1 /* Copyright (c) 2015  Gerald Knizia
2  *
3  * This file is part of the IboView program (see: http://www.iboview.org)
4  *
5  * IboView is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
8  *
9  * IboView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with bfint (LICENSE). If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
16  *
17  * Please see IboView documentation in README.txt for:
18  * -- A list of included external software and their licenses. The included
19  *    external software's copyright is not touched by this agreement.
20  * -- Notes on re-distribution and contributions to/further development of
21  *    the IboView software
22  */
27 #include "Iv.h"
29 #include <map>
30 #include <set>
31 #include <vector>
33 #include <QString>
34 #include <QAbstractTableModel>
35 #include <QAction>
36 #include <QExplicitlySharedDataPointer>
37 #include <QSharedData>
40 #include "CtAtomSet.h"
41 #include "CtBasisSet.h"
42 #include "CxPodArray.h"
43 // #include "CxColor.h"
44 #include "IvMesh.h"
45 #include "IvGl.h"
46 #include "IvIsoSurface.h"
47 #include "CtMatrix.h"
48 #include "IvLog.h"
49 #include "IvTables.h"
52 using ct::FAtomSetPtr;
53 using ct::FBasisSetPtr;
54 using ct::TArray;
55 using ct::FIntrusivePtrDest;
56 namespace ct {
57    struct FHfOptions;
58    struct FWfDecl;
59 }
62 // // abstract base class for storing intermediate data for rendering,
63 // // which is associated with data sets
64 // struct FRenderCache : public ct::FIntrusivePtrDest
65 // {
66 //    virtual ~FRenderCache();
67 // private:
68 //    FRenderCache(FRenderCache const &); // not implemented
69 //    void operator = (FRenderCache const &); // not implemented
70 // };
71 //
72 // typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<FRenderCache>
73 //    FRenderCachePtr;
75 class FView3d;
76 class FDocument;
78 class FWfOptions : public QObject
79 {
80    Q_OBJECT
82 public:
83 #include "prop_FWfOptions.h.inl"
85 public:
86    FWfOptions(QObject *parent = 0);
88    // assign basis sets from HfOptions to pAtoms
89    void AssignBasisSets(ct::FAtomSet *pAtoms);
91    void AssignScfOptions(ct::FHfOptions &HfOptions);
92    void AssignWfDecl(ct::FWfDecl &WfDecl, ct::FAtomSet *pAtoms);
93 };
95 struct FDataSet : public FIntrusivePtrDest
96 {
97    explicit FDataSet(QString const &Desc_, FAtomSetPtr pAtoms_ = 0, FDocument *pDocument_ = 0);
99    bool
100       Active;
101    FAtomSetPtr
102       pAtoms;
103    enum FDescFlags {
104       DESC_Full = 0x01,
105       DESC_Compact = 0x02
106    };
108 //    FRenderCachePtr
109 //       pRenderCache; // may be 0. may be set to 0 at any point in time.
110    virtual QString GetType() const = 0;
111    virtual QString GetDesc(uint Flags=0) const; // default: return m_Desc
113    // rebuild the visual representation of the object on next rendering.
114    virtual void InvalidateRenderCache();
115    virtual void BuildRenderCache(FView3d *pView3d);
117    virtual uint32_t GetBaseColor() const;
119    virtual bool DependsOnWaveFunction() const;
121    // return pointer to its parent object.
GetDocumentFDataSet122    FDocument *GetDocument() { return m_pDocument; };
123 protected:
124    QString m_Desc;
125    FDocument *m_pDocument;
126 };
127 typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<FDataSet>
128    FDataSetPtr;
130 enum FBondFlags {
131    BOND_Partial = 0x01,
132    BOND_Grey = 0x02 // make the bond grey instead of the usual half-bond with their attached atom colors.
133 };
135 struct FBondLine {
136    int
137       iAt, jAt;
138    uint
139       Flags;
FBondLineFBondLine140    FBondLine() {};
FBondLineFBondLine141    FBondLine(int iAt_, int jAt_, uint Flags_) : iAt(iAt_), jAt(jAt_), Flags(Flags_) {}
142 };
144 enum FAtomFlag {
145    // do not show the atom in renderings
146    ATOM_Hidden = 0x01,
147    // if aligning the molecule in space, ignore this atom when determining
148    // the aligning transformation.
149    ATOM_NoAlign = 0x02,
150    // atom is part of an currently active selection
151    ATOM_Selected = 0x04
152 };
154 struct FGeometry : public FDataSet
155 {
156    explicit FGeometry(QString const &Desc_, FAtomSetPtr pAtoms_, FDocument *pDocument_);
157    QString GetType() const; // override
158    // add a dotted bond to indicate the formation/breaking of a bond between the indexed atoms.
159    void AddBond(FBondLine const &bl);
160    void AddBond(int iAt, int jAt, QString const &Flags);
161    void DeleteBond(int iAt, int jAt, bool ComplainIfNotThere=true);
162    void FindBondLines(FDocument *pDocument);
163 public:
164    std::vector<FBondLine>
165       m_BondLines;
166 protected:
167    void FixMinBasis();
168 };
171 struct FOrbital;
173 // describes the configuration of the visual representation of an orbital iso surface.
174 // These objects are *shared* between associated orbitals in different frames.
175 struct FOrbitalVisualConfig : public FIntrusivePtrDest
176 {
177    bool
178       bColorSet;
179    FIsoType
180       iIsoType;
181    float
182       fIsoValue;
183    uint32_t
184       cIsoPlus, cIsoMinus;
185    void AssignDefaultColor(FDocument *pDocument);
187    FOrbitalVisualConfig();
188 public:
189    typedef std::set<FOrbital*>
190       FOrbitalChain;
191    FOrbitalChain
192       // list of all orbitals which are linked with this configuration object
193       // (note: these are weak refs; the orbitals own the config object (via
194       // ref), not the other way around!)
195       LinkedOrbitals;
196    void Link(FOrbital *pOrbital);
197    void Unlink(FOrbital *pOrbital);
199    enum FUpdateFlags {
200       UPDATE_InvalidateIsoSettings = 0x01,
201       UPDATE_InvalidateColors = 0x02,
202       UPDATE_Rebuild = 0x04 // <- for this pView3d must be supplied!
203    };
205    // Apply given update/change to all data sets which share this object.
206    // argument: bit field of UPDATE_* flags.
207    void UpdateLinkedRepresentations(uint32_t Flags, FView3d *pView3d=0);
208 private:
209    void operator = (FOrbitalVisualConfig const &); // not implemented
210    FOrbitalVisualConfig(FOrbitalVisualConfig const &); // not implemented
211    // ^- note: it is not the actual config part of which copying is the problem...
212    //    the linked reference chain is. It might be useful to split this class into
213    //    two parts: one "shared dataset properties" class which represents the links,
214    //    and one for the actual visual configuration. This may become useful once other
215    //    kinds of data sets besides orbitals and geometries are introduced.
216 };
217 typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<FOrbitalVisualConfig>
218    FOrbitalVisualConfigPtr;
220 typedef std::vector<int>
221    FAtomIdList;
223 // encodes the result of a partial charge analysis
224 struct FChargeAnalysis
225 {
226    struct FKey {
227       int iAt; // atom number (in frame, not element)
228       int AngMom; // angular momentum of the AO carrying the current entry.
FKeyFChargeAnalysis::FKey230       FKey() {}
FKeyFChargeAnalysis::FKey231       explicit FKey(int iAt_, int AngMom_) : iAt(iAt_), AngMom(AngMom_) {}
232       bool operator < (FKey const &other) const {
233          if (iAt < other.iAt) return true;
234          if (other.iAt < iAt) return false;
235          return AngMom < other.AngMom;
236       }
237    };
238    struct FValue {
239       double fCharge;
240       double fSpin;
FValueFChargeAnalysis::FValue241       FValue() {}
FValueFChargeAnalysis::FValue242       explicit FValue(double fCharge_, double fSpin_) : fCharge(fCharge_), fSpin(fSpin_) {}
243    };
244    typedef std::map<FKey, FValue>
245       FMap;
246    FMap
247       m_Data;
248    bool
249       m_RestrictAtoms; // if given: exclude atoms not in m_SelectedAtoms.
250    FAtomIdList
251       m_SelectedAtoms;
252    ct::FAtomSet
253       &m_Atoms;
255    void Add(int iAt, int AngMom, double fCharge, double fSpin);
256    void MakeReport(ct::FLog &Log); // document only used for making labels..
257    bool IsIncluded(int iAt) const;
259    std::string AtomLabel(int iAt) const;
261    int CountAtoms() const;
262    int FindMaxL() const;
263    bool bNonzeroSpin() const;
264    double MakeAtomTotalCharge(int iAt, double fCharge) const;
266    explicit FChargeAnalysis(ct::FAtomSet *pAtoms, FAtomIdList *pSelectedAtoms=0);
267    ~FChargeAnalysis();
268 };
271 // Maybe I should even use bitfields for Alpha and Beta? Then closed would be ALPHA | BETA.
272 enum FOrbitalSpin {
273    ORBSPIN_SpinFree,
274    ORBSPIN_Alpha,
275    ORBSPIN_Beta,
276    ORBSPIN_Unknown
277 };
278 char const *pOrbDescFromType(FOrbitalSpin Type, double fOcc);
280 struct FOrbitalInfo {
281    double
282       fEnergy,
283       fOcc;
284    int
285       iSym;
286    FOrbitalSpin
287       Spin;
288    int
289       iOriginalIndex;
290    explicit FOrbitalInfo(double fEnergy_=0, double fOcc_=0., int iSym_=0, FOrbitalSpin OrbSpin_=ORBSPIN_Unknown);
291    QString MakeDesc(QString RefName) const;
292    QString MakeDesc(size_t iOrb) const;
294    double fChargeFactor() const;
295    double fSpinFactor() const;
296 };
298 enum FWfType {
299    WFTYPE_Rhf, // only orbitals with occupancy closed or alpha
300    WFTYPE_Uhf, // only orbitals with occupancy alpha or beta
301    WFTYPE_Mcscf, // spin-free orbitals, but with occupation numbers other than 1.0 or 2.0 (can still make IAO charges, but not bond orders or IBOs for the active space)
302    WFTYPE_Other
303 };
305 struct FOrbital : public FDataSet
306 {
307    typedef FDataSet
308       FBase;
310    explicit FOrbital(QString const &Desc_, FAtomSetPtr pAtoms_, FDocument *pDocument_, FBasisSetPtr pBasisSet_, double *pCoeffs_, FOrbitalInfo const &info_, FOrbitalVisualConfigPtr pRefVisConfig, double *pDm=0, double *pQm=0);
311    ~FOrbital();
313    FOrbitalVisualConfigPtr
314       pVisConfig;
315    void LinkVisualConfig(FOrbitalVisualConfigPtr p);
317    bool HaveMoments;
318    double vDipMom[3]; // dipole moment and quadrupole moment.
319    double mQuadMom[3][3];
322    FOrbitalInfo
323       info;
324    FBasisSetPtr
325       pBasisSet;
326    TArray<double>
327       pCoeffs;
328       // ^- if this is a orbital-like-quantity, then these are its expansion
329       //    coefficients. over pBasisSet.
331    // minimal basis and IAO coefficients of the orbitals; used for tracking
332    // orbital changes.
333    FBasisSetPtr
334       pMinBasis;
335    TArray<double>
336       pIaoCoeffs;
337    TArray<double> MakeIaoCharges(bool UseOccupationNumbers=true) const; // make IAO charges from IAO coeffs.
338    void AddChargeContributions(FChargeAnalysis &Charges) const;
340    QString GetType() const; // override
342    enum FFullDescOptions {
343       ORBDESC_ChargesOnly = 0x01,
344       ORBDESC_CompactSpace = 0x02
345    };
346    QString MakeFullDesc(double ThrPrint = 0.02, uint Flags = 0, int nMaxAtoms = -1) const;
348    QString GetDesc(uint Flags=0) const; // override
349    void UpdateDescFromInfo(size_t iOrb);
351    // multiply coefficients by -1.
352    void FlipPhase();
354    // just update the colors of the mesh (i.e., rebuild the GL mesh), but leave
355    // the mesh itself alone.
356    void InvalidateColors();
358    virtual uint32_t GetBaseColor() const;
359    virtual bool DependsOnWaveFunction() const; // override
360 public:
361    FGlMeshPtr
362       pGlMesh; // should probably not be here (and wasn't before), but need it for
363                // changing color data/iso surface settings.
365    void InvalidateRenderCache(); // override
366    void BuildRenderCache(FView3d *pView3d); // override
367 };
368 typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<FOrbital>
369    FOrbitalPtr;
371 typedef std::vector<FDataSetPtr>
372    FDataSetList;
373 struct FFrame : public QObject, FIntrusivePtrDest
374 {
375    explicit FFrame(QString Desc_, FDocument *pDocument_);
377    enum FOrbitalMatrixFlags {
378       ORBMAT_OccupiedOnly = 0x01,
379       ORBMAT_VirtualOnly = 0x02,
380       ORBMAT_AlphaAndClosedOnly = 0x04,
381       ORBMAT_BetaAndClosedOnly = 0x08,
382       ORBMAT_AlphaOnly = 0x10,
383       ORBMAT_ClosedOnly = 0x20,
384       ORBMAT_BetaOnly = 0x40
385    };
387    FGeometry *pGetGeometry();
pGetGeometryFFrame388    FGeometry const *pGetGeometry() const{ return const_cast<FFrame*>(this)->pGetGeometry(); };
389    ct::FAtomSet *pGetAtoms();
pGetAtomsFFrame390    ct::FAtomSet const *pGetAtoms() const { return const_cast<FFrame*>(this)->pGetAtoms(); };
391    FOrbital *pGetOrbital(int iMo); // note: this is an "orbital number" (i.e., starts a 1, goes to nMo).
392    double GetEnergy() const;
393    double GetGradient() const;
395    QString GetBaseInputFileName() const;
396    QString GetFullInputFileName() const;
398    // collect all coefficients (and the current basis) of orbitals in *this.
399    // notes:
400    //   - COrb (output) is allocated on Mem.
401    //   - If pRefOrbitals != 0, then a pointer to COrb(:,iOrb) will be stored in (*pRefOrbitals)[iOrb].
402    void MakeOrbitalMatrix(ct::FMatrixView &COrb, FBasisSetPtr &pBasis2, TArray<FOrbital*> *pRefOrbitals, uint32_t Flags, ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
403 //    void MakeIaoCoeffs(FWfOptions *pWfOptions, ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
404    void RunIaoAnalysis(ct::FLog &Log, FWfOptions *pWfOptions, bool AllowLocalize, ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
405    void MakeOrbitalMoments(ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
406    void LinkOrbitalsToPreviousFrame(FFrame *pPrevFrame, ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
407 //    bool CanDoIaoAnalysis();
409    ct::FMatrixView MakeIaoBasis(ct::FAtomSet *pAtoms, ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
411    void RunChargeAnalysis(ct::FLog &Log, FAtomIdList *pSelectedAtoms = 0);
413    // returns whether or not any orbital data sets are present.
414    bool HaveOrbitals() const;
415    // delete all electronic structure stuff we might be keeping.
416    void ClearOrbitals();
418    FWfType GetWfType();
420    // find the data set row in which a given object is currently stored.
421    int FindRow(FDataSet* pSet);
rowCountFFrame422    int rowCount() const { return (int)m_Data.size(); }
424    FDataSetList
425       m_Data;
LogFFrame427    FMemoryLogQt &Log() { return *m_pFrameLog; }
428 protected:
429    FMemoryLogQt
430       *m_pFrameLog;
431    QString
432       m_InputFileName;
433    FBasisSetPtr
434       m_pOrbBasis,
435       m_pMinBasis;
436    TArray<double>
437       m_CIaoData; // coefficients of IAOs in terms of main basis
438    ct::FMatrixView
439       m_CIb;
440    FDocument
441       *m_pDocument; // parent of the frame. used to take settings from.
442 };
445 // script interface
446 class IFrame : public FFrame
447 {
448    Q_OBJECT
450    Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ get_name WRITE set_name);
451 public slots:
452    // add/remove bond lines. Atom indices are 1-based here.
453    virtual void add_bond(int iAt, int jAt, QString const &Flags); // = 0;
454    virtual void delete_bond(int iAt, int jAt); // = 0;
455    virtual void reset_bonds(); // = 0; // reset all bonds to normal.
456    virtual QString get_name();
457    virtual void set_name(QString const &Name);
459    virtual void scale_mo(int iMo, double fFactor); // = 0;
460    virtual void rot_mos_2x2(int iMo, int jMo, double fAngle); // = 0;
461 public:
462    explicit IFrame(QString Desc_, FDocument *pDocument_);
463 };
465 typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<IFrame>
466    FFramePtr;
469 enum FSelectionMode {
470    SELECT_Select, // delete previous selection and make a new selection with given objects
471    SELECT_Toggle, // toggle selection state of given objects
472    SELECT_Add // add to previous selection
473 };
476 struct FBondChangeAction : public QAction
477 {
478    Q_OBJECT
479 public:
480    enum FBondChangeActionType {
481       ACTION_Hide,
482       ACTION_SetStyleDotted,
483       ACTION_Reset
484    };
FBondChangeActionFBondChangeAction486    FBondChangeAction(int iAt_, int jAt_, FBondChangeActionType Type_, QString Text_, QObject *Parent_)
487       : QAction(Text_, Parent_), m_Type(Type_), m_iAt(iAt_), m_jAt(jAt_)
488    {}
490    FBondChangeActionType
491       m_Type;
492    int
493       m_iAt, m_jAt;
494 };
496 typedef std::vector<int>
497    FFrameIndexList;
500 int const ColorNotSet = 0x04030201; // if you are thinking of using this: Use black instead 8).
502 // this class doubles as element properties and per-atom settings container.
503 // It is used for exposing these settings to user modification and to scripts.
504 // It is a bit more complicated than the other property classes, as all the properties
505 // just default to "not set"...
506 class FElementOptions : public QObject, public QSharedData {
507    Q_OBJECT
508 public:
509 #include "prop_FElementOptions.h.inl"
511    explicit FElementOptions(int iElement_, QObject *parent=0);
512    explicit FElementOptions(FElementOptions const *other, QObject *parent=0);
iElement()514    int iElement() const { return m_iElement; }
515    // return the bond color if explicitly set, and otherwise the atom color.
516    uint32_t GetBondColor1() const;
517 protected:
518    // these ones get stuff from tables.
519    uint32_t GetDefaultColor() const;
520    uint32_t GetDefaultBondColor() const;
521    double GetDefaultCovalentRadius() const;
522    double GetDefaultDrawRadius() const;
523    char const *ElementName() const;
525    int
526       m_iElement;
527    void InitForElement(int iElement_);
528 };
529 typedef QExplicitlySharedDataPointer<FElementOptions>
530    FElementOptionsPtr;
531 typedef QList<FElementOptionsPtr>
532    FElementOptionsList;
534 struct FAtomOptions {
535    uint
536       // bitfield of FAtomFlag type. (ATOM_*)
537       Flags;
538    int64_t
539       // sequence number in order to keep track of order in which things were selected
540       // (important for bond angle and dihedral measures)
541       iSelectionSequenceId;
542    FElementOptionsPtr
543       // used to provide values to the atom which differ from the default element properties.
544       pPropertiesOverride;
FAtomOptionsFAtomOptions546    FAtomOptions() : Flags(0), iSelectionSequenceId(-1) {}
547 };
549 // used for alignment and IRC/other arc-length purposes.
550 struct FFrameCoords : public FIntrusivePtrDest
551 {
552    ct::FAtomSet// const
553       *pAtoms;
554    std::vector<double>
555       pAtMass;
556    std::vector<ct::FVector3>
557       pAtPos;
558    FDocument
559       *pDocument;
560    explicit FFrameCoords(FGeometry *pGeometry);
561    virtual ~FFrameCoords();
emptyFFrameCoords563    bool empty() const { return pAtMass.empty(); }
564 };
565 typedef boost::intrusive_ptr<FFrameCoords>
566    FFrameCoordsPtr;
568 // idea: rows == associated data sets per frame,
569 //       cols == frames.
570 // (note that they may come in non-natural orders for later frames and that
571 //  some cells might be missing)
572 class FDocument : public QAbstractTableModel
573 {
574    Q_OBJECT
576 public:
Q_PROPERTY(QString atom_weight_mode READ GetAtomWeightMode WRITE SetAtomWeightMode NOTIFY AtomWeightModeChanged)577    Q_PROPERTY(QString atom_weight_mode READ GetAtomWeightMode WRITE SetAtomWeightMode NOTIFY AtomWeightModeChanged)
578    Q_SLOT void SetAtomWeightMode(QString o) { m_AtomWeightMode = o; }
579    Q_SIGNAL void AtomWeightModeChanged(QString o);
GetAtomWeightMode()580    QString GetAtomWeightMode() const { return m_AtomWeightMode; };
Q_PROPERTY(bool skip_virtual_orbitals READ GetSkipVirtualOrbitals WRITE SetSkipVirtualOrbitals NOTIFY SkipVirtualOrbitalsChanged)582    Q_PROPERTY(bool skip_virtual_orbitals READ GetSkipVirtualOrbitals WRITE SetSkipVirtualOrbitals NOTIFY SkipVirtualOrbitalsChanged)
583    Q_SLOT void SetSkipVirtualOrbitals(bool o) { m_SkipVirtualOrbitals = o; }
584    Q_SIGNAL void SkipVirtualOrbitalsChanged(bool o);
GetSkipVirtualOrbitals()585    bool GetSkipVirtualOrbitals() const { return m_SkipVirtualOrbitals; };
587    // hmpf... doc is not actually exposed to script currently. Script's 'doc' variable actually links to IApplication.
588    // needs bigger re-design to work..
Q_PROPERTY(FElementOptionsList elements READ GetElementOptions)589    Q_PROPERTY(FElementOptionsList elements READ GetElementOptions) // note: this COPIES the list!
590    FElementOptionsList const &GetElementOptions() const { return m_ElementOptions; };
GetElementOptions()591    FElementOptionsList &GetElementOptions() { return m_ElementOptions; };
592 public:
593    FDocument(QObject *parent);
594    int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
595    int columnCount(const QModelIndex &parent = QModelIndex()) const;
596    QVariant headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const;
597    QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const;
599    uint &AtomFlags(int iAt);
600    FAtomOptions &AtomOptions(int iAt);
601    bool IsAtomHidden(int iAt);
602    bool IsAtomSelected(int iAt);
603    bool IsAtomExcludedFromAlignment(int iAt);
604    FElementOptions *pElementOptions(int iAt, ct::FAtomSet *pAtoms = 0);
605    // ^- pAtoms: if given, take data for atoms from this atom set. Otherwise: from current frame.
607    void UnselectAll(bool EmitUpdate=true);
608    void SelectAtom(int iAt, FSelectionMode SelectMode);
609    void UpdateSelectedAtomsStatusText();
610    // count the number of atoms which presently are selected.
611    int nSelectedAtoms();
612    int nAtomsWithFlags(); // count largest number of defined centers.
614    QString AtomLabel(int iAt) const;
616 public:
617    typedef std::vector<FFramePtr>
618       FFrameList;
619    FDataSetPtr GetActiveDataSet();
620 //    ct::FAtomSet
621 //       Atoms;
622    void Load(QStringList FileNames);
624    // this will change the document by either re-ordering frames or deleting a
625    // subset of the previous frames. iNewIndices gives the indices of the new
626    // frames in the new order they are supposd to appear in. Any frame not
627    // contained herein will be removed.
628    void ReorderOrRestrictFrameSet(FFrameIndexList const &iNewIndices);
630    IFrame *GetCurrentFrame();
631    IFrame *GetCurrentFrame() const;
632    FDataSetList *GetCurrentFrameData();
633    FDataSetList *GetFrameData(int iFrame);
635    IFrame *GetFrame(int Idx, bool AssertExists=true);
636    FDataSet *GetRow(int Idx, bool AssertExists=true);
637    FDataSet *GetRowCol(int iRow, int iCol, bool AssertExists=true);
638    IFrame const *GetFrame(int Idx, bool AssertExists=true) const;
639    FDataSet const *GetRow(int Idx, bool AssertExists=true) const;
640    FDataSet const *GetRowCol(int iRow, int iCol, bool AssertExists=true) const;
GetActiveColIndex()641    int GetActiveColIndex() const { return m_ActiveCol; };
GetActiveRowIndex()642    int GetActiveRowIndex() const { return m_ActiveRow; };
GetNumFrames()643    int GetNumFrames() const { return int(m_Frames.size()); }
645    void GetNextOrbitalColors(uint32_t &cIsoPlus, uint32_t &cIsoMinus);
647    QString GetCurrentInputFileName();
648    QString GetCurrentInputBaseFileName();
649    QString GetCommonInputFileName();
650 // public slots:
651 //    void onToggleDataset(const QModelIndex &index);
652 //    void onSelectDataset(const QModelIndex &index);
654    void AlignFrames(QString Mode);
SetInputFileName(QString FileName_)655    void SetInputFileName(QString FileName_) { m_InputFileName = FileName_; }
656    QString GetAtomLabel(int iAt);
GetWfOptions()658    FWfOptions *GetWfOptions() { return m_pWfOptions; }; // should this be here?
659    void ClearOrbitals(bool EmitSignals=true);
GetMeasures()661    FDocumentMeasures *GetMeasures() { return m_pMeasures; };
663    size_t iFrameId(FFrame *pFrame) const;
664    bool HaveEnergies() const;
665    bool HaveGradients() const;
666    bool HaveOrbitals() const;
667 public slots:
668    void ToggleDataRow(int iIndex);
669    void SetActiveCol(int iIndex);
670    // ForceUpdate: force emit signal even if new row is equal to old row
671    // (e.g., if properties of the row have changed, like its activity status)
672    void SetActiveRow(int iIndex, bool ForceUpdate = false, bool UpdateStatus=true);
674    void HideSelectedAtoms();
675    void ClearAtomFlags(bool EmitUpdate=true);
676    void FindOrbitalsOnSelectedAtoms();
677    void CalcChargesOnSelectedAtoms();
678    void MakeHybridsForSelectedAtomGroup();
679    void ToggleActiveDataRow();
680    void MakeBondLinesForSelectedAtoms();
681    void ResetBondLines();
683    // link most-similar orbitals between all frames
684    void LinkOrbitals();
686    // data comes in over the QAction (sender), which should be a FBondChangeAction
687    void ChangeSelectedBond();
689    // these control the way new orbital colors are assigned.
690    void SetNextOrbitalColorIndex(int Value);
691    void SetNextOrbitalColorScheme(int Index);
693    void RebuildWf(FLogQt &Log);
694    void Clear(); // delete everything.
696    // make a list of the smart pointers (in order to keep references to them)
697    // to defer their point of deletion to a later point. Required due to GL-weiredness.
698    // See rebuid wf code in IvMain.cpp.
699    void AcquireFrameObjectLock(FDataSetList &ObjectLock);
701 signals:
702    void ActiveDatasetChanged();
703    void ActiveColChanged(int iIndex);
704    void ActiveRowChanged(int iIndex);
705    void SelectionChanged();
707    // i.e., "please update the 3d view"
708    void VisualRepresentationChanged();
709    void NextOrbitalColorIndexChanged(int Value);
710 protected:
711    FElementOptionsList
712       m_ElementOptions;
714    FFrameList
715       m_Frames;
716    int
717       m_ActiveRow,
718       m_ActiveCol;
719    QString
720       m_InputFileName; // only set if this is a script?
721    int64_t
722       m_SelectionSequenceId;
724    typedef std::map<int, FAtomOptions>
725       FAtomOptionMap;
726    FAtomOptionMap
727       m_AtomOptions;
728    QString
729       // default mode for aligning frame geometries to each other
730       // and/or weighting atoms for arc lengths.
731       m_AtomWeightMode;
732    bool
733       // if set, do not load or compute virtual orbitals
734       m_SkipVirtualOrbitals;
736    FDocumentMeasures
737       *m_pMeasures;
739    // these two control the way new orbital colors are chosen.
740    // (used when orbitals are first rendered iff they have no color sets
741    // assigned otherwise)
742    ptrdiff_t
743       m_iNextOrbitalColor;
744    size_t
745       m_iNextOrbitalColorScheme;
747 //    void FindAligningTrafo(double pR[9], double pD[3], ct::FAtomSet *pAtoms, std::string const &Mode, ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
748    FFrameCoordsPtr MakeFrameCoords(int iFrame);
749    void FindAligningTrafo(double pR[9], double pD[3], FFrameCoords *pThis, FFrameCoords *pLast, ct::FMemoryStack &Mem);
751    // delete all cached geometric data of orbitals
752    void ClearOrbitalRepresentations();
754    void LoadFile(FFrameList &LoadedFrames, QString FileName);
755    // returns true if the given file was identified as an orbital file (independent of whether loading it worked or not).
756    bool LoadOrbitalFile(FFrameList &LoadedFrames, QString FileName);
757    void LoadXyzFile(FFrameList &LoadedFrames, QString FileName);
759    void MakeOrbitalMoments();
760    void MakeOrbitalCharges();
761    void MakeOrbitalCachedData();
763    // not: may be called only during document load.
764    void BeginInsertFrames();
765    void InsertFrame(FFramePtr pFrame);
766    void EndInsertFrames();
768    void BeginTotalReset();
769    void EndTotalReset();
771    int
772       m_CallEndInsertRows; // -1: BeginInsertFrames not called.
773    FFrameList
774       m_FramesToInsert; // used only during InsertFrame operatations.
775    FWfOptions
776       *m_pWfOptions;
778    typedef std::vector<int>
779       FAtomIdList;
780    FAtomIdList GetSelectedAtoms(bool SortedBySelectionSequence = true);
781 };
784 // ^- note: automoc requires Q_OBJECT derived classes to be defined in
785 //    HEADER FILES. Otherwise it won't find them. Will result in "undefined
786 //    reference to 'vtable for ...'" errors.
791 #endif // ORBVIEW_DOCUMENT_H