1 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2  * Copyright by The HDF Group.                                               *
3  * All rights reserved.                                                      *
4  *                                                                           *
5  * This file is part of HDF5.  The full HDF5 copyright notice, including     *
6  * terms governing use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in    *
7  * the COPYING file, which can be found at the root of the source code       *
8  * distribution tree, or in https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF5/releases.  *
9  * If you do not have access to either file, you may request a copy from     *
10  * help@hdfgroup.org.                                                        *
11  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
13 #ifndef PIO_STANDALONE_H__
14 #define PIO_PERF_H__
16 /* Header file for building h5perf by standalone mode.
17  * Created: Christian Chilan, 2005/5/18.
18  */
20 /** From H5private.h **/
22 #include "H5public.h"    /* Include Public Definitions    */
25 /*
26  * Include ANSI-C header files.
27  */
28 #ifdef H5_STDC_HEADERS
29 #   include <assert.h>
30 #   include <ctype.h>
31 #   include <errno.h>
32 #   include <fcntl.h>
33 #   include <float.h>
34 #   include <limits.h>
35 #   include <math.h>
36 #   include <signal.h>
37 #   include <stdarg.h>
38 #   include <stdio.h>
39 #   include <stdlib.h>
40 #   include <string.h>
41 #endif
43 /*
44  * Redefine all the POSIX functions.  We should never see a POSIX
45  * function (or any other non-HDF5 function) in the source!
46  */
47 #define HDabort()               abort()
48 #define HDabs(X)                abs(X)
49 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
50 #define HDaccess(F,M)           _access(F, M)
51 #define R_OK    4       /* Test for read permission.  */
52 #define W_OK    2       /* Test for write permission.  */
53 #define X_OK    1       /* Test for execute permission.  */
54 #define F_OK    0       /* Test for existence.  */
55 #else /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
56 #define HDaccess(F,M)           access(F, M)
57 #ifndef F_OK
58 #define F_OK  00
59 #define W_OK 02
60 #define R_OK 04
61 #endif
62 #endif /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
63 #define HDacos(X)               acos(X)
64 #ifdef H5_HAVE_ALARM
65 #define HDalarm(N)              alarm(N)
66 #else /* H5_HAVE_ALARM */
67 #define HDalarm(N)              (0)
68 #endif /* H5_HAVE_ALARM */
69 #define HDasctime(T)            asctime(T)
70 #define HDasin(X)               asin(X)
71 #define HDasprintf              asprintf /*varargs*/
72 #define HDassert(X)             assert(X)
73 #define HDatan(X)               atan(X)
74 #define HDatan2(X,Y)            atan2(X,Y)
75 #define HDatexit(F)             atexit(F)
76 #define HDatof(S)               atof(S)
77 #define HDatoi(S)               atoi(S)
78 #define HDatol(S)               atol(S)
79 #define HDbsearch(K,B,N,Z,F)    bsearch(K,B,N,Z,F)
80 #define HDcalloc(N,Z)           calloc(N,Z)
81 #define HDceil(X)               ceil(X)
82 #define HDcfgetispeed(T)        cfgetispeed(T)
83 #define HDcfgetospeed(T)        cfgetospeed(T)
84 #define HDcfsetispeed(T,S)      cfsetispeed(T,S)
85 #define HDcfsetospeed(T,S)      cfsetospeed(T,S)
86 #define HDchdir(S)              chdir(S)
87 #define HDchmod(S,M)            chmod(S,M)
88 #define HDchown(S,O,G)          chown(S,O,G)
89 #define HDclearerr(F)           clearerr(F)
90 #define HDclock()               clock()
91 #define HDclose(F)              close(F)
92 #define HDclosedir(D)           closedir(D)
93 #define HDcos(X)                cos(X)
94 #define HDcosh(X)               cosh(X)
95 #define HDcreat(S,M)            creat(S,M)
96 #define HDctermid(S)            ctermid(S)
97 #define HDctime(T)              ctime(T)
98 #define HDcuserid(S)            cuserid(S)
99 #ifdef H5_HAVE_DIFFTIME
100 #define HDdifftime(X,Y)         difftime(X,Y)
101 #else
102 #define HDdifftime(X,Y)         ((double)(X)-(double)(Y))
103 #endif
104 #define HDdiv(X,Y)              div(X,Y)
105 #define HDdup(F)                dup(F)
106 #define HDdup2(F,I)             dup2(F,I)
107 /* execl() variable arguments */
108 /* execle() variable arguments */
109 /* execlp() variable arguments */
110 #define HDexecv(S,AV)           execv(S,AV)
111 #define HDexecve(S,AV,E)        execve(S,AV,E)
112 #define HDexecvp(S,AV)          execvp(S,AV)
113 #define HDexit(N)               exit(N)
114 #define HD_exit(N)              _exit(N)
115 #define HDexp(X)                exp(X)
116 #define HDfabs(X)               fabs(X)
117 /* use ABS() because fabsf() fabsl() are not common yet. */
118 #define HDfabsf(X)              ABS(X)
119 #define HDfabsl(X)              ABS(X)
120 #define HDfclose(F)             fclose(F)
121 /* fcntl() variable arguments */
122 #define HDfdopen(N,S)           fdopen(N,S)
123 #define HDfeof(F)               feof(F)
124 #define HDferror(F)             ferror(F)
125 #define HDfflush(F)             fflush(F)
126 #define HDfgetc(F)              fgetc(F)
127 #define HDfgetpos(F,P)          fgetpos(F,P)
128 #define HDfgets(S,N,F)          fgets(S,N,F)
129 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
130 #define HDfileno(F)             _fileno(F)
131 #else /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
132 #define HDfileno(F)             fileno(F)
133 #endif /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
134 #define HDfloor(X)              floor(X)
135 #define HDfmod(X,Y)             fmod(X,Y)
136 #define HDfopen(S,M)            fopen(S,M)
137 #define HDfork()                fork()
138 #define HDfpathconf(F,N)        fpathconf(F,N)
139 H5_DLL int HDfprintf (FILE *stream, const char *fmt, ...);
140 #define HDfputc(C,F)            fputc(C,F)
141 #define HDfputs(S,F)            fputs(S,F)
142 #define HDfread(M,Z,N,F)        fread(M,Z,N,F)
143 #define HDfree(M)               free(M)
144 #define HDfreopen(S,M,F)        freopen(S,M,F)
145 #define HDfrexp(X,N)            frexp(X,N)
146 /* Check for Cray-specific 'frexpf()' and 'frexpl()' routines */
147 #ifdef H5_HAVE_FREXPF
148 #define HDfrexpf(X,N)           frexpf(X,N)
149 #else /* H5_HAVE_FREXPF */
150 #define HDfrexpf(X,N)           frexp(X,N)
151 #endif /* H5_HAVE_FREXPF */
152 #ifdef H5_HAVE_FREXPL
153 #define HDfrexpl(X,N)           frexpl(X,N)
154 #else /* H5_HAVE_FREXPL */
155 #define HDfrexpl(X,N)           frexp(X,N)
156 #endif /* H5_HAVE_FREXPL */
157 /* fscanf() variable arguments */
158 #ifdef H5_HAVE_FSEEKO
159      #define HDfseek(F,O,W)     fseeko(F,O,W)
160 #else
161      #define HDfseek(F,O,W)     fseek(F,O,W)
162 #endif
163 #define HDfsetpos(F,P)          fsetpos(F,P)
164 /* definitions related to the file stat utilities.
165  * Windows have its own function names.
166  * For Unix, if off_t is not 64bit big, try use the pseudo-standard
167  * xxx64 versions if available.
168  */
169 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
170     #define HDfstat(F,B)        _fstati64(F,B)
171     #define HDlstat(S,B)        _lstati64(S,B)
172     #define HDstat(S,B)         _stati64(S,B)
173     typedef struct _stati64     h5_stat_t;
174     typedef __int64             h5_stat_size_t;
175     #define HDoff_t             __int64
176 #elif H5_SIZEOF_OFF_T!=8 && H5_SIZEOF_OFF64_T==8 && defined(H5_HAVE_STAT64)
177     #define HDfstat(F,B)        fstat64(F,B)
178     #define HDlstat(S,B)        lstat64(S,B)
179     #define HDstat(S,B)         stat64(S,B)
180     typedef struct stat64       h5_stat_t;
181     typedef off64_t             h5_stat_size_t;
182     #define HDoff_t             off64_t
183 #else
184     #define HDfstat(F,B)        fstat(F,B)
185     #define HDlstat(S,B)        lstat(S,B)
186     #define HDstat(S,B)         stat(S,B)
187     typedef struct stat         h5_stat_t;
188     typedef off_t               h5_stat_size_t;
189     #define HDoff_t             off_t
190 #endif
192 #define HDftell(F)              ftell(F)
193 #define HDftruncate(F,L)        ftruncate(F,L)
194 #define HDfwrite(M,Z,N,F)       fwrite(M,Z,N,F)
195 #define HDgetc(F)               getc(F)
196 #define HDgetchar()             getchar()
197 #define HDgetcwd(S,Z)           getcwd(S,Z)
198 #define HDgetegid()             getegid()
199 #define HDgetenv(S)             getenv(S)
200 #define HDgeteuid()             geteuid()
201 #define HDgetgid()              getgid()
202 #define HDgetgrgid(G)           getgrgid(G)
203 #define HDgetgrnam(S)           getgrnam(S)
204 #define HDgetgroups(Z,G)        getgroups(Z,G)
205 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
206 #define HDgetlogin()            Wgetlogin()
207 #else /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
208 #define HDgetlogin()            getlogin()
209 #endif /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
210 #define HDgetpgrp()             getpgrp()
211 #define HDgetpid()              getpid()
212 #define HDgetppid()             getppid()
213 #define HDgetpwnam(S)           getpwnam(S)
214 #define HDgetpwuid(U)           getpwuid(U)
215 #define HDgetrusage(X,S)        getrusage(X,S)
216 #define HDgets(S)               gets(S)
217 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
218     H5_DLL int Wgettimeofday(struct timeval *tv, struct timezone *tz);
219 #define HDgettimeofday(V,Z) Wgettimeofday(V,Z)
220 #else /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
221 #define HDgettimeofday(S,P)     gettimeofday(S,P)
222 #endif /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
223 #define HDgetuid()              getuid()
224 #define HDgmtime(T)             gmtime(T)
225 #define HDisalnum(C)            isalnum((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
226 #define HDisalpha(C)            isalpha((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
227 #define HDisatty(F)             isatty(F)
228 #define HDiscntrl(C)            iscntrl((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
229 #define HDisdigit(C)            isdigit((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
230 #define HDisgraph(C)            isgraph((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
231 #define HDislower(C)            islower((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
232 #define HDisprint(C)            isprint((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
233 #define HDispunct(C)            ispunct((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
234 #define HDisspace(C)            isspace((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
235 #define HDisupper(C)            isupper((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
236 #define HDisxdigit(C)           isxdigit((int)(C)) /*cast for solaris warning*/
237 #define HDkill(P,S)             kill(P,S)
238 #define HDlabs(X)               labs(X)
239 #define HDldexp(X,N)            ldexp(X,N)
240 #define HDldiv(X,Y)             ldiv(X,Y)
241 #define HDlink(OLD,NEW)         link(OLD,NEW)
242 #define HDlocaleconv()          localeconv()
243 #define HDlocaltime(T)          localtime(T)
244 #define HDlog(X)                log(X)
245 #define HDlog10(X)              log10(X)
246 #define HDlongjmp(J,N)          longjmp(J,N)
247 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
248     #define HDlseek(F,O,W)  _lseeki64(F,O,W)
249 #else
250     #ifdef H5_HAVE_LSEEK64
251         #define HDlseek(F,O,W)  lseek64(F,O,W)
252     #else
253         #define HDlseek(F,O,W)  lseek(F,O,W)
254     #endif
255 #endif
256 #define HDmalloc(Z)             malloc(Z)
257 #define HDposix_memalign(P,A,Z) posix_memalign(P,A,Z)
258 #define HDmblen(S,N)            mblen(S,N)
259 #define HDmbstowcs(P,S,Z)       mbstowcs(P,S,Z)
260 #define HDmbtowc(P,S,Z)         mbtowc(P,S,Z)
261 #define HDmemchr(S,C,Z)         memchr(S,C,Z)
262 #define HDmemcmp(X,Y,Z)         memcmp(X,Y,Z)
263 /*
264  * The (char*) casts are required for the DEC when optimizations are turned
265  * on and the source and/or destination are not aligned.
266  */
267 #define HDmemcpy(X,Y,Z)         memcpy((char*)(X),(const char*)(Y),Z)
268 #define HDmemmove(X,Y,Z)        memmove((char*)(X),(const char*)(Y),Z)
269 /*
270  * The (void*) cast just avoids a compiler warning in H5_HAVE_VISUAL_STUDIO
271  */
273 #define HDmemset(X,C,Z)         memset((void*)(X),C,Z)
274 #else /* H5_HAVE_VISUAL_STUDIO */
275 #define HDmemset(X,C,Z)         memset(X,C,Z)
276 #endif /* H5_HAVE_VISUAL_STUDIO */
277 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
278 #define HDmkdir(S,M)            _mkdir(S)
279 #else /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
280 #define HDmkdir(S,M)            mkdir(S,M)
281 #endif /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
282 #define HDmkfifo(S,M)           mkfifo(S,M)
283 #define HDmktime(T)             mktime(T)
284 #define HDmodf(X,Y)             modf(X,Y)
285 #ifdef _O_BINARY
286 #define HDopen(S,F,M)           open(S,F|_O_BINARY,M)
287 #else
288 #define HDopen(S,F,M)           open(S,F,M)
289 #endif
290 #define HDopendir(S)            opendir(S)
291 #define HDpathconf(S,N)         pathconf(S,N)
292 #define HDpause()               pause()
293 #define HDperror(S)             perror(S)
294 #define HDpipe(F)               pipe(F)
295 #define HDpow(X,Y)              pow(X,Y)
296 /* printf() variable arguments */
297 #define HDprintf(...)           HDfprintf(stdout, __VA_ARGS__)
298 #define HDputc(C,F)             putc(C,F)
299 #define HDputchar(C)            putchar(C)
300 #define HDputs(S)               puts(S)
301 #define HDqsort(M,N,Z,F)        qsort(M,N,Z,F)
302 #define HDraise(N)              raise(N)
304 #ifdef H5_HAVE_RAND_R
305 #define HDrandom()              HDrand()
306 H5_DLL int HDrand(void);
307 #elif H5_HAVE_RANDOM
308 #define HDrand()                random()
309 #define HDrandom()              random()
310 #else
311 #define HDrand()                rand()
312 #define HDrandom()              rand()
313 #endif
315 #define HDread(F,M,Z)           read(F,M,Z)
316 #define HDreaddir(D)            readdir(D)
317 #define HDrealloc(M,Z)          realloc(M,Z)
318 #define HDremove(S)             remove(S)
319 #define HDrename(OLD,NEW)       rename(OLD,NEW)
320 #define HDrewind(F)             rewind(F)
321 #define HDrewinddir(D)          rewinddir(D)
322 #define HDrmdir(S)              rmdir(S)
323 /* scanf() variable arguments */
324 #define HDsetbuf(F,S)           setbuf(F,S)
325 #define HDsetgid(G)             setgid(G)
326 #define HDsetjmp(J)             setjmp(J)
327 #define HDsetlocale(N,S)        setlocale(N,S)
328 #define HDsetpgid(P,PG)         setpgid(P,PG)
329 #define HDsetsid()              setsid()
330 #define HDsetuid(U)             setuid(U)
331 /* Windows does not permit setting the buffer size to values
332    less than 2.  */
333 #ifndef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
334 #define HDsetvbuf(F,S,M,Z)      setvbuf(F,S,M,Z)
335 #else
336 #define HDsetvbuf(F,S,M,Z)  setvbuf(F,S,M,(Z>1?Z:2))
337 #endif
338 #define HDsigaddset(S,N)        sigaddset(S,N)
339 #define HDsigdelset(S,N)        sigdelset(S,N)
340 #define HDsigemptyset(S)        sigemptyset(S)
341 #define HDsigfillset(S)         sigfillset(S)
342 #define HDsigismember(S,N)      sigismember(S,N)
343 #define HDsiglongjmp(J,N)       siglongjmp(J,N)
344 #define HDsignal(N,F)           signal(N,F)
345 #define HDsigpending(S)         sigpending(S)
346 #define HDsigprocmask(H,S,O)    sigprocmask(H,S,O)
347 #define HDsigsetjmp(J,N)        sigsetjmp(J,N)
348 #define HDsigsuspend(S)         sigsuspend(S)
349 #define HDsin(X)                sin(X)
350 #define HDsinh(X)               sinh(X)
351 #define HDsleep(N)              sleep(N)
352 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
353 H5_DLL int c99_snprintf(char* str, size_t size, const char* format, ...);
354 #define HDsnprintf          c99_snprintf /*varargs*/
355 #else
356 #define HDsnprintf              snprintf /*varargs*/
357 #endif
358 /* sprintf() variable arguments */
359 #define HDsprintf    sprintf /*varargs*/
360 #define HDsqrt(X)               sqrt(X)
361 #ifdef H5_HAVE_RAND_R
362 H5_DLL void HDsrand(unsigned int seed);
363 #define HDsrandom(S)            HDsrand(S)
364 #elif H5_HAVE_RANDOM
365 #define HDsrand(S)              srandom(S)
366 #define HDsrandom(S)            srandom(S)
367 #else
368 #define HDsrand(S)              srand(S)
369 #define HDsrandom(S)            srand(S)
370 #endif
371 /* sscanf() variable arguments */
373 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
374 #define HDstrcasecmp(A,B)   _stricmp(A,B)
375 #else
376 #define HDstrcasecmp(X,Y)      strcasecmp(X,Y)
377 #endif
378 #define HDstrcat(X,Y)           strcat(X,Y)
379 #define HDstrchr(S,C)           strchr(S,C)
380 #define HDstrcmp(X,Y)           strcmp(X,Y)
381 #define HDstrcoll(X,Y)          strcoll(X,Y)
382 #define HDstrcpy(X,Y)           strcpy(X,Y)
383 #define HDstrcspn(X,Y)          strcspn(X,Y)
384 #define HDstrerror(N)           strerror(N)
385 #define HDstrftime(S,Z,F,T)     strftime(S,Z,F,T)
386 #define HDstrlen(S)             strlen(S)
387 #define HDstrncat(X,Y,Z)        strncat(X,Y,Z)
388 #define HDstrncmp(X,Y,Z)        strncmp(X,Y,Z)
389 #define HDstrncpy(X,Y,Z)        strncpy(X,Y,Z)
390 #define HDstrpbrk(X,Y)          strpbrk(X,Y)
391 #define HDstrrchr(S,C)          strrchr(S,C)
392 #define HDstrspn(X,Y)           strspn(X,Y)
393 #define HDstrstr(X,Y)           strstr(X,Y)
394 #define HDstrtod(S,R)           strtod(S,R)
395 #define HDstrtok(X,Y)           strtok(X,Y)
396 #define HDstrtol(S,R,N)         strtol(S,R,N)
397 H5_DLL int64_t HDstrtoll (const char *s, const char **rest, int base);
398 #define HDstrtoul(S,R,N)        strtoul(S,R,N)
399 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
400 #define HDstrtoull(S,R,N)       _strtoui64(S,R,N)
401 #else
402 #define HDstrtoull(S,R,N)       strtoull(S,R,N)
403 #endif
404 #define HDstrxfrm(X,Y,Z)        strxfrm(X,Y,Z)
405 #define HDsysconf(N)            sysconf(N)
406 #define HDsystem(S)             system(S)
407 #define HDtan(X)                tan(X)
408 #define HDtanh(X)               tanh(X)
409 #define HDtcdrain(F)            tcdrain(F)
410 #define HDtcflow(F,A)           tcflow(F,A)
411 #define HDtcflush(F,N)          tcflush(F,N)
412 #define HDtcgetattr(F,T)        tcgetattr(F,T)
413 #define HDtcgetpgrp(F)          tcgetpgrp(F)
414 #define HDtcsendbreak(F,N)      tcsendbreak(F,N)
415 #define HDtcsetattr(F,O,T)      tcsetattr(F,O,T)
416 #define HDtcsetpgrp(F,N)        tcsetpgrp(F,N)
417 #define HDtime(T)               time(T)
418 #define HDtimes(T)              times(T)
419 #define HDtmpfile()             tmpfile()
420 #define HDtmpnam(S)             tmpnam(S)
421 #define HDtolower(C)            tolower(C)
422 #define HDtoupper(C)            toupper(C)
423 #define HDttyname(F)            ttyname(F)
424 #define HDtzset()               tzset()
425 #define HDumask(N)              umask(N)
426 #define HDuname(S)              uname(S)
427 #define HDungetc(C,F)           ungetc(C,F)
428 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
429 #define HDunlink(S)             _unlink(S)
430 #else
431 #define HDunlink(S)             unlink(S)
432 #endif
433 #define HDutime(S,T)            utime(S,T)
434 #define HDva_arg(A,T)           va_arg(A,T)
435 #define HDva_end(A)             va_end(A)
436 #define HDva_start(A,P)         va_start(A,P)
437 #define HDvasprintf(RET,FMT,A)  vasprintf(RET,FMT,A)
438 #define HDvfprintf(F,FMT,A)     vfprintf(F,FMT,A)
439 #define HDvprintf(FMT,A)        vprintf(FMT,A)
440 #define HDvsprintf(S,FMT,A)     vsprintf(S,FMT,A)
441 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
442 H5_DLL int c99_vsnprintf(char* str, size_t size, const char* format, va_list ap);
443 #define HDvsnprintf         c99_vsnprintf
444 #else
445 #   define HDvsnprintf(S,N,FMT,A) vsnprintf(S,N,FMT,A)
446 #endif
447 #define HDwait(W)               wait(W)
448 #define HDwaitpid(P,W,O)        waitpid(P,W,O)
449 #define HDwcstombs(S,P,Z)       wcstombs(S,P,Z)
450 #define HDwctomb(S,C)           wctomb(S,C)
451 #define HDwrite(F,M,Z)          write(F,M,Z)
453 /*
454  * And now for a couple non-Posix functions...  Watch out for systems that
455  * define these in terms of macros.
456  */
457 #ifdef H5_HAVE_WIN32_API
458 #define HDstrdup(S)    _strdup(S)
459 #else /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
461 #if !defined strdup && !defined H5_HAVE_STRDUP
462 extern char *strdup(const char *s);
463 #endif
465 #define HDstrdup(S)     strdup(S)
467 #endif /* H5_HAVE_WIN32_API */
469 /*
470  * HDF Boolean type.
471  */
472 #ifndef FALSE
473 #   define FALSE false
474 #endif
475 #ifndef TRUE
476 #   define TRUE true
477 #endif
479 /** From h5test.h **/
481 #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL
482 extern MPI_Info h5_io_info_g;         /* MPI INFO object for IO */
483 #endif
485 #ifdef H5_HAVE_PARALLEL
486 H5TEST_DLL int h5_set_info_object(void);
487 H5TEST_DLL void h5_dump_info_object(MPI_Info info);
488 #endif
492 /** From h5tools_utils.h **/
494 extern int         opt_err;     /* getoption prints errors if this is on    */
495 extern int         opt_ind;     /* token pointer                            */
496 extern const char *opt_arg;     /* flag argument (or value)                 */
499 enum {
500     no_arg = 0,         /* doesn't take an argument     */
501     require_arg,        /* requires an argument          */
502     optional_arg        /* argument is optional         */
503 };
506 typedef struct long_options {
507     const char  *name;          /* name of the long option              */
508     int          has_arg;       /* whether we should look for an arg    */
509     char         shortval;      /* the shortname equivalent of long arg
510                                  * this gets returned from get_option   */
511 } long_options;
513 extern int    get_option(int argc, const char **argv, const char *opt,
514                          const struct long_options *l_opt);
516 extern int     nCols;               /*max number of columns for outputting  */
518 /* Definitions of useful routines */
519 extern void     print_version(const char *progname);
521 #endif