2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Generates the CP2K Dashboard html page
5# Inspired by Iain's cp2k_page_update.sh
7# author: Ole Schuett
9import sys
10import os
11import smtplib
12from email.mime.text import MIMEText
13import html
14import re
15import gzip
16from datetime import datetime, timedelta
17from subprocess import check_output
18import traceback
19from os import path
20from pprint import pformat
21from glob import glob
22import itertools
23import configparser
24import pickle
25from pathlib import Path
26import requests
27import hashlib
28from collections import OrderedDict
30import matplotlib as mpl
32mpl.use("Agg")  # change backend, to run without X11
33import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
34from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator
36# ===============================================================================
37class GitLog(list):
38    def __init__(self):
39        cmd = ["git", "log", "--pretty=format:%H%n%ct%n%an%n%ae%n%s%n%b<--separator-->"]
40        outbytes = check_output(cmd)
41        output = outbytes.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
42        for entry in output.split("<--separator-->")[:-1]:
43            lines = entry.strip().split("\n")
44            commit = dict()
45            commit["git-sha"] = lines[0]
46            commit["date"] = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(lines[1]))
47            commit["author-name"] = lines[2]
48            commit["author-email"] = lines[3]
49            commit["msg"] = lines[4]
50            self.append(commit)
52        # git-log outputs entries from new to old.
53        self.index = {c["git-sha"]: i for i, c in enumerate(self)}
56# ===============================================================================
57def main():
58    if len(sys.argv) < 4:
59        print(
60            "Usage update_dashboard.py <config-file> <status-file> <output-dir> [--send-emails]"
61        )
62        sys.exit(1)
64    config_fn, status_fn, outdir = sys.argv[1:4]
65    assert outdir.endswith("/")
66    assert path.exists(config_fn)
68    global send_emails
69    if len(sys.argv) == 5:
70        assert sys.argv[4] == "--send-emails"
71        send_emails = True
72    else:
73        send_emails = False
75    config = configparser.ConfigParser()
76    config.read(config_fn)
77    log = GitLog()  # Reads history from local git repo.
79    gen_frontpage(config, log, status_fn, outdir)
80    gen_archive(config, log, outdir)
81    gen_url_list(config, outdir)
84# ===============================================================================
85def gen_frontpage(config, log, status_fn, outdir):
86    if path.exists(status_fn):
87        status = eval(open(status_fn).read())
88    else:
89        status = dict()
91    output = html_header(title="CP2K Dashboard")
92    output += '<div id="flex-container"><div>\n'
93    output += html_gitbox(log)
94    output += html_linkbox()
95    output += "</div>\n"
96    output += '<table border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5">\n'
97    output += "<tr><th>Name</th><th>Host</th><th>Status</th>"
98    output += "<th>Commit</th><th>Summary</th><th>Last OK</th></tr>\n\n"
100    def get_sortkey(s):
101        return config.getint(s, "sortkey")
103    now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
105    for s in sorted(config.sections(), key=get_sortkey):
106        print("Working on summary entry of: " + s)
107        name = config.get(s, "name")
108        host = config.get(s, "host")
109        report_url = config.get(s, "report_url")
110        do_notify = (
111            config.getboolean(s, "notify") if (config.has_option(s, "notify")) else True
112        )
113        timeout = (
114            config.getint(s, "timeout") if (config.has_option(s, "timeout")) else 24
115        )
117        # find latest commit that should have been tested by now
118        freshness_threshold = now - timedelta(hours=timeout)
119        ages_beyond_threshold = [
120            i for i, c in enumerate(log) if c["date"] < freshness_threshold
121        ]
122        threshold_age = ages_beyond_threshold[0]
124        # get and parse report
125        report_txt = retrieve_report(report_url)
126        report = parse_report(report_txt, log)
128        if s not in status:
129            status[s] = {"last_ok": None, "notified": False}
131        if report["status"] == "OK":
132            status[s]["last_ok"] = report["git-sha"]
133            status[s]["notified"] = False
134        elif do_notify and not status[s]["notified"]:
135            send_notification(report, status[s]["last_ok"], log, name, s)
136            status[s]["notified"] = True
138        if report["git-sha"]:
139            age = log.index[report["git-sha"]]
140            if age > threshold_age:
141                report["status"] = "OUTDATED"
142            elif report["status"] in ("OK", "FAILED"):
143                # store only useful and fresh reports, prevents overwriting archive
144                store_report(report, report_txt, s, outdir)
146        uptodate = report["git-sha"] == log[0]["git-sha"]  # report from latest commit?
147        output += '<tr align="center">'
148        output += '<td align="left"><a href="archive/%s/index.html">%s</a></td>' % (
149            s,
150            name,
151        )
152        output += '<td align="left">%s</td>' % host
153        output += status_cell(report["status"], report_url, uptodate)
155        # Commit
156        output += commit_cell(report["git-sha"], log)
158        # Summary
159        output += '<td align="left">%s</td>' % report["summary"]
161        # Last OK
162        if report["status"] != "OK":
163            output += commit_cell(status[s]["last_ok"], log)
164        else:
165            output += "<td></td>"
167        output += "</tr>\n\n"
169    output += "</table>\n"
170    output += '<div id="dummybox"></div></div>\n'  # complete flex-container
171    output += html_footer()
172    write_file(outdir + "index.html", output)
173    write_file(status_fn, pformat(status))
176# ===============================================================================
177def gen_archive(config, log, outdir):
179    for s in config.sections():
180        print("Working on archive page of: " + s)
181        name = config.get(s, "name")
182        info_url = (
183            config.get(s, "info_url") if (config.has_option(s, "info_url")) else None
184        )
185        archive_files = glob(outdir + "archive/%s/rev_*.txt.gz" % s) + glob(
186            outdir + "archive/%s/commit_*.txt.gz" % s
187        )
189        # read cache
190        cache_fn = outdir + "archive/%s/reports.cache" % s
191        if not path.exists(cache_fn):
192            reports_cache = dict()
193        else:
194            reports_cache = pickle.load(open(cache_fn, "rb"))
195            cache_age = path.getmtime(cache_fn)
196            # remove outdated cache entries
197            reports_cache = {
198                k: v for k, v in reports_cache.items() if path.getmtime(k) < cache_age
199            }
201        # read all archived reports
202        archive_reports = dict()
203        for fn in archive_files:
204            if fn in reports_cache:
205                report = reports_cache[fn]
206            else:
207                report_txt = (
208                    gzip.open(fn, "rb").read().decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
209                )
210                report = parse_report(report_txt, log)
211                report["url"] = path.basename(fn)[:-3]
212                reports_cache[fn] = report
213            sha = report["git-sha"]
214            assert sha not in archive_reports
215            archive_reports[sha] = report
217        # write cache
218        if reports_cache:
219            pickle.dump(reports_cache, open(cache_fn, "wb"))
221        # loop over all relevant commits
222        all_url_rows = []
223        all_html_rows = []
224        max_age = 1 + max([-1] + [log.index[sha] for sha in archive_reports.keys()])
225        for commit in log[:max_age]:
226            sha = commit["git-sha"]
227            html_row = "<tr>"
228            html_row += commit_cell(sha, log)
229            if sha in archive_reports:
230                report = archive_reports[sha]
231                html_row += status_cell(report["status"], report["url"])
232                html_row += '<td align="left">%s</td>' % report["summary"]
233                url_row = "https://dashboard.cp2k.org/archive/%s/%s.gz\n" % (
234                    s,
235                    report["url"],
236                )
237            else:
238                html_row += 2 * "<td></td>"
239                url_row = ""
240            html_row += '<td align="left">%s</td>' % html.escape(commit["author-name"])
241            html_row += '<td align="left">%s</td>' % html.escape(commit["msg"])
242            html_row += "</tr>\n\n"
243            all_html_rows.append(html_row)
244            all_url_rows.append(url_row)
246        # generate html pages
247        for full_archive in (False, True):
248            if full_archive:
249                html_out_postfix = "index_full.html"
250                urls_out_postfix = "list_full.txt"
251                other_index_link = '<p>View <a href="index.html">recent archive</a></p>'
252                max_age = None  # output all
253            else:
254                html_out_postfix = "index.html"
255                urls_out_postfix = "list_recent.txt"
256                other_index_link = (
257                    '<p>View <a href="index_full.html">full archive</a></p>'
258                )
259                max_age = 100
261            # generate archive index
262            output = html_header(title=name)
263            output += '<p>Go back to <a href="../../index.html">main page</a></p>\n'
264            if info_url:
265                output += '<p>Get <a href="%s">more information</a></p>\n' % info_url
266            output += gen_plots(
267                archive_reports, log, outdir + "archive/" + s + "/", full_archive
268            )
269            output += other_index_link
270            output += '<table border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="5">\n'
271            output += "<tr><th>Commit</th><th>Status</th><th>Summary</th><th>Author</th><th>Commit Message</th></tr>\n\n"
272            output += "".join(all_html_rows[:max_age])
273            output += "</table>\n"
274            output += other_index_link
275            output += html_footer()
276            html_out_fn = outdir + "archive/%s/%s" % (s, html_out_postfix)
277            write_file(html_out_fn, output)
279            url_list = "".join(all_url_rows[:max_age])
280            urls_out_fn = outdir + "archive/%s/%s" % (s, urls_out_postfix)
281            write_file(urls_out_fn, url_list)
284# ===============================================================================
285def gen_url_list(config, outdir):
286    print("Working on url lists.")
287    for postfix in ("list_full.txt", "list_recent.txt"):
288        url_list = ""
289        for s in config.sections():
290            fn = outdir + "archive/%s/%s" % (s, postfix)
291            if not path.exists(fn):
292                continue
293            url_list += open(fn).read()
294        write_file(outdir + "archive/" + postfix, url_list)
297# ===============================================================================
298def gen_plots(archive_reports, log, outdir, full_archive):
300    ordered_shas = [commit["git-sha"] for commit in log]
301    ordered_reports = [
302        archive_reports[sha] for sha in ordered_shas if sha in archive_reports
303    ]
305    # collect plot data
306    plots = OrderedDict()
307    for report in ordered_reports:
308        for p in report["plots"]:
309            if p["name"] not in plots.keys():
310                plots[p["name"]] = {
311                    "curves": OrderedDict(),
312                    "title": p["title"],
313                    "ylabel": p["ylabel"],
314                }
315        for pp in report["plotpoints"]:
316            p = plots[pp["plot"]]
317            if pp["name"] not in p["curves"].keys():
318                p["curves"][pp["name"]] = {
319                    "x": [],
320                    "y": [],
321                    "yerr": [],
322                    "label": pp["label"],
323                }
324            c = p["curves"][pp["name"]]
325            age = log.index[report["git-sha"]]
326            c["x"].append(-age)
327            c["y"].append(pp["y"])
328            c["yerr"].append(pp["yerr"])
330    # write raw data
331    tags = sorted(
332        [(pname, cname) for pname, p in plots.items() for cname in p["curves"].keys()]
333    )
334    if tags:
335        raw_output = "# %6s    %40s" % ("age", "commit")
336        for pname, cname in tags:
337            raw_output += "   %18s   %22s" % (
338                pname + "/" + cname,
339                pname + "/" + cname + "_err",
340            )
341        raw_output += "\n"
342        for report in reversed(ordered_reports):
343            age = log.index[report["git-sha"]]
344            raw_output += "%8d    %40s" % (-age, report["git-sha"])
345            for pname, cname in tags:
346                pp = [
347                    pp
348                    for pp in report["plotpoints"]
349                    if (pp["plot"] == pname and pp["name"] == cname)
350                ]
351                if len(pp) > 1:
352                    print("Warning: Found redundant plot points.")
353                if pp:
354                    raw_output += "   %18f   %22f" % (pp[-1]["y"], pp[-1]["yerr"])
355                else:
356                    raw_output += "   %18s   %22s" % ("?", "?")
357            raw_output += "\n"
358        write_file(outdir + "plot_data.txt", raw_output)
360    # create png images
361    if full_archive:
362        fig_ext = "_full.png"
363        max_age = max([-1] + [log.index[sha] for sha in archive_reports.keys()])
364    else:
365        fig_ext = ".png"
366        max_age = 100
368    for pname, p in plots.items():
369        print("Working on plot: " + pname)
370        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 4))
371        fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.18, left=0.06, right=0.70)
372        fig.suptitle(p["title"], fontsize=14, fontweight="bold", x=0.4)
373        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
374        ax.set_xlabel("Commit Age")
375        ax.set_ylabel(p["ylabel"])
376        markers = itertools.cycle("os>^*")
377        for cname in p["curves"].keys():
378            c = p["curves"][cname]
379            if full_archive:
380                ax.plot(c["x"], c["y"], label=c["label"], linewidth=2)  # less crowded
381            else:
382                ax.errorbar(
383                    c["x"],
384                    c["y"],
385                    yerr=c["yerr"],
386                    label=c["label"],
387                    marker=next(markers),
388                    linewidth=2,
389                    markersize=6,
390                )
391        ax.set_xlim(-max_age - 1, 0)
392        ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator())
393        ax.legend(
394            bbox_to_anchor=(1.01, 1),
395            loc="upper left",
396            numpoints=1,
397            fancybox=True,
398            shadow=True,
399            borderaxespad=0.0,
400        )
401        visibles = [
402            [y for x, y in zip(c["x"], c["y"]) if x >= -max_age]
403            for c in p["curves"].values()
404        ]  # visible y-values
405        visibles = [ys for ys in visibles if ys]  # remove completely invisible curves
406        if not visibles:
407            print("Warning: Found no visible plot curve.")
408        else:
409            ymin = min([min(ys) for ys in visibles])  # lowest point from lowest curve
410            ymax = max([max(ys) for ys in visibles])  # highest point from highest curve
411            if full_archive:
412                ax.set_ylim(0.98 * ymin, 1.02 * ymax)
413            else:
414                ymax2 = max(
415                    [min(ys) for ys in visibles]
416                )  # lowest point from highest curve
417                ax.set_ylim(
418                    0.98 * ymin, min(1.02 * ymax, 1.3 * ymax2)
419                )  # protect against outlayers
420        fig.savefig(outdir + pname + fig_ext)
421        plt.close(fig)
423    # write html output
424    html_output = ""
425    for pname in sorted(plots.keys()):
426        html_output += '<a href="plot_data.txt"><img src="%s" alt="%s"></a>\n' % (
427            pname + fig_ext,
428            plots[pname]["title"],
429        )
430    return html_output
433# ===============================================================================
434def send_notification(report, last_ok, log, name, s):
435    idx_end = log.index[report["git-sha"]] if (report["git-sha"]) else 0
436    if not last_ok:
437        return  # we don't know when this started
438    idx_last_ok = log.index[last_ok]
439    if idx_end == idx_last_ok:
440        return  # probably a flapping tester
441    emails = set([log[i]["author-email"] for i in range(idx_end, idx_last_ok)])
442    emails = [e for e in emails if "noreply" not in e]
443    emails_str = ", ".join(emails)
444    if not emails:
445        return  # no author emails found
446    if len(emails) > 3:
447        print("Spam protection, found more than three authors: " + emails_str)
448        return
449    if not send_emails:
450        print("Email sending disabled, would otherwise send to: " + emails_str)
451        return
453    print("Sending email to: " + emails_str)
455    msg_txt = "Dear CP2K developer,\n\n"
456    msg_txt += "the dashboard has detected a problem that one of your recent commits might have introduced.\n\n"
457    msg_txt += "   test name:      %s\n" % name
458    msg_txt += "   report state:   %s\n" % report["status"]
459    msg_txt += "   report summary: %s\n" % report["summary"]
460    msg_txt += "   last OK commit: %s\n\n" % last_ok[:7]
461    msg_txt += "For more information visit:\n"
462    msg_txt += "   https://dashboard.cp2k.org/archive/%s/index.html \n\n" % s
463    msg_txt += "Sincerely,\n"
464    msg_txt += "  your CP2K Dashboard ;-)\n"
466    msg = MIMEText(msg_txt)
467    msg["Subject"] = "Problem with " + name
468    msg["From"] = "CP2K Dashboard <dashboard@cp2k.org>"
469    msg["To"] = ", ".join(emails)
471    smtp_conn = smtplib.SMTP("localhost")
472    smtp_conn.sendmail(msg["From"], emails, msg.as_string())
473    smtp_conn.quit()
476# ===============================================================================
477def html_header(title):
478    output = '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">\n'
479    output += "<html><head>\n"
480    output += '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">\n'
481    output += '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="200">\n'
483    output += '<style type="text/css">\n'
484    output += ".ribbon {\n"
485    output += "  overflow: hidden;\n"
486    output += "  position: absolute;\n"
487    output += "  right:0px;\n"
488    output += "  top: 0px;\n"
489    output += "  width: 200px;\n"
490    output += "  height: 200px;\n"
491    output += "}\n"
492    output += ".ribbon a {\n"
493    output += "  position: relative;\n"
494    output += "  white-space: nowrap;\n"
495    output += "  background-color: #a00;\n"
496    output += "  border: 1px solid #faa;\n"
497    output += "  color: #fff;\n"
498    output += "  display: block;\n"
499    output += "  font: bold 11pt sans-serif;\n"
500    output += "  padding: 7px;\n"
501    output += "  top: 35px;\n"
502    output += "  right: 10px;\n"
503    output += "  width: 300px;\n"
504    output += "  text-align: center;\n"
505    output += "  text-decoration: none;\n"
506    output += "  transform: rotate(45deg);\n"
507    output += "  box-shadow: 0 0 10px #888;\n"
508    output += "}\n"
509    output += "#flex-container {\n"
510    output += "  display: -webkit-flex; /* Safari */\n"
511    output += "  display: flex;\n"
512    output += "  -webkit-flex-flow: row wrap-reverse; /* Safari */\n"
513    output += "  flex-flow:         row wrap-reverse;\n"
514    output += "  -webkit-justify-content: space-around; /* Safari */\n"
515    output += "  justify-content:         space-around;\n"
516    output += "  -webkit-align-items: flex-end; /* Safari */\n"
517    output += "  align-items:         flex-end;\n"
518    output += "}\n"
519    output += ".sidebox {\n"
520    output += "  width: 15em;\n"
521    output += "  border-radius: 1em;\n"
522    output += "  box-shadow: .2em .2em .7em 0 #777;\n"
523    output += "  background: #f7f7f0;\n"
524    output += "  padding: 1em;\n"
525    output += "  margin: 40px 20px;\n"
526    output += "}\n"
527    output += ".sidebox h2 {\n"
528    output += "  margin: 0 0 0.5em 0;\n"
529    output += "}\n"
530    output += ".sidebox p {\n"
531    output += "  margin: 0.5em;\n"
532    output += "}\n"
533    output += "#dummybox {\n"
534    output += "  width: 15em;\n"
535    output += "}\n"
536    output += "</style>\n"
537    output += "<title>%s</title>\n" % title
538    output += "</head><body>\n"
539    output += '<div class="ribbon"><a href="https://cp2k.org/dev:dashboard">Need Help?</a></div>\n'
540    output += "<center><h1>%s</h1></center>\n" % title.upper()
541    return output
544# ===============================================================================
545def html_linkbox():
546    output = '<div class="sidebox">\n'
547    output += "<h2>More...</h2>\n"
548    output += '<a href="regtest_survey.html">Regtest Survey</a><br>\n'
549    output += '<a href="https://www.cp2k.org/static/coverage/">Test Coverage</a><br>\n'
550    output += '<a href="discontinued_tests.html">Discontinued Tests</a><br>\n'
551    output += "</div>\n"
552    return output
555# ===============================================================================
556def html_gitbox(log):
557    now = datetime.utcnow()
558    output = '<div class="sidebox">\n'
559    output += "<h2>Recent Commits</h2>\n"
560    for commit in log[0:10]:
561        url = "https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/commit/" + commit["git-sha"]
562        msg = commit["msg"]
563        if len(msg) > 27:
564            msg = msg[:26] + "..."
565        output += '<p><a title="%s" href="%s">%s</a><br>\n' % (
566            html.escape(commit["msg"]),
567            url,
568            html.escape(msg),
569        )
570        delta = now - commit["date"]
571        age = delta.days * 24.0 + delta.seconds / 3600.0
572        output += "<small>git:" + commit["git-sha"][:7]
573        output += "<br>\n%s %.1fh ago.</small></p>\n" % (
574            html.escape(commit["author-name"]),
575            age,
576        )
577    output += "</div>\n"
578    return output
581# ===============================================================================
582def html_footer():
583    now = datetime.utcnow().replace(microsecond=0)
584    output = "<p><small>Page last updated: %s</small></p>\n" % now.isoformat()
585    output += "</body></html>"
586    return output
589# ===============================================================================
590def write_file(fn, content, gz=False):
591    d = path.dirname(fn)
592    if len(d) > 0 and not path.exists(d):
593        os.makedirs(d)
594        print("Created dir: " + d)
595    if path.exists(fn):
596        old_bytes = gzip.open(fn, "rb").read() if (gz) else open(fn, "rb").read()
597        old_content = old_bytes.decode("utf-8", errors="replace")
598        if old_content == content:
599            print("File did not change: " + fn)
600            return
601    f = gzip.open(fn, "wb") if (gz) else open(fn, "wb")
602    f.write(content.encode("utf-8"))
603    f.close()
604    print("Wrote: " + fn)
607# ===============================================================================
608def status_cell(status, report_url, uptodate=True):
609    if status == "OK":
610        bgcolor = "#00FF00" if (uptodate) else "#8CE18C"
611    elif status == "FAILED":
612        bgcolor = "#FF0000" if (uptodate) else "#E18C8C"
613    else:
614        bgcolor = "#d3d3d3"
615    return '<td bgcolor="%s"><a href="%s">%s</a></td>' % (bgcolor, report_url, status)
618# ===============================================================================
619def commit_cell(git_sha, log):
620    if git_sha is None:
621        return "<td>N/A</td>"
622    idx = log.index[git_sha]
623    commit = log[idx]
624    git_url = "https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/commit/" + git_sha
625    output = '<td align="left"><a href="%s">%s</a>' % (git_url, git_sha[:7])
626    output += " (%d)</td>" % (-idx)
627    return output
630# ===============================================================================
631def retrieve_report(url):
632    try:
633        # see if we have a cached entry
634        h = hashlib.md5(url.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
635        etag_file = Path("/tmp/dashboard_retrieval_cache_" + h + ".etag")
636        data_file = Path("/tmp/dashboard_retrieval_cache_" + h + ".data")
637        etag = etag_file.read_text() if etag_file.exists() else ""
639        # make conditional http request
640        r = requests.get(url, headers={"If-None-Match": etag}, timeout=5)
641        r.raise_for_status()
642        if r.status_code == 304:  # Not Modified - cache hit
643            return data_file.read_text()
645        # check report size
646        report_size = int(r.headers["Content-Length"])
647        assert report_size < 3 * 1024 * 1024  # 3 MB
649        # cache miss - store response
650        if "ETag" in r.headers:
651            data_file.write_text(r.text)
652            etag_file.write_text(r.headers["ETag"])
653        return r.text
655    except:
656        print(traceback.print_exc())
657        return None
660# ===============================================================================
661def store_report(report, report_txt, section, outdir):
662    fn = outdir + "archive/%s/commit_%s.txt.gz" % (section, report["git-sha"])
663    write_file(fn, report_txt, gz=True)
666# ===============================================================================
667def parse_report(report_txt, log):
668    if report_txt is None:
669        return {
670            "status": "UNKNOWN",
671            "summary": "Error while retrieving report.",
672            "git-sha": None,
673        }
674    try:
675        report = dict()
676        report["git-sha"] = re.search("(^|\n)CommitSHA: (\w{40})\n", report_txt).group(
677            2
678        )
679        report["summary"] = re.findall("(^|\n)Summary: (.+)\n", report_txt)[-1][1]
680        report["status"] = re.findall("(^|\n)Status: (.+)\n", report_txt)[-1][1]
681        report["plots"] = [
682            eval("dict(%s)" % m[1])
683            for m in re.findall("(^|\n)Plot: (.+)(?=\n)", report_txt)
684        ]
685        report["plotpoints"] = [
686            eval("dict(%s)" % m[1])
687            for m in re.findall("(^|\n)PlotPoint: (.+)(?=\n)", report_txt)
688        ]
690        # Check that every plot has at least one PlotPoint
691        for plot in report["plots"]:
692            points = [pp for pp in report["plotpoints"] if pp["plot"] == plot["name"]]
693            if not points:
694                report["status"] = "FAILED"
695                report["summary"] = 'Plot "%s" has no PlotPoints.' % plot["name"]
697        # Check that CommitSHA belongs to the master branch.
698        if report["git-sha"] not in log.index:
699            report["git-sha"] = None
700            report["status"] = "FAILED"
701            report["summary"] = "Unknown CommitSHA."
703        return report
704    except:
705        print(traceback.print_exc())
706        return {
707            "status": "UNKNOWN",
708            "summary": "Error while parsing report.",
709            "git-sha": None,
710        }
713# ===============================================================================