1 #include "MUQ/Modeling/ODEBase.h"
3 #include <cvodes/cvodes.h> // prototypes for CVODE fcts. and consts.
4 #include <cvodes/cvodes_spgmr.h> // prototypes & constants for CVSPGMR solver
5 #include <cvodes/cvodes_spbcgs.h> // prototypes & constants for CVSPBCG solver
6 #include <cvodes/cvodes_sptfqmr.h> // prototypes & constants for SPTFQMR solver
7 #include <cvodes/cvodes_dense.h> // prototype for CVDense
9 #include <sundials/sundials_types.h> // definition of type
10 #include <sundials/sundials_math.h>  // contains the macros ABS, SQR, and EXP
12 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
13 #include <nvector/nvector_parallel.h>
14 #endif
16 namespace pt = boost::property_tree;
17 using namespace muq::Modeling;
19 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
ODEBase(std::shared_ptr<ModPiece> const & rhs,Eigen::VectorXi const & inputSizes,Eigen::VectorXi const & outputSizes,pt::ptree const & pt,std::shared_ptr<parcer::Communicator> const & comm)20 ODEBase::ODEBase(std::shared_ptr<ModPiece> const& rhs, Eigen::VectorXi const& inputSizes, Eigen::VectorXi const& outputSizes, pt::ptree const& pt, std::shared_ptr<parcer::Communicator> const& comm) :
21 #else
22 ODEBase::ODEBase(std::shared_ptr<ModPiece> const& rhs, Eigen::VectorXi const& inputSizes, Eigen::VectorXi const& outputSizes, pt::ptree const& pt) :
23 #endif
24   ModPiece(inputSizes, outputSizes),
25   rhs(rhs),
26   reltol(pt.get<double>("RelativeTolerance", 1.0e-8)),
27   abstol(pt.get<double>("AbsoluteTolerance", 1.0e-8)), maxStepSize(pt.get<double>("MaxStepSize", 1.0)),
28   maxNumSteps(pt.get<unsigned int>("MaxNumSteps", 500)),
29   autonomous(pt.get<bool>("Autonomous", true)),
30   checkPtGap(pt.get<unsigned int>("CheckPointGap", 50))
31 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
32   , globalSize(pt.get<unsigned int>("GlobalSize", std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::quiet_NaN())),
33   comm(comm)
34 #endif
35    {
36     // we must know the number of inputs for the rhs and it must have at least one (the state)
37     assert(rhs->numInputs>0);
39   // determine the multistep method and the nonlinear solver
40   const std::string& multiStepMethod = pt.get<std::string>("MultistepMethod", "BDF");
41   assert(multiStepMethod.compare("Adams")==0 || multiStepMethod.compare("BDF")==0); // Adams or BDF
42   multiStep = (multiStepMethod.compare("BDF")==0) ? CV_BDF : CV_ADAMS;
43   const std::string& nonlinearSolver = pt.get<std::string>("NonlinearSolver", "Newton");
44   assert(nonlinearSolver.compare("Iter")==0 || nonlinearSolver.compare("Newton")==0); // Iter or Newton
45   solveMethod = (nonlinearSolver.compare("Newton")==0) ? CV_NEWTON : CV_FUNCTIONAL;
47   // determine the method of thelinear solver
48   const std::string& linearSolver = pt.get<std::string>("LinearSolver", "Dense");
49   if( linearSolver.compare("Dense")==0 ) {
50     slvr = LinearSolver::Dense;
51   } else if( linearSolver.compare("SPGMR")==0 ) {
52     slvr = LinearSolver::SPGMR;
53   } else if( linearSolver.compare("SPBCG")==0 ) {
54     slvr = LinearSolver::SPBCG;
55   } else if( linearSolver.compare("SPTFQMR")==0 ) {
56     slvr = LinearSolver::SPTFQMR;
57   } else {
58     std::cerr << "\nInvalid CVODES linear solver type.  Options are Dense, SPGMR, SPBCG, or SPTFQMR\n\n";
59     assert(false);
60   }
61 }
~ODEBase()63 ODEBase::~ODEBase() {}
CheckFlag(void * flagvalue,std::string const & funcname,unsigned int const opt) const65 bool ODEBase::CheckFlag(void* flagvalue, std::string const& funcname, unsigned int const opt) const {
66   // there are only two options
67   assert(opt==0 || opt==1);
69   // check if Sundials function returned nullptr pointer - no memory allocated
70   if( opt==0 && flagvalue==nullptr ) {
71     fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed - returned NULL pointer\n\n", funcname.c_str());
73     // return failure
74     return false;
75   }
77   // check if flag<0
78   if( opt==1 ) {
79     // get int value
80     int *errflag = (int *) flagvalue;
82     if( *errflag<0 ) { // negative indicates Sundials error
83       fprintf(stderr, "\nSUNDIALS_ERROR: %s() failed with flag = %d\n\n", funcname.c_str(), *errflag);
85       // return failure
86       return false;
87     }
88   }
90   // return success
91   return true;
92 }
ErrorHandler(int error_code,const char * module,const char * function,char * msg,void * user_data)94 void ODEBase::ErrorHandler(int error_code, const char *module, const char *function, char *msg, void *user_data) {}
CreateSolverMemoryB(void * cvode_mem,double const timeFinal,N_Vector const & lambda,N_Vector const & nvGrad,std::shared_ptr<ODEData> data) const96 int ODEBase::CreateSolverMemoryB(void* cvode_mem, double const timeFinal, N_Vector const& lambda, N_Vector const& nvGrad, std::shared_ptr<ODEData> data) const {
97   int indexB, flag;
99   // initialize the adjoint solver
100   flag = CVodeAdjInit(cvode_mem, checkPtGap, CV_HERMITE);
101   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeAdjInit", 1));
103   // creat adjoint solver
104   flag = CVodeCreateB(cvode_mem, multiStep, solveMethod, &indexB);
105   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeCreateB", 1));
107   // set the pointer to user-defined data
108   assert(data);
109   flag = CVodeSetUserDataB(cvode_mem, indexB, data.get());
110   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserDataB", 1));
112   // set the adjoint right hand side
113   flag = CVodeInitB(cvode_mem, indexB, AdjointRHS, timeFinal, lambda);
114   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeInitB", 1));
116   // specify the relative and absolute tolerances
117   flag = CVodeSStolerancesB(cvode_mem, indexB, reltol, abstol);
118   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerancesB", 1));
120   // set the maximum time step size
121   flag = CVodeSetMaxStepB(cvode_mem, indexB, maxStepSize);
122   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSetMaxStepB", 1));
124   flag = CVodeSetMaxNumStepsB(cvode_mem, indexB, 10000000);
125   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodesSetMaxNumStepsB", 1));
127   // determine which linear solver to use
128   if( slvr==LinearSolver::Dense ) { // dense linear solver
129     // specify the dense linear solver
130 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
131     flag = CVDenseB(cvode_mem, indexB, comm? NV_GLOBLENGTH_P(lambda) : NV_LENGTH_S(lambda));
132 #else
133     flag = CVDenseB(cvode_mem, indexB, NV_LENGTH_S(lambda));
134 #endif
135     assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVDenseB", 1));
137     // set the Jacobian routine to Jac (user-supplied)
138     flag = CVDlsSetDenseJacFnB(cvode_mem, indexB, AdjointJacobian);
139     assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVDlsSetDenseJacFnB", 1));
140   } else { // sparse linear solver
141     if( slvr==LinearSolver::SPGMR ) {
142       flag = CVSpgmrB(cvode_mem, indexB, 0, 0);
143       assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSpgmrB", 1));
144     } else if( slvr==LinearSolver::SPBCG ) {
145       flag = CVSpbcgB(cvode_mem, indexB, 0, 0);
146       assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSpbcgB", 1));
147     } else if( slvr==LinearSolver::SPTFQMR ) {
148       flag = CVSptfqmrB(cvode_mem, indexB, 0, 0);
149       assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSptfqmrB", 1));
150     } else {
151       std::cerr << "\nInvalid CVODES linear solver type.  Options are Dense, SPGMR, SPBCG, or SPTFQMR\n\n";
152       assert(false);
153     }
155     // set the Jacobian-times-vector function
156     flag = CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFnB(cvode_mem, indexB, AdjointJacobianAction);
157     assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFnB", 1));
158   }
160   flag = CVodeQuadInitB(cvode_mem, indexB, AdjointQuad, nvGrad);
161   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeQuadInitB", 1));
163   flag = CVodeSetQuadErrCon(cvode_mem, true);
164   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSetQuadErrCon", 1));
166   flag = CVodeQuadSStolerancesB(cvode_mem, indexB, reltol, abstol);
167   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeQuadSStolerancesB", 1));
169   return indexB;
170 }
CreateSolverMemory(void * cvode_mem,N_Vector const & state,std::shared_ptr<ODEData> data) const172 void ODEBase::CreateSolverMemory(void* cvode_mem, N_Vector const& state, std::shared_ptr<ODEData> data) const {
173   // a flag used for error checking
174   int flag;
176   // set the pointer to user-defined data
177   assert(data);
178   flag = CVodeSetUserData(cvode_mem, data.get());
179   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSetUserData", 1));
181   // tell the solver how to deal with errors
182   flag = CVodeSetErrHandlerFn(cvode_mem, ErrorHandler, data.get());
183   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSetErrHandlerFun", 1));
185   // tell the solver how to evaluate the rhs
186   flag = CVodeInit(cvode_mem, EvaluateRHS, 0.0, state);
187   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeInit", 1));
189   // specify the relative and absolute tolerances
190   flag = CVodeSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, abstol);
191   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSStolerances", 1));
193   // set the maximum time step size
194   flag = CVodeSetMaxStep(cvode_mem, maxStepSize);
195   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSetMaxStep", 1));
197   flag = CVodeSetMaxNumSteps(cvode_mem, maxNumSteps);
198   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodesSetMaxNumSteps", 1));
200   // determine which linear solver to use
201   if( slvr==LinearSolver::Dense ) { // dense linear solver
202     // specify the dense linear solver
203 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
204     flag = CVDense(cvode_mem, comm? NV_GLOBLENGTH_P(state) : NV_LENGTH_S(state));
205 #else
206     flag = CVDense(cvode_mem, NV_LENGTH_S(state));
207 #endif
208     assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVDense", 1));
210     // set the Jacobian routine to Jac (user-supplied)
211     flag = CVDlsSetDenseJacFn(cvode_mem, RHSJacobian);
212     assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVDlsSetDenseJacFn", 1));
213   } else { // sparse linear solver
214     if( slvr==LinearSolver::SPGMR ) {
215       flag = CVSpgmr(cvode_mem, 0, 0);
216       assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSpgmr", 1));
217     } else if( slvr==LinearSolver::SPBCG ) {
218       flag = CVSpbcg(cvode_mem, 0, 0);
219       assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSpbcg", 1));
220     } else if( slvr==LinearSolver::SPTFQMR ) {
221       flag = CVSptfqmr(cvode_mem, 0, 0);
222       assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSptfqmr", 1));
223     } else {
224       std::cerr << "\nInvalid CVODES linear solver type.  Options are Dense, SPGMR, SPBCG, or SPTFQMR\n\n";
225       assert(false);
226     }
228     // set the Jacobian-times-vector function
229     flag = CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn(cvode_mem, RHSJacobianAction);
230     assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVSpilsSetJacTimesVecFn", 1));
231   }
232 }
234 #define NVectorMap(eigenmap, comm, vec) Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> eigenmap( \
235   comm? NV_DATA_P(vec) : NV_DATA_S(vec), \
236   comm? NV_LOCLENGTH_P(vec) : NV_LENGTH_S(vec));
EvaluateRHS(realtype time,N_Vector state,N_Vector statedot,void * user_data)238 int ODEBase::EvaluateRHS(realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector statedot, void *user_data) {
239   // get the data type
240   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
241   assert(data);
242   assert(data->rhs);
244   // set the state input
245 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
246   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, state);
247 #else
248   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(state), NV_LENGTH_S(state));
249 #endif
250   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
252   // evaluate the rhs
253 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
254   NVectorMap(statedotref, data->comm, statedot);
255 #else
256   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> statedotref(NV_DATA_S(statedot), NV_LENGTH_S(statedot));
257 #endif
258   statedotref = data->rhs->Evaluate(data->inputs) [0];
260   return 0;
261 }
AdjointRHS(realtype time,N_Vector state,N_Vector lambda,N_Vector deriv,void * user_data)263 int ODEBase::AdjointRHS(realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector deriv, void *user_data) {
264   // get the data type
265   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
266   assert(data);
267   assert(data->rhs);
269   // set the state input
270 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
271   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, state);
272 #else
273   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(state), NV_LENGTH_S(state));
274 #endif
275   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
277 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
278   NVectorMap(lambdaMap, data->comm, lambda);
279 #else
280   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> lambdaMap(NV_DATA_S(lambda), NV_LENGTH_S(lambda));
281 #endif
282   const Eigen::VectorXd& lam = lambdaMap;
284 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
285   NVectorMap(derivMap, data->comm, deriv);
286 #else
287   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> derivMap(NV_DATA_S(deriv), NV_LENGTH_S(deriv));
288 #endif
290 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
291   int globalind = 0;
292   int localSize = 0;
293   if( data->comm ) {
294     localSize = NV_LOCLENGTH_P(state);
295     for( unsigned int i=0; i<data->comm->GetSize(); ++i ) {
296       int temp = localSize;
297       data->comm->Bcast(temp, i);
298       globalind += i<data->comm->GetRank()? temp : 0;
299     }
300   } else {
301     localSize = NV_LENGTH_S(state);
302   }
303 #else
304   int globalind = 0;
305   int localSize = NV_LENGTH_S(state);
306 #endif
307   derivMap = -1.0*data->rhs->Gradient(0, data->autonomous? 0 : 1, data->inputs, lam).segment(globalind, localSize);
309   return 0;
310 }
RHSJacobianAction(N_Vector v,N_Vector Jv,realtype time,N_Vector state,N_Vector rhs,void * user_data,N_Vector tmp)312 int ODEBase::RHSJacobianAction(N_Vector v, N_Vector Jv, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector rhs, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp) {
313   // get the data type
314   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
315   assert(data);
316   assert(data->rhs);
318   // set the state input
319 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
320   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, state);
321 #else
322   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(state), NV_LENGTH_S(state));
323 #endif
324   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
326 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
327   NVectorMap(vref, data->comm, v);
328 #else
329   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> vref(NV_DATA_S(v), NV_LENGTH_S(v));
330 #endif
331   const Eigen::VectorXd& veig = vref;
333   // compute the jacobain wrt the state
334 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
335   NVectorMap(Jvref, data->comm, Jv);
336 #else
337   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> Jvref(NV_DATA_S(Jv), NV_LENGTH_S(Jv));
338 #endif
339   Jvref = data->rhs->ApplyJacobian(0, data->autonomous? 0 : 1, data->inputs, veig);
341   return 0;
342 }
AdjointJacobianAction(N_Vector target,N_Vector output,realtype time,N_Vector state,N_Vector lambda,N_Vector adjRhs,void * user_data,N_Vector tmp)344 int ODEBase::AdjointJacobianAction(N_Vector target, N_Vector output, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector adjRhs, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp) {
345   // get the data type
346   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
347   assert(data);
348   assert(data->rhs);
350   // set the state input
351 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
352   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, state);
353 #else
354   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(state), NV_LENGTH_S(state));
355 #endif
356   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
358 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
359   NVectorMap(targetMap, data->comm, target);
360 #else
361   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> targetMap(NV_DATA_S(target), NV_LENGTH_S(target));
362 #endif
363   const Eigen::VectorXd& targ = targetMap;
364 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
365   NVectorMap(outputMap, data->comm, output);
366 #else
367   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> outputMap(NV_DATA_S(output), NV_LENGTH_S(output));
368 #endif
370   outputMap = -1.0*data->rhs->Gradient(0, data->autonomous? 0 : 1, data->inputs, targ);
372   return 0;
373 }
RHSJacobian(long int N,realtype time,N_Vector state,N_Vector rhs,DlsMat jac,void * user_data,N_Vector tmp1,N_Vector tmp2,N_Vector tmp3)375 int ODEBase::RHSJacobian(long int N, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector rhs, DlsMat jac, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3) {
376   // get the data type
377   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
378   assert(data);
379   assert(data->rhs);
381   // set the state input
382 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
383   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, state);
384 #else
385   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(state), NV_LENGTH_S(state));
386 #endif
387   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
389   // evaluate the jacobian
390   Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> jacref(jac->data, jac->M, jac->N);
391   jacref = data->rhs->Jacobian(0, data->autonomous? 0 : 1, data->inputs);
393   return 0;
394 }
AdjointJacobian(long int N,realtype time,N_Vector state,N_Vector lambda,N_Vector rhs,DlsMat jac,void * user_data,N_Vector tmp1,N_Vector tmp2,N_Vector tmp3)396 int ODEBase::AdjointJacobian(long int N, realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector rhs, DlsMat jac, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3) {
397   // get the data type
398   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
399   assert(data);
400   assert(data->rhs);
402   // set the state input
403 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
404   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, state);
405 #else
406   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(state), NV_LENGTH_S(state));
407 #endif
408   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
410   // evaluate the jacobian
411   Eigen::Map<Eigen::MatrixXd> jacref(jac->data, jac->M, jac->N);
412   jacref = -1.0*data->rhs->Jacobian(0, data->autonomous? 0 : 1, data->inputs).transpose();
414   return 0;
415 }
AdjointQuad(realtype time,N_Vector state,N_Vector lambda,N_Vector quadRhs,void * user_data)417 int ODEBase::AdjointQuad(realtype time, N_Vector state, N_Vector lambda, N_Vector quadRhs, void *user_data) {
418   // get the data type
419   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
420   assert(data);
421   assert(data->rhs);
423   // set the state input
424 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
425   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, state);
426 #else
427   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(state), NV_LENGTH_S(state));
428 #endif
429   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
431 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
432   NVectorMap(lambdaMap, data->comm, lambda);
433 #else
434   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> lambdaMap(NV_DATA_S(lambda), NV_LENGTH_S(lambda));
435 #endif
436   const Eigen::VectorXd& lam = lambdaMap;
438 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
439   NVectorMap(nvQuadMap, data->comm, quadRhs);
440 #else
441   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> nvQuadMap(NV_DATA_S(quadRhs), NV_LENGTH_S(quadRhs));
442 #endif
444   nvQuadMap = data->rhs->Gradient(0, data->autonomous? data->wrtIn : data->wrtIn+1, data->inputs, lam);
446   return 0;
447 }
SetUpSensitivity(void * cvode_mem,unsigned int const paramSize,N_Vector * sensState) const449 void ODEBase::SetUpSensitivity(void *cvode_mem, unsigned int const paramSize, N_Vector *sensState) const {
450   // initialze the forward sensitivity solver
451   int flag = CVodeSensInit(cvode_mem, paramSize, CV_SIMULTANEOUS, ForwardSensitivityRHS, sensState);
452   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSensInit", 1));
454   // set sensitivity tolerances
455   Eigen::VectorXd absTolVec = Eigen::VectorXd::Constant(paramSize, abstol);
456   flag = CVodeSensSStolerances(cvode_mem, reltol, absTolVec.data());
457   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSensSStolerances", 1));
459   // error control strategy should test the sensitivity variables
460   flag = CVodeSetSensErrCon(cvode_mem, true);
461   assert(CheckFlag(&flag, "CVodeSetSensErrCon", 1));
462 }
ForwardSensitivityRHS(int Ns,realtype time,N_Vector y,N_Vector ydot,N_Vector * ys,N_Vector * ySdot,void * user_data,N_Vector tmp1,N_Vector tmp2)464 int ODEBase::ForwardSensitivityRHS(int Ns, realtype time, N_Vector y, N_Vector ydot, N_Vector *ys, N_Vector *ySdot, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2) {
465   // get the data type
466   ODEData* data = (ODEData*)user_data;
467   assert(data);
468   assert(data->rhs);
470   // set the state input
471 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
472   NVectorMap(stateref, data->comm, y);
473 #else
474   Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> stateref(NV_DATA_S(y), NV_LENGTH_S(y));
475 #endif
476   data->UpdateInputs(stateref, time);
478   for( unsigned int i=0; i<Ns; ++i ) {
479 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
480     NVectorMap(rhsMap, data->comm, ySdot[i]);
481     NVectorMap(sensMap, data->comm, ys[i]);
482 #else
483     Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> rhsMap(NV_DATA_S(ySdot[i]), stateref.size());
484     Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> sensMap(NV_DATA_S(ys[i]), stateref.size());
485 #endif
487     rhsMap = data->rhs->ApplyJacobian(0, data->autonomous? 0 : 1, data->inputs, (Eigen::VectorXd)sensMap);
488   }
490   // the derivative of the rhs wrt the parameter
491   const Eigen::MatrixXd& dfdp = data->rhs->Jacobian(0, data->autonomous? data->wrtIn : data->wrtIn+1, data->inputs);
493   // now, loop through and fill in the rhs vectors stored in ySdot
494   for( unsigned int i=0; i<Ns; ++i ) {
495 #if MUQ_HAS_PARCER==1
496     Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> rhsMap(data->comm? NV_DATA_P(ySdot[i]) : NV_DATA_S(ySdot[i]), stateref.size());
497     Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> sensMap(data->comm? NV_DATA_P(ys[i]) : NV_DATA_S(ys[i]), stateref.size());
498 #else
499     Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> rhsMap(NV_DATA_S(ySdot[i]), stateref.size());
500     Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> sensMap(NV_DATA_S(ys[i]), stateref.size());
501 #endif
502     rhsMap += dfdp.col(i);
503   }
505   return 0;
506 }