1Writing new styles
4The :doc:`Modify` section of the manual gives an overview of how LAMMPS can
5be extended by writing new classes that derive from existing
6parent classes in LAMMPS.  Here, some specific coding
7details are provided for writing code for LAMMPS.
9Writing a new fix style
12Writing fixes is a flexible way of extending LAMMPS.  Users can
13implement many things using fixes:
15- changing particles attributes (positions, velocities, forces, etc.). Examples: FixNVE, FixFreeze.
16- reading/writing data. Example: FixRestart.
17- adding or modifying properties due to geometry. Example: FixWall.
18- interacting with other subsystems or external code: Examples: FixTTM, FixExternal, FixLATTE
19- saving information for analysis or future use (previous positions,
20  for instance). Examples: Fix AveTime, FixStoreState.
23All fixes are derived from the Fix base class and must have a
24constructor with the signature: ``FixPrintVel(class LAMMPS *, int, char **)``.
26Every fix must be registered in LAMMPS by writing the following lines
27of code in the header before include guards:
29.. code-block:: c
31   #ifdef FIX_CLASS
32   FixStyle(print/vel,FixPrintVel)
33   #else
34   /* the definition of the FixPrintVel class comes here */
35   ...
36   #endif
38Where ``print/vel`` is the style name of your fix in the input script and
39``FixPrintVel`` is the name of the class. The header file would be called
40``fix_print_vel.h`` and the implementation file ``fix_print_vel.cpp``.
41These conventions allow LAMMPS to automatically integrate it into the
42executable when compiling and associate your new fix class with the designated
43keyword when it parses the input script.
45Let's write a simple fix which will print the average velocity at the end
46of each timestep. First of all, implement a constructor:
48.. code-block:: C++
50   FixPrintVel::FixPrintVel(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg)
51   : Fix(lmp, narg, arg)
52   {
53     if (narg < 4)
54       error->all(FLERR,"Illegal fix print/vel command");
56     nevery = force->inumeric(FLERR,arg[3]);
57     if (nevery <= 0)
58       error->all(FLERR,"Illegal fix print/vel command");
59   }
61In the constructor you should parse your fix arguments which are
62specified in the script. All fixes have pretty much the same syntax:
63``fix <fix-ID> <fix group> <fix name> <fix arguments ...>``. The
64first 3 parameters are parsed by Fix base class constructor, while
65``<fix arguments>`` should be parsed by you. In our case, we need to
66specify how often we want to print an average velocity. For instance,
67once in 50 timesteps: ``fix 1 print/vel 50``. There is a special variable
68in the Fix class called ``nevery`` which specifies how often the method
69``end_of_step()`` is called. Thus all we need to do is just set it up.
71The next method we need to implement is ``setmask()``:
73.. code-block:: C++
75   int FixPrintVel::setmask()
76   {
77     int mask = 0;
78     mask |= FixConst::END_OF_STEP;
79     return mask;
80   }
82Here the user specifies which methods of your fix should be called
83during execution. The constant ``END_OF_STEP`` corresponds to the
84``end_of_step()`` method. The most important available methods that
85are called during a timestep and the order in which they are called
86are shown in the previous section.
88.. code-block:: C++
90   void FixPrintVel::end_of_step()
91   {
92     // for add3, scale3
93     using namespace MathExtra;
95     double** v = atom->v;
96     int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
97     double localAvgVel[4]; // 4th element for particles count
98     memset(localAvgVel, 0, 4 * sizeof(double));
99     for (int particleInd = 0; particleInd < nlocal; ++particleInd) {
100       add3(localAvgVel, v[particleInd], localAvgVel);
101     }
102     localAvgVel[3] = nlocal;
103     double globalAvgVel[4];
104     memset(globalAvgVel, 0, 4 * sizeof(double));
105     MPI_Allreduce(localAvgVel, globalAvgVel, 4, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, world);
106     scale3(1.0 / globalAvgVel[3], globalAvgVel);
107     if ((comm->me == 0) && screen) {
108       fmt::print(screen,"{}, {}, {}\n",
109                  globalAvgVel[0], globalAvgVel[1], globalAvgVel[2]);
110     }
111   }
113In the code above, we use MathExtra routines defined in
114``math_extra.h``.  There are bunch of math functions to work with
115arrays of doubles as with math vectors.  It is also important to note
116that LAMMPS code should always assume to be run in parallel and that
117atom data is thus distributed across the MPI ranks.  Thus you can
118only process data from local atoms directly and need to use MPI library
119calls to combine or exchange data.  For serial execution, LAMMPS
120comes bundled with the MPI STUBS library that contains the MPI library
121function calls in dummy versions that only work for a single MPI rank.
123In this code we use an instance of Atom class. This object is stored
124in the Pointers class (see ``pointers.h``) which is the base class of
125the Fix base class. This object contains references to various class
126instances (the original instances are created and held by the LAMMPS
127class) with all global information about the simulation system.
128Data from the Pointers class is available to all classes inherited from
129it using protected inheritance. Hence when you write you own class,
130which is going to use LAMMPS data, don't forget to inherit from Pointers
131or pass an Pointer to it to all functions that need access. When writing
132fixes we inherit from class Fix which is inherited from Pointers so
133there is no need to inherit from it directly.
135The code above computes average velocity for all particles in the
136simulation.  Yet you have one unused parameter in fix call from the
137script: ``group_name``.  This parameter specifies the group of atoms
138used in the fix. So we should compute average for all particles in the
139simulation only if ``group_name == "all"``, but it can be any group.
140The group membership information of an atom is contained in the *mask*
141property of and atom and the bit corresponding to a given group is
142stored in the groupbit variable which is defined in Fix base class:
144.. code-block:: C++
146   for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
147     if (atom->mask[i] & groupbit) {
148     // Do all job here
149     }
150   }
152Class Atom encapsulates atoms positions, velocities, forces, etc. User
153can access them using particle index. Note, that particle indexes are
154usually changed every few timesteps because of neighbor list rebuilds
155and spatial sorting (to improve cache efficiency).
157Let us consider another Fix example: We want to have a fix which stores
158atoms position from previous time step in your fix. The local atoms
159indexes may not be valid on the next iteration. In order to handle
160this situation there are several methods which should be implemented:
162- ``double memory_usage()``: return how much memory the fix uses (optional)
163- ``void grow_arrays(int)``: do reallocation of the per particle arrays in your fix
164- ``void copy_arrays(int i, int j, int delflag)``: copy i-th per-particle
165  information to j-th. Used when atom sorting is performed. if delflag is set
166  and atom j owns a body, move the body information to atom i.
167- ``void set_arrays(int i)``: sets i-th particle related information to zero
169Note, that if your class implements these methods, it must call add calls of
170add_callback and delete_callback to constructor and destructor. Since we want
171to store positions of atoms from previous timestep, we need to add
172``double** xold`` to the header file. Than add allocation code
173to the constructor:
175.. code-block:: C++
177   FixSavePos::FixSavePos(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg), xold(nullptr)
178   {
179   //...
180     memory->create(xold, atom->nmax, 3, "FixSavePos:x");
181     atom->add_callback(0);
182   }
184   FixSavePos::~FixSavePos() {
185     atom->delete_callback(id, 0);
186     memory->destroy(xold);
187   }
189Implement the aforementioned methods:
191.. code-block:: C++
193   double FixSavePos::memory_usage()
194   {
195     int nmax = atom->nmax;
196     double bytes = 0.0;
197     bytes += nmax * 3 * sizeof(double);
198     return bytes;
199   }
201   void FixSavePos::grow_arrays(int nmax)
202   {
203     memory->grow(xold, nmax, 3, "FixSavePos:xold");
204   }
206   void FixSavePos::copy_arrays(int i, int j, int delflag)
207   {
208     memcpy(xold[j], xold[i], sizeof(double) * 3);
209   }
211   void FixSavePos::set_arrays(int i)
212   {
213     memset(xold[i], 0, sizeof(double) * 3);
214   }
216   int FixSavePos::pack_exchange(int i, double *buf)
217   {
218     int m = 0;
219     buf[m++] = xold[i][0];
220     buf[m++] = xold[i][1];
221     buf[m++] = xold[i][2];
223     return m;
224   }
226   int FixSavePos::unpack_exchange(int nlocal, double *buf)
227   {
228     int m = 0;
229     xold[nlocal][0] = buf[m++];
230     xold[nlocal][1] = buf[m++];
231     xold[nlocal][2] = buf[m++];
233     return m;
234   }
236Now, a little bit about memory allocation. We use the Memory class which
237is just a bunch of template functions for allocating 1D and 2D
238arrays. So you need to add include ``memory.h`` to have access to them.
240Finally, if you need to write/read some global information used in
241your fix to the restart file, you might do it by setting flag
242``restart_global = 1`` in the constructor and implementing methods void
243``write_restart(FILE *fp)`` and ``void restart(char *buf)``.
244If, in addition, you want to write the per-atom property to restart
245files additional settings and functions are needed:
247- a fix flag indicating this needs to be set ``restart_peratom = 1;``
248- ``atom->add_callback()`` and ``atom->delete_callback()`` must be called
249  a second time with the final argument set to 1 instead of 0 (indicating
250  restart processing instead of per-atom data memory management).
251- the functions ``void pack_restart(int i, double *buf)`` and
252  ``void unpack_restart(int nlocal, int nth)`` need to be implemented