1 /*
2  *                This source code is part of
3  *
4  *                     E  R  K  A  L  E
5  *                             -
6  *                       HF/DFT from Hel
7  *
8  * Written by Susi Lehtola, 2010-2011
9  * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Susi Lehtola
10  *
11  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  */
17 #include <cstdio>
18 #include "optimize_completeness.h"
19 #include "../basislibrary.h"
20 #include "../global.h"
21 #include "../settings.h"
23 #ifdef _OPENMP
24 #include <omp.h>
25 #endif
27 #ifdef SVNRELEASE
28 #include "../version.h"
29 #endif
31 Settings settings;
main_guarded(int argc,char ** argv)33 int main_guarded(int argc, char **argv) {
34 #ifdef _OPENMP
35   printf("ERKALE - Completeness optimization from Hel. OpenMP version, running on %i cores.\n",omp_get_max_threads());
36 #else
37   printf("ERKALE - Completeness optimization from Hel. Serial version.\n");
38 #endif
39   print_copyright();
40   print_license();
41 #ifdef SVNRELEASE
42   printf("At svn revision %s.\n\n",SVNREVISION);
43 #endif
44   print_hostname();
46   settings.add_int("am","angular momentum of shell to optimize for",0);
47   settings.add_int("n","moment to optimize for: 1 for maximal area, 2 for minimal rms deviation",1);
48   settings.add_double("min","lower limit of exponent range in log10",-2,true);
49   settings.add_double("max","upper limit of exponent range in log10",6,true);
50   settings.add_double("tol","Optimize and add functions until tolerance is achieved",0.0);
51   settings.add_int("nfunc","Fixed number of functions to optimize",0);
52   settings.add_int("nfull","Number of functions at each side to fully optimize",4);
53   settings.add_bool("coulomb","Use Coulomb metric? (Use only for RI basis sets)",false);
54   settings.add_double("LinDepThresh","Basis set linear dependence threshold",1e-5);
55   settings.add_string("Output","Output file to use","optimized.gbs");
57   if(argc!=2) {
58     settings.print();
59     printf("Usage: %s runfile\n",argv[0]);
60     return 1;
61   }
62   settings.parse(std::string(argv[1]),true);
63   settings.print();
65   // Get parameters
66   int am=settings.get_int("am");
67   int n=settings.get_int("n");
68   double min=settings.get_double("min");
69   double max=settings.get_double("max");
71   // Form optimized set of primitives
72   arma::vec exps;
74   // Did we get a tolerance, or a number of functions?
75   double tol=settings.get_double("tol");
76   int nfunc=settings.get_int("nfunc");
77   int nfull=settings.get_int("nfull");
78   bool coulomb=settings.get_bool("coulomb");
79   // The Coulomb metric is equivalent to the normal metric with am-1
80   if(coulomb)
81     am--;
83   double tau;
85   if(tol != 0.0 && nfunc != 0)
86     throw std::logic_error("Can't specify both wanted tolerance and number of functions!\n");
87   if(tol == 0.0 && nfunc == 0)
88     throw std::logic_error("Neither wanted tolerance or number of functions was given!\n");
90   if(tol!=0.0) {
91     exps=get_exponents(am,min,max,tol,n,true,nfull);
92   } else {
93     // Number of functions given.
94     exps=optimize_completeness(am,min,max,nfunc,n,true,&tau,nfull);
95   }
97   // Sort into ascending order
98   std::sort(exps.begin(),exps.end());
100   // Return the original value if Coulomb metric was used
101   if(coulomb)
102     am++;
104   // Create a basis set out of it. Print exponents in descending order
105   ElementBasisSet el("El");
106   for(size_t i=exps.size()-1;i<exps.size();i--) {
107     // Create shell of functions
108     FunctionShell tmp(am);
109     tmp.add_exponent(1.0,exps[i]);
110     // and add it to the basis set
111     el.add_function(tmp);
112   }
114   BasisSetLibrary baslib;
115   baslib.add_element(el);
116   baslib.save_gaussian94(settings.get_string("Output"));
118   printf("\nCompleteness-optimized basis set saved to %s.\n",settings.get_string("Output").c_str());
120   return 0;
121 }
main(int argc,char ** argv)123 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
124   try {
125     return main_guarded(argc, argv);
126   } catch (const std::exception &e) {
127     std::cerr << "error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
128     return 1;
129   }
130 }