1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2004 Ondra Kamenik
3  * Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
4  *
5  * This file is part of Dynare.
6  *
7  * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
21 #include "int_sequence.hh"
22 #include "symmetry.hh"
23 #include "tl_exception.hh"
24 #include "pascal_triangle.hh"
26 #include <iostream>
27 #include <limits>
28 #include <numeric>
30 IntSequence
unfold(const Symmetry & sy) const31 IntSequence::unfold(const Symmetry &sy) const
32 {
33   IntSequence r(sy.dimen());
34   int k = 0;
35   for (int i = 0; i < sy.num(); i++)
36     for (int j = 0; j < sy[i]; j++, k++)
37       r[k] = operator[](i);
38   return r;
39 }
41 Symmetry
getSymmetry() const42 IntSequence::getSymmetry() const
43 {
44   Symmetry r(getNumDistinct());
45   int p = 0;
46   if (size() > 0)
47     r[p] = 1;
48   for (int i = 1; i < size(); i++)
49     {
50       if (operator[](i) != operator[](i-1))
51         p++;
52       r[p]++;
53     }
54   return r;
55 }
57 IntSequence
insert(int i) const58 IntSequence::insert(int i) const
59 {
60   IntSequence r(size()+1);
61   int j;
62   for (j = 0; j < size() && operator[](j) < i; j++)
63     r[j] = operator[](j);
64   r[j] = i;
65   for (; j < size(); j++)
66     r[j+1] = operator[](j);
67   return r;
68 }
70 IntSequence
insert(int i,int pos) const71 IntSequence::insert(int i, int pos) const
72 {
73   TL_RAISE_IF(pos < 0 || pos > size(),
74               "Wrong position for IntSequence::insert()");
75   IntSequence r(size()+1);
76   int j;
77   for (j = 0; j < pos; j++)
78     r[j] = operator[](j);
79   r[j] = i;
80   for (; j < size(); j++)
81     r[j+1] = operator[](j);
82   return r;
83 }
85 IntSequence &
operator =(const IntSequence & s)86 IntSequence::operator=(const IntSequence &s)
87 {
88   TL_RAISE_IF(length != s.length, "Wrong length for in-place IntSequence::operator=");
89   std::copy_n(s.data, length, data);
90   return *this;
91 }
93 IntSequence &
operator =(IntSequence && s)94 IntSequence::operator=(IntSequence &&s)
95 {
96   TL_RAISE_IF(length != s.length, "Wrong length for in-place IntSequence::operator=");
97   std::copy_n(s.data, length, data);
98   return *this;
99 }
101 bool
operator ==(const IntSequence & s) const102 IntSequence::operator==(const IntSequence &s) const
103 {
104   return std::equal(data, data+length,
105                     s.data, s.data+s.length);
106 }
108 bool
operator <(const IntSequence & s) const109 IntSequence::operator<(const IntSequence &s) const
110 {
111   return std::lexicographical_compare(data, data+length,
112                                       s.data, s.data+s.length);
113 }
115 bool
lessEq(const IntSequence & s) const116 IntSequence::lessEq(const IntSequence &s) const
117 {
118   TL_RAISE_IF(size() != s.size(),
119               "Sequence with different lengths in IntSequence::lessEq");
121   int i = 0;
122   while (i < size() && operator[](i) <= s[i])
123     i++;
124   return (i == size());
125 }
127 bool
less(const IntSequence & s) const128 IntSequence::less(const IntSequence &s) const
129 {
130   TL_RAISE_IF(size() != s.size(),
131               "Sequence with different lengths in IntSequence::less");
133   int i = 0;
134   while (i < size() && operator[](i) < s[i])
135     i++;
136   return (i == size());
137 }
139 void
sort()140 IntSequence::sort()
141 {
142   std::sort(data, data+length);
143 }
145 void
monotone()146 IntSequence::monotone()
147 {
148   for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
149     if (operator[](i-1) > operator[](i))
150       operator[](i) = operator[](i-1);
151 }
153 void
pmonotone(const Symmetry & s)154 IntSequence::pmonotone(const Symmetry &s)
155 {
156   int cum = 0;
157   for (int i = 0; i < s.num(); i++)
158     {
159       for (int j = cum + 1; j < cum + s[i]; j++)
160         if (operator[](j-1) > operator[](j))
161           operator[](j) = operator[](j-1);
162       cum += s[i];
163     }
164 }
166 int
sum() const167 IntSequence::sum() const
168 {
169   return std::accumulate(data, data+length, 0);
170 }
172 int
mult(int i1,int i2) const173 IntSequence::mult(int i1, int i2) const
174 {
175   return std::accumulate(data+i1, data+i2,
176                          1, std::multiplies<int>());
177 }
179 int
getPrefixLength() const180 IntSequence::getPrefixLength() const
181 {
182   int i = 0;
183   while (i+1 < size() && operator[](i+1) == operator[](0))
184     i++;
185   return i+1;
186 }
188 int
getNumDistinct() const189 IntSequence::getNumDistinct() const
190 {
191   int res = 0;
192   if (length > 0)
193     res++;
194   for (int i = 1; i < length; i++)
195     if (operator[](i) != operator[](i-1))
196       res++;
197   return res;
198 }
200 int
getMax() const201 IntSequence::getMax() const
202 {
203   if (length == 0)
204     return std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
205   return *std::max_element(data, data+length);
206 }
208 void
add(int i)209 IntSequence::add(int i)
210 {
211   for (int j = 0; j < size(); j++)
212     operator[](j) += i;
213 }
215 void
add(int f,const IntSequence & s)216 IntSequence::add(int f, const IntSequence &s)
217 {
218   TL_RAISE_IF(size() != s.size(),
219               "Wrong sequence length in IntSequence::add");
220   for (int j = 0; j < size(); j++)
221     operator[](j) += f*s[j];
222 }
224 bool
isPositive() const225 IntSequence::isPositive() const
226 {
227   return std::all_of(data, data+length,
228                      [](int x) { return x >= 0; });
229 }
231 bool
isConstant() const232 IntSequence::isConstant() const
233 {
234   if (length < 2)
235     return true;
236   return std::all_of(data+1, data+length,
237                      [this](int x) { return x == operator[](0); });
238 }
240 bool
isSorted() const241 IntSequence::isSorted() const
242 {
243   return std::is_sorted(data, data+length);
244 }
246 /* Debug print. */
248 void
print() const249 IntSequence::print() const
250 {
251   std::cout << '[';
252   for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++)
253     std::cout << operator[](i) << ' ';
254   std::cout << ']' << std::endl;
255 }
257 /* Here we calculate the multinomial coefficients
258    ⎛   a   ⎞
259    ⎝b₁,…,bₙ⎠ where a=b₁+…+bₙ
261    (the notation gives the name to the function: “n over seq(ence)”)
263    See:
264     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_coefficient#Generalization_to_multinomials
265     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multinomial_theorem
267    For n=1, the coefficient is equal to 1.
268    For n=2, the multinomial coeffs correspond to the binomial coeffs, i.e. the binomial
269     ⎛a⎞                             ⎛  a  ⎞
270     ⎝b⎠ is equal to the multinomial ⎝b,a−b⎠
272    For n≥3, we have the identity
273    ⎛   a   ⎞ ⎛b₁+b₂⎞ ⎛      a      ⎞
274    ⎝b₁,…,bₙ⎠=⎝  b₁ ⎠·⎝b₁+b₂,b₃,…,bₙ⎠
275    (where the first factor on the right hand side is to be interpreted as a
276     binomial coefficient)
278    This number is exactly a number of unfolded indices corresponding to one
279    folded index, where the sequence b₁,…,bₙ is the symmetry of the index. This
280    can be easily seen if the multinomial coefficient is interpreted as the
281    number of unique permutations of a word, where ‘a’ is the length of the
282    word, ‘n’ is the number of distinct letters, and the bᵢ are the number of
283    repetitions of each letter. For example, for a symmetry of the form y⁴u²v³,
284    we want to compute the number of permutations of the word ‘yyyyuuvvv’.
285                                                 ⎛  9  ⎞
286    This is equal to the multinomial coefficient ⎝4,2,3⎠.
287 */
288 int
noverseq()289 IntSequence::noverseq()
290 {
291   if (size() == 0 || size() == 1)
292     return 1;
293   data[1] += data[0];
294   return PascalTriangle::noverk(data[1], data[0]) * IntSequence(*this, 1, size()).noverseq();
295 }