1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 //- Class:       NonDStochCollocation
10 //- Description: Implementation code for NonDStochCollocation class
11 //- Owner:       Mike Eldred
13 #include "dakota_system_defs.hpp"
14 #include "NonDStochCollocation.hpp"
15 #include "NonDSparseGrid.hpp"
16 #include "DakotaResponse.hpp"
17 #include "ProblemDescDB.hpp"
18 #include "DataFitSurrModel.hpp"
19 #include "ProbabilityTransformModel.hpp"
20 #include "SharedPecosApproxData.hpp"
21 #include "PecosApproximation.hpp"
22 #include "SharedInterpPolyApproxData.hpp"
25 //#define DEBUG
28 namespace Dakota {
30 /** This constructor is called for a standard letter-envelope iterator
31     instantiation using the ProblemDescDB. */
32 NonDStochCollocation::
NonDStochCollocation(ProblemDescDB & problem_db,Model & model)33 NonDStochCollocation(ProblemDescDB& problem_db, Model& model):
34   NonDExpansion(problem_db, model)
35 {
36   // ----------------
37   // Resolve settings
38   // ----------------
39   short data_order,
40     u_space_type = probDescDB.get_short("method.nond.expansion_type");
41   resolve_inputs(u_space_type, data_order);
43   // -------------------
44   // Recast g(x) to G(u)
45   // -------------------
46   Model g_u_model;
47   g_u_model.assign_rep(std::make_shared<ProbabilityTransformModel>
48 		       (iteratedModel, u_space_type)); // retain dist bounds
50   // -------------------------
51   // Construct u_space_sampler
52   // -------------------------
53   // LHS/Incremental LHS/Quadrature/SparseGrid samples in u-space
54   // generated using active sampling view:
55   Iterator u_space_sampler;
56   config_integration(probDescDB.get_ushort("method.nond.quadrature_order"),
57 		     probDescDB.get_ushort("method.nond.sparse_grid_level"),
58 		     probDescDB.get_rv("method.nond.dimension_preference"),
59 		     u_space_type, u_space_sampler, g_u_model);
60   String pt_reuse, approx_type;
61   config_approximation_type(approx_type);
63   // --------------------------------
64   // Construct G-hat(u) = uSpaceModel
65   // --------------------------------
66   // G-hat(u) uses an orthogonal polynomial approximation over the
67   // active/uncertain variables (using same view as iteratedModel/g_u_model:
68   // not the typical All view for DACE).  No correction is employed.
69   // *** Note: for SCBDO with polynomials over {u}+{d}, change view to All.
70   short  corr_order = -1, corr_type = NO_CORRECTION;
71   UShortArray approx_order; // empty
72   const ActiveSet& recast_set = g_u_model.current_response().active_set();
73   // DFSModel: consume any QoI aggregation; support surrogate grad evals at most
74   ShortArray asv(g_u_model.qoi(), 3); // for stand alone mode
75   ActiveSet sc_set(asv, recast_set.derivative_vector());
76   String empty_str; // build data import not supported for structured grids
77   uSpaceModel.assign_rep(std::make_shared<DataFitSurrModel>
78     (u_space_sampler, g_u_model,
79      sc_set, approx_type, approx_order, corr_type, corr_order, data_order,
80      outputLevel, pt_reuse, empty_str, TABULAR_ANNOTATED, false,
81      probDescDB.get_string("method.export_approx_points_file"),
82      probDescDB.get_ushort("method.export_approx_format")));
83   initialize_u_space_model();
85   // -------------------------------
86   // Construct expSampler, if needed
87   // -------------------------------
88   construct_expansion_sampler(problem_db.get_ushort("method.sample_type"),
89     problem_db.get_string("method.random_number_generator"),
90     problem_db.get_ushort("method.nond.integration_refinement"),
91     problem_db.get_iv("method.nond.refinement_samples"),
92     probDescDB.get_string("method.import_approx_points_file"),
93     probDescDB.get_ushort("method.import_approx_format"),
94     probDescDB.get_bool("method.import_approx_active_only"));
96   if (parallelLib.command_line_check())
97     Cout << "\nStochastic collocation construction completed: initial grid "
98 	 << "size of " << numSamplesOnModel << " evaluations to be performed."
99 	 << std::endl;
100 }
103 /** This constructor is used for helper iterator instantiation on the fly. */
104 NonDStochCollocation::
NonDStochCollocation(Model & model,short exp_coeffs_approach,unsigned short num_int,const RealVector & dim_pref,short u_space_type,short refine_type,short refine_control,short covar_control,short rule_nest,short rule_growth,bool piecewise_basis,bool use_derivs)105 NonDStochCollocation(Model& model, short exp_coeffs_approach,
106 		     unsigned short num_int, const RealVector& dim_pref,
107 		     short u_space_type, short refine_type,
108 		     short refine_control, short covar_control,
109 		     short rule_nest, short rule_growth,
110 		     bool piecewise_basis, bool use_derivs):
111   NonDExpansion(STOCH_COLLOCATION, model, exp_coeffs_approach, dim_pref, 0,
112 		refine_type, refine_control, covar_control, 0., rule_nest,
113 		rule_growth, piecewise_basis, use_derivs)
114   // Note: non-zero seed would be needed for expansionSampler, if defined
115 {
116   // ----------------
117   // Resolve settings
118   // ----------------
119   short data_order;
120   resolve_inputs(u_space_type, data_order);
122   // -------------------
123   // Recast g(x) to G(u)
124   // -------------------
125   Model g_u_model;
126   g_u_model.assign_rep(std::make_shared<ProbabilityTransformModel>
127 		       (iteratedModel, u_space_type)); // retain dist bounds
129   // -------------------------
130   // Construct u_space_sampler
131   // -------------------------
132   // LHS/Incremental LHS/Quadrature/SparseGrid samples in u-space
133   // generated using active sampling view:
134   Iterator u_space_sampler;
135   config_integration(exp_coeffs_approach, num_int, dim_pref, u_space_sampler,
136 		     g_u_model);
137   String pt_reuse, approx_type;
138   config_approximation_type(approx_type);
140   // --------------------------------
141   // Construct G-hat(u) = uSpaceModel
142   // --------------------------------
143   // G-hat(u) uses an orthogonal polynomial approximation over the
144   // active/uncertain variables (using same view as iteratedModel/g_u_model:
145   // not the typical All view for DACE).  No correction is employed.
146   // *** Note: for SCBDO with polynomials over {u}+{d}, change view to All.
147   short  corr_order = -1, corr_type = NO_CORRECTION;
148   UShortArray approx_order; // empty
149   const ActiveSet& recast_set = g_u_model.current_response().active_set();
150   // DFSModel: consume any QoI aggregation.
151   // TO DO: support surrogate Hessians in helper mode.
152   ShortArray asv(g_u_model.qoi(), 3); // TO DO: consider passing in data_mode
153   ActiveSet sc_set(asv, recast_set.derivative_vector());
154   uSpaceModel.assign_rep(std::make_shared<DataFitSurrModel>
155     (u_space_sampler, g_u_model,
156      sc_set, approx_type, approx_order, corr_type, corr_order, data_order,
157      outputLevel, pt_reuse));
158   initialize_u_space_model();
160   // no expansionSampler, no numSamplesOnExpansion
161 }
164 /** This constructor is called from derived class constructors that
165     customize the object construction. */
166 NonDStochCollocation::
NonDStochCollocation(unsigned short method_name,ProblemDescDB & problem_db,Model & model)167 NonDStochCollocation(unsigned short method_name, ProblemDescDB& problem_db,
168 		     Model& model):
169   NonDExpansion(problem_db, model)
170 {
171   // Logic delegated to derived class constructor...
172 }
175 /** This constructor is called from derived class constructors that
176     customize the object construction. */
177 NonDStochCollocation::
NonDStochCollocation(unsigned short method_name,Model & model,short exp_coeffs_approach,const RealVector & dim_pref,short refine_type,short refine_control,short covar_control,short ml_alloc_control,short ml_discrep,short rule_nest,short rule_growth,bool piecewise_basis,bool use_derivs)178 NonDStochCollocation(unsigned short method_name, Model& model,
179 		     short exp_coeffs_approach, const RealVector& dim_pref,
180 		     short refine_type, short refine_control,
181 		     short covar_control, short ml_alloc_control,
182 		     short ml_discrep, short rule_nest, short rule_growth,
183 		     bool piecewise_basis, bool use_derivs):
184   NonDExpansion(method_name, model, exp_coeffs_approach, dim_pref, 0,
185 		refine_type, refine_control, covar_control, 0., rule_nest,
186 		rule_growth, piecewise_basis, use_derivs)
187 {
188   multilevAllocControl     = ml_alloc_control;
189   multilevDiscrepEmulation = ml_discrep;
191   // Logic delegated to derived class constructor...
192 }
~NonDStochCollocation()195 NonDStochCollocation::~NonDStochCollocation()
196 { }
199 void NonDStochCollocation::
config_integration(unsigned short quad_order,unsigned short ssg_level,const RealVector & dim_pref,short u_space_type,Iterator & u_space_sampler,Model & g_u_model)200 config_integration(unsigned short quad_order, unsigned short ssg_level,
201 		   const RealVector& dim_pref, short u_space_type,
202 		   Iterator& u_space_sampler, Model& g_u_model)
203 {
204   // -------------------------
205   // Construct u_space_sampler
206   // -------------------------
207   if (quad_order != USHRT_MAX) {
208     expansionCoeffsApproach = Pecos::QUADRATURE;
209     // TensorProductDriver does not currently support a hierarchical grid via
210     // increment_grid(), etc., although default rule type is set to nested
211     // within NonDExpansion::construct_quadrature() for refinement cases
212     expansionBasisType = Pecos::NODAL_INTERPOLANT;
213     construct_quadrature(u_space_sampler, g_u_model, quad_order, dim_pref);
214   }
215   else if (ssg_level != USHRT_MAX) {
216     switch (expansionBasisType) {
218       // Note: nestedRules not defined until construct_sparse_grid()
219       if (ruleNestingOverride == Pecos::NON_NESTED) {
220 	Cerr << "Error: hierarchical interpolants currently require nested "
221 	     << "rules.  Please remove \"non_nested\" override." << std::endl;
222 	abort_handler(-1);
223       }
224       expansionCoeffsApproach = Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_SPARSE_GRID;
225       break;
226     case Pecos::NODAL_INTERPOLANT:
227       expansionCoeffsApproach = (refineControl) ?
229       break;
230     case Pecos::DEFAULT_BASIS:
231       // hierarchical interpolation currently requires nested rules, which
232       // are fairly limited outside of CC, F2, Gauss-Patterson --> use Nodal
233       // as default unless conditions are just right.
234       // Note: nestedRules not defined until construct_sparse_grid()
235       if (u_space_type == STD_UNIFORM_U && refineControl &&
236 	  ruleNestingOverride != Pecos::NON_NESTED) {//TO DO: rm this constraint
237 	expansionCoeffsApproach = Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_SPARSE_GRID;
238 	expansionBasisType = Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT;
239       }
240       else {
241 	expansionCoeffsApproach = (refineControl) ?
243 	expansionBasisType = Pecos::NODAL_INTERPOLANT;
244       }
245       break;
246     }
247     /*
248     if (refineControl == Pecos::LOCAL_ADAPTIVE_CONTROL) {
249       if (!piecewiseBasis ||
250           expansionBasisType != Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT) {
251 	// TO DO: promote this error check to resolve_inputs()
252 	PCerr << "Warning: overriding basis type to local hierarchical\n.";
253 	piecewiseBasis = true;
254 	expansionBasisType = Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT;
255       }
256       expansionCoeffsApproach = Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_SPARSE_GRID;
257     }
258     */
259     construct_sparse_grid(u_space_sampler, g_u_model, ssg_level, dim_pref);
260   }
261 }
264 void NonDStochCollocation::
config_integration(short exp_coeffs_approach,unsigned short num_int,const RealVector & dim_pref,Iterator & u_space_sampler,Model & g_u_model)265 config_integration(short exp_coeffs_approach, unsigned short num_int,
266 		   const RealVector& dim_pref, Iterator& u_space_sampler,
267 		   Model& g_u_model)
268 {
269   // -------------------------
270   // Construct u_space_sampler
271   // -------------------------
272   switch (expansionCoeffsApproach) {
273   case Pecos::QUADRATURE:
274     expansionBasisType = Pecos::NODAL_INTERPOLANT;
275     construct_quadrature(u_space_sampler, g_u_model, num_int, dim_pref);
276     break;
278     expansionBasisType = Pecos::NODAL_INTERPOLANT;
279     construct_sparse_grid(u_space_sampler, g_u_model, num_int, dim_pref);
280     break;
282     expansionBasisType = Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT;
283     construct_sparse_grid(u_space_sampler, g_u_model, num_int, dim_pref);
284     break;
285   }
286 }
config_approximation_type(String & approx_type)289 void NonDStochCollocation::config_approximation_type(String& approx_type)
290 {
291   if (piecewiseBasis)
292     approx_type = (expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT) ?
293       "piecewise_hierarchical_interpolation_polynomial" :
294       "piecewise_nodal_interpolation_polynomial";
295   else
296     approx_type = (expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT) ?
297       "global_hierarchical_interpolation_polynomial" :
298       "global_nodal_interpolation_polynomial";
299 }
resize()302 bool NonDStochCollocation::resize()
303 {
304   bool parent_reinit_comms = NonDExpansion::resize();
306   Cerr << "\nError: Resizing is not yet supported in method "
307        << method_enum_to_string(methodName) << "." << std::endl;
308   abort_handler(METHOD_ERROR);
310   return parent_reinit_comms;
311 }
314 void NonDStochCollocation::
resolve_inputs(short & u_space_type,short & data_order)315 resolve_inputs(short& u_space_type, short& data_order)
316 {
317   // perform first due to piecewiseBasis overrides
318   NonDExpansion::resolve_inputs(u_space_type, data_order);
320   // There are two derivative cases of interest: (1) derivatives used as
321   // additional data for forming the approximation (derivatives w.r.t. the
322   // expansion variables), and (2) derivatives that will be approximated
323   // separately (derivatives w.r.t. auxilliary variables).  The data_order
324   // passed through the DataFitSurrModel defines Approximation::buildDataOrder,
325   // which is restricted to managing the former case.  If we need to manage the
326   // latter case in the future, we do not have a good way to detect this state
327   // at construct time, as neither the finalStats ASV/DVV nor subIteratorFlag
328   // have yet been defined.  One indicator that is defined is the presence of
329   // inactive continuous vars, since the subModel inactive view is updated
330   // within the NestedModel ctor prior to subIterator instantiation.
331   data_order = 1;
332   if (useDerivs) { // input specification
333     if (iteratedModel.gradient_type()  != "none") data_order |= 2;
334     //if (iteratedModel.hessian_type() != "none") data_order |= 4; // not yet
336     if (data_order == 1)
337       Cerr << "\nWarning: use_derivatives option in stoch_collocation "
338 	   << "requires a response\n         gradient specification.  "
339 	   << "Option will be ignored.\n" << std::endl;
340 #else
341     if (piecewiseBasis) {
342       if (data_order == 1)
343 	Cerr << "\nWarning: use_derivatives option in stoch_collocation "
344 	     << "requires a response\n         gradient specification.  "
345 	     << "Option will be ignored.\n" << std::endl;
346     }
347     else {
348       Cerr << "\nWarning: use of global gradient-enhanced interpolants is "
349 	   << "disallowed in production\n         executables.  To activate "
350 	   << "this research capability, define\n         ALLOW_GLOBAL_HERMITE_"
351 	   << "INTERPOLATION in Dakota::NonDStochCollocation and recompile.\n"
352 	   << std::endl;
353       data_order = 1;
354     }
355 #endif
356   }
357   useDerivs = (data_order > 1); // override input specification
359   // override u_space_type to STD_UNIFORM_U for global Hermite interpolation
360   if (useDerivs && !piecewiseBasis) {
362     switch (u_space_type) {
363     //case EXTENDED_U: // default; not user-selectable -> quiet default reassign
364     //  break;
365     case ASKEY_U: case PARTIAL_ASKEY_U: // non-default
366       Cerr << "\nWarning: overriding transformation from ASKEY to STD_UNIFORM "
367 	   << "for Hermite interpolation.\n" << std::endl;
368       break;
369     case STD_NORMAL_U: // non-default
370       Cerr << "\nWarning: overriding transformation from WIENER to STD_UNIFORM "
371 	   << "for Hermite interpolation.\n" << std::endl;
372       break;
373     }
375     u_space_type = STD_UNIFORM_U;
376   }
377 }
initialize_u_space_model()380 void NonDStochCollocation::initialize_u_space_model()
381 {
382   NonDExpansion::initialize_u_space_model();
383   configure_pecos_options(); // pulled out of base because C3 does not use it
385   // initialize product accumulators with PolynomialApproximation pointers
386   // used in covariance calculations
387   if ( expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT &&
388        refineControl && ( refineMetric == Pecos::COVARIANCE_METRIC ||
389 			  refineMetric == Pecos::MIXED_STATS_METRIC ) )
390     initialize_covariance();
392   // Precedes construct_basis() since basis is stored in Pecos driver
393   SharedApproxData& shared_data = uSpaceModel.shared_approximation();
394   shared_data.integration_iterator(uSpaceModel.subordinate_iterator());
396   // DataFitSurrModel copies u-space mvDist from ProbabilityTransformModel
397   const Pecos::MultivariateDistribution& u_mvd
398     = uSpaceModel.multivariate_distribution();
399   // construct the polynomial basis (shared by integration drivers)
400   shared_data.construct_basis(u_mvd);
401   // mainly a run-time requirement, but also needed at construct time
402   // (e.g., to initialize NumericGenOrthogPolynomial::distributionType)
403   //shared_data.update_basis_distribution_parameters(u_mvd);
405   initialize_u_space_grid();
406 }
initialize_covariance()409 void NonDStochCollocation::initialize_covariance()
410 {
411   std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
412   size_t i, j;
413   for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
414     std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> pa_rep_i =
415       std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>(
416 	poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
417     pa_rep_i->clear_covariance_pointers();
418     for (j=0; j<=i; ++j)
419       pa_rep_i->initialize_covariance(poly_approxs[j]);
420   }
421 }
compute_delta_mean(bool update_ref)424 void NonDStochCollocation::compute_delta_mean(bool update_ref)
425 {
426   std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
427   bool   warn_flag = false,
428     combined_stats = (statsMetricMode == Pecos::COMBINED_EXPANSION_STATS);
430   if (deltaRespMean.empty()) deltaRespMean.sizeUninitialized(numFunctions);
431   for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
432     std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> pa_rep_i =
433       std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>(
434 	poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
435     if (pa_rep_i->expansion_coefficient_flag()) {
436       if (combined_stats)
437 	// refinement assessed for impact on combined expansion from roll up
438 	deltaRespMean[i] = (allVars) ?
439 	  pa_rep_i->delta_combined_mean(initialPtU) :
440 	  pa_rep_i->delta_combined_mean();
441       else // refinement assessed for impact on the current expansion
442 	deltaRespMean[i] = (allVars) ?
443 	  pa_rep_i->delta_mean(initialPtU) : pa_rep_i->delta_mean();
445       if (update_ref) {
446 	if (combined_stats) {
447 	  Real new_mean = pa_rep_i->combined_moment(0) + deltaRespMean[i];
448 	  pa_rep_i->combined_moment(new_mean, 0);
449 	}
450 	else {
451 	  Real new_mean = pa_rep_i->moment(0) + deltaRespMean[i];
452 	  pa_rep_i->moment(new_mean, 0);
453 	}
454       }
455     }
456     else
457       { warn_flag = true; deltaRespMean[i] = 0.; }
458   }
460   // no current need for printing mean values by themselves:
461   //if (print_metric) print_mean(Cout, deltaRespMean, "Change in");
462   // mean values not tracked outside PolynomialApproximation:
463   //if (update_ref)   respMean += deltaRespMean;
464   if (warn_flag)
465     Cerr << "Warning: expansion coefficients unavailable in NonD"
466 	 << "StochCollocation::compute_delta_mean().\n         "
467 	 << "Zeroing affected deltaRespMean terms." << std::endl;
468 }
471 void NonDStochCollocation::
compute_delta_variance(bool update_ref,bool print_metric)472 compute_delta_variance(bool update_ref, bool print_metric)
473 {
474   std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
475   bool   warn_flag = false,
476     combined_stats = (statsMetricMode == Pecos::COMBINED_EXPANSION_STATS);
478   if (deltaRespVariance.empty())
479     deltaRespVariance.sizeUninitialized(numFunctions);
480   for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
481     std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> pa_rep_i =
482       std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>
483       (poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
484     Real& delta = deltaRespVariance[i];
485     if (pa_rep_i->expansion_coefficient_flag()) {
486       if (combined_stats)
487 	// refinement assessed for impact on combined expansion from roll up
488 	delta = (allVars) ? pa_rep_i->delta_combined_variance(initialPtU) :
489 	  pa_rep_i->delta_combined_variance();
490       else // refinement assessed for impact on the current expansion
491 	delta = (allVars) ? pa_rep_i->delta_variance(initialPtU) :
492 	  pa_rep_i->delta_variance();
494       if (update_ref) {
495 	respVariance[i] += delta;
496 	if (combined_stats) pa_rep_i->combined_moment(respVariance[i], 1);
497 	else                pa_rep_i->moment(respVariance[i], 1);
498       }
499     }
500     else
501       { warn_flag = true; delta = 0.; }
502   }
504   if (print_metric) print_variance(Cout, deltaRespVariance, "Change in");
505   if (warn_flag)
506     Cerr << "Warning: expansion coefficients unavailable in NonDStoch"
507 	 << "Collocation::compute_delta_variance().\n         "
508 	 << "Zeroing affected deltaRespVariance terms." << std::endl;
509 }
512 void NonDStochCollocation::
compute_delta_covariance(bool update_ref,bool print_metric)513 compute_delta_covariance(bool update_ref, bool print_metric)
514 {
515   std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
516   bool   warn_flag = false,
517     combined_stats = (statsMetricMode == Pecos::COMBINED_EXPANSION_STATS);
518   size_t i, j;
520   if (deltaRespCovariance.empty())
521     deltaRespCovariance.shapeUninitialized(numFunctions);
522   for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
523     std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> pa_rep_i =
524       std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>
525       (poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
526     if (pa_rep_i->expansion_coefficient_flag()) {
527       for (j=0; j<=i; ++j) {
528 	Approximation& approx_j = poly_approxs[j];
529 	Real& delta = deltaRespCovariance(i,j);
530 	if (approx_j.expansion_coefficient_flag()) {
531 	  if (combined_stats)
532 	    // refinement assessed for impact on combined exp from roll up
533 	    delta = (allVars) ?
534 	      pa_rep_i->delta_combined_covariance(initialPtU, approx_j) :
535 	      pa_rep_i->delta_combined_covariance(approx_j);
536 	  else // refinement assessed for impact on the current expansion
537 	    delta = (allVars) ?
538 	      pa_rep_i->delta_covariance(initialPtU, approx_j) :
539 	      pa_rep_i->delta_covariance(approx_j);
541 	  if (update_ref) {
542 	    respCovariance(i,j) += delta;
543 	    if (i == j) {
544 	      if (combined_stats)
545 		pa_rep_i->combined_moment(respCovariance(i,i), 1);
546 	      else
547 		pa_rep_i->moment(respCovariance(i,i), 1);
548 	    }
549 	  }
550 	}
551 	else
552 	  { warn_flag = true; delta = 0.; }
553       }
554     }
555     else {
556       warn_flag = true;
557       for (j=0; j<=i; ++j)
558 	deltaRespCovariance(i,j) = 0.;
559     }
560   }
562   if (print_metric) print_covariance(Cout, deltaRespCovariance, "Change in");
563   if (warn_flag)
564     Cerr << "Warning: expansion coefficients unavailable in NonDStoch"
565 	 << "Collocation::compute_delta_covariance().\n         "
566 	 << "Zeroing affected deltaRespCovariance terms." << std::endl;
567 }
570 Real NonDStochCollocation::
compute_covariance_metric(bool revert,bool print_metric)571 compute_covariance_metric(bool revert, bool print_metric)
572 {
573   if (expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT) {
574     bool update_ref = !revert;
576     // augment delta covar -> ref covar with delta_mean -> ref mean;
577     // > supports base compute/print requirements without incurring overhead
578     //   of metric_roll_up(), avoiding need to more broadly redefine
579     //   compute_statistics(), print_results(), pull_*(), push_*() to
580     //   exclude compute_moments()
581     compute_delta_mean(update_ref);
583     // Metric scale is determined from reference covariance.  While defining
584     // the scale from an updated covariance would eliminate problems with zero
585     // covariance for adaptations from level 0, different refinement candidates
586     // would score equally at 1 (induced 100% of change in updated covariance)
587     // in this initial set of candidates.  Therefore, use reference covariance
588     // as the scale and mitigate underflow of its norm.
589     Real scale, delta_norm;
590     switch (covarianceControl) {
592       if (relativeMetric) // norm of reference variance, bounded from zero
593 	scale = std::max(Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER, respVariance.normFrobenius());
594       compute_delta_variance(update_ref, print_metric);
595       delta_norm = deltaRespVariance.normFrobenius();
596       break;
597     case FULL_COVARIANCE:
598       if (relativeMetric) // norm of reference covariance, bounded from zero
599 	scale = std::max(Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER, respCovariance.normFrobenius());
600       compute_delta_covariance(update_ref, print_metric);
601       delta_norm = deltaRespCovariance.normFrobenius();
602       break;
603     }
605     return (relativeMetric) ? delta_norm / scale : delta_norm;
606   }
607   else // use default implementation
608     return NonDExpansion::compute_covariance_metric(revert, print_metric);
609 }
612 Real NonDStochCollocation::
compute_level_mappings_metric(bool revert,bool print_metric)613 compute_level_mappings_metric(bool revert, bool print_metric)
614 {
615   // Focus only on level mappings and neglect moment deltas
617   // combine delta_beta() and delta_z() from HierarchInterpPolyApproximation
618   // with default definition of delta-{p,beta*}
620   if (expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT) {
622     // ensure moment updates for mixed stats:
623     if (refineMetric == Pecos::MIXED_STATS_METRIC) {
624       bool update_ref = !revert;
625       compute_delta_mean(update_ref);
626       switch (covarianceControl) {
628 	compute_delta_variance(update_ref,   false);  break;
629       case FULL_COVARIANCE:
630 	compute_delta_covariance(update_ref, false);  break;
631       }
632     }
634     // Note: it would be desirable to include support for all active statistics,
635     // including delta_mean() and delta_std_deviation().  With access to nested
636     // response mappings passed down from an outer context, a more comprehensive
637     // set of stats could be supported in the logic below.
639     bool beta_map = false, numerical_map = false; size_t i, j, cntr;
640     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
641       if (!requestedRelLevels[i].empty()) beta_map = true;
642       if (!requestedProbLevels[i].empty() || !requestedGenRelLevels[i].empty())
643 	numerical_map = true;
644       if (!requestedRespLevels[i].empty()) {
645 	if (respLevelTarget == RELIABILITIES) beta_map = true;
646 	else                             numerical_map = true;
647       }
648     }
649     if (beta_map) { // hierarchical increments in beta-bar->z and z-bar->beta
651       size_t offset = 0;
652       RealVector level_maps_ref, level_maps_new;
653       pull_level_mappings(level_maps_ref, offset);
654       if (numerical_map) { // merge in z-bar->p,beta* & p-bar,beta*-bar->z
655 	//metric_roll_up(REFINEMENT_RESULTS); // TO DO: support combined exp in numerical stats
656 	compute_numerical_level_mappings();
657 	pull_level_mappings(level_maps_new, offset);// analytic overlaid at end
658 	deltaLevelMaps = level_maps_new;  deltaLevelMaps -= level_maps_ref;
659       }
660       else {
661         deltaLevelMaps.size(totalLevelRequests);              // init to 0
662         if (!revert) level_maps_new.size(totalLevelRequests); // init to 0
663       }
665       bool warn_flag   = false,
666 	combined_stats = (statsMetricMode == Pecos::COMBINED_EXPANSION_STATS);
667       std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
668       Real delta, ref, sum_sq = 0., scale_sq = 0., z_bar, beta_bar;
669       for (i=0, cntr=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
670 	size_t rl_len = requestedRespLevels[i].length(),
671 	       pl_len = requestedProbLevels[i].length(),
672 	       bl_len = requestedRelLevels[i].length(),
673 	       gl_len = requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
674 	std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> pa_rep_i =
675 	  std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>
676 	  (poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
677 	if (pa_rep_i->expansion_coefficient_flag()) {
678 	  if (respLevelTarget == RELIABILITIES)
679 	    for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
680 	      z_bar = requestedRespLevels[i][j];
681 	      if (combined_stats)
682 		delta = deltaLevelMaps[cntr] = (allVars) ?
683 		  pa_rep_i->delta_combined_beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
684 		  pa_rep_i->delta_combined_beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
685 	      else
686 		delta = deltaLevelMaps[cntr] = (allVars) ?
687 		  pa_rep_i->delta_beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
688 		  pa_rep_i->delta_beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
689 	      sum_sq += delta * delta;
690 	      // avoid proliferating numerical exception:
691 	      ref = level_maps_ref[cntr];
692 	      if (std::abs(ref) == Pecos::LARGE_NUMBER) {
693 		// ref is undefined and delta neglects term;
694 		// recompute new w/o delta in analytic_delta_level_mappings()
696 		// do not increment scale for dummy beta value --> may result
697 		// in SMALL_NUMBER scaling below if no meaningful refs exist
698 	      }
699 	      else if (relativeMetric)
700 		scale_sq += ref * ref;// ref,delta are valid --> update scale
701 	    }
702 	  else
703 	    for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
704 	      delta = deltaLevelMaps[cntr]; sum_sq += delta * delta;
705 	      if (relativeMetric)
706 		{ ref = level_maps_ref[cntr]; scale_sq += ref * ref; }
707 	    }
708 	  for (j=0; j<pl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
709 	    delta = deltaLevelMaps[cntr]; sum_sq += delta * delta;
710 	    if (relativeMetric)
711 	      { ref = level_maps_ref[cntr]; scale_sq += ref * ref; }
712 	  }
713 	  for (j=0; j<bl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
714 	    beta_bar = requestedRelLevels[i][j];
715 	    if (combined_stats)
716 	      delta = deltaLevelMaps[cntr] = (allVars) ?
717 		pa_rep_i->delta_combined_z(initialPtU, cdfFlag, beta_bar) :
718 		pa_rep_i->delta_combined_z(cdfFlag, beta_bar);
719 	    else
720 	      delta = deltaLevelMaps[cntr] = (allVars) ?
721 		pa_rep_i->delta_z(initialPtU, cdfFlag, beta_bar) :
722 		pa_rep_i->delta_z(cdfFlag, beta_bar);
723 	    sum_sq += delta * delta;
724 	    ref = level_maps_ref[cntr];
725 	    if (relativeMetric) scale_sq += ref * ref;
726 	  }
727 	  for (j=0; j<gl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
728 	    delta = deltaLevelMaps[cntr]; sum_sq += delta * delta;
729 	    if (relativeMetric)
730 	      { ref = level_maps_ref[cntr]; scale_sq += ref * ref; }
731 	  }
732 	}
733 	else {
734 	  warn_flag = true;
735 	  cntr += rl_len + pl_len + bl_len + gl_len;
736 	}
737       }
738       if (warn_flag)
739 	Cerr << "Warning: expansion coefficients unavailable in "
740 	     << "NonDStochCollocation::compute_level_mappings_metric().\n"
741 	     << "         Omitting affected level mappings." << std::endl;
742       // As for compute_delta_covariance(), print level mapping deltas
743       // (without a moment offset as for final_stats):
744       if (print_metric)
745 	print_level_mappings(Cout, deltaLevelMaps, false, "Change in");
747       // Level mappings: promote to new or revert to previous (if required)
748       if (!revert) { // retain updated values
749         analytic_delta_level_mappings(level_maps_ref, level_maps_new);
750 	push_level_mappings(level_maps_new, offset);
751       }
752       else if (numerical_map) // restore ref values that were overwritten
753 	push_level_mappings(level_maps_ref, offset); // restore reference
754       //else deltaLevelMaps does not impact existing level mappings
756       // Metric scale is determined from reference stats, not updated stats,
757       // as consistent with compute_covariance_metric() above.
758       if (relativeMetric) {
759 	Real scale = std::max(Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER, std::sqrt(scale_sq));
760 	return std::sqrt(sum_sq) / scale;
761       }
762       else
763 	return std::sqrt(sum_sq);
764     }
765     else // use default implementation if no beta-mapping increments
766       return
767 	NonDExpansion::compute_level_mappings_metric(revert, print_metric);
768   }
769   else // use default implementation for Nodal
770     return NonDExpansion::compute_level_mappings_metric(revert, print_metric);
771 }
774 /*
775 Real NonDStochCollocation::
776 compute_final_statistics_metric(bool revert, bool print_metric)
777 {
778   // Focus only on level mappings and neglect moment deltas
780   // combine delta_beta() and delta_z() from HierarchInterpPolyApproximation
781   // with default definition of delta-{p,beta*}
783   if (expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT) {
784     // Note: it would be desirable to include support for all active statistics,
785     // including delta_mean() and delta_std_deviation().  With access to nested
786     // response mappings passed down from an outer context, a more comprehensive
787     // set of stats could be supported in the logic below.
788     bool beta_map = false, numerical_map = false,
789       combined_stats = (statsMetricMode == Pecos::COMBINED_EXPANSION_STATS);
790     size_t i, j, cntr;
791     for (i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
792       if (!requestedRelLevels[i].empty()) beta_map = true;
793       if (!requestedProbLevels[i].empty() || !requestedGenRelLevels[i].empty())
794 	numerical_map = true;
795       if (!requestedRespLevels[i].empty()) {
796 	if (respLevelTarget == RELIABILITIES) beta_map = true;
797 	else                             numerical_map = true;
798       }
799     }
800     if (beta_map) { // hierarchical increments in beta-bar->z and z-bar->beta
802       RealVector delta_final_stats, final_stats_new,
803 	final_stats_ref = finalStatistics.function_values();
804       // *** Note: this requires that the reference includes FINAL_RESULTS,
805       // *** which is not currently true (only INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS)
806       if (numerical_map) { // merge in z-bar->p,beta* & p-bar,beta*-bar->z
807 	compute_statistics(FINAL_RESULTS);//no finalStats for REFINEMENT_RESULTS
808 	delta_final_stats = final_stats_new = finalStatistics.function_values();
809 	delta_final_stats -= final_stats_ref; // compute delta
810       }
811       else {
812 	size_t num_stats = finalStatistics.num_functions();
813         delta_final_stats.size(num_stats);            // init to 0
814         if (!revert) final_stats_new.size(num_stats); // init to 0
815       }
817       bool warn_flag = false;
818       std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
819       Real delta, ref, sum_sq = 0., scale_sq = 0., z_bar, beta_bar;
820       for (i=0, cntr=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
821 	size_t rl_len = requestedRespLevels[i].length(),
822 	       pl_len = requestedProbLevels[i].length(),
823 	       bl_len = requestedRelLevels[i].length(),
824 	       gl_len = requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
825 	std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> pa_rep_i =
826 	  std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>
827 	  (poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
828 	cntr += moment_offset; // skip moments if present
829 	if (pa_rep_i->expansion_coefficient_flag()) {
830 	  if (respLevelTarget == RELIABILITIES)
831 	    for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
832 	      z_bar = requestedRespLevels[i][j];
833 	      if (combined_stats)
834 		delta = delta_final_stats[cntr] = (allVars) ?
835 		  pa_rep_i->delta_combined_beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
836 		  pa_rep_i->delta_combined_beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
837 	      else
838 		delta = delta_final_stats[cntr] = (allVars) ?
839 		  pa_rep_i->delta_beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
840 		  pa_rep_i->delta_beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
841 	      sum_sq += delta * delta;
842 	      ref = final_stats_ref[cntr];
843 	      // Note: this captures the more likely of the Pecos::
844 	      // HierarchInterpPolyApproximation::delta_beta_map() exceptions
845 	      // (sigma_ref = 0), but not rare case of sigma_new = 0 by itself.
846 	      if (std::abs(ref) == Pecos::LARGE_NUMBER) {
847 		// ref is undefined and delta neglects term; must compute new
848 		if (!revert) {
849 		  if (combined_stats)
850 		    final_stats_new[cntr] = (allVars) ?
851 		      pa_rep_i->combined_beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
852 		      pa_rep_i->combined_beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
853 		  else
854 		    final_stats_new[cntr] = (allVars) ?
855 		      pa_rep_i->beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
856 		      pa_rep_i->beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
857 		}
858 		// do not increment scale for dummy beta value --> may result
859 		// in SMALL_NUMBER scaling below if no meaningful refs exist
860 	      }
861 	      else { // ref and delta are valid --> update scale and new
862 		if (relativeMetric) scale_sq += ref * ref;
863 		if (!revert) final_stats_new[cntr] = ref + delta;
864 	      }
865 	    }
866 	  else
867 	    for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
868 	      delta = delta_final_stats[cntr]; sum_sq += delta * delta;
869 	      if (relativeMetric)
870 		{ ref = final_stats_ref[cntr]; scale_sq += ref * ref; }
871 	    }
872 	  for (j=0; j<pl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
873 	    delta = delta_final_stats[cntr]; sum_sq += delta * delta;
874 	    if (relativeMetric)
875 	      { ref = final_stats_ref[cntr]; scale_sq += ref * ref; }
876 	  }
877 	  for (j=0; j<bl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
878 	    beta_bar = requestedRelLevels[i][j];
879 	    if (combined_stats)
880 	      delta = delta_final_stats[cntr] = (allVars) ?
881 		pa_rep_i->delta_combined_z(initialPtU, cdfFlag, beta_bar) :
882 		pa_rep_i->delta_combined_z(cdfFlag, beta_bar);
883 	    else
884 	      delta = delta_final_stats[cntr] = (allVars) ?
885 		pa_rep_i->delta_z(initialPtU, cdfFlag, beta_bar) :
886 		pa_rep_i->delta_z(cdfFlag, beta_bar);
887 	    sum_sq += delta * delta;
888 	    ref = final_stats_ref[cntr];
889 	    if (relativeMetric) scale_sq += ref * ref;
890 	    if (!revert) final_stats_new[cntr] = ref + delta;
891 	  }
892 	  for (j=0; j<gl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
893 	    delta = delta_final_stats[cntr]; sum_sq += delta * delta;
894 	    if (relativeMetric)
895 	      { ref = final_stats_ref[cntr]; scale_sq += ref * ref; }
896 	  }
897 	}
898 	else {
899 	  warn_flag = true;
900 	  cntr += rl_len + pl_len + bl_len + gl_len;
901 	}
902       }
903       if (warn_flag)
904 	Cerr << "Warning: expansion coefficients unavailable in "
905 	     << "NonDStochCollocation::compute_final_statistics_metric().\n"
906 	     << "         Omitting affected final statistics." << std::endl;
908       // As for compute_delta_covariance(), print level mapping deltas:
909       if (print_metric) {
910         bool moments = (finalMomentsType > NO_MOMENTS);
911 	print_level_mappings(Cout, delta_final_stats, moments, "Change in");
912       }
913       // Final stats: revert to previous or promote to new
914       if (!revert)
915 	finalStatistics.function_values(final_stats_new);
916       else if (numerical_map) // revert from final_stats_new to final_stats_ref
917 	finalStatistics.function_values(final_stats_ref);
919       // Metric scale is determined from reference stats, not updated stats,
920       // as consistent with compute_covariance_metric() above.
921       if (relativeMetric) {
922 	Real scale = std::max(Pecos::SMALL_NUMBER, std::sqrt(scale_sq));
923 	return std::sqrt(sum_sq) / scale;
924       }
925       else
926 	return std::sqrt(sum_sq);
927     }
928     else // use default implementation if no beta-mapping increments
929       return
930 	NonDExpansion::compute_final_statistics_metric(revert, print_metric);
931   }
932   else // use default implementation for Nodal
933     return NonDExpansion::compute_final_statistics_metric(revert, print_metric);
934 }
935 */
938 /* Calculate analytic and numerical statistics from the expansion and
939     log results within final_stats for use in OUU.
940 void NonDStochCollocation::compute_statistics(short results_state)
941 {
942   if (expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT)
943     // specialize base implementation since metric_roll_up() is not used and
944     // extra stats that require roll-up no longer come for free
945     switch (results_state) {
947       // compute_{covariance,level_mapping,final_statistics}_metric() performs
948       // only the necessary computations for resolving delta.norm()
950       // augment delta covar -> ref covar with delta_mean -> ref mean;
951       // > supports base compute/print requirements without incurring overhead
952       //   of metric_roll_up(), avoiding need to more broadly redefine
953       //   compute_statistics(), print_results(), pull_*(), push_*() to
954       //   exclude compute_moments()
955       compute_delta_mean(true); // update ref
956       break;
957     //case INTERMEDIATE_RESULTS:  case FINAL_RESULTS:  break;
958     }
960   NonDExpansion::compute_statistics(results_state);
961 }
964 void NonDStochCollocation::pull_candidate(RealVector& stats_star)
965 {
966   if (expansionBasisType == Pecos::HIERARCHICAL_INTERPOLANT)
967     // If pulling updated values as in NonDExpansion
968     switch (refineMetric) {
969     case Pecos::COVARIANCE_METRIC: {
970       std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
971       std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> poly_approx_rep;
972       bool full_covar = (covarianceControl == FULL_COVARIANCE),
973         combined_stats = (statsMetricMode == Pecos::COMBINED_EXPANSION_STATS);
974       size_t vec_len = (full_covar) ?
975 	(numFunctions*(numFunctions + 3))/2 : 2*numFunctions;
976       if (stats_star.length() != vec_len) stats_star.sizeUninitialized(vec_len);
977       // pull means
978       for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
979 	poly_approx_rep =
980 	std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>(
981 	  poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
982 	stats_star[i] = (combined_stats) ?
983 	  poly_approx_rep->combined_moment(0) + deltaRespMean[i] :
984 	  poly_approx_rep->moment(0)          + deltaRespMean[i];
985       }
986       // pull resp{V,Cov}ariance
987       if (full_covar) {
988 	RealSymMatrix new_covar(respCovariance);
989 	new_covar += deltaRespCovariance;
990 	pull_lower_triangle(new_covar, stats_star, numFunctions);
991       }
992       else
993 	for (size_t i=0; i<numFunctions; ++i)
994 	  stats_star[i+numFunctions] = respVariance[i] + deltaRespVariance[i];
995       break;
996     }
997     default:
998       // define an offset for MIXED_STATS_METRIC
999       pull_level_mappings(stats_star, offset); // pull updated numerical stats
1000       analytic_delta_level_mappings(stats_star, stats_star); // update analytic
1001                  // (stats_star provides ref and becomes new for these entries)
1002       break;
1003     }
1004   else
1005     NonDExpansion::pull_candidate(stats_star);
1006 }
1007 */
1010 /** In this function, we leave numerical stats alone, updating
1011     analytic level stats either using ref+delta or, if ref is invalid,
1012     though recomputation. */
1013 void NonDStochCollocation::
analytic_delta_level_mappings(const RealVector & level_maps_ref,RealVector & level_maps_new)1014 analytic_delta_level_mappings(const RealVector& level_maps_ref,
1015 			      RealVector& level_maps_new)
1016 {
1017   // preserve existing as this may be an overlay
1018   if (level_maps_new.length() != totalLevelRequests)
1019     level_maps_new.resize(totalLevelRequests);
1021   size_t i, j, cntr, rl_len, pl_len, bl_len, gl_len, pl_bl_gl_len;
1022   std::vector<Approximation>& poly_approxs = uSpaceModel.approximations();
1023   Real delta, ref, sum_sq = 0., scale_sq = 0., z_bar, beta_bar;
1024   bool combined_stats = (statsMetricMode == Pecos::COMBINED_EXPANSION_STATS);
1025   for (i=0, cntr=0; i<numFunctions; ++i) {
1026     rl_len = requestedRespLevels[i].length();
1027     pl_len = requestedProbLevels[i].length();
1028     bl_len = requestedRelLevels[i].length();
1029     gl_len = requestedGenRelLevels[i].length();
1030     pl_bl_gl_len = pl_len+bl_len+gl_len;
1031     std::shared_ptr<PecosApproximation> pa_rep_i =
1032       std::static_pointer_cast<PecosApproximation>(
1033 	poly_approxs[i].approx_rep());
1034     if (respLevelTarget == RELIABILITIES)
1035       for (j=0; j<rl_len; ++j, ++cntr) {
1036 	// Note: this captures the more likely of the Pecos::
1037 	// HierarchInterpPolyApproximation::delta_beta_map() exceptions
1038 	// (sigma_ref = 0), but not rare case of sigma_new = 0 by itself.
1039 	ref = level_maps_ref[cntr];
1040 	if (std::abs(ref) == Pecos::LARGE_NUMBER) {
1041 	  // ref is undefined and delta neglects term; must compute new
1042 	  z_bar = requestedRespLevels[i][j];
1043 	  if (combined_stats)
1044 	    level_maps_new[cntr] = (allVars) ?
1045 	      pa_rep_i->combined_beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
1046 	      pa_rep_i->combined_beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
1047 	  else
1048 	    level_maps_new[cntr] = (allVars) ?
1049 	      pa_rep_i->beta(initialPtU, cdfFlag, z_bar) :
1050 	      pa_rep_i->beta(cdfFlag, z_bar);
1051 	}
1052 	else // ref and delta are valid
1053 	  level_maps_new[cntr] = ref + deltaLevelMaps[cntr];
1054       }
1055     else
1056       cntr += rl_len;
1057     cntr += pl_len;
1058     for (j=0; j<bl_len; ++j)
1059       level_maps_new[cntr] = level_maps_ref[cntr] + deltaLevelMaps[cntr];
1060     cntr += gl_len;
1061   }
1062 }
1064 } // namespace Dakota