2! Copyright (c) 2019 FrontISTR Commons
3! This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE.txt
5!> \brief  Eight-node hexagonal element with imcompatible mode
6!> \see R.L.Taylor,P.J.Bereford, and E.L.Wilson, "A Nonconforming element
7!>  for Stress Analysis", Intl. J. Numer. Methods Engng, 10(6), pp1211-1219
8!>  ,1976
9module m_static_LIB_3dIC
11  use hecmw, only : kint, kreal
12  use m_utilities
13  use elementInfo
15  implicit none
20  !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
21  subroutine STF_C3D8IC &
22      (etype, nn, ecoord, gausses, stiff, cdsys_ID, coords, &
23      time, tincr, u, aux, temperature)
24    !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
26    use mMechGauss
27    use m_MatMatrix
28    use m_common_struct
29    use m_static_LIB_3d, only: GEOMAT_C3
31    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
33    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)  :: etype                !< element type, not used here
34    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)  :: nn                   !< number of elements nodes
35    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: ecoord(3, nn)        !< nodal coord of curr element
36    type(tGaussStatus), intent(in)  :: gausses(:)           !< Info of qudrature points
37    real(kind=kreal), intent(out)   :: stiff(:, :)          !< stiffness matrix
38    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)  :: cdsys_ID
39    real(kind=kreal), intent(inout) :: coords(3, 3)         !< variables to define matreial coordinate system
40    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: time                 !< current time
41    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)    :: tincr                !< time increment
42    real(kind=kreal), intent(in), optional :: u(3, nn)      !< nodal displacemwent
43    real(kind=kreal), intent(in), optional :: aux(3, 3)     !< enhanced disp of bending mode
44    real(kind=kreal), intent(in), optional :: temperature(nn) !< temperature
46    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
48    integer(kind=kint) :: flag
49    integer(kind=kint), parameter :: ndof = 3
50    real(kind=kreal) :: D(6, 6), B(6, ndof*(nn+3)), DB(6, ndof*(nn+3))
51    real(kind=kreal) :: gderiv(nn+3, 3), stress(6)
52    real(kind=kreal) :: xj(9, 9), jacobian(3, 3), inverse(3, 3)
53    real(kind=kreal) :: tmpstiff((nn+3)*3, (nn+3)*3), tmpk(nn*3, 9)
54    real(kind=kreal) :: det, wg, elem(3, nn), mat(6, 6)
55    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, LX
56    integer(kind=kint) :: serr
57    real(kind=kreal) :: naturalCoord(3), unode(3, nn+3)
58    real(kind=kreal) :: gdispderiv(3, 3), coordsys(3, 3)
59    real(kind=kreal) :: B1(6, ndof*(nn+3))
60    real(kind=kreal) :: Smat(9, 9)
61    real(kind=kreal) :: BN(9, ndof*(nn+3)), SBN(9, ndof*(nn+3))
62    real(kind=kreal) :: spfunc(nn), temp
64    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
66    if( present(u) .AND. present(aux) ) then
67      unode(:, 1:nn)      = u(:, :)
68      unode(:, nn+1:nn+3) = aux(:, :)
69    end if
71    ! we suppose the same material type in the element
72    flag = gausses(1)%pMaterial%nlgeom_flag
73    if( .not. present(u) ) flag = INFINITESIMAL    ! enforce to infinitesimal deformation analysis
74    elem(:, :) = ecoord(:, :)
75    if( flag == UPDATELAG ) elem(:, :) = ecoord(:, :)+unode(:, 1:nn)
77    ! --- Inverse of Jacobian at elemental center
78    naturalcoord(:) = 0.0D0
79    call getJacobian(etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem, det, jacobian, inverse)
80    inverse(:, :)= inverse(:, :)*det
81    ! ---- We now calculate stiff matrix include imcompatible mode
82    !    [   Kdd   Kda ]
83    !    [   Kad   Kaa ]
84    tmpstiff(:, :) = 0.0D0
85    B1(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = 0.0D0
86    BN(1:9, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = 0.0D0
88    do LX = 1, NumOfQuadPoints(etype)
90      call getQuadPoint(etype, LX, naturalCoord)
91      call getGlobalDeriv( etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem, det, gderiv(1:nn, 1:3) )
93      if( cdsys_ID > 0 ) then
94        call set_localcoordsys( coords, g_LocalCoordSys(cdsys_ID), coordsys(:, :), serr )
95        if( serr == -1 ) stop "Fail to setup local coordinate"
96        if( serr == -2 ) then
97          write(*, *) "WARNING! Cannot setup local coordinate, it is modified automatically"
98        end if
99      end if
101      if( present(temperature) ) then
102        call getShapeFunc( etype, naturalcoord, spfunc )
103        temp = dot_product( temperature, spfunc )
104        call MatlMatrix( gausses(LX), D3, D, time, tincr, coordsys, temp )
105      else
106        call MatlMatrix( gausses(LX), D3, D, time, tincr, coordsys )
107      end if
109      if( flag == UPDATELAG ) then
110        call GEOMAT_C3( gausses(LX)%stress, mat )
111        D(:, :) = D(:, :)-mat
112      endif
114      ! -- Derivative of shape function of imcompatible mode --
115      !     [ -2*a   0,   0   ]
116      !     [   0,  -2*b, 0   ]
117      !     [   0,   0,  -2*c ]
118      ! we don't call getShapeDeriv but use above value directly for computation efficiency
119      gderiv(nn+1, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(1)*inverse(1, :)/det
120      gderiv(nn+2, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(2)*inverse(2, :)/det
121      gderiv(nn+3, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(3)*inverse(3, :)/det
123      wg = getWeight(etype, LX)*det
124      B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof)=0.0D0
125      do j = 1, nn+3
126        B(1, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 1)
127        B(2, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 2)
128        B(3, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 3)
129        B(4, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 2)
130        B(4, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 1)
131        B(5, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 3)
132        B(5, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 2)
133        B(6, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 3)
134        B(6, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 1)
135      end do
137      ! calculate the BL1 matrix ( TOTAL LAGRANGE METHOD )
138      if( flag == TOTALLAG ) then
139        ! ---dudx(i,j) ==> gdispderiv(i,j)
140        gdispderiv(1:ndof,1:ndof) = matmul( unode(1:ndof, 1:nn+3), gderiv(1:nn+3, 1:ndof) )
141        do j = 1, nn+3
143          B1(1, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
144          B1(1, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
145          B1(1, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
146          B1(2, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
147          B1(2, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
148          B1(2, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
149          B1(3, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
150          B1(3, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
151          B1(3, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
152          B1(4, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
153          B1(4, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
154          B1(4, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
155          B1(5, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
156          B1(5, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
157          B1(5, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
158          B1(6, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
159          B1(6, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
160          B1(6, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
162        end do
163        ! ---BL = BL0 + BL1
164        do j = 1, (nn+3)*ndof
165          B(:, j) = B(:, j)+B1(:, j)
166        end do
168      end if
170      DB(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = matmul( D, B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) )
171      forall( i=1:(nn+3)*ndof, j=1:(nn+3)*ndof )
172        tmpstiff(i, j) = tmpstiff(i, j)+dot_product( B(:, i), DB(:, j) )*wg
173      end forall
175      ! calculate the stress matrix ( TOTAL LAGRANGE METHOD )
176      if( flag == TOTALLAG .OR. flag == UPDATELAG ) then
177        stress(1:6) = gausses(LX)%stress
178        do j = 1, nn+3
179          BN(1, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 1)
180          BN(2, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 1)
181          BN(3, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 1)
182          BN(4, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 2)
183          BN(5, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 2)
184          BN(6, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 2)
185          BN(7, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 3)
186          BN(8, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 3)
187          BN(9, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 3)
188        end do
189        Smat(:, :) = 0.0D0
190        do j = 1, 3
191          Smat(j  , j  ) = stress(1)
192          Smat(j  , j+3) = stress(4)
193          Smat(j  , j+6) = stress(6)
194          Smat(j+3, j  ) = stress(4)
195          Smat(j+3, j+3) = stress(2)
196          Smat(j+3, j+6) = stress(5)
197          Smat(j+6, j  ) = stress(6)
198          Smat(j+6, j+3) = stress(5)
199          Smat(j+6, j+6) = stress(3)
200        end do
201        SBN(1:9, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = matmul( Smat(1:9, 1:9), BN(1:9, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) )
202        forall( i=1:(nn+3)*ndof, j=1:(nn+3)*ndof )
203          tmpstiff(i, j) = tmpstiff(i, j)+dot_product( BN(:, i), SBN(:, j) )*wg
204        end forall
205      end if
207    end do
209    ! -----Condense tmpstiff to stiff
210    xj(1:9, 1:9)= tmpstiff(nn*ndof+1:(nn+3)*ndof, nn*ndof+1:(nn+3)*ndof)
211    call calInverse(9, xj)
212    tmpk = matmul( tmpstiff( 1:nn*ndof, nn*ndof+1:(nn+3)*ndof ), xj )
213    stiff(1:nn*ndof, 1:nn*ndof) = tmpstiff(1:nn*ndof, 1:nn*ndof)-matmul( tmpk, tmpstiff(nn*ndof+1:(nn+3)*ndof, 1:nn*ndof)  )
215  end subroutine STF_C3D8IC
218  !> Update strain and stress inside element
219  !---------------------------------------------------------------------*
220  subroutine UPDATE_C3D8IC                                   &
221      (etype,nn,ecoord, u, du, ddu, cdsys_ID, coords, &
222      qf, gausses, iter, time, tincr, aux, ddaux, TT, T0, TN )
223    !---------------------------------------------------------------------*
225    use m_fstr
226    use mMaterial
227    use mMechGauss
228    use m_MatMatrix
229    use m_ElastoPlastic
230    use m_utilities
231    use m_static_LIB_3d
233    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)    :: etype         !< \param [in] element type
234    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)    :: nn            !< \param [in] number of elemental nodes
235    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: ecoord(3, nn) !< \param [in] coordinates of elemental nodes
236    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: u(3, nn)      !< \param [in] nodal displacements
237    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: du(3, nn)     !< \param [in] increment of nodal displacements
238    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: ddu(3, nn)    !< \param [in] correction of nodal displacements
239    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)    :: cdsys_ID
240    real(kind=kreal), intent(inout)   :: coords(3, 3)  !< variables to define matreial coordinate system
241    real(kind=kreal), intent(out)     :: qf(nn*3)      !< \param [out] Internal Force
242    type(tGaussStatus), intent(inout) :: gausses(:)    !< \param [out] status of qudrature points
243    integer, intent(in)               :: iter
244    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: time          !< current time
245    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: tincr         !< time increment
246    real(kind=kreal), intent(inout)   :: aux(3, 3)     !< \param [in] incompatible dof
247    real(kind=kreal), intent(out)     :: ddaux(3, 3)   !< \param [in] increment of incompatible dof
248    real(kind=kreal), intent(in), optional :: TT(nn)   !< current temperature
249    real(kind=kreal), intent(in), optional :: T0(nn)   !< reference temperature
250    real(kind=kreal), intent(in), optional :: TN(nn)   !< reference temperature
253    integer(kind=kint) :: flag
254    integer(kind=kint), parameter :: ndof = 3
255    real(kind=kreal)   :: D(6,6), B(6,ndof*(nn+3)), B1(6,ndof*(nn+3)), spfunc(nn), ina(1)
256    real(kind=kreal)   :: BN(9,ndof*(nn+3)), DB(6, ndof*(nn+3)), stress(6), Smat(9, 9), SBN(9, ndof*(nn+3))
257    real(kind=kreal)   :: gderiv(nn+3,3), gderiv0(nn+3,3), gdispderiv(3,3), F(3,3), det, det0, WG, ttc, tt0, ttn
258    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, LX, mtype, serr
259    real(kind=kreal)   :: naturalCoord(3), rot(3,3), mat(6,6), EPSTH(6)
260    real(kind=kreal)   :: totaldisp(3,nn+3), elem(3,nn), elem1(3,nn), coordsys(3,3)
261    real(kind=kreal)   :: dstrain(6)
262    real(kind=kreal)   :: alpo(3)
263    logical            :: ierr, matlaniso
264    real(kind=kreal)   :: stiff_ad(9, nn*3), stiff_aa(9, 9), qf_a(9)
265    real(kind=kreal)   :: xj(9, 9)
266    real(kind=kreal)   :: tmpforce(9), tmpdisp(9), tmp_d(nn*3), tmp_a(9)
267    real(kind=kreal)   :: jacobian(3, 3), inverse(3, 3), inverse1(3, 3), inverse0(3, 3)
269    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
271    totaldisp(:, 1:nn)      = u(:, :) + du(:, :) - ddu(:, :)
272    totaldisp(:, nn+1:nn+3) = aux(:, :)
274    ! we suppose the same material type in the element
275    flag = gausses(1)%pMaterial%nlgeom_flag
276    elem(:, :) = ecoord(:, :)
277    if( flag == UPDATELAG ) elem(:, :) = ecoord(:, :)+totaldisp(:, 1:nn)
279    ! --- Inverse of Jacobian at elemental center
280    naturalcoord(:) = 0.0D0
281    call getJacobian(etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem, det, jacobian, inverse)
282    inverse(:, :)= inverse(:, :)*det
283    ! ---- We now calculate stiff matrix include imcompatible mode
284    !    [   Kdd   Kda ]
285    !    [   Kad   Kaa ]
286    stiff_ad(:, :) = 0.0D0
287    stiff_aa(:, :) = 0.0D0
288    B1(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = 0.0D0
289    BN(1:9, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = 0.0D0
291    do LX = 1, NumOfQuadPoints(etype)
293      call getQuadPoint(etype, LX, naturalCoord)
294      call getGlobalDeriv( etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem, det, gderiv(1:nn, 1:3) )
296      if( cdsys_ID > 0 ) then
297        call set_localcoordsys( coords, g_LocalCoordSys(cdsys_ID), coordsys(:, :), serr )
298        if( serr == -1 ) stop "Fail to setup local coordinate"
299        if( serr == -2 ) then
300          write(*, *) "WARNING! Cannot setup local coordinate, it is modified automatically"
301        end if
302      end if
304      if( present(tt) ) then
305        call getShapeFunc( etype, naturalcoord, spfunc )
306        ttc = dot_product( tt, spfunc )
307        call MatlMatrix( gausses(LX), D3, D, time, tincr, coordsys, ttc )
308      else
309        call MatlMatrix( gausses(LX), D3, D, time, tincr, coordsys )
310      end if
312      if( flag == UPDATELAG ) then
313        call GEOMAT_C3( gausses(LX)%stress, mat )
314        D(:, :) = D(:, :)-mat
315      endif
317      ! -- Derivative of shape function of imcompatible mode --
318      !     [ -2*a   0,   0   ]
319      !     [   0,  -2*b, 0   ]
320      !     [   0,   0,  -2*c ]
321      ! we don't call getShapeDeriv but use above value directly for computation efficiency
322      gderiv(nn+1, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(1)*inverse(1, :)/det
323      gderiv(nn+2, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(2)*inverse(2, :)/det
324      gderiv(nn+3, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(3)*inverse(3, :)/det
326      wg = getWeight(etype, LX)*det
327      B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof)=0.0D0
328      do j = 1, nn+3
329        B(1, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 1)
330        B(2, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 2)
331        B(3, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 3)
332        B(4, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 2)
333        B(4, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 1)
334        B(5, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 3)
335        B(5, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 2)
336        B(6, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 3)
337        B(6, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 1)
338      end do
340      ! calculate the BL1 matrix ( TOTAL LAGRANGE METHOD )
341      if( flag == TOTALLAG ) then
342        ! ---dudx(i,j) ==> gdispderiv(i,j)
343        gdispderiv(1:ndof,1:ndof) = matmul( totaldisp(1:ndof, 1:nn+3), gderiv(1:nn+3, 1:ndof) )
344        do j = 1, nn+3
346          B1(1, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
347          B1(1, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
348          B1(1, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
349          B1(2, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
350          B1(2, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
351          B1(2, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
352          B1(3, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
353          B1(3, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
354          B1(3, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
355          B1(4, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
356          B1(4, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
357          B1(4, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
358          B1(5, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
359          B1(5, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
360          B1(5, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
361          B1(6, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
362          B1(6, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
363          B1(6, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
365        end do
366        ! ---BL = BL0 + BL1
367        do j = 1, (nn+3)*ndof
368          B(:, j) = B(:, j)+B1(:, j)
369        end do
371      end if
373      DB(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = matmul( D, B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) )
374      forall( i=1:3*ndof, j=1:nn*ndof )
375        stiff_ad(i, j) = stiff_ad(i, j)+dot_product( B(:, nn*ndof+i), DB(:, j) )*wg
376      end forall
377      forall( i=1:3*ndof, j=1:3*ndof )
378        stiff_aa(i, j) = stiff_aa(i, j)+dot_product( B(:, nn*ndof+i), DB(:, nn*ndof+j) )*wg
379      end forall
381      ! calculate the stress matrix ( TOTAL LAGRANGE METHOD )
382      if( flag == TOTALLAG .OR. flag == UPDATELAG ) then
383        stress(1:6) = gausses(LX)%stress
384        do j = 1, nn+3
385          BN(1, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 1)
386          BN(2, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 1)
387          BN(3, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 1)
388          BN(4, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 2)
389          BN(5, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 2)
390          BN(6, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 2)
391          BN(7, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 3)
392          BN(8, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 3)
393          BN(9, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 3)
394        end do
395        Smat(:, :) = 0.0D0
396        do j = 1, 3
397          Smat(j  , j  ) = stress(1)
398          Smat(j  , j+3) = stress(4)
399          Smat(j  , j+6) = stress(6)
400          Smat(j+3, j  ) = stress(4)
401          Smat(j+3, j+3) = stress(2)
402          Smat(j+3, j+6) = stress(5)
403          Smat(j+6, j  ) = stress(6)
404          Smat(j+6, j+3) = stress(5)
405          Smat(j+6, j+6) = stress(3)
406        end do
407        SBN(1:9, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = matmul( Smat(1:9, 1:9), BN(1:9, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) )
408        forall( i=1:3*ndof, j=1:nn*ndof )
409          stiff_ad(i, j) = stiff_ad(i, j)+dot_product( BN(:, nn*ndof+i), SBN(:, j) )*wg
410        end forall
411        forall( i=1:3*ndof, j=1:3*ndof )
412          stiff_aa(i, j) = stiff_aa(i, j)+dot_product( BN(:, nn*ndof+i), SBN(:, nn*ndof+j) )*wg
413        end forall
414      end if
416    end do
418    ! -----recover incompatible dof of nodal displacement
419    xj(1:3*ndof, 1:3*ndof)= stiff_aa(1:3*ndof, 1:3*ndof)
420    call calInverse(3*ndof, xj)
421    ! ---  [Kad] * ddu
422    do i=1,nn
423      tmp_d((i-1)*ndof+1:i*ndof) = ddu(1:ndof, i)
424    enddo
425    tmpforce(1:3*ndof) = matmul( stiff_ad(1:3*ndof, 1:nn*ndof), tmp_d(1:nn*ndof) )
426    ! ---  ddaux = -[Kaa]-1 * ([Kad] * ddu)
427    tmp_a(1:3*ndof) = -matmul( xj(1:3*ndof, 1:3*ndof), tmpforce(1:3*ndof) )
428    do i=1,3
429      ddaux(1:ndof, i) = tmp_a((i-1)*ndof+1:i*ndof)
430    enddo
433    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
435    totaldisp(:,1:nn) = u(:,:)+ du(:,:)
436    totaldisp(:,nn+1:nn+3) = aux(:,:) + ddaux(:,:)
438    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
440    qf(:) = 0.0D0
441    qf_a(:) = 0.0D0
443    stiff_ad(:, :) = 0.0D0
444    stiff_aa(:, :) = 0.0D0
446    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
448    if( flag == UPDATELAG ) then
449      elem(:,:) = (0.5D0*du(:,:)+u(:,:) ) +ecoord(:,:)
450      elem1(:,:) = (du(:,:)+u(:,:) ) +ecoord(:,:)
451      ! elem = elem1
452      totaldisp(:,1:nn) = du(:,:)
453      if( iter == 1 ) aux(:,:) = 0.0D0   !--- is this correct???
454      totaldisp(:,nn+1:nn+3) = aux(:,:)
455    end if
457    matlaniso = .FALSE.
458    if( present(TT) .and. cdsys_ID > 0 ) then
459      ina = TT(1)
460      call fetch_TableData( MC_ORTHOEXP, gausses(1)%pMaterial%dict, alpo(:), ierr, ina )
461      if( .not. ierr ) matlaniso = .true.
462    end if
464    ! --- Inverse of Jacobian at elemental center
465    naturalcoord(:) = 0.0D0
466    call getJacobian(etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem, det, jacobian, inverse)
467    inverse(:, :)= inverse(:, :)*det
468    if( flag == UPDATELAG ) then
469      call getJacobian(etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem1, det, jacobian, inverse1)
470      inverse1(:, :)= inverse1(:, :)*det
471      call getJacobian(etype, nn, naturalcoord, ecoord, det, jacobian, inverse0)
472      inverse0(:, :)= inverse0(:, :)*det !for deformation gradient F
473    endif
475    do LX = 1, NumOfQuadPoints(etype)
477      mtype = gausses(LX)%pMaterial%mtype
479      call getQuadPoint( etype, LX, naturalCoord(:) )
480      call getGlobalDeriv(etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem, det, gderiv)
482      if( cdsys_ID > 0 ) then
483        call set_localcoordsys( coords, g_LocalCoordSys(cdsys_ID), coordsys(:,:), serr )
484        if( serr == -1 ) stop "Fail to setup local coordinate"
485        if( serr == -2 ) then
486          write(*, *) "WARNING! Cannot setup local coordinate, it is modified automatically"
487        end if
488      end if
490      ! ========================================================
492      ! ========================================================
494      ! Thermal Strain
495      EPSTH = 0.0D0
496      if( present(tt) .AND. present(t0) ) then
497        call getShapeFunc(etype, naturalcoord, spfunc)
498        ttc = dot_product(TT, spfunc)
499        tt0 = dot_product(T0, spfunc)
500        ttn = dot_product(TN, spfunc)
501        call Cal_Thermal_expansion_C3( tt0, ttc, gausses(LX)%pMaterial, coordsys, matlaniso, EPSTH )
502      end if
504      ! -- Derivative of shape function of imcompatible mode --
505      !     [ -2*a   0,   0   ]
506      !     [   0,  -2*b, 0   ]
507      !     [   0,   0,  -2*c ]
508      ! we don't call getShapeDeriv but use above value directly for computation efficiency
509      gderiv(nn+1, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(1)*inverse(1, :)/det
510      gderiv(nn+2, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(2)*inverse(2, :)/det
511      gderiv(nn+3, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(3)*inverse(3, :)/det
513      ! Small strain
514      gdispderiv(1:ndof, 1:ndof) = matmul( totaldisp(1:ndof, 1:nn+3), gderiv(1:nn+3, 1:ndof) )
515      dstrain(1) = gdispderiv(1, 1)
516      dstrain(2) = gdispderiv(2, 2)
517      dstrain(3) = gdispderiv(3, 3)
518      dstrain(4) = ( gdispderiv(1, 2)+gdispderiv(2, 1) )
519      dstrain(5) = ( gdispderiv(2, 3)+gdispderiv(3, 2) )
520      dstrain(6) = ( gdispderiv(3, 1)+gdispderiv(1, 3) )
521      dstrain(:) = dstrain(:)-EPSTH(:)   ! allright?
523      F(1:3,1:3) = 0.d0; F(1,1)=1.d0; F(2,2)=1.d0; F(3,3)=1.d0; !deformation gradient
524      if( flag == INFINITESIMAL ) then
525        gausses(LX)%strain(1:6) = dstrain(1:6)+EPSTH(:)
526        F(1:3,1:3) = F(1:3,1:3) + gdispderiv(1:3,1:3)
528      else if( flag == TOTALLAG ) then
529        ! Green-Lagrange strain
530        dstrain(1) = dstrain(1)+0.5d0*dot_product( gdispderiv(:, 1), gdispderiv(:, 1) )
531        dstrain(2) = dstrain(2)+0.5d0*dot_product( gdispderiv(:, 2), gdispderiv(:, 2) )
532        dstrain(3) = dstrain(3)+0.5d0*dot_product( gdispderiv(:, 3), gdispderiv(:, 3) )
533        dstrain(4) = dstrain(4)+( gdispderiv(1, 1)*gdispderiv(1, 2)                                     &
534          +gdispderiv(2, 1)*gdispderiv(2, 2)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gdispderiv(3, 2) )
535        dstrain(5) = dstrain(5)+( gdispderiv(1, 2)*gdispderiv(1, 3)                                     &
536          +gdispderiv(2, 2)*gdispderiv(2, 3)+gdispderiv(3, 2)*gdispderiv(3, 3) )
537        dstrain(6) = dstrain(6)+( gdispderiv(1, 1)*gdispderiv(1, 3)                                     &
538          +gdispderiv(2, 1)*gdispderiv(2, 3)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gdispderiv(3, 3) )
540        gausses(LX)%strain(1:6) = dstrain(1:6)+EPSTH(:)
542      else if( flag == UPDATELAG ) then
543        !  CALL GEOMAT_C3( gausses(LX)%stress, mat )
544        !  D(:, :) = D(:, :)+mat(:, :)
545        rot = 0.0D0
546        rot(1, 2)= 0.5d0*(gdispderiv(1, 2)-gdispderiv(2, 1) );  rot(2, 1) = -rot(1, 2)
547        rot(2, 3)= 0.5d0*(gdispderiv(2, 3)-gdispderiv(3, 2) );  rot(3, 2) = -rot(2, 3)
548        rot(1, 3)= 0.5d0*(gdispderiv(1, 3)-gdispderiv(3, 1) );  rot(3, 1) = -rot(1, 3)
550        gausses(LX)%strain(1:6) = gausses(LX)%strain_bak(1:6)+ dstrain(1:6)+EPSTH(:)
551        call getGlobalDeriv(etype, nn, naturalcoord, ecoord, det0, gderiv0)
552        gderiv0(nn+1, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(1)*inverse0(1, :)/det0
553        gderiv0(nn+2, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(2)*inverse0(2, :)/det0
554        gderiv0(nn+3, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(3)*inverse0(3, :)/det0
555        F(1:3,1:3) = F(1:3,1:3) + matmul( u(1:ndof, 1:nn+3)+du(1:ndof, 1:nn+3), gderiv0(1:nn+3, 1:ndof) )
557      end if
559      ! Update stress
560      if( present(tt) .AND. present(t0) ) then
561        call Update_Stress3D( flag, gausses(LX), rot, dstrain, F, coordsys, time, tincr, ttc, tt0, ttn )
562      else
563        call Update_Stress3D( flag, gausses(LX), rot, dstrain, F, coordsys, time, tincr )
564      end if
566      ! ========================================================
567      ! calculate the internal force ( equivalent nodal force )
568      ! ========================================================
569      ! Small strain
570      B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = 0.0D0
571      do J=1,nn+3
572        B(1,3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 1)
573        B(2,3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 2)
574        B(3,3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 3)
575        B(4,3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 2)
576        B(4,3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 1)
577        B(5,3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 3)
578        B(5,3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 2)
579        B(6,3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 3)
580        B(6,3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 1)
581      end do
583      ! calculate the BL1 matrix ( TOTAL LAGRANGE METHOD )
584      if( flag == INFINITESIMAL ) then
586      else if( flag == TOTALLAG ) then
588        gdispderiv(1:ndof, 1:ndof) = matmul( totaldisp(1:ndof, 1:nn+3), gderiv(1:nn+3, 1:ndof) )
589        B1(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof)=0.0D0
590        do j = 1,nn+3
591          B1(1, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
592          B1(1, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
593          B1(1, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 1)
594          B1(2, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
595          B1(2, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
596          B1(2, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 2)
597          B1(3, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
598          B1(3, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
599          B1(3, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 3)
600          B1(4, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
601          B1(4, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
602          B1(4, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 2)
603          B1(5, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
604          B1(5, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
605          B1(5, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 2)*gderiv(j, 3)+gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 2)
606          B1(6, 3*j-2) = gdispderiv(1, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(1, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
607          B1(6, 3*j-1) = gdispderiv(2, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(2, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
608          B1(6, 3*j  ) = gdispderiv(3, 3)*gderiv(j, 1)+gdispderiv(3, 1)*gderiv(j, 3)
609        end do
610        ! BL = BL0 + BL1
611        do j=1,(nn+3)*ndof
612          B(:,j) = B(:,j)+B1(:,j)
613        end do
615      else if( flag == UPDATELAG ) then
617        call getGlobalDeriv(etype, nn, naturalcoord, elem1, det, gderiv(1:nn,1:3))
619        ! -- Derivative of shape function of imcompatible mode --
620        !     [ -2*a   0,   0   ]
621        !     [   0,  -2*b, 0   ]
622        !     [   0,   0,  -2*c ]
623        ! we don't call getShapeDeriv but use above value directly for computation efficiency
624        gderiv(nn+1, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(1)*inverse1(1, :)/det
625        gderiv(nn+2, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(2)*inverse1(2, :)/det
626        gderiv(nn+3, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(3)*inverse1(3, :)/det
628        B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = 0.0D0
629        do j = 1, nn+3
630          B(1, 3*J-2) = gderiv(j, 1)
631          B(2, 3*J-1) = gderiv(j, 2)
632          B(3, 3*J  ) = gderiv(j, 3)
633          B(4, 3*J-2) = gderiv(j, 2)
634          B(4, 3*J-1) = gderiv(j, 1)
635          B(5, 3*J-1) = gderiv(j, 3)
636          B(5, 3*J  ) = gderiv(j, 2)
637          B(6, 3*J-2) = gderiv(j, 3)
638          B(6, 3*J  ) = gderiv(j, 1)
639        end do
641      end if
643      WG=getWeight( etype, LX )*DET
645      DB(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = matmul( D, B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) )
646      forall( i=1:3*ndof, j=1:nn*ndof )
647        stiff_ad(i, j) = stiff_ad(i, j)+dot_product( B(:, nn*ndof+i), DB(:, j) )*wg
648      end forall
649      forall( i=1:3*ndof, j=1:3*ndof )
650        stiff_aa(i, j) = stiff_aa(i, j)+dot_product( B(:, nn*ndof+i), DB(:, nn*ndof+j) )*wg
651      end forall
653      ! calculate the Internal Force
654      qf(1:nn*ndof)                                                          &
655        = qf(1:nn*ndof)+matmul( gausses(LX)%stress(1:6), B(1:6,1:nn*ndof) )*WG
656      qf_a(1:3*ndof)                                                         &
657        = qf_a(1:3*ndof)+matmul( gausses(LX)%stress(1:6), B(1:6,nn*ndof+1:(nn+3)*ndof) )*WG
658    end do
660    ! condence ( qf - [Kda] * [Kaa]-1 * qf_a )
661    xj(1:9, 1:9)= stiff_aa(1:3*ndof, 1:3*ndof)
662    call calInverse(9, xj)
663    tmpdisp(:) = matmul( xj(:,:), qf_a(:) )
664    do i=1,nn*ndof
665      qf(i) = qf(i) - dot_product( stiff_ad(:,i), tmpdisp(:) )
666    enddo
667  end subroutine UPDATE_C3D8IC
670  !>  This subroutine calculatess thermal loading
671  !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
672  subroutine TLOAD_C3D8IC &
673      (etype, nn, xx, yy, zz, tt, t0, &
674      gausses, VECT, cdsys_ID, coords)
675    !----------------------------------------------------------------------*
677    use m_fstr
678    use mMechGauss
679    use m_MatMatrix
680    use m_common_struct
682    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
684    integer(kind=kint), parameter     :: ndof=3
685    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)    :: etype                   !< element type, not used here
686    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)    :: nn                      !< number of element nodes
687    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: xx(nn), yy(nn), zz(nn)  !< nodes coordinate of element
688    real(kind=kreal), intent(in)      :: tt(nn), t0(nn)          !< current and ref temprature
689    type(tGaussStatus), intent(inout) :: gausses(:)              !< info about qudrature points
690    real(kind=kreal), intent(out)     :: VECT(nn*ndof)           !< load vector
691    integer(kind=kint), intent(in)    :: cdsys_ID
692    real(kind=kreal), intent(inout)   :: coords(3, 3)            !< variables to define matreial coordinate system
694    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
696    real(kind=kreal) :: ALP, ALP0
697    real(kind=kreal) :: D(6, 6), B(6, ndof*(nn+3)), DB_a(6, ndof*3)
698    real(kind=kreal) :: det, wg, ecoord(3, nn)
699    integer(kind=kint) :: i, j, IC, serr
700    real(kind=kreal) :: EPSTH(6), SGM(6), H(nn), alpo(3), alpo0(3), coordsys(3, 3), xj(9, 9)
701    real(kind=kreal) :: naturalcoord(3), gderiv(nn+3, 3)
702    real(kind=kreal) :: jacobian(3, 3),inverse(3, 3)
703    real(kind=kreal) :: stiff_da(nn*3, 3*3), stiff_aa(3*3, 3*3)
704    real(kind=kreal) :: VECT_a(3*3)
705    real(kind=kreal) :: icdisp(9)
706    real(kind=kreal) :: TEMPC, TEMP0, THERMAL_EPS, tm(6, 6), outa(1), ina(1)
707    logical :: ierr, matlaniso
709    !---------------------------------------------------------------------
711    matlaniso = .FALSE.
712    if( cdsys_ID > 0 ) then   ! cannot define aniso exapansion when no local coord defined
713      ina = TT(1)
714      call fetch_TableData( MC_ORTHOEXP, gausses(1)%pMaterial%dict, alpo(:), ierr, ina )
715      if( .not. ierr ) matlaniso = .true.
716    end if
718    ecoord(1, :) = XX(:)
719    ecoord(2, :) = YY(:)
720    ecoord(3, :) = ZZ(:)
721    ! ---- Calculate enhanced displacement at first
722    ! --- Inverse of Jacobian at elemental center
723    naturalcoord(:) = 0.0D0
724    call getJacobian(etype, nn, naturalcoord, ecoord, det, jacobian, inverse)
725    inverse(:, :) = inverse(:, :)*det
726    ! ---- We now calculate stiff matrix include imcompatible mode
727    !    [   Kdd   Kda ]
728    !    [   Kad   Kaa ]
729    stiff_da(:, :) = 0.0D0
730    stiff_aa(:, :) = 0.0D0
731    B(1:6, 1:(nn+3)*ndof) = 0.0D0
732    VECT(1:nn*ndof) = 0.0D0
733    VECT_a(1:3*ndof) = 0.0D0
735    do IC = 1, NumOfQuadPoints(etype)
737      call getQuadPoint(etype, IC, naturalCoord)
738      call getGlobalDeriv( etype, nn, naturalcoord, ecoord, det, gderiv(1:nn, 1:3) )
740      if( cdsys_ID > 0 ) then
741        call set_localcoordsys( coords, g_LocalCoordSys(cdsys_ID), coordsys(:, :), serr )
742        if( serr == -1 ) stop "Fail to setup local coordinate"
743        if( serr == -2 ) then
744          write(*,*) "WARNING! Cannot setup local coordinate, it is modified automatically"
745        end if
746      end if
748      call getShapeFunc( etype, naturalcoord, H(1:nn) )
749      TEMPC = dot_product( H(1:nn), TT(1:nn) )
750      TEMP0 = dot_product( H(1:nn), T0(1:nn) )
751      call MatlMatrix( gausses(IC), D3, D, 1.d0, 1.0D0, coordsys, TEMPC )
753      ! -- Derivative of shape function of imcompatible mode --
754      !     [ -2*a   0,   0   ]
755      !     [   0,  -2*b, 0   ]
756      !     [   0,   0,  -2*c ]
757      ! we don't call getShapeDeriv but use above value directly for computation efficiency
758      gderiv(nn+1, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(1)*inverse(1, :)/det
759      gderiv(nn+2, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(2)*inverse(2, :)/det
760      gderiv(nn+3, :) = -2.0D0*naturalcoord(3)*inverse(3, :)/det
762      wg = getWeight(etype, IC)*det
763      do j = 1, nn+3
764        B(1, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 1)
765        B(2, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 2)
766        B(3, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 3)
767        B(4, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 2)
768        B(4, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 1)
769        B(5, 3*j-1) = gderiv(j, 3)
770        B(5, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 2)
771        B(6, 3*j-2) = gderiv(j, 3)
772        B(6, 3*j  ) = gderiv(j, 1)
773      end do
775      DB_a(1:6, 1:3*ndof) = matmul( D, B(1:6, nn*ndof+1:(nn+3)*ndof) )
776      forall( i=1:nn*ndof, j=1:3*ndof )
777        stiff_da(i, j) = stiff_da(i, j) + dot_product( B(1:6, i), DB_a(1:6, j) ) * wg
778      end forall
779      forall( i=1:3*ndof, j=1:3*ndof )
780        stiff_aa(i, j) = stiff_aa(i, j) + dot_product( B(1:6, nn*ndof+i), DB_a(1:6, j) ) * wg
781      end forall
783      ina(1) = TEMPC
784      if( matlaniso ) then
785        call fetch_TableData( MC_ORTHOEXP, gausses(IC)%pMaterial%dict, alpo(:), ierr, ina )
786        if( ierr ) stop "Fails in fetching orthotropic expansion coefficient!"
787      else
788        call fetch_TableData( MC_THEMOEXP, gausses(IC)%pMaterial%dict, outa(:), ierr, ina )
789        if( ierr ) outa(1) = gausses(IC)%pMaterial%variables(M_EXAPNSION)
790        alp = outa(1)
791      end if
792      ina(1) = TEMP0
793      if( matlaniso  ) then
794        call fetch_TableData( MC_ORTHOEXP, gausses(IC)%pMaterial%dict, alpo0(:), ierr, ina )
795        if( ierr ) stop "Fails in fetching orthotropic expansion coefficient!"
796      else
797        call fetch_TableData( MC_THEMOEXP, gausses(IC)%pMaterial%dict, outa(:), ierr, ina )
798        if( ierr ) outa(1) = gausses(IC)%pMaterial%variables(M_EXAPNSION)
799        alp0 = outa(1)
800      end if
802      !**
803      !** THERMAL strain
804      !**
805      if( matlaniso ) then
806        do j = 1, 3
807          EPSTH(j) = ALPO(j)*(TEMPC-ref_temp)-alpo0(j)*(TEMP0-ref_temp)
808        end do
809        EPSTH(4:6) = 0.0D0
810        call transformation(coordsys, tm)
811        EPSTH(:) = matmul( EPSTH(:), tm  ) ! to global coord
812        EPSTH(4:6) = EPSTH(4:6)*2.0D0
813      else
814        THERMAL_EPS = ALP*(TEMPC-ref_temp)-alp0*(TEMP0-ref_temp)
815        EPSTH(1:3) = THERMAL_EPS
816        EPSTH(4:6) = 0.0D0
817      end if
819      !**
820      !** SET SGM  {s}=[D]{e}
821      !**
822      SGM(:) = matmul( D(:, :), EPSTH(:) )
824      !**
825      !** CALCULATE LOAD {F}=[B]T{e}
826      !**
827      VECT(1:nn*ndof) = VECT(1:nn*ndof)+matmul( SGM(1:6), B(1:6, 1:nn*ndof) )*wg
828      VECT_a(1:3*ndof) = VECT_a(1:3*ndof)+matmul( SGM(1:6), B(1:6, nn*ndof+1:(nn+3)*ndof) )*wg
830    end do
832    ! --- condense vect
833    xj(1:9,1:9)= stiff_aa(1:9, 1:9)
834    call calInverse(9, xj)
835    ! ---  [Kaa]-1 * fa
836    icdisp(1:9) = matmul( xj(:, :), VECT_a(1:3*ndof) )
837    ! ---  fd - [Kda] * [Kaa]-1 * fa
838    VECT(1:nn*ndof) = VECT(1:nn*ndof) - matmul( stiff_da(1:nn*ndof, 1:3*ndof), icdisp(1:3*ndof) )
840  end subroutine TLOAD_C3D8IC
843end module m_static_LIB_3dIC