1This THANKS file is from Unidata netCDF Version 2.3.2. 2(No attempt has been made to update contact information.) 3------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 5The NASA CDF data model, to which netCDF owes much, was developed by 6Michael Gough and Lloyd Treinish. Joe Fahle designed a C version for a 7CDF-like interface and discussions with Joe provided much of the 8inspiration for the original netCDF C interface. The netCDF C library 9was written by Glenn Davis. The nctest test suite, ncdump, ncgen, and 10C++ interface were written by Russ Rew. The XDR library is from Sun 11Microsystems. The FORTRAN jackets and FORTRAN test code were written by 12Cathy Cormack. The port library, configure-based installation system, 13and generalized hyperslab access implementation and test code are by 14Steve Emmerson. 15 16The following people have contributed bug reports, fixes, good 17suggestions, descriptions of use, and other kinds of useful support: 18 19Ethan Alpert ethan@niwot.scd.ucar.EDU 20Dr. Kenneth P. Bowman bowman@csrp.tamu.edu 21Bill Boyd boyd@mmm.ucar.edu 22Mark Bradford mark@typhoon.ofps.ucar.edu 23Morrell Chance chance@theory.pppl.gov 24Carlie J. Coats, Jr. coats@ncsc.org 25Jon Corbet corbet@stout.atd.ucar.EDU 26Harvey Davies hld@atmos.dar.csiro.au 27Charles R. Denham cdenham@nobska.er.usgs.gov 28Steve Diggs sdiggs@ucsd.edu 29Harry Edmon harry@atmos.washington.edu 30Joe Fahle jhf@loreto.seaspace.com 31Gabor Fichtinger gabor@chpc.utexas.edu 32Glenn Flierl glenn@mead.mit.edu 33Mike Folk mfolk@ncsa.uiuc.edu 34David W. Forslund dwf@lanl.gov 35Ben Foster foster@ncar.ucar.edu 36Gary Granger granger@stout.atd.ucar.edu 37Steve Hankin hankin@noaapmel.gov 38Bill Hart hart@ocean.ml.csiro.au 39Edward J. Hartnett ejh@khonshu.colorado.edu 40Donn Hines donn@lanl.gov 41Tim Holt holtt@oce.orst.edu 42Chris Houck chouck@ncsa.uiuc.edu 43Harry Jenter hjenter@stress.er.usgs.gov 44Susan Jesuroga jesuroga@comet.ucar.edu 45Tomas Johannesson tj@os.is 46John Kemp kemp@uiatma.atmos.uiuc.edu 47Bruce Langdon langdon@laura.llnl.gov 48Angel Li angel@miami.rsmas.miami.edu 49Brian Lincoln blincoln@SESSCO.com 50Jeffery W. Long jwlong@llnl.gov 51Dave Lucas dave@nwra.com 52Lawrence Lyjak lvl@acd.ucar.EDU 53Rich Lysakowski lysakowski@duggan.enet.dec.com 54Marinna Martini mmartini@nobska.er.usgs.gov 55Ron Melton rb_melton@pnl.gov 56Roy Mendelssohn mendelssohn@ssurf.ucsd.edu 57Barb Mihalas bmihalas@ncsa.uiuc.edu 58Rakesh Mithal rakesh@lamont.ldgo.columbia.edu 59Skip Montanaro montanaro@crd.ge.com 60Peter Neelin neelin@pet.mni.mcgill.ca 61Dan Packman pack@ncar.ucar.edu 62Dr. Louise Perkins perkins@pimms.mit.edu 63Ron Pfaff rtp@woodsy.lanl.gov 64Ken Prada kegp@isdl.whoi.edu 65Mark Rivers rivers@bnlx26.nsls.bnl.gov 66Randolph Roesler rdr@mda.ca 67Larry A. Schoof laschoo@sass577.endo.sandia.gov 68Rich Schramm scri@mbari.org 69William J. Schroeder schroeder@crd.ge.com 70Keith Searight keith@uiatma.atmos.uiuc.edu 71Richard P. Signell rsignell@crusty.er.usgs.gov 72Nancy Soreide nns@noaapmel.gov 73Lloyd Treinish lloydt@watson.ibm.com 74Tom Umeda TUmeda@baaqmd.gov 75Stephen Walker walker@ml.csiro.au 76Chris Webster chris@chinook.atd.ucar.EDU 77Paul Wessel wessel@kiawe.soest.hawaii.edu 78David Wojtowicz davidw@uiatma.atmos.uiuc.edu 79