1function [pdraws, STO_REDUCEDFORM, STO_MOMENTS, STO_DYNAMIC, STO_si_dDYNAMIC, STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, STO_si_dMOMENTS, STO_dSPECTRUM, STO_dMINIMAL] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0)
2%function [pdraws, STO_REDUCEDFORM, STO_MOMENTS, STO_DYNAMIC, STO_si_dDYNAMIC, STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, STO_si_dMOMENTS, STO_dSPECTRUM, STO_dMINIMAL] = dynare_identification(options_ident, pdraws0)
3% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
4% This function is called, when the user specifies identification(...); in the mod file. It prepares all identification analysis:
5% (1) set options, local and persistent variables for a new identification
6%     analysis either for a single point or a MC Sample. It also displays and plots the results
7% (2) load, display and plot a previously saved identification analysis
9% Note 1: This function does not output the arguments to the workspace, but saves results to the folder identification
10% Note 2: If you want to use this function directly in the mod file and workspace, you still have
11%         to put identification in your mod file, otherwise the preprocessor won't provide all necessary objects
12% =========================================================================
14%    * options_ident    [structure] identification options
15%    * pdraws0          [SampleSize by totparam_nbr] optional: matrix of MC sample of model parameters
16% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
18%    * pdraws               [matrix] MC sample of model params used
19%    * STO_REDUCEDFORM,     [matrix] MC sample of entries in steady state and reduced form model solution (stacked vertically)
20%    * STO_MOMENTS,         [matrix] MC sample of entries in theoretical first two moments (stacked vertically)
21%    * STO_DYNAMIC,         [matrix] MC sample of entries in steady state and dynamic model derivatives (stacked vertically)
22%    * STO_si_dDYNAMIC,     [matrix] MC sample of derivatives of steady state and dynamic derivatives
23%    * STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, [matrix] MC sample of derivatives of steady state and reduced form model solution
24%    * STO_si_dMOMENTS      [matrix] MC sample of Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix
25%    * STO_dSPECTRUM        [matrix] MC sample of Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s \bar{G} matrix
26%    * STO_dMINIMAL         [matrix] MC sample of Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s \bar{\Delta} matrix
27% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
28% This function is called by
29%    * driver.m
30%    * map_ident_.m
31% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
32% This function calls
33%    * checkpath
34%    * disp_identification
35%    * dyn_waitbar
36%    * dyn_waitbar_close
37%    * get_all_parameters
38%    * get_posterior_parameters
39%    * get_the_name
40%    * identification_analysis
41%    * isoctave
42%    * plot_identification
43%    * prior_draw
44%    * set_default_option
45%    * set_prior
46%    * skipline
47%    * vnorm
48% =========================================================================
49% Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Dynare Team
51% This file is part of Dynare.
53% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
54% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
55% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
56% (at your option) any later version.
58% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
59% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
61% GNU General Public License for more details.
63% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
64% along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
65% =========================================================================
67global M_ options_ oo_ bayestopt_ estim_params_
69store_options_ = options_; % store options to restore them at the end
70fname = M_.fname; %model name
71dname = M_.dname; %model name
73%turn warnings off, either globally or only relevant ids
74if isoctave
75    %warning('off'),
76    warning('off','Octave:singular-matrix');
77    warning('off','Octave:nearly-singular-matrix');
78    warning('off','Octave:neg-dim-as-zero');
79    warning('off','Octave:array-as-logical');
81    %warning off;
82    warning('off','MATLAB:rankDeficientMatrix');
83    warning('off','MATLAB:singularMatrix');
84    warning('off','MATLAB:nearlySingularMatrix');
85    warning('off','MATLAB:plot:IgnoreImaginaryXYPart');
86    warning('off','MATLAB:specgraph:private:specgraph:UsingOnlyRealComponentOfComplexData');
87    warning('off','MATLAB:handle_graphics:exceptions:SceneNode');
88    warning('off','MATLAB:divideByZero');
89    warning('off','MATLAB:log:logOfZero');
92%% Set all options in options_ident and create objects
93options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'gsa_sample_file',0);
94    % 0: do not use sample file
95    % 1: triggers gsa prior sample
96    % 2: triggers gsa Monte-Carlo sample (i.e. loads a sample corresponding to pprior=0 and ppost=0 in dynare_sensitivity options)
97    % FILENAME: use sample file in provided path
98options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'parameter_set','prior_mean');
99    % 'calibration':      use values in M_.params and M_.Sigma_e to update estimated stderr, corr and model parameters (get_all_parameters)
100    % 'prior_mode':       use values in bayestopt_.p5 prior to update estimated stderr, corr and model parameters
101    % 'prior_mean':       use values in bayestopt_.p1 prior to update estimated stderr, corr and model parameters
102    % 'posterior_mode':   use posterior mode values in estim_params_ to update estimated stderr, corr and model parameters (get_posterior_parameters('mode',...))
103    % 'posterior_mean':   use posterior mean values in estim_params_ to update estimated stderr, corr and model parameters (get_posterior_parameters('mean',...))
104    % 'posterior_median': use posterior median values in estim_params_ to update estimated stderr, corr and model parameters (get_posterior_parameters('median',...))
105options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'load_ident_files',0);
106    % 1: load previously computed analysis from identification/fname_identif.mat
107options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'useautocorr',0);
108    % 1: use autocorrelations in Iskrev (2010)'s theoretical second moments criteria
109    % 0: use autocovariances in Iskrev (2010)'s theoretical second moments criteria
110options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'ar',1);
111    % number of lags to consider for autocovariances/autocorrelations in Iskrev (2010)'s criteria
112options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'prior_mc',1);
113    % size of Monte-Carlo sample of parameter draws
114options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'prior_range',0);
115    % 1: sample uniformly from prior ranges implied by the prior specifications (overwrites prior shape when prior_mc > 1)
116    % 0: sample from specified prior distributions (when prior_mc > 1)
117options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'periods',300);
118    % length of stochastic simulation to compute simulated moment uncertainty (when analytic Hessian is not available)
119options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'replic',100);
120    % number of replicas to compute simulated moment uncertainty (when analytic Hessian is not available)
121options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'advanced',0);
122    % 1: show a more detailed analysis based on reduced-form model solution and dynamic model derivatives. Further, performs a brute force
123    %    search of the groups of parameters best reproducing the behavior of each single parameter.
124options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'normalize_jacobians',1);
125    % 1: normalize Jacobians by either rescaling each row by its largest element in absolute value or for Gram (or Hessian-type) matrices by transforming into correlation-type matrices
126options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'grid_nbr',5000);
127    % number of grid points in [-pi;pi] to approximate the integral to compute Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s criteria
128    % note that grid_nbr needs to be even and actually we use (grid_nbr+1) points, as we add the 0 frequency and use symmetry
129    if mod(options_ident.grid_nbr,2) ~= 0
130        options_ident.grid_nbr = options_ident.grid_nbr+1;
131        fprintf('IDENTIFICATION: ''grid_nbr'' needs to be even, hence it is reset to %d\n',options_ident.grid_nbr)
132        if mod(options_ident.grid_nbr,2) ~= 0
133            error('IDENTIFICATION: You need to set an even value for ''grid_nbr''');
134        end
135    end
136options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'tol_rank','robust');
137    % tolerance level used for rank computations
138options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'tol_deriv',1.e-8);
139    % tolerance level for selecting columns of non-zero derivatives
140options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'tol_sv',1.e-3);
141    % tolerance level for selecting non-zero singular values in identification_checks.m
143%check whether to compute identification strength based on information matrix
144if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_strength')
145    options_ident.no_identification_strength = 0;
147    options_ident.no_identification_strength = 1;
149%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on steady state and reduced-form model solution
150if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_reducedform')
151    options_ident.no_identification_reducedform = 0;
153    options_ident.no_identification_reducedform = 1;
155%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Iskrev (2010), i.e. derivative of first two moments
156if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_moments')
157    options_ident.no_identification_moments = 0;
159    options_ident.no_identification_moments = 1;
161%check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Komunjer and Ng (2011), i.e. derivative of first moment, minimal state space system and observational equivalent spectral density transformation
162if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_minimal')
163    options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 0;
165    options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1;
167%Check whether to compute and display identification criteria based on Qu and Tkachenko (2012), i.e. Gram matrix of derivatives of first moment plus outer product of derivatives of spectral density
168if ~isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_spectrum')
169    options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = 0;
171    options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = 1;
174%overwrite setting, as identification strength and advanced need both reducedform and moments criteria
175if (isfield(options_ident,'no_identification_strength') &&  options_ident.no_identification_strength == 0) || (options_ident.advanced == 1)
176    options_ident.no_identification_reducedform = 0;
177    options_ident.no_identification_moments = 0;
180%overwrite setting, as dynare_sensitivity does not make use of spectrum and minimal system
181if isfield(options_,'opt_gsa') && isfield(options_.opt_gsa,'identification') && options_.opt_gsa.identification == 1
182    options_ident.no_identification_minimal = 1;
183    options_ident.no_identification_spectrum = 1;
186%Deal with non-stationary cases
187if isfield(options_ident,'diffuse_filter')
188    options_ident.lik_init=3; %overwrites any other lik_init set
189    options_.diffuse_filter=options_ident.diffuse_filter; %make options_ inherit diffuse filter; will overwrite any conflicting lik_init in dynare_estimation_init
191    if options_.diffuse_filter==1 %warning if estimation with diffuse filter was done, but not passed
192        fprintf('WARNING IDENTIFICATION: Previously the diffuse_filter option was used, but it was not passed to the identification command. This may result in problems if your model contains unit roots.\n');
193    end
195options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'lik_init',1);
196options_.lik_init=options_ident.lik_init; %make options_ inherit lik_init
197if options_ident.lik_init==3 %user specified diffuse filter using the lik_init option
198    options_ident.analytic_derivation=0; %diffuse filter not compatible with analytic derivation
200    % Type of initialization of Kalman filter:
201    % 1: stationary models: initial matrix of variance of error of forecast is set equal to the unconditional variance of the state variables
202    % 2: nonstationary models: wide prior is used with an initial matrix of variance of the error of forecast diagonal with 10 on the diagonal (follows the suggestion of Harvey and Phillips(1979))
203    % 3: nonstationary models: use a diffuse filter (use rather the diffuse_filter option)
204    % 4: filter is initialized with the fixed point of the Riccati equation
205    % 5:  i) option 2 for non-stationary elements by setting their initial variance in the forecast error matrix to 10 on the diagonal and all co-variances to 0 and
206    %    ii) option 1 for the stationary elements
207options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'analytic_derivation',1);
208    % 1: analytic derivation of gradient and hessian of likelihood in dsge_likelihood.m, only works for stationary models, i.e. kalman_algo<3
209options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'order',1);
210    % 1: first-order perturbation approximation, identification is based on linear state space system
211    % 2: second-order perturbation approximation, identification is based on second-order pruned state space system
212    % 3: third-order perturbation approximation, identification is based on third-order pruned state space system
214%overwrite values in options_, note that options_ is restored at the end of the function
215if isfield(options_ident,'TeX')
216    options_.TeX=options_ident.TeX;
217        % requests printing of results and graphs in LaTeX
219if isfield(options_ident,'nograph')
220    options_.nograph=options_ident.nograph;
221        % do not display and do not save graphs
223if isfield(options_ident,'nodisplay')
224    options_.nodisplay=options_ident.nodisplay;
225        % do not display, but save graphs
227if isfield(options_ident,'graph_format')
228    options_.graph_format=options_ident.graph_format;
229        % specify file formats to save graphs: eps, pdf, fig, none (do not save but only display)
232% check for external draws, i.e. set pdraws0 for a gsa analysis
233if options_ident.gsa_sample_file
234    GSAFolder = checkpath('gsa',dname);
235    if options_ident.gsa_sample_file==1
236        load([GSAFolder,filesep,fname,'_prior'],'lpmat','lpmat0','istable');
237    elseif options_ident.gsa_sample_file==2
238        load([GSAFolder,filesep,fname,'_mc'],'lpmat','lpmat0','istable');
239    else
240        load([GSAFolder,filesep,options_ident.gsa_sample_file],'lpmat','lpmat0','istable');
241    end
242    if isempty(istable)
243        istable=1:size(lpmat,1);
244    end
245    if ~isempty(lpmat0)
246        lpmatx=lpmat0(istable,:);
247    else
248        lpmatx=[];
249    end
250    pdraws0 = [lpmatx lpmat(istable,:)];
251    clear lpmat lpmat0 istable;
252elseif nargin==1
253    pdraws0=[];
256if nargin==2 || ~isempty(pdraws0)
257    % change settings if there is an external sample provided as input argument
258    options_ident.prior_mc = size(pdraws0,1);
259    options_ident.load_ident_files = 0;
260    external_sample = 1;
263% Check if estimated_params block is provided
264if isempty(estim_params_)
265    prior_exist = 0;
266    %reset some options
267    options_ident.prior_mc = 1;
268    options_ident.prior_range = 0;
269    options_.identification_check_endogenous_params_with_no_prior = true; %needed to trigger endogenous steady state parameter check in dynare_estimation_init
271    prior_exist = 1;
272    parameters = options_ident.parameter_set;
275% overwrite settings in options_ and prepare to call dynare_estimation_init
276options_.order = options_ident.order;
277if options_ident.order > 1
278    %order>1 is not compatible with analytic derivation in dsge_likelihood.m
279    options_ident.analytic_derivation=0;
280    %order>1 is based on pruned state space system
281    options_.pruning = true;
283if options_ident.order == 3
284    options_.k_order_solver = 1;
286options_.ar = options_ident.ar;
287options_.prior_mc = options_ident.prior_mc;
288options_.Schur_vec_tol = 1.e-8;
289options_.nomoments = 0;
291    % 1: analytic derivation of gradient and hessian of likelihood in dsge_likelihood.m, only works for stationary models, i.e. kalman_algo<3
292options_ = set_default_option(options_,'datafile','');
293options_.mode_compute = 0;
294options_.plot_priors = 0;
295options_.smoother = 1;
296options_.options_ident = [];
297[dataset_, dataset_info, xparam1, hh, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_, bounds] = dynare_estimation_init(M_.endo_names, fname, 1, M_, options_, oo_, estim_params_, bayestopt_);
299% set method to compute identification Jacobians (kronflag). Default:0
300options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'analytic_derivation_mode', options_.analytic_derivation_mode); % if not set by user, inherit default global one
301    %  0: efficient sylvester equation method to compute analytical derivatives as in Ratto & Iskrev (2012)
302    %  1: kronecker products method to compute analytical derivatives as in Iskrev (2010) (only for order=1)
303    % -1: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerical derivatives of all identification Jacobians using function identification_numerical_objective.m (previously thet2tau.m)
304    % -2: numerical two-sided finite difference method to compute numerically dYss, dg1, dg2, dg3, d2Yss and d2g1, the identification Jacobians are then computed analytically as with 0
305options_.analytic_derivation_mode = options_ident.analytic_derivation_mode; %overwrite setting in options_
307% initialize persistent variables in prior_draw
308if prior_exist
309    if any(bayestopt_.pshape > 0)
310        if options_ident.prior_range
311            %sample uniformly from prior ranges (overwrite prior specification)
312            prior_draw(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc, true);
313        else
314            %sample from prior distributions
315            prior_draw(bayestopt_, options_.prior_trunc, false);
316        end
317    else
318        options_ident.prior_mc = 1; %only one single point
319    end
322% check if identification directory is already created
323IdentifDirectoryName = CheckPath('identification',dname);
325% Create indices for stderr, corr and model parameters
326if prior_exist % use estimated_params block
327    indpmodel = []; %initialize index for model parameters
328    if ~isempty(estim_params_.param_vals)
329        indpmodel = estim_params_.param_vals(:,1); %values correspond to parameters declaration order, row number corresponds to order in estimated_params
330    end
331    indpstderr=[]; %initialize index for stderr parameters
332    if ~isempty(estim_params_.var_exo)
333        indpstderr = estim_params_.var_exo(:,1); %values correspond to varexo declaration order, row number corresponds to order in estimated_params
334    end
335    indpcorr=[]; %initialize matrix for corr paramters
336    if ~isempty(estim_params_.corrx)
337        indpcorr = estim_params_.corrx(:,1:2); %values correspond to varexo declaration order, row number corresponds to order in estimated_params
338    end
339    totparam_nbr = length(bayestopt_.name); % number of estimated stderr, corr and model parameters as declared in estimated_params
340    modparam_nbr = estim_params_.np;        % number of model parameters as declared in estimated_params
341    stderrparam_nbr = estim_params_.nvx;    % number of stderr parameters
342    corrparam_nbr = estim_params_.ncx;      % number of corr parameters
343    if estim_params_.nvn || estim_params_.ncn %nvn is number of stderr parameters and ncn is number of corr parameters of measurement innovations as declared in estimated_params
344        error('Identification does not (yet) support measurement errors. Instead, define them explicitly as varexo and provide measurement equations in the model definition.')
345    end
346    name = cell(totparam_nbr,1);     %initialize cell for parameter names
347    name_tex = cell(totparam_nbr,1); %initialize cell for TeX parameter names
348    for jj=1:totparam_nbr
349        if options_.TeX
350            [param_name_temp, param_name_tex_temp]= get_the_name(jj,options_.TeX,M_,estim_params_,options_);
351            name_tex{jj,1} = strrep(param_name_tex_temp,'$',''); %ordering corresponds to estimated_params
352            name{jj,1} = param_name_temp; %ordering corresponds to estimated_params
353        else
354            param_name_temp = get_the_name(jj,options_.TeX,M_,estim_params_,options_);
355            name{jj,1} = param_name_temp; %ordering corresponds to estimated_params
356        end
357    end
358else % no estimated_params block, choose all model parameters and all stderr parameters, but no corr parameters
359    indpmodel = 1:M_.param_nbr; %all model parameters
360    indpstderr = 1:M_.exo_nbr;  %all stderr parameters
361    indpcorr = [];              %no corr parameters
362    stderrparam_nbr = M_.exo_nbr;
363    corrparam_nbr = 0;
364    modparam_nbr = M_.param_nbr;
365    totparam_nbr = modparam_nbr+stderrparam_nbr;
366    name = cellfun(@(x) horzcat('SE_', x), M_.exo_names, 'UniformOutput', false); %names for stderr parameters
367    name = vertcat(name, M_.param_names);
368    name_tex = cellfun(@(x) horzcat('$ SE_{', x, '} $'), M_.exo_names, 'UniformOutput', false);
369    name_tex = vertcat(name_tex, M_.param_names_tex);
370    if ~isequal(M_.H,0)
371        fprintf('\ndynare_identification:: Identification does not support measurement errors (yet) and will ignore them in the following. To test their identifiability, instead define them explicitly as varexo and provide measurement equations in the model definition.\n')
372    end
374options_ident.name_tex = name_tex;
376fprintf('\n======== Identification Analysis ========\n')
377if options_ident.order > 1
378    fprintf('Based on Pruned State Space System (order=%d)\n',options_ident.order);
381if totparam_nbr < 2
382    options_ident.advanced = 0;
383    fprintf('There is only one parameter to study for identitification. The advanced option is re-set to 0.\n')
386% settings dependent on number of parameters
387options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'max_dim_cova_group',min([2,totparam_nbr-1]));
388options_ident.max_dim_cova_group = min([options_ident.max_dim_cova_group,totparam_nbr-1]);
389    % In brute force search (ident_bruteforce.m) when advanced=1 this option sets the maximum dimension of groups of parameters that best reproduce the behavior of each single model parameter
391options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'checks_via_subsets',0);
392    % 1: uses identification_checks_via_subsets.m to compute problematic parameter combinations
393    % 0: uses identification_checks.m to compute problematic parameter combinations [default]
394options_ident = set_default_option(options_ident,'max_dim_subsets_groups',min([4,totparam_nbr-1]));
395    % In identification_checks_via_subsets.m, when checks_via_subsets=1, this option sets the maximum dimension of groups of parameters for which the corresponding rank criteria is checked
398% store identification options
399options_.options_ident = options_ident;
400store_options_ident = options_ident;
402% get some options for quick reference
403iload = options_ident.load_ident_files;
404SampleSize = options_ident.prior_mc;
406if iload <=0
407    %% Perform new identification analysis, i.e. do not load previous analysis
408    if prior_exist
409        % use information from estimated_params block
410        params = set_prior(estim_params_,M_,options_)';
411        if all(bayestopt_.pshape == 0)
412            % only bounds are specified in estimated_params
413            parameters = 'ML_Starting_value';
414            parameters_TeX = 'ML starting value';
415            fprintf('Testing ML Starting value\n');
416        else
417            % use user-defined option
418            switch parameters
419                case 'calibration'
420                    parameters_TeX = 'Calibration';
421                    fprintf('Testing calibration\n');
422                    params(1,:) = get_all_parameters(estim_params_,M_);
423                case 'posterior_mode'
424                    parameters_TeX = 'Posterior mode';
425                    fprintf('Testing posterior mode\n');
426                    params(1,:) = get_posterior_parameters('mode',M_,estim_params_,oo_,options_);
427                case 'posterior_mean'
428                    parameters_TeX = 'Posterior mean';
429                    fprintf('Testing posterior mean\n');
430                    params(1,:) = get_posterior_parameters('mean',M_,estim_params_,oo_,options_);
431                case 'posterior_median'
432                    parameters_TeX = 'Posterior median';
433                    fprintf('Testing posterior median\n');
434                    params(1,:) = get_posterior_parameters('median',M_,estim_params_,oo_,options_);
435                case 'prior_mode'
436                    parameters_TeX = 'Prior mode';
437                    fprintf('Testing prior mode\n');
438                    params(1,:) = bayestopt_.p5(:);
439                case 'prior_mean'
440                    parameters_TeX = 'Prior mean';
441                    fprintf('Testing prior mean\n');
442                    params(1,:) = bayestopt_.p1;
443                otherwise
444                    fprintf('The option parameter_set has to be equal to: ''calibration'', ''posterior_mode'', ''posterior_mean'', ''posterior_median'', ''prior_mode'' or ''prior_mean''.\n');
445                    error('IDENTIFICATION: The option ''parameter_set'' has an invalid value');
446            end
447        end
448    else
449        % no estimated_params block is available, all stderr and model parameters, but no corr parameters are chosen
450        params = [sqrt(diag(M_.Sigma_e))', M_.params'];
451        parameters = 'Current_params';
452        parameters_TeX = 'Current parameter values';
453        fprintf('Testing all current stderr and model parameter values\n');
454    end
455    options_ident.tittxt = parameters; %title text for graphs and figures
456    % perform identification analysis for single point
457    [ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, derivatives_info_point, info, options_ident] = ...
458        identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1); %the 1 at the end implies initialization of persistent variables
459    if info(1)~=0
460        % there are errors in the solution algorithm
461        message = get_error_message(info,options_);
462        fprintf('-----------\n');
463        fprintf('The model does not solve for %s (info = %d: %s)\n', parameters, info(1), message);
464        fprintf('-----------\n');
465        if any(bayestopt_.pshape)
466            % if there are errors in the solution algorithm, try to sample a different point from the prior
467            fprintf('Try sampling up to 50 parameter sets from the prior.\n');
468            kk=0;
469            while kk<50 && info(1)
470                kk=kk+1;
471                params = prior_draw();
472                options_ident.tittxt = 'Random_prior_params'; %title text for graphs and figures
473                % perform identification analysis
474                [ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, derivatives_info_point, info, options_ident] = ...
475                    identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1);
476            end
477        end
478        if info(1)
479            fprintf('\n-----------\n');
480            fprintf('Identification stopped:\n');
481            if any(bayestopt_.pshape)
482                fprintf('The model did not solve for any of 50 attempts of random samples from the prior\n');
483            end
484            fprintf('-----------\n');
485            return
486        else
487            % found a (random) point that solves the model
488            fprintf('Found a random draw from the priors that solves the model:\n');
489            disp(params);
490            fprintf('Identification now continues for this draw.');
491            parameters = 'Random_prior_params';
492            parameters_TeX = 'Random prior parameter draw';
493        end
494    end
495    ide_hess_point.params = params;
496    % save all output into identification folder
497    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname                '_identif.mat'], 'ide_moments_point', 'ide_spectrum_point', 'ide_minimal_point', 'ide_hess_point', 'ide_reducedform_point', 'ide_dynamic_point', 'store_options_ident');
498    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_' parameters '_identif.mat'], 'ide_moments_point', 'ide_spectrum_point', 'ide_minimal_point', 'ide_hess_point', 'ide_reducedform_point', 'ide_dynamic_point', 'store_options_ident');
499    % display results of identification analysis
500    disp_identification(params, ide_reducedform_point, ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, name, options_ident);
501    if ~options_ident.no_identification_strength && ~options_.nograph
502        % plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the moment information matrix and (ii) plot advanced analysis graphs
503        plot_identification(params, ide_moments_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, options_ident.advanced, parameters, name, IdentifDirectoryName, parameters_TeX, name_tex);
504    end
506    if SampleSize > 1
507        % initializations for Monte Carlo Analysis
508        fprintf('\nMonte Carlo Testing\n');
509        h = dyn_waitbar(0,'Monte Carlo identification checks ...');
510        iteration  = 0; % initialize counter for admissable draws
511        run_index  = 0; % initialize counter for admissable draws after saving previous draws to file(s)
512        file_index = 0; % initialize counter for files (if options_.MaxNumberOfBytes is reached, we store results in files)
513        options_MC = options_ident; %store options structure for Monte Carlo analysis
514        options_MC.advanced = 0;    %do not run advanced checking in a Monte Carlo analysis
515        options_ident.checks_via_subsets = 0; % for Monte Carlo analysis currently only identification_checks and not identification_checks_via_subsets is supported
516    else
517        iteration = 1; % iteration equals SampleSize and we are finished
518        pdraws = [];   % to have output object otherwise map_ident.m may crash
519    end
520    while iteration < SampleSize
521        if external_sample
522            params = pdraws0(iteration+1,:); % loaded draws
523        else
524            params = prior_draw(); % new random draw from prior
525        end
526        options_ident.tittxt = []; % clear title text for graphs and figures
527        % run identification analysis
528        [ide_moments, ide_spectrum, ide_minimal, ide_hess, ide_reducedform, ide_dynamic, ide_derivatives_info, info, options_MC] = ...
529            identification_analysis(params, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_MC, dataset_info, prior_exist, 0); % the 0 implies that we do not initialize persistent variables anymore
531        if iteration==0 && info(1)==0 % preallocate storage in the first admissable run
532            delete([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_*.mat']) % delete previously saved results
533            MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE = min(SampleSize,ceil(options_.MaxNumberOfBytes/(size(ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM,1)*totparam_nbr)/8)); % set how many runs can be stored before we save to files
534            pdraws = zeros(SampleSize,totparam_nbr); % preallocate storage for draws in each row
536            % preallocate storage for dynamic model
537            STO_si_dDYNAMIC          = zeros([size(ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMIC, 1), modparam_nbr, MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
538            STO_DYNAMIC              = zeros(size(ide_dynamic.DYNAMIC, 1), SampleSize);
539            IDE_DYNAMIC.ind_dDYNAMIC = ide_dynamic.ind_dDYNAMIC;
540            IDE_DYNAMIC.in0          = zeros(SampleSize, modparam_nbr);
541            IDE_DYNAMIC.ind0         = zeros(SampleSize, modparam_nbr);
542            IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak        = zeros(SampleSize, modparam_nbr);
543            IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak_pair   = zeros(SampleSize, modparam_nbr*(modparam_nbr+1)/2);
544            IDE_DYNAMIC.cond         = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
545            IDE_DYNAMIC.Mco          = zeros(SampleSize, modparam_nbr);
547            % preallocate storage for reduced form
548            if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
549                STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM              = zeros([size(ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM, 1), totparam_nbr, MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
550                STO_REDUCEDFORM                  = zeros(size(ide_reducedform.REDUCEDFORM, 1), SampleSize);
551                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ind_dREDUCEDFORM = ide_reducedform.ind_dREDUCEDFORM;
552                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.in0              = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
553                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ind0             = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
554                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.jweak            = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
555                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.jweak_pair       = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
556                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.cond             = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
557                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.Mco              = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
558            else
559                STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = {};
560                STO_REDUCEDFORM     = {};
561                IDE_REDUCEDFORM     = {};
562            end
564            % preallocate storage for moments
565            if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
566                STO_si_dMOMENTS          = zeros([size(ide_moments.si_dMOMENTS, 1), totparam_nbr, MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
567                STO_MOMENTS              = zeros(size(ide_moments.MOMENTS, 1), SampleSize);
568                IDE_MOMENTS.ind_dMOMENTS = ide_moments.ind_dMOMENTS;
569                IDE_MOMENTS.in0          = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
570                IDE_MOMENTS.ind0         = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
571                IDE_MOMENTS.jweak        = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
572                IDE_MOMENTS.jweak_pair   = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
573                IDE_MOMENTS.cond         = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
574                IDE_MOMENTS.Mco          = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
575                IDE_MOMENTS.S            = zeros(SampleSize, min(8, totparam_nbr));
576                IDE_MOMENTS.V            = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr, min(8, totparam_nbr));
577            else
578                STO_si_dMOMENTS = {};
579                STO_MOMENTS     = {};
580                IDE_MOMENTS     = {};
581            end
583            % preallocate storage for spectrum
584            if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
585                STO_dSPECTRUM              = zeros([size(ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM, 1), size(ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM, 2), MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
586                IDE_SPECTRUM.ind_dSPECTRUM = ide_spectrum.ind_dSPECTRUM;
587                IDE_SPECTRUM.in0           = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
588                IDE_SPECTRUM.ind0          = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
589                IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak         = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
590                IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak_pair    = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
591                IDE_SPECTRUM.cond          = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
592                IDE_SPECTRUM.Mco           = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
593            else
594                STO_dSPECTRUM = {};
595                IDE_SPECTRUM  = {};
596            end
598            % preallocate storage for minimal system
599            if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
600                STO_dMINIMAL             = zeros([size(ide_minimal.dMINIMAL, 1), size(ide_minimal.dMINIMAL, 2), MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE]);
601                IDE_MINIMAL.ind_dMINIMAL = ide_minimal.ind_dMINIMAL;
602                IDE_MINIMAL.in0          = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
603                IDE_MINIMAL.ind0         = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
604                IDE_MINIMAL.jweak        = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
605                IDE_MINIMAL.jweak_pair   = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr*(totparam_nbr+1)/2);
606                IDE_MINIMAL.cond         = zeros(SampleSize, 1);
607                IDE_MINIMAL.Mco          = zeros(SampleSize, totparam_nbr);
608            else
609                STO_dMINIMAL = {};
610                IDE_MINIMAL  = {};
611            end
612        end
614        if info(1)==0 % if admissable draw
615            iteration = iteration + 1; %increase total index of admissable draws
616            run_index = run_index + 1; %increase index of admissable draws after saving to files
617            pdraws(iteration,:) = params; % store draw
619            % store results for steady state and dynamic model derivatives
620            STO_DYNAMIC(:,iteration)            = ide_dynamic.DYNAMIC;
621            STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,:,run_index)      = ide_dynamic.si_dDYNAMIC;
622            IDE_DYNAMIC.cond(iteration,1)       = ide_dynamic.cond;
623            IDE_DYNAMIC.ino(iteration,1)        = ide_dynamic.ino;
624            IDE_DYNAMIC.ind0(iteration,:)       = ide_dynamic.ind0;
625            IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak(iteration,:)      = ide_dynamic.jweak;
626            IDE_DYNAMIC.jweak_pair(iteration,:) = ide_dynamic.jweak_pair;
627            IDE_DYNAMIC.Mco(iteration,:)        = ide_dynamic.Mco;
629            % store results for reduced form
630            if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
631                STO_REDUCEDFORM(:,iteration)            = ide_reducedform.REDUCEDFORM;
632                STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,:,run_index)      = ide_reducedform.si_dREDUCEDFORM;
633                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.cond(iteration,1)       = ide_reducedform.cond;
634                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ino(iteration,1)        = ide_reducedform.ino;
635                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.ind0(iteration,:)       = ide_reducedform.ind0;
636                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.jweak(iteration,:)      = ide_reducedform.jweak;
637                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.jweak_pair(iteration,:) = ide_reducedform.jweak_pair;
638                IDE_REDUCEDFORM.Mco(iteration,:)        = ide_reducedform.Mco;
639            end
641            % store results for moments
642            if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
643                STO_MOMENTS(:,iteration)            = ide_moments.MOMENTS;
644                STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,:,run_index)      = ide_moments.si_dMOMENTS;
645                IDE_MOMENTS.cond(iteration,1)       = ide_moments.cond;
646                IDE_MOMENTS.ino(iteration,1)        = ide_moments.ino;
647                IDE_MOMENTS.ind0(iteration,:)       = ide_moments.ind0;
648                IDE_MOMENTS.jweak(iteration,:)      = ide_moments.jweak;
649                IDE_MOMENTS.jweak_pair(iteration,:) = ide_moments.jweak_pair;
650                IDE_MOMENTS.Mco(iteration,:)        = ide_moments.Mco;
651                IDE_MOMENTS.S(iteration,:)          = ide_moments.S;
652                IDE_MOMENTS.V(iteration,:,:)        = ide_moments.V;
653            end
655            % store results for spectrum
656            if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
657                STO_dSPECTRUM(:,:,run_index)         = ide_spectrum.dSPECTRUM;
658                IDE_SPECTRUM.cond(iteration,1)       = ide_spectrum.cond;
659                IDE_SPECTRUM.ino(iteration,1)        = ide_spectrum.ino;
660                IDE_SPECTRUM.ind0(iteration,:)       = ide_spectrum.ind0;
661                IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak(iteration,:)      = ide_spectrum.jweak;
662                IDE_SPECTRUM.jweak_pair(iteration,:) = ide_spectrum.jweak_pair;
663                IDE_SPECTRUM.Mco(iteration,:)        = ide_spectrum.Mco;
664            end
666            % store results for minimal system
667            if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
668                STO_dMINIMAL(:,:,run_index)         = ide_minimal.dMINIMAL;
669                IDE_MINIMAL.cond(iteration,1)       = ide_minimal.cond;
670                IDE_MINIMAL.ino(iteration,1)        = ide_minimal.ino;
671                IDE_MINIMAL.ind0(iteration,:)       = ide_minimal.ind0;
672                IDE_MINIMAL.jweak(iteration,:)      = ide_minimal.jweak;
673                IDE_MINIMAL.jweak_pair(iteration,:) = ide_minimal.jweak_pair;
674                IDE_MINIMAL.Mco(iteration,:)        = ide_minimal.Mco;
675            end
677            % save results to file: either to avoid running into memory issues, i.e. (run_index==MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE) or if finished (iteration==SampleSize)
678            if run_index==MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE || iteration==SampleSize
679                file_index = file_index + 1;
680                if run_index < MAX_RUNS_BEFORE_SAVE_TO_FILE
681                    %we are finished (iteration == SampleSize), so get rid of additional storage
682                    STO_si_dDYNAMIC = STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,:,1:run_index);
683                    if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
684                        STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,:,1:run_index);
685                    end
686                    if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
687                        STO_si_dMOMENTS = STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,:,1:run_index);
688                    end
689                    if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
690                        STO_dSPECTRUM = STO_dSPECTRUM(:,:,1:run_index);
691                    end
692                    if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
693                        STO_dMINIMAL = STO_dMINIMAL(:,:,1:run_index);
694                    end
695                end
696                save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dDYNAMIC');
697                STO_si_dDYNAMIC = zeros(size(STO_si_dDYNAMIC)); % reset storage
698                if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
699                    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM', '-append');
700                    STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(size(STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM)); % reset storage
701                end
702                if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
703                    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dMOMENTS','-append');
704                    STO_si_dMOMENTS = zeros(size(STO_si_dMOMENTS)); % reset storage
705                end
706                if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
707                    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dSPECTRUM','-append');
708                    STO_dSPECTRUM = zeros(size(STO_dSPECTRUM)); % reset storage
709                end
710                if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
711                    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(file_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dMINIMAL','-append');
712                    STO_dMINIMAL = zeros(size(STO_dMINIMAL)); % reset storage
713                end
714                run_index = 0; % reset index
715            end
716            if SampleSize > 1
717                dyn_waitbar(iteration/SampleSize, h, ['MC identification checks ', int2str(iteration), '/', int2str(SampleSize)]);
718            end
719        end
720    end
722    if SampleSize > 1
723        dyn_waitbar_close(h);
724        normalize_STO_DYNAMIC = std(STO_DYNAMIC,0,2);
725        if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
726            normalize_STO_REDUCEDFORM = std(STO_REDUCEDFORM,0,2);
727        end
728        if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
729            normalize_STO_MOMENTS = std(STO_MOMENTS,0,2);
730        end
731        if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
732            normalize_STO_MINIMAL = 1; %not used (yet)
733        end
734        if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
735            normalize_STO_SPECTRUM = 1; %not used (yet)
736        end
737        normaliz1 = std(pdraws);
738        iter = 0;
739        for ifile_index = 1:file_index
740            load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dDYNAMIC');
741            maxrun_dDYNAMIC = size(STO_si_dDYNAMIC,3);
742            if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
743                load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM');
744                maxrun_dREDUCEDFORM = size(STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM,3);
745            else
746                maxrun_dREDUCEDFORM = 0;
747            end
748            if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
749                load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_si_dMOMENTS');
750                maxrun_dMOMENTS = size(STO_si_dMOMENTS,3);
751            else
752                maxrun_dMOMENTS = 0;
753            end
754            if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
755                load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dSPECTRUM');
756                maxrun_dSPECTRUM = size(STO_dSPECTRUM,3);
757            else
758                maxrun_dSPECTRUM = 0;
759            end
760            if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
761                load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_' int2str(ifile_index) '.mat'], 'STO_dMINIMAL');
762                maxrun_dMINIMAL = size(STO_dMINIMAL,3);
763            else
764                maxrun_dMINIMAL = 0;
765            end
766            for irun=1:max([maxrun_dDYNAMIC, maxrun_dREDUCEDFORM, maxrun_dMOMENTS, maxrun_dSPECTRUM, maxrun_dMINIMAL])
767                iter=iter+1;
768                % note that this is not the same si_dDYNAMICnorm as computed in identification_analysis
769                % given that we have the MC sample of the Jacobians, we also normalize by the std of the sample of Jacobian entries, to get a fully standardized sensitivity measure
770                si_dDYNAMICnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_DYNAMIC,1,totparam_nbr-(stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr))).*normaliz1((stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr)+1:end);
771                if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
772                    % note that this is not the same si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm as computed in identification_analysis
773                    % given that we have the MC sample of the Jacobians, we also normalize by the std of the sample of Jacobian entries, to get a fully standardized sensitivity measure
774                    si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_REDUCEDFORM,1,totparam_nbr)).*normaliz1;
775                end
776                if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
777                    % note that this is not the same si_dMOMENTSnorm as computed in identification_analysis
778                    % given that we have the MC sample of the Jacobians, we also normalize by the std of the sample of Jacobian entries, to get a fully standardized sensitivity measure
779                    si_dMOMENTSnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,:,irun)./repmat(normalize_STO_MOMENTS,1,totparam_nbr)).*normaliz1;
780                end
781                if ~options_MC.no_identification_spectrum
782                    % note that this is not the same dSPECTRUMnorm as computed in identification_analysis
783                    dSPECTRUMnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_dSPECTRUM(:,:,irun)); %not yet used
784                end
785                if ~options_MC.no_identification_minimal
786                    % note that this is not the same dMINIMALnorm as computed in identification_analysis
787                    dMINIMALnorm(iter,:) = vnorm(STO_dMINIMAL(:,:,irun)); %not yet used
788                end
789            end
790        end
791        IDE_DYNAMIC.si_dDYNAMICnorm = si_dDYNAMICnorm;
792        save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'pdraws', 'IDE_DYNAMIC','STO_DYNAMIC','-append');
793        if ~options_MC.no_identification_reducedform
794            IDE_REDUCEDFORM.si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm = si_dREDUCEDFORMnorm;
795            save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'IDE_REDUCEDFORM', 'STO_REDUCEDFORM','-append');
796        end
797        if ~options_MC.no_identification_moments
798            IDE_MOMENTS.si_dMOMENTSnorm = si_dMOMENTSnorm;
799            save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'IDE_MOMENTS', 'STO_MOMENTS','-append');
800        end
802    end
805    %% load previous analysis
806    load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif']);
807    parameters                  = store_options_ident.parameter_set;
808    options_ident.parameter_set = parameters;
809    options_ident.prior_mc      = size(pdraws,1);
810    SampleSize                  = options_ident.prior_mc;
811    options_.options_ident      = options_ident;
814%% if dynare_identification is called as it own function (not through identification command) and if we load files
815if nargout>3 && iload
816    filnam = dir([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_*.mat']);
817    STO_si_dDYNAMIC     = [];
818    STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = [];
819    STO_si_dMOMENTS     = [];
820    STO_dSPECTRUM       = [];
821    STO_dMINIMAL        = [];
822    for j=1:length(filnam)
823        load([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif_',int2str(j),'.mat']);
824        STO_si_dDYNAMIC = cat(3,STO_si_dDYNAMIC, STO_si_dDYNAMIC(:,abs(iload),:));
825        if ~options_ident.no_identification_reducedform
826            STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM = cat(3,STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM, STO_si_dREDUCEDFORM(:,abs(iload),:));
827        end
828        if ~options_ident.no_identification_moments
829            STO_si_dMOMENTS = cat(3,STO_si_dMOMENTS, STO_si_dMOMENTS(:,abs(iload),:));
830        end
831        if ~options_ident.no_identification_spectrum
832            STO_dSPECTRUM = cat(3,STO_dSPECTRUM, STO_dSPECTRUM(:,abs(iload),:));
833        end
834        if ~options_ident.no_identification_minimal
835            STO_dMINIMAL = cat(3,STO_dMINIMAL, STO_dMINIMAL(:,abs(iload),:));
836        end
837    end
840if iload
841    %if previous analysis is loaded
842    fprintf(['Testing %s\n',parameters]);
843    disp_identification(ide_hess_point.params, ide_reducedform_point, ide_moments_point, ide_spectrum_point, ide_minimal_point, name, options_ident);
844    if ~options_.nograph
845        % plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
846        plot_identification(ide_hess_point.params, ide_moments_point, ide_hess_point, ide_reducedform_point, ide_dynamic_point, options_ident.advanced, parameters, name, IdentifDirectoryName, [], name_tex);
847    end
850%displaying and plotting of results for MC sample
851if SampleSize > 1
852    fprintf('\nTesting MC sample\n');
853    %print results to console but make sure advanced=0
854    advanced0 = options_ident.advanced;
855    options_ident.advanced = 0;
856    disp_identification(pdraws, IDE_REDUCEDFORM, IDE_MOMENTS, IDE_SPECTRUM, IDE_MINIMAL, name, options_ident);
857    options_ident.advanced = advanced0; % reset advanced setting
858    if ~options_.nograph
859        % plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
860        plot_identification(pdraws, IDE_MOMENTS, ide_hess_point, IDE_REDUCEDFORM, IDE_DYNAMIC, options_ident.advanced, 'MC sample ', name, IdentifDirectoryName, [], name_tex);
861    end
862    %advanced display and plots for MC Sample, i.e. look at draws with highest/lowest condition number
863    if options_ident.advanced
864        jcrit = find(IDE_MOMENTS.ino);
865        if length(jcrit) < SampleSize
866            if isempty(jcrit)
867                % Make sure there is no overflow of plots produced (these are saved to the disk anyways)
868                store_nodisplay = options_.nodisplay;
869                options_.nodisplay = 1;
870                % HIGHEST CONDITION NUMBER
871                [~, jmax] = max(IDE_MOMENTS.cond);
872                tittxt = 'Draw with HIGHEST condition number';
873                fprintf('\nTesting %s.\n',tittxt);
874                if ~iload
875                    options_ident.tittxt = tittxt; %title text for graphs and figures
876                    [ide_moments_max, ide_spectrum_max, ide_minimal_max, ide_hess_max, ide_reducedform_max, ide_dynamic_max, derivatives_info_max, info_max, options_ident] = ...
877                        identification_analysis(pdraws(jmax,:), indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1); %the 1 at the end initializes some persistent variables
878                    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_max', 'ide_moments_max', 'ide_spectrum_max', 'ide_minimal_max','ide_reducedform_max', 'ide_dynamic_max', 'jmax', '-append');
879                end
880                advanced0 = options_ident.advanced; options_ident.advanced = 1; % make sure advanced setting is on
881                disp_identification(pdraws(jmax,:), ide_reducedform_max, ide_moments_max, ide_spectrum_max, ide_minimal_max, name, options_ident);
882                options_ident.advanced = advanced0; %reset advanced setting
883                if ~options_.nograph
884                    % plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
885                    plot_identification(pdraws(jmax,:), ide_moments_max, ide_hess_max, ide_reducedform_max, ide_dynamic_max, 1, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, tittxt, name_tex);
886                end
888                % SMALLEST condition number
889                [~, jmin] = min(IDE_MOMENTS.cond);
890                tittxt = 'Draw with SMALLEST condition number';
891                fprintf('Testing %s.\n',tittxt);
892                if ~iload
893                    options_ident.tittxt = tittxt; %title text for graphs and figures
894                    [ide_moments_min, ide_spectrum_min, ide_minimal_min, ide_hess_min, ide_reducedform_min, ide_dynamic_min, derivatives_info_min, info_min, options_ident] = ...
895                        identification_analysis(pdraws(jmin,:), indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1); %the 1 at the end initializes persistent variables
896                    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_min', 'ide_moments_min','ide_spectrum_min','ide_minimal_min','ide_reducedform_min', 'ide_dynamic_min', 'jmin', '-append');
897                end
898                advanced0 = options_ident.advanced; options_ident.advanced = 1; % make sure advanced setting is on
899                disp_identification(pdraws(jmin,:), ide_reducedform_min, ide_moments_min, ide_spectrum_min, ide_minimal_min, name, options_ident);
900                options_ident.advanced = advanced0; %reset advanced setting
901                if ~options_.nograph
902                    % plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
903                    plot_identification(pdraws(jmin,:),ide_moments_min,ide_hess_min,ide_reducedform_min,ide_dynamic_min,1,tittxt,name,IdentifDirectoryName,tittxt,name_tex);
904                end
905                % reset nodisplay option
906                options_.nodisplay = store_nodisplay;
907            else
908                % Make sure there is no overflow of plots produced (these are saved to the disk anyways)
909                store_nodisplay = options_.nodisplay;
910                options_.nodisplay = 1;
911                for j=1:length(jcrit)
912                    tittxt = ['Rank deficient draw nr. ',int2str(j)];
913                    fprintf('\nTesting %s.\n',tittxt);
914                    if ~iload
915                        options_ident.tittxt = tittxt; %title text for graphs and figures
916                        [ide_moments_(j), ide_spectrum_(j), ide_minimal_(j), ide_hess_(j), ide_reducedform_(j), ide_dynamic_(j), derivatives_info_(j), info_resolve, options_ident] = ...
917                            identification_analysis(pdraws(jcrit(j),:), indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, options_ident, dataset_info, prior_exist, 1);
918                    end
919                    advanced0 = options_ident.advanced; options_ident.advanced = 1; %make sure advanced setting is on
920                    disp_identification(pdraws(jcrit(j),:), ide_reducedform_(j), ide_moments_(j), ide_spectrum_(j), ide_minimal_(j), name, options_ident);
921                    options_ident.advanced = advanced0; % reset advanced
922                    if ~options_.nograph
923                        % plot (i) identification strength and sensitivity measure based on the sample information matrix and (ii) advanced analysis graphs
924                        plot_identification(pdraws(jcrit(j),:), ide_moments_(j), ide_hess_(j), ide_reducedform_(j), ide_dynamic_(j), 1, tittxt, name, IdentifDirectoryName, tittxt, name_tex);
925                    end
926                end
927                if ~iload
928                    save([IdentifDirectoryName '/' fname '_identif.mat'], 'ide_hess_', 'ide_moments_', 'ide_reducedform_', 'ide_dynamic_', 'ide_spectrum_', 'ide_minimal_', 'jcrit', '-append');
929                end
930                % reset nodisplay option
931                options_.nodisplay = store_nodisplay;
932            end
933        end
934    end
937%reset warning state
938if isoctave
939    warning('on')
941    warning on
944fprintf('\n==== Identification analysis completed ====\n\n')
946options_ = store_options_; %restore options set