10 0 Summer Day
21 1 Day with maximum temperature of 30 degrees Celsius or more
32 2 Day with minimum temperature below 0 degrees Celsius
43 3 Day with maximum temperature below 0 degrees Celsius
54 4 Day with precipitation of 0.1 mm or more
65 5 Day with precipitation of 1.0 mm or more
76 6 Day with snow or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) but no rain or drizzle
87 7 Day with snow or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) cover
98 8 Sunny Day
109 9 Day with overcast sky
1110 10 Day with thunderstorm
1211 11 Day with Beaufort 6 or more
1312 12 Day with Beaufort 8 or more
1413 13 Day with both snow and/or hail (hail, small hail, snow pellets) and rain and/or drizzle
1514 14 Day with depositions of precipitation >=0.1 mm only
1631 31 Missing value