1 /*
2  *                This source code is part of
3  *
4  *                     E  R  K  A  L  E
5  *                             -
6  *                       HF/DFT from Hel
7  *
8  * Written by Susi Lehtola, 2010-2015
9  * Copyright (c) 2010-2015, Susi Lehtola
10  *
11  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  */
17 #include "../checkpoint.h"
18 #include "../mathf.h"
19 #include "../emd/emd_gto.h"
20 #include "../stringutil.h"
21 #include "../settings.h"
23 /// Absolute tolerance for normalization of basis functions
24 const double normtol=1e-10;
26 /// Absolute tolerance in total energy
27 const double Etol=1e-5;
28 /// Absolute tolerance for density matrix difference
29 const double dPtol=1e-6;
30 /// Absolute tolerance for orbital matrix difference
31 const double dCtol=1e-5;
32 /// Relative tolerance in orbital energies
33 const double dEtol=1e-5;
35 /// Tolerance for the number of electrons estimate
36 const double P0TOL=50.0;
37 /// Tolerance for the EMD error estimate
38 const double P2TOL=50.0;
39 /// Orbitals are deemed degenerate if the energy difference is less than
40 const double odegthr=1e-4;
42 // Check proper normalization of basis
check_norm(const BasisSet & bas)43 void check_norm(const BasisSet & bas) {
44   size_t Nbf=bas.get_Nbf();
45   arma::mat S=bas.overlap();
47   for(size_t i=0;i<Nbf;i++)
48     if(fabs(S(i,i)-1.0)>=normtol) {
49       std::ostringstream oss;
50       ERROR_INFO();
51       fflush(stdout);
52       oss << "Function " << i+1 << " is not normalized: norm is " << S(i,i) << "!.\n";
53       throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
54     }
55 }
fix_signs(arma::mat & C,const arma::mat & Cr,const arma::mat & S)57 void fix_signs(arma::mat & C, const arma::mat & Cr, const arma::mat & S) {
58   for(size_t io=0;io<Cr.n_cols;io++) {
59     // Get dot product
60     double dp=arma::as_scalar(arma::trans(C.col(io))*S*Cr.col(io));
61     // Invert sign?
62     if(dp<0.0)
63       C.col(io)*=-1.0;
64   }
65 }
C_diff(const arma::mat & Cr,const arma::mat & S,arma::mat & Cc,const arma::vec & E)67 double C_diff(const arma::mat & Cr, const arma::mat & S, arma::mat & Cc, const arma::vec & E) {
68   size_t io=0;
69   while(io<Cc.n_cols-1) {
70     // Check for degenerate orbitals
71     size_t jo=io;
72     while(jo+1 < Cc.n_cols && fabs(E(io)-E(jo+1))<odegthr)
73       jo++;
74     if(jo!=io) {
75       // Calculate projection of orbitals
76       arma::mat Op(arma::trans(Cc.cols(io,jo))*S*Cr.cols(io,jo));
77       // Rotate orbitals to match original ones
78       Cc.cols(io,jo)=Cc.cols(io,jo)*Op;
79     }
81     // Next orbital
82     io=jo+1;
83   }
85   // Get norm
86   return rms_norm(Cc-Cr);
87 }
E_diff(const arma::mat & Er,const arma::vec & Ec)89 double E_diff(const arma::mat & Er, const arma::vec & Ec) {
90   // Normalization vector
91   arma::vec Enorm(arma::abs(Er));
92   Enorm=arma::max(Enorm,arma::ones(Er.n_elem));
94   return arma::max(arma::abs((Er-Ec)/Enorm));
95 }
97 Settings settings;
main(int argc,char ** argv)99 int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
100   // Get reference directory
101   char * refdir=getenv("ERKALE_REFDIR");
102   if(!refdir)
103     throw std::runtime_error("Need to set reference directory!\n");
105   fprintf(stderr,"Reference directory is set to \"%s\".\n",refdir);
106   fflush(stderr);
108   if(argc != 2) {
109     std::ostringstream oss;
110     oss << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " chkpt\n";
111     throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
112   }
114   // Current file
115   std::string curfile(argv[1]);
116   if(!file_exists(curfile)) {
117     std::ostringstream oss;
118     oss << "Current checkpoint file \"" << curfile << "\" does not exist!\n";
119     throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
120   }
121   Checkpoint cur(curfile,false);
123   // Reference file
124   std::string reffile=std::string(refdir)+"/"+curfile;
125   if(!file_exists(reffile)) {
126     std::ostringstream oss;
127     oss << "Reference checkpoint file \"" << reffile << "\" does not exist!\n";
128     throw std::runtime_error(oss.str());
129   }
130   Checkpoint ref(reffile,false);
132   // Check consistency of run type
133   int rrestr, crestr;
134   ref.read("Restricted",rrestr);
135   cur.read("Restricted",crestr);
136   if(rrestr != crestr)
137     throw std::runtime_error("Run types don't match!\n");
139   // Basis sets
140   BasisSet bref, bcur;
141   ref.read(bref);
142   cur.read(bcur);
144   // Check that basis sets match
145   if( ! (bref == bcur) )
146     throw std::runtime_error("Basis sets don't match!\n");
148   // Check normalization of basis
149   check_norm(bref);
150   check_norm(bcur);
152   // Overlap matrix
153   arma::mat S(bcur.overlap());
155   if(rrestr) {
156     int Nelr, Nelc;
157     ref.read("Nel",Nelr);
158     cur.read("Nel",Nelc);
159     if(Nelr != Nelc) throw std::runtime_error("Amount of electrons doesn't match!\n");
161    // Total energies
162     energy_t Er, Ec;
163     ref.read(Er);
164     cur.read(Ec);
165     double dE=Ec.E-Er.E;
166     printf("Total energy difference %e\n",dE);
167     fflush(stdout);
168     if(fabs(dE) > Etol) throw std::runtime_error("Total energies don't match!\n");
170     // Densities
171     arma::cx_mat Pref, Pcur;
172     arma::mat Prefr, Prefi, Pcurr, Pcuri;
173     ref.read("P",Prefr);
174     if(ref.exist("P_im")) {
175       ref.read("P_im",Prefi);
176       Pref=Prefr*COMPLEX1 + Prefi*COMPLEXI;
177     } else
178       Pref=Prefr*COMPLEX1;
180     cur.read("P",Pcurr);
181     if(cur.exist("P_im")) {
182       cur.read("P_im",Pcuri);
183       Pcur=Pcurr*COMPLEX1 + Pcuri*COMPLEXI;
184     } else
185       Pcur=Pcurr*COMPLEX1;
187     // Check norm
188     double Nelnum=std::real(arma::trace(Pcur*S));
189     double dNel=Nelnum-Nelc;
190     printf("Electron count difference %e\n",dNel);
191     fflush(stdout);
192     if(fabs(dNel)>dPtol) throw std::runtime_error("Norm of density matrix is wrong.\n");
194     // Check difference
195     double dP=rms_cnorm(Pcur-Pref);
196     printf("Density matrix difference %e\n",dP);
197     if(dP>dPtol) throw std::runtime_error("Density matrices differ!\n");
199     // Orbitals
200     arma::mat Cref, Ccur;
201     ref.read("C",Cref);
202     cur.read("C",Ccur);
203     if(Cref.n_cols != Ccur.n_cols) throw std::runtime_error("Amount of orbitals doesn't match!\n");
205     // Fix orbital phase signs
206     fix_signs(Ccur,Cref,S);
208     // Orbital energies
209     arma::vec Eref, Ecur;
210     ref.read("E",Eref);
211     cur.read("E",Ecur);
213     // Calculate differences of nondegenerate orbitals
214     double dC=C_diff(Cref,S,Ccur,Ecur);
215     printf("Orbital matrix difference %e\n",dC);
216     fflush(stdout);
217     //    if(dC>dCtol) throw std::runtime_error("Orbital coefficients differ!\n");
219     // Orbital energy differences
220     double dEo=E_diff(Eref,Ecur);
221     printf("Orbital energy difference %e\n",dEo);
222     fflush(stdout);
223     if(dEo > dEtol) throw std::runtime_error("Orbital energies differ!\n");
225     // Check EMD
226     GaussianEMDEvaluator eval(bcur,Pcur);
227     EMD emd(&eval, &eval, Nelc, 0, 0);
228     emd.initial_fill(false);
229     emd.find_electrons(false);
230     emd.optimize_moments(false);
232     // Get moments
233     arma::mat mom=emd.moments();
235     // Compare <p^2> with T and <p^0> with tr(P*S)
236     double p0diff=mom(2,1)-std::real(arma::trace(Pcur*S));
237     double p0err=mom(2,2);
238     printf("<p^0> - N = % e, d<p^0> = %e\n",p0diff,p0err);
239     double p2diff=mom(4,1)-2.0*std::real(arma::trace(Pcur*bcur.kinetic()));
240     double p2err=mom(4,2);
241     printf("<p^2> - T = % e, d<p^2> = %e\n",p2diff,p2err);
242     fflush(stdout);
243     if(fabs(p0diff)>=P0TOL*p0err || fabs(p2diff)>P2TOL*p2err)
244       throw std::runtime_error("EMD failed.\n");
246   } else {
247     int Nelar, Nelbr, Nelr;
248     int Nelac, Nelbc, Nelc;
249     ref.read("Nel-a",Nelar);
250     ref.read("Nel-b",Nelbr);
251     ref.read("Nel",Nelr);
253     cur.read("Nel-a",Nelac);
254     cur.read("Nel-b",Nelbc);
255     cur.read("Nel",Nelc);
256     if(Nelar != Nelac || Nelbr != Nelbc || Nelr != Nelc)
257       throw std::runtime_error("Amount of electrons doesn't match!\n");
259     // Total energies
260     energy_t Er, Ec;
261     ref.read(Er);
262     cur.read(Ec);
263     double dE=Ec.E-Er.E;
264     printf("Total energy difference %e\n",dE);
265     fflush(stdout);
266     if(fabs(dE) > Etol) throw std::runtime_error("Total energies don't match!\n");
268     // Densities
269     arma::mat Paref, Pbref, Prefr, Prefi;
270     arma::mat Pacur, Pbcur, Pcurr, Pcuri;
271     arma::cx_mat Pcur, Pref;
272     ref.read("Pa",Paref);
273     ref.read("Pb",Pbref);
274     ref.read("P",Prefr);
275     if(ref.exist("P_im")) {
276       ref.read("P_im",Prefi);
277       Pref=Prefr*COMPLEX1 + Prefi*COMPLEXI;
278     } else
279       Pref=Prefr*COMPLEX1;
281     cur.read("Pa",Pacur);
282     cur.read("Pb",Pbcur);
283     cur.read("P",Pcurr);
284     if(cur.exist("P_im")) {
285       cur.read("P_im",Pcuri);
286       Pcur=Pcurr*COMPLEX1 + Pcuri*COMPLEXI;
287     } else
288       Pcur=Pcurr*COMPLEX1;
290     // Check norm
291     double Nelanum=arma::trace(Pacur*S);
292     double Nelbnum=arma::trace(Pbcur*S);
293     double Nelnum=std::real(arma::trace(Pcur*S));
295     // XRS calculation?
296     bool xrs, xrsspin;
297     std::string xrsmethod;
298     try {
299       cur.read("XRSMethod",xrsmethod);
300       cur.read("XRSSpin",xrsspin);
301       xrs=true;
302     } catch(std::runtime_error &) {
303       xrs=false;
304     }
306     // Alpha electron count error
307     double dNela;
308     if(xrs && stricmp(xrsmethod,"TP")==0  && !xrsspin)
309       dNela=Nelanum + 0.5 - Nelac;
310     else if(xrs && stricmp(xrsmethod,"FCH")==0 && !xrsspin)
311       dNela=Nelanum + 1.0 - Nelac;
312     else
313       dNela=Nelanum - Nelac;
314     printf("Alpha electron count difference %e\n",dNela);
315     fflush(stdout);
316     if(fabs(dNela)>dPtol) throw std::runtime_error("Norm of alpha density matrix is wrong.\n");
318     // Beta electron count error
319     double dNelb;
320     if(xrs && stricmp(xrsmethod,"TP")==0  && xrsspin)
321       dNelb=Nelbnum + 0.5 - Nelbc;
322     else if(xrs && stricmp(xrsmethod,"FCH")==0 && xrsspin)
323       dNelb=Nelbnum + 1.0 - Nelbc;
324     else
325       dNelb=Nelbnum - Nelbc;
326     printf("Beta  electron count difference %e\n",dNela);
327     fflush(stdout);
328     if(fabs(dNelb)>dPtol) throw std::runtime_error("Norm of beta  density matrix is wrong.\n");
330     double dNel;
331     if(xrs && stricmp(xrsmethod,"TP")==0)
332       dNel=Nelnum + 0.5 - Nelc;
333     else if(xrs && stricmp(xrsmethod,"FCH")==0)
334       dNel=Nelnum + 1.0 - Nelc;
335     else
336       dNel=Nelnum - Nelc;
337     printf("Total electron count difference %e\n",dNela);
338     fflush(stdout);
339     if(fabs(dNel)>dPtol)
340       throw std::runtime_error("Norm of total density matrix is wrong.\n");
342     // Check differences
343     double dPa=rms_norm(Pacur-Paref);
344     printf("Alpha density matrix difference %e\n",dPa);
345     fflush(stdout);
346     if(dPa>dPtol) throw std::runtime_error("Alpha density matrices differ!\n");
347     double dPb=rms_norm(Pbcur-Pbref);
348     printf("Beta  density matrix difference %e\n",dPb);
349     fflush(stdout);
350     if(dPb>dPtol) throw std::runtime_error("Density matrices differ!\n");
352     double dP=rms_cnorm(Pcur-Pref);
353     printf("Total density matrix difference %e\n",dP);
354     fflush(stdout);
355     if(dP >dPtol) throw std::runtime_error("Total density matrices differ!\n");
357     // Orbitals
358     arma::mat Caref, Cbref, Cacur, Cbcur;
359     ref.read("Ca",Caref);
360     ref.read("Cb",Cbref);
361     cur.read("Ca",Cacur);
362     cur.read("Cb",Cbcur);
364     if(Caref.n_cols != Cacur.n_cols)
365       throw std::runtime_error("Amount of alpha orbitals doesn't match!\n");
366     if(Cbref.n_cols != Cbcur.n_cols)
367       throw std::runtime_error("Amount of beta  orbitals doesn't match!\n");
369     // Fix orbital phase signs
370     fix_signs(Cacur,Caref,S);
371     fix_signs(Cbcur,Cbref,S);
373     // Orbital energies
374     arma::vec Earef, Ebref, Eacur, Ebcur;
375     ref.read("Ea",Earef);
376     ref.read("Eb",Ebref);
377     cur.read("Ea",Eacur);
378     cur.read("Eb",Ebcur);
380     // Check differences
381     double dCa=C_diff(Caref,S,Cacur,Eacur);
382     printf("Alpha orbital matrix difference %e\n",dCa);
383     // if(dCa>dCtol) throw std::runtime_error("Alpha orbital coefficients differ!\n");
384     double dCb=C_diff(Cbref,S,Cbcur,Ebcur);
385     printf("Beta  orbital matrix difference %e\n",dCb);
386     // if(dCb>dCtol) throw std::runtime_error("Beta  orbital coefficients differ!\n");
388     double dEoa=E_diff(Earef,Eacur);
389     printf("Alpha orbital energy difference %e\n",dEoa);
390     fflush(stdout);
391     if(dEoa > dEtol) throw std::runtime_error("Alpha orbital energies differ!\n");
392     double dEob=E_diff(Ebref,Ebcur);
393     printf("Beta  orbital energy difference %e\n",dEob);
394     fflush(stdout);
395     if(dEob > dEtol) throw std::runtime_error("Beta orbital energies differ!\n");
397     // Amount of electrons in density matrix
398     double Pnel(Nelc);
399     if(xrs) {
400       if(stricmp(xrsmethod,"FCH")==0)
401 	Pnel-=1.0;
402       else if(stricmp(xrsmethod,"TP")==0)
403 	Pnel-=0.5;
404     }
406     // Check EMD
407     GaussianEMDEvaluator eval(bcur,Pcur);
408     EMD emd(&eval, &eval, Pnel, 0, 0);
409     emd.initial_fill(false);
410     emd.find_electrons(false);
411     emd.optimize_moments(false);
412     // Get moments
413     arma::mat mom=emd.moments();
415     // Compare <p^2> with T and <p^0> with tr(P*S)
416     double p0diff=mom(2,1)-std::real(arma::trace(Pcur*S));
417     double p0err=mom(2,2);
418     printf("<p^0> - N = %e, d<p^0> = %e\n",p0diff,p0err);
419     double p2diff=mom(4,1)-2.0*std::real(arma::trace(Pcur*bcur.kinetic()));
420     double p2err=mom(4,2);
421     printf("<p^2> - T = %e, d<p^2> = %e\n",p2diff,p2err);
422     fflush(stdout);
423     if(fabs(p0diff)>=P0TOL*p0err || fabs(p2diff)>P2TOL*p2err)
424       throw std::runtime_error("EMD failed.\n");
425   }
426 }