2# This file implements a process table
3# Instead of having individual components try to maintain their own timers
4# we centrally manage how often tasks should be kicked off here.
7# Author: Sean Woods (for T&E Solutions)
8package require Tcl 8.6 ;# See coroutine
9package require coroutine
10package require dicttool
11::namespace eval ::cron {}
13proc ::cron::task {command args} {
14  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
15    puts [list ::cron::task $command $args]
16  }
17  variable processTable
18  switch $command {
19    TEMPLATE {
20      return [list object {} lastevent 0 lastrun 0 err 0 result {} \
21        running 0 coroutine {} scheduled 0 frequency 0 command {}]
22    }
23    delete {
24      unset -nocomplain ::cron::processTable([lindex $args 0])
25    }
26    exists {
27      return [::info exists ::cron::processTable([lindex $args 0])]
28    }
29    info {
30      set process [lindex $args 0]
31      if {![::info exists ::cron::processTable($process)]} {
32        error "Process $process does not exist"
33      }
34      return $::cron::processTable($process)
35    }
36    frequency {
37      set process [lindex $args 0]
38      set time [lindex $args 1]
39      if {![info exists ::cron::processTable($process)]} return
40      dict with ::cron::processTable($process) {
41        set now [clock_step [current_time]]
42        set frequency [expr {0+$time}]
43        if {$scheduled>($now+$time)} {
44          dict set ::cron::processTable($process) scheduled [expr {$now+$time}]
45        }
46      }
47    }
48    sleep {
49      set process [lindex $args 0]
50      set time [lindex $args 1]
51      if {![info exists ::cron::processTable($process)]} return
52      dict with ::cron::processTable($process) {
53        set now [clock_step [current_time]]
54        set frequency 0
55        set scheduled [expr {$now+$time}]
56      }
57    }
58    create -
59    set {
60      set process [lindex $args 0]
61      if {![::info exists ::cron::processTable($process)]} {
62        set ::cron::processTable($process) [task TEMPLATE]
63      }
64      if {[llength $args]==2} {
65        foreach {field value} [lindex $args 1] {
66          dict set ::cron::processTable($process) $field $value
67        }
68      } else {
69        foreach {field value} [lrange $args 1 end] {
70          dict set ::cron::processTable($process) $field $value
71        }
72      }
73    }
74  }
77proc ::cron::at args {
78  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
79    puts [list ::cron::at $args]
80  }
81  switch [llength $args] {
82    2 {
83      variable processuid
84      set process event#[incr processuid]
85      lassign $args timecode command
86    }
87    3 {
88      lassign $args process timecode command
89    }
90    default {
91      error "Usage: ?process? timecode command"
92    }
93  }
94  variable processTable
95  if {[string is integer -strict $timecode]} {
96    set scheduled [expr {$timecode*1000}]
97  } else {
98    set scheduled [expr {[clock scan $timecode]*1000}]
99  }
100  ::cron::task set $process \
101    frequency -1 \
102    command $command \
103    scheduled $scheduled \
104    coroutine {}
106  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
107    puts [list ::cron::task info $process - > [::cron::task info $process]]
108  }
109  ::cron::wake NEW
110  return $process
113proc ::cron::idle args {
114  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
115    puts [list ::cron::idle $args]
116  }
117  switch [llength $args] {
118    2 {
119      variable processuid
120      set process event#[incr processuid]
121      lassign $args command
122    }
123    3 {
124      lassign $args process command
125    }
126    default {
127      error "Usage: ?process? timecode command"
128    }
129  }
130  ::cron::task set $process \
131    scheduled 0 \
132    frequency 0 \
133    command $command
134  ::cron::wake NEW
135  return $process
138proc ::cron::in args {
139  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
140    puts [list ::cron::in $args]
141  }
142  switch [llength $args] {
143    2 {
144      variable processuid
145      set process event#[incr processuid]
146      lassign $args timecode command
147    }
148    3 {
149      lassign $args process timecode command
150    }
151    default {
152      error "Usage: ?process? timecode command"
153    }
154  }
155  set now [clock_step [current_time]]
156  set scheduled [expr {$timecode*1000+$now}]
157  ::cron::task set $process \
158    frequency -1 \
159    command $command \
160    scheduled $scheduled
161  ::cron::wake NEW
162  return $process
165proc ::cron::cancel {process} {
166  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
167    puts [list ::cron::cancel $process]
168  }
169  ::cron::task delete $process
173# topic: 0776dccd7e84530fa6412e507c02487c
175proc ::cron::every {process frequency command} {
176  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
177    puts [list ::cron::every $process $frequency $command]
178  }
179  variable processTable
180  set mnow [clock_step [current_time]]
181  set frequency [expr {$frequency*1000}]
182  ::cron::task set $process \
183    frequency $frequency \
184    command $command \
185    scheduled [expr {$mnow + $frequency}]
186  ::cron::wake NEW
190proc ::cron::object_coroutine {objname coroutine {info {}}} {
191  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
192    puts [list ::cron::object_coroutine $objname $coroutine $info]
193  }
194  task set $coroutine \
195    {*}$info \
196    object $objname \
197    coroutine $coroutine
199  return $coroutine
202# Notification that an object has been destroyed, and that
203# it should give up any toys associated with events
204proc ::cron::object_destroy {objname} {
205  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
206    puts [list ::cron::object_destroy $objname]
207  }
208  variable processTable
209  set dat [array get processTable]
210  foreach {process info} $dat {
211    if {[dict exists $info object] && [dict get $info object] eq $objname} {
212      unset -nocomplain processTable($process)
213    }
214  }
218# topic: 97015814408714af539f35856f85bce6
220proc ::cron::run process {
221  variable processTable
222  dict set processTable($process) lastrun 0
223  ::cron::wake PROCESS
226proc ::cron::clock_step timecode {
227  return [expr {$timecode-($timecode%1000)}]
230proc ::cron::clock_delay {delay} {
231  set now [current_time]
232  set then [clock_step [expr {$delay+$now}]]
233  return [expr {$then-$now}]
236# Sleep for X seconds, wake up at the top
237proc ::cron::clock_sleep {{sec 1} {offset 0}} {
238  set now [current_time]
239  set delay [expr {[clock_delay [expr {$sec*1000}]]+$offset}]
240  sleep $delay
243proc ::cron::current_time {} {
244  if {$::cron::time < 0} {
245    return [clock milliseconds]
246  }
247  return $::cron::time
250proc ::cron::clock_set newtime {
251  variable time
252  for {} {$time < $newtime} {incr time 100} {
253    uplevel #0 {::cron::do_one_event CLOCK_ADVANCE}
254  }
255  set time $newtime
256  uplevel #0 {::cron::do_one_event CLOCK_ADVANCE}
259proc ::cron::once_in_a_while body {
260  set script {set _eventid_ $::cron::current_event}
261  append script $body
262  # Add a safety to allow this while to only execute once per call
263  append script {if {$_eventid_==$::cron::current_event} yield}
264  uplevel 1 [list while 1 $body]
267proc ::cron::sleep ms {
268  if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
269    puts [list ::cron::sleep $ms [info coroutine]]
270  }
272  set coro [info coroutine]
273  # When the clock is being externally
274  # controlled, advance the clock when
275  # a sleep is called
276  variable time
277  if {$time >= 0 && $coro eq {}} {
278    ::cron::clock_set [expr {$time+$ms}]
279    return
280  }
281  if {$coro ne {}} {
282    set mnow [current_time]
283    set start $mnow
284    set end [expr {$start+$ms}]
285    set eventid $coro
286    if {$::cron::trace} {
287      puts "::cron::sleep $ms $coro"
288    }
289    # Mark as running
290    task set $eventid scheduled $end coroutine $coro running 1
291    ::cron::wake WAKE_IN_CORO
292    yield 2
293    while {$end >= $mnow} {
294      if {$::cron::trace} {
295        puts "::cron::sleep $ms $coro (loop)"
296      }
297      set mnow [current_time]
298      yield 2
299    }
300    # Mark as not running to resume idle computation
301    task set $eventid running 0
302    if {$::cron::trace} {
303      puts "/::cron::sleep $ms $coro"
304    }
305  } else {
306    set eventid [incr ::cron::eventcount]
307    set var ::cron::event_#$eventid
308    set $var 0
309    if {$::cron::trace} {
310      puts "::cron::sleep $ms $eventid waiting for $var"
311      ::after $ms "set $var 1 ; puts \"::cron::sleep - $eventid - FIRED\""
312    } else {
313      ::after $ms "set $var 1"
314    }
315    ::vwait $var
316    if {$::cron::trace} {
317      puts "/::cron::sleep $ms $eventid"
318    }
319    unset $var
320  }
324# topic: 21de7bb8db019f3a2fd5a6ae9b38fd55
325# description:
326#    Called once per second, and timed to ensure
327#    we run in roughly realtime
329proc ::cron::runTasksCoro {} {
330  ###
331  # Do this forever
332  ###
333  variable processTable
334  variable processing
335  variable all_coroutines
336  variable coroutine_object
337  variable coroutine_busy
338  variable nextevent
339  variable current_event
341  while 1 {
342    incr current_event
343    set lastevent 0
344    set now [current_time]
345    # Wake me up in 5 minute intervals, just out of principle
346    set nextevent [expr {$now-($now % 300000) + 300000}]
347    set next_idle_event [expr {$now+250}]
348    if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
349      puts [list CRON TASK RUNNER nextevent $nextevent]
350    }
351    ###
352    # Determine what tasks to run this timestep
353    ###
354    set tasks {}
355    set cancellist {}
356    set nexttask {}
358    foreach {process} [lsort -dictionary [array names processTable]] {
359      dict with processTable($process) {
360        if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
361          puts [list CRON TASK RUNNER process $process frequency: $frequency scheduled: $scheduled]
362        }
363        if {$scheduled==0 && $frequency==0} {
364          set lastrun $now
365          set lastevent $now
366          lappend tasks $process
367        } else {
368          if { $scheduled <= $now } {
369            lappend tasks $process
370            if { $frequency < 0 } {
371              lappend cancellist $process
372            } elseif {$frequency==0} {
373              set scheduled 0
374              if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
375                puts [list CRON TASK RUNNER process $process demoted to idle]
376              }
377            } else {
378              set scheduled [clock_step [expr {$frequency+$lastrun}]]
379              if { $scheduled <= $now } {
380                set scheduled [clock_step [expr {$frequency+$now}]]
381              }
382              if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
383                puts [list CRON TASK RUNNER process $process rescheduled to $scheduled]
384              }
385            }
386            set lastrun $now
387          }
388          set lastevent $now
389        }
390      }
391    }
392    foreach task $tasks {
393      dict set processTable($task) lastrun $now
394      if {[dict exists processTable($task) foreground] && [dict set processTable($task) foreground]} continue
395      if {[dict exists processTable($task) running] && [dict set processTable($task) running]} continue
396      if {$::cron::trace > 2} {
397        puts [list RUNNING $task [task info $task]]
398      }
399      set coro [dict getnull $processTable($task) coroutine]
400      dict set processTable($task) running 1
401      set command [dict getnull $processTable($task) command]
402      if {$command eq {} && $coro eq {}} {
403        # Task has nothing to do. Slot it for destruction
404        lappend cancellist $task
405      } elseif {$coro ne {}} {
406        if {[info command $coro] eq {}} {
407          set object [dict get $processTable($task) object]
408          # Trigger coroutine again if a command was given
409          # If this coroutine is associated with an object, ensure
410          # the object still exists before invoking its method
411          if {$command eq {} || ($object ne {} && [info command $object] eq {})} {
412            lappend cancellist $task
413            dict set processTable($task) running 0
414            continue
415          }
416          if {$::cron::trace} {
417            puts [list RESTARTING $task - coroutine $coro - with $command]
418          }
419          ::coroutine $coro {*}$command
420        }
421        try $coro on return {} {
422          # Terminate the coroutine
423          lappend cancellist $task
424        } on break {} {
425          # Terminate the coroutine
426          lappend cancellist $task
427        } on error {errtxt errdat} {
428          # Coroutine encountered an error
429          lappend cancellist $task
430          puts "ERROR $coro"
431          set errorinfo [dict get $errdat -errorinfo]
432          if {[info exists coroutine_object($coro)] && $coroutine_object($coro) ne {}} {
433            catch {
434            puts "OBJECT: $coroutine_object($coro)"
435            puts "CLASS: [info object class $coroutine_object($coro)]"
436            }
437          }
438          puts "$errtxt"
439          puts ***
440          puts $errorinfo
441        } on continue {result opts} {
442          # Ignore continue
443          if { $result eq "done" } {
444            lappend cancellist $task
445          }
446        } on ok {result opts} {
447          if { $result eq "done" } {
448            lappend cancellist $task
449          }
450        }
451      } else {
452        dict with processTable($task) {
453          set err [catch {uplevel #0 $command} result errdat]
454          if $err {
455            puts "CRON TASK FAILURE:"
456            puts "PROCESS: $task"
457            puts $result
458            puts ***
459            puts [dict get $errdat -errorinfo]
460          }
461        }
462        yield 0
463      }
464      dict set processTable($task) running 0
465    }
466    foreach {task} $cancellist {
467      unset -nocomplain processTable($task)
468    }
469    foreach {process} [lsort -dictionary [array names processTable]] {
470      set scheduled 0
471      set frequency 0
472      dict with processTable($process) {
473        if {$scheduled==0 && $frequency==0} {
474          if {$next_idle_event < $nextevent} {
475            set nexttask $task
476            set nextevent $next_idle_event
477          }
478        } elseif {$scheduled < $nextevent} {
479          set nexttask $process
480          set nextevent $scheduled
481        }
482        set lastevent $now
483      }
484    }
485    foreach {eventid msec} [array get ::cron::coro_sleep] {
486      if {$msec < 0} continue
487      if {$msec<$nextevent} {
488        set nexttask "CORO $eventid"
489        set nextevent $scheduled
490      }
491    }
492    set delay [expr {$nextevent-$now}]
493    if {$delay <= 0} {
494      yield 0
495    } else {
496      if {$::cron::trace > 1} {
497        puts "NEXT EVENT $delay - NEXT TASK $nexttask"
498      }
499      yield $delay
500    }
501  }
504proc ::cron::wake {{who ???}} {
505  ##
506  # Only triggered by cron jobs kicking off other cron jobs within
507  # the script body
508  ##
509  if {$::cron::trace} {
510    puts "::cron::wake $who"
511  }
512  if {$::cron::busy} {
513    return
514  }
515  after cancel $::cron::next_event
516  set ::cron::next_event [after idle [list ::cron::do_one_event $who]]
519proc ::cron::do_one_event {{who ???}} {
520  if {$::cron::trace} {
521    puts "::cron::do_one_event $who"
522  }
523  after cancel $::cron::next_event
524  set now [current_time]
525  set ::cron::busy 1
526  while {$::cron::busy} {
527    if {[info command ::cron::COROUTINE] eq {}} {
528      ::coroutine ::cron::COROUTINE ::cron::runTasksCoro
529    }
530    set cron_delay [::cron::COROUTINE]
531    if {$cron_delay==0} {
532      if {[incr loops]>10} {
533        if {$::cron::trace} {
534          puts "Breaking out of 10 recursive loops"
535        }
536        set ::cron::wake_time 1000
537        break
538      }
539      set ::cron::wake_time 0
540      incr ::cron::loops(active)
541    } else {
542      set ::cron::busy 0
543      incr ::cron::loops(idle)
544    }
545  }
546  ###
547  # Try to get the event to fire off on the border of the
548  # nearest second
549  ###
550  if {$cron_delay < 10} {
551    set cron_delay 250
552  }
553  set ctime [current_time]
554  set next [expr {$ctime+$cron_delay}]
555  set ::cron::wake_time [expr {$next/1000}]
556  if {$::cron::trace} {
557    puts [list EVENT LOOP WILL WAKE IN $cron_delay ms next: [clock format $::cron::wake_time -format "%H:%M:%S"] active: $::cron::loops(active) idle: $::cron::loops(idle) woken_by: $who]
558  }
559  set ::cron::next_event [after $cron_delay {::cron::do_one_event TIMER}]
563proc ::cron::main {} {
564  # Never launch from a coroutine
565  if {[info coroutine] ne {}} {
566    return
567  }
568  set ::cron::forever 1
569  while {$::cron::forever} {
570    ::after 120000 {set ::cron::forever 1}
571    # Call an update just to give the rest of the event loop a chance
572    incr ::cron::loops(main)
573    ::after cancel $::cron::next_event
574    set ::cron::next_event [::after idle {::cron::wake MAIN}]
575    set ::cron::forever 1
576    set ::cron::busy 0
577    ::vwait ::cron::forever
578    if {$::cron::trace} {
579      puts "MAIN LOOP CYCLE $::cron::loops(main)"
580    }
581  }
585# topic: 4a891d0caabc6e25fbec9514ea8104dd
586# description:
587#    This file implements a process table
588#    Instead of having individual components try to maintain their own timers
589#    we centrally manage how often tasks should be kicked off here.
591namespace eval ::cron {
592  variable lastcall 0
593  variable processTable
594  variable busy 0
595  variable next_event {}
596  variable trace 0
597  variable current_event
598  variable time -1
599  if {![info exists current_event]} {
600    set current_event 0
601  }
602  if {![info exists ::cron::loops]} {
603    array set ::cron::loops {
604      active 0
605      main 0
606      idle 0
607      wake 0
608    }
609  }
612::cron::wake STARTUP
613package provide cron 2.1