1 /*  _______________________________________________________________________
3     DAKOTA: Design Analysis Kit for Optimization and Terascale Applications
4     Copyright 2014-2020 National Technology & Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC (NTESS).
5     This software is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
6     For more information, see the README file in the top Dakota directory.
7     _______________________________________________________________________ */
9 #include <cstdlib>
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <fstream>
12 #include <vector>
13 #include <string>
14 #include <cmath>
main(int argc,char ** argv)17 int main(int argc, char** argv)
18 {
20   // The illumination example in Boyd as a general minimization problem
21   // Objective function = ...
23   // This application program reads and writes parameter and response data
24   // directly so that the NO_FILTER option of dakota may be used.
26   std::ifstream fin(argv[1]);
27   if (!fin) {
28     std::cerr << "\nError: failure opening " << argv[1] << std::endl;
29     exit(-1);
30   }
31   size_t i, j, num_vars, num_fns;
32   std::string vars_text, fns_text;
34   // Get the parameter std::vector and ignore the labels
35   fin >> num_vars >> vars_text;
36   std::vector<double> x(num_vars);
37   for (i=0; i<num_vars; i++) {
38     fin >> x[i];
39     fin.ignore(256, '\n');
40   }
42   // Get the ASV std::vector and ignore the labels
43   fin >> num_fns >> fns_text;
44   std::vector<int> ASV(num_fns);
45   for (i=0; i<num_fns; i++) {
46     fin >> ASV[i];
47     fin.ignore(256, '\n');
48   }
50   if (num_vars != 7) {
51     std::cerr << "Wrong number of variables for the illumination problem" << std::endl;
52     exit(-1);
53   }
54   if (num_fns != 1) {
55     std::cerr << "Wrong number of functions for the illumination problem" << std::endl;
56     exit(-1);
57   }
59   // compute function and gradient values
60   double A[11][7] ={
61   { 0.347392, 0.205329, 0.191987, 0.077192, 0.004561, 0.024003, 0.000000},
62   { 0.486058, 0.289069, 0.379202, 0.117711, 0.006667, 0.032256, 0.000000},
63   { 0.752511, 0.611283, 2.417907, 0.701700, 0.473047, 0.285597, 0.319187},
64   { 0.303582, 0.364620, 1.898185, 0.693173, 0.607718, 0.328582, 0.437394},
65   { 0.540946, 0.411549, 1.696545, 0.391735, 0.177832, 0.110119, 0.083817},
66   { 0.651840, 0.540687, 3.208793, 0.639020, 0.293811, 0.156842, 0.128499},
67   { 0.098008, 0.245771, 0.742564, 0.807976, 0.929739, 0.435144, 0.669797},
68   { 0.000000, 0.026963, 0.000000, 0.246606, 0.414657, 0.231777, 0.372202},
69   { 0.285597, 0.320457, 0.851227, 0.584677, 0.616436, 0.341447, 0.477329},
70   { 0.324622, 0.306394, 0.991904, 0.477744, 0.376266, 0.158288, 0.198745},
71   { 0.000000, 0.050361, 0.000000, 0.212042, 0.434397, 0.286455, 0.462731} };
73   // KRD found bugs in previous computation; this Hessian no longer used:
74   double harray[7][7] ={
75   { 1.929437, 1.572662, 6.294004, 1.852205, 1.222324, 0.692036, 0.768564},
76   { 1.572662, 1.354287, 5.511537, 1.787932, 1.320048, 0.724301, 0.870382},
77   { 6.294004, 5.511537, 25.064512, 7.358494, 5.133563, 2.791970, 3.257364},
78   { 1.852205, 1.787932, 7.358494, 2.883178, 2.497491, 1.321922, 1.747230},
79   { 1.222324, 1.320048, 5.133563, 2.497491, 2.457733, 1.295927, 1.816568},
80   { 0.692036, 0.724301, 2.791970, 1.321922, 1.295927, 0.694642, 0.968982},
81   { 0.768564, 0.870382, 3.257364, 1.747230, 1.816568, 0.968982, 1.385357} };
84   std::ofstream fout(argv[2]);
85   if (!fout) {
86     std::cerr << "\nError: failure creating " << argv[2] << std::endl;
87     exit(-1);
88   }
89   fout.precision(15); // 16 total digits
90   fout.setf(std::ios::scientific);
91   fout.setf(std::ios::right);
93   // Calculation of grad(f) = df/dx_I and hess(f) = d^2f/(dx_I dx_J):
94   //
95   // U = sum_{i=0:10}{ ( 1 - sum_{j=0:6}{ A[i][j]*x[j] } )^2 }
96   // dU/dx_I = sum_{i=0:10}{ 2.0*( 1 - sum_{j=0:6}{ A[i][j]*x[j] } )*-A[i][I] }
97   // d^2U/(dx_I dx_J) = sum_{i=0:10){ 2.0 * A[i][I] * A[i][J] }
98   //
99   // f = sqrt(U)
100   // df/dx_I = 0.5*(dU/dx_I)/sqrt(U)
101   //         = 0.5*(dU/dx_I)/f
102   // d^2f/(dx_I dx_J)
103   //   = -0.25 * U^(-1.5) * dU/dx_I * dU/dx_J + 0.5/sqrt(U) * d2U/(dx_I dx_J)
104   //   = ( -df/dx_I * df/dx_J  + 0.5 * d2U/(dx_I dx_J) ) / f
105   //
106   // so to (efficiently) compute grad(f) we precompute f
107   // and to (efficiently) compute hess(f) we precompute f and grad(f)
109   int Ider, Jder;
110   double grad[7];
111   for(Ider=0; Ider<num_vars; ++Ider)
112     grad[Ider] = 0.0;
114   // **** f: (f is required to calculate any derivative of f; perform always)
115   double U = 0.0;
116   for (i=0; i<11; i++) {
117     double dtmp = 0.0;
118     for (j=0; j<num_vars; j++)
119       dtmp += A[i][j] * x[j];
120     dtmp = 1.0 - dtmp;
121     U += dtmp*dtmp;
123     // precompute grad(U) unconditionally as it might be needed (cheap)
124     for(Ider=0; Ider<num_vars; ++Ider)
125       grad[Ider] -= dtmp*2.0*A[i][Ider]; //this is grad(U)
126   }
127   double fx = sqrt(U);
128   if (ASV[0] & 1)
129     fout << "                     " << fx << " f\n";
132   // **** df/dx:
133   if (ASV[0] & 6) { // gradient required for itself and to calcuate the Hessian
134     for(Ider=0; Ider<num_vars; ++Ider)
135       grad[Ider] *= (0.5/fx); // this is now updated to be grad(f)
137     if (ASV[0] & 2) { // if ASV demands gradient, print it
138       fout << "[ ";
139       for (int Ider=0; Ider<num_vars; ++Ider)
140 	fout << grad[Ider] << " ";
141       fout << "]\n";
142     }
143   }
145   // **** the hessian ddf/dxIdxJ
146   if (ASV[0] & 4) {
147     double hess[7][7];
148     fout << "[[ ";
149     for(Ider=0; Ider<num_vars; ++Ider) {
150       for(Jder=Ider; Jder<num_vars; ++Jder) {
151 	// define triangular part of hess(U)
152 	hess[Ider][Jder] = 0.0;
153 	for(i=0; i<11; ++i)
154 	  hess[Ider][Jder] += A[i][Ider]*A[i][Jder]; // this is 0.5*hess(U)
156 	hess[Jder][Ider]= hess[Ider][Jder] // this is hess(f)
157 	  = (hess[Ider][Jder]- grad[Ider]*grad[Jder])/fx;
159       }
160       for(Jder=0; Jder<num_vars; ++Jder)
161 	fout << hess[Ider][Jder] << " ";
162       fout << "\n";
163     }
164     fout <<" ]] \n";
165   }
167   fout.flush();
168   fout.close();
169   return 0;
170 }