1#  _______________________________________________________________________
3#  PECOS: Parallel Environment for Creation Of Stochastics
4#  Copyright (c) 2011, Sandia National Laboratories.
5#  This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6#  For more information, see the README file in the top Pecos directory.
7#  _______________________________________________________________________
9import numpy
10from PyDakota.approximation import Function, PyFunction
11class GenzFunction(Function):
12    def __init__( self, func_type, num_vars, c=None, w=None, name=None ):
13        """
14        having c and w as arguments are required to enable pickling
15        name allows name to be consistent when pickling
16        because name set here is appended to when set_coefficients is called
17        and that function is not called when pickling
18        """
19        Function.__init__( self ) # must call c++ object wrapper init function
21        self.func_type = func_type
22        self.num_vars = num_vars
23        self.num_qoi = 1
24        if name is None:
25            self.name = 'genz-' + self.func_type + '-%d' %self.num_vars
26        else:
27            self.name=name
28        self.c=c
29        self.w=w
31        self.evaluator=PyFunction(self.value_)
33    def value(self, x, opts=dict()):
34        eval_type=opts.get('eval_type','value')
35        if ( ('grad' in eval_type) and
36            (self.func_type == "discontinuous" or self.func_type == "continuous") ):
37            msg =  "gradients cannot be computed for %s Genz function"%self.func_type
38            raise Exception, msg
39        assert x.min()>=0 and x.max()<=1.
40        vals = self.evaluator.value(x)
41        if eval_type=='value':
42            return vals[:,:1]
43        if eval_type=='value-grad':
44            return vals
45        if eval_type=='grad':
46            return vals[:,1:]
48    def value_( self, x ):
49        assert x.ndim == 1
50        if (self.func_type == "discontinuous" or self.func_type == "continuous"):
51            result = numpy.empty( ( 1 ) , numpy.double )
52        else:
53            result = numpy.empty( ( self.num_vars+1 ) , numpy.double );
54        self.num_vars = self.c.shape[0]
55        if ( self.func_type == "oscillatory" ):
56            result[0] = 2.0 * numpy.pi * self.w[0]
57            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
58                result[0] += self.c[d] * x[d];
59            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
60                result[1+d] = -self.c[d] * numpy.sin( result[0] );
61            result[0] = numpy.cos( result[0] );
62        elif ( self.func_type == "product-peak" ):
63            result[0] = 1.0
64            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
65                result[0] *= ( 1.0 / ( self.c[d] * self.c[d] ) +
66                               ( x[d] - self.w[d] ) *  ( x[d] - self.w[d] ) )
67            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
68                result[1+d] = 2. * ( x[d] - self.w[d] ) / result[0]
69            result[0] = 1.0 / result[0]
70        elif ( self.func_type == "corner-peak" ):
71            result[0] = 1.0;
72            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
73                result[0] += self.c[d] * x[d];
74            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
75                result[1+d]  = -self.c[d] * (self.num_vars+1) / \
76                    result[0]**( self.num_vars+2 )
77            result[0]  = 1.0 / result[0]**( self.num_vars+1 )
78        elif ( self.func_type == "gaussian-peak" ):
79            result[0] = 0.0;
80            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
81                result[0] += self.c[d] * self.c[d] * ( x[d] - self.w[d] ) * \
82                    ( x[d] - self.w[d] )
83            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
84                result[1+d] = 2. * self.c[d]**2 * (self.w[d]-x[d]) * \
85                    numpy.exp( -result[0] )
86            result[0] = numpy.exp( -result[0] );
87        elif ( self.func_type == "continuous" ):
88            result[0] = 0.0;
89            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
90                result[0] += self.c[d] * numpy.abs( x[d] - self.w[d] );
91            result[0] = numpy.exp( -result[0] );
92            result[1:] = 0.
93        elif ( self.func_type == "discontinuous" ):
94            result[0] = 0.0;
95            if ( self.num_vars == 1 ):
96                if ( x[0] <= self.w[0] ):
97                    for d in range( self.num_vars ):
98                            result[0] += self.c[d] * x[d];
99                    result[0] = numpy.exp( result[0] );
100            else:
101                if ( ( x[0] <= self.w[0] ) and ( x[1] <= self.w[1] ) ):
102                    for d in range( self.num_vars ):
103                        result[0] += self.c[d] * x[d];
104                    result[0] = numpy.exp( result[0] );
105        elif (self.func_type=='corner-peak-second-order'):
106            result[0]=0.
107            for d in xrange(self.num_vars-1):
108                result[0] += (1.+self.c[d]*x[d] +self.c[d+1]*x[d+1])**(-3)
109        else:
110            msg = "ensure func_num in [\"oscillatory\",\"product-peak\","
111            msg += "\"corner-peak\",\"gaussian-peak\","
112            msg += "\"continuous\",\"discontinuous\"]"
113            raise Exception, msg
115        return result
117    def set_coefficients( self, c_factor, coef_type, w_factor = 0., seed=0 ):
119        self.c = numpy.empty( ( self.num_vars ), numpy.double );
120        self.w = numpy.empty( ( self.num_vars ), numpy.double );
121        self.name += '-' + coef_type
123        if ( coef_type == "no-decay" ):
124            csum = 0.0
125            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
126                self.w[d] = w_factor
127                self.c[d] = ( d + 0.5 ) / self.num_vars
128                csum += self.c[d]
130            self.c *= ( c_factor / csum )
131        elif ( coef_type == "quadratic-decay" ):
132            csum = 0.0
133            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
134                self.w[d] = w_factor
135                self.c[d] = 1.0 / ( d + 1. )**2
136                csum += self.c[d]
137            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
138                self.c[d] *= ( c_factor / csum )
139        elif ( coef_type == "quartic-decay" ):
140            csum = 0.0
141            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
142                self.w[d] = w_factor
143                self.c[d] = 1.0 / ( d + 1. )**4
144                csum += self.c[d]
145            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
146                self.c[d] *= ( c_factor / csum )
147        elif ( coef_type == "squared-exponential-decay" ):
148            csum = 0.0
149            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
150                self.w[d] = w_factor
151                self.c[d]=numpy.exp((d+1)**2*numpy.log(1.e-15)/self.num_vars**2)
152                csum += self.c[d]
153            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
154                self.c[d] *= ( c_factor / csum )
155        elif ( coef_type == "exponential-decay" ):
156            csum = 0.0
157            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
158                self.w[d] = w_factor
159                #self.c[d] = numpy.exp( (d+1)*numpy.log( 1.e-15 )/self.num_vars )
160                self.c[d] = numpy.exp( (d+1)*numpy.log( 1.e-8 )/self.num_vars )
161                csum += self.c[d]
162            for d in range( self.num_vars ):
163                self.c[d] *= ( c_factor / csum )
164        elif (coef_type=='random'):
165            numpy.random.seed(seed)
166            self.c = numpy.random.uniform(0.,1.,(self.num_vars))
167            csum = numpy.sum(self.c)
168            self.c *= c_factor/csum
169            #self.w = numpy.random.uniform( 0.,1.,(self.num_vars))
170            self.w = 0.
171        else:
172            msg = "Ensure coef_type in [\"no-decay\",\"quadratic-decay\""
173            msg += ",\"quartic-decay\", \"squared-exponential-decay,\""
174            msg += ",\"exponential-decay\"]"
175            raise Exception, msg
177    def variance( self ):
178        mean = self.integrate()
179        return self.recursive_uncentered_moment(self.num_vars,0.0,self.num_vars+1)-mean**2
181    def recursive_uncentered_moment( self, d, integral_sum, r ):
182        if ( self.func_type == "corner-peak" ):
183            if ( d > 0 ):
184                return ( self.recursive_uncentered_moment(
185                    d-1, integral_sum, r ) -
186                    self.recursive_uncentered_moment(
187                        d-1, integral_sum + self.c[d-1], r ) ) / \
188                        ( (d+r) * self.c[d-1] )
189            else:
190                return 1.0 / ( 1.0 + integral_sum )**(1+r);
191        else:
192            return 0.
194    def integrate( self ):
195        return self.recursive_integrate( self.num_vars, 0.0 )
197    def recursive_integrate( self, d, integral_sum ):
198        if ( self.func_type == "oscillatory" ):
199            if ( d > 0 ):
200                return ( self.recursive_integrate( d-1,
201                                                   integral_sum+self.c[d-1] )
202                         - self.recursive_integrate( d-1,
203                                                     integral_sum ) ) /\
204                                                     self.c[d-1];
205            else:
206                case = self.num_vars % 4
207                if (case == 0 ):
208                    return  numpy.cos( 2.0 * numpy.pi * self.w[0] + integral_sum)
209                if (case == 1 ):
210                    return  numpy.sin( 2.0 * numpy.pi * self.w[0] + integral_sum)
211                if (case == 2 ):
212                    return -numpy.cos( 2.0 * numpy.pi * self.w[0] + integral_sum)
213                if (case == 3 ):
214                    return -numpy.sin( 2.0 * numpy.pi * self.w[0] + integral_sum)
216        elif ( self.func_type == "product-peak" ):
217            prod = 1.0
218            for i in xrange( self.num_vars ):
219                prod = prod * self.c[i] * ( numpy.arctan( self.c[i] *
220                                                       (1.0 - self.w[i] ) ) +
221                                            numpy.arctan( self.c[i] * self.w[i]))
222            return prod
223        elif ( self.func_type == "corner-peak" ):
224            if ( d > 0 ):
225                return ( self.recursive_integrate( d-1, integral_sum ) -
226                         self.recursive_integrate( d-1, integral_sum +
227                                                   self.c[d-1] ) ) / \
228                                                   ( d * self.c[d-1] )
229            else:
230                return 1.0 / ( 1.0 + integral_sum );
232        elif ( self.func_type == "gaussian-peak" ):
233            msg = "GenzModel::recursive_integrate() integration of "
234            msg += "gaussian_peak function  has not been implmemented.";
235            raise Exception, msg
237        elif ( self.func_type == "continuous" ):
238            prod = 1.0;
239            for i in xrange( self.num_vars ):
240                prod /= (  self.c[i] * ( 2.0 - numpy.exp( -self.c[i]*self.w[i])-
241                                         numpy.exp( self.c[i]*(self.w[i]-1.0))));
242            return prod;
243        elif ( self.func_type == "discontinuous" ):
244            prod = 1.0;
245            if ( self.num_vars < 2 ):
246                for i in xrange( self.num_vars ):
247                    prod *= ( numpy.exp( self.c[i] * self.w[i] )-1.0 )/self.c[i];
248            else:
249                for i in xrange( 2 ):
250                    prod *= ( numpy.exp( self.c[i] * self.w[i] ) - 1.0)/self.c[i]
251                for i in xrange( 2, self.num_vars ):
252                    prod *= ( numpy.exp( self.c[i] ) - 1.0 ) / self.c[i];
253            return prod;
254        elif (self.func_type=='corner-peak-second-order'):
255            self.func_type='corner-peak'
256            c = self.c.copy()
257            num_vars = self.num_vars
258            result = 0
259            for d in xrange(num_vars-1):
260                self.num_vars=2; self.c = c[d:d+2]
261                result += self.recursive_integrate(2,0.)
262                self.func_type='corner-peak-second-order'
263            self.c = c.copy()
264            self.num_vars = num_vars
265            return result
266        else:
267            msg = "GenzModel::recursive_integrate() incorrect f_type_ ";
268            msg += "was provided";
269            raise Exception, msg
271    def __reduce__(self):
272        return (type(self),(self.func_type, self.num_vars, self.c, self.w, self.name))
274# add unit test like to test pickling
275#python -c "from PyDakota.models.genz import GenzFunction; g = GenzFunction('oscillatory',2); import pickle; pickle.dump(g,open('function.pkl','wb')); g1 = pickle.load(open('function.pkl','rb'))"