1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:       CONMINOptimizer
10 //- Description: Implementation code for the CONMINOptimizer class
11 //- Owner:       Tony Giunta
12 //- Checked by:
14 #include "DakotaModel.hpp"
15 #include "DakotaResponse.hpp"
16 #include "CONMINOptimizer.hpp"
17 #include "ProblemDescDB.hpp"
19 static const char rcsId[]="@(#) $Id: CONMINOptimizer.cpp 7029 2010-10-22 00:17:02Z mseldre $";
21 // Prototype for a direct call to the F77 CONMIN code
22 #define CONMIN_F77 F77_FUNC(conmin,CONMIN)
23 extern "C" void CONMIN_F77(double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*,
24 			   double*, double*, double*, double*, double*, double*,
25 			   int*, int*, int*, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&,
26 			   double&, double&, double&, double&, double&, double&,
27 			   double&, double&, double&, double&, double&, double&,
28 			   int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&,
29 			   int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&, int&);
31 using namespace std;
33 namespace Dakota {
CONMINOptimizer(ProblemDescDB & problem_db,Model & model)36 CONMINOptimizer::CONMINOptimizer(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model):
37   Optimizer(problem_db, model, std::shared_ptr<TraitsBase>(new CONMINTraits()))
38 {
39   // If speculativeFlag is set with vendor numerical_gradients, output a warning
40   if (speculativeFlag && vendorNumericalGradFlag)
41     Cerr << "\nWarning: speculative method specification is ignored for"
42 	 << "\n         vendor numerical gradients.\n\n";
44   initialize(); // convenience fn for shared ctor code
45 }
CONMINOptimizer(const String & method_string,Model & model)48 CONMINOptimizer::CONMINOptimizer(const String& method_string, Model& model):
49   Optimizer(method_string_to_enum(method_string), model, std::shared_ptr<TraitsBase>(new CONMINTraits()))
50 { initialize(); } // convenience fn for shared ctor code
initialize()53 void CONMINOptimizer::initialize()
54 {
55   // Prevent nesting of an instance of a Fortran iterator within another
56   // instance of the same iterator (which would result in data clashes since
57   // Fortran does not support object independence).  Recurse through all
58   // sub-models and test each sub-iterator for CONMIN presence.
59   // Note: This check is performed for DOT, CONMIN, and SOLBase, but not
60   //       for LHS since it is only active in pre-processing.
61   Iterator sub_iterator = iteratedModel.subordinate_iterator();
62   if (!sub_iterator.is_null() &&
63        ( sub_iterator.method_name() == CONMIN_FRCG ||
64 	 sub_iterator.method_name() == CONMIN_MFD  ||
65 	 sub_iterator.uses_method() == CONMIN_FRCG ||
66 	 sub_iterator.uses_method() == CONMIN_MFD ) )
67     sub_iterator.method_recourse();
68   ModelList& sub_models = iteratedModel.subordinate_models();
69   for (ModelLIter ml_iter = sub_models.begin();
70        ml_iter != sub_models.end(); ml_iter++) {
71     sub_iterator = ml_iter->subordinate_iterator();
72     if (!sub_iterator.is_null() &&
73 	 ( sub_iterator.method_name() == CONMIN_FRCG ||
74 	   sub_iterator.method_name() == CONMIN_MFD  ||
75 	   sub_iterator.uses_method() == CONMIN_FRCG ||
76 	   sub_iterator.uses_method() == CONMIN_MFD ) )
77       sub_iterator.method_recourse();
78   }
80   // Initialize CONMIN specific data
81   NFDG   = 0;       // default finite difference flag
82   IPRINT = 1;       // default flag to control amount of output info
83   ITMAX  = 100;     // default max number of iterations
84   FDCH   =  1.0e-5; // default relative finite difference step size
85   FDCHM  =  1.0e-5; // default absolute finite difference step size
86   CT     = -0.1;    // default constraint thickness tolerance
87                     // (for determining active/inactive constraint status)
88   CTMIN  =  0.001;  // default absolute constraint tolerance
89                     // (note: the CONMIN manual default is 0.004)
90   CTL    = -0.01;   // default side constraint thickness tolerance (see CT)
91   CTLMIN =  0.001;  // default absolute side constraint tolerance
92   DELFUN =  1.0e-7; // default minimum relative change in the objective
93                     // function needed for convergence
94   DABFUN =  1.0e-7; // default minimum absolute change in the objective
95                     // function needed for convergence
97   conminInfo = 0; // Must be set to 0 before calling CONMIN
98   ITMAX = maxIterations;
100   // Set the print control flag
101   if (outputLevel > NORMAL_OUTPUT) {
102     IPRINT = printControl = 4;
103     Cout << "CONMIN print control = " << printControl << endl;
104   }
105   else
106     IPRINT = printControl = 2;
108   // assigns a nondefault constraint tolerance if a valid value has been
109   // set in dakota.in; otherwise use CONMIN default.
110   if (constraintTol > 0.0) {
111     CTMIN = CTLMIN = constraintTol;
112     if (outputLevel > QUIET_OUTPUT)
113       Cout << "constraint violation tolerance = " << constraintTol << '\n';
114   }
116   // convergenceTol is an optional parameter in dakota.input.nspec, but
117   // defining our own default (in the DataMethod constructor) and
118   // always assigning it applies some consistency across methods.
119   // Therefore, the CONMIN default is not used.
120   DELFUN = DABFUN = convergenceTol; // needed in CONMIN
122   // Default CONMIN gradients = numerical;forward;vendor setting.
123   const String& grad_type     = iteratedModel.gradient_type();
124   const String& method_src    = iteratedModel.method_source();
125   const String& interval_type = iteratedModel.interval_type();
126   if ( grad_type == "analytic" || grad_type == "mixed" ||
127        ( grad_type == "numerical" && method_src == "dakota" ) )
128     // Set NFDG=1 before calling CONMIN. This invokes the
129     // user-supplied gradient mode which DAKOTA uses for analytic,
130     // dakota numerical, or mixed analytic/dakota numerical gradients.
131     NFDG=1;
132   else if (grad_type == "none") {
133     Cerr << "\nError: gradient type = none is invalid with CONMIN.\n"
134          << "Please select numerical, analytic, or mixed gradients." << endl;
135     abort_handler(-1);
136   }
137   else if (interval_type == "central") {
138     Cerr << "\nFinite Difference Type = 'central' is invalid with CONMIN.\n"
139          << "Forward difference is only available internal to CONMIN." << endl;
140     abort_handler(-1);
141   }
142   else { // Vendor numerical gradients with forward differences
143     NFDG = 0; // use CONMIN's default internal forward difference method
145     Real fd_grad_ss = iteratedModel.fd_gradient_step_size()[0];
147     // CONMIN's forward differencing uses fdss*X_i as one would expect
148     FDCH = fd_grad_ss;
150     // for FDCHM (minimum delta), use 2 orders of magnitude smaller than fdss to
151     // be consistent with Model::estimate_derivatives():
152     FDCHM = fd_grad_ss*.01;
153   }
154 }
~CONMINOptimizer()157 CONMINOptimizer::~CONMINOptimizer()
158 { }
allocate_constraints()161 void CONMINOptimizer::allocate_constraints()
162 {
163   // CONMIN handles all constraints as 1-sided inequalities.  Compute the number
164   // of 1-sided inequalities to pass to CONMIN (numConminConstr) as well as the
165   // mappings (indices, multipliers, offsets) between the DAKOTA constraints and
166   // the CONMIN constraints.  TO DO: support for automatic constraint scaling.
167   //
168   // ***Note: CONMIN has difficulty when handling a nonlinear equality
169   // constraint as two oppositely-signed inequality constraints (CONMIN's MFD
170   // algorithm cannot handle the nonlinearity created by the two inequalities).
171   // This is the reason behind the Modified MFD in DOT.  See Vanderplaats' book,
172   // Numer. Opt. Techniques for Eng. Design, for additional details.
173   size_t
174     num_nln_ineq = iteratedModel.num_nonlinear_ineq_constraints(),
175     num_nln_eq   = iteratedModel.num_nonlinear_eq_constraints(),
176     num_lin_ineq = iteratedModel.num_linear_ineq_constraints(),
177     num_lin_eq   = iteratedModel.num_linear_eq_constraints();
178   numConminNlnConstr = 2*num_nln_eq;
179   numConminNlnConstr += (int)constraintMapOffsets.size();
181   // Augment nonlinear inequality maps (set in Optimizer::configure_constraint_maps) with additional constraint info ...
182   configure_equality_constraints(CONSTRAINT_TYPE::NONLINEAR, num_nln_ineq);
183   numConminLinConstr = 2*num_lin_eq;
184   numConminLinConstr += configure_inequality_constraints(CONSTRAINT_TYPE::LINEAR);
185   configure_equality_constraints(CONSTRAINT_TYPE::LINEAR, num_lin_ineq);
187   numConminConstr = numConminNlnConstr + numConminLinConstr;
189   // Check method setting versus constraints
190   if (methodName == CONMIN_MFD && !numConminConstr) {
191     Cerr << "\nWarning: for no constraints, conmin_mfd request will be changed"
192 	 << "\n         to conmin_frcg.\n\n";
193     methodName = CONMIN_FRCG; // for output header/footer
194   }
195   else if (methodName == CONMIN_FRCG && numConminConstr) {
196     Cerr << "\nWarning: for constrained optimization, conmin_frcg request will"
197 	 << "\n         be changed to conmin_mfd.\n\n";
198     methodName = CONMIN_MFD; // for output header/footer
199   }
200 }
allocate_workspace()203 void CONMINOptimizer::allocate_workspace()
204 {
205   // Compute sizes of arrays and matrices needed for CONMIN.
206   // These sizes are listed in the 1978 Addendum to the CONMIN User's Manual.
207   N1 = numContinuousVars + 2;
208   N2 = numContinuousVars*2 + numConminConstr;
209   // N3 = 1 + an estimate of the max # of active constraints,
210   // including side constraints. The largest N3 can be is
211   // N3 = 1 + numConminConstr + numContinuousVars
212   // (i.e., there are, at most, numContinuousVars active side constraints)
213   // NOTE: with a bad user input of lowerBnd==upperBnd, this could break down.
214   N3 = 1 + numConminConstr + numContinuousVars;
215   N4 = (N3 >= numContinuousVars) ? N3 : numContinuousVars; // always N3
216   N5 = 2*N4;
218   // Declare arrays needed for CONMIN. The sizes for these arrays are
219   // listed in the 1978 Addendum to the CONMIN User's Manual
220   conminDesVars   = new Real[N1];
221   conminLowerBnds = new Real[N1];
222   conminUpperBnds = new Real[N1];
223   S               = new Real[N1];
224   G1              = new Real[N2];
225   G2              = new Real[N2];
226   B               = new Real[N3*N3];
227   C               = new Real[N4];
228   MS1             = new int[N5];
229   SCAL            = new Real[N1];
230   DF              = new Real[N1];
231   A               = new Real[N1*N3];
232   ISC             = new int[N2];
233   IC              = new int[N3];
235   // Size the array that holds the constraint values.
236   // For CONMIN the minimum size of the vector of constraints is "N2"
237   constraintValues.resize(N2);
238 }
deallocate_workspace()241 void CONMINOptimizer::deallocate_workspace()
242 {
243   delete [] conminDesVars;
244   delete [] conminLowerBnds;
245   delete [] conminUpperBnds;
246   delete [] S;
247   delete [] G1;
248   delete [] G2;
249   delete [] B;
250   delete [] C;
251   delete [] MS1;
252   delete [] SCAL;
253   delete [] DF;
254   delete [] A;
255   delete [] ISC;
256   delete [] IC;
257 }
initialize_run()260 void CONMINOptimizer::initialize_run()
261 {
262   Optimizer::initialize_run();
264   // Allocate space for CONMIN arrays
265   allocate_constraints();
266   allocate_workspace();
268   // initialize the IC and ISC vectors
269   size_t i;
270   for (i=0; i<numConminConstr; i++)
271     IC[i] = ISC[i] = 0;
273   // Initialize CONMIN's local vars and bounds arrays
274   // Note: these are different than DAKOTA's local vars and bounds arrays
275   // because CONMIN uses arrays for vars and bounds that are larger than
276   // used by DAKOTA, i.e., DAKOTA's local_cdv has length numContinuousVars,
277   // and CONMIN's conminDesVars has length N1 = numContinuousVars+2
278   //
279   // copy DAKOTA arrays to CONMIN arrays and check for the existence of bounds.
280   const RealVector& local_cdv  = iteratedModel.continuous_variables();
281   const RealVector& lower_bnds = iteratedModel.continuous_lower_bounds();
282   const RealVector& upper_bnds = iteratedModel.continuous_upper_bounds();
283   for (i=0; i<numContinuousVars; i++) {
284     conminDesVars[i]   = local_cdv[i];
285     conminLowerBnds[i] = lower_bnds[i];
286     conminUpperBnds[i] = upper_bnds[i];
287   }
288   // Initialize array padding (N1 = numContinuousVars + 2).
289   for (i=numContinuousVars; i<N1; i++)
290     conminDesVars[i] = conminLowerBnds[i] = conminUpperBnds[i] = 0.;
291 }
core_run()294 void CONMINOptimizer::core_run()
295 {
296   size_t i, j, fn_eval_cntr;
297   int num_cv = numContinuousVars;
299   // Any MOO/NLS recasting is responsible for setting the scalar min/max
300   // sense within the recast.
301   const BoolDeque& max_sense = iteratedModel.primary_response_fn_sense();
302   bool max_flag = (!max_sense.empty() && max_sense[0]);
304   // Initialize variables internal to CONMIN
305   int NSIDE     = 0;   // flag for upper/lower var bounds: 1=bounds, 0=no bounds
306   // NSIDE must be set to 0 for unbounded since CONMIN cannot handle having
307   // upper/lower bounds set to +/-inf.  Set NSIDE to 1 if bounds arrays have
308   // nondefault values.
309   for (i=0; i<numContinuousVars; i++) {
310     if (conminLowerBnds[i] > -bigRealBoundSize ||
311 	conminUpperBnds[i] <  bigRealBoundSize) {
312       NSIDE = 1;
313       break;
314     }
315   }
316   int ICNDIR    = numContinuousVars+1; // conjugate direction restart parameter
317   int NSCAL     = 0;   // (unused) scaling flag
318   //int NACMX1  = N3;  // estimate of 1+(max # of active constraints)
319   int LINOBJ    = 0;   // (unused) set to 1 if obj fcn is linear
320   int ITRM      = 3;   // number of consecutive iterations of less than DELFUN
321                        // or DABFUN progress before optimization terminated
322   double THETA  = 1.0; // mean value of "push-off factor" in mtd of feasible
323                        // directions
324   //double PHI  = 5.0; // "participation coefficient" to force an infeasible
325                        // design to be feasible
326   double ALPHAX = 0.1; // 1-D search fractional change parameter
327   double ABOBJ1 = 0.1; // 1-D search fractional change parameter for 1st step
329   // variables for loop that calls CONMIN
330   int IGOTO     = 0;   // CONMIN internal optimization termination flag: 0=stop
331   int NAC;             // number of active constraints computed in CONMIN
332   int INFOG;           // (unused) flag that allows for non-essential function
333                        // evaluations in FD gradients to be avoided
334   int ITER;            // CONMIN internal iteration counter
336   // Initialize local vars and linear constraints
337   RealVector local_cdv(numContinuousVars);
338   size_t num_lin_ineq = iteratedModel.num_linear_ineq_constraints(),
339     num_lin_eq = iteratedModel.num_linear_eq_constraints();
340   const RealMatrix& lin_ineq_coeffs
341     = iteratedModel.linear_ineq_constraint_coeffs();
342   const RealMatrix& lin_eq_coeffs
343     = iteratedModel.linear_eq_constraint_coeffs();
344   const String& grad_type = iteratedModel.gradient_type();
346   // Start FOR loop to execute calls to CONMIN
347   for (fn_eval_cntr=1; fn_eval_cntr<=maxFunctionEvals; fn_eval_cntr++) {
349     CONMIN_F77(conminDesVars, conminLowerBnds, conminUpperBnds,
350 	       constraintValues.values(), SCAL, DF, A, S, G1, G2, B, C, ISC, IC,
351 	       MS1, N1, N2, N3, N4, N5, DELFUN, DABFUN, FDCH, FDCHM, CT, CTMIN,
352 	       CTL, CTLMIN, ALPHAX, ABOBJ1, THETA, objFnValue, num_cv,
353 	       numConminConstr, NSIDE, IPRINT, NFDG, NSCAL, LINOBJ, ITMAX, ITRM,
354 	       ICNDIR, IGOTO, NAC, conminInfo, INFOG, ITER);
356     if (IGOTO == 0) break; // CONMIN's flag that optimization is complete
358     // conminInfo=1: Line search/Finite differencing, eval obj & all constr fns.
359     // conminInfo=2: Evaluate gradients of objective & active constraints
360     if (conminInfo == 1) {
361       if (outputLevel > NORMAL_OUTPUT) // output info on CONMIN request
362 	Cout << "\nCONMIN requests function values:";
363       if (speculativeFlag && !vendorNumericalGradFlag) {
364 	if (outputLevel > NORMAL_OUTPUT)
365 	  Cout << "\nSpeculative optimization: evaluation augmented with "
366 	       << "speculative gradients.";
367 	activeSet.request_values(3);
368       }
369       else
370 	activeSet.request_values(1);
371     }
372     else if (conminInfo == 2) {
373       if (outputLevel > NORMAL_OUTPUT) { // output info on CONMIN request
374 	if (grad_type == "numerical")
375 	  Cout << "\nCONMIN requests dakota-numerical gradients:";
376 	else
377 	  Cout << "\nCONMIN requests analytic gradients:";
378 	if (speculativeFlag && !vendorNumericalGradFlag)
379 	  Cout << "\nSpeculative optimization: retrieving gradients already "
380 	       << "evaluated from database.";
381       }
382       activeSet.request_values(0);
383       for (i=0; i<numObjectiveFns; i++)
384 	activeSet.request_value(conminInfo, i); // objective function(s)
385       // CONMIN does not compute the number of active constraints and
386       // requires the user to do so.  Store this value in CONMIN's variable
387       // NAC and store the indices of the constraints in array IC.
388       NAC = 0;
389       for (i=0; i<numConminConstr; i++)
390       	if ( constraintValues[i] >= CT )
391 	  IC[NAC++] = i + 1; // The +1 is needed for F77 array indexing
393       // for each of the active constraints, assign a value to DAKOTA's
394       // active set vector
395       for (i=0; i<NAC; i++) {
396 	// IC contains the active constraint #'s While CONMIN returns
397 	// 1-based constraint id's, work in 0-based id's for indexing
398 	// convenience.
399 	size_t conmin_constr = IC[i] - 1; // (0-based)
400 	if (conmin_constr < numConminNlnConstr) {
401 	  size_t dakota_constr = constraintMapIndices[conmin_constr];
402 	  activeSet.request_value(conminInfo, dakota_constr + numObjectiveFns);
403 	  // some DAKOTA equality and 2-sided inequality constraints may
404 	  // have their ASV assigned multiple times depending on which of
405 	  // CONMIN's 1-sided inequalities are active.
406 	}
407       }
408     }
410     copy_data(conminDesVars, num_cv, local_cdv);
411     iteratedModel.continuous_variables(local_cdv);
412     iteratedModel.evaluate(activeSet);
413     const Response& local_response = iteratedModel.current_response();
415     // Populate proper data for input back to CONMIN through parameter list.
416     // This include gradient data, along with the number and indices of
417     // the active constraints.
418     if (conminInfo == 2) {
419       // Populate CONMIN's obj fcn gradient vector "DF"
420       const RealMatrix& local_fn_grads = local_response.function_gradients();
421       const int  num_vars = local_fn_grads.numRows();
422       for (j=0; j<num_vars; ++j)   // obj. fn. grad. always needed
423 	DF[j] = (max_flag) ? -local_fn_grads(j, 0) : local_fn_grads(j, 0);
424       // Return the gradients of the active constraints in the matrix "A".
425       for (i=0; i<NAC; i++) {
426 	// Populate CONMIN's active constraint gradient matrix "A".  For some
427 	// reason, CONMIN's A-matrix has a column length of N1 (and N1 =
428 	// numContinuousVars+2).
429 	size_t conmin_constr = IC[i]-1;
430 	size_t dakota_constr = constraintMapIndices[conmin_constr];
431         if (conmin_constr < numConminNlnConstr) { // nonlinear ineq & eq
432           // gradients pick up multiplier mapping only (offsets drop out)
433           for (j=0; j<num_vars; ++j)
434             A[i*N1 + j] = constraintMapMultipliers[conmin_constr] *
435 	      local_fn_grads(j,dakota_constr+1);
436         }
437         else if (dakota_constr < num_lin_ineq) { // linear ineq
438 	  for (j=0; j<num_vars; ++j)
439 	    A[i*N1 + j] = constraintMapMultipliers[conmin_constr] *
440 	      lin_ineq_coeffs(dakota_constr,j);
441 	}
442 	else { // linear eq
443 	  size_t dakota_leq_constr = dakota_constr - num_lin_ineq;
444 	  for (j=0; j<num_vars; ++j)
445 	    A[i*N1 + j] = constraintMapMultipliers[conmin_constr] *
446 	      lin_eq_coeffs(dakota_leq_constr,j);
447         }
448       }
449     }
450     else {
451       // Get objective function and constraint values
452       // note: no active/inactive distinction needed with constraints
453       const RealVector& local_fn_vals = local_response.function_values();
454       objFnValue = (max_flag) ? -local_fn_vals[0] : local_fn_vals[0];
455       // CONMIN constraint requests must be mapped to DAKOTA constraints and
456       // offsets/multipliers must be applied.
457       size_t conmin_constr, dakota_constr;
458       for (conmin_constr=0; conmin_constr<numConminConstr; conmin_constr++) {
459         dakota_constr = constraintMapIndices[conmin_constr];
460         if (conmin_constr < numConminNlnConstr) // nonlinear ineq & eq
461           constraintValues[conmin_constr] =
462             constraintMapOffsets[conmin_constr] +
463             constraintMapMultipliers[conmin_constr] *
464             local_fn_vals[dakota_constr+1];
465         else {
466           Real Ax = 0.0;
467           if (dakota_constr < num_lin_ineq) { // linear ineq
468             for (j=0; j<numContinuousVars; j++)
469               Ax += lin_ineq_coeffs(dakota_constr,j) * local_cdv[j];
470           }
471           else { // linear eq
472             size_t dakota_leq_constr = dakota_constr - num_lin_ineq;
473             for (j=0; j<numContinuousVars; j++)
474               Ax += lin_eq_coeffs(dakota_leq_constr,j) * local_cdv[j];
475           }
476           constraintValues[conmin_constr] =
477             constraintMapOffsets[conmin_constr] +
478             constraintMapMultipliers[conmin_constr] * Ax;
479         }
480       }
481     }
483   } // end of FOR loop starting above call to CONMIN
485   if (fn_eval_cntr == maxFunctionEvals+1)
486     Cout << "Iteration terminated: max_function_evaluations limit has been "
487          << "met.\n";
489   // Set best variables and response for use by strategy level.
490   // If conminInfo = 0, then optimization was complete and CONMIN
491   // contains the best variables & responses data in the argument list
492   // data structures.  If conminInfo is not 0, then there was an abort
493   // (e.g., maxFunctionEvals) and it is not clear how to return the
494   // best solution. For now, return the argument list data (as if
495   // conminInfo = 0) which should be the last evaluation (?).
496   copy_data(conminDesVars, num_cv, local_cdv);
497   bestVariablesArray.front().continuous_variables(local_cdv);
498   if (!localObjectiveRecast) { // else local_objective_recast_retrieve()
499                                // used in Optimizer::post_run()
500     RealVector best_fns(numFunctions);
501     best_fns[0] = (max_flag) ? -objFnValue : objFnValue;
502     // NOTE: best_fn_vals[i] may be recomputed multiple times, but this
503     // should be OK so long as all of constraintValues is populated
504     // (no active set deletions).
505     for (size_t i=0; i<numConminNlnConstr; i++) {
506       size_t dakota_constr = constraintMapIndices[i];
507       // back out the offset and multiplier
508       best_fns[dakota_constr+1] = ( constraintValues[i] -
509 	constraintMapOffsets[i] ) / constraintMapMultipliers[i];
510     }
511     bestResponseArray.front().function_values(best_fns);
512   }
513   deallocate_workspace();
514 }
516 } // namespace Dakota