nblk = nblk/2
1947            ALLOCATE (blocks(nblk))
1948            j = 1
1949            DO i = 1, nblk
1950               NULLIFY (blocks(i)%array)
1951               ALLOCATE (blocks(i)%array(2))
1952               blocks(i)%array = (/j, j + 1/)
1953               j = j + 2
1954            END DO
1955            ! Print info
1956            IF (iounit > 0) THEN
1957               WRITE (iounit, '(/, T3,A)') 'Recursive block diagonalization of the mixed CDFT Hamiltonian'
1958               WRITE (iounit, '(T6,A)') 'Block diagonalization is continued until only two matrix blocks remain.'
1959               WRITE (iounit, '(T6,A)') 'The new blocks are formed by collecting pairs of blocks from the previous'
1960               WRITE (iounit, '(T6,A)') 'block diagonalized matrix in ascending order.'
1961               WRITE (iounit, '(/,T3,A,I3,A,I3)') 'Recursion step:', irecursion - 1, ' of ', nrecursion - 1
1962               WRITE (iounit, '(/,T3,A)') 'List of old block indices for each new block'
1963               DO i = 1, nblk
1964                  WRITE (iounit, '(T6,A,I3,A,6I3)') 'Block', i, ':', (blocks(i)%array(j), j=1, SIZE(blocks(i)%array))
1965               END DO
1966            END IF
1967         END IF
1968         ! Get the Hamiltonian and overlap matrices of each block
1969         CALL mixed_cdft_get_blocks(mixed_cdft, blocks, H_block, S_block)
1970         ! Diagonalize blocks
1971         CALL mixed_cdft_diagonalize_blocks(blocks, H_block, S_block, eigenvalues)
1972         ! Assemble the block diagonalized matrices
1973         IF (ignore_excited) THEN
1974            n = nblk
1975         ELSE
1976            n = nforce_eval
1977         END IF
1978         CALL mixed_cdft_assemble_block_diag(mixed_cdft, blocks, H_block, eigenvalues, n, iounit)
1979         ! Deallocate work
1980         DO i = 1, nblk
1981            DEALLOCATE (H_block(i)%array)
1982            DEALLOCATE (S_block(i)%array)
1983            DEALLOCATE (eigenvalues(i)%array)
1984            DEALLOCATE (blocks(i)%array)
1985         END DO
1986         DEALLOCATE (H_block, S_block, eigenvalues, blocks)
1987      END DO ! recursion
1988      IF (iounit > 0) &
1989         WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A)') &
1990         '------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
1991      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, force_env_section, &
1992                                        "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
1993      CALL timestop(handle)
1995   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_block_diag
1996! **************************************************************************************************
1997!> \brief Routine to calculate the CDFT electronic coupling reliability metric
1998!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
1999!> \param mixed_cdft the mixed_cdft env
2000!> \param density_matrix_diff array holding difference density matrices (P_j - P_i) for every CDFT
2001!>                            state permutation
2002!> \param ncol_mo the number of MOs per spin
2003!> \par History
2004!>       11.17  created [Nico Holmberg]
2005! **************************************************************************************************
2006   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_calculate_metric(force_env, mixed_cdft, density_matrix_diff, ncol_mo)
2007      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
2008      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
2009      TYPE(dbcsr_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: density_matrix_diff
2010      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                              :: ncol_mo
2012      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_calculate_metric', &
2013         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
2015      INTEGER                                            :: handle, ipermutation, ispin, j, &
2016                                                            nforce_eval, npermutations, nspins
2017      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: evals
2018      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: metric
2019      TYPE(dbcsr_type)                                   :: e_vectors
2021      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
2022      nforce_eval = SIZE(mixed_cdft%results%H, 1)
2023      npermutations = nforce_eval*(nforce_eval - 1)/2
2024      nspins = SIZE(density_matrix_diff, 2)
2025      ALLOCATE (metric(npermutations, nspins))
2026      metric = 0.0_dp
2027      CALL dbcsr_create(e_vectors, template=density_matrix_diff(1, 1)%matrix)
2028      DO ispin = 1, nspins
2029         ALLOCATE (evals(ncol_mo(ispin)))
2030         DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
2031            ! Take into account doubly occupied orbitals without LSD
2032            IF (nspins == 1) &
2033               CALL dbcsr_scale(density_matrix_diff(ipermutation, 1)%matrix, alpha_scalar=0.5_dp)
2034            ! Diagonalize difference density matrix
2035            CALL cp_dbcsr_syevd(density_matrix_diff(ipermutation, ispin)%matrix, e_vectors, evals, &
2036                                para_env=force_env%para_env, blacs_env=mixed_cdft%blacs_env)
2037            CALL dbcsr_release_p(density_matrix_diff(ipermutation, ispin)%matrix)
2038            DO j = 1, ncol_mo(ispin)
2039               metric(ipermutation, ispin) = metric(ipermutation, ispin) + (evals(j)**2 - evals(j)**4)
2040            END DO
2041         END DO
2042         DEALLOCATE (evals)
2043      END DO
2044      CALL dbcsr_release(e_vectors)
2045      DEALLOCATE (density_matrix_diff)
2046      metric(:, :) = metric(:, :)/4.0_dp
2047      CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, metric=metric)
2048      DEALLOCATE (metric)
2049      CALL timestop(handle)
2051   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_calculate_metric
2053! **************************************************************************************************
2054!> \brief Routine to calculate the electronic coupling according to the wavefunction overlap method
2055!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
2056!> \param mixed_cdft the mixed_cdft env
2057!> \param ncol_mo the number of MOs per spin
2058!> \param nrow_mo the number of AOs per spin
2059!> \par History
2060!>       11.17  created [Nico Holmberg]
2061! **************************************************************************************************
2062   SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_wfn_overlap_method(force_env, mixed_cdft, ncol_mo, nrow_mo)
2063      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
2064      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
2065      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:)                              :: ncol_mo, nrow_mo
2067      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_cdft_wfn_overlap_method', &
2068         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
2070      CHARACTER(LEN=default_path_length)                 :: file_name
2071      INTEGER                                            :: handle, ipermutation, ispin, istate, &
2072                                                            jstate, nao, nforce_eval, nmo, &
2073                                                            npermutations, nspins
2074      LOGICAL                                            :: exist, natom_mismatch
2075      REAL(KIND=dp)                                      :: energy_diff, maxocc, Sda
2076      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: coupling_wfn
2077      REAL(KIND=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: overlaps
2078      TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
2079      TYPE(cp_fm_p_type), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER       :: mixed_mo_coeff
2080      TYPE(cp_fm_struct_type), POINTER                   :: mo_mo_fmstruct
2081      TYPE(cp_fm_type), POINTER                          :: inverse_mat, mo_overlap_wfn, mo_tmp
2082      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
2083      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: subsys_mix
2084      TYPE(dbcsr_type), POINTER                          :: mixed_matrix_s
2085      TYPE(mo_set_p_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: mo_set
2086      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
2087      TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
2088      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, mixed_cdft_section
2090      NULLIFY (mixed_cdft_section, subsys_mix, mo_set, particle_set, qs_kind_set, atomic_kind_set, &
2091               mixed_mo_coeff, mixed_matrix_s, force_env_section)
2092      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
2094      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
2095      nforce_eval = SIZE(mixed_cdft%results%H, 1)
2096      npermutations = nforce_eval*(nforce_eval - 1)/2
2097      nspins = SIZE(nrow_mo)
2098      mixed_mo_coeff => mixed_cdft%matrix%mixed_mo_coeff
2099      mixed_matrix_s => mixed_cdft%matrix%mixed_matrix_s
2100      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
2101                         force_env_section=force_env_section)
2102      ! Create mo_set for input wfn
2103      ALLOCATE (mo_set(nspins))
2104      IF (nspins == 2) THEN
2105         maxocc = 1.0_dp
2106      ELSE
2107         maxocc = 2.0_dp
2108      END IF
2109      DO ispin = 1, nspins
2110         nao = nrow_mo(ispin)
2111         nmo = ncol_mo(ispin)
2112         NULLIFY (mo_set(ispin)%mo_set)
2113         ! Only OT with fully occupied orbitals is implicitly supported
2114         CALL allocate_mo_set(mo_set(ispin)%mo_set, nao=nao, nmo=nmo, nelectron=INT(maxocc*nmo), &
2115                              n_el_f=REAL(maxocc*nmo, dp), maxocc=maxocc, &
2116                              flexible_electron_count=0.0_dp)
2117         CALL set_mo_set(mo_set(ispin)%mo_set, uniform_occupation=.TRUE., homo=nmo)
2118         CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=mo_set(ispin)%mo_set%mo_coeff, &
2119                           matrix_struct=mixed_mo_coeff(1, ispin)%matrix%matrix_struct, &
2120                           name="GS_MO_COEFF"//TRIM(ADJUSTL(cp_to_string(ispin)))//"MATRIX")
2121         ALLOCATE (mo_set(ispin)%mo_set%eigenvalues(nmo))
2122         ALLOCATE (mo_set(ispin)%mo_set%occupation_numbers(nmo))
2123      END DO
2124      ! Read wfn file (note we assume that the basis set is the same)
2125      IF (force_env%mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft) &
2126         ! This really shouldnt be a problem?
2127         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
2128                       "QMMM + wavefunction overlap method not supported.")
2129      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, subsys=subsys_mix)
2130      mixed_cdft_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT")
2131      CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys_mix, atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, particle_set=particle_set)
2132      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%qs_kind_set))
2133      IF (force_env%para_env%ionode) &
2134         CALL wfn_restart_file_name(file_name, exist, mixed_cdft_section, logger)
2135      CALL mp_bcast(exist, force_env%para_env%source, force_env%para_env%group)
2136      CALL mp_bcast(file_name, force_env%para_env%source, force_env%para_env%group)
2137      IF (.NOT. exist) &
2138         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
2139                       "User requested to restart the wavefunction from the file named: "// &
2140                       TRIM(file_name)//". This file does not exist. Please check the existence of"// &
2141                       " the file or change properly the value of the keyword WFN_RESTART_FILE_NAME in"// &
2142                       " section FORCE_EVAL\MIXED\MIXED_CDFT.")
2143      CALL read_mo_set(mo_array=mo_set, atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set, &
2144                       qs_kind_set=mixed_cdft%qs_kind_set, particle_set=particle_set, &
2145                       para_env=force_env%para_env, id_nr=0, multiplicity=mixed_cdft%multiplicity, &
2146                       dft_section=mixed_cdft_section, natom_mismatch=natom_mismatch, &
2147                       cdft=.TRUE.)
2148      IF (natom_mismatch) &
2149         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
2150                       "Restart wfn file has a wrong number of atoms")
2151      ! Orthonormalize wfn
2152      DO ispin = 1, nspins
2153         IF (mixed_cdft%has_unit_metric) THEN
2154            CALL make_basis_simple(mo_set(ispin)%mo_set%mo_coeff, ncol_mo(ispin))
2155         ELSE
2156            CALL make_basis_sm(mo_set(ispin)%mo_set%mo_coeff, ncol_mo(ispin), mixed_matrix_s)
2157         END IF
2158      END DO
2159      ! Calculate MO overlaps between reference state (R) and CDFT state pairs I/J
2160      ALLOCATE (coupling_wfn(npermutations))
2161      ALLOCATE (overlaps(2, npermutations, nspins))
2162      overlaps = 0.0_dp
2163      DO ispin = 1, nspins
2164         ! Allocate work
2165         nao = nrow_mo(ispin)
2166         nmo = ncol_mo(ispin)
2167         CALL cp_fm_struct_create(mo_mo_fmstruct, nrow_global=nmo, ncol_global=nmo, &
2168                                  context=mixed_cdft%blacs_env, para_env=force_env%para_env)
2169         CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=mo_overlap_wfn, matrix_struct=mo_mo_fmstruct, &
2170                           name="MO_OVERLAP_MATRIX_WFN")
2171         CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=inverse_mat, matrix_struct=mo_mo_fmstruct, &
2172                           name="INVERSE_MO_OVERLAP_MATRIX_WFN")
2173         CALL cp_fm_struct_release(mo_mo_fmstruct)
2174         CALL cp_fm_create(matrix=mo_tmp, &
2175                           matrix_struct=mixed_mo_coeff(1, ispin)%matrix%matrix_struct, &
2176                           name="OVERLAP_MO_COEFF_WFN")
2177         DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
2178            CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
2179            ! S*C_r
2180            CALL cp_dbcsr_sm_fm_multiply(mixed_matrix_s, mo_set(ispin)%mo_set%mo_coeff, &
2181                                         mo_tmp, nmo, 1.0_dp, 0.0_dp)
2182            ! C_i^T * (S*C_r)
2183            CALL cp_fm_set_all(mo_overlap_wfn, alpha=0.0_dp)
2184            CALL cp_gemm('T', 'N', nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, &
2185                         mixed_mo_coeff(istate, ispin)%matrix, &
2186                         mo_tmp, 0.0_dp, mo_overlap_wfn)
2187            CALL cp_fm_invert(mo_overlap_wfn, inverse_mat, overlaps(1, ipermutation, ispin), eps_svd=mixed_cdft%eps_svd)
2188            ! C_j^T * (S*C_r)
2189            CALL cp_fm_set_all(mo_overlap_wfn, alpha=0.0_dp)
2190            CALL cp_gemm('T', 'N', nmo, nmo, nao, 1.0_dp, &
2191                         mixed_mo_coeff(jstate, ispin)%matrix, &
2192                         mo_tmp, 0.0_dp, mo_overlap_wfn)
2193            CALL cp_fm_invert(mo_overlap_wfn, inverse_mat, overlaps(2, ipermutation, ispin), eps_svd=mixed_cdft%eps_svd)
2194         END DO
2195         CALL cp_fm_release(mo_overlap_wfn)
2196         CALL cp_fm_release(inverse_mat)
2197         CALL cp_fm_release(mo_tmp)
2198         CALL deallocate_mo_set(mo_set(ispin)%mo_set)
2199      END DO
2200      DEALLOCATE (mo_set)
2201      DO ipermutation = 1, npermutations
2202         CALL map_permutation_to_states(nforce_eval, ipermutation, istate, jstate)
2203         IF (nspins == 2) THEN
2204            overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1) = ABS(overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1)*overlaps(1, ipermutation, 2)) ! A in eq. 12c
2205            overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1) = ABS(overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1)*overlaps(2, ipermutation, 2)) ! B in eq. 12c
2206         ELSE
2207            overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1) = overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1)**2
2208            overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1) = overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1)**2
2209         END IF
2210         ! Calculate coupling using eq. 12c
2211         ! The coupling is singular if A = B (i.e. states I/J are identical or charge in ground state is fully delocalized)
2212         IF (ABS(overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1) - overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1)) .LE. 1.0e-14_dp) THEN
2213            CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
2214                         "Coupling between states is singular and set to zero. "// &
2215                         "Potential causes: coupling is computed between identical CDFT states or the spin/charge "// &
2216                         "density is fully delocalized in the unconstrained ground state.")
2217            coupling_wfn(ipermutation) = 0.0_dp
2218         ELSE
2219            energy_diff = mixed_cdft%results%energy(jstate) - mixed_cdft%results%energy(istate)
2220            Sda = mixed_cdft%results%S(istate, jstate)
2221            coupling_wfn(ipermutation) = ABS((overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1)*overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1)/ &
2222                                              (overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1)**2 - overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1)**2))* &
2223                                             (energy_diff)/(1.0_dp - Sda**2)* &
2224                                             (1.0_dp - (overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1)**2 + overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1)**2)/ &
2225                                              (2.0_dp*overlaps(1, ipermutation, 1)*overlaps(2, ipermutation, 1))* &
2226                                              Sda))
2227         END IF
2228      END DO
2229      DEALLOCATE (overlaps)
2230      CALL mixed_cdft_result_type_set(mixed_cdft%results, wfn=coupling_wfn)
2231      DEALLOCATE (coupling_wfn)
2232      CALL timestop(handle)
2234   END SUBROUTINE mixed_cdft_wfn_overlap_method
2236! **************************************************************************************************
2237!> \brief Becke constraint adapted to mixed calculations, details in qs_cdft_methods.F
2238!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
2239!> \param calculate_forces determines if forces should be calculted
2240!> \par History
2241!>       02.2016  created [Nico Holmberg]
2242!>       03.2016  added dynamic load balancing (dlb)
2243!>                changed pw_p_type data types to rank-3 reals to accommodate dlb
2244!>                and to reduce overall memory footprint
2245!>                split to subroutines [Nico Holmberg]
2246!>       04.2016  introduced mixed grid mapping [Nico Holmberg]
2247! **************************************************************************************************
2248   SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint(force_env, calculate_forces)
2249      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
2250      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: calculate_forces
2252      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_becke_constraint', &
2253         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
2255      INTEGER                                            :: handle
2256      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: catom
2257      LOGICAL                                            :: in_memory, store_vectors
2258      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: is_constraint
2259      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: coefficients
2260      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: position_vecs, R12
2261      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: pair_dist_vecs
2262      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
2263      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
2264      TYPE(mixed_environment_type), POINTER              :: mixed_env
2266      NULLIFY (mixed_env, mixed_cdft)
2267      store_vectors = .TRUE.
2268      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
2269      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
2270      mixed_env => force_env%mixed_env
2271      CALL get_mixed_env(mixed_env, cdft_control=mixed_cdft)
2272      CALL mixed_becke_constraint_init(force_env, mixed_cdft, calculate_forces, &
2273                                       is_constraint, in_memory, store_vectors, &
2274                                       R12, position_vecs, pair_dist_vecs, &
2275                                       coefficients, catom)
2276      CALL mixed_becke_constraint_low(force_env, mixed_cdft, in_memory, &
2277                                      is_constraint, store_vectors, R12, &
2278                                      position_vecs, pair_dist_vecs, &
2279                                      coefficients, catom)
2280      CALL timestop(handle)
2282   END SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint
2283! **************************************************************************************************
2284!> \brief Initialize the mixed Becke constraint calculation
2285!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
2286!> \param mixed_cdft container for structures needed to build the mixed CDFT constraint
2287!> \param calculate_forces determines if forces should be calculted
2288!> \param is_constraint a list used to determine which atoms in the system define the constraint
2289!> \param in_memory decides whether to build the weight function gradients in parallel before solving
2290!>                  the CDFT states or later during the SCF procedure of the individual states
2291!> \param store_vectors should temporary arrays be stored in memory to accelerate the calculation
2292!> \param R12 temporary array holding the pairwise atomic distances
2293!> \param position_vecs temporary array holding the pbc corrected atomic position vectors
2294!> \param pair_dist_vecs temporary array holding the pairwise displament vectors
2295!> \param coefficients array that determines how atoms should be summed to form the constraint
2296!> \param catom temporary array to map the global index of constraint atoms to their position
2297!>              in a list that holds only constraint atoms
2298!> \par History
2299!>       03.2016  created [Nico Holmberg]
2300! **************************************************************************************************
2301   SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint_init(force_env, mixed_cdft, calculate_forces, &
2302                                          is_constraint, in_memory, store_vectors, &
2303                                          R12, position_vecs, pair_dist_vecs, coefficients, &
2304                                          catom)
2305      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
2306      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
2307      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: calculate_forces
2308      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(OUT)    :: is_constraint
2309      LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT)                               :: in_memory
2310      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: store_vectors
2311      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :), &
2312         INTENT(out)                                     :: R12, position_vecs
2313      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :), &
2314         INTENT(out)                                     :: pair_dist_vecs
2315      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), &
2316         INTENT(OUT)                                     :: coefficients
2317      INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(out)    :: catom
2319      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_becke_constraint_init', &
2320         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
2322      CHARACTER(len=2)                                   :: element_symbol
2323      INTEGER :: atom_a, bounds(2), handle, i, iatom, iex, iforce_eval, ikind, iounit, ithread, j, &
2324         jatom, katom, my_work, my_work_size, natom, nforce_eval, nkind, np(3), npme, nthread, &
2325         numexp, offset_dlb, unit_nr
2326      INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3)                           :: bo, bo_conf
2327      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: atom_list, cores, stride
2328      LOGICAL                                            :: build, mpi_io
2329      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: alpha, chi, coef, ircov, jrcov, ra(3), &
2330                                                            radius, uij
2331      REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3)                        :: cell_v, dist_vec, dr, r, r1, shift
2332      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: radii_list
2333      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER            :: pab
2334      TYPE(atomic_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER      :: atomic_kind_set
2335      TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
2336      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
2337      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
2338      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: subsys_mix
2339      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env_qs
2340      TYPE(hirshfeld_type), POINTER                      :: cavity_env
2341      TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER                  :: particles
2342      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
2343      TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER                        :: auxbas_pw_pool
2344      TYPE(qs_kind_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER          :: qs_kind_set
2345      TYPE(realspace_grid_type), POINTER                 :: rs_cavity
2346      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, print_section
2348      NULLIFY (pab, cell, force_env_qs, particle_set, force_env_section, print_section, &
2349               qs_kind_set, particles, subsys_mix, rs_cavity, cavity_env, auxbas_pw_pool, &
2350               atomic_kind_set, radii_list, cdft_control)
2351      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
2352      nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
2353      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
2354      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, force_env_section=force_env_section)
2355      IF (.NOT. force_env%mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft) THEN
2356         CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
2357                            subsys=subsys_mix, &
2358                            cell=cell)
2359         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
2360                            particles=particles, &
2361                            particle_set=particle_set)
2362      ELSE
2363         DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
2364            IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env)) CYCLE
2365            force_env_qs => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
2366         END DO
2367         CALL get_qs_env(force_env_qs%qmmm_env%qs_env, &
2368                         cp_subsys=subsys_mix, &
2369                         cell=cell)
2370         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
2371                            particles=particles, &
2372                            particle_set=particle_set)
2373      END IF
2374      natom = SIZE(particles%els)
2375      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
2376      cdft_control => mixed_cdft%cdft_control
2377      CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(cdft_control))
2378      IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs)) THEN
2379         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys_mix, atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set)
2380         ALLOCATE (cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs(natom))
2381         SELECT CASE (cdft_control%becke_control%cutoff_type)
2382         CASE (becke_cutoff_global)
2383            cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs(:) = cdft_control%becke_control%rglobal
2384         CASE (becke_cutoff_element)
2385            IF (.NOT. SIZE(atomic_kind_set) == SIZE(cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs_tmp)) &
2386               CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
2387                             "Size of keyword BECKE_CONSTRAINT\ELEMENT_CUTOFFS does"// &
2388                             "not match number of atomic kinds in the input coordinate file.")
2389            DO ikind = 1, SIZE(atomic_kind_set)
2390               CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), natom=katom, atom_list=atom_list)
2391               DO iatom = 1, katom
2392                  atom_a = atom_list(iatom)
2393                  cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs(atom_a) = cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs_tmp(ikind)
2394               END DO
2395            END DO
2396            DEALLOCATE (cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs_tmp)
2397         END SELECT
2398      END IF
2399      build = .FALSE.
2400      IF (cdft_control%becke_control%adjust .AND. &
2401          .NOT. ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%becke_control%aij)) THEN
2402         ALLOCATE (cdft_control%becke_control%aij(natom, natom))
2403         build = .TRUE.
2404      END IF
2405      ALLOCATE (catom(cdft_control%natoms))
2406      IF (cdft_control%save_pot .OR. &
2407          cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine .OR. &
2408          cdft_control%becke_control%should_skip .OR. &
2409          mixed_cdft%first_iteration) THEN
2410         ALLOCATE (is_constraint(natom))
2411         is_constraint = .FALSE.
2412      END IF
2413      in_memory = calculate_forces .AND. cdft_control%becke_control%in_memory
2414      IF (in_memory .NEQV. calculate_forces) &
2415         CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
2416                       "The flag BECKE_CONSTRAINT\IN_MEMORY must be activated "// &
2417                       "for the calculation of mixed CDFT forces")
2418      IF (in_memory .OR. mixed_cdft%first_iteration) ALLOCATE (coefficients(natom))
2419      DO i = 1, cdft_control%natoms
2420         catom(i) = cdft_control%atoms(i)
2421         IF (cdft_control%save_pot .OR. &
2422             cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine .OR. &
2423             cdft_control%becke_control%should_skip .OR. &
2424             mixed_cdft%first_iteration) &
2425            is_constraint(catom(i)) = .TRUE.
2426         IF (in_memory .OR. mixed_cdft%first_iteration) &
2427            coefficients(catom(i)) = cdft_control%group(1)%coeff(i)
2428      ENDDO
2429      CALL pw_env_get(pw_env=mixed_cdft%pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool)
2430      bo = auxbas_pw_pool%pw_grid%bounds_local
2431      np = auxbas_pw_pool%pw_grid%npts
2432      dr = auxbas_pw_pool%pw_grid%dr
2433      shift = -REAL(MODULO(np, 2), dp)*dr/2.0_dp
2434      IF (store_vectors) THEN
2435         IF (in_memory) ALLOCATE (pair_dist_vecs(3, natom, natom))
2436         ALLOCATE (position_vecs(3, natom))
2437      END IF
2438      DO i = 1, 3
2439         cell_v(i) = cell%hmat(i, i)
2440      END DO
2441      ALLOCATE (R12(natom, natom))
2442      DO iatom = 1, natom - 1
2443         DO jatom = iatom + 1, natom
2444            r = particle_set(iatom)%r
2445            r1 = particle_set(jatom)%r
2446            DO i = 1, 3
2447               r(i) = MODULO(r(i), cell%hmat(i, i)) - cell%hmat(i, i)/2._dp
2448               r1(i) = MODULO(r1(i), cell%hmat(i, i)) - cell%hmat(i, i)/2._dp
2449            END DO
2450            dist_vec = (r - r1) - ANINT((r - r1)/cell_v)*cell_v
2451            IF (store_vectors) THEN
2452               position_vecs(:, iatom) = r(:)
2453               IF (iatom == 1 .AND. jatom == natom) position_vecs(:, jatom) = r1(:)
2454               IF (in_memory) THEN
2455                  pair_dist_vecs(:, iatom, jatom) = dist_vec(:)
2456                  pair_dist_vecs(:, jatom, iatom) = -dist_vec(:)
2457               END IF
2458            END IF
2459            R12(iatom, jatom) = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(dist_vec, dist_vec))
2460            R12(jatom, iatom) = R12(iatom, jatom)
2461            IF (build) THEN
2462               CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iatom)%atomic_kind, &
2463                                    kind_number=ikind)
2464               ircov = cdft_control%becke_control%radii(ikind)
2465               CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(jatom)%atomic_kind, &
2466                                    kind_number=ikind)
2467               jrcov = cdft_control%becke_control%radii(ikind)
2468               IF (ircov .NE. jrcov) THEN
2469                  chi = ircov/jrcov
2470                  uij = (chi - 1.0_dp)/(chi + 1.0_dp)
2471                  cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom) = uij/(uij**2 - 1.0_dp)
2472                  IF (cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom) &
2473                      .GT. 0.5_dp) THEN
2474                     cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom) = 0.5_dp
2475                  ELSE IF (cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom) &
2476                           .LT. -0.5_dp) THEN
2477                     cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom) = -0.5_dp
2478                  END IF
2479               ELSE
2480                  cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom) = 0.0_dp
2481               END IF
2482               cdft_control%becke_control%aij(jatom, iatom) = &
2483                  -cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom)
2484            END IF
2485         END DO
2486      END DO
2487      ! Dump some additional information about the calculation
2488      IF (mixed_cdft%first_iteration) THEN
2489         print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
2490         iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.mixedLog')
2491         IF (iounit > 0) THEN
2492            WRITE (iounit, '(/,T3,A,T66)') &
2493               '-------------------------- Becke atomic parameters ---------------------------'
2494            IF (cdft_control%becke_control%adjust) THEN
2495               WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A,A)') &
2496                  'Atom   Element  Coefficient', '     Cutoff (angstrom)       CDFT Radius (angstrom)'
2497               DO iatom = 1, natom
2498                  CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iatom)%atomic_kind, &
2499                                       element_symbol=element_symbol, &
2500                                       kind_number=ikind)
2501                  ircov = cp_unit_from_cp2k(cdft_control%becke_control%radii(ikind), "angstrom")
2502                  IF (is_constraint(iatom)) THEN
2503                     coef = coefficients(iatom)
2504                  ELSE
2505                     coef = 0.0_dp
2506                  END IF
2507                  WRITE (iounit, "(i6,T14,A2,T22,F8.3,T44,F8.3,T73,F8.3)") &
2508                     iatom, ADJUSTR(element_symbol), coef, &
2509                     cp_unit_from_cp2k(cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs(iatom), "angstrom"), &
2510                     ircov
2511               END DO
2512            ELSE
2513               WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A,A)') &
2514                  'Atom   Element  Coefficient', '     Cutoff (angstrom)'
2515               DO iatom = 1, natom
2516                  CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind=particle_set(iatom)%atomic_kind, &
2517                                       element_symbol=element_symbol)
2518                  IF (is_constraint(iatom)) THEN
2519                     coef = coefficients(iatom)
2520                  ELSE
2521                     coef = 0.0_dp
2522                  END IF
2523                  WRITE (iounit, "(i6,T14,A2,T22,F8.3,T44,F8.3)") &
2524                     iatom, ADJUSTR(element_symbol), coef, &
2525                     cp_unit_from_cp2k(cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs(iatom), "angstrom")
2526               END DO
2527            END IF
2528            WRITE (iounit, '(T3,A)') &
2529               '------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
2530         END IF
2531         CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, force_env_section, &
2532                                           "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
2533         mixed_cdft%first_iteration = .FALSE.
2534      END IF
2536      IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
2537         CPASSERT(ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%qs_kind_set))
2538         cavity_env => cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_env
2539         qs_kind_set => mixed_cdft%qs_kind_set
2540         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys_mix, atomic_kind_set=atomic_kind_set)
2541         nkind = SIZE(qs_kind_set)
2542         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(cavity_env%kind_shape_fn)) THEN
2543            IF (ASSOCIATED(cdft_control%becke_control%radii)) THEN
2544               ALLOCATE (radii_list(SIZE(cdft_control%becke_control%radii)))
2545               DO ikind = 1, SIZE(cdft_control%becke_control%radii)
2546                  IF (cavity_env%use_bohr) THEN
2547                     radii_list(ikind) = cdft_control%becke_control%radii(ikind)
2548                  ELSE
2549                     radii_list(ikind) = cp_unit_from_cp2k(cdft_control%becke_control%radii(ikind), "angstrom")
2550                  END IF
2551               END DO
2552            END IF
2553            CALL create_shape_function(cavity_env, qs_kind_set, atomic_kind_set, &
2554                                       radius=cdft_control%becke_control%rcavity, &
2555                                       radii_list=radii_list)
2556            IF (ASSOCIATED(radii_list)) &
2557               DEALLOCATE (radii_list)
2558         END IF
2559         NULLIFY (rs_cavity)
2560         CALL pw_env_get(pw_env=mixed_cdft%pw_env, auxbas_rs_grid=rs_cavity, &
2561                         auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool)
2562         ! be careful in parallel nsmax is chosen with multigrid in mind!
2563         CALL rs_grid_retain(rs_cavity)
2564         CALL rs_grid_zero(rs_cavity)
2565         ALLOCATE (pab(1, 1))
2566         nthread = 1
2567         ithread = 0
2568         DO ikind = 1, SIZE(atomic_kind_set)
2569            numexp = cavity_env%kind_shape_fn(ikind)%numexp
2570            IF (numexp <= 0) CYCLE
2571            CALL get_atomic_kind(atomic_kind_set(ikind), natom=katom, atom_list=atom_list)
2572            ALLOCATE (cores(katom))
2573            DO iex = 1, numexp
2574               alpha = cavity_env%kind_shape_fn(ikind)%zet(iex)
2575               coef = cavity_env%kind_shape_fn(ikind)%coef(iex)
2576               npme = 0
2577               cores = 0
2578               DO iatom = 1, katom
2579                  IF (rs_cavity%desc%parallel .AND. .NOT. rs_cavity%desc%distributed) THEN
2580                     ! replicated realspace grid, split the atoms up between procs
2581                     IF (MODULO(iatom, rs_cavity%desc%group_size) == rs_cavity%desc%my_pos) THEN
2582                        npme = npme + 1
2583                        cores(npme) = iatom
2584                     ENDIF
2585                  ELSE
2586                     npme = npme + 1
2587                     cores(npme) = iatom
2588                  ENDIF
2589               END DO
2590               DO j = 1, npme
2591                  iatom = cores(j)
2592                  atom_a = atom_list(iatom)
2593                  pab(1, 1) = coef
2594                  IF (store_vectors) THEN
2595                     ra(:) = position_vecs(:, atom_a) + cell_v(:)/2._dp
2596                  ELSE
2597                     ra(:) = pbc(particle_set(atom_a)%r, cell)
2598                  END IF
2599                  IF (is_constraint(atom_a)) THEN
2600                     radius = exp_radius_very_extended(la_min=0, la_max=0, lb_min=0, lb_max=0, &
2601                                                       ra=ra, rb=ra, rp=ra, &
2602                                                       zetp=alpha, eps=mixed_cdft%eps_rho_rspace, &
2603                                                       pab=pab, o1=0, o2=0, &  ! without map_consistent
2604                                                       prefactor=1.0_dp, cutoff=0.0_dp)
2606                     CALL collocate_pgf_product(0, alpha, 0, 0, 0.0_dp, 0, ra, &
2607                                                (/0.0_dp, 0.0_dp, 0.0_dp/), 1.0_dp, pab, 0, 0, &
2608                                                rs_cavity, cell, mixed_cdft%pw_env%cube_info(1), &
2609                                                radius=radius, ga_gb_function=GRID_FUNC_AB, &
2610                                                use_subpatch=.TRUE., &
2611                                                subpatch_pattern=0_int_8)
2612                  ENDIF
2613               END DO
2614            END DO
2615            DEALLOCATE (cores)
2616         END DO
2617         DEALLOCATE (pab)
2618         CALL pw_pool_create_pw(auxbas_pw_pool, cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw, &
2619                                use_data=REALDATA3D, in_space=REALSPACE)
2620         CALL rs_pw_transfer(rs_cavity, cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw, rs2pw)
2621         CALL rs_grid_release(rs_cavity)
2622         CALL hfun_zero(cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d, &
2623                        cdft_control%becke_control%eps_cavity, &
2624                        just_zero=.FALSE., bounds=bounds, work=my_work)
2625         IF (bounds(2) .LT. bo(2, 3)) THEN
2626            bounds(2) = bounds(2) - 1
2627         ELSE
2628            bounds(2) = bo(2, 3)
2629         END IF
2630         IF (bounds(1) .GT. bo(1, 3)) THEN
2631            ! In the special case bounds(1) == bounds(2) == bo(2, 3), after this check
2632            ! bounds(1) > bounds(2) and the subsequent gradient allocation (:, :, :, bounds(1):bounds(2))
2633            ! will correctly allocate a 0-sized array
2634            bounds(1) = bounds(1) + 1
2635         ELSE
2636            bounds(1) = bo(1, 3)
2637         END IF
2638         IF (bounds(1) > bounds(2)) THEN
2639            my_work_size = 0
2640         ELSE
2641            my_work_size = (bounds(2) - bounds(1) + 1)
2642            IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil .OR. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2643               my_work_size = my_work_size*(bo(2, 2) - bo(1, 2) + 1)
2644            ELSE
2645               my_work_size = my_work_size*(bo(2, 1) - bo(1, 1) + 1)
2646            END IF
2647         END IF
2648         cdft_control%becke_control%confine_bounds = bounds
2649         IF (cdft_control%becke_control%print_cavity) THEN
2650            CALL hfun_zero(cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d, &
2651                           cdft_control%becke_control%eps_cavity, just_zero=.TRUE.)
2652            NULLIFY (stride)
2653            ALLOCATE (stride(3))
2654            stride = (/2, 2, 2/)
2655            mpi_io = .TRUE.
2656            unit_nr = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, "", &
2657                                           middle_name="BECKE_CAVITY", &
2658                                           extension=".cube", file_position="REWIND", &
2659                                           log_filename=.FALSE., mpi_io=mpi_io)
2660            IF (force_env%para_env%ionode .AND. unit_nr .LT. 1) &
2661               CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
2662                             "Please turn on PROGRAM_RUN_INFO to print cavity")
2663            CALL cp_pw_to_cube(cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw, &
2664                               unit_nr, "CAVITY", particles=particles, &
2665                               stride=stride, mpi_io=mpi_io)
2666            CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(unit_nr, logger, print_section, '', mpi_io=mpi_io)
2667            DEALLOCATE (stride)
2668         END IF
2669      END IF
2670      bo_conf = bo
2671      IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) &
2672         bo_conf(:, 3) = cdft_control%becke_control%confine_bounds
2673      ! Load balance
2674      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) &
2675         CALL mixed_becke_constraint_dlb(force_env, mixed_cdft, my_work, &
2676                                         my_work_size, natom, bo, bo_conf)
2677      ! The bounds have been finalized => time to allocate storage for working matrices
2678      offset_dlb = 0
2679      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
2680         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work .AND. .NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) &
2681            offset_dlb = SUM(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, :))
2682      END IF
2683      IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
2684         ! Get rid of the zero part of the confinement cavity (cr3d -> real(:,:,:))
2685         IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2686            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)))
2687            DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
2688               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff(i)%cavity(mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, i):mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, i), &
2689                                                       bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2690               mixed_cdft%sendbuff(i)%cavity = cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d(mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, i): &
2691                                                                                         mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, i), &
2692                                                                                         bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), &
2693                                                                                         bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3))
2694            END DO
2695         ELSE IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
2696            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%cavity(bo(1, 1) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 1), bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2697            mixed_cdft%cavity = cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d(bo(1, 1) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 1), &
2698                                                                          bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), &
2699                                                                          bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3))
2700         ELSE
2701            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%cavity(bo(1, 1):bo(2, 1), bo(1, 2) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2702            mixed_cdft%cavity = cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d(bo(1, 1):bo(2, 1), &
2703                                                                          bo(1, 2) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 2), &
2704                                                                          bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3))
2705         END IF
2706         CALL pw_pool_give_back_pw(auxbas_pw_pool, cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw)
2707      END IF
2708      IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2709         DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
2710            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff(i)%weight(mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, i):mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, i), &
2711                                                    bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2712            mixed_cdft%sendbuff(i)%weight = 0.0_dp
2713         END DO
2714      ELSE IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
2715         ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%weight(bo(1, 1) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 1), bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2716         mixed_cdft%weight = 0.0_dp
2717      ELSE
2718         ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%weight(bo(1, 1):bo(2, 1), bo(1, 2) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2719         mixed_cdft%weight = 0.0_dp
2720      END IF
2721      IF (in_memory) THEN
2722         IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2723            DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
2724               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%sendbuff(i)%gradients(3*natom, mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, i): &
2725                                                          mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, i), &
2726                                                          bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), &
2727                                                          bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2728               mixed_cdft%sendbuff(i)%gradients = 0.0_dp
2729            END DO
2730         ELSE IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
2731            ALLOCATE (cdft_control%group(1)%gradients(3*natom, bo(1, 1) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 1), &
2732                                                      bo(1, 2):bo(2, 2), &
2733                                                      bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2734            cdft_control%group(1)%gradients = 0.0_dp
2735         ELSE
2736            ALLOCATE (cdft_control%group(1)%gradients(3*natom, bo(1, 1):bo(2, 1), &
2737                                                      bo(1, 2) + offset_dlb:bo(2, 2), &
2738                                                      bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
2739            cdft_control%group(1)%gradients = 0.0_dp
2740         END IF
2741      END IF
2743      CALL timestop(handle)
2745   END SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint_init
2747! **************************************************************************************************
2748!> \brief Setup load balancing for mixed Becke calculation
2749!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
2750!> \param mixed_cdft container for structures needed to build the mixed CDFT constraint
2751!> \param my_work an estimate of the work per processor
2752!> \param my_work_size size of the smallest array slice per processor. overloaded processors will
2753!>                     redistribute works as integer multiples of this value.
2754!> \param natom the total number of atoms
2755!> \param bo bounds of the realspace grid that holds the electron density
2756!> \param bo_conf same as bo, but bounds along z-direction have been compacted with confinement
2757!> \par History
2758!>       03.2016  created [Nico Holmberg]
2759! **************************************************************************************************
2760   SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint_dlb(force_env, mixed_cdft, my_work, &
2761                                         my_work_size, natom, bo, bo_conf)
2762      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
2763      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
2764      INTEGER, INTENT(IN)                                :: my_work, my_work_size, natom
2765      INTEGER, DIMENSION(2, 3)                           :: bo, bo_conf
2767      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_becke_constraint_dlb', &
2768         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
2769      INTEGER, PARAMETER                                 :: should_deallocate = 7000, &
2770                                                            uninitialized = -7000
2772      INTEGER :: actually_sent, exhausted_work, handle, i, ind, iounit, ispecial, j, max_targets, &
2773         more_work, my_pos, my_special_work, my_target, no_overloaded, no_underloaded, nsend, &
2774         nsend_limit, nsend_max, offset, offset_proc, offset_special, req(4), send_total, tags(2)
2775      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER :: buffsize, cumulative_work, expected_work, load_imbalance, &
2776         nrecv, nsend_proc, req_recv, req_total, sendbuffer, should_warn, tmp, work_index, &
2777         work_size
2778      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: targets, tmp_bo
2779      LOGICAL                                            :: consistent
2780      LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: mask_recv, mask_send, touched
2781      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: average_work, load_scale, &
2782                                                            very_overloaded, work_factor
2783      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER         :: cavity
2784      TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
2785      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
2786      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, print_section
2788      TYPE buffers
2789         LOGICAL, POINTER, DIMENSION(:)        :: bv
2790         INTEGER, POINTER, DIMENSION(:)        :: iv
2791      END TYPE buffers
2792      TYPE(buffers), POINTER, DIMENSION(:)     :: recvbuffer, sbuff
2793      CHARACTER(len=2)                         :: dummy
2795      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
2796      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
2797      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work = .FALSE.
2798      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work = .FALSE.
2799      NULLIFY (expected_work, work_index, load_imbalance, work_size, &
2800               cumulative_work, sendbuffer, buffsize, req_recv, req_total, &
2801               tmp, nrecv, nsend_proc, targets, tmp_bo, touched, &
2802               mask_recv, mask_send, cavity, recvbuffer, sbuff, force_env_section, &
2803               print_section, cdft_control)
2804      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, force_env_section=force_env_section)
2805      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
2806      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.mixedLog')
2807      cdft_control => mixed_cdft%cdft_control
2808      ! These numerical values control data redistribution and are system sensitive
2809      ! Currently they are not refined during run time which may cause crashes
2810      ! However, using too many processors or a confinement cavity that is too large relative to the
2811      ! total system volume are more likely culprits.
2812      load_scale = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%load_scale
2813      very_overloaded = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%very_overloaded
2814      more_work = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%more_work
2815      max_targets = 40
2816      work_factor = 0.8_dp
2817      ! Reset targets/sources
2818      IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2819         DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dest_list, mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo, &
2820                     mixed_cdft%source_list, mixed_cdft%source_list_bo)
2821         ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dest_list(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list_save)), &
2822                   mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_bo_save, 1), SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_bo_save, 2)), &
2823                   mixed_cdft%source_list(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list_save)), &
2824                   mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_bo_save, 1), SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_bo_save, 2)))
2825         mixed_cdft%dest_list = mixed_cdft%dest_list_save
2826         mixed_cdft%source_list = mixed_cdft%source_list_save
2827         mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo = mixed_cdft%dest_bo_save
2828         mixed_cdft%source_list_bo = mixed_cdft%source_bo_save
2829      END IF
2830      ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%expected_work(force_env%para_env%num_pe), &
2831                expected_work(force_env%para_env%num_pe), &
2832                work_size(force_env%para_env%num_pe))
2833      IF (debug_this_module) THEN
2834         ALLOCATE (should_warn(force_env%para_env%num_pe))
2835         should_warn = 0
2836      END IF
2837      expected_work = 0
2838      expected_work(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = my_work
2839      work_size = 0
2840      work_size(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = my_work_size
2841      IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%prediction_error)) THEN
2842         IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil .OR. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2843            work_size(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = work_size(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) - &
2844                                                      NINT(REAL(mixed_cdft%dlb_control% &
2845                                                                prediction_error(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1), dp)/ &
2846                                                           REAL(bo(2, 1) - bo(1, 1) + 1, dp))
2847         ELSE
2848            work_size(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = work_size(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) - &
2849                                                      NINT(REAL(mixed_cdft%dlb_control% &
2850                                                                prediction_error(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1), dp)/ &
2851                                                           REAL(bo(2, 2) - bo(1, 2) + 1, dp))
2852         END IF
2853      END IF
2854      CALL mp_sum(expected_work, force_env%para_env%group)
2855      CALL mp_sum(work_size, force_env%para_env%group)
2856      ! We store the unsorted expected work to refine the estimate on subsequent calls to this routine
2857      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%expected_work = expected_work
2858      ! Take into account the prediction error of the last step
2859      IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%prediction_error)) &
2860         expected_work = expected_work - mixed_cdft%dlb_control%prediction_error
2861      !
2862      average_work = REAL(SUM(expected_work), dp)/REAL(force_env%para_env%num_pe, dp)
2863      ALLOCATE (work_index(force_env%para_env%num_pe), &
2864                load_imbalance(force_env%para_env%num_pe), &
2865                targets(2, force_env%para_env%num_pe))
2866      load_imbalance = expected_work - NINT(average_work)
2867      no_overloaded = 0
2868      no_underloaded = 0
2869      targets = 0
2870      ! Convert the load imbalance to a multiple of the actual work size
2871      DO i = 1, force_env%para_env%num_pe
2872         IF (load_imbalance(i) .GT. 0) THEN
2873            no_overloaded = no_overloaded + 1
2874            ! Allow heavily overloaded processors to dump more data since most likely they have a lot of 'real' work
2875            IF (expected_work(i) .GT. NINT(very_overloaded*average_work)) THEN
2876               load_imbalance(i) = (CEILING(REAL(load_imbalance(i), dp)/REAL(work_size(i), dp)) + more_work)*work_size(i)
2877            ELSE
2878               load_imbalance(i) = CEILING(REAL(load_imbalance(i), dp)/REAL(work_size(i), dp))*work_size(i)
2879            END IF
2880         ELSE
2881            ! Allow the underloaded processors to take load_scale amount of additional work
2882            ! otherwise we may be unable to exhaust all overloaded processors
2883            load_imbalance(i) = NINT(load_imbalance(i)*load_scale)
2884            no_underloaded = no_underloaded + 1
2885         END IF
2886      END DO
2887      CALL sort(expected_work, force_env%para_env%num_pe, indices=work_index)
2888      ! Redistribute work in order from the most overloaded processors to the most underloaded processors
2889      ! Each underloaded processor is limited to one overloaded processor
2890      IF (load_imbalance(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) > 0) THEN
2891         offset = 0
2892         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work = .TRUE.
2893         ! Build up the total amount of work that needs redistribution
2894         ALLOCATE (cumulative_work(force_env%para_env%num_pe))
2895         cumulative_work = 0
2896         DO i = force_env%para_env%num_pe, force_env%para_env%num_pe - no_overloaded + 1, -1
2897            IF (work_index(i) == force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) THEN
2898               EXIT
2899            ELSE
2900               offset = offset + load_imbalance(work_index(i))
2901               IF (i == force_env%para_env%num_pe) THEN
2902                  cumulative_work(i) = load_imbalance(work_index(i))
2903               ELSE
2904                  cumulative_work(i) = cumulative_work(i + 1) + load_imbalance(work_index(i))
2905               END IF
2906            END IF
2907         END DO
2908         my_pos = i
2909         j = force_env%para_env%num_pe
2910         nsend_max = load_imbalance(work_index(j))/work_size(work_index(j))
2911         exhausted_work = 0
2912         ! Determine send offset by going through all processors that are more overloaded than my_pos
2913         DO i = 1, no_underloaded
2914            IF (my_pos == force_env%para_env%num_pe) EXIT
2915            nsend = -load_imbalance(work_index(i))/work_size(work_index(j))
2916            IF (nsend .LT. 1) nsend = 1
2917            nsend_max = nsend_max - nsend
2918            IF (nsend_max .LT. 0) nsend = nsend + nsend_max
2919            exhausted_work = exhausted_work + nsend*work_size(work_index(j))
2920            offset = offset - nsend*work_size(work_index(j))
2921            IF (offset .LT. 0) EXIT
2922            IF (exhausted_work .EQ. cumulative_work(j)) THEN
2923               j = j - 1
2924               nsend_max = load_imbalance(work_index(j))/work_size(work_index(j))
2925            END IF
2926         END DO
2927         ! Underloaded processors were fully exhausted: rewind index
2928         ! Load balancing will fail if this happens on multiple processors
2929         IF (i .GT. no_underloaded) THEN
2930            i = no_underloaded
2931         END IF
2932         my_target = i
2933         DEALLOCATE (cumulative_work)
2934         ! Determine how much and who to send slices of my grid points
2935         nsend_max = load_imbalance(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1)/work_size(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1)
2936         ! This the actual number of available array slices
2937         IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil .OR. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2938            nsend_limit = bo(2, 1) - bo(1, 1) + 1
2939         ELSE
2940            nsend_limit = bo(2, 2) - bo(1, 2) + 1
2941         END IF
2942         IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2943            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3, max_targets))
2944         ELSE
2945            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3 + 2*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list), max_targets))
2946            ALLOCATE (touched(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)))
2947            touched = .FALSE.
2948         END IF
2949         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list = uninitialized
2950         i = 1
2951         ispecial = 1
2952         offset_special = 0
2953         targets(1, my_pos) = my_target
2954         send_total = 0
2955         ! Main loop. Note, we actually allow my_pos to offload more slices than nsend_max
2956         DO
2957            nsend = -load_imbalance(work_index(my_target))/work_size(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1)
2958            IF (nsend .LT. 1) nsend = 1 ! send at least one block
2959            ! Prevent over redistribution: leave at least (1-work_factor)*nsend_limit slices to my_pos
2960            IF (nsend .GT. NINT(work_factor*nsend_limit - send_total)) THEN
2961               nsend = NINT(work_factor*nsend_limit - send_total)
2962               IF (debug_this_module) &
2963                  should_warn(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = 1
2964            END IF
2965            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(1, i) = work_index(my_target) - 1 ! This is the actual processor rank
2966            IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
2967               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) = 0
2968               actually_sent = nsend
2969               DO j = ispecial, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
2970                  mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) + 1
2971                  touched(j) = .TRUE.
2972                  IF (nsend .LT. mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, j) - mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, j) + 1) THEN
2973                     mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3 + 2*j - 1, i) = mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, j)
2974                     mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3 + 2*j, i) = mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, j) + nsend - 1
2975                     mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, j) = mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, j) + nsend
2976                     nsend = 0
2977                     EXIT
2978                  ELSE
2979                     mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3 + 2*j - 1, i) = mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, j)
2980                     mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3 + 2*j, i) = mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, j)
2981                     nsend = nsend - (mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, j) - mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, j) + 1)
2982                     mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1:2, j) = should_deallocate
2983                  END IF
2984                  IF (nsend .LE. 0) EXIT
2985               END DO
2986               IF (mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1, ispecial) .EQ. should_deallocate) ispecial = j + 1
2987               actually_sent = actually_sent - nsend
2988               nsend_max = nsend_max - actually_sent
2989               send_total = send_total + actually_sent
2990            ELSE
2991               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) = nsend
2992               nsend_max = nsend_max - nsend
2993               send_total = send_total + nsend
2994            END IF
2995            IF (nsend_max .LT. 0) nsend_max = 0
2996            IF (nsend_max .EQ. 0) EXIT
2997            IF (my_target /= no_underloaded) THEN
2998               my_target = my_target + 1
2999            ELSE
3000               ! If multiple processors execute this block load balancing will fail
3001               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) + nsend_max
3002               nsend_max = 0
3003               EXIT
3004            END IF
3005            i = i + 1
3006            IF (i .GT. max_targets) &
3007               CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
3008                             "Load balancing error: increase max_targets")
3009         END DO
3010         IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3011            CALL reallocate(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 1, 3, 1, i)
3012         ELSE
3013            CALL reallocate(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 1, 3 + 2*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list), 1, i)
3014         END IF
3015         targets(2, my_pos) = my_target
3016         ! Equalize the load on the target processors
3017         IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3018            IF (send_total .GT. NINT(work_factor*nsend_limit)) send_total = NINT(work_factor*nsend_limit) - 1
3019            nsend = NINT(REAL(send_total, dp)/REAL(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 2), dp))
3020            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, :) = nsend
3021         END IF
3022      ELSE
3023         DO i = 1, no_underloaded
3024            IF (work_index(i) == force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) EXIT
3025         END DO
3026         my_pos = i
3027      END IF
3028      CALL mp_sum(targets, force_env%para_env%group)
3029      IF (debug_this_module) THEN
3030         CALL mp_sum(should_warn, force_env%para_env%group)
3031         IF (ANY(should_warn == 1)) &
3032            CALL cp_warn(__LOCATION__, &
3033                         "MIXED_CDFT DLB: Attempted to redistribute more array"// &
3034                         " slices than actually available. Leaving a fraction of the total "// &
3035                         " slices on the overloaded processor. Perhaps you have set LOAD_SCALE too high?")
3036         DEALLOCATE (should_warn)
3037      END IF
3038      ! check that there is one-to-one mapping between over- and underloaded processors
3039      IF (force_env%para_env%ionode) THEN
3040         consistent = .TRUE.
3041         DO i = force_env%para_env%num_pe - 1, force_env%para_env%num_pe - no_overloaded + 1, -1
3042            IF (targets(1, i) .GT. no_underloaded) consistent = .FALSE.
3043            IF (targets(1, i) .GT. targets(2, i + 1)) THEN
3044               CYCLE
3045            ELSE
3046               consistent = .FALSE.
3047            END IF
3048         END DO
3049         IF (.NOT. consistent) THEN
3050            IF (debug_this_module .AND. iounit > 0) THEN
3051               DO i = force_env%para_env%num_pe - 1, force_env%para_env%num_pe - no_overloaded + 1, -1
3052                  WRITE (iounit, '(A,I8,I8,I8,I8,I8)') &
3053                     'load balancing info', load_imbalance(i), work_index(i), &
3054                     work_size(i), targets(1, i), targets(2, i)
3055               END DO
3056            END IF
3057            CALL cp_abort(__LOCATION__, &
3058                          "Load balancing error: too much data to redistribute."// &
3059                          " Increase LOAD_SCALE or change the number of processors."// &
3060                          " If the confinement cavity occupies a large volume relative"// &
3061                          " to the total system volume, it might be worth disabling DLB.")
3062         END IF
3063      END IF
3064      ! Tell the target processors which grid points they should compute
3065      IF (my_pos .LE. no_underloaded) THEN
3066         DO i = force_env%para_env%num_pe, force_env%para_env%num_pe - no_overloaded + 1, -1
3067            IF (targets(1, i) .LE. my_pos .AND. targets(2, i) .GE. my_pos) THEN
3068               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work = .TRUE.
3069               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source = work_index(i) - 1
3070               EXIT
3071            END IF
3072         END DO
3073         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work) THEN
3074            IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3075               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12))
3076               CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo, source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source, &
3077                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3078               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3079               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_dest_repl = (/mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(11), mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12)/)
3080               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%dest_tags_repl = (/mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(9), mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(10)/)
3081               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(1):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(2), &
3082                                                       mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(3):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(4), &
3083                                                       mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(7):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(8)))
3084               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(1):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(2), &
3085                                                       mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(3):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(4), &
3086                                                       mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(7):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(8)))
3087               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients(3*natom, &
3088                                                          mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(1):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(2), &
3089                                                          mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(3):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(4), &
3090                                                          mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(7):mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(8)))
3091               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients = 0.0_dp
3092               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight = 0.0_dp
3093               CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity, source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source, &
3094                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3095               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3096               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo)
3097            ELSE
3098               ALLOCATE (buffsize(1))
3099               CALL mp_irecv(msgout=buffsize, source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source, &
3100                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3101               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3102               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*buffsize(1)))
3103               CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo, source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source, &
3104                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3105               ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(buffsize(1)))
3106               ALLOCATE (req_recv(buffsize(1)))
3107               DEALLOCATE (buffsize)
3108               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3109               DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff)
3110                  ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%cavity(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 1): &
3111                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 2), &
3112                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 3): &
3113                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 4), &
3114                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 7): &
3115                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 8)))
3116                  CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%cavity, &
3117                                source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source, &
3118                                request=req_recv(j), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3119                  ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%weight(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 1): &
3120                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 2), &
3121                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 3): &
3122                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 4), &
3123                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 7): &
3124                                                                      mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 8)))
3125                  ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%gradients(3*natom, &
3126                                                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 1): &
3127                                                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 2), &
3128                                                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 3): &
3129                                                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 4), &
3130                                                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 7): &
3131                                                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 8)))
3132                  mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%weight = 0.0_dp
3133                  mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%gradients = 0.0_dp
3134                  mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%tag = (/mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 9), &
3135                                                             mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 10)/)
3136                  mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%rank = (/mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 11), &
3137                                                              mixed_cdft%dlb_control%bo(12*(j - 1) + 12)/)
3138               END DO
3139               CALL mp_waitall(req_recv)
3140               DEALLOCATE (req_recv)
3141            END IF
3142         END IF
3143      ELSE
3144         IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3145            offset = 0
3146            ALLOCATE (sendbuffer(12))
3147            send_total = 0
3148            DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 2)
3149               tags = (/(i - 1)*3 + 1 + force_env%para_env%mepos*6*max_targets, &
3150                        (i - 1)*3 + 1 + 3*max_targets + force_env%para_env%mepos*6*max_targets/) ! Unique communicator tags
3151               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3, i) = tags(1)
3152               IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
3153                  sendbuffer = (/bo_conf(1, 1) + offset, &
3154                                 bo_conf(1, 1) + offset + (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3155                                 bo_conf(1, 2), bo_conf(2, 2), bo(1, 3), bo(2, 3), bo_conf(1, 3), bo_conf(2, 3), &
3156                                 tags(1), tags(2), mixed_cdft%dest_list(1), mixed_cdft%dest_list(2)/)
3157               ELSE
3158                  sendbuffer = (/bo_conf(1, 1), bo_conf(2, 1), &
3159                                 bo_conf(1, 2) + offset, &
3160                                 bo_conf(1, 2) + offset + (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3161                                 bo(1, 3), bo(2, 3), bo_conf(1, 3), bo_conf(2, 3), tags(1), tags(2), &
3162                                 mixed_cdft%dest_list(1), mixed_cdft%dest_list(2)/)
3163               END IF
3164               send_total = send_total + mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) - 1
3165               CALL mp_isend(msgin=sendbuffer, dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(1, i), &
3166                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3167               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3168               IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
3169                  ALLOCATE (cavity(bo_conf(1, 1) + offset: &
3170                                   bo_conf(1, 1) + offset + (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3171                                   bo_conf(1, 2):bo_conf(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
3172                  cavity = cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d(bo_conf(1, 1) + offset: &
3173                                                                     bo_conf(1, 1) + offset + &
3174                                                                     (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3175                                                                     bo_conf(1, 2):bo_conf(2, 2), &
3176                                                                     bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3))
3177               ELSE
3178                  ALLOCATE (cavity(bo_conf(1, 1):bo_conf(2, 1), &
3179                                   bo_conf(1, 2) + offset: &
3180                                   bo_conf(1, 2) + offset + (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3181                                   bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
3182                  cavity = cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d(bo_conf(1, 1):bo_conf(2, 1), &
3183                                                                     bo_conf(1, 2) + offset: &
3184                                                                     bo_conf(1, 2) + offset + &
3185                                                                     (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3186                                                                     bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3))
3187               END IF
3188               CALL mp_isend(msgin=cavity, &
3189                             dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(1, i), &
3190                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3191               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3192               offset = offset + mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i)
3193               DEALLOCATE (cavity)
3194            END DO
3195            IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
3196               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(1) = bo_conf(1, 1)
3197               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(2) = bo_conf(1, 1) + offset - 1
3198            ELSE
3199               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(1) = bo_conf(1, 2)
3200               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(2) = bo_conf(1, 2) + offset - 1
3201            END IF
3202            DEALLOCATE (sendbuffer)
3203         ELSE
3204            ALLOCATE (buffsize(1))
3205            DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 2)
3206               buffsize = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(2, i)
3207               ! Unique communicator tags (dont actually need these, should be removed)
3208               tags = (/(i - 1)*3 + 1 + force_env%para_env%mepos*6*max_targets, &
3209                        (i - 1)*3 + 1 + 3*max_targets + force_env%para_env%mepos*6*max_targets/)
3210               DO j = 4, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 1)
3211                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(j, i) .GT. uninitialized) EXIT
3212               END DO
3213               offset_special = j
3214               offset_proc = j - 4 - (j - 4)/2
3215               CALL mp_isend(msgin=buffsize, &
3216                             dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(1, i), &
3217                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3218               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3219               ALLOCATE (sendbuffer(12*buffsize(1)))
3220               DO j = 1, buffsize(1)
3221                 sendbuffer(12*(j - 1) + 1:12*(j - 1) + 12) = (/mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(offset_special + 2*(j - 1), i), &
3222                                                                 mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(offset_special + 2*j - 1, i), &
3223                                                                 bo_conf(1, 2), bo_conf(2, 2), bo(1, 3), bo(2, 3), &
3224                                                                 bo_conf(1, 3), bo_conf(2, 3), tags(1), tags(2), &
3225                                                                 mixed_cdft%dest_list(j + offset_proc), &
3226                                                               mixed_cdft%dest_list(j + offset_proc) + force_env%para_env%num_pe/2/)
3227               END DO
3228               CALL mp_isend(msgin=sendbuffer, &
3229                             dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(1, i), &
3230                             request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3231               CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3232               DEALLOCATE (sendbuffer)
3233               DO j = 1, buffsize(1)
3234                  ALLOCATE (cavity(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(offset_special + 2*(j - 1), i): &
3235                                   mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(offset_special + 2*j - 1, i), &
3236                                   bo_conf(1, 2):bo_conf(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3)))
3237                  cavity = cdft_control%becke_control%cavity%pw%cr3d(LBOUND(cavity, 1):UBOUND(cavity, 1), &
3238                                                                     bo_conf(1, 2):bo_conf(2, 2), &
3239                                                                     bo_conf(1, 3):bo_conf(2, 3))
3240                  CALL mp_isend(msgin=cavity, &
3241                                dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(1, i), &
3242                                request=req(1), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3243                  CALL mp_wait(req(1))
3244                  DEALLOCATE (cavity)
3245               END DO
3246            END DO
3247            DEALLOCATE (buffsize)
3248         END IF
3249      END IF
3250      DEALLOCATE (expected_work, work_size, load_imbalance, work_index, targets)
3251      ! Once calculated, data defined on the distributed grid points is sent directly to the processors that own the
3252      ! grid points after the constraint is copied onto the two processor groups, instead of sending the data back to
3253      ! the original owner
3254      IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3255         my_special_work = 2
3256         ALLOCATE (mask_send(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)), mask_recv(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
3257         ALLOCATE (nsend_proc(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)), nrecv(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
3258         nrecv = 0
3259         nsend_proc = 0
3260         mask_recv = .FALSE.
3261         mask_send = .FALSE.
3262      ELSE
3263         my_special_work = 1
3264      END IF
3265      ALLOCATE (recvbuffer(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)), sbuff(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)))
3266      ALLOCATE (req_total(my_special_work*SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list) + (my_special_work**2)*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)))
3267      ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
3268      DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
3269         NULLIFY (recvbuffer(i)%bv, recvbuffer(i)%iv)
3270         ALLOCATE (recvbuffer(i)%bv(1), recvbuffer(i)%iv(3))
3271         CALL mp_irecv(msgout=recvbuffer(i)%bv, &
3272                       source=mixed_cdft%source_list(i), &
3273                       request=req_total(i), tag=1, comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3274         IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) &
3275            CALL mp_irecv(msgout=recvbuffer(i)%iv, &
3276                          source=mixed_cdft%source_list(i), &
3277                          request=req_total(i + SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)), &
3278                          tag=2, comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3279      END DO
3280      DO i = 1, my_special_work
3281         DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
3282            IF (i == 1) THEN
3283               NULLIFY (sbuff(j)%iv, sbuff(j)%bv)
3284               ALLOCATE (sbuff(j)%bv(1))
3285               sbuff(j)%bv = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work
3286               IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3287                  ALLOCATE (sbuff(j)%iv(3))
3288                  sbuff(j)%iv(1:2) = mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1:2, j)
3289                  sbuff(j)%iv(3) = 0
3290                  IF (sbuff(j)%iv(1) .EQ. should_deallocate) mask_send(j) = .TRUE.
3291                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3292                     sbuff(j)%bv = touched(j)
3293                     IF (touched(j)) THEN
3294                        nsend = 0
3295                        DO ispecial = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 2)
3296                           IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(4 + 2*(j - 1), ispecial) .NE. uninitialized) &
3297                              nsend = nsend + 1
3298                        END DO
3299                        sbuff(j)%iv(3) = nsend
3300                        nsend_proc(j) = nsend
3301                     END IF
3302                  END IF
3303               END IF
3304            END IF
3305            ind = j + (i - 1)*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) + my_special_work*SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
3306            CALL mp_isend(msgin=sbuff(j)%bv, &
3307                          dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j) + (i - 1)*force_env%para_env%num_pe/2, &
3308                          request=req_total(ind), tag=1, &
3309                          comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3310            IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) &
3311               CALL mp_isend(msgin=sbuff(j)%iv, &
3312                             dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j) + (i - 1)*force_env%para_env%num_pe/2, &
3313                             request=req_total(ind + 2*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)), tag=2, &
3314                             comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3315         END DO
3316      END DO
3317      CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
3318      DEALLOCATE (req_total)
3319      DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
3320         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(i) = recvbuffer(i)%bv(1)
3321         IF (mixed_cdft%is_special .AND. mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(i)) THEN
3322            mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(1:2, i) = recvbuffer(i)%iv(1:2)
3323            nrecv(i) = recvbuffer(i)%iv(3)
3324            IF (recvbuffer(i)%iv(1) .EQ. should_deallocate) mask_recv(i) = .TRUE.
3325         END IF
3326         DEALLOCATE (recvbuffer(i)%bv)
3327         IF (ASSOCIATED(recvbuffer(i)%iv)) DEALLOCATE (recvbuffer(i)%iv)
3328      END DO
3329      DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
3330         DEALLOCATE (sbuff(j)%bv)
3331         IF (ASSOCIATED(sbuff(j)%iv)) DEALLOCATE (sbuff(j)%iv)
3332      END DO
3333      DEALLOCATE (recvbuffer)
3334      ! For some reason if debug_this_module is true and is_special is false, the deallocate statement
3335      ! on line 3433 gets executed no matter what (gfortran 5.3.0 bug?). Printing out the variable seems to fix it...
3336      IF (debug_this_module) THEN
3337         WRITE (dummy, *) mixed_cdft%is_special
3338      END IF
3340      IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3341         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3342            ALLOCATE (req_total(COUNT(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl) + 2))
3343            ALLOCATE (sendbuffer(6))
3344            IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
3345               sendbuffer = (/SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 2), bo_conf(1, 3), bo_conf(2, 3), &
3346                              bo_conf(1, 1), bo_conf(1, 2), bo_conf(2, 2)/)
3347            ELSE
3348               sendbuffer = (/SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 2), bo_conf(1, 3), bo_conf(2, 3), &
3349                              bo_conf(1, 2), bo_conf(1, 1), bo_conf(2, 1)/)
3350            END IF
3351         ELSE IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
3352            ALLOCATE (req_total(COUNT(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)))
3353         END IF
3354         IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
3355            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(2))
3356            NULLIFY (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(1)%target_list, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(2)%target_list)
3357            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(2))
3358            NULLIFY (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(1)%buffs, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(2)%buffs)
3359         END IF
3360         ! First communicate which grid points were distributed
3361         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3362            ind = COUNT(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl) + 1
3363            DO i = 1, 2
3364               CALL mp_isend(msgin=sendbuffer, &
3365                             dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(i), &
3366                             request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3367               ind = ind + 1
3368            END DO
3369         END IF
3370         IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
3371            ind = 1
3372            DO i = 1, 2
3373               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(i)) THEN
3374                  ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(i)%matrix_info(6))
3375                  CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(i)%matrix_info, &
3376                                source=mixed_cdft%source_list(i), &
3377                                request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3378                  ind = ind + 1
3379               END IF
3380            END DO
3381         END IF
3382         IF (ASSOCIATED(req_total)) THEN
3383            CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
3384         END IF
3385         ! Now communicate which processor handles which grid points
3386         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3387            ind = COUNT(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl) + 1
3388            DO i = 1, 2
3389               IF (i == 2) &
3390                  mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3, :) = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(3, :) + 3*max_targets
3391               CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, &
3392                             dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(i), &
3393                             request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3394               ind = ind + 1
3395            END DO
3396         END IF
3397         IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
3398            ind = 1
3399            DO i = 1, 2
3400               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(i)) THEN
3401                  ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(i)% &
3402                            target_list(3, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(i)%matrix_info(1)))
3403                  CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(i)%target_list, &
3404                                source=mixed_cdft%source_list(i), &
3405                                request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3406                  ind = ind + 1
3407               END IF
3408            END DO
3409         END IF
3410         IF (ASSOCIATED(req_total)) THEN
3411            CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
3412            DEALLOCATE (req_total)
3413         END IF
3414         IF (ASSOCIATED(sendbuffer)) DEALLOCATE (sendbuffer)
3415      ELSE
3416         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3417            ALLOCATE (req_total(COUNT(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl) + 2*COUNT(touched)))
3418         ELSE IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
3419            ALLOCATE (req_total(COUNT(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)))
3420         END IF
3421         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3422            ind = COUNT(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
3423            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
3424               IF (touched(j)) THEN
3425                  ALLOCATE (sbuff(j)%iv(4 + 3*nsend_proc(j)))
3426                  sbuff(j)%iv(1:4) = (/bo_conf(1, 2), bo_conf(2, 2), bo_conf(1, 3), bo_conf(2, 3)/)
3427                  offset = 5
3428                  DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list, 2)
3429                     IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(4 + 2*(j - 1), i) .NE. uninitialized) THEN
3430                        sbuff(j)%iv(offset:offset + 2) = (/mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(1, i), &
3431                                                           mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(4 + 2*(j - 1), i), &
3432                                                           mixed_cdft%dlb_control%target_list(4 + 2*j - 1, i)/)
3433                        offset = offset + 3
3434                     END IF
3435                  END DO
3436                  DO ispecial = 1, my_special_work
3437                     CALL mp_isend(msgin=sbuff(j)%iv, &
3438                                   dest=mixed_cdft%dest_list(j) + (ispecial - 1)*force_env%para_env%num_pe/2, &
3439                                   request=req_total(ind + ispecial), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3440                  END DO
3441                  ind = ind + my_special_work
3442               END IF
3443            END DO
3444         END IF
3445         IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
3446            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
3447            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)))
3448            ind = 1
3449            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
3450               NULLIFY (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list, &
3451                        mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs)
3452               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
3453                  ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4 + 3*nrecv(j)))
3454                  CALL mp_irecv(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info, &
3455                                source=mixed_cdft%source_list(j), &
3456                                request=req_total(ind), comm=force_env%para_env%group)
3457                  ind = ind + 1
3458               END IF
3459            END DO
3460         END IF
3461         IF (ASSOCIATED(req_total)) THEN
3462            CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
3463            DEALLOCATE (req_total)
3464         END IF
3465         IF (ANY(mask_send)) THEN
3466            ALLOCATE (tmp(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) - COUNT(mask_send)), &
3467                      tmp_bo(2, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list) - COUNT(mask_send)))
3468            i = 1
3469            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
3470               IF (.NOT. mask_send(j)) THEN
3471                  tmp(i) = mixed_cdft%dest_list(j)
3472                  tmp_bo(1:2, i) = mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(1:2, j)
3473                  i = i + 1
3474               END IF
3475            END DO
3476            DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dest_list, mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo)
3477            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dest_list(SIZE(tmp)), mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo(2, SIZE(tmp)))
3478            mixed_cdft%dest_list = tmp
3479            mixed_cdft%dest_list_bo = tmp_bo
3480            DEALLOCATE (tmp, tmp_bo)
3481         END IF
3482         IF (ANY(mask_recv)) THEN
3483            ALLOCATE (tmp(SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list) - COUNT(mask_recv)), &
3484                      tmp_bo(4, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list) - COUNT(mask_recv)))
3485            i = 1
3486            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%source_list)
3487               IF (.NOT. mask_recv(j)) THEN
3488                  tmp(i) = mixed_cdft%source_list(j)
3489                  tmp_bo(1:4, i) = mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(1:4, j)
3490                  i = i + 1
3491               END IF
3492            END DO
3493            DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%source_list, mixed_cdft%source_list_bo)
3494            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%source_list(SIZE(tmp)), mixed_cdft%source_list_bo(4, SIZE(tmp)))
3495            mixed_cdft%source_list = tmp
3496            mixed_cdft%source_list_bo = tmp_bo
3497            DEALLOCATE (tmp, tmp_bo)
3498         END IF
3499         DEALLOCATE (mask_recv, mask_send)
3500         DEALLOCATE (nsend_proc, nrecv)
3501         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3502            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
3503               IF (touched(j)) DEALLOCATE (sbuff(j)%iv)
3504            END DO
3505            IF (ASSOCIATED(touched)) DEALLOCATE (touched)
3506         END IF
3507      END IF
3508      DEALLOCATE (sbuff)
3509      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, force_env_section, &
3510                                        "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
3511      CALL timestop(handle)
3513   END SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint_dlb
3515! **************************************************************************************************
3516!> \brief Low level routine to build mixed Becke constraint and gradients
3517!> \param force_env the force_env that holds the CDFT states
3518!> \param mixed_cdft container for structures needed to build the mixed CDFT constraint
3519!> \param in_memory decides whether to build the weight function gradients in parallel before solving
3520!>                  the CDFT states or later during the SCF procedure of the individual states
3521!> \param is_constraint a list used to determine which atoms in the system define the constraint
3522!> \param store_vectors should temporary arrays be stored in memory to accelerate the calculation
3523!> \param R12 temporary array holding the pairwise atomic distances
3524!> \param position_vecs temporary array holding the pbc corrected atomic position vectors
3525!> \param pair_dist_vecs temporary array holding the pairwise displament vectors
3526!> \param coefficients array that determines how atoms should be summed to form the constraint
3527!> \param catom temporary array to map the global index of constraint atoms to their position
3528!>              in a list that holds only constraint atoms
3529!> \par History
3530!>       03.2016  created [Nico Holmberg]
3531! **************************************************************************************************
3532   SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint_low(force_env, mixed_cdft, in_memory, &
3533                                         is_constraint, store_vectors, R12, position_vecs, &
3534                                         pair_dist_vecs, coefficients, catom)
3535      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env
3536      TYPE(mixed_cdft_type), POINTER                     :: mixed_cdft
3537      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: in_memory
3538      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), INTENT(INOUT)  :: is_constraint
3539      LOGICAL, INTENT(IN)                                :: store_vectors
3540      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :), &
3541         INTENT(INOUT)                                   :: R12, position_vecs
3542      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :), &
3543         INTENT(INOUT)                                   :: pair_dist_vecs
3544      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:), &
3545         INTENT(INOUT)                                   :: coefficients
3548      CHARACTER(len=*), PARAMETER :: routineN = 'mixed_becke_constraint_low', &
3549         routineP = moduleN//':'//routineN
3551      INTEGER :: handle, i, iatom, icomm, iforce_eval, index, iounit, ip, ispecial, iwork, j, &
3552         jatom, jcomm, k, my_special_work, my_work, natom, nbuffs, nforce_eval, np(3), &
3553         nsent_total, nskipped, nwork, offset, offset_repl
3554      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), POINTER                     :: req_recv, req_total, work, work_dlb
3555      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:, :), POINTER                  :: nsent, req_send
3556      LOGICAL                                            :: completed_recv, should_communicate
3557      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)                 :: skip_me
3558      LOGICAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)              :: completed
3559      REAL(kind=dp)                                      :: dist1, dist2, dmyexp, my1, my1_homo, &
3560                                                            myexp, sum_cell_f_all, &
3561                                                            sum_cell_f_constr, th, tmp_const
3562      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:)           :: cell_functions, distances, ds_dR_i, &
3563                                                            ds_dR_j
3564      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :)        :: d_sum_const_dR, d_sum_Pm_dR, &
3565                                                            distance_vecs, dP_i_dRi
3566      REAL(kind=dp), ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:, :, :)     :: dP_i_dRj
3567      REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(3)                        :: cell_v, dist_vec, dmy_dR_i, dmy_dR_j, &
3568                                                            dr, dr1_r2, dr_i_dR, dr_ij_dR, &
3569                                                            dr_j_dR, grid_p, r, r1, shift
3570      REAL(kind=dp), DIMENSION(:), POINTER               :: cutoffs
3571      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :), POINTER         :: cavity, weight
3572      REAL(KIND=dp), DIMENSION(:, :, :, :), POINTER      :: gradients
3573      TYPE(cdft_control_type), POINTER                   :: cdft_control
3574      TYPE(cell_type), POINTER                           :: cell
3575      TYPE(cp_logger_type), POINTER                      :: logger
3576      TYPE(cp_subsys_type), POINTER                      :: subsys_mix
3577      TYPE(force_env_type), POINTER                      :: force_env_qs
3578      TYPE(particle_list_type), POINTER                  :: particles
3579      TYPE(particle_type), DIMENSION(:), POINTER         :: particle_set
3580      TYPE(pw_pool_type), POINTER                        :: auxbas_pw_pool
3581      TYPE(section_vals_type), POINTER                   :: force_env_section, print_section
3583      logger => cp_get_default_logger()
3584      NULLIFY (work, req_recv, req_send, work_dlb, nsent, cutoffs, cavity, &
3585               weight, gradients, cell, subsys_mix, force_env_qs, &
3586               particle_set, particles, auxbas_pw_pool, force_env_section, &
3587               print_section, cdft_control)
3588      CALL timeset(routineN, handle)
3589      nforce_eval = SIZE(force_env%sub_force_env)
3590      CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, force_env_section=force_env_section)
3591      print_section => section_vals_get_subs_vals(force_env_section, "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
3592      iounit = cp_print_key_unit_nr(logger, print_section, '', extension='.mixedLog')
3593      IF (.NOT. force_env%mixed_env%do_mixed_qmmm_cdft) THEN
3594         CALL force_env_get(force_env=force_env, &
3595                            subsys=subsys_mix, &
3596                            cell=cell)
3597         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
3598                            particles=particles, &
3599                            particle_set=particle_set)
3600      ELSE
3601         DO iforce_eval = 1, nforce_eval
3602            IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env)) CYCLE
3603            force_env_qs => force_env%sub_force_env(iforce_eval)%force_env
3604         END DO
3605         CALL get_qs_env(force_env_qs%qmmm_env%qs_env, &
3606                         cp_subsys=subsys_mix, &
3607                         cell=cell)
3608         CALL cp_subsys_get(subsys=subsys_mix, &
3609                            particles=particles, &
3610                            particle_set=particle_set)
3611      END IF
3612      natom = SIZE(particles%els)
3613      cdft_control => mixed_cdft%cdft_control
3614      CALL pw_env_get(pw_env=mixed_cdft%pw_env, auxbas_pw_pool=auxbas_pw_pool)
3615      np = auxbas_pw_pool%pw_grid%npts
3616      dr = auxbas_pw_pool%pw_grid%dr
3617      shift = -REAL(MODULO(np, 2), dp)*dr/2.0_dp
3618      ALLOCATE (cell_functions(natom), skip_me(natom))
3619      IF (store_vectors) THEN
3620         ALLOCATE (distances(natom))
3621         ALLOCATE (distance_vecs(3, natom))
3622      END IF
3623      IF (in_memory) THEN
3624         ALLOCATE (ds_dR_j(3))
3625         ALLOCATE (ds_dR_i(3))
3626         ALLOCATE (d_sum_Pm_dR(3, natom))
3627         ALLOCATE (d_sum_const_dR(3, natom))
3628         ALLOCATE (dP_i_dRj(3, natom, natom))
3629         ALLOCATE (dP_i_dRi(3, natom))
3630         th = 1.0e-8_dp
3631      END IF
3632      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
3633         ALLOCATE (work(force_env%para_env%num_pe), work_dlb(force_env%para_env%num_pe))
3634         work = 0
3635         work_dlb = 0
3636      END IF
3637      my_work = 1
3638      my_special_work = 1
3639      ! Load balancing: allocate storage for receiving buffers and post recv requests
3640      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
3641         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work) THEN
3642            my_work = 2
3643            IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3644               ALLOCATE (req_send(2, 3))
3645            ELSE
3646               ALLOCATE (req_send(2, 3*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff)))
3647            END IF
3648         END IF
3649         IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
3650            IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3651               offset_repl = 0
3652               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(1) .AND. mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(2)) THEN
3653                  ALLOCATE (req_recv(3*(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(1)%target_list, 2) + &
3654                                        SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(2)%target_list, 2))))
3655                  offset_repl = 3*SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(1)%target_list, 2)
3656               ELSE IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(1)) THEN
3657                  ALLOCATE (req_recv(3*(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(1)%target_list, 2))))
3658               ELSE
3659                  ALLOCATE (req_recv(3*(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(2)%target_list, 2))))
3660               END IF
3661            ELSE
3662               nbuffs = 0
3663               offset_repl = 1
3664               DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
3665                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
3666                     nbuffs = nbuffs + (SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info) - 4)/3
3667                  END IF
3668               END DO
3669               ALLOCATE (req_recv(3*nbuffs))
3670            END IF
3671            DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)
3672               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl(j)) THEN
3673                  IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3674                     offset = 0
3675                     index = j + (j/2)
3676                     ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list, 2)))
3677                     DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list, 2)
3678                        IF (mixed_cdft%is_pencil) THEN
3679                           ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3680                                     weight(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset: &
3681                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset + &
3682                                            (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3683                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(5): &
3684                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(6), &
3685                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2): &
3686                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3)))
3687                           ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3688                                     cavity(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset: &
3689                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset + &
3690                                            (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3691                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(5): &
3692                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(6), &
3693                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2): &
3694                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3)))
3695                           ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3696                                     gradients(3*natom, &
3697                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset: &
3698                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset + &
3699                                               (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3700                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(5): &
3701                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(6), &
3702                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2): &
3703                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3)))
3704                        ELSE
3705                           ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3706                                     weight(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(5): &
3707                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(6), &
3708                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset: &
3709                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset + &
3710                                            (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3711                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2): &
3712                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3)))
3713                           ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3714                                     cavity(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(5): &
3715                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(6), &
3716                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset: &
3717                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset + &
3718                                            (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3719                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2): &
3720                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3)))
3721                           ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3722                                     gradients(3*natom, &
3723                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(5): &
3724                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(6), &
3725                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset: &
3726                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4) + offset + &
3727                                               (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, i) - 1), &
3728                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2): &
3729                                               mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3)))
3730                        END IF
3732                        CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, &
3733                                      source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(1, i), &
3734                                      request=req_recv(3*(i - 1) + (j - 1)*offset_repl + 1), &
3735                                      comm=force_env%para_env%group, &
3736                                      tag=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(3, i))
3737                        CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, &
3738                                      source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(1, i), &
3739                                      request=req_recv(3*(i - 1) + (j - 1)*offset_repl + 2), &
3740                                      comm=force_env%para_env%group, &
3741                                      tag=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(3, i) + 1)
3742                        CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, &
3743                                      source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(1, i), &
3744                                      request=req_recv(3*(i - 1) + (j - 1)*offset_repl + 3), &
3745                                      comm=force_env%para_env%group, &
3746                                      tag=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(3, i) + 2)
3747                        offset = offset + mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%target_list(2, i)
3748                     END DO
3749                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info)
3750                  ELSE
3751                     ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)% &
3752                               buffs((SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info) - 4)/3))
3753                     index = 6
3754                     DO i = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs)
3755                        ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3756                                  weight(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index): &
3757                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index + 1), &
3758                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(1): &
3759                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2), &
3760                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3): &
3761                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4)))
3762                        ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3763                                  cavity(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index): &
3764                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index + 1), &
3765                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(1): &
3766                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2), &
3767                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3): &
3768                                         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4)))
3769                        ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)% &
3770                                  gradients(3*natom, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index): &
3771                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index + 1), &
3772                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(1): &
3773                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(2), &
3774                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(3): &
3775                                            mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(4)))
3776                        CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%cavity, &
3777                                      source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index - 1), &
3778                                      request=req_recv(offset_repl), &
3779                                      comm=force_env%para_env%group, tag=1)
3780                        CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%weight, &
3781                                      source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index - 1), &
3782                                      request=req_recv(offset_repl + 1), &
3783                                      comm=force_env%para_env%group, tag=2)
3784                        CALL mp_irecv(msgout=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recvbuff(j)%buffs(i)%gradients, &
3785                                      source=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info(index - 1), &
3786                                      request=req_recv(offset_repl + 2), &
3787                                      comm=force_env%para_env%group, tag=3)
3788                        index = index + 3
3789                        offset_repl = offset_repl + 3
3790                     END DO
3791                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_info(j)%matrix_info)
3792                  END IF
3793               END IF
3794            END DO
3795         END IF
3796      END IF
3797      cutoffs => cdft_control%becke_control%cutoffs
3798      should_communicate = .FALSE.
3799      DO i = 1, 3
3800         cell_v(i) = cell%hmat(i, i)
3801      END DO
3802      DO iwork = my_work, 1, -1
3803         IF (iwork == 2) THEN
3804            IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3805               cavity => mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity
3806               weight => mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight
3807               gradients => mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients
3808               ALLOCATE (completed(2, 3), nsent(2, 3))
3809            ELSE
3810               my_special_work = SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff)
3811               ALLOCATE (completed(2, 3*my_special_work), nsent(2, 3*my_special_work))
3812            END IF
3813            completed = .FALSE.
3814            nsent = 0
3815         ELSE
3816            IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3817               weight => mixed_cdft%weight
3818               cavity => mixed_cdft%cavity
3819               gradients => cdft_control%group(1)%gradients
3820            ELSE
3821               my_special_work = SIZE(mixed_cdft%dest_list)
3822            END IF
3823         END IF
3824         DO ispecial = 1, my_special_work
3825            nwork = 0
3826            IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3827               IF (iwork == 1) THEN
3828                  weight => mixed_cdft%sendbuff(ispecial)%weight
3829                  cavity => mixed_cdft%sendbuff(ispecial)%cavity
3830                  gradients => mixed_cdft%sendbuff(ispecial)%gradients
3831               ELSE
3832                  weight => mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%weight
3833                  cavity => mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%cavity
3834                  gradients => mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%gradients
3835               END IF
3836            END IF
3837            DO k = LBOUND(weight, 1), UBOUND(weight, 1)
3838               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb .AND. mixed_cdft%is_pencil .AND. .NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3839                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3840                     IF (k .GE. mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(1) .AND. &
3841                         k .LE. mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(2)) THEN
3842                        CYCLE
3843                     END IF
3844                  END IF
3845               END IF
3846               DO j = LBOUND(weight, 2), UBOUND(weight, 2)
3847                  IF (mixed_cdft%dlb .AND. .NOT. mixed_cdft%is_pencil .AND. .NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3848                     IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%send_work) THEN
3849                        IF (j .GE. mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(1) .AND. &
3850                            j .LE. mixed_cdft%dlb_control%distributed(2)) THEN
3851                           CYCLE
3852                        END IF
3853                     END IF
3854                  END IF
3855                  ! Check if any of the buffers have become available for deallocation
3856                  IF (should_communicate) THEN
3857                     DO icomm = 1, SIZE(nsent, 2)
3858                        DO jcomm = 1, SIZE(nsent, 1)
3859                           IF (nsent(jcomm, icomm) == 1) CYCLE
3860                           CALL mp_test(req_send(jcomm, icomm), completed(jcomm, icomm))
3861                           IF (completed(jcomm, icomm)) THEN
3862                              nsent(jcomm, icomm) = nsent(jcomm, icomm) + 1
3863                              nsent_total = nsent_total + 1
3864                              IF (nsent_total == SIZE(nsent, 1)*SIZE(nsent, 2)) should_communicate = .FALSE.
3865                           END IF
3866                           IF (ALL(completed(:, icomm))) THEN
3867                              IF (MODULO(icomm, 3) == 1) THEN
3868                                 IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3869                                    DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity)
3870                                 ELSE
3871                                    DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff((icomm - 1)/3 + 1)%cavity)
3872                                 END IF
3873                              ELSE IF (MODULO(icomm, 3) == 2) THEN
3874                                 IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3875                                    DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight)
3876                                 ELSE
3877                                    DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff((icomm - 1)/3 + 1)%weight)
3878                                 END IF
3879                              ELSE
3880                                 IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
3881                                    DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients)
3882                                 ELSE
3883                                    DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff((icomm - 1)/3 + 1)%gradients)
3884                                 END IF
3885                              END IF
3886                           END IF
3887                        END DO
3888                     END DO
3889                  END IF
3890                  ! Poll to prevent starvation
3891                  IF (ASSOCIATED(req_recv)) &
3892                     completed_recv = mp_testall(req_recv)
3893                  !
3894                  DO i = LBOUND(weight, 3), UBOUND(weight, 3)
3895                     IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
3896                        IF (cavity(k, j, i) < cdft_control%becke_control%eps_cavity) CYCLE
3897                     END IF
3898                     grid_p(1) = k*dr(1) + shift(1)
3899                     grid_p(2) = j*dr(2) + shift(2)
3900                     grid_p(3) = i*dr(3) + shift(3)
3901                     nskipped = 0
3902                     cell_functions = 1.0_dp
3903                     skip_me = .FALSE.
3904                     IF (store_vectors) distances = 0.0_dp
3905                     IF (in_memory) THEN
3906                        d_sum_Pm_dR = 0.0_dp
3907                        d_sum_const_dR = 0.0_dp
3908                        dP_i_dRi = 0.0_dp
3909                     END IF
3910                     DO iatom = 1, natom
3911                        IF (skip_me(iatom)) THEN
3912                           cell_functions(iatom) = 0.0_dp
3913                           IF (cdft_control%becke_control%should_skip) THEN
3914                              IF (is_constraint(iatom)) nskipped = nskipped + 1
3915                              IF (nskipped == cdft_control%natoms) THEN
3916                                 IF (in_memory) THEN
3917                                    IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
3918                                       cavity(k, j, i) = 0.0_dp
3919                                    END IF
3920                                 END IF
3921                                 EXIT
3922                              END IF
3923                           END IF
3924                           CYCLE
3925                        END IF
3926                        IF (store_vectors) THEN
3927                           IF (distances(iatom) .EQ. 0.0_dp) THEN
3928                              r = position_vecs(:, iatom)
3929                              dist_vec = (r - grid_p) - ANINT((r - grid_p)/cell_v)*cell_v
3930                              dist1 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(dist_vec, dist_vec))
3931                              distance_vecs(:, iatom) = dist_vec
3932                              distances(iatom) = dist1
3933                           ELSE
3934                              dist_vec = distance_vecs(:, iatom)
3935                              dist1 = distances(iatom)
3936                           END IF
3937                        ELSE
3938                           r = particle_set(iatom)%r
3939                           DO ip = 1, 3
3940                              r(ip) = MODULO(r(ip), cell%hmat(ip, ip)) - cell%hmat(ip, ip)/2._dp
3941                           END DO
3942                           dist_vec = (r - grid_p) - ANINT((r - grid_p)/cell_v)*cell_v
3943                           dist1 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(dist_vec, dist_vec))
3944                        END IF
3945                        IF (dist1 .LE. cutoffs(iatom)) THEN
3946                           IF (in_memory) THEN
3947                              IF (dist1 .LE. th) dist1 = th
3948                              dr_i_dR(:) = dist_vec(:)/dist1
3949                           END IF
3950                           DO jatom = 1, natom
3951                              IF (jatom .NE. iatom) THEN
3952                                 IF (jatom < iatom) THEN
3953                                    IF (.NOT. skip_me(jatom)) CYCLE
3954                                 END IF
3955                                 IF (store_vectors) THEN
3956                                    IF (distances(jatom) .EQ. 0.0_dp) THEN
3957                                       r1 = position_vecs(:, jatom)
3958                                       dist_vec = (r1 - grid_p) - ANINT((r1 - grid_p)/cell_v)*cell_v
3959                                       dist2 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(dist_vec, dist_vec))
3960                                       distance_vecs(:, jatom) = dist_vec
3961                                       distances(jatom) = dist2
3962                                    ELSE
3963                                       dist_vec = distance_vecs(:, jatom)
3964                                       dist2 = distances(jatom)
3965                                    END IF
3966                                 ELSE
3967                                    r1 = particle_set(jatom)%r
3968                                    DO ip = 1, 3
3969                                       r1(ip) = MODULO(r1(ip), cell%hmat(ip, ip)) - cell%hmat(ip, ip)/2._dp
3970                                    END DO
3971                                    dist_vec = (r1 - grid_p) - ANINT((r1 - grid_p)/cell_v)*cell_v
3972                                    dist2 = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(dist_vec, dist_vec))
3973                                 END IF
3974                                 IF (in_memory) THEN
3975                                    IF (store_vectors) THEN
3976                                       dr1_r2 = pair_dist_vecs(:, iatom, jatom)
3977                                    ELSE
3978                                       dr1_r2 = (r - r1) - ANINT((r - r1)/cell_v)*cell_v
3979                                    END IF
3980                                    IF (dist2 .LE. th) dist2 = th
3981                                    tmp_const = (R12(iatom, jatom)**3)
3982                                    dr_ij_dR(:) = dr1_r2(:)/tmp_const
3983                                    !derivativ w.r.t. Rj
3984                                    dr_j_dR = dist_vec(:)/dist2
3985                                    dmy_dR_j(:) = -(dr_j_dR(:)/R12(iatom, jatom) - (dist1 - dist2)*dr_ij_dR(:))
3986                                    !derivativ w.r.t. Ri
3987                                    dmy_dR_i(:) = dr_i_dR(:)/R12(iatom, jatom) - (dist1 - dist2)*dr_ij_dR(:)
3988                                 END IF
3989                                 my1 = (dist1 - dist2)/R12(iatom, jatom)
3990                                 IF (cdft_control%becke_control%adjust) THEN
3991                                    my1_homo = my1
3992                                    my1 = my1 + &
3993                                          cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom)*(1.0_dp - my1**2)
3994                                 END IF
3995                                 myexp = 1.5_dp*my1 - 0.5_dp*my1**3
3996                                 IF (in_memory) THEN
3997                                    dmyexp = 1.5_dp - 1.5_dp*my1**2
3998                                    tmp_const = (1.5_dp**2)*dmyexp*(1 - myexp**2)* &
3999                                                (1.0_dp - ((1.5_dp*myexp - 0.5_dp*(myexp**3))**2))
4001                                    ds_dR_i(:) = -0.5_dp*tmp_const*dmy_dR_i(:)
4002                                    ds_dR_j(:) = -0.5_dp*tmp_const*dmy_dR_j(:)
4003                                    IF (cdft_control%becke_control%adjust) THEN
4004                                       tmp_const = 1.0_dp - 2.0_dp*my1_homo*cdft_control%becke_control%aij(iatom, jatom)
4005                                       ds_dR_i(:) = ds_dR_i(:)*tmp_const
4006                                       ds_dR_j(:) = ds_dR_j(:)*tmp_const
4007                                    END IF
4008                                 END IF
4009                                 myexp = 1.5_dp*myexp - 0.5_dp*myexp**3
4010                                 myexp = 1.5_dp*myexp - 0.5_dp*myexp**3
4011                                 tmp_const = 0.5_dp*(1.0_dp - myexp)
4012                                 cell_functions(iatom) = cell_functions(iatom)*tmp_const
4013                                 IF (in_memory) THEN
4014                                    IF (ABS(tmp_const) .LE. th) tmp_const = tmp_const + th
4015                                    dP_i_dRi(:, iatom) = dP_i_dRi(:, iatom) + ds_dR_i(:)/tmp_const
4016                                    dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom) = ds_dR_j(:)/tmp_const
4017                                 END IF
4019                                 IF (dist2 .LE. cutoffs(jatom)) THEN
4020                                    tmp_const = 0.5_dp*(1.0_dp + myexp)
4021                                    cell_functions(jatom) = cell_functions(jatom)*tmp_const
4022                                    IF (in_memory) THEN
4023                                       IF (ABS(tmp_const) .LE. th) tmp_const = tmp_const + th
4024                                       dP_i_dRj(:, jatom, iatom) = -ds_dR_i(:)/tmp_const
4025                                       dP_i_dRi(:, jatom) = dP_i_dRi(:, jatom) - ds_dR_j(:)/tmp_const
4026                                    END IF
4027                                 ELSE
4028                                    skip_me(jatom) = .TRUE.
4029                                 END IF
4030                              END IF
4031                           END DO
4032                           IF (in_memory) THEN
4033                              dP_i_dRi(:, iatom) = cell_functions(iatom)*dP_i_dRi(:, iatom)
4034                              d_sum_Pm_dR(:, iatom) = d_sum_Pm_dR(:, iatom) + dP_i_dRi(:, iatom)
4035                              IF (is_constraint(iatom)) &
4036                                 d_sum_const_dR(:, iatom) = d_sum_const_dR(:, iatom) + dP_i_dRi(:, iatom)* &
4037                                                            coefficients(iatom)
4038                              DO jatom = 1, natom
4039                                 IF (jatom .NE. iatom) THEN
4040                                    IF (jatom < iatom) THEN
4041                                       IF (.NOT. skip_me(jatom)) THEN
4042                                          dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom) = cell_functions(iatom)*dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom)
4043                                          d_sum_Pm_dR(:, jatom) = d_sum_Pm_dR(:, jatom) + dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom)
4044                                          IF (is_constraint(iatom)) &
4045                                             d_sum_const_dR(:, jatom) = d_sum_const_dR(:, jatom) + &
4046                                                                        dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom)* &
4047                                                                        coefficients(iatom)
4048                                          CYCLE
4049                                       END IF
4050                                    END IF
4051                                    dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom) = cell_functions(iatom)*dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom)
4052                                    d_sum_Pm_dR(:, jatom) = d_sum_Pm_dR(:, jatom) + dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom)
4053                                    IF (is_constraint(iatom)) &
4054                                       d_sum_const_dR(:, jatom) = d_sum_const_dR(:, jatom) + dP_i_dRj(:, iatom, jatom)* &
4055                                                                  coefficients(iatom)
4056                                 END IF
4057                              END DO
4058                           END IF
4059                        ELSE
4060                           cell_functions(iatom) = 0.0_dp
4061                           skip_me(iatom) = .TRUE.
4062                           IF (cdft_control%becke_control%should_skip) THEN
4063                              IF (is_constraint(iatom)) nskipped = nskipped + 1
4064                              IF (nskipped == cdft_control%natoms) THEN
4065                                 IF (in_memory) THEN
4066                                    IF (cdft_control%becke_control%cavity_confine) THEN
4067                                       cavity(k, j, i) = 0.0_dp
4068                                    END IF
4069                                 END IF
4070                                 EXIT
4071                              END IF
4072                           END IF
4073                        END IF
4074                     END DO
4075                     IF (nskipped == cdft_control%natoms) CYCLE
4076                     sum_cell_f_constr = 0.0_dp
4077                     DO ip = 1, cdft_control%natoms
4078                        sum_cell_f_constr = sum_cell_f_constr + cell_functions(catom(ip))* &
4079                                            cdft_control%group(1)%coeff(ip)
4080                     END DO
4081                     sum_cell_f_all = 0.0_dp
4082                     nwork = nwork + 1
4083                     DO ip = 1, natom
4084                        sum_cell_f_all = sum_cell_f_all + cell_functions(ip)
4085                     END DO
4086                     IF (in_memory) THEN
4087                        DO iatom = 1, natom
4088                           IF (ABS(sum_cell_f_all) .GT. 0.0_dp) THEN
4089                              gradients(3*(iatom - 1) + 1:3*(iatom - 1) + 3, k, j, i) = &
4090                                 d_sum_const_dR(:, iatom)/sum_cell_f_all - sum_cell_f_constr* &
4091                                 d_sum_Pm_dR(:, iatom)/(sum_cell_f_all**2)
4092                           END IF
4093                        END DO
4094                     END IF
4095                     IF (ABS(sum_cell_f_all) .GT. 0.000001) &
4096                        weight(k, j, i) = sum_cell_f_constr/sum_cell_f_all
4097                  END DO ! i
4098               END DO ! j
4099            END DO ! k
4100            ! Load balancing: post send requests
4101            IF (iwork == 2) THEN
4102               IF (.NOT. mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
4103                  DO i = 1, SIZE(req_send, 1)
4104                     CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity, &
4105                                   dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_dest_repl(i), &
4106                                   request=req_send(i, 1), comm=force_env%para_env%group, &
4107                                   tag=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%dest_tags_repl(i))
4108                     CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight, &
4109                                   dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_dest_repl(i), &
4110                                   request=req_send(i, 2), comm=force_env%para_env%group, &
4111                                   tag=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%dest_tags_repl(i) + 1)
4112                     CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients, &
4113                                   dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_dest_repl(i), &
4114                                   request=req_send(i, 3), comm=force_env%para_env%group, &
4115                                   tag=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%dest_tags_repl(i) + 2)
4116                  END DO
4117                  should_communicate = .TRUE.
4118                  nsent_total = 0
4119               ELSE
4120                  DO i = 1, SIZE(req_send, 1)
4121                     CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%cavity, &
4122                                   dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%rank(i), &
4123                                   request=req_send(i, 3*(ispecial - 1) + 1), &
4124                                   comm=force_env%para_env%group, tag=1)
4125                     CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%weight, &
4126                                   dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%rank(i), &
4127                                   request=req_send(i, 3*(ispecial - 1) + 2), &
4128                                   comm=force_env%para_env%group, tag=2)
4129                     CALL mp_isend(msgin=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%gradients, &
4130                                   dest=mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(ispecial)%rank(i), &
4131                                   request=req_send(i, 3*(ispecial - 1) + 3), &
4132                                   comm=force_env%para_env%group, tag=3)
4133                  END DO
4134                  IF (ispecial .EQ. my_special_work) THEN
4135                     should_communicate = .TRUE.
4136                     nsent_total = 0
4137                  END IF
4138               END IF
4139               work(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source + 1) = work(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%my_source + 1) + nwork
4140               work_dlb(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = work_dlb(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) + nwork
4141            ELSE
4142               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) work(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = work(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) + nwork
4143               IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) work_dlb(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) = work_dlb(force_env%para_env%mepos + 1) + nwork
4144            END IF
4145         END DO ! ispecial
4146      END DO ! iwork
4147      ! Load balancing: wait for communication and deallocate sending buffers
4148      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
4149         IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work .AND. &
4150             ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
4151            ALLOCATE (req_total(SIZE(req_recv) + SIZE(req_send, 1)*SIZE(req_send, 2)))
4152            index = SIZE(req_recv)
4153            req_total(1:index) = req_recv
4154            DO i = 1, SIZE(req_send, 2)
4155               DO j = 1, SIZE(req_send, 1)
4156                  index = index + 1
4157                  req_total(index) = req_send(j, i)
4158               END DO
4159            END DO
4160            CALL mp_waitall(req_total)
4161            DEALLOCATE (req_total)
4162            IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity)) &
4163               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity)
4164            IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight)) &
4165               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight)
4166            IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients)) &
4167               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients)
4168            IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
4169               DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff)
4170                  IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%cavity)) &
4171                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%cavity)
4172                  IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%weight)) &
4173                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%weight)
4174                  IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%gradients)) &
4175                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%gradients)
4176               END DO
4177               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff)
4178            END IF
4179            DEALLOCATE (req_send, req_recv)
4180         ELSE IF (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work) THEN
4181            IF (should_communicate) THEN
4182               CALL mp_waitall(req_send)
4183            END IF
4184            IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity)) &
4185               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%cavity)
4186            IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight)) &
4187               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%weight)
4188            IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients)) &
4189               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%gradients)
4190            IF (mixed_cdft%is_special) THEN
4191               DO j = 1, SIZE(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff)
4192                  IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%cavity)) &
4193                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%cavity)
4194                  IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%weight)) &
4195                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%weight)
4196                  IF (ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%gradients)) &
4197                     DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff(j)%gradients)
4198               END DO
4199               DEALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%sendbuff)
4200            END IF
4201            DEALLOCATE (req_send)
4202         ELSE IF (ANY(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%recv_work_repl)) THEN
4203            CALL mp_waitall(req_recv)
4204            DEALLOCATE (req_recv)
4205         END IF
4206      END IF
4207      IF (mixed_cdft%dlb) THEN
4208         CALL mp_sum(work, force_env%para_env%group)
4209         CALL mp_sum(work_dlb, force_env%para_env%group)
4210         IF (.NOT. ASSOCIATED(mixed_cdft%dlb_control%prediction_error)) &
4211            ALLOCATE (mixed_cdft%dlb_control%prediction_error(force_env%para_env%num_pe))
4212         mixed_cdft%dlb_control%prediction_error = mixed_cdft%dlb_control%expected_work - work
4213         IF (debug_this_module .AND. iounit > 0) THEN
4214            DO i = 1, SIZE(work, 1)
4215               WRITE (iounit, '(A,I10,I10,I10)') &
4216                  'Work', work(i), work_dlb(i), mixed_cdft%dlb_control%expected_work(i)
4217            END DO
4218         END IF
4219         DEALLOCATE (work, work_dlb, mixed_cdft%dlb_control%expected_work)
4220      END IF
4221      NULLIFY (gradients, weight, cavity)
4222      IF (ALLOCATED(coefficients)) &
4223         DEALLOCATE (coefficients)
4224      IF (in_memory) THEN
4225         DEALLOCATE (ds_dR_j)
4226         DEALLOCATE (ds_dR_i)
4227         DEALLOCATE (d_sum_Pm_dR)
4228         DEALLOCATE (d_sum_const_dR)
4229         DEALLOCATE (dP_i_dRj)
4230         DEALLOCATE (dP_i_dRi)
4231         NULLIFY (gradients)
4232         IF (store_vectors) THEN
4233            DEALLOCATE (pair_dist_vecs)
4234         END IF
4235      END IF
4236      NULLIFY (cutoffs)
4237      IF (ALLOCATED(is_constraint)) &
4238         DEALLOCATE (is_constraint)
4239      DEALLOCATE (catom)
4240      DEALLOCATE (R12)
4241      DEALLOCATE (cell_functions)
4242      DEALLOCATE (skip_me)
4243      IF (ALLOCATED(completed)) &
4244         DEALLOCATE (completed)
4245      IF (ASSOCIATED(nsent)) &
4246         DEALLOCATE (nsent)
4247      IF (store_vectors) THEN
4248         DEALLOCATE (distances)
4249         DEALLOCATE (distance_vecs)
4250         DEALLOCATE (position_vecs)
4251      END IF
4252      IF (ASSOCIATED(req_send)) &
4253         DEALLOCATE (req_send)
4254      IF (ASSOCIATED(req_recv)) &
4255         DEALLOCATE (req_recv)
4256      CALL cp_print_key_finished_output(iounit, logger, force_env_section, &
4257                                        "MIXED%MIXED_CDFT%PRINT%PROGRAM_RUN_INFO")
4258      CALL timestop(handle)
4260   END SUBROUTINE mixed_becke_constraint_low
4262END MODULE mixed_cdft_methods