1module gdma
3!  Distributed Multipole Analysis for Gaussian Wavefunctions
5!  Copyright (C) 2005-08  Anthony J. Stone
7!  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8!  modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9!  as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
10!  of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15!  GNU General Public License for more details.
17!  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18!  along with this program; if not, write to
19!  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
20!  Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
22!  This version has been modified by Andy Simmonett (03/16) to link
23!  into Psi4, rather than serve as a standalone executable.
25USE input
26use iso_c_binding
28USE dma
29USE atom_grids, ONLY: debug_grid => debug
30USE timing, ONLY: start_timer, timer, time_and_date
33INTEGER, PARAMETER :: dp=kind(1d0)
35CHARACTER(LEN=100) :: file
36CHARACTER(LEN=80) :: buffer
37CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: key
38CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: whichd="SCF"
39CHARACTER(LEN=24) :: datestring
41!  Maximum number of sites is number of atoms + nextra
42INTEGER :: nextra=16
43INTEGER :: ncoorb, maxl, cmax, nprim, nx, num, ich, mul
44INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE :: shell_type(:)
45INTEGER :: i, j, k, kp=0
46LOGICAL :: eof, fchk, first, ok=.false.
47INTEGER open_status, infile
49REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: densty(:,:), dtri(:)
50INTEGER :: ir=5 ! Input stream
52LOGICAL :: verbose=.false., debug(0:2)=.false.
57subroutine run_gdma(c_outfilename, c_datfilename) bind(c, name='run_gdma')
58!character(kind=c_char,len=1), intent(in) :: c_outfilename
59CHARACTER(kind=C_CHAR) :: c_outfilename(*), c_datfilename(*)
60character(len=:), allocatable :: outfilename, datfilename
61integer i, nchars
62integer outfile
64i = 1
66   if (c_outfilename(i) == c_null_char) exit
67   i = i + 1
68end do
69nchars = i - 1  ! Exclude null character from Fortran string
70!allocate(character(len=nchars) :: outfilename)
71outfilename = (repeat(' ', nchars))
72outfilename = transfer(c_outfilename(1:nchars), outfilename)
73i = 1
75   if (c_datfilename(i) == c_null_char) exit
76   i = i + 1
77end do
78nchars = i - 1  ! Exclude null character from Fortran string
79!allocate(character(len=nchars) :: datfilename)
80datfilename = (repeat(' ', nchars))
81datfilename = transfer(c_datfilename(1:nchars), datfilename)
84! Added file IO (ACS 03/16)
86infile = 51
87outfile = 52
88open (unit=infile, file=datfilename, status='old', &
89    iostat=open_status, action='read', position='rewind')
90if ( open_status /= 0 ) then
91    write(outfile, *) 'Could not open GDMA input for reading.', &
92    'unit = ', infile
93    stop
95open (unit=outfile, file=outfilename, status='old', &
96    iostat=open_status, action='write', position='append')
97if ( open_status /= 0 ) then
98    write(outfile, *) 'Could not open psi4 output for writing.', &
99    'unit = ', infile
100    stop
103write(outfile, "(15x,a/)")                                             &
104    "                      G D M A",                                   &
105    "                  by Anthony Stone",                              &
106    "            version 2.2.06, 22 June 2011",                        &
107    "Distributed Multipoles from Gaussian wavefunctions"
109call time_and_date(datestring)
110write(outfile, "(/2A)") "Starting at ", datestring
112call start_timer
119  call read_line(eof, infile)
120  if (eof) exit
121  call readu(key)
122  select case(key)
123  case("","NOTE","!")
124    cycle
125  case("VERBOSE")
126    verbose=.true.
127  case("QUIET")
128    debug=.false.
129    verbose=.false.
130  case("DEBUG")
131    debug(0)=.true.
132    do while (item<nitems)
133      call readi(k)
134      if (k>0) then
135        debug(k)=.true.
136      else
137        debug(-k)=.false.
138      end if
139    end do
140    debug_grid=.true.
141    verbose=.true.
142  case("ANGSTROM")
143    rfact=bohr
144  case("BOHR")
145    rfact=1d0
146  case("SI")
147    Qfactor(0)=echarge
148    do k=1,20
149      Qfactor(k)=Qfactor(k-1)*bohr
150    end do
151  case("AU")
152    Qfactor=1d0
153  case("COMMENT","TITLE")
154    call reada(buffer)
155    write(outfile, "(/a/)") trim(buffer)
156  case("DENSITY")
157    if (fchk) call die                                         &
158        ("Specify density to use before reading data file",.true.)
159    call readu(whichd)
160  case("FILE","READ")
161    nat=0
162    fchk=.false.
163    ok=.false.
164    first=.true.
165    if (allocated(dtri)) deallocate(dtri)
166    do while (item<nitems)
167      call readu(key)
168      select case(key)
169      case("DENSITY")
170        call readu(whichd)
171      case default
172        call reread(-1)
173        call reada(file)
174        open(unit=9,file=file,status="old",iostat=k)
175        if (k .ne. 0) then
176          call die("Can't open file "//file,.true.)
177        endif
178      end select
179    end do
180    ir=9
181    call get_data(whichd,ok,outfile)
182    close(9)
183    ir=5
184    fchk=.true.
185  case ("HERE")
186    call get_data(whichd,ok,outfile)
187    fchk=.true.
188  case("NAMES")
189    if (.not. fchk) call die                                   &
190        ("Read data file before specifying atom names",.false.)
191    call read_line(eof, infile)
192    do i=1,nat
193      call geta(name(i))
194    end do
195  case("GO","START","MULTIPOLES")
196    if (.not. ok) then
197      call die (trim(whichd)//" density not found",.false.)
198    endif
199    if (first) then
200      ! convert density matrix to triangular form
201      allocate(dtri(nx))
202      k=0
203      do i=1,num
204        do j=1,i
205          k=k+1
206          dtri(k)=densty(i,j)
207        end do
208      end do
209      deallocate(densty)
210      first=.false.
211    endif
212    write(outfile, "(//2A/)") "Using "//trim(whichd)//" density matrix",  &
213        " from file "//trim(file)
214    call dma_main(dtri,kp,infile, outfile)
215    !call timer
216  case("RESET")
217    nat=0
218    fchk=.false.
219    ok=.false.
220    first=.true.
221    deallocate(dtri)
222    whichd="SCF"
223  case("FINISH")
224    exit
225  case default
226    call die("Keyword "//trim(key)//" not recognized",.true.)
227  end select
228end do
230call time_and_date(datestring)
231write(outfile, "(/2A)") "Finished at ", datestring
234end subroutine run_gdma
239SUBROUTINE get_data(whichd,ok,outfile)
243CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: whichd
244INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: outfile
247INTEGER :: atom, i, j, k, n, nn, aok
248REAL(dp) :: e, rt3v2, td(5,6), tf(7,10), tg(9,15)
249REAL(dp), ALLOCATABLE :: temp(:,:)
250LOGICAL eof
251CHARACTER :: text*40, buffer*80, ww*2, density_header*24, type*1
252CHARACTER(LEN=8) :: dummy
253REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: PI=3.14159265358979d0
254CHARACTER(LEN=2), DIMENSION(54) :: element=(/"H ", "He",               &
255    "Li", "Be", "B ", "C ", "N ", "O ", "F ", "Ne",                    &
256    "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P ", "S ", "Cl", "Ar",                    &
257    "K ", "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V ", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni",        &
258    "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr",                    &
259    "Rb", "Sr", "Y ", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd",        &
260    "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Sb", "Te", "I ", "Xe"/)
261REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: rt2=1.4142135623731d0,                          &
262    rt3=1.73205080756888d0, rt5=2.23606797749979d0, rt7=2.64575131106459d0
263REAL(dp), PARAMETER :: rt10=rt2*rt5, rt14=rt2*rt7, rt21=rt3*rt7,       &
264    rt35=rt5*rt7
265INTEGER, PARAMETER :: v400=1, v040=2, v004=3, v310=4, v301=5,          &
266    v130=6, v031=7, v103=8, v013=9, v220=10, v202=11, v022=12,         &
267    v211=13, v121=14, v112=15
268CHARACTER(LEN=5) :: label(-5:5)=(/"h(s)","g(s)","f(s)","d(s)","sp  ",  &
269    "s   ","p   ","d   ","f   ","g   ","h   "/)
271!  Conversion from normalised spherical form to normalised Cartesian
272!  Schlegel & Frisch, IJQC (1995) 54, 83-87.
274!  d functions
275!   1   2   3   4   5   6
276!   xx  yy  zz  xy  xz  yz
277!  200 020 002 110 101 011
278td(1,:)=(/-0.5d0, -0.5d0, 1d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0/)
279td(2,:)=(/0d0,    0d0,    0d0, 0d0, 1d0, 0d0/)
280td(3,:)=(/0d0,    0d0,    0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 1d0/)
281td(4,:)=(/rt3v2,  -rt3v2, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0, 0d0/)
282td(5,:)=(/0d0,    0d0,    0d0, 1d0, 0d0, 0d0/)
284!  f functions
285!   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
286!  xxx yyy zzz xxy xxz xyy yyz xzz yzz xyz
287!  300 030 003 210 201 120 021 102 012 111
289! 30
290tf(1,3)=1d0; tf(1,5)=-1.5d0/sqrt(5d0); tf(1,7)=-1.5d0/sqrt(5d0)
291! 31c ( F+1 in Gaussian notation )
292tf(2,1)=-sqrt(3d0/8d0); tf(2,6)=-sqrt(1.2d0)/4d0; tf(2,8)=sqrt(1.2d0)
293! 31s ( F-1 )
294tf(3,2)=-sqrt(3d0/8d0); tf(3,4)=-sqrt(1.2d0)/4d0; tf(3,9)=sqrt(1.2d0)
295! 32c ( F+2 )
296tf(4,5)=sqrt(0.75d0); tf(4,7)=-sqrt(0.75d0)
297! 32s
299! 33c
300tf(6,1)=sqrt(10d0)/4d0; tf(6,6)=-0.75d0*sqrt(2d0)
301! 33s
302tf(7,2)=-sqrt(10d0)/4d0; tf(7,4)=0.75d0*sqrt(2d0)
304!  g functions
305!   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   11   12   13   14   15
306! xxxx yyyy zzzz xxxy xxxz xyyy yyyz xzzz yzzz xxyy xxzz yyzz xxyz xyyz xyzz
307!  400  040  004  310  301  130  031  103  013  220  202  022  211  121  112
308!     12   23  D     23 23,12  13  23,12 12  D      23  12
310!  40
311tg(1,v400)=0.375d0; tg(1,v040)=0.375d0; tg(1,v004)=1d0
312tg(1,v220)=0.75d0*rt3/rt35; tg(1,v202)=-3d0*rt3/rt35; tg(1,v022)=-3d0*rt3/rt35
313!  41c
314tg(2,v103)=rt10/rt7; tg(2,v301)=-0.75d0*rt10/rt7; tg(2,v121)=-0.75d0*rt2/rt7
315!  41s
316tg(3,v013)=rt10/rt7; tg(3,v031)=-0.75d0*rt10/rt7; tg(3,v211)=-0.75d0*rt2/rt7
317!  42c
318tg(4,v202)=1.5d0*rt3/rt7; tg(4,v022)=-1.5d0*rt3/rt7; tg(4,v400)=-rt5/4d0; tg(4,v040)=rt5/4d0
319!  42s
320tg(5,v112)=3d0/rt7; tg(5,v310)=-rt5/(2d0*rt7); tg(5,v130)=-rt5/(2d0*rt7)
321!  43c
322tg(6,v301)=rt10/4d0; tg(6,v121)=-0.75d0*rt2
323!  43s
324tg(7,v031)=-rt10/4d0; tg(7,v211)=0.75d0*rt2
325!  44c
326tg(8,v400)=rt35/8d0; tg(8,v040)=rt35/8d0; tg(8,v220)=-0.75*rt3
327!  44s
328tg(9,v310)=rt5/2d0; tg(9,v130)=-rt5/2d0
330! select case(whichg)
331! case("94","G94")
332!   rfact=1d0
333! case("98","G98","03","G03")
334!   rfact=1d0
335! end select
338call stream(ir)
339read (ir,"(A80/A80)") title(1), title(2)
340density_header="Total "//trim(whichd)//" Density"
341if (verbose) then
342  write(outfile,"(a/a/a/)") "Gaussian header:", trim(title(1)), trim(title(2))
343  write(outfile,"(3a)") 'Looking for "', trim(density_header), '"'
344end if
346  read (ir,"(A)",iostat=k) buffer
347  if (k .ne. 0) then
348    call stream(5)
349    exit
350  end if
351  if (debug(0)) write(outfile, "(a)") buffer
352  text=buffer(1:40)
353  type=buffer(44:44)
354  ww=buffer(48:49)
355  if (ww .eq. "N=") then
356    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") nn
357  else
358    nn=0
359  endif
360  if (debug(0)) write(outfile, "(a)") text
361  select case(text)
362  case("")
363    cycle
364  case("END","End","end")
365    call stream(5)
366    exit
367  case("Number of atoms")
368    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") nat
369    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(i0,a)") nat, " atoms"
370    if (allocated(zan)) deallocate(zan,c)
371    allocate(zan(nat),c(3,nat),stat=aok)
372    if (aok>0) call die("Can't allocate atom arrays")
373    maxcen=nat
374    maxs=maxcen+nextra  !  Arbitrary limit on number of sites
375    if (allocated(name)) deallocate(name)
376    allocate(name(maxs),stat=aok)
377    if (aok>0) call die("Can't allocate site-name array")
378  case("Charge")
379    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") ich
380    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a,i0)") "Charge ", ich
381  case("Multiplicity")
382    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") mul
383    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a,i0)") "Multiplicity ", mul
384  case("Number of basis functions")
385    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") ncoorb
386    !  This number may be increased following conversion from
387    !  spherical to cartesian
388    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(i0,a)") ncoorb, " basis functions"
389  case("Number of contracted shells")
390    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") nshell
391    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(i0,a)") nshell, " shells"
392    if (allocated(kstart))                                             &
393        deallocate(kstart,katom,ktype,kng,kloc,kmin,kmax,shell_type)
394    allocate (kstart(nshell), katom(nshell+1), ktype(nshell),          &
395        kng(nshell), kloc(nshell), kmin(nshell), kmax(nshell),         &
396        shell_type(nshell),stat=aok)
397    if (aok>0) call die("Can't allocate shell arrays")
398    shell_type=0
399  case("Highest angular momentum")
400    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") maxl
401    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a,i0)") "Highest angular momentum ", maxl
402    if (maxl .gt. 4) call die                                 &
403        ("Sorry -- GDMA can only handle s, p, d, f and g basis functions",.false.)
404  case("Largest degree of contraction")
405    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") cmax
406    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a,i0)") "Largest contraction depth ", cmax
407    if (cmax .gt. 16) call die                                &
408        ("Sorry -- maximum contraction depth is 16",.false.)
409  case("Number of primitive shells")
410    read(buffer,"(55X,I6)") nprim
411    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(i0,a)") nprim, " primitive shells"
412    if (allocated(ex)) deallocate(ex,cs,cp)
413    allocate(ex(nprim), cs(nprim), cp(nprim), stat=aok)
414    if (aok>0) then
415      call die("Can't allocate arrays for primitives.")
416    end if
417    ex=0d0; cs=0d0; cp=0d0
418  case("Atomic numbers")
419    call read_line(eof)
420    do i=1,nat
421      call geti(k)
422      name(i)=element(k)
423    end do
424    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a,20a3/(17x,20a3))")                    &
425        "Atoms:            ", name(1:nat)
426  case("Nuclear charges")
427    call read_line(eof)
428    do i=1,nat
429      call getf(zan(i))
430    end do
431    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a,20i3/(16x,20i3))")                    &
432        "Nuclear charges:", nint(zan(1:nat))
433  case("Current cartesian coordinates")
434    call read_line(eof)
435    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a)") "Atom  Z   Position (a.u.)"
436    do i=1,nat
437      do j=1,3
438        call getf(c(j,i),rfact)
439      end do
440      if (verbose) write(outfile, "(a3,i4,3f10.5)") name(i), nint(zan(i)), c(:,i)
441    end do
442  case("Shell types")
443    call read_line(eof)
444    ! num is the original number of basis functions. n is the
445    ! increased number when conversion from spherical to
446    ! cartesian is taken into account.
447    num=0
448    n=0
449    do i=1,nshell
450      call geti(shell_type(i))
451      select case(shell_type(i))
452      case(0)
453        num=num+1; n=n+1
454      case(1)
455        num=num+3; n=n+3
456      case(-1)
457        num=num+4; n=n+4
458      case(2)
459        num=num+6; n=n+6
460      case(-2)
461        num=num+5; n=n+6
462      case(3)
463        num=num+10; n=n+10
464      case(-3)
465        num=num+7; n=n+10
466      case(4)
467        num=num+15; n=n+15
468      case(-4)
469        num=num+9; n=n+15
470      end select
471    end do
472    if (verbose) write(outfile, "(i0,a)") num, " basis functions"
473    if ((verbose) .and. n>num)                           &
474        write(outfile, "(a,i0,a)") "(", n, " after conversion to cartesian)"
475    maxbfn=n
476    if (allocated(iax)) deallocate(iax)
477    allocate(iax(n+1), stat=aok)
478    if (aok>0) then
479      call die("Can't allocate IAX array")
480    end if
481  case("Number of primitives per shell")
482    call read_line(eof)
483    k=1
484    do i=1,nshell
485      call geti(j)
486      kstart(i)=k
487      k=k+j
488      kng(i)=j
489    end do
490    if (verbose) then
491      write(outfile,"(a,20i3/(19x,20i3))") "Contraction depths:", kng(1:nshell)
492      write(outfile,"(a,i0)") "Total number of primitives required: ", k-1
493    end if
494    if (k .ne. nprim+1) call die                              &
495        ("Shell contractions do not match number of primitives",.false.)
496  case("Shell to atom map")
497    call read_line(eof)
498    do i=1,nshell
499      call geti(katom(i))
500    end do
501    if (verbose) then
502      write(outfile,"(a,120i3)") "shell to atom", katom(1:nshell)
503    endif
504  case("Primitive exponents")
505    call read_line(eof)
506    do i=1,nprim
507      call getf(ex(i))
508    end do
509!    print "(a,20F10.6)", "primitive exps", ex(1:nprim)
510  case("Contraction coefficients")
511    call read_line(eof)
512    do i=1,nshell
513      do j=kstart(i),kstart(i)+kng(i)-1
514        call getf(e)
515        if (shell_type(i) .eq. 1) then
516          cp(j)=e
517        else
518          cs(j)=e
519        end if
520        ! select case(shell_type(i))
521        ! case(-1,0)
522        !   cs(j)=e
523        ! case(1)
524        !   cp(j)=e
525        ! case(2,-2,3,-3,4,-4,5,-5)
526        !   cd(j)=e
527        ! end select
528      end do
529    end do
530  case("P(S=P) Contraction coefficients")
531    call read_line(eof)
532    do i=1,nshell
533      do j=kstart(i),kstart(i)+kng(i)-1
534        call getf(e)
535        if (shell_type(i) .eq. -1) then
536          cp(j)=e
537        end if
538      end do
539    end do
540!   case("Alpha MO coefficients","Beta MO coefficients")
541!     if (debug(2)) then
542!       print "(/a)", text
543!       allocate(temp(ncoorb,ncoorb))
544!       do i=1,ncoorb
545!         do j=1,ncoorb
546!           call getf(temp(j,i))
547!         end do
548!       end do
549!       call matwrtt(temp,1,ncoorb,1,ncoorb,format="6f12.5")
550!       deallocate(temp)
551!     end if
552  case default
553    if (text .eq. density_header) then
554      ncoorb=n
555      nx=n*(n+1)/2
556      allocate(densty(n,n),temp(n,n))
557      call read_line(eof)
558      do i=1,num
559        do j=1,i
560          call getf(densty(i,j)); densty(j,i)=densty(i,j)
561        end do
562      end do
563      ok=.true.
564    else
565      !  Ignore this section
566      if (nn .gt. 0) then
567        if (type .eq. "I") then
568          do i=1,(nn+5)/6
569            read(ir,"(A8)") dummy
570          end do
571        else if (type .eq. "R") then
572          do i=1,(nn+4)/5
573            read(ir,"(A8)") dummy
574          end do
575        end if
576      endif
577    endif
578  end select
579end do
581if (verbose) then
582  atom=0
583  do i=1,nshell
584    if (katom(i) .ne. atom) then
585      atom=katom(i)
586      write(outfile, "(a)") name(atom)
587    end if
588    write(outfile, "(a,i0,3x,a)") "Shell ", i, label(shell_type(i))
589    do j=kstart(i),kstart(i)+kng(i)-1
590      select case (shell_type(i))
591      case (-1)
592        write(outfile, "(i10,f16.8, 2f14.8)") j, ex(j), cs(j), cp(j)
593      case(0)
594        write(outfile, "(i10,f16.8, 2f14.8)") j, ex(j), cs(j)
595      case(1)
596        write(outfile, "(i10,f16.8, 2f14.8)") j, ex(j), cp(j)
597      case(2,-2,3,-3,4,-4)
598        write(outfile, "(i10,f16.8, 2f14.8)") j, ex(j), cs(j)
599      end select
600    end do
601  end do
602end if
603!  We use unnormalized primitive functions, so we transfer the
604!  normalising factor to the contraction coefficients. This is
605!  the factor for z^n exp(-e*r^2). General formula is
606!  (4e)^(n/2).(2e/pi)^{3/4}/sqrt{(2n-1)!!}
607do i=1,nshell
608  do j=kstart(i),kstart(i)+kng(i)-1
609    e=ex(j)
610    select case(abs(shell_type(i)))
611    case(0,1)
612      cs(j)=cs(j)*sqrt(sqrt((2d0*e/pi)**3))
613      cp(j)=cp(j)*sqrt(4d0*e*sqrt((2d0*e/pi)**3))
614    case(5) ! h shell
615      cs(j)=cs(j)*(4d0*e)**2*sqrt(4d0*e*sqrt((2d0*e/pi)**3)/945d0)
616    case(4) ! g shell
617      cs(j)=cs(j)*(4d0*e)**2*sqrt(sqrt((2d0*e/pi)**3)/105d0)
618    case(3) ! f shell
619      cs(j)=cs(j)*4d0*e*sqrt(4d0*e*sqrt((2d0*e/pi)**3)/15d0)
620    case(2) ! d shell
621      cs(j)=cs(j)*4d0*e*sqrt(sqrt((2d0*e/pi)**3)/3d0)
622    end select
623  end do
624end do
626if (.not. ok) return
627!     call matwrtt(densty,1,num,1,num,format='5F10.5', cols=5)
629!  Deal with shell types, transforming from spherical to cartesian
630!  basis if necessary
632do i=1,nshell
633  kloc(i)=k+1 ! First basis function for shell i
634  select case(shell_type(i))
635  case(-1) ! sp shell
636    kmin(i)=1
637    kmax(i)=4
638    ktype(i)=2
639  case(0) ! s shell
640    kmin(i)=1
641    kmax(i)=1
642    ktype(i)=1
643  case(1) ! p shell
644    kmin(i)=2
645    kmax(i)=4
646    ktype(i)=2
647  case(2,-2) ! d shell
648    kmin(i)=5
649    kmax(i)=10
650    ktype(i)=3
651    if (shell_type(i) .lt. 0) then ! Spherical d shell
652      temp(1:num,1:k)=densty(1:num,1:k)
653      temp(1:num,k+1:k+6)=matmul(densty(1:num,k+1:k+5),td)
654      temp(1:num,k+7:num+1)=densty(1:num,k+6:num)
655      num=num+1
656      densty(1:k,1:num)=temp(1:k,1:num)
657      densty(k+1:k+6,1:num)=matmul(transpose(td),temp(k+1:k+5,1:num))
658      densty(k+7:num,1:num)=temp(k+6:num-1,1:num)
659    endif
660  case(3,-3) ! f shell
661    kmin(i)=11
662    kmax(i)=20
663    ktype(i)=4
664    if (shell_type(i) .lt. 0) then ! Spherical f shell
665      temp(1:num,1:k)=densty(1:num,1:k)
666      temp(1:num,k+1:k+10)=matmul(densty(1:num,k+1:k+7),tf)
667      if (i<nshell) temp(1:num,k+11:num+3)=densty(1:num,k+8:num)
668      num=num+3
669      densty(1:k,1:num)=temp(1:k,1:num)
670      densty(k+1:k+10,1:num)=matmul(transpose(tf),temp(k+1:k+7,1:num))
671      if (i<nshell) densty(k+11:num,1:num)=temp(k+8:num-3,1:num)
672    endif
673  case(4,-4) ! g shell
674    kmin(i)=21
675    kmax(i)=35
676    ktype(i)=5
677    ! print "(a,i0,a,i0)", "num = ", num, "  k = ", k
678    if (shell_type(i) .lt. 0) then ! Spherical g shell
679      temp(1:num,1:k)=densty(1:num,1:k)
680      temp(1:num,k+1:k+15)=matmul(densty(1:num,k+1:k+9),tg)
681      if (i<nshell) temp(1:num,k+16:num+6)=densty(1:num,k+10:num)
682      num=num+6
683      densty(1:k,1:num)=temp(1:k,1:num)
684      densty(k+1:k+15,1:num)=matmul(transpose(tg),temp(k+1:k+9,1:num))
685      if (i<nshell) densty(k+16:num,1:num)=temp(k+10:num-6,1:num)
686    endif
687  case default
688    write (buffer,"(a,i0)") "Unrecognized or unimplemented shell type ", i
689    call die(trim(buffer),.false.)
690  end select
691  k=k+kmax(i)-kmin(i)+1
692end do
693if (k .ne. n .or. num .ne. n) call die                             &
694    ("Mismatch in number of basis functions",.false.)
695if (debug(1)) call matwrtt(densty,1,n,1,n,format='5F10.5', iformat="5i10", cols=5)
699END SUBROUTINE get_data
703SUBROUTINE matwrtt(c,i1,i2,j1,j2,format,cols,iformat)
705!  Print rows I1 to I2, columns J1 to J2, of the lower triangle of
706!  the symmetric matrix C
709REAL(dp) :: c(:,:)
710INTEGER i1, i2, j1, j2
711CHARACTER(LEN=*), OPTIONAL :: format, iformat
714INTEGER i, j, jstart, jfinis, ncols
715CHARACTER(LEN=20) :: fmt, ifmt
719if (present(format)) fmt=format
720if (present(iformat)) ifmt=iformat
722if (present(cols)) ncols=cols
725do while (jfinis .lt. j2)
726  jstart=jfinis+1
727  jfinis=min(j2,jfinis+ncols)
728  write (6,"(/1x,"//ifmt//")") (j,j=jstart,jfinis)
729  write (6,'(1x)')
730  do i=max(i1,jstart),i2
731    write (6,"(1x,i3,1x,"//fmt//")")                            &
732        i,(c(i,j),j=jstart,min(i,jfinis))
733  end do
734end do
738END module gdma