1Blurb:: Uncertainty quantification using polynomial chaos expansions
4The polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) is a general framework for
5the approximate representation of random response functions in terms
6of finite-dimensional series expansions in standardized random variables
8\f[R = \sum_{i=0}^P \alpha_i \Psi_i(\xi) \f]
10where \f$\alpha_i\f$ is a deterministic coefficient, \f$\Psi_i\f$ is a
11multidimensional orthogonal polynomial and \f$\xi\f$ is a vector of
12standardized random variables. An important distinguishing feature of
13the methodology is that the functional relationship between random
14inputs and outputs is captured, not merely the output statistics as in
15the case of many nondeterministic methodologies.
18Groups 1 and 2, plus the optional keywords \c p_refinement and
19\c fixed_seed relate
20to the specification of a PCE method. In addition, this method
21treats variables that are not aleatoric-uncertain different,
22despite the \ref variables-active keyword.
24Group 3, and the remainder of the optional keywords relate
25to the output of the method.
28<b> Basis polynomial family (Group 1) </b>
30Group 1 keywords are used to select the type of basis,
31\f$\Psi_i\f$, of the expansion. Three approaches may be employed:
33\li Wiener: employs standard normal random variables in a transformed
34  probability space, corresponding to Hermite orthogonal basis
35  polynomials (see \ref method-polynomial_chaos-wiener).
37\li Askey: employs standard normal, standard uniform, standard
38  exponential, standard beta, and standard gamma random variables in a
39  transformed probability space, corresponding to Hermite, Legendre,
40  Laguerre, Jacobi, and generalized Laguerre orthogonal basis
41  polynomials, respectively (see \ref method-polynomial_chaos-askey).
43\li Extended (default if no option is selected): The Extended option
44  avoids the use of any nonlinear variable transformations by
45  augmenting the Askey approach with numerically-generated orthogonal
46  polynomials for non-Askey probability density functions.  Extended
47  polynomial selections replace each of the sub-optimal Askey basis
48  selections <!-- with numerically-generated polynomials that are
49  orthogonal to the prescribed probability density functions -->
50  for bounded normal, lognormal, bounded lognormal, loguniform,
51  triangular, gumbel, frechet, weibull, and bin-based histogram.
53For supporting correlated random variables, certain fallbacks must
54be implemented.  <!-- The selection of Wiener versus Askey versus
55Extended is partially automated and partially under the user's control. -->
56- The Extended option is the default and supports only
57  Gaussian correlations. <!--- This default can
58  be overridden by the user by supplying the keyword \c askey to request
59  restriction to the use of Askey bases only or by supplying the keyword
60  \c wiener to request restriction to the use of exclusively Hermite
61  bases. -->
62- If needed to support prescribed correlations (not under user
63  control), the Extended and Askey options will fall back to the Wiener
64  option <EM>on a per variable basis</EM>. If the prescribed
65  correlations are also unsupported by Wiener expansions, then %Dakota
66  will exit with an error.
68Refer to \ref topic-variable_support for additional information on
69supported variable types, with and without correlation.
71<b> Coefficient estimation approach (Group 2) </b>
73To obtain the coefficients \f$\alpha_i\f$ of the expansion, seven
74options are provided:
77<li> multidimensional integration by a tensor-product of Gaussian
78     quadrature rules (specified with \c quadrature_order, and,
79     optionally, \c dimension_preference).
80<li> multidimensional integration by the Smolyak sparse grid method
81     (specified with \c sparse_grid_level and, optionally,
82     \c dimension_preference)
83<li> multidimensional integration by Stroud cubature rules
84     and extensions as specified with \c cubature_integrand.
85<li> multidimensional integration by Latin hypercube sampling
86     (specified with \c expansion_order and \c expansion_samples).
87<li> linear regression (specified with \c expansion_order and
88     either \c collocation_points or \c collocation_ratio), using
89     either over-determined (least squares) or under-determined
90     (compressed sensing) approaches.
91<li> orthogonal least interpolation (specified with
92     \c orthogonal_least_interpolation and \c collocation_points)
93<li> coefficient import from a file (specified with \c
94     import_expansion_file). The expansion can be comprised of a
95     general set of expansion terms, as indicated by the multi-index
96     annotation within the file.
99It is important to note that, for polynomial chaos using a single
100model fidelity, \c quadrature_order, \c sparse_grid_level, and \c
101expansion_order are scalar inputs used for a single expansion
102estimation.  These scalars can be augmented with a \c
103dimension_preference to support anisotropy across the random dimension
104set.  This differs from the use of sequence arrays in advanced use
105cases such as multilevel and multifidelity polynomial chaos, where
106multiple grid resolutions can be employed across a model hierarchy.
108<b> Active Variables </b>
110The default behavior is to form expansions over aleatory
111uncertain continuous variables. To form expansions
112over a broader set of variables, one needs to specify
113\c active followed by \c state, \c epistemic, \c design, or \c all
114in the variables specification block.
116For continuous design, continuous state, and continuous
117epistemic uncertain variables included in the expansion,
118Legendre chaos bases are used to model the bounded intervals for these
119variables. However, these variables are not assumed to have any
120particular probability distribution, only that they are independent
121variables. Moreover, when probability integrals are evaluated, only
122the aleatory random variable domain is integrated, leaving behind a
123polynomial relationship between the statistics and the remaining
124design/state/epistemic variables.
126<b> Covariance type (Group 3) </b>
128These two keywords are used to specify how this method computes, stores,
129and outputs the covariance of the responses.  In particular, the diagonal
130covariance option is provided for reducing post-processing overhead and
131output volume in high dimensional applications.
133<b> Optional Keywords regarding method outputs </b>
135Each of these sampling specifications refer to sampling on the PCE
136approximation for the purposes of generating approximate statistics.
137\li \c sample_type
138\li \c samples
139\li \c seed
140\li \c fixed_seed
141\li \c rng
142\li \c probability_refinement
143\li \c distribution
144\li \c reliability_levels
145\li \c response_levels
146\li \c probability_levels
147\li \c gen_reliability_levels
149which should be distinguished from simulation sampling for generating
150the PCE coefficients as described in options 4, 5, and 6 above
151(although these options will share the \c sample_type, \c seed, and \c
152rng settings, if provided).
154When using the \c probability_refinement control, the number of
155refinement samples is not under the user's control (these evaluations
156are approximation-based, so management of this expense is less
157critical). This option allows for refinement of probability and
158generalized reliability results using importance sampling.
161<b> Usage Tips </b>
163If \e n is small (e.g., two or three), then tensor-product Gaussian
164quadrature is quite effective and can be the preferred choice. For
165moderate to large \e n (e.g., five or more), tensor-product quadrature
166quickly becomes too expensive and the sparse grid and regression
167approaches are preferred. <!-- For large \e n (e.g., more than ten),
168point collocation may begin to suffer from ill-conditioning and sparse
169grids are generally recommended. --> Random sampling for coefficient
170estimation is generally not recommended due to its slow convergence
171rate. <!--, although it does hold the advantage that the simulation
172budget is more flexible than that required by the other approaches.-->
173For incremental studies, approaches 4 and 5 support reuse of previous
174samples through the \ref method-sampling-sample_type-incremental_lhs
175and \ref model-surrogate-global-reuse_points
176specifications, respectively.
178In the quadrature and sparse grid cases, growth rates for nested and
179non-nested rules can be synchronized for consistency. For a
180non-nested Gauss rule used within a sparse grid, linear
181one-dimensional growth rules of \f$m=2l+1\f$ are used to enforce odd
182quadrature orders, where \e l is the grid level and \e m is the number
183of points in the rule. The precision of this Gauss rule is then
184\f$i=2m-1=4l+1\f$. For nested rules, order growth with level is
185typically exponential; however, the default behavior is to restrict
186the number of points to be the lowest order rule that is available
187that meets the one-dimensional precision requirement implied by either
188a level \e l for a sparse grid (\f$i=4l+1\f$) or an order \e m for a
189tensor grid (\f$i=2m-1\f$). This behavior is known as "restricted
190growth" or "delayed sequences." To override this default behavior in
191the case of sparse grids, the \c unrestricted keyword can be used; it
192cannot be overridden for tensor grids using nested rules since it also
193provides a mapping to the available nested rule quadrature orders. An
194exception to the default usage of restricted growth is the \c
195dimension_adaptive \c p_refinement \c generalized sparse grid case
196described previously, since the ability to evolve the index sets of a
197sparse grid in an unstructured manner eliminates the motivation for
198restricting the exponential growth of nested rules.
200<b> Additional Resources </b>
202%Dakota provides access to PCE methods through the NonDPolynomialChaos
203class. Refer to the Uncertainty Quantification Capabilities chapter of
204the Users Manual \cite UsersMan and the Stochastic Expansion Methods
205chapter of the Theory Manual \cite TheoMan for additional information
206on the PCE algorithm.
208<b> Expected HDF5 Output </b>
210If Dakota was built with HDF5 support and run with the
211\ref environment-results_output-hdf5 keyword, this method
212writes the following results to HDF5:
214- \ref hdf5_results-se_moments
215- \ref hdf5_results-pdf
216- \ref hdf5_results-level_mappings
217- \ref hdf5_results-vbd
226	polynomial_chaos
227	  sparse_grid_level = 2
228	  samples = 10000 seed = 12347 rng rnum2
229	  response_levels = .1 1. 50. 100. 500. 1000.
230	  variance_based_decomp
236See_Also::	method-stoch_collocation, method-function_train