2! Copyright (C) 2002-2011 J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma and C. Ambrosch-Draxl.
3! This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
4! See the file COPYING for license details.
6! main routine for the Elk code
7program elk
8use modmain
9use modmpi
10use modomp
11use modvars
12use modramdisk
13implicit none
14! local variables
15logical exist
16integer itask
17! initialise MPI execution environment
18call mpi_init(ierror)
19! duplicate mpi_comm_world
20call mpi_comm_dup(mpi_comm_world,mpicom,ierror)
21! determine the number of MPI processes
22call mpi_comm_size(mpicom,np_mpi,ierror)
23! determine the local MPI process number
24call mpi_comm_rank(mpicom,lp_mpi,ierror)
25! determine if the local process is the master
26if (lp_mpi.eq.0) then
27  mp_mpi=.true.
28  write(*,*)
29  write(*,'("Elk code version ",I1.1,".",I1.1,".",I2.2," started")') version
31  mp_mpi=.false.
32end if
33! read input files
34call readinput
35! initialise OpenMP variables
36call omp_init
37! initialise the MKL library
38call mkl_init
39! initialise the OpenBLAS library
40call oblas_init
41! initialise the BLIS library
42call blis_init
43if (mp_mpi) then
44  write(*,*)
45  write(*,'("Number of MPI processes : ",I6)') np_mpi
46  write(*,'("Number of OpenMP threads per MPI process : ",I4)') maxthd
47  write(*,'("Total number of threads (MPI x OpenMP) : ",I6)') np_mpi*maxthd
48  write(*,'("Maximum OpenMP nesting level : ",I4)') maxlvl
49  write(*,'("Number of OpenMP threads at first nesting level : ",I4)') maxthd1
50  write(*,'("Number of MKL threads : ",I4)') maxthdmkl
51end if
52! delete the VARIABLES.OUT file
53call delvars
54! write version number to VARIABLES.OUT
55call writevars('version',nv=3,iva=version)
56! check if Elk is already running in this directory
57if (mp_mpi) then
58  inquire(file='RUNNING',exist=exist)
59  if (exist) then
60    write(*,*)
61    write(*,'("Info(elk): several copies of Elk may be running in this path")')
62    write(*,'("(this could be intentional, or result from a previous crash,")')
63    write(*,'(" or arise from an incorrect MPI compilation)")')
64  else
65    open(50,file='RUNNING')
66    close(50)
67  end if
68end if
69! initialise the RAM disk if required
70if (ramdisk) then
71  call initrd
72  if (mp_mpi) then
73    write(*,*)
74    write(*,'("RAM disk enabled")')
75  end if
76end if
77! perform the tasks
78do itask=1,ntasks
79  task=tasks(itask)
80  if (mp_mpi) then
81    write(*,*)
82    write(*,'("Info(elk): current task : ",I6)') task
83  end if
84! synchronise MPI processes
85  call mpi_barrier(mpicom,ierror)
86! check if task can be run with MPI
87  if (lp_mpi.gt.0) then
88    if (any(task.eq.[0,1,2,3,5,15,16,28,29,61,62,63,110,120,135,136,162,170, &
89     180,185,188,200,201,205,208,240,241,270,271,300,320,330,331,350,351,371, &
90     372,373,440,460,461,462,463,471,478,600,610,620,630,640,700,701,800, &
91     801])) then
92      continue
93    else
94      write(*,'("Info(elk): MPI process ",I6," idle for task ",I6)') lp_mpi,task
95      cycle
96    end if
97  end if
98! write task to VARIABLES.OUT
99  call writevars('task',iv=task)
100  select case(task)
101  case(0,1)
102    call gndstate
103  case(2,3)
104    call geomopt
105  case(5)
106    call hartfock
107  case(10)
108    call writedos
109  case(14)
110    call writesf
111  case(15,16)
112    call writelsj
113  case(20,21,22,23)
114    call bandstr
115  case(25)
116    call effmass
117  case(28,29)
118    call mae
119  case(31,32,33)
120    call rhoplot
121  case(41,42,43)
122    call potplot
123  case(51,52,53)
124    call elfplot
125  case(61,62,63,162)
126    call wfplot
127  case(65)
128    call wfcrplot
129  case(68)
130    call rdstatus
131  case(71,72,73,81,82,83,141,142,143,151,152,153)
132    call vecplot
133  case(91,92,93)
134    call dbxcplot
135  case(100,101)
136    call fermisurf
137  case(102)
138    call fermisurfbxsf
139  case(105)
140    call nesting
141  case(110)
142    call mossbauer
143  case(115)
144    call writeefg
145  case(120)
146    call writepmat
147  case(121)
148    call dielectric
149  case(122)
150    call moke
151  case(125)
152    call nonlinopt
153  case(130)
154    call writeexpmat
155  case(135)
156    call writewfpw
157  case(140)
158    call elnes
159  case(150)
160    call writeevsp
161  case(160)
162    call torque
163  case(170)
164    call writeemd
165  case(171,172,173)
166    call emdplot
167  case(180)
168    call writeepsinv
169  case(185)
170    call writehmlbse
171  case(186)
172    call writeevbse
173  case(187)
174    call dielectric_bse
175  case(190)
176    call geomplot
177  case(195)
178    call sfacrho
179  case(196)
180    call sfacmag
181  case(200,201,202)
182    call phononsc
183  case(205)
184    call phonon
185  case(208,209)
186    call bornechg
187  case(210)
188    call phdos
189  case(220)
190    call phdisp
191  case(230)
192    call writephn
193  case(240,241)
194    call ephcouple
195  case(245)
196    call phlwidth
197  case(250)
198    call alpha2f
199  case(260)
200    call eliashberg
201  case(270,271)
202    call gndsteph
203  case(280)
204    call ephdos
205  case(285)
206    call aceplot
207  case(300)
208    call rdmft
209  case(320)
210    call tddftlr
211  case(330,331)
212    call tddftsplr
213  case(341,342,343)
214    call wxcplot
215  case(350,351,352)
216    call spiralsc
217  case(371,372,373)
218    call jprplot
219  case(400)
220    call writetmdu
221  case(430)
222    call writestrain
223  case(440)
224    call writestress
225  case(450)
226    call genafieldt
227  case(460,461,462,463)
228    call tddft
229  case(471)
230    call rhosplot
231  case(478)
232    call bornectd
233  case(480,481)
234    call dielectric_tdrt
235  case(500)
236    call testcheck
237  case(550)
238    call writew90
239  case(600)
240    call gwsefm
241  case(610)
242    call gwspecf
243  case(620)
244    call gwbandstr
245  case(630)
246    call gwscrho
247  case(640)
248    call gwdmat
249  case(700,701)
250    call gndstulr
251  case(731,732,733)
252    call rhouplot
253  case(741,742,743)
254    call potuplot
255  case(771,772,773)
256    call maguplot
257  case(800,801)
260  case default
261    write(*,*)
262    write(*,'("Error(elk): task not defined : ",I8)') task
263    write(*,*)
264    stop
265  end select
266! reset the OpenMP thread variables
267  call omp_reset
268! close all opened files
269  call closefiles
270end do
271if (mp_mpi) then
272  open(50,file='RUNNING')
273  close(50,status='DELETE')
274  write(*,*)
275  write(*,'("Elk code stopped")')
276end if
277! terminate MPI execution environment
278call mpi_finalize(ierror)
279end program
282! !TITLE: {\huge{\sc The Elk Code Manual}}\\ \Large{\sc Version 7.2.42}\\ \vskip 20pt \includegraphics[height=1cm]{elk_silhouette.pdf}
283! !AUTHORS: {\sc J. K. Dewhurst, S. Sharma} \\ {\sc L. Nordstr\"{o}m, F. Cricchio, O. Gr\aa n\"{a}s} \\ {\sc E. K. U. Gross}
285! !INTRODUCTION: Introduction
286!   Welcome to the Elk Code! Elk is an all-electron full-potential linearised
287!   augmented-plane-wave (FP-LAPW) code for determining the properties of
288!   crystalline solids. It was developed originally at the
289!   Karl-Franzens-Universit\"{a}t Graz as part of the EXCITING EU Research and
290!   Training Network project\footnote{EXCITING code developed under the Research
291!   and Training Network EXCITING funded by the EU, contract No.
292!   HPRN-CT-2002-00317}. The guiding philosophy during the implementation of the
293!   code was to keep it as simple as possible for both users and developers
294!   without compromising on its capabilities. All the routines are released
295!   under either the GNU General Public License (GPL) or the GNU Lesser General
296!   Public License (LGPL) in the hope that they may inspire other scientists to
297!   implement new developments in the field of density functional theory and
298!   beyond.
300!   \section{Acknowledgments}
301!   Lots of people contributed to the Elk code with ideas, checking and testing,
302!   writing code or documentation and general encouragement. They include
303!   Claudia Ambrosch-Draxl, Clas Persson, Fredrik Bultmark, Christian Brouder,
304!   Rickard Armiento, Andrew Chizmeshya, Per Anderson, Igor Nekrasov, Sushil
305!   Auluck, Frank Wagner, Fateh Kalarasse, J\"{u}rgen Spitaler, Stefano
306!   Pittalis, Nektarios Lathiotakis, Tobias Burnus, Stephan Sagmeister,
307!   Christian Meisenbichler, S\'{e}bastien Leb\`{e}gue, Yigang Zhang, Fritz
308!   K\"{o}rmann, Alexey Baranov, Anton Kozhevnikov, Shigeru Suehara, Frank
309!   Essenberger, Antonio Sanna, Tyrel McQueen, Tim Baldsiefen, Marty Blaber,
310!   Anton Filanovich, Torbj\"{o}rn Bj\"{o}rkman, Martin Stankovski, Jerzy
311!   Goraus, Markus Meinert, Daniel Rohr, Vladimir Nazarov, Kevin Krieger, Pink
312!   Floyd, Arkardy Davydov, Florian Eich, Aldo Romero Castro, Koichi Kitahara,
313!   James Glasbrenner, Konrad Bussmann, Igor Mazin, Matthieu Verstraete, David
314!   Ernsting, Stephen Dugdale, Peter Elliott, Marcin Dulak, Jos\'{e} A. Flores
315!   Livas, Stefaan Cottenier, Yasushi Shinohara, Michael Fechner, Yaroslav
316!   Kvashnin, Tristan M\"uller, Arsenii Gerasimov, Manh Duc Le, Jon Lafuente
317!   Bartolom\'{e}, Ren\'{e} Wirnata, Jagdish Kumar, Andrew Shyichuk, Nisha
318!   Singh, Pietro Bonfa, Ronald Cohen and Alyn James. Special mention of David
319!   Singh's very useful book on the LAPW method\footnote{D. J. Singh,
320!   {\it Planewaves, Pseudopotentials and the LAPW Method} (Kluwer Academic
321!   Publishers, Boston, 1994).} must also be made. Finally we would like to
322!   acknowledge the generous support of Karl-Franzens-Universit\"{a}t Graz, the
323!   EU Marie-Curie Research Training Networks initiative, the Max Born Institute
324!   and the Max Planck Society.
326!   \vspace{24pt}
327!   Kay Dewhurst\newline
328!   Sangeeta Sharma\newline
329!   Lars Nordstr\"{o}m\newline
330!   Francesco Cricchio\newline
331!   Oscar Gr\aa n\"{a}s\newline
332!   Hardy Gross
334!   \vspace{12pt}
335!   Berlin, Halle, Jerusalem and Uppsala, June 2021
336!   \newpage
338!   \section{Units}
339!   Unless explicitly stated otherwise, Elk uses atomic units. In this system
340!   $\hbar=1$, the electron mass $m=1$, the Bohr radius $a_0=1$ and the electron
341!   charge $e=1$ (note that the electron charge is positive, so that the atomic
342!   numbers $Z$ are negative). Thus the atomic unit of length is
343!   0.529177210903(80) \AA, and the atomic unit of energy is the Hartree which
344!   equals 27.211386245988(53) eV. The unit of the external magnetic fields is
345!   defined such that one unit of magnetic field in {\tt elk.in} equals
346!   1715.255541 Tesla.
348!   \section{Compiling and running Elk}
349!   \subsection{Compiling the code}
350!   Unpack the code from the archive file. Run the command
351!   \begin{verbatim}
352!     setup
353!   \end{verbatim}
354!   in the {\tt elk} directory and select the appropriate system and compiler.
355!   We highly recommend that you edit the file {\tt make.inc} and tune the
356!   compiler options for your computer system. In particular, use of
357!   machine-optimised BLAS/LAPACK libraries can result in significant increase
358!   in performance, but make sure they are of version $3.x$. Following this, run
359!   \begin{verbatim}
360!     make
361!   \end{verbatim}
362!   This will hopefully compile the entire code and all the libraries into one
363!   executable, {\tt elk}, located in the {\tt elk/src} directory. It will also
364!   compile two useful auxiliary programs, namely {\tt spacegroup} for producing
365!   crystal geometries from spacegroup data and {\tt eos} for fitting equations
366!   of state to energy-volume data. If you want to compile everything all over
367!   again, then run {\tt make clean} from the {\tt elk} directory, followed by
368!   {\tt make}.
369!   \subsubsection{Parallelism in Elk}
370!   Three forms of parallelism are implemented in Elk, and all can be used in
371!   combination with each other, with efficiency depending on the particular
372!   task, crystal structure and computer system. You may need to contact your
373!   system administrator for assistance with running Elk in parallel.
374!   \begin{enumerate}
375!   \item
376!    OpenMP works for symmetric multiprocessors, i.e. computers that have many
377!    cores with the same unified memory accessible to each. It is enabled by
378!    setting the appropriate command-line options (e.g. {\tt -qopenmp} for the
379!    Intel compiler) before compiling, and also at runtime by the environment
380!    variable
381!    \begin{verbatim}
382!     export OMP_NUM_THREADS=n
383!    \end{verbatim}
384!    where n is the number of cores available on a particular node. The same can
385!    be accomplished in {\tt elk.in} with
386!    \begin{verbatim}
387!     maxthd
388!      n
389!    \end{verbatim}
390!    In addition, some vendor-supplied BLAS/LAPACK libraries use OpenMP
391!    internally. The maximum number of threads used for LAPACK operations by
392!    Intel's MKL can be set with
393!    \begin{verbatim}
394!     maxthdmkl
395!      n
396!    \end{verbatim}
397!    \item
398!    The message passing interface (MPI) is particularly suitable for running
399!    Elk across multiple nodes of a cluster, with scaling to hundreds of
400!    processors possible. To enable MPI, comment out the lines indicated in
401!    {\tt elk/make.inc}. Then run {\tt make clean} followed by {\tt make}. If
402!    $y$ is the number of nodes and $x$ is the number of cores per node, then at
403!    runtime envoke
404!    \begin{verbatim}
405!     mpirun -np z ./elk
406!    \end{verbatim}
407!    where $z=x y$ is the total number of cores available on the machine.
408!    Highest efficiency is obtained by using hybrid parallelism with OpenMP on
409!    each node and MPI across nodes. This can be done by compiling the code
410!    using the MPI Fortran compiler in combination with the OpenMP command-line
411!    option. At runtime set {\tt export OMP\_NUM\_THREADS=x} and start the MPI
412!    run with {\em one process per node} as follows
413!    \begin{verbatim}
414!     mpirun -pernode -np y ./elk
415!    \end{verbatim}
416!    The number of MPI processes is reported in the file {\tt INFO.OUT} which
417!    serves as a check that MPI is running correctly. Note that version 2 of the
418!    MPI libraries is required to run Elk.
419!   \item
420!    Phonon calculations use a simple form of parallelism by just examining the
421!    run directory for dynamical matrix files. These files are of the form
422!    \begin{verbatim}
423!     DYN_Qqqqq_qqqq_qqqq_Sss_Aaa_Pp.OUT
424!    \end{verbatim}
425!    and contain a single row of a particular dynamical matrix. Elk simply finds
426!    which {\tt DYN} files do not exist, chooses one and runs it. This way many
427!    independent runs of Elk can be started in the same directory on a networked
428!    file system (NFS), and will run until all the dynamical matrices files are
429!    completed. Should a particular run crash, then delete the associated empty
430!    {\tt DYN} file and rerun Elk.
431!   \end{enumerate}
433!   \subsection{Memory requirements}
434!   Elk is a memory-bound code and runs best on processors with large caches and
435!   a large number of memory channels per core. Some tasks in Elk require a
436!   considerable amount of memory which can exceed the physical memory of the
437!   computer. In such cases, the number of threads at the first nesting level
438!   can be reduced with (for example)
439!   \begin{verbatim}
440!    maxthd1
441!     -4
442!   \end{verbatim}
443!   which restricts the number of threads at the first nesting level to
444!   maxthd/4. Deeper nesting levels, which generally require less memory, will
445!   still utilise the full compliment of available threads.
446!   \subsubsection{Stack space}
447!   The latest versions of Elk use stack space aggressively. This is because
448!   accessing variables is faster on the stack than on the heap. This can,
449!   however, result in the code crashing as threads run out of their stack
450!   space. To avoid this, increase the stack size for each OpenMP thread with
451!   (for example)
452!   \begin{verbatim}
453!    export OMP_STACKSIZE=64M
454!   \end{verbatim}
455!   before running the code.
457!   \subsection{Linking with the Libxc functional library}
458!   Libxc is the ETSF library of exchange-correlation functionals. Elk can use
459!   the complete set of LDA and GGA functionals available in Libxc as well as
460!   the potential-only metaGGA's. In order to enable this, first download and
461!   compile Libxc version 5. This should have produced the files {\tt libxc.a}
462!   and {\tt libxcf90.a}. Copy these files to the {\tt elk/src} directory and
463!   then uncomment the lines indicated for Libxc in the file {\tt elk/make.inc}.
464!   Once this is done, run {\tt make clean} followed by {\tt make}. To select a
465!   particular functional of Libxc, use the block
466!   \begin{verbatim}
467!     xctype
468!      100 nx nc
469!   \end{verbatim}
470!   where {\tt nx} and {\tt nc} are, respectively, the numbers of the exchange
471!   and correlation functionals in the Libxc library. See the file
472!   {\tt elk/src/libxcf90.f90} for a list of the functionals and their
473!   associated numbers.
475!   \subsection{Running the code}
476!   As a rule, all input files for the code are in lower case and end with the
477!   extension {\tt .in}. All output files are uppercase and have the extension
478!   {\tt .OUT}. For most cases, the user will only need to modify the file
479!   {\tt elk.in}. In this file input parameters are arranged in blocks.
480!   Each block consists of a block name on one line and the block variables on
481!   subsequent lines. Almost all blocks are optional: the code uses reasonable
482!   default values in cases where they are absent. Blocks can appear in any
483!   order, if a block is repeated then the second instance is used. Comment
484!   lines can be included in the input file and begin with the {\tt !}
485!   character.
487!   \subsubsection{Species files}
488!   The only other input files are those describing the atomic species which go
489!   into the crystal. These files are found in the {\tt species} directory and
490!   are named with the element symbol and the extension {\tt .in}, for example
491!   {\tt Sb.in}. They contain parameters like the atomic charge, mass,
492!   muffin-tin radius, occupied atomic states and the type of linearisation
493!   required. Here as an example is the copper species file {\tt Cu.in}:
494!   \begin{verbatim}
495!    'Cu'                                      : spsymb
496!    'copper'                                  : spname
497!   -29.0000                                   : spzn
498!    115837.2716                               : spmass
499!    0.371391E-06    2.0000   34.8965   500    : rminsp, rmt, rmaxsp, nrmt
500!    10                                        : nstsp
501!    1   0   1   2.00000    T                  : nsp, lsp, ksp, occsp, spcore
502!    2   0   1   2.00000    T
503!    2   1   1   2.00000    T
504!    2   1   2   4.00000    T
505!    3   0   1   2.00000    T
506!    3   1   1   2.00000    F
507!    3   1   2   4.00000    F
508!    3   2   2   4.00000    F
509!    3   2   3   6.00000    F
510!    4   0   1   1.00000    F
511!    1                                         : apword
512!    0.1500   0  F                             : apwe0, apwdm, apwve
513!    1                                         : nlx
514!    2   2                                     : lx, apword
515!    0.1500   0  T                             : apwe0, apwdm, apwve
516!    0.1500   1  T
517!    4                                         : nlorb
518!    0   2                                     : lorbl, lorbord
519!    0.1500   0  F                             : lorbe0, lorbdm, lorbve
520!    0.1500   1  F
521!    1   2
522!    0.1500   0  F
523!    0.1500   1  F
524!    2   2
525!    0.1500   0  F
526!    0.1500   1  F
527!    1   3
528!    0.1500   0  F
529!    0.1500   1  F
530!   -2.8652   0  T
531!   \end{verbatim}
532!   The input parameters are defined as follows:
533!   \vskip 6pt
534!   {\tt spsymb} \\
535!   The symbol of the element.
536!   \vskip 6pt
537!   {\tt spname} \\
538!   The name of the element.
539!   \vskip 6pt
540!   {\tt spzn} \\
541!   Nuclear charge: should be negative since the electron charge is taken to be
542!   postive in the code; it can also be fractional for purposes of doping.
543!   \vskip 6pt
544!   {\tt spmass} \\
545!   Nuclear mass in atomic units.
546!   \vskip 6pt
547!   {\tt rminsp}, {\tt rmt}, {\tt rmaxsp}, {\tt nrmt} \\
548!   Respectively, the minimum radius on logarithmic radial mesh; muffin-tin
549!   radius; effective infinity for atomic radial mesh; and number of radial mesh
550!   points to muffin-tin radius.
551!   \vskip 6pt
552!   {\tt nstsp} \\
553!   Number of atomic states.
554!   \vskip 6pt
555!   {\tt nsp}, {\tt lsp}, {\tt ksp}, {\tt occsp}, {\tt spcore} \\
556!   Respectively, the principal quantum number of the radial Dirac equation;
557!   quantum number $l$; quantum number $k$ ($l$ or $l+1$); occupancy of atomic
558!   state (can be fractional); {\tt .T.} if state is in the core and therefore
559!   treated with the Dirac equation in the spherical part of the muffin-tin
560!   Kohn-Sham potential.
561!   \vskip 6pt
562!   {\tt apword} \\
563!   Default APW function order, i.e. the number of radial functions and
564!   therefore the order of the radial derivative matching at the muffin-tin
565!   surface.
566!   \vskip 6pt
567!   {\tt apwe0}, {\tt apwdm}, {\tt apwve} \\
568!   Respectively, the default APW linearisation energy; the order of the energy
569!   derivative of the APW radial function $\partial^m u(r)/\partial E^m$; and
570!   {\tt .T.} if the linearisation energy is allowed to vary.
571!   \vskip 6pt
572!   {\tt nlx} \\
573!   The number of exceptions to the default APW configuration. These should be
574!   listed on subsequent lines for particular angular momenta. In this example,
575!   the fixed energy APW with angular momentum $d$ ({\tt lx} $=2$) is replaced
576!   with a LAPW, which has variable linearisation energy.
577!   \vskip 6pt
578!   {\tt nlorb} \\
579!   Number of local-orbitals.
580!   \vskip 6pt
581!   {\tt lorbl}, {\tt lorbord} \\
582!   Respectively, the angular momentum $l$ of the local-orbital; and the order
583!   of the radial derivative which goes to zero at the muffin-tin surface.
584!   \vskip 6pt
585!   {\tt lorbe0}, {\tt lorbdm}, {\tt lorbve} \\
586!   Respectively, the default local-orbital linearisation energy; the order of
587!   the energy derivative of the local-orbital radial function; and {\tt .T.} if
588!   the linearisation energy is allowed to vary.
590!   \subsubsection{Examples}
591!   The best way to learn to use Elk is to run the examples included with the
592!   package. These can be found in the {\tt examples} directory and use many of
593!   the code's capabilities. The following section which describes all the input
594!   parameters will be of invaluable assistance.
596!   \section{Input blocks}
597!   This section lists all the input blocks available. It is arranged with the
598!   name of the block followed by a table which lists each parameter name, what
599!   the parameter does, its type and default value. A horizontal line in the
600!   table indicates a new line in {\tt elk.in}. Below the table is a brief
601!   overview of the block's function.
603!   \block{atoms}{
604!   {\tt nspecies} & number of species & integer & 0 \\
605!   \hline
606!   {\tt spfname(i)} & species filename for species $i$ & string & - \\
607!   \hline
608!   {\tt natoms(i)} & number of atoms for species $i$ & integer & - \\
609!   \hline
610!   {\tt atposl(j,i)} & atomic position in lattice coordinates for atom $j$
611!    & real(3) & - \\
612!   {\tt bfcmt(j,i)} & muffin-tin external magnetic field in Cartesian
613!    coordinates for atom $j$ & real(3) & -}
614!   Defines the atomic species as well as their positions in the unit cell and
615!   the external magnetic field applied throughout the muffin-tin. These fields
616!   are used to break spin symmetry and should be considered infinitesimal as
617!   they do not contribute directly to the total energy. Collinear calculations
618!   are more efficient if the field is applied in the $z$-direction. One could,
619!   for example, set up an antiferromagnetic crystal by pointing the field on
620!   one atom in the positive $z$-direction and in the opposite direction on
621!   another atom. If {\tt molecule} is {\tt .true.} then the atomic positions
622!   are assumed to be in Cartesian coordinates. See also {\tt sppath},
623!   {\tt bfieldc} and {\tt molecule}.
625!   \block{autokpt}{
626!   {\tt autokpt} & {\tt .true.} if the $k$-point set is to be determined
627!    automatically & logical & {\tt .false.}}
628!   See {\tt radkpt} for details.
630!   \block{autolinengy}{
631!   {\tt autolinengy} & {\tt .true.} if the fixed linearisation energies are
632!    to be determined automatically & logical & {\tt .false.}}
633!   See {\tt dlefe} for details.
635!   \block{autoswidth}{
636!   {\tt autoswidth} & {\tt .true.} if the smearing parameter {\tt swidth}
637!    should be determined automatically & logical & {\tt .false.}}
638!   Calculates the smearing width from the $k$-point density, $V_{\rm BZ}/n_k$;
639!   the valence band width, $W$; and an effective mass parameter, $m^{*}$;
640!   according to
641!   $$ \sigma=\frac{\sqrt{2W}}{m^{*}}\left(\frac{3}{4\pi}
642!    \frac{V_{\rm BZ}}{n_k}\right)^{1/3}. $$
643!   The variable {\tt mstar} then replaces {\tt swidth} as the control parameter
644!   of the smearing width. A large value of $m^{*}$ gives a narrower smearing
645!   function. Since {\tt swidth} is adjusted according to the fineness of the
646!   ${\bf k}$-mesh, the smearing parameter can then be eliminated. It is not
647!   recommended that {\tt autoswidth} be used in conjunction with the
648!   Fermi-Dirac smearing function, since the electronic temperature will then be
649!   a function of the $k$-point mesh. See T. Bj\"orkman and O. Gr\aa n\"as,
650!   {\it Int. J. Quant. Chem.} DOI: 10.1002/qua.22476 (2010) for details. See
651!   also {\tt stype} and {\tt swidth}.
653!   \block{avec}{
654!   {\tt avec(1)} & first lattice vector & real(3) & $(1.0,0.0,0.0)$ \\
655!   \hline
656!   {\tt avec(2)} & second lattice vector & real(3) & $(0.0,1.0,0.0)$ \\
657!   \hline
658!   {\tt avec(3)} & third lattice vector & real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,1.0)$}
659!   Lattice vectors of the crystal in atomic units (Bohr).
661!   \block{beta0}{
662!   {\tt beta0} & adaptive mixing parameter & real & $0.05$}
663!   This determines how much of the potential from the previous self-consistent
664!   loop is mixed with the potential from the current loop. It should be made
665!   smaller if the calculation is unstable. See {\tt betamax} and also the
666!   routine {\tt mixadapt}.
668!   \block{betamax}{
669!   {\tt betamax} & maximum adaptive mixing parameter & real & $0.5$}
670!   Maximum allowed mixing parameter used in routine {\tt mixadapt}.
672!   \block{bfieldc}{
673!   {\tt bfieldc} & global external magnetic field in Cartesian coordinates &
674!    real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
675!   This is a constant magnetic field applied throughout the entire unit cell
676!   and enters the second-variational Hamiltonian as
677!   $$ \frac{g_e}{4c}\,\vec{\sigma}\cdot{\bf B}_{\rm ext}, $$
678!   where $g_e$ is the electron $g$-factor. This field is normally used to break
679!   spin symmetry for spin-polarised calculations and considered to be
680!   infinitesimal with no direct contribution to the total energy. In cases
681!   where the magnetic field is finite (for example when computing magnetic
682!   response) the external ${\bf B}$-field energy reported in {\tt INFO.OUT}
683!   should be added to the total by hand. This field is applied throughout the
684!   entire unit cell. To apply magnetic fields in particular muffin-tins use the
685!   {\tt bfcmt} vectors in the {\tt atoms} block. Collinear calculations are
686!   more efficient if the field is applied in the $z$-direction.
688!   \block{broydpm}{
689!   {\tt broydpm} & Broyden mixing parameters $\alpha$ and $w_0$ & real &
690!    $(0.4,0.15)$}
691!   See {\tt mixtype} and {\tt mixsdb}.
693!   \block{c\_tb09}{
694!   {\tt c\_tb09} & Tran-Blaha constant $c$ & real & -}
695!   Sets the constant $c$ in the Tran-Blaha '09 functional. Normally this is
696!   calculated from the density, but there may be situations where this needs to
697!   be adjusted by hand. See {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 102}, 226401 (2009).
699!   \block{chgexs}{
700!   {\tt chgexs} & excess electronic charge & real & $0.0$}
701!   This controls the amount of charge in the unit cell beyond that required to
702!   maintain neutrality. It can be set positive or negative depending on whether
703!   electron or hole doping is required.
705!   \block{cmagz}{
706!   {\tt cmagz} & .true. if $z$-axis collinear magnetism is to be enforced &
707!    logical & {\tt .false.}}
708!   This variable can be set to .true. in cases where the magnetism is
709!   predominantly collinear in the $z$-direction, for example a ferromagnet with
710!   spin-orbit coupling. This will make the calculation considerably faster at
711!   the slight expense of precision.
713!   \block{deltaem}{
714!   {\tt deltaem} & the size of the ${\bf k}$-vector displacement used when
715!    calculating numerical derivatives for the effective mass tensor & real &
716!    $0.025$}
717!   See {\tt ndspem} and {\tt vklem}.
719!   \block{deltaph}{
720!   {\tt deltaph} & size of the atomic displacement used for calculating
721!    dynamical matrices & real & $0.01$}
722!   Phonon calculations are performed by constructing a supercell corresponding
723!   to a particular ${\bf q}$-vector and making a small periodic displacement of
724!   the atoms. The magnitude of this displacement is given by {\tt deltaph}.
725!   This should not be made too large, as anharmonic terms could then become
726!   significant, neither should it be too small as this can introduce numerical
727!   error.
729!   \block{deltast}{
730!   {\tt deltast} & size of the change in lattice vectors used for calculating
731!    the stress tensor & real & $0.005$}
732!   The stress tensor is computed by changing the lattice vector matrix $A$ by
733!   $$ A\rightarrow (1+\delta t\,e_i)A, $$
734!   where $dt$ is an infinitesimal equal in practice to {\tt deltast} and $e_i$
735!   is the $i^{\rm th}$ strain tensor. Numerical finite differences are used to
736!   compute the stress tensor as the derivative of the total energy $dE_i/dt$.
738!   \block{dft+u}{
739!   {\tt dftu} & type of DFT+$U$ calculation & integer & 0 \\
740!   {\tt inpdftu} & type of input for DFT+U calculation & integer & 1 \\
741!   \hline
742!   {\tt is} & species number & integer & - \\
743!   {\tt l} & angular momentum value & integer & -1 \\
744!   {\tt u} & the desired $U$ value & real & $0.0$ \\
745!   {\tt j} & the desired $J$ value & real & $0.0$}
746!   This block contains the parameters required for an DFT+$U$ calculation, with
747!   the list of parameters for each species terminated with a blank line. The
748!   type of double counting required is set with the parameter {\tt dftu}.
749!   Currently implemented are:
750!   \vskip 6pt
751!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
752!    0 & No DFT+$U$ calculation \\
753!    1 & Fully localised limit (FLL) \\
754!    2 & Around mean field (AFM) \\
755!    3 & An interpolation between FLL and AFM \\
756!   \end{tabularx}
757!   \vskip 6pt
758!   The type of input parameters is set with the parameter {\tt inpdftu}.
759!   The current possibilities are:
760!   \vskip 6pt
761!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
762!    1 & U and J \\
763!    2 & Slater parameters \\
764!    3 & Racah parameters \\
765!    4 & Yukawa screening length \\
766!    5 & U and determination of corresponding Yukawa screening length
767!   \end{tabularx}
768!   \vskip 6pt
769!   See (amongst others) {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 67}, 153106 (2003),
770!   {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 52}, R5467 (1995), {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 60},
771!   10763 (1999), and {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 80}, 035121 (2009).
773!   \block{dlefe}{
774!   {\tt dlefe} & difference between the fixed linearisation energy and the
775!    Fermi energy & real & $-0.1$}
776!   When {\tt autolinengy} is {\tt .true.} then the fixed linearisation energies
777!   are set to the Fermi energy plus {\tt dlefe}.
779!   \block{dncgga}{
780!   {\tt dncgga} & small constant used to stabilise non-collinear GGA &
781!    real & $1\times 10^{-8}$}
782!   This small constant, $d$, is required in order to remove the infinite
783!   gradients obtained when using `Kubler's trick' in conjunction with GGA and
784!   non-collinear magnetism. It is applied by calculating the up and down
785!   densities as
786!   $$ \rho^{\uparrow}({\bf r})=\rho({\bf r})+\widetilde{m}({\bf r})
787!    \qquad \rho^{\downarrow}({\bf r})=\rho({\bf r})-\widetilde{m}({\bf r}), $$
788!   where $\widetilde{m}({\bf r})=\sqrt{{\bf m}^2({\bf r})+d}$,
789!   and should be taken as the smallest value for which the exchange-correlation
790!   magnetic field ${\bf B}_{\rm xc}$ is smooth.
792!   \block{dosmsum}{
793!   {\tt dosmsum} & {\tt .true.} if the partial DOS is to be summed over $m$ &
794!    logical & {\tt .false.}}
795!   By default, the partial density of states is resolved over $(l,m)$ quantum
796!   numbers. If {\tt dosmsum} is set to {\tt .true.} then the partial DOS is
797!   summed over $m$, and thus depends only on $l$.
799!   \block{dosssum}{
800!   {\tt dosssum} & {\tt .true.} if the partial DOS is to be summed over spin &
801!    logical & {\tt .false.}}
802!   By default, the partial density of states for spin-polarised systems is spin
803!   resolved.
805!   \block{dtimes}{
806!   {\tt dtimes} & time step used in time evolution run & real & $0.1$}
807!   See also {\tt tstime}.
809!   \block{epsband}{
810!   {\tt epsband} & convergence tolerance for determining band energies & real &
811!    $1\times 10^{-12}$}
812!   APW and local-orbital linearisation energies are determined from the band
813!   energies. This is done by first searching upwards in energy until the radial
814!   wavefunction at the muffin-tin radius is zero. This is the energy at the top
815!   of the band, denoted $E_{\rm t}$. A downward search is now performed from
816!   $E_{\rm t}$ until the slope of the radial wavefunction at the muffin-tin
817!   radius is zero. This energy, $E_{\rm b}$, is at the bottom of the band. The
818!   band energy is taken as $(E_{\rm t}+E_{\rm b})/2$. If either $E_{\rm t}$ or
819!   $E_{\rm b}$ is not found, then the band energy is set to the default value.
821!   \block{epschg}{
822!   {\tt epschg} & maximum allowed error in the calculated total charge beyond
823!    which a warning message will be issued & real & $1\times 10^{-3}$}
825!   \block{epsengy}{
826!   {\tt epsengy} & convergence criterion for the total energy & real &
827!    $1\times 10^{-4}$}
828!   See {\tt epspot}.
830!   \block{epsforce}{
831!   {\tt epsforce} & convergence tolerance for the forces during a geometry
832!    optimisation run & real & $2\times 10^{-3}$}
833!   If the mean absolute value of the atomic forces is less than {\tt epsforce}
834!   then the geometry optimisation run is ended. See also {\tt tasks} and
835!   {\tt latvopt}.
837!   \block{epslat}{
838!   {\tt epslat } & vectors with lengths less than this are considered zero &
839!    real & $10^{-6}$}
840!   Sets the tolerance for determining if a vector or its components are zero.
841!   This is to account for any numerical error in real or reciprocal space
842!   vectors.
844!   \block{epsocc}{
845!   {\tt epsocc} & smallest occupancy for which a state will contribute to the
846!    density & real & $1\times 10^{-8}$}
848!   \block{epspot}{
849!   {\tt epspot} & convergence criterion for the Kohn-Sham potential and field &
850!    real & $1\times 10^{-6}$}
851!   If the RMS change in the Kohn-Sham potential and magnetic field is smaller
852!   than {\tt epspot} and the absolute change in the total energy is less than
853!   {\tt epsengy}, then the self-consistent loop is considered converged
854!   and exited. For geometry optimisation runs this results in the forces being
855!   calculated, the atomic positions updated and the loop restarted. See also
856!   {\tt epsengy} and {\tt maxscl}.
858!   \block{epsstress}{
859!   {\tt epsstress} & convergence tolerance for the stress tensor during a
860!    geometry optimisation run with lattice vector relaxation & real &
861!    $5\times 10^{-4}$}
862!   See also {\tt epsforce} and {\tt latvopt}.
864!   \block{emaxelnes}{
865!   {\tt emaxelnes} & maximum allowed initial-state eigenvalue for ELNES
866!    calculations & real & $-1.2$}
868!   \block{emaxrf}{
869!   {\tt emaxrf} & energy cut-off used when calculating Kohn-Sham response
870!    functions & real & $10^6$}
871!   A typical Kohn-Sham response function is of the form
872!   \begin{align*}
873!    \chi_s({\bf r},{\bf r}',\omega)
874!    \equiv\frac{\delta\rho({\bf r},\omega)}{\delta v_s({\bf r}',\omega)}
875!    =\frac{1}{N_k}\sum_{i{\bf k},j{\bf k}'}(f_{i{\bf k}}-f_{j{\bf k}'})
876!    \frac{\langle i{\bf k}|\hat{\rho}({\bf r})|j{\bf k}'\rangle
877!    \langle j{\bf k}'|\hat{\rho}({\bf r}')|i{\bf k}\rangle}
878!    {w+(\varepsilon_{i{\bf k}}-\varepsilon_{j{\bf k}'})+i\eta},
879!   \end{align*}
880!   where $\hat{\rho}$ is the density operator; $N_k$ is the number of
881!   $k$-points; $\varepsilon_{i{\bf k}}$ and $f_{i{\bf k}}$ are the eigenvalues
882!   and occupation numbers, respectively. The variable {\tt emaxrf} is an energy
883!   window which limits the summation over states in the formula above so that
884!   $|\varepsilon_{i{\bf k}}-\varepsilon_{\rm Fermi}|<{\tt emaxrf}$. Reducing
885!   this can result in a faster calculation at the expense of accuracy.
887!   \block{fracinr}{
888!   {\tt fracinr} & fraction of the muffin-tin radius up to which {\tt lmaxi}
889!    is used as the angular momentum cut-off & real & $0.01$}
890!   If {\tt fracinr} is negative then the fraction is determined from
891!   $f=\sqrt{({\tt lmaxi}+1)^2/({\tt lmaxo}+1)^2}$ in order to
892!   maintain a minimum density of points throughout the muffin-tin. See
893!   {\tt lmaxi} and {\tt lmaxo}.
895!   \block{fsmtype}{
896!   {\tt fsmtype} & 0 for no fixed spin moment (FSM), 1 for total FSM, 2 for
897!    local muffin-tin FSM, and 3 for both total and local FSM & integer & 0}
898!   Set to 1, 2 or 3 for fixed spin moment calculations. To fix only the
899!   direction and not the magnitude set to $-1$, $-2$ or $-3$. See also
900!   {\tt momfix}, {\tt mommtfix}, {\tt taufsm} and {\tt spinpol}.
902!   \block{ftmtype}{
903!   {\tt ftmtype} & 1 to enable a fixed tensor moment (FTM) calculation,
904!    0 otherwise & integer & 0}
905!   If {\tt ftmtype} is $-1$ then the symmetry corresponding to the tensor
906!   moment is broken but no FTM calculation is performed. See {\it Phys. Rev.
907!   Lett.} {\bf 103}, 107202 (2009) and also {\tt tmomfix}.
909!   \block{fxclrc}{
910!   {\tt fxclrc} & parameters for the dynamical long-range contribution (LRC) to
911!    the TDDFT exchange-correlation kernel & real(2) & $(0.0,0.0)$}
912!   These are the parameters $\alpha$ and $\beta$ for the kernel proposed in
913!   {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 72}, 125203 (2005), namely
914!   $$ f_{xc}({\bf G},{\bf G}',{\bf q},\omega)=-\frac{\alpha+\beta\omega^2}{q^2}
915!    \delta_{{\bf G},{\bf G}'}\delta_{{\bf G},{\bf 0}}. $$
917!   \block{fxctype}{
918!   {\tt fxctype} & integer defining the type of exchange-correlation kernel
919!    $f_{\rm xc}$ & integer & $-1$}
920!   The acceptable values are:
921!   \vskip 6pt
922!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
923!   $-1$ & $f_{\rm xc}$ defined by {\tt xctype} \\
924!   0,1 & RPA ($f_{\rm xc}=0$) \\
925!   200 & Long-range contribution (LRC) kernel, S. Botti {\it et al.},
926!    {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 72}, 125203 (2005); see {\tt fxclrc} \\
927!   210 & `Bootstrap' kernel, S. Sharma, J. K. Dewhurst, A. Sanna and
928!    E. K. U. Gross, {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 107}, 186401 (2011) \\
929!   211 & Single iteration bootstrap
930!   \end{tabularx}
932!   \block{gmaxrf}{
933!   {\tt gmaxrf} & maximum length of $|{\bf G}|$ for computing response
934!    functions & real & $3.0$}
936!   \block{gmaxvr}{
937!   {\tt gmaxvr} & maximum length of $|{\bf G}|$ for expanding the interstitial
938!    density and potential & real & $12.0$}
939!   This variable has a lower bound which is enforced by the code as follows:
940!   $$ {\rm gmaxvr}\rightarrow\max\,({\rm gmaxvr},2\times{\rm gkmax}
941!    +{\rm epslat}) $$
942!   See {\tt rgkmax}.
944!   \block{hdbse}{
945!   {\tt hdbse} & {\tt .true.} if the direct term is to be included in the BSE
946!    Hamiltonian & logical & {\tt .true.}}
948!   \block{highq}{
949!   {\tt highq} & {\tt .true.} if a high quality parameter set should be used &
950!    logical & {\tt .false.}}
951!   Setting this to {\tt .true.} results in some default parameters being
952!   changed to ensure good convergence in most situations. These changes can be
953!   overruled by subsequent blocks in the input file. See also {\tt vhighq}.
955!   \block{hmaxvr}{
956!   {\tt hmaxvr} & maximum length of ${\bf H}$-vectors & real & $6.0$}
957!   The ${\bf H}$-vectors are used for calculating X-ray and magnetic structure
958!   factors. They are also used in linear response phonon calculations for
959!   expanding the density and potential in plane waves. See also {\tt gmaxvr},
960!   {\tt vhmat}, {\tt reduceh}, {\tt wsfac} and {\tt hkmax}.
962!   \block{hxbse}{
963!   {\tt hxbse} & {\tt .true.} if the exchange term is to be included in the BSE
964!    Hamiltonian & {\tt .true.}}
966!   \block{hybrid}{
967!   {\tt hybrid} & {\tt .true} if a hybrid functional is to be used when running
968!    a Hartree-Fock calculation & logical & {\tt .false}}
969!   See also {\tt hybridc} and {\tt xctype}.
971!   \block{hybridc}{
972!   {\tt hybridc} & hybrid functional mixing coefficient & real & $1.0$}
974!   \block{intraband}{
975!   {\tt intraband} & {\tt .true.} if the intraband (Drude-like) contribution is
976!    to be added to the dieletric tensor & logical & {\tt .false.}}
978!   \block{isgkmax}{
979!   {\tt isgkmax} & species for which the muffin-tin radius will be used for
980!    calculating {\tt gkmax} & integer & $-1$}
981!   The APW cut-off is determined from ${\tt gkmax}={\tt rgkmax}/R$. The
982!   variable {\tt isgkmax} determines which muffin-tin radius is to be used for
983!   $R$. These are the options:
984!   \vskip 6pt
985!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
986!   -4 & Use the largest radius \\
987!   -3 & Use the smallest radius \\
988!   -2 & Use the fixed value $R=2.0$ \\
989!   -1 & Use the average of the muffin-tin radii \\
990!   $n\ge 1$ & Use the radius of species $n$
991!   \end{tabularx}
993!   \block{kstlist}{
994!   {\tt kstlist(i)} & $i$th $k$-point and state pair & integer(2) & $(1,1)$}
995!   This is a user-defined list of $k$-point and state index pairs which are
996!   those used for plotting wavefunctions and writing ${\bf L}$, ${\bf S}$ and
997!   ${\bf J}$ expectation values. Only the first pair is used by the
998!   aforementioned tasks. The list should be terminated by a blank line.
1000!   \block{latvopt}{
1001!   {\tt latvopt} & type of lattice vector optimisation to be performed during
1002!    structural relaxation & integer & 0}
1003!   Optimisation of the lattice vectors will be performed with ${\tt task}=2,3$
1004!   when ${\tt latvopt}\ne 0$. When ${\tt latvopt}=1$ the lattice vector
1005!   optimisation will be constrained only by symmetry. Optimisation over all
1006!   symmetry-preserving strains except isotropic scaling is performed when
1007!   ${\tt latvopt}=2$. If ${\tt latvopt}<0$ then the optimisation will be over
1008!   strain number $|{\tt latvopt}|$. The list of symmetric strain tensors can be
1009!   produced with ${\tt task}=430$. By default (${\tt latvopt}=0$) no lattice
1010!   vector optimisation is performed during structural relaxation. See also
1011!   {\tt tau0latv} and {\tt atpopt}.
1013!   \block{lmaxapw}{
1014!   {\tt lmaxapw} & angular momentum cut-off for the APW functions & integer &
1015!    $8$}
1017!   \block{lmaxdos}{
1018!   {\tt lmaxdos} & angular momentum cut-off for the partial DOS plot &
1019!    integer & $3$}
1021!   \block{lmaxi}{
1022!   {\tt lmaxi} & angular momentum cut-off for the muffin-tin density and
1023!    potential on the inner part of the muffin-tin & integer & 2}
1024!   Close to the nucleus, the density and potential is almost spherical and
1025!   therefore the spherical harmonic expansion can be truncated a low angular
1026!   momentum. See also {\tt fracinr}.
1028!   \block{lmaxo}{
1029!   {\tt lmaxo} & angular momentum cut-off for the muffin-tin density and
1030!    potential & integer & 6}
1032!   \block{lmirep}{
1033!   {\tt lmirep} & {\tt .true.} if the $Y_{lm}$ basis is to be transformed
1034!    into the basis of irreducible representations of the site symmetries for
1035!    DOS plotting & logical & {\tt .true.}}
1036!   When lmirep is set to .true., the spherical harmonic basis is transformed
1037!   into one in which the site symmetries are block diagonal. Band characters
1038!   determined from the density matrix expressed in this basis correspond to
1039!   irreducible representations, and allow the partial DOS to be resolved into
1040!   physically relevant contributions, for example $e_g$ and $t_{2g}$.
1042!   \block{lorbcnd}{
1043!   {\tt lorbcnd} & {\tt .true.} if conduction state local-orbitals are to be
1044!    automatically added to the basis & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1045!   Adding these higher energy local-orbitals can improve calculations which
1046!   rely on accurate unoccupied states, such as the response function. See also
1047!   {\tt lorbordc}.
1049!   \block{lorbordc}{
1050!   {\tt lorbordc} & the order of the conduction state local-orbitals &
1051!    integer & 2}
1052!   See {\tt lorbcnd}.
1054!   \block{lradstp}{
1055!   {\tt lradstp} & radial step length for determining coarse radial mesh &
1056!    integer & 4}
1057!   Some muffin-tin functions (such as the density) are calculated on a coarse
1058!   radial mesh and then interpolated onto a fine mesh. This is done for the
1059!   sake of efficiency. {\tt lradstp} defines the step size in going from the
1060!   fine to the coarse radial mesh. If it is too large, loss of precision may
1061!   occur.
1063!   \block{maxitoep}{
1064!   {\tt maxitoep} & maximum number of iterations when solving the exact
1065!    exchange integral equations & integer & 300}
1066!   See {\tt tau0oep}.
1068!   \block{maxscl}{
1069!   {\tt maxscl } & maximum number of self-consistent loops allowed & integer &
1070!    200}
1071!   This determines after how many loops the self-consistent cycle will
1072!   terminate if the convergence criterion is not met. If {\tt maxscl} is $1$
1073!   then the density and potential file, {\tt STATE.OUT}, will {\bf not} be
1074!   written to disk at the end of the loop. See {\tt epspot}.
1076!   \block{mixtype}{
1077!   {\tt mixtype } & type of mixing required for the potential & integer & 1}
1078!   Currently implemented are:
1079!   \vskip 6pt
1080!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
1081!   0 & Linear mixing \\
1082!   1 & Adaptive linear mixing \\
1083!   3 & Broyden mixing, {\it J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.} {\bf 17}, L317 (1984)
1084!   \end{tabularx}
1086!   \block{mixsdb}{
1087!   {\tt mixsdb} & subspace dimension for Broyden mixing & integer & 5}
1088!   This is the number of mixing vectors which define the subspace in which the
1089!   Hessian matrix is calculated. See {\tt mixtype} and {\tt broydpm}.
1091!   \block{molecule}{
1092!   {\tt molecule} & {\tt .true.} if the system is an isolated molecule &
1093!    logical & {\tt .false.}}
1094!   If {\tt molecule} is {\tt .true.}, then the atomic positions, ${\bf a}$,
1095!   given in the {\tt atoms} block are assumed to be in Cartesian coordinates.
1097!   \block{momfix}{
1098!   {\tt momfix} & the desired total moment for a FSM calculation &
1099!    real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
1100!   Note that all three components must be specified (even for collinear
1101!   calculations). See {\tt fsmtype}, {\tt taufsm} and {\tt spinpol}.
1103!   \block{mommtfix}{
1104!   {\tt is} & species number & integer & 0 \\
1105!   {\tt ia} & atom number & integer & 0 \\
1106!   {\tt mommtfix} & the desired muffin-tin moment for a FSM calculation &
1107!    real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
1108!   The local muffin-tin moments are specified for a subset of atoms, with the
1109!   list terminated with a blank line. Note that all three components must be
1110!   specified (even for collinear calculations). See {\tt fsmtype}, {\tt taufsm}
1111!   and {\tt spinpol}.
1113!   \block{msmooth}{
1114!   {\tt msmooth} & amount of smoothing to be applied to the
1115!    exchange-correlation potentials and magnetic field & integer & 0}
1116!   Smoothing operations can be applied to the exchange-correlation potentials
1117!   $v_{xc}$, $w_{xc}$ and the magnetic field ${\bf B}_{xc}$ in order to improve
1118!   convergence. In the muffin-tin, this smoothing takes the form of $m$
1119!   successive three-point running averages applied to the radial component. In
1120!   the interstitial region, the potential is first Fourier transformed to
1121!   $G$-space, then a low-pass filter of the form $\exp[-2m(G/G_{\rm max})^8]$
1122!   is applied and the function is transformed back to real-space.
1124!   \block{mstar}{
1125!   {\tt mstar} & value of the effective mass parameter used for adaptive
1126!    determination of {\tt swidth} & real & $10.0$}
1127!   See {\tt autoswidth}.
1129!   \block{mustar}{
1130!   {\tt mustar} & Coulomb pseudopotential, $\mu^*$, used in the
1131!    McMillan-Allen-Dynes equation & real & $0.15$}
1132!   This is used when calculating the superconducting critical temperature with
1133!   the formula {\it Phys. Rev. B 12, 905 (1975)}
1134!   $$ T_c=\frac{\omega_{\rm log}}{1.2 k_B}\exp\left[\frac{-1.04(1+\lambda)}
1135!    {\lambda-\mu^*(1+0.62\lambda)}\right], $$
1136!   where $\omega_{\rm log}$ is the logarithmic average frequency and $\lambda$
1137!   is the electron-phonon coupling constant.
1139!   \block{ncbse}{
1140!   {\tt ncbse} & number of conduction states to be used for BSE calculations &
1141!    integer & 3}
1142!   See also {\tt nvbse}.
1144!   \block{ndspem}{
1145!   {\tt ndspem} & the number of {\bf k}-vector displacements in each direction
1146!    around {\tt vklem} when computing the numerical derivatives for the
1147!    effective mass tensor & integer & 1}
1148!   See {\tt deltaem} and {\tt vklem}.
1150!   \block{nempty}{
1151!   {\tt nempty} & the number of empty states per atom and spin & real & $4.0$ }
1152!   Defines the number of eigenstates beyond that required for charge
1153!   neutrality. When running metals it is not known {\it a priori} how many
1154!   states will be below the Fermi energy for each $k$-point. Setting
1155!   {\tt nempty} greater than zero allows the additional states to act as a
1156!   buffer in such cases. Furthermore, magnetic calculations use the
1157!   first-variational eigenstates as a basis for setting up the
1158!   second-variational Hamiltonian, and thus {\tt nempty} will determine the
1159!   size of this basis set. Convergence with respect to this quantity should be
1160!   checked.
1162!   \block{ngridk}{
1163!   {\tt ngridk } & the $k$-point mesh sizes & integer(3) & $(1,1,1)$}
1164!   The ${\bf k}$-vectors are generated using
1165!   $$ {\bf k}=(\frac{i_1+v_1}{n_1},\frac{i_2+v_2}{n_2},\frac{i_3+v_3}{n_3}), $$
1166!   where $i_j$ runs from 0 to $n_j-1$ and $0\le v_j<1$ for $j=1,2,3$. The
1167!   vector ${\bf v}$ is given by the variable {\tt vkloff}. See also
1168!   {\tt reducek}.
1170!   \block{ngridq}{
1171!   {\tt ngridq } & the phonon $q$-point mesh sizes & integer(3) & $(1,1,1)$}
1172!   Same as {\tt ngridk}, except that this mesh is for the phonon $q$-points
1173!   and other tasks. See also {\tt reduceq}.
1175!   \block{nosource}{
1176!   {\tt nosource} & when set to {\tt .true.}, source fields are projected out
1177!    of the exchange-correlation magnetic field & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1178!   Experimental feature.
1180!   \block{notes}{
1181!   {\tt notes(i)} & the $i$th line of the notes & string & -}
1182!   This block allows users to add their own notes to the file {\tt INFO.OUT}.
1183!   The block should be terminated with a blank line, and no line should exceed
1184!   80 characters.
1186!   \block{npmae}{
1187!   {\tt npmae } & number or distribution of directions for MAE calculations &
1188!    integer & $-1$}
1189!   Automatic determination of the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE) requires
1190!   that the total energy is determined for a set of directions of the total
1191!   magnetic moment. This variable controls the number or distribution of these
1192!   directions. The convention is:
1193!   \vskip 6pt
1194!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
1195!   $-4,-3,-2,-1$ & Cardinal directions given by the primitive translation
1196!    vectors $n_1{\bf A}_1+n_2{\bf A}_2+n_3{\bf A}_3$, where
1197!    $1\le n_i\le|{\tt npmae}|$ \\
1198!   2 & Cartesian $x$ and $z$ directions \\
1199!   3 & Cartesian $x$, $y$ and $z$ directions \\
1200!   $4,5,\ldots$ & Even distribution of {\tt npmae} directions
1201!   \end{tabularx}
1203!   \block{ntemp}{
1204!   {\tt ntemp} & number of temperature steps & integer & 40}
1205!   This is the number of temperature steps to be used in the Eliashberg gap
1206!   and thermodynamic properties calculations.
1208!   \block{nvbse}{
1209!   {\tt nvbse} & number of valence states to be used for BSE calculations &
1210!    integer & 2}
1211!   See also {\tt ncbse}.
1213!   \block{nwrite}{
1214!   {\tt nwrite} & number of self-consistent loops after which {\tt STATE.OUT}
1215!    is to be written & integer & 0}
1216!   Normally, the density and potentials are written to the file {\tt STATE.OUT}
1217!   only after completion of the self-consistent loop. By setting {\tt nwrite}
1218!   to a positive integer the file will instead be written every {\tt nwrite}
1219!   loops.
1221!   \block{nxoapwlo}{
1222!   {\tt nxoapwlo} & extra order of radial functions to be added to the existing
1223!    APW and local-orbital set & integer & 0}
1224!   Setting this variable will result in the APWs and local-orbitals for all
1225!   species becoming higher order with corresponding increase in derivative
1226!   matching at the muffin-tin surface. For example, setting {\tt nxoapwlo}=1
1227!   turns all APWs into LAPWs.
1229!   \block{optcomp}{
1230!   {\tt optcomp} & the components of the first- or second-order optical tensor
1231!    to be calculated & integer(3) & $(1,1,1)$}
1232!   This selects which components of the optical tensor you would like to plot.
1233!   Only the first two are used for the first-order tensor. Several components
1234!   can be listed one after the other with a blank line terminating the list.
1236!   \block{phwrite}{
1237!   {\tt nphwrt} & number of $q$-points for which phonon modes are to be found &
1238!    integer & 1 \\
1239!   \hline
1240!   {\tt vqlwrt(i)} & the $i$th $q$-point in lattice coordinates & real(3) &
1241!    $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
1242!   This is used in conjunction with {\tt task}=230. The code will write the
1243!   phonon frequencies and eigenvectors to the file {\tt PHONON.OUT} for all the
1244!   $q$-points in the list. The $q$-points can be anywhere in the Brillouin zone
1245!   and do not have to lie on the mesh defined by {\tt ngridq}. Obviously, all
1246!   the dynamical matrices have to be computed first using {\tt task}=200.
1248!   \block{plot1d}{
1249!   {\tt nvp1d} & number of vertices & integer & 2 \\
1250!   {\tt npp1d} & number of plotting points & integer & 200 \\
1251!   \hline
1252!   {\tt vvlp1d(i)} & lattice coordinates for vertex $i$ & real(3) &
1253!    $(0.0,0.0,0.0)\rightarrow(1.0,1.0,1.0)$}
1254!   Defines the path in either real or reciprocal space along which the 1D plot
1255!   is to be produced. The user should provide {\tt nvp1d} vertices in lattice
1256!   coordinates.
1258!   \block{plot2d}{
1259!   {\tt vclp2d(0)} & zeroth corner (origin) & real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$ \\
1260!   \hline
1261!   {\tt vclp2d(1)} & first corner & real(3) & $(1.0,0.0,0.0)$ \\
1262!   \hline
1263!   {\tt vclp2d(2)} & second corner & real(3) & $(0.0,1.0,0.0)$ \\
1264!   \hline
1265!   {\tt np2d} & number of plotting points in both directions & integer(2) &
1266!    $(40,40)$}
1267!   Defines the corners of a parallelogram and the grid size used for producing
1268!   2D plots.
1270!   \block{plot3d}{
1271!   {\tt vclp3d(0)} & zeroth corner (origin) & real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$ \\
1272!   \hline
1273!   {\tt vclp3d(1)} & first corner & real(3) & $(1.0,0.0,0.0)$ \\
1274!   \hline
1275!   {\tt vclp3d(2)} & second corner & real(3) & $(0.0,1.0,0.0)$ \\
1276!   \hline
1277!   {\tt vclp3d(3)} & third corner & real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,1.0)$ \\
1278!   \hline
1279!   {\tt np3d} & number of plotting points each direction & integer(3) &
1280!    $(20,20,20)$}
1281!   Defines the corners of a box and the grid size used for producing 3D plots.
1283!   \block{primcell}{
1284!   {\tt primcell} & {\tt .true.} if the primitive unit cell should be found
1285!    & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1286!   Allows the primitive unit cell to be determined automatically from the
1287!   conventional cell. This is done by searching for lattice vectors among all
1288!   those which connect atomic sites, and using the three shortest which produce
1289!   a unit cell with non-zero volume.
1291!   \block{pulse}{
1292!   {\tt n} & number of pulses & integer & - \\
1293!   \hline
1294!   {\tt a0(i)} & polarisation vector (including amplitude) & real(3) & - \\
1295!   {\tt w(i)} & frequency & real & - \\
1296!   {\tt phi(i)} & phase in degrees & real & - \\
1297!   {\tt rc(i)} & chirp rate & real & - \\
1298!   {\tt t0(i)} & peak time & real & - \\
1299!   {\tt d(i)} & full-width at half-maximum & real & -}
1300!   Parameters used to generate a time-dependent vector potential ${\bf A}(t)$
1301!   representing a laser pulse. The total vector potential is the sum of
1302!   individual pulses and is given by the formula
1303!   $$ {\bf A}(t)=\sum_{i=1}^n {\bf A}_0^i\exp
1304!    \left[-(t-t_0^i)^2/2\sigma_i^2\right]
1305!    \sin\left[w_i(t-t_0^i)+\phi_i+r_{\rm c}^i t^2/2\right], $$
1306!   where $\sigma=d/2\sqrt{2\ln 2}$. See also {\tt ramp}.
1308!   \block{radkpt}{
1309!   {\tt radkpt } & radius of sphere used to determine $k$-point density &
1310!    real & $40.0$}
1311!   Used for the automatic determination of the $k$-point mesh. If {\tt autokpt}
1312!   is set to {\tt .true.} then the mesh sizes will be determined by
1313!   $n_i=R_k|{\bf B}_i|+1$, where ${\bf B}_i$ are the primitive reciprocal
1314!   lattice vectors.
1316!   \block{ramp}{
1317!   {\tt n} & number of ramps & integer & - \\
1318!   \hline
1319!   {\tt a0(i)} & polarisation vector (including amplitude) & real(3) & - \\
1320!   {\tt t0(i)} & ramp start time & real & - \\
1321!   {\tt c1(i)} & linear coefficient of ${\bf A}(t)$ & real & - \\
1322!   {\tt c2(i)} & quadratic coefficient & real & -}
1323!   Parameters used to generate a time-dependent vector potential ${\bf A}(t)$
1324!   representing a constant or linearly increasing electric field
1325!   ${\bf E}(t)=-\partial{\bf A}(t)/\partial t$. The vector potential is given
1326!   by
1327!   $$ {\bf A}(t)=\sum_{i=1}^n {\bf A}_0^i
1328!    \left[c_1(t-t_0)+c_2(t-t_0)^2\right]\Theta(t-t_0). $$
1330!   \block{readadu}{
1331!   {\tt readadu} & set to {\tt .true.} if the interpolation constant for
1332!    DFT+$U$ should be read from file rather than calculated & logical &
1333!    {\tt .false.}}
1334!   When {\tt dftu}=3, the DFT+$U$ energy and potential are interpolated
1335!   between FLL and AFM. The interpolation constant, $\alpha$, is normally
1336!   calculated from the density matrix, but can also be read in from the file
1337!   {\tt ALPHADU.OUT}. This allows the user to fix $\alpha$, but is also
1338!   necessary when calculating forces, since the contribution of the potential
1339!   of the variation of $\alpha$ with respect to the density matrix is not
1340!   computed. See {\tt dft+u}.
1342!   \block{reducebf}{
1343!   {\tt reducebf} & reduction factor for the external magnetic fields & real &
1344!    $1.0$}
1345!   After each self-consistent loop, the external magnetic fields are multiplied
1346!   with {\tt reducebf}. This allows for a large external magnetic field at the
1347!   start of the self-consistent loop to break spin symmetry, while at the end
1348!   of the loop the field will be effectively zero, i.e. infinitesimal. See
1349!   {\tt bfieldc} and {\tt atoms}.
1351!   \block{reduceh}{
1352!   {\tt reduceh} & set to {\tt .true.} if the reciprocal ${\bf H}$-vectors
1353!    should be reduced by the symmorphic crystal symmetries & logical & .true.}
1354!   See {\tt hmaxvr} and {\tt vmat}.
1356!   \block{reducek}{
1357!   {\tt reducek} & type of reduction of the $k$-point set & integer & 1}
1358!   Types of reduction are defined by the symmetry group used:
1359!   \vskip 6pt
1360!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
1361!   0 & no reduction \\
1362!   1 & reduce with full crystal symmetry group (including non-symmorphic
1363!    symmetries) \\
1364!   2 & reduce with symmorphic symmetries only
1365!   \end{tabularx}
1366!   \vskip 6pt
1367!   See also {\tt ngridk} and {\tt vkloff}.
1369!   \block{reduceq}{
1370!   {\tt reduceq} & type of reduction of the $q$-point set & integer & 1}
1371!   See {\tt reducek} and {\tt ngridq}.
1373!   \block{rgkmax}{
1374!   {\tt rgkmax} & $R^{\rm MT}_{\rm min}\times\max\{|{\bf G}+{\bf k}|\}$ &
1375!    real & $7.0$}
1376!   This sets the maximum length for the ${\bf G}+{\bf k}$ vectors, defined as
1377!   {\tt rgkmax} divided by the average muffin-tin radius. See {\tt isgkmax}.
1379!   \block{rotavec}{
1380!   {\tt axang} & axis-angle representation of lattice vector rotation &
1381!    real(4) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
1382!   This determines the rotation matrix which is applied to the lattice vectors
1383!   prior to any calculation. The first three components specify the axis and
1384!   the last component is the angle in degrees. The `right-hand rule' convention
1385!   is followed.
1387!   \block{scale}{
1388!   {\tt scale } & lattice vector scaling factor & real & $1.0$}
1389!   Scaling factor for all three lattice vectors. Applied in conjunction with
1390!   {\tt scale1}, {\tt scale2} and {\tt scale3}.
1392!   \block{scale1/2/3}{
1393!   {\tt scale1/2/3 } & separate scaling factors for each lattice vector &
1394!    real & $1.0$}
1396!   \block{scissor}{
1397!   {\tt scissor} & the scissor correction & real & $0.0$}
1398!   This is the scissor shift applied to states above the Fermi energy
1399!   {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 43}, 4187 (1991). Affects optics calculations only.
1401!   \block{scrpath}{
1402!   {\tt scrpath} & scratch space path & string & null}
1403!   This is the scratch space path where the eigenvector files {\tt EVALFV.OUT}
1404!   and {\tt EVALSV.OUT} will be written. If the run directory is accessed via a
1405!   network then {\tt scrpath} can be set to a directory on the local disk, for
1406!   example {\tt /tmp/}. Note that the forward slash {\tt /} at the end of the
1407!   path must be included.
1409!   \block{socscf}{
1410!   {\tt socscf} & scaling factor for the spin-orbit coupling term in the
1411!    Hamiltonian & real & $1.0$}
1412!   This can be used to enhance the effect of spin-orbit coupling in order to
1413!   accurately determine the magnetic anisotropy energy (MAE).
1415!   \block{spincore}{
1416!   {\tt spincore} & set to {\tt .true.} if the core should be spin-polarised
1417!    & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1419!   \block{spinorb}{
1420!   {\tt spinorb} & set to {\tt .true.} if a spin-orbit coupling is required
1421!    & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1422!   If {\tt spinorb} is {\tt .true.}, then a $\boldsymbol\sigma\cdot{\bf L}$
1423!   term is added to the second-variational Hamiltonian. See {\tt spinpol}.
1425!   \block{spinpol}{
1426!   {\tt spinpol} & set to {\tt .true.} if a spin-polarised calculation is
1427!    required & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1428!   If {\tt spinpol} is {\tt .true.}, then the spin-polarised Hamiltonian is
1429!   solved as a second-variational step using two-component spinors in the
1430!   Kohn-Sham magnetic field. The first variational scalar wavefunctions are
1431!   used as a basis for setting this Hamiltonian.
1433!   \block{spinsprl}{
1434!   {\tt spinsprl} & set to {\tt .true.} if a spin-spiral calculation is
1435!   required & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1436!   Experimental feature for the calculation of spin-spiral states. See
1437!   {\tt vqlss} for details.
1439!   \block{sppath}{
1440!   {\tt sppath} & path where the species files can be found & string & null}
1441!   Note that the forward slash {\tt /} at the end of the path must be included.
1443!   \block{ssdph}{
1444!   {\tt ssdph} & set to {\tt .true.} if a complex de-phasing factor is to be
1445!    used in spin-spiral calculations & logical & {\tt .true.}}
1446!   If this is {\tt .true.} then spin-spiral wavefunctions in each muffin-tin at
1447!   position ${\bf r}_{\alpha}$ are de-phased by the matrix
1448!   $$ \begin{pmatrix} e^{-i{\bf q}\cdot{\bf r}_{\alpha}/2} & 0 \\
1449!    0 & e^{i{\bf q}\cdot{\bf r}_{\alpha}/2} \end{pmatrix}. $$
1450!   In simple situations, this has the advantage of producing magnon dynamical
1451!   matrices which are already in diagonal form. This option should be used with
1452!   care, and a full understanding of the spin-spiral configuration is required.
1453!   See {\tt spinsprl}.
1455!   \block{stype}{
1456!   {\tt stype} & integer defining the type of smearing to be used & integer &
1457!    $3$}
1458!   A smooth approximation to the Dirac delta function is needed to compute the
1459!   occupancies of the Kohn-Sham states. The variable {\tt swidth} determines
1460!   the width of the approximate delta function. Currently implemented are
1461!   \vskip 6pt
1462!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
1463!   0 & Gaussian \\
1464!   1 & Methfessel-Paxton order 1, Phys. Rev. B {\bf 40}, 3616 (1989) \\
1465!   2 & Methfessel-Paxton order 2 \\
1466!   3 & Fermi-Dirac
1467!   \end{tabularx}
1468!   \vskip 6pt
1469!   See also {\tt autoswidth}, {\tt swidth} and {\tt tempk}.
1471!   \block{swidth}{
1472!   {\tt swidth} & width of the smooth approximation to the Dirac delta
1473!    function & real & $0.001$}
1474!   See {\tt stype} for details and the variable {\tt tempk}.
1476!   \newpage
1477!   \block{tasks}{
1478!   {\tt task(i) } & the $i$th task & integer & $-1$}
1479!   A list of tasks for the code to perform sequentially. The list should be
1480!   terminated with a blank line. Each task has an associated integer as
1481!   follows:
1482!   \vskip 6pt
1483!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
1484!   -1 & Write out the version number of the code. \\
1485!   0 & Ground state run starting from the atomic densities. \\
1486!   1 & Resumption of ground-state run using density in {\tt STATE.OUT}. \\
1487!   2 & Geometry optimisation run starting from the atomic densities, with
1488!    atomic positions written to {\tt GEOMETRY.OUT}. \\
1489!   3 & Resumption of geometry optimisation run using density in {\tt STATE.OUT}
1490!    but with positions from {\tt elk.in}. \\
1491!   5 & Ground state Hartree-Fock run. \\
1492!   10 & Total, partial and interstitial density of states (DOS). \\
1493!   14 & Plots the smooth Dirac delta and Heaviside step functions used by the
1494!        code to calculate occupancies. \\
1495!   15 & Output ${\bf L}$, ${\bf S}$ and ${\bf J}$ total expectation values. \\
1496!   16 & Output ${\bf L}$, ${\bf S}$ and ${\bf J}$ expectation values for each
1497!        $k$-point and state in {\tt kstlist}. \\
1498!   20 & Band structure plot. \\
1499!   21 & Band structure plot which includes total and angular momentum
1500!        characters for every atom. \\
1501!   22 & Band structure plot which includes $(l,m)$ character for every atom. \\
1502!   23 & Band structure plot which includes spin character for every atom. \\
1503!   25 & Compute the effective mass tensor at the $k$-point given by
1504!    {\tt vklem}. \\
1505!   31, 32, 33 & 1/2/3D charge density plot. \\
1506!   41, 42, 43 & 1/2/3D exchange-correlation and Coulomb potential plots. \\
1507!   51, 52, 53 & 1/2/3D electron localisation function (ELF) plot. \\
1508!   61, 62, 63 & 1/2/3D wavefunction plot:
1509!    $\left|\Psi_{i{\bf k}}({\bf r})\right|^2$. \\
1510!   65 & Write the core wavefunctions to file for plotting. \\
1511!   71, 72, 73 & 1/2/3D plot of magnetisation vector field,
1512!    ${\bf m}({\bf r})$. \\
1513!   81, 82, 83 & 1/2/3D plot of exchange-correlation magnetic vector field,
1514!    ${\bf B}_{\rm xc}({\bf r})$. \\
1515!   91, 92, 93 & 1/2/3D plot of $\nabla\cdot{\bf B}_{\rm xc}({\bf r})$. \\
1516!   100 & 3D Fermi surface plot using the scalar product
1517!    $p({\bf k})=\Pi_i(\epsilon_{i{\bf k}}-\epsilon_{\rm F})$. \\
1518!   101 & 3D Fermi surface plot using separate bands (minus the Fermi
1519!    energy). \\
1520!   102 & 3D Fermi surface which can be plotted with XCrysDen. \\
1521!   105 & 3D nesting function plot. \\
1522!   110 & Calculation of M\"{o}ssbauer contact charge densities and magnetic
1523!    fields at the nuclear sites. \\
1524!   115 & Calculation of the electric field gradient (EFG) at the nuclear
1525!    sites. \\
1526!   120 & Output of the momentum matrix elements
1527!    $\langle\Psi_{i{\bf k}}|-i\nabla|\Psi_{j{\bf k}}\rangle$. \\
1528!   121 & Linear optical dielectric response tensor calculated within the random
1529!    phase approximation (RPA) and in the $q\rightarrow 0$ limit, with no
1530!    microscopic contributions. \\
1531!   122 & Magneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE) angle. \\
1532!   125 & Non-linear optical second harmonic generation.
1533!   \end{tabularx}
1535!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
1536!   130 & Output matrix elements of the type
1537!    $\langle\Psi_{i{\bf k+q}}|\exp[i({\bf G+q})\cdot{\bf r}]|
1538!    \Psi_{j{\bf k}}\rangle$. \\
1539!   135 & Output all wavefunctions expanded in the plane wave basis up to a
1540!    cut-off defined by {\tt rgkmax}. \\
1541!   140 & Energy loss near edge structure (ELNES). \\
1542!   141, 142, 143 & 1/2/3D plot of the electric field
1543!    ${\bf E}({\bf r})\equiv\nabla V_{\rm C}({\bf r})$. \\
1544!   151, 152, 153 & 1/2/3D plot of
1545!    ${\bf m}({\bf r})\times{\bf B}_{\rm xc}({\bf r})$. \\
1546!   162 & Scanning-tunneling microscopy (STM) image. \\
1547!   180 & Generate the RPA inverse dielectric function with local contributions
1548!    and write it to file. \\
1549!   185 & Write the Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) Hamiltonian to file. \\
1550!   186 & Diagonalise the BSE Hamiltonian and write the eigenvectors and
1551!         eigenvalues to file. \\
1552!   187 & Output the BSE dielectric response function. \\
1553!   190 & Write the atomic geometry to file for plotting with XCrySDen and
1554!    V\_Sim. \\
1555!   195 & Calculation of X-ray density structure factors. \\
1556!   196 & Calculation of magnetic structure factors. \\
1557!   200 & Calculation of phonon dynamical matrices on a $q$-point set defined by
1558!    {\tt ngridq} using the supercell method. \\
1559!   202 & Phonon dry run: just produce a set of empty DYN files. \\
1560!   205 & Calculation of phonon dynamical matrices using density functional
1561!    perturbation theory (DFPT). \\
1562!   210 & Phonon density of states. \\
1563!   220 & Phonon dispersion plot. \\
1564!   230 & Phonon frequencies and eigenvectors for an arbitrary $q$-point. \\
1565!   240, 241 & Generate the ${\bf q}$-dependent phonon linewidths and
1566!    electron-phonon coupling constants and write them to file. \\
1567!   245 & Phonon linewidths plot. \\
1568!   250 & Eliashberg function $\alpha^2F(\omega)$, electron-phonon coupling
1569!    constant $\lambda$, and the McMillan-Allen-Dynes critical temperature
1570!    $T_c$. \\
1571!   300 & Reduced density matrix functional theory (RDMFT) calculation. \\
1572!   320 & Time-dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) calculation of the
1573!    dielectric response function including microscopic contributions. \\
1574!   330, 331 & TDDFT calculation of the spin-polarised response function for
1575!    arbitrary ${\bf q}$-vectors. Task 331 writes the entire response function
1576!    $\overleftrightarrow{\chi}({\bf G},{\bf G}',q,\omega)$ to file. \\
1577!   400 & Calculation of tensor moments and corresponding DFT+$U$ Hartree-Fock
1578!    energy contributions. \\
1579!   450 & Generates a laser pulse in the form of a time-dependent vector
1580!    potential ${\bf A}(t)$ and writes it to AFIELDT.OUT. \\
1581!   460 & Time evolution run using TDDFT under the influence of ${\bf A}(t)$.
1582!   \end{tabularx}
1584!   \block{tau0atp}{
1585!   {\tt tau0atp} & the step size to be used for atomic position optimisation &
1586!    real & $0.25$}
1587!   The position of atom $\alpha$ is updated on step $m$ of a geometry
1588!   optimisation run using
1589!   $$ {\bf r}_{\alpha}^{m+1}={\bf r}_{\alpha}^m+\tau_{\alpha}^m
1590!    \left({\bf F}_{\alpha}^m+{\bf F}_{\alpha}^{m-1}\right), $$
1591!   where $\tau_{\alpha}$ is set to {\tt tau0atp} for $m=0$, and incremented by
1592!   the same amount if the atom is moving in the same direction between steps.
1593!   If the direction changes then $\tau_{\alpha}$ is reset to {\tt tau0atp}.
1595!   \block{tau0latv}{
1596!   {\tt tau0latv} & the step size to be used for lattice vector optimisation &
1597!    real & $0.25$}
1598!   This parameter is used for lattice vector optimisation in a procedure
1599!   identical to that for atomic position optimisation. See {\tt tau0atp} and
1600!   {\tt latvopt}.
1602!   \block{tauoep}{
1603!   {\tt tauoep} & step length and starting fraction for the OEP iterative
1604!    solver & real(2) & $(0.05, 0.95)$}
1605!   The optimised effective potential is determined using an interative method
1606!   [Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 196405 (2007)]. This variable sets the step length
1607!   described in the article. The second number defines the fraction of the
1608!   existing potential to be used as the starting point of the iterative
1609!   procedure. These parameters are also used for inverting the Kohn-Sham
1610!   equations as required by the self-consistent density $GW$ method. See
1611!   {\tt maxitoep}.
1613!   \block{taufsm}{
1614!   {\tt taufsm} & the step size to be used when finding the effective magnetic
1615!   field in fixed spin moment calculations & real & $0.01$}
1616!   An effective magnetic field, ${\bf B}_{\rm FSM}$, is required for fixing the
1617!   spin moment to a given value, ${\bf M}_{\rm FSM}$. This is found by adding a
1618!   vector to the field which is proportional to the difference between the
1619!   moment calculated in the $i$th self-consistent loop and the required moment:
1620!   $$ {\bf B}_{\rm FSM}^{i+1}={\bf B}_{\rm FSM}^i+\lambda\left({\bf M}^i
1621!    -{\bf M}_{\rm FSM}\right), $$
1622!   where $\lambda$ is proportional to {\tt taufsm}. See also {\tt fsmtype},
1623!   {\tt momfix} and {\tt spinpol}.
1625!   \block{tempk}{
1626!   {\tt tempk} & temperature $T$ of the electronic system in kelvin & real & -}
1627!   Assigning a value to this variable sets {\tt stype} to 3 (Fermi-Dirac) and
1628!   the smearing width to $k_{\rm B}T$.
1630!   \block{tforce}{
1631!   {\tt tforce} & set to {\tt .true.} if the force should be calculated at the
1632!    end of the self-consistent cycle & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1633!   This variable is automatically set to {\tt .true.} when performing geometry
1634!   optimisation.
1636!   \block{tefvit}{
1637!   {\tt tefvit} & set to {\tt .true.} if the first-variational eigenvalue
1638!    equation should be solved iteratively & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1640!   \block{tefvr}{
1641!   {\tt tefvr} & set to {\tt .true.} if a real symmetric eigenvalue solver
1642!    should be used for crystals which have inversion symmetry & logical &
1643!    {\tt .true.}}
1644!   For crystals with inversion symmetry, the first-variational Hamiltonian and
1645!   overlap matrices can be made real by using appropriate transformations. In
1646!   this case, a real symmetric (instead of complex Hermitian) eigenvalue solver
1647!   can be used. This makes the calculation about three times faster.
1649!   \block{tmomfix}{
1650!   {\tt ntmfix} & number of tensor moments (TM) to be fixed & integer & 0 \\
1651!   \hline
1652!   {\tt is(i)} & species number for entry $i$ & integer & - \\
1653!   {\tt ia(i)} & atom number & integer & - \\
1654!   {\tt (l, n)(i)} & $l$ and $n$ indices of TM & integer & - \\
1655!   \hline
1656!   {\tt (k, p, x, y)(i)} or & & & \\
1657!    {\tt (k, p, r, t)(i)} & indices for the 2-index or 3-index TM,
1658!    respectively & integer & - \\
1659!   \hline
1660!   {\tt z(i)} & complex TM value & complex & - \\
1661!   \hline
1662!   {\tt p(i)} & parity of spatial rotation & integer & - \\
1663!   {\tt aspl(i)} & Euler angles of spatial rotation & real(3) & - \\
1664!   {\tt aspn(i)} & Euler angles of spin rotation & real(3) & - }
1665!   This block sets up the fixed tensor moment (FTM). There should be as many
1666!   TM entries as {\tt ntmfix}. See {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 103}, 107202
1667!   (2009) for the tensor moment indexing convention. This is a highly
1668!   complicated feature of the code, and should only be attempted with a full
1669!   understanding of tensor moments.
1671!   \block{tmwrite}{
1672!   {\tt tmwrite} & set to {\tt .true.} if the tensor moments and the
1673!    corresponding decomposition of DFT+$U$ energy should be calculated
1674!    at every loop of the self-consistent cycle & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1675!   This variable is useful to check the convergence of the tensor moments in
1676!   DFT+$U$ caculations. Alternatively, with {\tt task} equal to 400, one can
1677!   calculate the tensor moments and corresponding DFT+$U$ energy contributions
1678!   from a given density matrix and set of Slater parameters at the end of the
1679!   self-consistent cycle.
1681!   \block{tsediag}{
1682!   {\tt tsediag} & set to {\tt .true.} if the self-energy matrix should be
1683!    treated as diagonal & logical & {\tt .true.}}
1684!   When this variable is {\tt .true.}, the self-energy used in a $GW$
1685!   calculation $\Sigma_{ij}({\bf k},\omega)$ is taken to be diagonal in the
1686!   Kohn-Sham state indices $i$ and $j$. When {\tt tsediag} is {\tt .false.},
1687!   the entire matrix is used. See also {\tt twdiag}.
1689!   \block{tshift}{
1690!   {\tt tshift} & set to {\tt .true.} if the crystal can be shifted so that the
1691!    atom closest to the origin is exactly at the origin &
1692!    logical & {\tt .true.}}
1694!   \block{tstime}{
1695!   {\tt tstime} & total simulation time of time evolution run & real &
1696!    $1000.0$}
1697!   See also {\tt dtimes}.
1699!   \block{twdiag}{
1700!   {\tt twdiag} & set to {\tt .true.} if the screened interaction matrix should
1701!    be treated as diagonal & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1702!   When this variable is {\tt .true.}, the screened interaction used in a $GW$
1703!   calculation $W({\bf G},{\bf G}',{\bf q},\omega)$ is taken to be diagonal in
1704!   the plane wave indices ${\bf G}$ and ${\bf G}'$. See also {\tt tsediag}.
1706!   \block{vhmat}{
1707!   {\tt vhmat(1)} & matrix row 1 & real(3) & $(1.0,0.0,0.0)$ \\
1708!   \hline
1709!   {\tt vhmat(2)} & matrix row 2 & real(3) & $(0.0,1.0,0.0)$ \\
1710!   \hline
1711!   {\tt vhmat(3)} & matrix row 3 & real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,1.0)$}
1712!   This is the transformation matrix $M$ applied to every vector $\bf H$ in the
1713!   structure factor output files {\tt SFACRHO.OUT} and {\tt SFACMAG.OUT}. It is
1714!   stored in the usual row-column setting and applied directly as
1715!   ${\bf H}'=M{\bf H}$ to every vector but {\em only} when writing the output
1716!   files. See also {\tt hmaxvr} and {\tt reduceh}.
1718!   \block{vhighq}{
1719!   {\tt vhighq} & {\tt .true.} if a very high quality parameter set should be
1720!    used & logical & {\tt .false.}}
1721!   Setting this to {\tt .true.} results in some default parameters being
1722!   changed to ensure excellent convergence in most situations. See also
1723!   {\tt highq}.
1725!   \block{vklem}{
1726!   {\tt vklem} & the $k$-point in lattice coordinates at which to compute the
1727!    effective mass tensors & real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
1728!   See {\tt deltaem} and {\tt ndspem}.
1730!   \block{vkloff}{
1731!   {\tt vkloff } & the $k$-point offset vector in lattice coordinates &
1732!    real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
1733!   See {\tt ngridk}.
1735!   \block{vqlss}{
1736!   {\tt vqlss} & the ${\bf q}$-vector of the spin-spiral state in lattice
1737!    coordinates & real(3) & $(0.0,0.0,0.0)$}
1738!   Spin-spirals arise from spinor states assumed to be of the form
1739!   $$ \Psi^{\bf q}_{\bf k}({\bf r})=
1740!    \left( \begin{array}{c}
1741!    U^{{\bf q}\uparrow}_{\bf k}({\bf r})e^{i({\bf k+q/2})\cdot{\bf r}} \\
1742!    U^{{\bf q}\downarrow}_{\bf k}({\bf r})e^{i({\bf k-q/2})\cdot{\bf r}} \\
1743!    \end{array} \right). $$
1744!   These are determined using a second-variational approach, and give rise to a
1745!   magnetisation density of the form
1746!   $$ {\bf m}^{\bf q}({\bf r})=(m_x({\bf r})\cos({\bf q \cdot r}),
1747!    m_y({\bf r})\sin({\bf q \cdot r}),m_z({\bf r})), $$
1748!   where $m_x$, $m_y$ and $m_z$ are lattice periodic. See also {\tt spinsprl}.
1750!   \block{wmaxgw}{
1751!   {\tt wmaxgw} & maximum Matsubara frequency for $GW$ calculations & real &
1752!    $-5.0$}
1753!   This defines the cut-off of the Matsubara frequencies on the imaginary
1754!   axis for calculating the $GW$ self-energy and solving the Dyson equation.
1755!   If this number is negative then the cut-off is taken to be
1756!   $|{\tt wmaxgw}|\times\Delta\epsilon$, where $\Delta\epsilon$ is the
1757!   difference between the largest and smallest Kohn-Sham valence eigenvalues.
1759!   \block{wplot}{
1760!   {\tt nwplot} & number of frequency/energy points in the DOS or optics plot &
1761!    integer & $500$ \\
1762!   {\tt ngrkf} & fine $k$-point grid size used for integrating functions in the
1763!    Brillouin zone & integer & $100$ \\
1764!   {\tt nswplot} & level of smoothing applied to DOS/optics output & integer &
1765!    $1$ \\
1766!   \hline
1767!   {\tt wplot} & frequency/energy window for the DOS or optics plot & real(2) &
1768!    $(-0.5,0.5)$}
1769!   DOS and optics plots require integrals of the kind
1770!   $$ g(\omega_i)=\frac{\Omega}{(2\pi)^3}\int_{\rm BZ} f({\bf k})
1771!    \delta(\omega_i-e({\bf k}))d{\bf k}. $$
1772!   These are calculated by first interpolating the functions $e({\bf k})$ and
1773!   $f({\bf k})$ with the trilinear method on a much finer mesh whose size is
1774!   determined by {\tt ngrkf}. Then the $\omega$-dependent histogram of the
1775!   integrand is accumulated over the fine mesh. If the output function is noisy
1776!   then either {\tt ngrkf} should be increased or {\tt nwplot} decreased.
1777!   Alternatively, the output function can be artificially smoothed up to a
1778!   level given by {\tt nswplot}. This is the number of successive 3-point
1779!   averages to be applied to the function $g$.
1781!   \block{wsfac}{
1782!   {\tt wsfac} & energy window to be used when calculating density or magnetic
1783!    structure factors & real(2) & $(-10^6,10^6)$}
1784!   Only those states with eigenvalues within this window will contribute to the
1785!   density or magnetisation. See also {\tt hmaxvr} and {\tt vhmat}.
1787!   \block{xctype}{
1788!   {\tt xctype} & integers defining the type of exchange-correlation functional
1789!    to be used & integer(3) & $(3,0,0)$}
1790!   Normally only the first value is used to define the functional type. The
1791!   other value may be used for external libraries. Currently implemented are:
1792!   \vskip 6pt
1793!   \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}[h]{lX}
1794!   $-n$ & Exact-exchange optimised effective potential (EXX-OEP) method with
1795!    correlation energy and potential given by functional number $n$ \\
1796!   1 & No exchange-correlation funtional ($E_{\rm xc}\equiv 0$) \\
1797!   2 & LDA, Perdew-Zunger/Ceperley-Alder, {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 23}, 5048
1798!    (1981) \\
1799!   3 & LSDA, Perdew-Wang/Ceperley-Alder, {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 45}, 13244
1800!    (1992) \\
1801!   4 & LDA, X-alpha approximation, J. C. Slater, {\it Phys. Rev.} {\bf 81}, 385
1802!    (1951) \\
1803!   5 & LSDA, von Barth-Hedin, {\it J. Phys. C} {\bf 5}, 1629 (1972) \\
1804!   20 & GGA, Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof, {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 77}, 3865
1805!    (1996) \\
1806!   21 & GGA, Revised PBE, Zhang-Yang, {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 80}, 890
1807!    (1998) \\
1808!   22 & GGA, PBEsol, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 136406 (2008) \\
1809!   26 & GGA, Wu-Cohen exchange (WC06) with PBE correlation, {\it Phys. Rev. B}
1810!    {\bf 73}, 235116 (2006) \\
1811!   30 & GGA, Armiento-Mattsson (AM05) spin-unpolarised functional,
1812!    {\it Phys. Rev. B} {\bf 72}, 085108 (2005) \\
1813!   100 & Libxc functionals; the second and third values of {\tt xctype} define
1814!    the exchange and correlation functionals in the Libxc library,
1815!    respectively \\
1816!   \end{tabularx}
1818!   \section{Contributing to Elk}
1819!   Please bear in mind when writing code for the Elk project that it should be
1820!   an exercise in physics and not software engineering. All code should
1821!   therefore be kept as simple and concise as possible, and above all it should
1822!   be easy for anyone to locate and follow the Fortran representation of the
1823!   original mathematics. We would also appreciate the following conventions
1824!   being adhered to:
1825!   \begin{itemize}
1826!   \item Strict Fortran 2003 should be used. Features which are marked as
1827!    obsolescent in Fortran 2003 should be avoided. These include assigned
1828!    format specifiers, labeled do-loops, computed goto statements and statement
1829!    functions.
1830!   \item Modules should be used in place of common blocks for declaring
1831!    global variables. Use the existing modules to declare new global variables.
1832!   \item Any code should be written in lower-case free form style, starting
1833!    from column one. Try and keep the length of each line to fewer than 80
1834!    characters using the \& character for line continuation.
1835!   \item Every function or subroutine, no matter how small, should be in its
1836!    own file named {\tt routine.f90}, where {\tt routine} is the function or
1837!    subroutine name. It is recommended that the routines are named so as to
1838!    make their purpose apparent from the name alone.
1839!   \item Use of {\tt implicit none} is mandatory. Remember also to define the
1840!    {\tt intent} of any passed arguments.
1841!   \item Local allocatable arrays must be deallocated on exit of the routine to
1842!    prevent memory leakage. Use of automatic arrays should be limited to arrays
1843!    of small size.
1844!   \item Every function or subroutine must be documented with the Protex source
1845!    code documentation system. This should include a short \LaTeX\ description
1846!    of the algorithms and methods involved. Equations which need to be
1847!    referenced should be labeled with {\tt routine\_1}, {\tt routine\_2}, etc.
1848!    The authorship of each new piece of code or modification should be
1849!    indicated in the {\tt REVISION HISTORY} part of the header. See the Protex
1850!    documentation for details.
1851!   \item Ensure as much as possible that a routine will terminate the program
1852!    when given improper input instead of continuing with erroneous results.
1853!    Specifically, functions should have a well-defined domain for which they
1854!    return accurate results. Input outside that domain should result in an
1855!    error message and termination.
1856!   \item Report errors prior to termination with a short description, for
1857!    example:
1858!    \begin{verbatim}
1859!     write(*,*)
1860!     write(*,'("Error(readinput): natoms <= 0 : ",I8)') natoms(is)
1861!     write(*,'(" for species ",I4)') is
1862!     write(*,*)
1863!     stop
1864!    \end{verbatim}
1865!   \item Wherever possible, real numbers outputted as ASCII data should be
1866!    formatted with the {\tt G18.10} specifier.
1867!   \item Avoid redundant or repeated code: check to see if the routine you need
1868!    already exists, before writing a new one.
1869!   \item All reading in of ASCII data should be done in the subroutine
1870!    {\tt readinput}. For binary data, separate routines for reading and writing
1871!    should be used (for example {\tt writestate} and {\tt readstate}).
1872!   \item Input filenames should be in lowercase and have the extension
1873!    {\tt .in} . All output filenames should be in uppercase with the extension
1874!    {\tt .OUT} .
1875!   \item All internal units should be atomic. Input and output units should be
1876!    atomic by default and clearly stated otherwise. Rydbergs should not be used
1877!    under any circumstances.
1878!   \end{itemize}
1879!   \subsection{Licensing}
1880!    Routines which constitute the main part of the code are released under the
1881!    GNU General Public License (GPL). Library routines are released under the
1882!    less restrictive GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Both licenses
1883!    are contained in the file {\tt COPYING}. Any contribution to the code must
1884!    be licensed at the authors' discretion under either the GPL or LGPL.
1885!    Author(s) of the code retain the copyrights. Copyright and (L)GPL
1886!    information must be included at the beginning of every file, and no code
1887!    will be accepted without this.