2Generate trial points in random order
4Traditional pattern search methods search with a fixed pattern of
5search directions to try to find improvements to the current iterate.
6The SCOLIB pattern search methods generalize this simple algorithmic
7strategy to enable control of how the search pattern is adapted, as
8well as how each search pattern is evaluated.  The \c stochastic and
9\c synchronization specifications denote how the the trial points are
10evaluated.  The \c stochastic specification indicates that the trial
11points are considered in a random order.  For parallel pattern search,
12\c synchronization dictates whether the evaluations are scheduled
13using a \c blocking scheduler or a \c nonblocking scheduler (i.e.,
14\ref Model::synchronize "Model::synchronize()" or \ref
15Model::synchronize_nowait "Model::synchronize_nowait()",
16respectively).  In the \c blocking case, all points in the pattern are
17evaluated (in parallel), and if the best of these trial points is an
18improving point, then it becomes the next iterate.  These runs are
19reproducible, assuming use of the same seed in the \c stochastic case.
20In the \c nonblocking case, all points in the pattern may not be
21evaluated, since the first improving point found becomes the next
22iterate.  Since the algorithm steps will be subject to parallel timing
23variabilities, these runs will not generally be repeatable.  The \c
24synchronization specification has similar connotations for sequential
25pattern search.  If \c blocking is specified, then each sequential
26iteration terminates after all trial points have been considered, and
27if \c nonblocking is specified, then each sequential iteration
28terminates after the first improving trial point is evaluated.  In
29this release, both \c blocking and \c nonblocking specifications
30result in blocking behavior (except in the case where \c
31exporatory_moves below is set to \c adaptive_pattern).  Nonblocking
32behavior will be re-enabled after some underlying technical issues
33have been resolved.