2# Gramps - a GTK+/GNOME based genealogy program
4# Copyright (C) 2007       Douglas S. Blank
5# Copyright (C) 2000-2007  Donald N. Allingham
6# Copyright (C) 2008       Raphael Ackerman
7# Copyright (C) 2008       Brian G. Matherly
8# Copyright (C) 2011       Tim G L Lyons
10# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13# (at your option) any later version.
15# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18# GNU General Public License for more details.
20# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
25"Import from CSV Spreadsheet"
29# Standard Python Modules
32import time
33import csv
34import codecs
35from io import TextIOWrapper
39# Set up logging
42import logging
43LOG = logging.getLogger(".ImportCSV")
47# Gramps modules
50from gramps.gen.const import GRAMPS_LOCALE as glocale
51_ = glocale.translation.sgettext
52ngettext = glocale.translation.ngettext # else "nearby" comments are ignored
53from gramps.gen.lib import (ChildRef, Citation, Event, EventRef, EventType,
54                            Family, FamilyRelType, Name, NameType, Note,
55                            NoteType, Person, Place, Source, Surname, Tag,
56                            PlaceName, PlaceType, PlaceRef,
57                            Attribute, AttributeType)
58from gramps.gen.db import DbTxn
59from gramps.gen.datehandler import parser as _dp
60from gramps.gen.utils.string import gender as gender_map
61from gramps.gen.utils.id import create_id
62from gramps.gen.utils.location import located_in
63from gramps.gen.lib.eventroletype import EventRoleType
64from gramps.gen.config import config
65from gramps.gen.display.place import displayer as place_displayer
66from gramps.gen.utils.libformatting import ImportInfo
67from gramps.gen.errors import GrampsImportError as Error
71# Support Functions
74def get_primary_event_ref_from_type(dbase, person, event_name):
75    """
76    >>> get_primary_event_ref_from_type(dbase, Person(), "Baptism"):
77    """
78    for ref in person.event_ref_list:
79        if ref.get_role() == EventRoleType.PRIMARY:
80            event = dbase.get_event_from_handle(ref.ref)
81            if event and event.type.is_type(event_name):
82                return ref
83    return None
87# Support and main functions
90def rd(line_number, row, col, key, default = None):
91    """ Return Row data by column name """
92    if key in col:
93        if col[key] >= len(row):
94            LOG.warning("missing '%s, on line %d" % (key, line_number))
95            return default
96        retval = row[col[key]].strip()
97        if retval == "":
98            return default
99        else:
100            return retval
101    else:
102        return default
104def importData(dbase, filename, user):
105    """Function called by Gramps to import data on persons in CSV format."""
106    if dbase.get_feature("skip-import-additions"): # don't add source or tags
107        parser = CSVParser(dbase, user, None)
108    else:
109        parser = CSVParser(dbase, user, (config.get('preferences.tag-on-import-format') if
110                                         config.get('preferences.tag-on-import') else None))
111    try:
112        with open(filename, 'rb') as filehandle:
113            line = filehandle.read(3)
114            if line == codecs.BOM_UTF8:
115                filehandle.seek(0)
116                filehandle = TextIOWrapper(filehandle, encoding='utf_8_sig',
117                                           errors='replace', newline='')
118            else:                       # just open with OS encoding
119                filehandle.seek(0)
120                filehandle = TextIOWrapper(filehandle,
121                                           errors='replace', newline='')
122            parser.parse(filehandle)
123    except EnvironmentError as err:
124        user.notify_error(_("%s could not be opened\n") % filename, str(err))
125        return
126    return ImportInfo({_("Results"): _("done")})
130# CSV Parser
133class CSVParser:
134    """Class to read data in CSV format from a file object."""
135    def __init__(self, dbase, user, default_tag_format=None):
136        self.db = dbase
137        self.user = user
138        self.trans = None
139        self.lineno = 0
140        self.index = 0
141        self.fam_count = 0
142        self.indi_count = 0
143        self.place_count = 0
144        self.pref = {} # person ref, internal to this sheet
145        self.fref = {} # family ref, internal to this sheet
146        self.placeref = {}
147        self.place_types = {}
148        # Build reverse dictionary, name to type number
149        for items in PlaceType().get_map().items(): # (0, 'Custom')
150            self.place_types[items[1]] = items[0]
151            self.place_types[items[1].lower()] = items[0]
152            if _(items[1]) != items[1]:
153                self.place_types[_(items[1])] = items[0]
154        # Add custom types:
155        for custom_type in self.db.get_place_types():
156            self.place_types[custom_type] = 0
157            self.place_types[custom_type.lower()] = 0
158        column2label = {
159            "surname": ("lastname", "last_name", "surname", _("surname"),
160                        _("Surname")),
161            "firstname": ("firstname", "first_name", "given_name", "given",
162                          "given name", _("given name"), _("given"),
163                          _("Given"), _("Given name")),
164            "callname": ("call name", _("Call name"), "callname", "call_name",
165                         "call", _("Call"), _("call")),
166            "title": ("title", _("title"), _("Person or Place|title")),
167            "prefix": ("prefix", _("prefix"), _("Prefix")),
168            "suffix": ("suffix", _("suffix"), _("Suffix")),
169            "gender": ("gender", _("gender"), _("Gender")),
170            "source": ("source", _("source"), _("Source")),
171            "note": ("note", _("note"), _("Note")),
172            "birthplace": ("birthplace", "birth_place", "birth place",
173                           _("birth place"), _("Birth place")),
174            "birthplace_id": ("birthplaceid", "birth_place_id",
175                              "birth place id", _("birth place id"),
176                              "birthplace_id"),
177            "birthdate": ("birthdate", "birth_date", "birth date",
178                          _("birth date")),
179            "birthsource": ("birthsource", "birth_source", "birth source",
180                            _("birth source")),
181            "baptismplace": ("baptismplace", "baptism place",
182                             _("baptism place")),
183            "baptismplace_id": ("baptismplaceid", "baptism place id",
184                                _("baptism place id"), "baptism_place_id",
185                                "baptismplace_id"),
186            "baptismdate": ("baptismdate", "baptism date", _("baptism date")),
187            "baptismsource": ("baptismsource", "baptism source",
188                              _("baptism source")),
189            "burialplace": ("burialplace", "burial place", _("burial place")),
190            "burialplace_id": ("burialplaceid", "burial place id",
191                               _("burial place id"), "burial_place_id",
192                               "burialplace_id"),
193            "burialdate": ("burialdate", "burial date", _("burial date")),
194            "burialsource": ("burialsource", "burial source",
195                             _("burial source")),
196            "deathplace": ("deathplace", "death_place", "death place",
197                           _("death place")),
198            "deathplace_id": ("deathplaceid", "death place id",
199                              _("death place id"), "death_place_id",
200                              "deathplace_id"),
201            "deathdate": ("deathdate", "death_date", "death date",
202                          _("death date")),
203            "deathsource": ("deathsource", "death_source", "death source",
204                            _("death source")),
205            "deathcause": ("deathcause", "death_cause", "death cause",
206                           _("death cause")),
207            "grampsid": (_("Gramps ID"), "grampsid", "id", "gramps_id",
208                         "gramps id"),
209            "person": ("person", _("person"), _("Person")),
210            "occupationdescr": ("occupationdescr", _("occupationdescr"), _("Occupation description")),
211            "occupationdate": ("occupationdate", _("occupationdate"), _("Occupation date")),
212            "occupationplace": ("occupationplace", _("occupationplace"), _("Occupation place")),
213            "occupationplace_id": ("occupationplace_id", _("occupationplace_id"), _("Occupation place id")),
214            "occupationsource": ("occupationsource", _("occupationsource"), _("Occupation source")),
216            "residencedate": ("residencedate", _("residencedate"), _("residence date")),
217            "residenceplace": ("residenceplace", _("residenceplace"), _("residence place")),
218            "residenceplace_id": ("residenceplace_id", _("residenceplace_id"), _("residence place id")),
219            "residencesource": ("residencesource", _("residencesource"), _("residence source")),
221            "attributetype": ("attributetype", _("attributetype"), _("attribute type")),
222            "attributevalue": ("attributevalue", _("attributevalue"), _("attribute value")),
223            "attributesource": ("attributesource", _("attributesource"), _("attribute source")),
225            # ----------------------------------
226            "child": ("child", _("child"), _("Child")),
227            "family": ("family", _("family"), _("Family")),
228            # ----------------------------------
229            "wife": ("mother", _("mother"), _("Mother"),
230                     "wife", _("wife"), _("Wife"),
231                     "parent2", _("parent2")),
232            "husband": ("father", _("father"), _("Father"),
233                        "husband", _("husband"), _("Husband"),
234                        "parent1", _("parent1")),
235            "marriage": ("marriage", _("marriage"), _("Marriage")),
236            "date": ("date", _("date"), _("Date")),
237            "place": ("place", _("place"), _("Place")),
238            "place_id": ("place id", "place_id", "placeid", _("place id")),
239            "name": ("name", _("name"), _("Name")),
240            "type": ("type", _("type"), _("Type")),
241            "latitude": ("latitude", _("latitude")),
242            "longitude": ("longitude", _("longitude")),
243            "code": ("code", _("code"), _("Code")),
244            "enclosed_by": ("enclosed by", _("enclosed by"),
245                            "enclosed_by", _("enclosed_by"), "enclosedby")
246        }
247        lab2col_dict = []
248        for key in list(column2label.keys()):
249            for val in column2label[key]:
250                lab2col_dict.append((val.lower(), key))
251        self.label2column = dict(lab2col_dict)
252        if default_tag_format:
253            name = time.strftime(default_tag_format)
254            tag = self.db.get_tag_from_name(name)
255            if tag:
256                self.default_tag = tag
257            else:
258                self.default_tag = Tag()
259                self.default_tag.set_name(name)
260        else:
261            self.default_tag = None
263    def cleanup_column_name(self, column):
264        """Handle column aliases for CSV spreadsheet import and SQL."""
265        return self.label2column.get(column, column)
267    def read_csv(self, filehandle):
268        "Read the data from the file and return it as a list."
269        try:
270            data = [[r.strip() for r in row] for row in csv.reader(filehandle)]
271        except csv.Error as err:
272            self.user.notify_error(_('format error: line %(line)d: %(zero)s') % {
273                        'line' : reader.line_num, 'zero' : err } )
274            return None
275        return data
277    def lookup(self, type_, id_):
278        """
279        Return the object of type type_ with id id_ from db or previously
280        stored value.
281        """
282        if id_ is None:
283            return None
284        if type_ == "family":
285            if id_.startswith("[") and id_.endswith("]"):
286                id_ = self.db.fid2user_format(id_[1:-1])
287                db_lookup = self.db.get_family_from_gramps_id(id_)
288                if db_lookup is None:
289                    return self.lookup(type_, id_)
290                else:
291                    return db_lookup
292            else:
293                id_ = self.db.fid2user_format(id_)
294                if id_.lower() in self.fref:
295                    return self.fref[id_.lower()]
296                else:
297                    return None
298        elif type_ == "person":
299            if id_.startswith("[") and id_.endswith("]"):
300                id_ = self.db.id2user_format(id_[1:-1])
301                db_lookup = self.db.get_person_from_gramps_id(id_)
302                if db_lookup is None:
303                    return self.lookup(type_, id_)
304                else:
305                    return db_lookup
306            else:
307                id_ = self.db.id2user_format(id_)
308                if id_.lower() in self.pref:
309                    return self.pref[id_.lower()]
310                else:
311                    return None
312        elif type_ == "place":
313            if id_.startswith("[") and id_.endswith("]"):
314                id_ = self.db.pid2user_format(id_[1:-1])
315                db_lookup = self.db.get_place_from_gramps_id(id_)
316                if db_lookup is None:
317                    return self.lookup(type_, id_)
318                else:
319                    return db_lookup
320            else:
321                id_ = self.db.pid2user_format(id_)
322                if id_.lower() in self.placeref:
323                    return self.placeref[id_.lower()]
324                else:
325                    return None
326        else:
327            LOG.warning("invalid lookup type in CSV import: '%s'" % type_)
328            return None
330    def storeup(self, type_, id_, object_):
331        "Store object object_ of type type_ in a dictionary under key id_."
332        if id_.startswith("[") and id_.endswith("]"):
333            id_ = id_[1:-1]
334            #return # do not store gramps people; go look them up
335        if type_ == "person":
336            id_ = self.db.id2user_format(id_)
337            self.pref[id_.lower()] = object_
338        elif type_ == "family":
339            id_ = self.db.fid2user_format(id_)
340            self.fref[id_.lower()] = object_
341        elif type_ == "place":
342            id_ = self.db.pid2user_format(id_)
343            self.placeref[id_.lower()] = object_
344        else:
345            LOG.warning("invalid storeup type in CSV import: '%s'" % type_)
347    def parse(self, filehandle):
348        """
349        Prepare the database and parse the input file.
351        :param filehandle: open file handle positioned at start of the file
352        """
353        progress_title = _('CSV Import')
354        with self.user.progress(progress_title,
355                _('Reading data...'), 1) as step:
356            data = self.read_csv(filehandle)
358        with self.user.progress(progress_title,
359                _('Importing data...'), len(data)) as step:
360            tym = time.time()
361            self.db.disable_signals()
362            with DbTxn(_("CSV import"), self.db, batch=True) as self.trans:
363                if self.default_tag and self.default_tag.handle is None:
364                    self.db.add_tag(self.default_tag, self.trans)
365                self._parse_csv_data(data, step)
366            self.db.enable_signals()
367            self.db.request_rebuild()
368            tym = time.time() - tym
369            # translators: leave all/any {...} untranslated
370            msg = ngettext('Import Complete: {number_of} second',
371                           'Import Complete: {number_of} seconds', tym
372                          ).format(number_of=tym)
373            LOG.debug(msg)
374            LOG.debug("New Families: %d" % self.fam_count)
375            LOG.debug("New Individuals: %d" % self.indi_count)
377    def _parse_csv_data(self, data, step):
378        """Parse each line of the input data and act accordingly."""
379        self.lineno = 0
380        self.index = 0
381        self.fam_count = 0
382        self.indi_count = 0
383        self.place_count = 0
384        self.pref = {} # person ref, internal to this sheet
385        self.fref = {} # family ref, internal to this sheet
386        self.placeref = {}
387        header = None
388        line_number = 0
389        for row in data:
390            step()
391            line_number += 1
392            if "".join(row) == "": # no blanks are allowed inside a table
393                header = None # clear headers, ready for next "table"
394                continue
395            ######################################
396            if header is None:
397                header = [self.cleanup_column_name(r.lower()) for r in row]
398                col = {}
399                count = 0
400                for key in header:
401                    col[key] = count
402                    count += 1
403                continue
404            # four different kinds of data: person, family, and marriage
405            if (("marriage" in header) or
406                ("husband" in header) or
407                ("wife" in header)):
408                self._parse_marriage(line_number, row, col)
409            elif "family" in header:
410                self._parse_family(line_number, row, col)
411            elif "surname" in header:
412                self._parse_person(line_number, row, col)
413            elif "place" in header:
414                self._parse_place(line_number, row, col)
415            else:
416                LOG.warning("ignoring line %d" % line_number)
417        return None
419    def _parse_marriage(self, line_number, row, col):
420        "Parse the content of a Marriage,Husband,Wife line."
421        marriage_ref = rd(line_number, row, col, "marriage")
422        husband = rd(line_number, row, col, "husband")
423        wife = rd(line_number, row, col, "wife")
424        marriagedate = rd(line_number, row, col, "date")
425        marriageplace = rd(line_number, row, col, "place")
426        marriageplace_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "place_id")
427        marriagesource = rd(line_number, row, col, "source")
428        note = rd(line_number, row, col, "note")
429        wife = self.lookup("person", wife)
430        husband = self.lookup("person", husband)
431        if husband is None and wife is None:
432            # might have children, so go ahead and add
433            LOG.warning("no parents on line %d; adding family anyway" %
434                        line_number)
435        family = self.get_or_create_family(marriage_ref, husband, wife)
436        # adjust gender, if not already provided
437        if husband:
438            # this is just a guess, if unknown
439            if husband.get_gender() == Person.UNKNOWN:
440                husband.set_gender(Person.MALE)
441                self.db.commit_person(husband, self.trans)
442        if wife:
443            # this is just a guess, if unknown
444            if wife.get_gender() == Person.UNKNOWN:
445                wife.set_gender(Person.FEMALE)
446                self.db.commit_person(wife, self.trans)
447        if marriage_ref:
448            self.storeup("family", marriage_ref, family)
449        if marriagesource:
450            # add, if new
451            new, marriagesource = self.get_or_create_source(marriagesource)
452        if marriageplace and marriageplace_id:
453            raise Error("Error in marriage: can't have a place and place_id")
454        if marriageplace:
455            # add, if new
456            new, marriageplace = self.get_or_create_place(marriageplace)
457        elif marriageplace_id:
458            # better exist already, locally or in database:
459            marriageplace = self.lookup("place", marriageplace_id)
460        if marriagedate:
461            marriagedate = _dp.parse(marriagedate)
462        if marriagedate or marriageplace or marriagesource or note:
463            # add, if new; replace, if different
464            new, marriage = self.get_or_create_event(family,
465                    EventType.MARRIAGE, marriagedate,
466                    marriageplace, marriagesource)
467            if new:
468                mar_ref = EventRef()
469                mar_ref.set_reference_handle(marriage.get_handle())
470                mar_ref.set_role(EventRoleType(EventRoleType.FAMILY))
471                family.add_event_ref(mar_ref)
472                self.db.commit_family(family, self.trans)
473            # only add note to event:
474            # append notes, if previous notes
475            if note:
476                previous_notes_list = marriage.get_note_list()
477                updated_note = False
478                for note_handle in previous_notes_list:
479                    previous_note = self.db.get_note_from_handle(
480                            note_handle)
481                    if previous_note.type == NoteType.EVENT:
482                        previous_text = previous_note.get()
483                        if note not in previous_text:
484                            note = previous_text + "\n" + note
485                        previous_note.set(note)
486                        self.db.commit_note(previous_note, self.trans)
487                        updated_note = True
488                        break
489                if not updated_note:
490                    # add new note here
491                    new_note = Note()
492                    new_note.handle = create_id()
493                    new_note.type.set(NoteType.EVENT)
494                    new_note.set(note)
495                    if self.default_tag:
496                        new_note.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle)
497                    self.db.add_note(new_note, self.trans)
498                    marriage.add_note(new_note.handle)
499                self.db.commit_event(marriage, self.trans)
501    def _parse_family(self, line_number, row, col):
502        "Parse the content of a family line"
503        family_ref = rd(line_number, row, col, "family")
504        if family_ref is None:
505            LOG.warning("no family reference found for family on line %d" %
506                        line_number)
507            return # required
508        child = rd(line_number, row, col, "child")
509        source = rd(line_number, row, col, "source")
510        note = rd(line_number, row, col, "note")
511        gender = rd(line_number, row, col, "gender")
512        child = self.lookup("person", child)
513        family = self.lookup("family", family_ref)
514        if family is None:
515            LOG.warning("no matching family reference found for family "
516                        "on line %d" % line_number)
517            return
518        if child is None:
519            LOG.warning("no matching child reference found for family "
520                        "on line %d" % line_number)
521            return
522        # is this child already in this family? If so, don't add
523        LOG.debug("children: %s", [ref.ref for ref in
524                                   family.get_child_ref_list()])
525        LOG.debug("looking for: %s", child.get_handle())
526        if child.get_handle() not in [ref.ref for ref in
527                                      family.get_child_ref_list()]:
528            # add child to family
529            LOG.debug("   adding child [%s] to family [%s]",
530                      child.get_gramps_id(), family.get_gramps_id())
531            childref = ChildRef()
532            childref.set_reference_handle(child.get_handle())
533            family.add_child_ref( childref)
534            self.db.commit_family(family, self.trans)
535            child.add_parent_family_handle(family.get_handle())
536        if gender:
537            # replace
538            gender = gender.lower()
539            if gender == gender_map[Person.MALE].lower():
540                gender = Person.MALE
541            elif gender == gender_map[Person.FEMALE].lower():
542                gender = Person.FEMALE
543            else:
544                gender = Person.UNKNOWN
545            child.set_gender(gender)
546        if source:
547            # add, if new
548            dummy_new, source = self.get_or_create_source(source)
549            self.find_and_set_citation(child, source)
550        # put note on child
551        if note:
552            # append notes, if previous notes
553            previous_notes_list = child.get_note_list()
554            updated_note = False
555            for note_handle in previous_notes_list:
556                previous_note = self.db.get_note_from_handle(note_handle)
557                if previous_note.type == NoteType.PERSON:
558                    previous_text = previous_note.get()
559                    if note not in previous_text:
560                        note = previous_text + "\n" + note
561                    previous_note.set(note)
562                    self.db.commit_note(previous_note, self.trans)
563                    updated_note = True
564                    break
565            if not updated_note:
566                # add new note here
567                new_note = Note()
568                new_note.handle = create_id()
569                new_note.type.set(NoteType.PERSON)
570                new_note.set(note)
571                if self.default_tag:
572                    new_note.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle)
573                self.db.add_note(new_note, self.trans)
574                child.add_note(new_note.handle)
575        self.db.commit_person(child, self.trans)
577    def _parse_person(self, line_number, row, col):
578        "Parse the content of a Person line."
579        surname = rd(line_number, row, col, "surname")
580        firstname = rd(line_number, row, col, "firstname", "")
581        callname = rd(line_number, row, col, "callname")
582        title = rd(line_number, row, col, "title")
583        prefix = rd(line_number, row, col, "prefix")
584        suffix = rd(line_number, row, col, "suffix")
585        gender = rd(line_number, row, col, "gender")
586        source = rd(line_number, row, col, "source")
587        note = rd(line_number, row, col, "note")
588        birthplace = rd(line_number, row, col, "birthplace")
589        birthplace_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "birthplace_id")
590        birthdate = rd(line_number, row, col, "birthdate")
591        birthsource = rd(line_number, row, col, "birthsource")
592        baptismplace = rd(line_number, row, col, "baptismplace")
593        baptismplace_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "baptismplace_id")
594        baptismdate = rd(line_number, row, col, "baptismdate")
595        baptismsource = rd(line_number, row, col, "baptismsource")
596        burialplace = rd(line_number, row, col, "burialplace")
597        burialplace_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "burialplace_id")
598        burialdate = rd(line_number, row, col, "burialdate")
599        burialsource = rd(line_number, row, col, "burialsource")
600        deathplace = rd(line_number, row, col, "deathplace")
601        deathplace_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "deathplace_id")
602        deathdate = rd(line_number, row, col, "deathdate")
603        deathsource = rd(line_number, row, col, "deathsource")
604        deathcause = rd(line_number, row, col, "deathcause")
605        grampsid = rd(line_number, row, col, "grampsid")
606        person_ref = rd(line_number, row, col, "person")
607        occupationdescr = rd(line_number, row, col, "occupationdescr")
608        occupationplace = rd(line_number, row, col, "occupationplace")
609        occupationplace_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "occupationplace_id")
610        occupationsource = rd(line_number, row, col, "occupationsource")
611        occupationdate = rd(line_number, row, col, "occupationdate")
612        residencedate = rd(line_number, row, col, "residencedate")
613        residenceplace = rd(line_number, row, col, "residenceplace")
614        residenceplace_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "residenceplace_id")
615        residencesource = rd(line_number, row, col, "residencesource")
616        attributetype = rd(line_number, row, col, "attributetype")
617        attributevalue = rd(line_number, row, col, "attributevalue")
618        attributesource = rd(line_number, row, col, "attributesource")
620        #########################################################
621        # if this person already exists, don't create them
622        person = self.lookup("person", person_ref)
623        if person is None:
624            if surname is None:
625                LOG.warning("empty surname for new person on line %d" %
626                            line_number)
627                surname = ""
628            # new person
629            person = self.create_person()
630            name = Name()
631            name.set_type(NameType(NameType.BIRTH))
632            name.set_first_name(firstname)
633            surname_obj = Surname()
634            surname_obj.set_surname(surname)
635            name.add_surname(surname_obj)
636            person.set_primary_name(name)
637        else:
638            name = person.get_primary_name()
639        #########################################################
640        if person_ref is not None:
641            self.storeup("person", person_ref, person)
642        # replace
643        if surname is not None:
644            name.get_primary_surname().set_surname(surname)
645        if firstname is not None:
646            name.set_first_name(firstname)
647        if callname is not None:
648            name.set_call_name(callname)
649        if title is not None:
650            name.set_title(title)
651        if prefix is not None:
652            name.get_primary_surname().set_prefix(prefix)
653            name.group_as = '' # HELP? what should I do here?
654        if suffix is not None:
655            name.set_suffix(suffix)
656        if note is not None:
657            # append notes, if previous notes
658            previous_notes_list = person.get_note_list()
659            updated_note = False
660            for note_handle in previous_notes_list:
661                previous_note = self.db.get_note_from_handle(note_handle)
662                if previous_note.type == NoteType.PERSON:
663                    previous_text = previous_note.get()
664                    if note not in previous_text:
665                        note = previous_text + "\n" + note
666                    previous_note.set(note)
667                    self.db.commit_note(previous_note, self.trans)
668                    updated_note = True
669                    break
670            if not updated_note:
671                # add new note here
672                new_note = Note()
673                new_note.handle = create_id()
674                new_note.type.set(NoteType.PERSON)
675                new_note.set(note)
676                if self.default_tag:
677                    new_note.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle)
678                self.db.add_note(new_note, self.trans)
679                person.add_note(new_note.handle)
680        if grampsid is not None:
681            person.gramps_id = grampsid
682        elif person_ref is not None:
683            if person_ref.startswith("[") and person_ref.endswith("]"):
684                person.gramps_id = self.db.id2user_format(person_ref[1:-1])
685        if (person.get_gender() == Person.UNKNOWN and
686                gender is not None):
687            gender = gender.lower()
688            if gender == gender_map[Person.MALE].lower():
689                gender = Person.MALE
690            elif gender == gender_map[Person.FEMALE].lower():
691                gender = Person.FEMALE
692            else:
693                gender = Person.UNKNOWN
694            person.set_gender(gender)
695        #########################################################
696        # add if new, replace if different
697        # Birth:
698        if birthdate is not None:
699            birthdate = _dp.parse(birthdate)
700        if birthplace and birthplace_id:
701            raise Error("Error in person: can't have a birthplace and birthplace_id")
702        if birthplace is not None:
703            new, birthplace = self.get_or_create_place(birthplace)
704        elif birthplace_id:
705            # better exist already, locally or in database:
706            birthplace = self.lookup("place", birthplace_id)
707        if birthsource is not None:
708            new, birthsource = self.get_or_create_source(birthsource)
709        if birthdate or birthplace or birthsource:
710            new, birth = self.get_or_create_event(person,
711                 EventType.BIRTH, birthdate,
712                 birthplace, birthsource)
713            birth_ref = person.get_birth_ref()
714            if birth_ref is None:
715                # new
716                birth_ref = EventRef()
717            birth_ref.set_reference_handle( birth.get_handle())
718            person.set_birth_ref( birth_ref)
719        # Baptism:
720        if baptismdate is not None:
721            baptismdate = _dp.parse(baptismdate)
722        if baptismplace and baptismplace_id:
723            raise Error("Error in person: can't have a baptismplace and baptismplace_id")
724        if baptismplace is not None:
725            new, baptismplace = self.get_or_create_place(baptismplace)
726        elif baptismplace_id:
727            # better exist already, locally or in database:
728            baptismplace = self.lookup("place", baptismplace_id)
729        if baptismsource is not None:
730            new, baptismsource = self.get_or_create_source(baptismsource)
731        if baptismdate or baptismplace or baptismsource:
732            new, baptism = self.get_or_create_event(person,
733                 EventType.BAPTISM, baptismdate,
734                 baptismplace, baptismsource)
735            baptism_ref = get_primary_event_ref_from_type(self.db, person,
736                                                          "Baptism")
737            if baptism_ref is None:
738                # new
739                baptism_ref = EventRef()
740            baptism_ref.set_reference_handle( baptism.get_handle())
741            person.add_event_ref( baptism_ref)
742        # Death:
743        if deathdate is not None:
744            deathdate = _dp.parse(deathdate)
745        if deathplace and deathplace_id:
746            raise Error("Error in person: can't have a deathplace and deathplace_id")
747        if deathplace is not None:
748            new, deathplace = self.get_or_create_place(deathplace)
749        elif deathplace_id:
750            # better exist already, locally or in database:
751            deathplace = self.lookup("place", deathplace_id)
752        if deathsource is not None:
753            new, deathsource = self.get_or_create_source(deathsource)
754        if deathdate or deathplace or deathsource or deathcause:
755            new, death = self.get_or_create_event(person,
756                    EventType.DEATH, deathdate, deathplace,
757                    deathsource)
758            if deathcause:
759                death.set_description(deathcause)
760                self.db.commit_event(death, self.trans)
761            death_ref = person.get_death_ref()
762            if death_ref is None:
763                # new
764                death_ref = EventRef()
765            death_ref.set_reference_handle(death.get_handle())
766            person.set_death_ref(death_ref)
767        # Burial:
768        if burialdate is not None:
769            burialdate = _dp.parse(burialdate)
770        if burialplace and burialplace_id:
771            raise Error("Error in person: can't have a burialplace and burialplace_id")
772        if burialplace is not None:
773            new, burialplace = self.get_or_create_place(burialplace)
774        elif burialplace_id:
775            # better exist already, locally or in database:
776            burialplace = self.lookup("place", burialplace_id)
777        if burialsource is not None:
778            new, burialsource = self.get_or_create_source(burialsource)
779        if burialdate or burialplace or burialsource:
780            new, burial = self.get_or_create_event(person,
781                 EventType.BURIAL, burialdate,
782                 burialplace, burialsource)
783            burial_ref = get_primary_event_ref_from_type(self.db, person,
784                                                         "Burial")
785            if burial_ref is None:
786                # new
787                burial_ref = EventRef()
788            burial_ref.set_reference_handle( burial.get_handle())
789            person.add_event_ref( burial_ref)
790        if source:
791            # add, if new
792            new, source = self.get_or_create_source(source)
793            self.find_and_set_citation(person, source)
795        # Attribute
796        # update existing custom attribute or create it
797        if attributevalue is not None:
798            new, attr = self.get_or_create_attribute(person, attributetype,
799                attributevalue, attributesource)
801        # Occupation:
802        # Contrary to the fields above,
803        # each line in the csv will add a new occupation event
804        if occupationdescr is not None: # if no description we have no info to add
805            if occupationdate is not None:
806                occupationdate = _dp.parse(occupationdate)
807            # occupation place takes precedence over place id if both are set
808            if occupationplace is not None:
809                new, occupationplace = self.get_or_create_place(occupationplace)
810            elif occupationplace_id:
811                occupationplace = self.lookup("place", occupationplace_id)
812            if occupationsource is not None:
813                new, occupationsource = self.get_or_create_source(occupationsource)
814            new, occupation = self.get_or_create_event(person,
815                 EventType.OCCUPATION, occupationdate,
816                 occupationplace, occupationsource, occupationdescr, True)
817            occupation_ref = EventRef()
818            occupation_ref.set_reference_handle( occupation.get_handle())
819            person.add_event_ref( occupation_ref)
821        # Residence:
822        # Contrary to the fields above occupation,
823        # each line in the csv will add a new residence event
824        if residencedate is not None:
825            residencedate = _dp.parse(residencedate)
826        # residence  place takes precedence over place id if both are set
827        if residenceplace is not None:
828            new, residenceplace = self.get_or_create_place(residenceplace)
829        elif residenceplace_id:
830            residenceplace = self.lookup("place", residenceplace_id)
831        if residencesource is not None:
832            new, residencesource = self.get_or_create_source(residencesource)
833        if residencedate or residenceplace or residencesource:
834            new, residence = self.get_or_create_event(person,
835                 EventType.RESIDENCE, residencedate,
836                 residenceplace, residencesource, None, True)
837            residence_ref = EventRef()
838            residence_ref.set_reference_handle( residence.get_handle())
839            person.add_event_ref( residence_ref)
842        self.db.commit_person(person, self.trans)
844    def _parse_place(self, line_number, row, col):
845        "Parse the content of a Place line."
846        place_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "place")
847        place_title = rd(line_number, row, col, "title")
848        place_name = rd(line_number, row, col, "name")
849        place_type_str = rd(line_number, row, col, "type")
850        place_latitude = rd(line_number, row, col, "latitude")
851        place_longitude = rd(line_number, row, col, "longitude")
852        place_code = rd(line_number, row, col, "code")
853        place_enclosed_by_id = rd(line_number, row, col, "enclosed_by")
854        place_date = rd(line_number, row, col, "date")
855        #########################################################
856        # if this place already exists, don't create it
857        place = self.lookup("place", place_id)
858        if place is None:
859            # new place
860            place = self.create_place()
861            if place_id is not None:
862                if place_id.startswith("[") and place_id.endswith("]"):
863                    place.gramps_id = self.db.pid2user_format(place_id[1:-1])
864                self.storeup("place", place_id, place)
865        if place_title is not None:
866            place.title = place_title
867        if place_name is not None:
868            place.name = PlaceName(value=place_name)
869        if place_type_str is not None:
870            place.place_type = self.get_place_type(place_type_str)
871        if place_latitude is not None:
872            place.lat = place_latitude
873        if place_longitude is not None:
874            place.long = place_longitude
875        if place_code is not None:
876            place.code = place_code
877        if place_enclosed_by_id is not None:
878            place_enclosed_by = self.lookup("place", place_enclosed_by_id)
879            if place_enclosed_by is None:
880                raise Exception("cannot enclose %s in %s as it doesn't exist" %
881                                (place.gramps_id, place_enclosed_by_id))
882            for placeref in place.placeref_list:
883                if place_enclosed_by.handle == placeref.ref:
884                    break
885            else:
886                placeref = PlaceRef()
887                placeref.ref = place_enclosed_by.handle
888                place.placeref_list.append(placeref)
889            if place_date:
890                placeref.date = _dp.parse(place_date)
891        #########################################################
892        self.db.commit_place(place, self.trans)
894    def get_place_type(self, place_type_str):
895        if place_type_str in self.place_types:
896            return PlaceType((self.place_types[place_type_str], place_type_str))
897        else:
898            # New custom type:
899            return PlaceType((0, place_type_str))
901    def get_or_create_family(self, family_ref, husband, wife):
902        "Return the family object for the give family ID."
903        # if a gramps_id and exists:
904        LOG.debug("get_or_create_family")
905        if family_ref.startswith("[") and family_ref.endswith("]"):
906            id_ = self.db.fid2user_format(family_ref[1:-1])
907            family = self.db.get_family_from_gramps_id(id_)
908            if family:
909                # don't delete, only add
910                fam_husband_handle = family.get_father_handle()
911                fam_wife_handle = family.get_mother_handle()
912                if husband:
913                    if husband.get_handle() != fam_husband_handle:
914                        # this husband is not the same old one! Add him!
915                        family.set_father_handle(husband.get_handle())
916                if wife:
917                    if wife.get_handle() != fam_wife_handle:
918                        # this wife is not the same old one! Add her!
919                        family.set_mother_handle(wife.get_handle())
920                LOG.debug("   returning existing family")
921                return family
922        # if not, create one:
923        family = Family()
924        # was marked with a gramps_id, but didn't exist, so we'll use it:
925        if family_ref.startswith("[") and family_ref.endswith("]"):
926            id_ = self.db.fid2user_format(family_ref[1:-1])
927            family.set_gramps_id(id_)
928        # add it:
929        family.set_handle(create_id())
930        if self.default_tag:
931            family.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle)
932        if husband:
933            family.set_father_handle(husband.get_handle())
934            husband.add_family_handle(family.get_handle())
935        if wife:
936            family.set_mother_handle(wife.get_handle())
937            wife.add_family_handle(family.get_handle())
938        if husband and wife:
939            family.set_relationship(FamilyRelType.MARRIED)
940        self.db.add_family(family, self.trans)
941        if husband:
942            self.db.commit_person(husband, self.trans)
943        if wife:
944            self.db.commit_person(wife, self.trans)
945        self.fam_count += 1
946        return family
948    def get_or_create_event(self, object_, type_, date=None, place=None,
949                            source=None, descr=None, create_only=False):
950        # first, see if it exists
951        LOG.debug("get_or_create_event")
952        ref_list = object_.get_event_ref_list()
953        LOG.debug("refs: %s", ref_list)
954        # look for a match, and possible correction
955        # except if create_only is true (for events that
956        # can have several occurrences like occupations, residences)
957        if not create_only :
958            for ref in ref_list:
959                event = self.db.get_event_from_handle(ref.ref)
960                LOG.debug("   compare event type %s == %s", int(event.get_type()),
961                          type_)
962                if int(event.get_type()) == type_:
963                    # Match! Let's update
964                    if date:
965                        event.set_date_object(date)
966                    if place:
967                        event.set_place_handle(place.get_handle())
968                    if source:
969                        self.find_and_set_citation(event, source)
970                    if descr:
971                        event.set_description(descr)
972                    self.db.commit_event(event, self.trans)
973                    LOG.debug("   returning existing event")
974                    return (0, event)
975        # else create it:
976        LOG.debug("   creating event")
977        event = Event()
978        if type_:
979            event.set_type(EventType(type_))
980        if date:
981            event.set_date_object(date)
982        if place:
983            event.set_place_handle(place.get_handle())
984        if source:
985            self.find_and_set_citation(event, source)
986        if descr:
987            event.set_description(descr)
988        if self.default_tag:
989            event.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle)
990        self.db.add_event(event, self.trans)
991        return (1, event)
993    def get_or_create_attribute(self, object_, type_, value_, source=None):
994        "Replaces existing attribute or create it"
995        LOG.debug("get_or_create_attribute")
996        attr_list = object_.get_attribute_list()
997        LOG.debug("refs: %s", attr_list)
998        # remove attributes if it already exists
999        if type_ is None:
1000            type_ = "UNKNOWN"
1001        for attr in attr_list:
1002            if attr.get_type() == type_:
1003                object_.remove_attribute(attr)
1004        # then add it
1005        LOG.debug("adding attribute")
1006        attr = Attribute()
1007        attr.set_type(type_)
1008        attr.set_value(value_)
1009        if source is not None:
1010            new, source = self.get_or_create_source(source)
1011            self.find_and_set_citation(attr, source)
1012        object_.add_attribute(attr)
1013        return (1, attr)
1015    def create_person(self):
1016        """ Used to create a new person we know doesn't exist """
1017        person = Person()
1018        if self.default_tag:
1019            person.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle)
1020        self.db.add_person(person, self.trans)
1021        self.indi_count += 1
1022        return person
1024    def create_place(self):
1025        """ Used to create a new person we know doesn't exist """
1026        place = Place()
1027        if self.default_tag:
1028            place.add_tag(self.default_tag.handle)
1029        self.db.add_place(place, self.trans)
1030        self.place_count += 1
1031        return place
1033    def get_or_create_place(self, place_name):
1034        "Return the requested place object tuple-packed with a new indicator."
1035        if place_name.startswith("[") and place_name.endswith("]"):
1036            place = self.lookup("place", place_name)
1037            return (0, place)
1038        LOG.debug("get_or_create_place: looking for: %s", place_name)
1039        for place_handle in self.db.iter_place_handles():
1040            place = self.db.get_place_from_handle(place_handle)
1041            place_title = place_displayer.display(self.db, place)
1042            if place_title == place_name:
1043                return (0, place)
1044        place = Place()
1045        place.set_title(place_name)
1046        place.name = PlaceName(value=place_name)
1047        self.db.add_place(place, self.trans)
1048        return (1, place)
1050    def get_or_create_source(self, source_text):
1051        "Return the requested source object tuple-packed with a new indicator."
1052        source_list = self.db.get_source_handles(sort_handles=False)
1053        LOG.debug("get_or_create_source: list: %s", source_list)
1054        LOG.debug("get_or_create_source: looking for: %s", source_text)
1055        for source_handle in source_list:
1056            source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(source_handle)
1057            if source.get_title() == source_text:
1058                LOG.debug("   returning existing source")
1059                return (0, source)
1060        LOG.debug("   creating source")
1061        source = Source()
1062        source.set_title(source_text)
1063        self.db.add_source(source, self.trans)
1064        return (1, source)
1066    def find_and_set_citation(self, obj, source):
1067        # look for the source in the existing citations for the object
1068        LOG.debug("find_and_set_citation: looking for source: %s",
1069                  source.get_gramps_id())
1070        for citation_handle in obj.get_citation_list():
1071            citation = self.db.get_citation_from_handle(citation_handle)
1072            LOG.debug("find_and_set_citation: existing citation: %s",
1073                      citation.get_gramps_id())
1074            poss_source = self.db.get_source_from_handle(
1075                                    citation.get_reference_handle())
1076            LOG.debug("   compare source %s == %s", source.get_gramps_id(),
1077                      poss_source.get_gramps_id())
1078            if poss_source.get_handle() == source.get_handle():
1079                # The source is already cited
1080                LOG.debug("   source already cited")
1081                return
1082        # we couldn't find an appropriate citation, so we have to create one.
1083        citation = Citation()
1084        LOG.debug("   creating citation")
1085        citation.set_reference_handle(source.get_handle())
1086        self.db.add_citation(citation, self.trans)
1087        LOG.debug("   created citation, citation %s %s" %
1088                  (citation, citation.get_gramps_id()))
1089        obj.add_citation(citation.get_handle())