1 /*****************************************************************************
2  *
3  *  Elmer, A Finite Element Software for Multiphysical Problems
4  *
5  *  Copyright 1st April 1995 - , CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd., Finland
6  *
7  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License along with this library (in file ../LGPL-2.1); if not, write
19  * to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
20  * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
21  *
22  *****************************************************************************/
24 /*******************************************************************************
25  *
26  *     Solve symmetric positive definite eigenvalue problem.
27  *
28  *******************************************************************************
29  *
30  *                     Author:       Juha Ruokolainen
31  *
32  *                    Address: CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd.
33  *                                Keilaranta 14, P.O. BOX 405
34  *                                  02101 Espoo, Finland
35  *                                  Tel. +358 0 457 2723
36  *                                Telefax: +358 0 457 2302
37  *                              EMail: Juha.Ruokolainen@csc.fi
38  *
39  *                       Date: 30 May 1996
40  *
41  *                Modified by:
42  *
43  *       Date of modification:
44  *
45  ******************************************************************************/
47 /*
48  * $Id: jacobi.c,v 2005/04/14 13:29:14 vierinen Exp $
49  *
50  * $Log: jacobi.c,v $
51  * Revision  2005/04/14 13:29:14  vierinen
52  * initial matc automake package
53  *
54  * Revision 1.2  1998/08/01 12:34:43  jpr
55  *
56  * Added Id, started Log.
57  *
58  *
59  */
61 #include "elmer/matc.h"
mtr_jacob(a)63 VARIABLE *mtr_jacob(a) VARIABLE *a;
64 {
65   VARIABLE *x, *ev;
67   double *b, *d, rtol;
68   int i, n;
70   if (NROW(a) != NCOL(a))
71     error("Jacob: Matrix must be square.\n");
73   b = MATR(NEXT(a));
74   n = NROW(a);
76   if (NROW(NEXT(a)) != NCOL(NEXT(a)) || n != NROW(NEXT(a)))
77     error("Jacob: Matrix dimensions incompatible.\n");
79   rtol = *MATR(NEXT(NEXT(a)));
81   x  = var_new("eigv", TYPE_DOUBLE, NROW(a), NCOL(a));
82   d  = (double *)ALLOCMEM(n * sizeof(double));
83   ev = var_temp_new(TYPE_DOUBLE, 1, n);
85   matc_jacobi(MATR(a), b, MATR(x), MATR(ev), d, n, rtol);
86   FREEMEM((char *)d);
88   return ev;
89 };
91 /************************************************************************
92   P R O G R A M
93   To solve the generalized eigenproblem using the
94   generalized Jacobi iteration
96   INPUT
98   a(n,n)    = Stiffness matrix (assumed positive definite)
99   b(n,n)    = Mass matrix (assumed positive definite)
100   x(n,n)    = Matrix storing eigenvectors on solution exit
101   eigv(n)   = Vector storing eigenvalues on solution exit
102   d(n)      = Working vector
103   n         = Order of the matrices a and b
104   rtol      = Convergence tolerance (usually set to 10.**-12)
105   nsmax     = Maximum number of sweeps allowed (usually set to 15)
107   OUTPUT
109   a(n,n)    = Diagonalized stiffness matrix
110   b(n,n)    = Diagonalized mass matrix
111   x(n,n)    = Eigenvectors stored columnwise
112   eigv(n)   = Eigenvalues
114 *************************************************************************/
matc_jacobi(a,b,x,eigv,d,n,rtol)116 int matc_jacobi(a,b,x,eigv,d,n,rtol)
117   double a[],b[],x[],eigv[],d[],rtol;
118   int n;
119 {
120   register int i,j,k,ii,jj;
121   int    nsmax=50,        /* Max number of sweeps */
122          nsweep,          /* Current sweep number */
123          nr,
124          jp1,jm1,kp1,km1,
125          convergence;
127   double eps,
128          eptola,eptolb,
129          akk,ajj,ab,
130          check,sqch,
131          d1,d2,den,
132          ca,cg,
133          aj,bj,ak,bk,
134          xj,xk,
135          tol,dif,
136          epsa,epsb,
137          bb;              /* Scale mass matrix */
139 /************************************************************************
140   Initialize eigenvalue and eigenvector matrices
141 *************************************************************************/
142   for( i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
143   {
144     ii = i*n+i;            /* address of diagonal element */
145     if (a[ii]<=0.0 || b[ii]<=0.0) return 0;
146     eigv[i] = d[i] = a[ii]/b[ii];
147     x[ii] = 1.0;           /* make an unit matrix */
148   }
149   if(n==1) return 1;      /* Return if single degree of freedom system */
151 /************************************************************************
152   Initialize sweep counter and begin iteration
153 *************************************************************************/
154   nr=n - 1;
155   for ( nsweep = 0; nsweep < nsmax; nsweep++)
156   {
157 /************************************************************************
158     Check if present off-diagonal element is large enough to require zeroing
159 *************************************************************************/
161     eps = pow(0.01, 2.0 * (nsweep + 1));
162     for(j=0 ; j<nr ; j++)
163     {
164       jj=j+1;
165       for(k=jj ; k<n ; k++)
166       {
167         eptola=( a[j*n+k]*a[j*n+k] / ( a[j*n+j]*a[k*n+k] ) );
168         eptolb=( b[j*n+k]*b[j*n+k] / ( b[j*n+j]*b[k*n+k] ) );
169         if ( eptola >= eps || eptolb >=eps )
170         {
172 /************************************************************************
173           if zeroing is required, calculate the rotation matrix elements
174 *************************************************************************/
176           akk=a[k*n+k]*b[j*n+k] - b[k*n+k]*a[j*n+k];
177           ajj=a[j*n+j]*b[j*n+k] - b[j*n+j]*a[j*n+k];
178           ab =a[j*n+j]*b[k*n+k] - a[k*n+k]*b[j*n+j];
179           check=(ab*ab+4.0*akk*ajj)/4.0;
181           if (check<=0.0)
182           {
183             printf("***Error   solution stop in *jacobi*\n");
184             printf("        check = %20.14e\n", check);
185             return 1;
186           }
187           sqch= sqrt(check);
188           d1  = ab/2.0+sqch;
189           d2  = ab/2.0-sqch;
190           den = d1;
191           if ( abs(d2) > abs(d1) ) den=d2;
193           if (den == 0.0)
194           {
195             ca=0.0;
196             cg= -a[j*n+k] / a[k*n+k];
197           }
198           else
199           {
200             ca= akk/den;
201             cg= -ajj/den;
202           }
203 /************************************************************************
204   Perform the generalized rotation to zero the present off-diagonal element
205 *************************************************************************/
206           if (n != 2)
207           {
208             jp1=j+1;
209             jm1=j-1;
210             kp1=k+1;
211             km1=k-1;
212 /**************************************/
213             if ( jm1 >= 0)
214               for (i=0 ; i<=jm1 ; i++)
215               {
216                 aj = a[i*n+j];
217                 bj = b[i*n+j];
218                 ak = a[i*n+k];
219                 bk = b[i*n+k];
220                 a[i*n+j] = aj+cg*ak;
221                 b[i*n+j] = bj+cg*bk;
222                 a[i*n+k] = ak+ca*aj;
223                 b[i*n+k] = bk+ca*bj;
224               };
225 /**************************************/
226             if ((kp1-n+1) <= 0)
227               for (i=kp1 ; i<n ; i++)
228               {
229                 aj = a[j*n+i];
230                 bj = b[j*n+i];
231                 ak = a[k*n+i];
232                 bk = b[k*n+i];
233                 a[j*n+i] = aj+cg*ak;
234                 b[j*n+i] = bj+cg*bk;
235                 a[k*n+i] = ak+ca*aj;
236                 b[k*n+i] = bk+ca*bj;
237               };
238 /**************************************/
239             if ((jp1-km1) <= 0.0)
240               for (i=jp1 ; i<=km1 ; i++)
241               {
242                 aj = a[j*n+i];
243                 bj = b[j*n+i];
244                 ak = a[i*n+k];
245                 bk = b[i*n+k];
246                 a[j*n+i] = aj+cg*ak;
247                 b[j*n+i] = bj+cg*bk;
248                 a[i*n+k] = ak+ca*aj;
249                 b[i*n+k] = bk+ca*bj;
250               };
251           };
253           ak = a[k*n+k];
254           bk = b[k*n+k];
255           a[k*n+k] = ak+2.0*ca*a[j*n+k]+ca*ca*a[j*n+j];
256           b[k*n+k] = bk+2.0*ca*b[j*n+k]+ca*ca*b[j*n+j];
257           a[j*n+j] = a[j*n+j]+2.0*cg*a[j*n+k]+cg*cg*ak;
258           b[j*n+j] = b[j*n+j]+2.0*cg*b[j*n+k]+cg*cg*bk;
259           a[j*n+k] = 0.0;
260           b[j*n+k] = 0.0;
262 /************************************************************************
263           Update the eigenvector matrix after each rotation
264 *************************************************************************/
265           for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
266           {
267             xj = x[i*n+j];
268             xk = x[i*n+k];
269             x[i*n+j] = xj+cg*xk;
270             x[i*n+k] = xk+ca*xj;
271           };
272         };
273       };
274     };
275 /************************************************************************
276     Update the eigenvalues after each sweep
277 *************************************************************************/
278     for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
279     {
280       ii=i*n+i;
281       if (a[ii]<=0.0 || b[ii]<=0.0)
282       {
283          error( "*** Error  solution stop in *jacobi*\n Matrix not positive definite.");
284       };
285       eigv[i] = a[ii] / b[ii];
286     };
288 /************************************************************************
289     check for convergence
290 *************************************************************************/
291     convergence = 1;
292     for(i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
293     {
294       tol = rtol*d[i];
295       dif = abs(eigv[i]-d[i]);
296       if (dif > tol) convergence = 0;
297       if (! convergence) break;
298     };
299 /************************************************************************
300     check if all off-diag elements are satisfactorily small
301 *************************************************************************/
302     if (convergence)
303     {
304       eps=rtol*rtol;
305       for (j=0 ; j<nr ; j++)
306       {
307         jj=j+1;
308         for (k=jj ; k<n ; k++)
309         {
310           epsa = ( a[j*n+k]*a[j*n+k] / ( a[j*n+j]*a[k*n+k] ) );
311           epsb = ( b[j*n+k]*b[j*n+k] / ( b[j*n+j]*b[k*n+k] ) );
312           if ( epsa >= eps || epsb >=eps ) convergence = 0;
313           if (! convergence) break;
314         };
315         if (! convergence) break;
316       };
317     };
318     if (! convergence)
319     {
320       for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
321       d[i] = eigv[i];
322     };
323     if (convergence) break;
324   };
325 /************************************************************************
326   Fill out bottom triangle of resultant matrices and scale eigenvectors
327 *************************************************************************/
328   for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
329     for (j=i ; j<n ; j++)
330     {
331       b[j*n+i] = b[i*n+j];
332       a[j*n+i] = a[i*n+j];
333     };
335   for (j=0 ; j<n ; j++)
336   {
337     bb = sqrt( b[j*n+j] );
338     for (k=0 ; k<n ; k++)
339       x[k*n+j] /= bb;
340   };
341   PrintOut( "jacobi: nsweeps %d\n", nsweep );
342   return 1 ;
343 }