1 /*
2  *                This source code is part of
3  *
4  *                     E  R  K  A  L  E
5  *                             -
6  *                       DFT from Hel
7  *
8  * Written by Susi Lehtola, 2010-2011
9  * Copyright (c) 2010-2011, Susi Lehtola
10  *
11  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
13  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
14  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  */
17 #include "emdcube.h"
18 #include "gto_fourier.h"
19 #include "../basis.h"
21 #ifdef _OPENMP
22 #include <omp.h>
23 #endif
emd_cube(const BasisSet & bas,const arma::cx_mat & P,const std::vector<double> & px_arr,const std::vector<double> & py_arr,const std::vector<double> & pz_arr)25 void emd_cube(const BasisSet & bas, const arma::cx_mat & P, const std::vector<double> & px_arr, const std::vector<double> & py_arr, const std::vector<double> & pz_arr) {
26   // Get expansions of functions
27   std::vector< std::vector<size_t> > idents;
28   std::vector< std::vector<GTO_Fourier> > fourier=fourier_expand(bas,idents);
30   // Open output file.
31   FILE *out=fopen("emdcube.dat","w");
33   // Compute the norm (assumes evenly spaced grid!)
34   double norm=0.0;
36   // Compute the momentum densities in batches, allowing
37   // parallellization.
38 #ifdef _OPENMP
39   // The number of points per batch
40   const size_t Nbatch_p=100*omp_get_max_threads();
41 #else
42   const size_t Nbatch_p=100;
43 #endif
45   // The total number of point is
46   const size_t N=px_arr.size()*py_arr.size()*pz_arr.size();
47   // The necessary amount of batches is
48   size_t Nbatch=N/Nbatch_p;
49   if(N%Nbatch_p!=0)
50     Nbatch++;
52   // The values of momentum in the batch
53   coords_t p[Nbatch_p];
54   // The values of EMD in the batch
55   double emd[Nbatch_p];
57   // Number of points to compute in the batch
58   size_t np;
59   // Total number of points computed
60   size_t ntot=0;
61   // Indices of x, y and z
62   size_t xind=0, yind=0, zind=0;
64   // Loop over batches.
65   for(size_t ib=0;ib<Nbatch;ib++) {
66     // Zero amount of points in current batch.
67     np=0;
69     // Form list of points to compute.
70     while(np<Nbatch_p && ntot+np<N) {
71       p[np].x=px_arr[xind];
72       p[np].y=py_arr[yind];
73       p[np].z=pz_arr[zind];
75       // Increment number of points
76       np++;
78       // Determine next point.
79       if(zind+1<pz_arr.size())
80 	zind++;
81       else {
82 	zind=0;
84 	if(yind+1<py_arr.size())
85 	  yind++;
86 	else {
87 	  yind=0;
88 	  xind++;
89 	}
90       }
91     }
93     // Begin parallel section
94 #ifdef _OPENMP
95 #pragma omp parallel
96 #endif
97     {
99 #ifdef _OPENMP
100 #pragma omp for
101 #endif
102       // Loop over the points in the batch
103       for(size_t ip=0;ip<np;ip++)
104 	// Evaluate EMD
105 	emd[ip]=eval_emd(bas,P,fourier,idents,p[ip].x,p[ip].y,p[ip].z);
106     } // end parallel region
108     // Save computed value of EMD and increment norm
109     for(size_t ip=0;ip<np;ip++) {
110       fprintf(out,"%e\t%e\t%e\t%e\n",p[ip].x,p[ip].y,p[ip].z,emd[ip]);
111       norm+=emd[ip];
112     }
114     // Increment number of computed points
115     ntot+=np;
116   }
117   // Close output file.
118   fclose(out);
120   // Plug in the spacing in the integral
121   double dx=(px_arr[px_arr.size()-1]-px_arr[0])/px_arr.size();
122   double dy=(py_arr[py_arr.size()-1]-py_arr[0])/py_arr.size();
123   double dz=(pz_arr[pz_arr.size()-1]-pz_arr[0])/pz_arr.size();
124   norm*=dx*dy*dz;
126   // Print norm
127   printf("The norm of the EMD on the cube is %e.\n",norm);
128 }