1* Periodic table:
2	* add more data using bodr (?).
3	* add crystal structures (? needs reliable crystal structures in bodr).
5* Calculator:
6	* enhance ambiguous abbreviations support (0.14?).
7	* a lot of code cleaning (0.14?).
9* 3d viewer:
10	* allow selection of atoms and or bonds, and display of lengths and angles (0.14?).
11	* add a preferences dialog.
12	* accept several molecules from the same file.
14* Mozilla plugin:
15	* implement printing (?).
16	* add a contextual dropdown menu (?).
17	* support for options when displaying a spectrum (?).
19* Gnome Crystal:
20	* enhance cif and cml support (add more fields in document properties) (?).
21	* really add bond support, not through lines) (?).
22	* accept several crystal description from the same file.
24* GChemPaint:
25	* enhance copy-and-paste support for OpenOffice.org (?).
26	* New tools:
27		- delocalized bonds (?),
28		- week interactions (e.g. H-bonds) (?),
29		- curved reaction arrows and Tollman's loops (?),
30		- cluster bonds (as in boranes) (?),
31		- electron vacancies (?).
32	* Multi-steps reactions (0.14?).
33	* Scriptability (?).
34	* Enhance fragments (0.14+).
35	* Change cursor according to situation (?).
36	* Allow associating several objects with reaction arrows (0.14?).
37	* Allow various superscripts for brackets (charge, transition state,...)
39* Goffice component:
40	* add support for cml files (?).
42* Spectrum viewer:
43	* support inclusion of zoomed partials.
44	* import varian files (0.14?)
46* GCCV Library:
47	* add new items as needed.
49* GCU Library:
50	* provide clipboard support at the Application level (?).
52* OpenBabel wrapper:
53	* write a streambuf class wrapping the socket.
55* Other:
56	* Make file operation asynchroneous (especially for remote file systems).
57	* Update documentation (always).
58	* More code cleaning (always).
59	* Remove all bugs ;-)