1function [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
2% function [MEAN, dMEAN, REDUCEDFORM, dREDUCEDFORM, DYNAMIC, dDYNAMIC, MOMENTS, dMOMENTS, dSPECTRUM, dMINIMAL, derivatives_info] = get_identification_jacobians(estim_params, M, oo, options, options_ident, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs)
3% previously getJJ.m in Dynare 4.5
4% Sets up the Jacobians needed for identification analysis
5% =========================================================================
7%   estim_params:   [structure] storing the estimation information
8%   M:              [structure] storing the model information
9%   oo:             [structure] storing the reduced-form solution results
10%   options:        [structure] storing the options
11%   options_ident:  [structure] storing the options for identification
12%   indpmodel:      [modparam_nbr by 1] index of estimated parameters in M_.params;
13%                     corresponds to model parameters (no stderr and no corr)
14%                     in estimated_params block; if estimated_params block is
15%                     not available, then all model parameters are selected
16%   indpstderr:     [stderrparam_nbr by 1] index of estimated standard errors,
17%                     i.e. for all exogenous variables where "stderr" is given
18%                     in the estimated_params block; if estimated_params block
19%                     is not available, then all stderr parameters are selected
20%   indpcorr:       [corrparam_nbr by 2] matrix of estimated correlations,
21%                     i.e. for all exogenous variables where "corr" is given
22%                     in the estimated_params block; if estimated_params block
23%                     is not available, then no corr parameters are selected
24%   indvobs:        [obs_nbr by 1] index of observed (VAROBS) variables
25% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
28%  MEAN             [endo_nbr by 1], in DR order. Expectation of all model variables
29%                   * order==1: corresponds to steady state
30%                   * order==2|3: corresponds to mean computed from pruned state space system (as in Andreasen, Fernandez-Villaverde, Rubio-Ramirez, 2018)
31%  dMEAN            [endo_nbr by totparam_nbr], in DR Order, Jacobian (wrt all params) of MEAN
33%  REDUCEDFORM      [rowredform_nbr by 1] in DR order. Steady state and reduced-form model solution matrices for all model variables
34%                   * order==1: [Yss' vec(ghx)' vech(ghu*Sigma_e*ghu')']',
35%                     where rowredform_nbr = endo_nbr*(1+nspred+(endo_nbr+1)/2)
36%                   * order==2: [Yss' vec(ghx)' vech(ghu*Sigma_e*ghu')' vec(ghxx)' vec(ghxu)' vec(ghuu)' vec(ghs2)']',
37%                     where rowredform_nbr = endo_nbr*(1+nspred+(endo_nbr+1)/2+nspred^2+nspred*exo_nr+exo_nbr^2+1)
38%                   * order==3: [Yss' vec(ghx)' vech(ghu*Sigma_e*ghu')' vec(ghxx)' vec(ghxu)' vec(ghuu)' vec(ghs2)' vec(ghxxx)' vec(ghxxu)' vec(ghxuu)' vec(ghuuu)' vec(ghxss)' vec(ghuss)']',
39%                     where rowredform_nbr = endo_nbr*(1+nspred+(endo_nbr+1)/2+nspred^2+nspred*exo_nr+exo_nbr^2+1+nspred^3+nspred^2*exo_nbr+nspred*exo_nbr^2+exo_nbr^3+nspred+exo_nbr)
40%  dREDUCEDFORM:    [rowredform_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order, Jacobian (wrt all params) of REDUCEDFORM
41%                   * order==1: corresponds to Iskrev (2010)'s J_2 matrix
42%                   * order==2: corresponds to Mutschler (2015)'s J matrix
44%  DYNAMIC          [rowdyn_nbr by 1] in declaration order. Steady state and dynamic model derivatives for all model variables
45%                   * order==1: [ys' vec(g1)']', rowdyn_nbr=endo_nbr+length(g1)
46%                   * order==2: [ys' vec(g1)' vec(g2)']', rowdyn_nbr=endo_nbr+length(g1)+length(g2)
47%                   * order==3: [ys' vec(g1)' vec(g2)' vec(g3)']', rowdyn_nbr=endo_nbr+length(g1)+length(g2)+length(g3)
48%  dDYNAMIC         [rowdyn_nbr by modparam_nbr] in declaration order. Jacobian (wrt model parameters) of DYNAMIC
49%                   * order==1: corresponds to Ratto and Iskrev (2011)'s J_\Gamma matrix (or LRE)
51%  MOMENTS:         [obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2+nlags*obs_nbr^2 by 1] in DR order. First two theoretical moments for VAROBS variables, i.e.
52%                   [E[varobs]' vech(E[varobs*varobs'])' vec(E[varobs*varobs(-1)'])' ... vec(E[varobs*varobs(-nlag)'])']
53%  dMOMENTS:        [obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2+nlags*obs_nbr^2 by totparam_nbr] in DR order. Jacobian (wrt all params) of MOMENTS
54%                   * order==1: corresponds to Iskrev (2010)'s J matrix
55%                   * order==2: corresponds to Mutschler (2015)'s \bar{M}_2 matrix, i.e. theoretical moments from the pruned state space system
57%  dSPECTRUM:       [totparam_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order. Gram matrix of Jacobian (wrt all params) of mean and of spectral density for VAROBS variables, where
58%                   spectral density at frequency w: f(w) = (2*pi)^(-1)*H(exp(-i*w))*E[Inov*Inov']*ctranspose(H(exp(-i*w)) with H being the Transfer function
59%                   dSPECTRUM = dMEAN*dMEAN + int_{-\pi}^\pi transpose(df(w)/dp')*(df(w)/dp') dw
60%                   * order==1: corresponds to Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G matrix, where Inov and H are computed from linear state space system
61%                   * order==2: corresponds to Mutschler (2015)'s G_2 matrix, where Inov and H are computed from second-order pruned state space system
62%                   * order==3: Inov and H are computed from third-order pruned state space system
64%  dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN:[totparam_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order. Gram matrix of Jacobian (wrt all params) of spectral density for VAROBS variables, where
65%                   spectral density at frequency w: f(w) = (2*pi)^(-1)*H(exp(-i*w))*E[Inov*Inov']*ctranspose(H(exp(-i*w)) with H being the Transfer function
66%                   dSPECTRUM = int_{-\pi}^\pi transpose(df(w)/dp')*(df(w)/dp') dw
67%                   * order==1: corresponds to Qu and Tkachenko (2012)'s G matrix, where Inov and H are computed from linear state space system
68%                   * order==2: corresponds to Mutschler (2015)'s G_2 matrix, where Inov and H are computed from second-order pruned state space system
69%                   * order==3: Inov and H are computed from third-order pruned state space system
71%  dMINIMAL:        [obs_nbr+minx_nbr^2+minx_nbr*exo_nbr+obs_nbr*minx_nbr+obs_nbr*exo_nbr+exo_nbr*(exo_nbr+1)/2 by totparam_nbr+minx_nbr^2+exo_nbr^2]
72%                   Jacobian (wrt all params, and similarity_transformation_matrices (T and U)) of observational equivalent minimal ABCD system,
73%                   corresponds to Komunjer and Ng (2011)'s Deltabar matrix, where
74%                   MINIMAL = [vec(E[varobs]' vec(minA)' vec(minB)' vec(minC)' vec(minD)' vech(Sigma_e)']'
75%                   minA, minB, minC and minD is the minimal state space system computed in get_minimal_state_representation
76%                   * order==1: E[varobs] is equal to steady state
77%                   * order==2|3: E[varobs] is computed from the pruned state space system (second|third-order accurate), as noted in section 5 of Komunjer and Ng (2011)
79%  derivatives_info [structure] for use in dsge_likelihood to compute Hessian analytically. Only used at order==1.
80%                   Contains dA, dB, and d(B*Sigma_e*B'), where A and B are Kalman filter transition matrice.
82% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
83% This function is called by
84%   * identification_analysis.m
85% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
86% This function calls
87%   * commutation
88%   * get_minimal_state_representation
89%   * duplication
90%   * dyn_vech
91%   * fjaco
92%   * get_perturbation_params_derivs (previously getH)
93%   * get_all_parameters
94%   * identification_numerical_objective (previously thet2tau)
95%   * pruned_state_space_system
96%   * vec
97% =========================================================================
98% Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Dynare Team
100% This file is part of Dynare.
102% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
103% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
104% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
105% (at your option) any later version.
107% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
108% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
110% GNU General Public License for more details.
112% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
113% along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
114% =========================================================================
116%get fields from options_ident
117no_identification_moments   = options_ident.no_identification_moments;
118no_identification_minimal   = options_ident.no_identification_minimal;
119no_identification_spectrum  = options_ident.no_identification_spectrum;
120order       = options_ident.order;
121nlags       = options_ident.ar;
122useautocorr = options_ident.useautocorr;
123grid_nbr    = options_ident.grid_nbr;
124kronflag    = options_ident.analytic_derivation_mode;
126% get fields from M
127endo_nbr           = M.endo_nbr;
128exo_nbr            = M.exo_nbr;
129fname              = M.fname;
130lead_lag_incidence = M.lead_lag_incidence;
131nspred             = M.nspred;
132nstatic            = M.nstatic;
133params             = M.params;
134Sigma_e            = M.Sigma_e;
135stderr_e           = sqrt(diag(Sigma_e));
137% set all selected values: stderr and corr come first, then model parameters
138xparam1 = get_all_parameters(estim_params, M); %try using estimated_params block
139if isempty(xparam1)
140    %if there is no estimated_params block, consider all stderr and all model parameters, but no corr parameters
141    xparam1 = [stderr_e', params'];
144%get numbers/lengths of vectors
145modparam_nbr    = length(indpmodel);
146stderrparam_nbr = length(indpstderr);
147corrparam_nbr   = size(indpcorr,1);
148totparam_nbr    = stderrparam_nbr + corrparam_nbr + modparam_nbr;
149obs_nbr         = length(indvobs);
150d2flag          = 0; % do not compute second parameter derivatives
152% Get Jacobians (wrt selected params) of steady state, dynamic model derivatives and perturbation solution matrices for all endogenous variables
153oo.dr.derivs = get_perturbation_params_derivs(M, options, estim_params, oo, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, d2flag);
155[I,~] = find(lead_lag_incidence'); %I is used to select nonzero columns of the Jacobian of endogenous variables in dynamic model files
156yy0 = oo.dr.ys(I);           %steady state of dynamic (endogenous and auxiliary variables) in lead_lag_incidence order
157Yss = oo.dr.ys(oo.dr.order_var); % steady state in DR order
158if order == 1
159    [~, g1 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params, oo.dr.ys, 1);
160    %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
161    DYNAMIC = [Yss;
162               vec(g1(oo.dr.order_var,:))]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 in DR order
163    dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
164                reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1(oo.dr.order_var,:,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3)) ]; %reshape dg1 in DR order and add steady state
165    REDUCEDFORM = [Yss;
166                   vec(oo.dr.ghx);
167                   dyn_vech(oo.dr.ghu*Sigma_e*transpose(oo.dr.ghu))]; %in DR order
168    dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2, totparam_nbr);
169    for j=1:totparam_nbr
170        dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
171                            dyn_vech(oo.dr.derivs.dOm(:,:,j))];
172    end
173    dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
175elseif order == 2
176    [~, g1, g2 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params, oo.dr.ys, 1);
177    %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
178    %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
179    DYNAMIC = [Yss;
180               vec(g1(oo.dr.order_var,:));
181               vec(g2(oo.dr.order_var,:))]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 and g2 in DR order
182    dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
183                reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1(oo.dr.order_var,:,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3));  %reshape dg1 in DR order
184                reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg2(oo.dr.order_var,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg2 in DR order
185    REDUCEDFORM = [Yss;
186                   vec(oo.dr.ghx);
187                   dyn_vech(oo.dr.ghu*Sigma_e*transpose(oo.dr.ghu));
188                   vec(oo.dr.ghxx);
189                   vec(oo.dr.ghxu);
190                   vec(oo.dr.ghuu);
191                   vec(oo.dr.ghs2)]; %in DR order
192    dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(endo_nbr*nspred+endo_nbr*(endo_nbr+1)/2+endo_nbr*nspred^2+endo_nbr*nspred*exo_nbr+endo_nbr*exo_nbr^2+endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
193    for j=1:totparam_nbr
194        dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
195                            dyn_vech(oo.dr.derivs.dOm(:,:,j));
196                            vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxx(:,:,j));
197                            vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxu(:,:,j));
198                            vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuu(:,:,j));
199                            vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghs2(:,j))];
200    end
201    dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
202elseif order == 3
203    [~, g1, g2, g3 ] = feval([fname,'.dynamic'], yy0, oo.exo_steady_state', params, oo.dr.ys, 1);
204    %g1 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr first derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. df/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
205    %g2 is [endo_nbr by yy0ex0_nbr^2] second derivative (wrt all dynamic variables) of dynamic model equations, i.e. d(df/dyy0ex0)/dyy0ex0, rows are in declaration order, columns in lead_lag_incidence order
206    DYNAMIC = [Yss;
207               vec(g1(oo.dr.order_var,:));
208               vec(g2(oo.dr.order_var,:));
209               vec(g3(oo.dr.order_var,:))]; %add steady state and put rows of g1 and g2 in DR order
210    dDYNAMIC = [oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
211                reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg1(oo.dr.order_var,:,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3));  %reshape dg1 in DR order
212                reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg2(oo.dr.order_var,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3));
213                reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dg2(oo.dr.order_var,:),size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,1)*size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,2)^2,size(oo.dr.derivs.dg1,3))]; %reshape dg3 in DR order
214    REDUCEDFORM = [Yss;
215                   vec(oo.dr.ghx);
216                   dyn_vech(oo.dr.ghu*Sigma_e*transpose(oo.dr.ghu));
217                   vec(oo.dr.ghxx); vec(oo.dr.ghxu); vec(oo.dr.ghuu); vec(oo.dr.ghs2);
218                   vec(oo.dr.ghxxx); vec(oo.dr.ghxxu); vec(oo.dr.ghxuu); vec(oo.dr.ghuuu); vec(oo.dr.ghxss); vec(oo.dr.ghuss)]; %in DR order
219    dREDUCEDFORM = zeros(size(REDUCEDFORM,1)-endo_nbr, totparam_nbr);
220    for j=1:totparam_nbr
221        dREDUCEDFORM(:,j) = [vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghx(:,:,j));
222                             dyn_vech(oo.dr.derivs.dOm(:,:,j));
223                             vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxx(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghs2(:,j))
224                             vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxxx(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxxu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuuu(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghxss(:,:,j)); vec(oo.dr.derivs.dghuss(:,:,j))];
225    end
226    dREDUCEDFORM = [ [zeros(endo_nbr, stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr) oo.dr.derivs.dYss]; dREDUCEDFORM ]; % add steady state
229% Get (pruned) state space representation:
230pruned = pruned_state_space_system(M, options, oo.dr, indvobs, nlags, useautocorr, 1);
231MEAN  = pruned.E_y;
232dMEAN = pruned.dE_y;
233%storage for Jacobians used in dsge_likelihood.m for analytical Gradient and Hession of likelihood (only at order=1)
234derivatives_info = struct();
235if order == 1
236    dT = zeros(endo_nbr,endo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
237    dT(:,(nstatic+1):(nstatic+nspred),:) = oo.dr.derivs.dghx;
238    derivatives_info.DT   = dT;
239    derivatives_info.DOm  = oo.dr.derivs.dOm;
240    derivatives_info.DYss = oo.dr.derivs.dYss;
243%% Compute dMOMENTS
244if ~no_identification_moments
245    E_yy  = pruned.Var_y;  dE_yy  = pruned.dVar_y;
246    if useautocorr
247        E_yyi = pruned.Corr_yi; dE_yyi = pruned.dCorr_yi;
248    else
249        E_yyi = pruned.Var_yi;  dE_yyi = pruned.dVar_yi;
250    end
251    MOMENTS = [MEAN; dyn_vech(E_yy)];
252    for i=1:nlags
253        MOMENTS = [MOMENTS; vec(E_yyi(:,:,i))];
254    end
256    if kronflag == -1
257        %numerical derivative of autocovariogram
258        dMOMENTS = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), xparam1, 1, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr); %[outputflag=1]
259        dMOMENTS = [dMEAN; dMOMENTS]; %add Jacobian of steady state of VAROBS variables
260    else
261        dMOMENTS = zeros(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + nlags*obs_nbr^2 , totparam_nbr);
262        dMOMENTS(1:obs_nbr,:) = dMEAN; %add Jacobian of first moments of VAROBS variables
263        for jp = 1:totparam_nbr
264            dMOMENTS(obs_nbr+1 : obs_nbr+obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 , jp) = dyn_vech(dE_yy(:,:,jp));
265            for i = 1:nlags
266                dMOMENTS(obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + (i-1)*obs_nbr^2 + 1 : obs_nbr + obs_nbr*(obs_nbr+1)/2 + i*obs_nbr^2, jp) = vec(dE_yyi(:,:,i,jp));
267            end
268        end
269    end
271    MOMENTS = [];
272    dMOMENTS = [];
275%% Compute dSPECTRUM
276%Note that our state space system for computing the spectrum is the following:
277% zhat = A*zhat(-1) + B*xi, where zhat = z - E(z)
278% yhat = C*zhat(-1) + D*xi, where yhat = y - E(y)
279if ~no_identification_spectrum
280    %Some info on the spectral density: Dynare's state space system is given for states (z_{t} = A*z_{t-1} + B*u_{t}) and observables (y_{t} = C*z_{t-1} + D*u_{t})
281        %The spectral density for y_{t} can be computed using different methods, which are numerically equivalent
282        %See the following code example for the different ways;
283%             freqs = 2*pi*(-(grid_nbr/2):1:(grid_nbr/2))'/grid_nbr; %divides the interval [-pi;pi] into ngrid+1 points
284%             tpos  = exp( sqrt(-1)*freqs); %positive Fourier frequencies
285%             tneg  = exp(-sqrt(-1)*freqs); %negative Fourier frequencies
286%             IA = eye(size(A,1));
287%             IE = eye(exo_nbr);
288%             mathp_col1 = NaN(length(freqs),obs_nbr^2); mathp_col2 = mathp_col1; mathp_col3 = mathp_col1; mathp_col4 = mathp_col1;
289%             for ig = 1:length(freqs)
290%                 %method 1: as in UnivariateSpectralDensity.m
291%                 f_omega  =(1/(2*pi))*( [(IA-A*tneg(ig))\B;IE]*Sigma_e*[B'/(IA-A'*tpos(ig)) IE]); % state variables
292%                 g_omega1 = [C*tneg(ig) D]*f_omega*[C'*tpos(ig); D']; % selected variables
293%                 %method 2: as in UnivariateSpectralDensity.m but simplified algebraically
294%                 g_omega2 = (1/(2*pi))*(  C*((tpos(ig)*IA-A)\(B*Sigma_e*B'))*((tneg(ig)*IA-A')\(C'))  +  D*Sigma_e*B'*((tneg(ig)*IA-A')\(C'))  +   C* ((tpos(ig)*IA-A)\(B*Sigma_e*D'))  +  D*Sigma_e*D'  );
295%                 %method 3: use transfer function note that ' is the complex conjugate transpose operator i.e. transpose(ffneg')==ffpos
296%                 Transferfct = D+C*((tpos(ig)*IA-A)\B);
297%                 g_omega3 = (1/(2*pi))*(Transferfct*Sigma_e*Transferfct');
298%                 %method 4: kronecker products
299%                 g_omega4 = (1/(2*pi))*( kron( D+C*((tneg(ig)^(-1)*IA-A)\B) , D+C*((tneg(ig)*IA-A)\B) )*Sigma_e(:));
300%                 % store as matrix row
301%                 mathp_col1(ig,:) = (g_omega1(:))'; mathp_col2(ig,:) = (g_omega2(:))'; mathp_col3(ig,:) = (g_omega3(:))'; mathp_col4(ig,:) = g_omega4;
302%             end
303%         disp([norm(mathp_col1 - mathp_col2); norm(mathp_col1 - mathp_col3); norm(mathp_col1 - mathp_col4); norm(mathp_col2 - mathp_col3); norm(mathp_col2 - mathp_col4); norm(mathp_col3 - mathp_col4);])
304        %In the following we focus on method 3
305    %Symmetry:
306    %  Note that for the compuation of the G matrix we focus only on positive Fourier frequencies due to symmetry of the real part of the spectral density and, hence, the G matrix (which is real by construction).
307    %  E.g. if grid_nbr=4, then we subdivide the intervall [-pi;pi] into [-3.1416;-1.5708;0;1.5708;3.1416], but focus only on [0;1.5708;3.1416] for the computation of the G matrix,
308    %  keeping in mind that the frequencies [1.5708;3.1416] need to be added twice, whereas the 0 frequency is only added once.
309    freqs = (0 : pi/(grid_nbr/2):pi); % we focus only on positive frequencies
310    tpos  = exp( sqrt(-1)*freqs); %positive Fourier frequencies
311    tneg  = exp(-sqrt(-1)*freqs); %negative Fourier frequencies
312    IA = eye(size(pruned.A,1));
313    if kronflag == -1
314        %numerical derivative of spectral density
315        dOmega_tmp = fjaco(str2func('identification_numerical_objective'), xparam1, 2, estim_params, M, oo, options, indpmodel, indpstderr, indpcorr, indvobs, useautocorr, nlags, grid_nbr); %[outputflag=2]
316        kk = 0;
317        for ig = 1:length(freqs)
318            kk = kk+1;
319            dOmega = dOmega_tmp(1 + (kk-1)*obs_nbr^2 : kk*obs_nbr^2,:);
320            if ig == 1 % add zero frequency once
321                dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = dOmega'*dOmega;
322            else % due to symmetry to negative frequencies we can add positive frequencies twice
323                dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
324            end
325        end
326    elseif kronflag == 1
327        %use Kronecker products
328        dA = reshape(pruned.dA,size(pruned.dA,1)*size(pruned.dA,2),size(pruned.dA,3));
329        dB = reshape(pruned.dB,size(pruned.dB,1)*size(pruned.dB,2),size(pruned.dB,3));
330        dC = reshape(pruned.dC,size(pruned.dC,1)*size(pruned.dC,2),size(pruned.dC,3));
331        dD = reshape(pruned.dD,size(pruned.dD,1)*size(pruned.dD,2),size(pruned.dD,3));
332        dVarinov = reshape(pruned.dVarinov,size(pruned.dVarinov,1)*size(pruned.dVarinov,2),size(pruned.dVarinov,3));
333        K_obs_exo = commutation(obs_nbr,size(pruned.Varinov,1));
334        for ig=1:length(freqs)
335            z = tneg(ig);
336            zIminusA =  (z*IA - pruned.A);
337            zIminusAinv = zIminusA\IA;
338            Transferfct = pruned.D + pruned.C*zIminusAinv*pruned.B; % Transfer function
339            dzIminusA = -dA;
340            dzIminusAinv = kron(-(transpose(zIminusA)\IA),zIminusAinv)*dzIminusA; %this takes long
341            dTransferfct = dD + DerivABCD(pruned.C,dC,zIminusAinv,dzIminusAinv,pruned.B,dB); %this takes long
342            dTransferfct_conjt = K_obs_exo*conj(dTransferfct);
343            dOmega = (1/(2*pi))*DerivABCD(Transferfct,dTransferfct,pruned.Varinov,dVarinov,Transferfct',dTransferfct_conjt); %also long
344            if ig == 1 % add zero frequency once
345                dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = dOmega'*dOmega;
346            else  % due to symmetry to negative frequencies we can add positive frequencies twice
347                dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
348            end
349        end
350    elseif (kronflag==0) || (kronflag==-2)
351        for ig = 1:length(freqs)
352            IzminusA =  tpos(ig)*IA - pruned.A;
353            invIzminusA = IzminusA\eye(size(pruned.A,1));
354            Transferfct = pruned.D + pruned.C*invIzminusA*pruned.B;
355            dOmega = zeros(obs_nbr^2,totparam_nbr);
356            for j = 1:totparam_nbr
357                if j <= stderrparam_nbr+corrparam_nbr %stderr and corr parameters: only dSig is nonzero
358                    dOmega_tmp = Transferfct*pruned.dVarinov(:,:,j)*Transferfct';
359                else %model parameters
360                    dinvIzminusA = -invIzminusA*(-pruned.dA(:,:,j))*invIzminusA;
361                    dTransferfct = pruned.dD(:,:,j) + pruned.dC(:,:,j)*invIzminusA*pruned.B + pruned.C*dinvIzminusA*pruned.B + pruned.C*invIzminusA*pruned.dB(:,:,j);
362                    dOmega_tmp = dTransferfct*pruned.Varinov*Transferfct' + Transferfct*pruned.dVarinov(:,:,j)*Transferfct' + Transferfct*pruned.Varinov*dTransferfct';
363                end
364                dOmega(:,j) = (1/(2*pi))*dOmega_tmp(:);
365            end
366            if ig == 1 % add zero frequency once
367                dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = dOmega'*dOmega;
368            else % due to symmetry to negative frequencies we can add positive frequencies twice
369                dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN + 2*(dOmega'*dOmega);
370            end
371        end
372    end
373    % Normalize Matrix and add steady state Jacobian, note that G is real and symmetric by construction
374    dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = real(2*pi*dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN./(2*length(freqs)-1));
375    dSPECTRUM         = dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN + dMEAN'*dMEAN;
377    dSPECTRUM_NO_MEAN = [];
378    dSPECTRUM = [];
381%% Compute dMINIMAL
382if ~no_identification_minimal
383    if obs_nbr < exo_nbr
384        % Check whether criteria can be used
385        warning_KomunjerNg = 'WARNING: Komunjer and Ng (2011) failed:\n';
386        warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg '       There are more shocks and measurement errors than observables, this is not implemented (yet).\n'];
387        warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg '       Skip identification analysis based on minimal state space system.\n'];
388        fprintf(warning_KomunjerNg);
389        dMINIMAL = [];
390    else
391        % Derive and check minimal state vector of first-order
392        SYS.A  = oo.dr.ghx(pruned.indx,:);
393        SYS.dA = oo.dr.derivs.dghx(pruned.indx,:,:);
394        SYS.B  = oo.dr.ghu(pruned.indx,:);
395        SYS.dB = oo.dr.derivs.dghu(pruned.indx,:,:);
396        SYS.C  = oo.dr.ghx(pruned.indy,:);
397        SYS.dC = oo.dr.derivs.dghx(pruned.indy,:,:);
398        SYS.D  = oo.dr.ghu(pruned.indy,:);
399        SYS.dD = oo.dr.derivs.dghu(pruned.indy,:,:);
400        [CheckCO,minnx,SYS] = get_minimal_state_representation(SYS,1);
402        if CheckCO == 0
403            warning_KomunjerNg = 'WARNING: Komunjer and Ng (2011) failed:\n';
404            warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg '         Conditions for minimality are not fullfilled:\n'];
405            warning_KomunjerNg = [warning_KomunjerNg '         Skip identification analysis based on minimal state space system.\n'];
406            fprintf(warning_KomunjerNg); %use sprintf to have line breaks
407            dMINIMAL = [];
408        else
409            minA = SYS.A; dminA = SYS.dA;
410            minB = SYS.B; dminB = SYS.dB;
411            minC = SYS.C; dminC = SYS.dC;
412            minD = SYS.D; dminD = SYS.dD;
413            %reshape into Magnus-Neudecker Jacobians, i.e. dvec(X)/dp
414            dminA = reshape(dminA,size(dminA,1)*size(dminA,2),size(dminA,3));
415            dminB = reshape(dminB,size(dminB,1)*size(dminB,2),size(dminB,3));
416            dminC = reshape(dminC,size(dminC,1)*size(dminC,2),size(dminC,3));
417            dminD = reshape(dminD,size(dminD,1)*size(dminD,2),size(dminD,3));
418            dvechSig = reshape(oo.dr.derivs.dSigma_e,exo_nbr*exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
419            indvechSig= find(tril(ones(exo_nbr,exo_nbr)));
420            dvechSig = dvechSig(indvechSig,:);
421            Inx = eye(minnx);
422            Inu = eye(exo_nbr);
423            [~,Enu] = duplication(exo_nbr);
424            KomunjerNg_DL = [dminA; dminB; dminC; dminD; dvechSig];
425            KomunjerNg_DT = [kron(transpose(minA),Inx) - kron(Inx,minA);
426                             kron(transpose(minB),Inx);
427                             -1*kron(Inx,minC);
428                             zeros(obs_nbr*exo_nbr,minnx^2);
429                             zeros(exo_nbr*(exo_nbr+1)/2,minnx^2)];
430            KomunjerNg_DU = [zeros(minnx^2,exo_nbr^2);
431                             kron(Inu,minB);
432                             zeros(obs_nbr*minnx,exo_nbr^2);
433                             kron(Inu,minD);
434                             -2*Enu*kron(Sigma_e,Inu)];
435            dMINIMAL = full([KomunjerNg_DL KomunjerNg_DT KomunjerNg_DU]);
436            %add Jacobian of steady state (here we also allow for higher-order perturbation, i.e. only the mean provides additional restrictions
437            dMINIMAL =  [dMEAN zeros(obs_nbr,minnx^2+exo_nbr^2); dMINIMAL];
438        end
439    end
441    dMINIMAL = [];
445function [dX] = DerivABCD(X1,dX1,X2,dX2,X3,dX3,X4,dX4)
446% function [dX] = DerivABCD(X1,dX1,X2,dX2,X3,dX3,X4,dX4)
447% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
448% Derivative of X(p)=X1(p)*X2(p)*X3(p)*X4(p) w.r.t to p
449% See Magnus and Neudecker (1999), p. 175
450% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
451% Inputs: Matrices X1,X2,X3,X4, and the corresponding derivatives w.r.t p.
452% Output: Derivative of product of X1*X2*X3*X4 w.r.t. p
453% =========================================================================
454nparam = size(dX1,2);
455%   If one or more matrices are left out, they are set to zero
456if nargin == 4
457    X3=speye(size(X2,2)); dX3=spalloc(numel(X3),nparam,0);
458    X4=speye(size(X3,2)); dX4=spalloc(numel(X4),nparam,0);
459elseif nargin == 6
460    X4=speye(size(X3,2)); dX4=spalloc(numel(X4),nparam,0);
463dX = kron(transpose(X4)*transpose(X3)*transpose(X2),speye(size(X1,1)))*dX1...
464   + kron(transpose(X4)*transpose(X3),X1)*dX2...
465   + kron(transpose(X4),X1*X2)*dX3...
466   + kron(speye(size(X4,2)),X1*X2*X3)*dX4;
467end %DerivABCD end
469end%main function end