1function [CheckCO,minns,minSYS] = get_minimal_state_representation(SYS, derivs_flag)
2% Derives and checks the minimal state representation
3% Let x = A*x(-1) + B*u  and  y = C*x(-1) + D*u be a linear state space
4% system, then this function computes the following representation
5%     xmin = minA*xmin(-1) + minB*u  and  and  y=minC*xmin(-1) + minD*u
7% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
9% SYS           [structure]
10%     with the following necessary fields:
11%     A:        [nspred by nspred] in DR order
12%                 Transition matrix for all state variables
13%     B:        [nspred by exo_nbr] in DR order
14%                 Transition matrix mapping shocks today to states today
15%     C:        [varobs_nbr by nspred] in DR order
16%                 Measurement matrix linking control/observable variables to states
17%     D:        [varobs_nbr by exo_nbr] in DR order
18%                 Measurement matrix mapping shocks today to controls/observables today
19%     and optional fields:
20%     dA:       [nspred by nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order
21%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix A
22%     dB:       [nspred by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
23%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix B
24%     dC:       [varobs_nbr by nspred by totparam_nbr] in DR order
25%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix C
26%     dD:       [varobs_nbr by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
27%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix D
28% derivs_flag   [scalar]
29%                 (optional) indicator whether to output parameter derivatives
30% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
32%   CheckCO:    [scalar]
33%                 equals to 1 if minimal state representation is found
34%   minns:      [scalar]
35%                 length of minimal state vector
36%   SYS         [structure]
37%               with the following fields:
38%     minA:     [minns by minns] in DR-order
39%                 transition matrix A for evolution of minimal state vector
40%     minB:     [minns by exo_nbr] in DR-order
41%                 transition matrix B for evolution of minimal state vector
42%     minC:     [varobs_nbr by minns] in DR-order
43%                 measurement matrix C for evolution of controls, depending on minimal state vector only
44%     minD:     [varobs_nbr by minns] in DR-order
45%                 measurement matrix D for evolution of controls, depending on minimal state vector only
46%     dminA:    [minns by minns by totparam_nbr] in DR order
47%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix minA
48%     dminB:    [minns by exo_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
49%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of transition matrix minB
50%     dminC:    [varobs_nbr by minns by totparam_nbr] in DR order
51%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix minC
52%     dminD:    [varobs_nbr by u_nbr by totparam_nbr] in DR order
53%                 Jacobian (wrt to all parameters) of measurement matrix minD
54% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
55% This function is called by
56%   * get_identification_jacobians.m (previously getJJ.m)
57% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
58% This function calls
59%   * check_minimality (embedded)
60%   * minrealold (embedded)
61% =========================================================================
62% Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Dynare Team
64% This file is part of Dynare.
66% Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
67% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
68% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
69% (at your option) any later version.
71% Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
72% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
74% GNU General Public License for more details.
76% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
77% along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
78% =========================================================================
79if nargin == 1
80    derivs_flag = 0;
82realsmall = 1e-7;
83[nspred,exo_nbr] = size(SYS.B);
84varobs_nbr = size(SYS.C,1);
86% Check controllability and observability conditions for full state vector
87CheckCO = check_minimality(SYS.A,SYS.B,SYS.C);
88if CheckCO == 1 % If model is already minimal, we are finished
89    minns = nspred;
90    minSYS = SYS;
92    %Model is not minimal
93    try
94        minreal_flag = 1;
95        % In future we will use SLICOT TB01PD.f mex file [to do @wmutschl], currently use workaround
96        [mSYS,U] = minrealold(SYS,realsmall);
97        minns = size(mSYS.A,1);
98        CheckCO = check_minimality(mSYS.A,mSYS.B,mSYS.C);
99        if CheckCO
100            minSYS.A = mSYS.A;
101            minSYS.B = mSYS.B;
102            minSYS.C = mSYS.C;
103            minSYS.D = mSYS.D;
104            if derivs_flag
105                totparam_nbr = size(SYS.dA,3);
106                minSYS.dA = zeros(minns,minns,totparam_nbr);
107                minSYS.dB = zeros(minns,exo_nbr,totparam_nbr);
108                minSYS.dC = zeros(varobs_nbr,minns,totparam_nbr);
109                % Note that orthogonal matrix U is such that (U*dA*U',U*dB,dC*U') is a Kalman decomposition of (dA,dB,dC)                    %
110                for jp=1:totparam_nbr
111                    dA_tmp = U*SYS.dA(:,:,jp)*U';
112                    dB_tmp = U*SYS.dB(:,:,jp);
113                    dC_tmp = SYS.dC(:,:,jp)*U';
114                    minSYS.dA(:,:,jp) = dA_tmp(1:minns,1:minns);
115                    minSYS.dB(:,:,jp) = dB_tmp(1:minns,:);
116                    minSYS.dC(:,:,jp) = dC_tmp(:,1:minns);
117                end
118                minSYS.dD = SYS.dD;
119            end
120        end
121    catch
122        minreal_flag = 0; % if something went wrong use below procedure
123    end
125    if minreal_flag == 0
126        fprintf('Use naive brute-force approach to find minimal state space system.\n These computations may be inaccurate/wrong as ''minreal'' is not available, please raise an issue on GitLab or the forum\n')
127        % create indices for unnecessary states
128        exogstateindex = find(abs(sum(SYS.A,1))>realsmall);
129        minns = length(exogstateindex);
130        % remove unnecessary states from solution matrices
131        A_2 = SYS.A(exogstateindex,exogstateindex);
132        B_2 = SYS.B(exogstateindex,:);
133        C_2 = SYS.C(:,exogstateindex);
134        D   = SYS.D;
135        ind_A2 = exogstateindex;
136        % minimal representation
137        minSYS.A = A_2;
138        minSYS.B = B_2;
139        minSYS.C = C_2;
140        minSYS.D = D;
142        % Check controllability and observability conditions
143        CheckCO = check_minimality(minSYS.A,minSYS.B,minSYS.C);
145        if CheckCO ~=1
146            % do brute-force search
147            j=1;
148            while (CheckCO==0 && j<minns)
149                combis = nchoosek(1:minns,j);
150                i=1;
151                while i <= size(combis,1)
152                    ind_A2 = exogstateindex;
153                    ind_A2(combis(j,:)) = [];
154                    % remove unnecessary states from solution matrices
155                    A_2 = SYS.A(ind_A2,ind_A2);
156                    B_2 = SYS.B(ind_A2,:);
157                    C_2 = SYS.C(:,ind_A2);
158                    D = SYS.D;
159                    % minimal representation
160                    minSYS.A = A_2;
161                    minSYS.B = B_2;
162                    minSYS.C = C_2;
163                    minSYS.D = D;
164                    % Check controllability and observability conditions
165                    CheckCO = check_minimality(minSYS.A,minSYS.B,minSYS.C);
166                    if CheckCO == 1
167                        minns = length(ind_A2);
168                        break;
169                    end
170                    i=i+1;
171                end
172                j=j+1;
173            end
174        end
175        if derivs_flag
176            minSYS.dA = SYS.dA(ind_A2,ind_A2,:);
177            minSYS.dB = SYS.dB(ind_A2,:,:);
178            minSYS.dC = SYS.dC(:,ind_A2,:);
179            minSYS.dD = SYS.dD;
180        end
181    end
184function CheckCO = check_minimality(a,b,c)
185%% This function computes the controllability and the observability matrices of the ABCD system and checks if the system is minimal
187% Inputs: Solution matrices A,B,C of ABCD representation of a DSGE model
188% Outputs: CheckCO: equals 1, if both rank conditions for observability and controllability are fullfilled
189n = size(a,1);
190CC = b; % Initialize controllability matrix
191OO = c; % Initialize observability matrix
192if n >= 2
193    for indn = 1:1:n-1
194        CC = [CC, (a^indn)*b]; % Set up controllability matrix
195        OO = [OO; c*(a^indn)]; % Set up observability matrix
196    end
198CheckC = (rank(full(CC))==n);   % Check rank of controllability matrix
199CheckO = (rank(full(OO))==n);   % Check rank of observability matrix
200CheckCO = CheckC&CheckO;        % equals 1 if minimal state
201end % check_minimality end
203function [mSYS,U] = minrealold(SYS,tol)
204    % This is a temporary replacement for minreal, will be replaced by a mex file from SLICOT TB01PD.f soon
205    a = SYS.A;
206    b = SYS.B;
207    c = SYS.C;
208    [ns,nu] = size(b);
209    [am,bm,cm,U,k] = ControllabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a,b,c,tol);
210    kk = sum(k);
211    nu = ns - kk;
212    nn = nu;
213    am = am(nu+1:ns,nu+1:ns);
214    bm = bm(nu+1:ns,:);
215    cm = cm(:,nu+1:ns);
216    ns = ns - nu;
217    if ns
218        [am,bm,cm,t,k] = ObservabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(am,bm,cm,tol);
219        kk = sum(k);
220        nu = ns - kk;
221        nn = nn + nu;
222        am = am(nu+1:ns,nu+1:ns);
223        bm = bm(nu+1:ns,:);
224        cm = cm(:,nu+1:ns);
225    end
226    mSYS.A = am;
227    mSYS.B = bm;
228    mSYS.C = cm;
229    mSYS.D = SYS.D;
233function [abar,bbar,cbar,t,k] = ObservabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a,b,c,tol)
234    %Observability staircase form
235    [aa,bb,cc,t,k] = ControllabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a',c',b',tol);
236    abar = aa'; bbar = cc'; cbar = bb';
239function [abar,bbar,cbar,t,k] = ControllabilityStaircaseRosenbrock(a, b, c, tol)
240    % Controllability staircase algorithm of Rosenbrock, 1968
241    [ra,ca] = size(a);
242    [rb,cb] = size(b);
243    ptjn1 = eye(ra);
244    ajn1 = a;
245    bjn1 = b;
246    rojn1 = cb;
247    deltajn1 = 0;
248    sigmajn1 = ra;
249    k = zeros(1,ra);
250    if nargin == 3
251        tol = ra*norm(a,1)*eps;
252    end
253    for jj = 1 : ra
254        [uj,sj,vj] = svd(bjn1);
255        [rsj,csj] = size(sj);
256        %p = flip(eye(rsj),2);
257        p = eye(rsj);
258        p = p(:,end:-1:1);
259        p = permute(p,[2 1 3:ndims(eye(rsj))]);
260        uj = uj*p;
261        bb = uj'*bjn1;
262        roj = rank(bb,tol);
263        [rbb,cbb] = size(bb);
264        sigmaj = rbb - roj;
265        sigmajn1 = sigmaj;
266        k(jj) = roj;
267        if roj == 0, break, end
268        if sigmaj == 0, break, end
269        abxy = uj' * ajn1 * uj;
270        aj   = abxy(1:sigmaj,1:sigmaj);
271        bj   = abxy(1:sigmaj,sigmaj+1:sigmaj+roj);
272        ajn1 = aj;
273        bjn1 = bj;
274        [ruj,cuj] = size(uj);
275        ptj = ptjn1 * ...
276              [uj zeros(ruj,deltajn1); ...
277               zeros(deltajn1,cuj) eye(deltajn1)];
278        ptjn1 = ptj;
279        deltaj = deltajn1 + roj;
280        deltajn1 = deltaj;
281    end
282    t = ptjn1';
283    abar = t * a * t';
284    bbar = t * b;
285    cbar = c * t';
288end % Main function end