1 /*
2 Copyright (c) 1992 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
3 All rights reserved.
5 This Agreement gives you, the LICENSEE, certain rights and obligations.
6 By using the software, you indicate that you have read, understood, and
7 will comply with the terms.
9 Permission to use, copy and modify for internal, noncommercial purposes
10 is hereby granted.  Any distribution of this program or any part thereof
11 is strictly prohibited without prior written consent of M.I.T.
13 Title to copyright to this software and to any associated documentation
14 shall at all times remain with M.I.T. and LICENSEE agrees to preserve
15 same.  LICENSEE agrees not to make any copies except for LICENSEE'S
16 internal noncommercial use, or to use separately any portion of this
17 software without prior written consent of M.I.T.  LICENSEE agrees to
18 place the appropriate copyright notice on any such copies.
20 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as conferring rights to use
21 in advertising, publicity or otherwise any trademark or the name of
22 "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" or "M.I.T."
25 way of example, but not limitation, M.I.T. MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR
29 M.I.T. shall not be held liable for any liability nor for any direct,
30 indirect or consequential damages with respect to any claim by LICENSEE
31 or any third party on account of or arising from this Agreement or use
32 of this software.
33 */
35 /* S. R. Whiteley (stevew@srware.com) adapted this code for
36  * superconductors 6/29/96.  These modifications are active
37  * when the preprocessor variable SUPERCON is defined.
38  */
40 /* # ***** sort to /src/header
41    # ***** */
43 /* for NWS-3860 compatability */
44 #ifdef NEWS
45 /*
46 ** Memory management functions (from stdlib.h (recursive incl => unusable))
47 */
48 extern char *   calloc();
49 extern char *   malloc();
50 extern char *   realloc();
51 #else
52 #include <stdlib.h>
53 #endif /* end if NEWS */
54 #include <stdio.h>
55 #include <math.h>
56 #include <unistd.h>
58 /* fastcap data structures */
59 #include "mulStruct.h"
61 /* execution time macros */
62 #include "resusage.h"
64 /* time variables/structs */
65 #ifndef _TIME_                  /* if not on a Sun4 */
66 #ifndef NEWS                    /* if not on a NWS-38XX */
67 #include <time.h>
68 #endif
69 #endif
71 #define VERSION 3.0
73 /***********************************************************************
74   macros for allocation with checks for NULL pntrs and 0 byte requests
75   - also keep an allocated memory count
76   - CALLOC() is used when the memory must be zeroed
77     its core should be either calloc() or ualloc() (not as fast but
78     more space efficient, no free list - uses sbrk() and never frees)
79   - MALLOC() used when memory can be anything
80     core should be malloc() or ualloc()
81 ***********************************************************************/
82 /* #define CALCORE(NUM, TYPE) calloc((unsigned)(NUM),sizeof(TYPE)) */
83 #define CALCORE(NUM, TYPE) ualloc((unsigned)(NUM)*sizeof(TYPE))
84 /* #define MALCORE malloc */
85 #define MALCORE ualloc
87 /* declare ualloc */
88 extern char *ualloc();
90 /* counts of memory usage by multipole matrix type */
91 extern long memcount;
92 extern long memQ2M;
93 extern long memQ2L;
94 extern long memQ2P;
95 extern long memL2L;
96 extern long memM2M;
97 extern long memM2L;
98 extern long memM2P;
99 extern long memL2P;
100 extern long memQ2PD;
101 extern long memMSC;
102 extern long memIND;
104 #ifdef MATTDEBUG
105 extern long membins[1001];
106 #endif
108 /* types of memory usage by multipole matrix type */
109 #define AQ2M 0
110 #define AQ2L 1
111 #define AQ2P 2
112 #define AL2L 3
113 #define AM2M 4
114 #define AM2L 5
115 #define AM2P 6
116 #define AL2P 7
117 #define AQ2PD 8
118 #define AMSC 9
119 #define IND 10
121 #ifdef NO_SBRK
122 #define sbrk(x) 0L
123 #endif
125 #define DUMPALLOCSIZ                                                   \
126 {                                                                      \
127   (void)fprintf(stderr,                                                \
128 		"Total Memory Allocated: %ld kilobytes (brk = 0x%lx)\n", \
129 		memcount/1024, (long)sbrk(0));			       \
130 /* # ***** awked out for release */                                    \
131   (void)fprintf(stderr, " Q2M  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
132 		memQ2M/1024);                                          \
133   memcount = memQ2M;                                                   \
134   (void)fprintf(stderr, " Q2L  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
135 		memQ2L/1024);                                          \
136   memcount += memQ2L;                                                  \
137   (void)fprintf(stderr, " Q2P  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
138 		memQ2P/1024);                                          \
139   memcount += memQ2P;                                                  \
140   (void)fprintf(stderr, " L2L  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
141 		memL2L/1024);                                          \
142   memcount += memL2L;                                                  \
143   (void)fprintf(stderr, " M2M  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
144 		memM2M/1024);                                          \
145   memcount += memM2M;                                                  \
146   (void)fprintf(stderr, " M2L  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
147 		memM2L/1024);                                          \
148   memcount += memM2L;                                                  \
149   (void)fprintf(stderr, " M2P  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
150 		memM2P/1024);                                          \
151   memcount += memM2P;                                                  \
152   (void)fprintf(stderr, " L2P  matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
153 		memL2P/1024);                                          \
154   memcount += memL2P;                                                  \
155   (void)fprintf(stderr, " Q2PD matrix memory allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
156 		memQ2PD/1024);                                          \
157   memcount += memQ2PD;                                                  \
158   (void)fprintf(stderr, " Miscellaneous mem. allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
159 		memMSC/1024);                                          \
160   memcount += memMSC;                                                  \
161   (void)fprintf(stderr, " Inductance mem. allocated: %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
162 		memIND/1024);                                          \
163   memcount += memMSC;                                                  \
164   (void)fprintf(stderr, " Total memory (check w/above): %7.ld kilobytes\n",\
165 		memcount/1024);                                        \
166 /* # ***** awked out for release */                                    \
167 }
169 #define CALLOC(PNTR, NUM, TYPE, FLAG, MTYP)                                 \
170 {                                                                           \
171      if((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE)==0)                                              \
172        (void)fprintf(stderr,                                                \
173 		     "zero element request in file `%s' at line %d\n",      \
174 		     __FILE__, __LINE__);	                            \
175      else if(((PNTR)=(TYPE*)CALCORE(NUM, TYPE))==NULL) {                    \
176        (void)fprintf(stderr,                                                \
177 	 "\nfastcap: out of memory in file `%s' at line %d\n",              \
178 	       __FILE__, __LINE__);                                         \
179        (void)fprintf(stderr, " (NULL pointer on %ld byte request)\n",       \
180 		     (NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                                   \
181        DUMPALLOCSIZ;                                                        \
182        DUMPRSS;                                                             \
183        (void)fflush(stderr);                                                \
184        (void)fflush(stdout);                                                \
185        if(FLAG == ON) exit(1);                                              \
186      }                                                                      \
187      else {                                                                 \
188        memcount += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                                    \
189        if(MTYP == AQ2M) memQ2M += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                     \
190        else if(MTYP == AQ2L) memQ2L += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
191        else if(MTYP == AQ2P) memQ2P += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
192        else if(MTYP == AL2L) memL2L += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
193        else if(MTYP == AM2M) memM2M += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
194        else if(MTYP == AM2L) memM2L += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
195        else if(MTYP == AM2P) memM2P += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
196        else if(MTYP == AL2P) memL2P += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
197        else if(MTYP == AQ2PD) memQ2PD += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));              \
198        else if(MTYP == AMSC) memMSC += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
199        else if(MTYP == IND) memIND += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                 \
200        else {                                                               \
201          (void)fprintf(stderr, "CALLOC: unknown memory type %d\n", MTYP);   \
202          exit(1);                                                           \
203        }                                                                    \
204      /*if ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE) >= 10000)                                     \
205          membins[1000] += 1;                                                \
206        else                                                                 \
207          membins[(NUM)*sizeof(TYPE)/10] += 1;   */                          \
208      }                                                                      \
209 }
211 #define MALLOC(PNTR, NUM, TYPE, FLAG, MTYP)                                 \
212 {                                                                           \
213      if((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE)==0)			                            \
214        (void)fprintf(stderr,                                                \
215 		     "zero element request in file `%s' at line %d\n",      \
216 		     __FILE__, __LINE__);	                            \
217      else if(((PNTR)=(TYPE*)MALCORE((unsigned)((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE))))==NULL) { \
218        (void)fprintf(stderr,                                                \
219 	 "\nfastcap: out of memory in file `%s' at line %d\n",             \
220 	       __FILE__, __LINE__);                                         \
221        (void)fprintf(stderr, " (NULL pointer on %ld byte request)\n",        \
222 		     (NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                                   \
223        DUMPALLOCSIZ;                                                        \
224        DUMPRSS;                                                             \
225        (void)fflush(stderr);                                                \
226        (void)fflush(stdout);                                                \
227        if(FLAG == ON) exit(1);                                              \
228      }                                                                      \
229      else {                                                                 \
230        memcount += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                                    \
231        if(MTYP == AQ2M) memQ2M += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                     \
232        else if(MTYP == AQ2L) memQ2L += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
233        else if(MTYP == AQ2P) memQ2P += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
234        else if(MTYP == AL2L) memL2L += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
235        else if(MTYP == AM2M) memM2M += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
236        else if(MTYP == AM2L) memM2L += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
237        else if(MTYP == AM2P) memM2P += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
238        else if(MTYP == AL2P) memL2P += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
239        else if(MTYP == AQ2PD) memQ2PD += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));              \
240        else if(MTYP == AMSC) memMSC += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                \
241        else if(MTYP == IND) memIND += ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE));                 \
242        else {                                                               \
243          (void)fprintf(stderr, "MALLOC: unknown memory type %d\n", MTYP);   \
244          exit(1);                                                           \
245        }                                                                    \
246      /*if ((NUM)*sizeof(TYPE) >= 10000)                                     \
247          membins[1000] += 1;                                                \
248        else                                                                 \
249          membins[(NUM)*sizeof(TYPE)/10] += 1; */                            \
250      }                                                                      \
251 }
253 /*****************************************************************************
255 misc. global macros
257 *****************************************************************************/
258 #define NOT !
259 #define  ABORT()						      \
260 {   (void)fflush(stdout);					      \
261     (void)fprintf(stderr, "FastCap: panic in file `%s' at line %d.\n",\
262 	    __FILE__, __LINE__);				      \
263     (void)fflush(stderr);					      \
264     abort();							      \
265 }
267 #define ASSERT(condition) if(NOT(condition)) ABORT()
269 #define INNER(pap,p,ap,size) for(pap=0.0,i=1; i<=size; i++) pap += p[i]*ap[i];
271 #ifndef MAX
272 #define MAX(A,B)  ( (A) > (B) ? (A) : (B) )
273 #endif
275 #ifndef MIN
276 #define MIN(A,B)  ( (A) > (B) ? (B) : (A) )
277 #endif
279 #define ABS(A) ( ( (A) > 0 ) ? (A) : (-(A)) )
281 #define VCOPY(A, B) A[0] = B[0]; A[1] = B[1]; A[2] = B[2];
283 #define TRUE 1
284 #define FALSE 0
286 #define ON 1
287 #define OFF 0
289 #define LAST 2
290 #define ALL 2
292 #ifndef M_PI
293 /* pi constant included here since won't be in ANSI C */
294 #define M_PI       3.1415926535897931160E0  /*Hex  2^ 1 * 1.921FB54442D18 */
295 #endif
297 #define E_0 8.854187818E-12	/* epsilon0 +- .000000071E-12 F/m */
298 #define FPIEPS 4.0*M_PI*E_0	/* 4 pi times the dielectric permittivity,
299 				   free-space permittivity is the default,
300 				   units are F/m - all dimensions in meters */
302 /* flags in chkList() in mulDisplay.c (chks direct, local or eval cube lsts) */
303 #define DIRECT 0
304 #define LOCAL 1
305 #define EVAL 3
307 /* types of surfaces */
308 #define CONDTR 0		/* conductor surfaces */
309 #define DIELEC 1		/* dielectric interface surface */
310 #define BOTH 3			/* dielectric i/f w/very thin cond on it */
312 /* used in input routines */
313 #define MAXCON 10000		/* assumes never more conductors than this */
315 /* used in ps file dump */
316 #define OPEN 0			/* open ps file, print hdr, ignore row/col */
317 #define CLOSE 1			/* print trailer, close ps file */
318 #define UPDATE 2		/* => add 2 dots for this row and col */
320 /* divided difference distances, see electric.c */
321 #define HPOS (1e-6*cur_panel->max_diag) /* h in positive normal dir */
322 #define HNEG HPOS		/* h for divided difference in neg nrml dir */
324 /* level set mode, see placeq, mulSetup.c and input.c */
325 #define ONELES 2		/* => auto set levs to 1 up fr fully exact */
327 /* expansion moment index generating macros (see mulMulti.c, mulLocal.c) */
328 #define CINDEX(N, M) ( (M) + ((N)*((N)+1))/2 )
329 #define SINDEX(N, M, CTERMS) ( (CTERMS) + (M) + ((N)*((N)+1))/2 - ((N)+1) )
331 /* used in get_kill_num_list and routines it calls */
332 #define NOTUNI -1
333 #define NOTFND -2
335 /***********************************************************************
337   configuration and debug flags
339 ***********************************************************************/
341 /* types of downward/eval passes */
342 #define NOLOCL 0	       	/* multipoles evaluated directly - no locals */
343 #define NOSHFT 1		/* multis to locals w/o local2local shifts */
344 #define GRENGD 3		/* full Greengard downward pass/eval */
346 /* types of iterative methods (values of ITRTYP below) */
347 #define GCR 0			/* GCR with single (not block) vector iters */
348 #define GMRES 1                 /* GMRES with vector iterates */
350 /* types of finite elements (NOTE: only const. chg den. panels implemented) */
351 #define CONST 0			/* constant charge density on panels */
352 #define AFFINE 1
353 #define QUADRA 2
355 /* types of weighted residuals methods (NOTE: only collocation implemented) */
356 #define COLLOC 0		/* point collocation */
357 #define SUBDOM 1		/* subdomain collocation */
358 #define GALKIN 2		/* Galerkin */
360 /* types of preconditioners. */
361 #define NONE 0
362 #define BD 1                    /* Block diagonal (not set up for dielecs). */
363 #define OL 2                    /* OverLap */
365 /* Discretization Configuration */
366 #define WRMETH COLLOC		/* weighted res meth type (COLLOC only now) */
367 #define ELTYPE CONST		/* finite element type (CONST only now) */
368 /* Multipole Configuration */
369 #define DNTYPE GRENGD		/* type of downward/eval pass - see above */
370 #define MULTI ON		/* ON=> add in multipole contribution to P*q */
371 #define RADINTER ON	        /* ON=> Parent level multis in interlist. */
372 #define NNBRS 2			/* Distance to consider a nearest nbr. */
373 #define ADAPT ON		/* ON=> use adaptive algorithm */
374 #define OPCNT OFF		/* Counts the Matrix-Vector multiply ops. */
375 #define DEFORD 2		/* default expansion order */
376 #define MAXORDER 6		/* Maximum expansion order (sets ary sizes) */
377 #define MAXDEP 20		/* maximum partitioning depth */
378 #define NUMDPT 2		/* num pnts for ea dielec panel (2 or 3) */
379 #define SKIPQD OFF		/* ON => skip dielec panel chg in E eval */
380 /* Linear System Solution Configuration */
381 #define ITRTYP GMRES		/* type of iterative method */
382 #define PRECOND NONE		/* NONE=> no preconditioner OL=> use prec. */
383 #define DIRSOL OFF		/* ON=> solve Pq=psi by Gaussian elim. */
384 #define EXPGCR OFF		/* ON=> do explicit full P*q products */
385 #define ABSTOL 0.01		/* iterations until ||res||inf < ABSTOL */
386 #define MAXITER size		/* max num iterations ('size' => # panels) */
387 #define EXRTSH 0.9		/* exact/ttl>EXRTSH for lev => make last lev */
388 #define SUPERCON ON     /* handle superconductive conductors */
389 /* (add any new configuration flags to dumpConfig() in mulDisplay.c) */
391 /* Output Format Configuration */
392 #define MKSDAT ON		/* ON=> dump symmetrized, MKS units cap mat */
393 #define CMDDAT ON		/* ON=> dump command line info to output */
394 #define RAWDAT OFF		/* ON=> dump unsymm, Gaussian units cap mat */
395 #define ITRDAT OFF		/* ON=> dump residuals for every iteration */
396 #define TIMDAT ON		/* ON=> dump time and memory usage numbers */
397 #define CFGDAT OFF		/* ON=> dump configuration flags to output */
398 #define MULDAT OFF		/* ON=> dump brief multipole setup info */
399 #define DISSYN OFF		/* ON=> display synopsis of cubes in lists */
400 #define DMTCNT OFF		/* ON=> display xform matrix counts by level */
401 #define DISSRF OFF		/* ON=> display input surface information */
402 #define NAMDAT OFF		/* ON=> dump conductor names */
403 #define CAPVEW ON		/* ON=> enable ps file dumps of geometry */
405 /* display of transformation matrices */
406 #define DISQ2M OFF		/* ON=> display Q2M matrices when built */
407 #define DISM2M OFF		/* ON=> display M2M matrices when built */
408 #define DISM2P OFF		/* ON=> display M2P matrices when built */
409 #define DISL2P OFF		/* ON=> display L2P matrices when built */
410 #define DISQ2P OFF		/* ON=> display Q2P matrices when built */
411 #define DSQ2PD OFF		/* ON=> display Q2PDiag matrices > build */
412 #define DISQ2L OFF		/* ON=> display Q2L matrices when built */
413 #define DISM2L OFF		/* ON=> display M2L matrices when built */
414 #define DISL2L OFF		/* ON=> display L2L matrices when built */
415 #define DALQ2M OFF		/* ON=> display all Q2M matrix build steps */
416 #define DALM2P OFF		/* ON=> display all M2P matrix build steps */
417 #define DALL2P OFF		/* ON=> display all L2P matrix build steps */
418 #define DALQ2L OFF		/* ON=> display all Q2L matrix build steps */
419 /* display of other intermediate results */
420 #define DUPVEC OFF		/* ON=> display lev 1 upward pass vectors */
421 #define DISFAC OFF		/* ON=> display factorial fractions in M2L */
422 #define DPSYSD OFF		/* ON=> display system after direct build */
423 #define DILIST OFF		/* ON=> display interaction lists */
424 #define DMPELE OFF		/* ON=> display electric flux densities */
425 #define DMPCHG OFF		/* ON=> display all charge vector iterates
426 				   LAST=> display final charge vector */
427 /* misc debug */
428 #define CKDLST OFF		/* ON=> check direct list, prnt msg if bad */
429 #define DMPREC OFF		/* ON=> dump P and Ctil to matlab file */
430 #define CKCLST OFF      	/* ON=> check charge list, prnt msg if bad */
431 #define DUMPPS OFF		/* ON=> dump ps file w/mulMatDirect calcp's
432 				   ALL=> dump adaptive alg calcp's as well */
433 #define DPCOMP OFF		/* ON=> dump prec pts before&aft compression */
434 #define DPDDIF OFF		/* ON=> dump divided difference components */
435 #define CHKDUM OFF		/* ON=> print msg if dummy list inconsistent */
436 #define JACDBG OFF		/* ON=> print random Jacob debug messages */
437 /* blkDirect.c related flags - used only when DIRSOL == ON || EXPGCR == ON */
438 #define MAXSIZ 0		/* any more tiles than this uses matrix on disk
439 				   for DIRSOL == ON or EXPGCR == ON */