1 // clang-format off
2 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3    LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
4    https://www.lammps.org/, Sandia National Laboratories
5    Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
7    Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
8    DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
9    certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
10    the GNU General Public License.
12    See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
15 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
16    Contributing authors: Naveen Michaud-Agrawal (Johns Hopkins U)
17                          open-source XDR routines from
18                            Frans van Hoesel (https://www.rug.nl/staff/f.h.j.van.hoesel/)
19                            are included in this file
20                          Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U)
21                            port to platforms without XDR support
22                            added support for unwrapped trajectories
23                            support for groups
24 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
26 #include "dump_xtc.h"
27 #include <cmath>
29 #include <cstring>
30 #include <climits>
31 #include "domain.h"
32 #include "atom.h"
33 #include "update.h"
34 #include "group.h"
35 #include "output.h"
36 #include "force.h"
37 #include "comm.h"
38 #include "memory.h"
39 #include "error.h"
41 using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
43 #define EPS 1e-5
44 #define XTC_MAGIC 1995
46 #define MYMIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
47 #define MYMAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
49 int xdropen(XDR *, const char *, const char *);
50 int xdrclose(XDR *);
51 void xdrfreebuf();
52 int xdr3dfcoord(XDR *, float *, int *, float *);
54 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
DumpXTC(LAMMPS * lmp,int narg,char ** arg)56 DumpXTC::DumpXTC(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) : Dump(lmp, narg, arg),
57   coords(nullptr)
58 {
59   if (narg != 5) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump xtc command");
60   if (binary || compressed || multifile || multiproc)
61     error->all(FLERR,"Invalid dump xtc filename");
63   size_one = 3;
64   sort_flag = 1;
65   sortcol = 0;
66   format_default = nullptr;
67   flush_flag = 0;
68   unwrap_flag = 0;
69   precision = 1000.0;
71   // allocate global array for atom coords
73   bigint n = group->count(igroup);
74   if (n > static_cast<bigint>(MAXSMALLINT/3/sizeof(float)))
75     error->all(FLERR,"Too many atoms for dump xtc");
76   natoms = static_cast<int> (n);
78   memory->create(coords,3*natoms,"dump:coords");
80   // sfactor = conversion of coords to XTC units
81   // tfactor = conversion of simulation time to XTC units
82   // GROMACS standard is nanometers and picoseconds
84   sfactor = 0.1 / force->angstrom;
85   tfactor = 0.001 / force->femtosecond;
87   // in reduced units we do not scale anything
88   if (strcmp(update->unit_style,"lj") == 0) {
89     sfactor = tfactor = 1.0;
90     if (comm->me == 0)
91       error->warning(FLERR,"No automatic unit conversion to XTC file "
92                      "format conventions possible for units lj");
93   }
95   DumpXTC::openfile();
96   nevery_save = 0;
97   ntotal = 0;
98 }
100 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
~DumpXTC()102 DumpXTC::~DumpXTC()
103 {
104   memory->destroy(coords);
106   if (me == 0) {
107     xdrclose(&xd);
108     xdrfreebuf();
109   }
110 }
112 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
init_style()114 void DumpXTC::init_style()
115 {
116   if (sort_flag == 0 || sortcol != 0)
117     error->all(FLERR,"Dump xtc requires sorting by atom ID");
119   // check that flush_flag is not set since dump::write() will use it
121   if (flush_flag) error->all(FLERR,"Cannot set dump_modify flush for dump xtc");
123   // check that dump frequency has not changed and is not a variable
125   int idump;
126   for (idump = 0; idump < output->ndump; idump++)
127     if (strcmp(id,output->dump[idump]->id) == 0) break;
128   if (output->every_dump[idump] == 0)
129     error->all(FLERR,"Cannot use variable every setting for dump xtc");
131   if (nevery_save == 0) nevery_save = output->every_dump[idump];
132   else if (nevery_save != output->every_dump[idump])
133     error->all(FLERR,"Cannot change dump_modify every for dump xtc");
134 }
136 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
openfile()138 void DumpXTC::openfile()
139 {
140   // XTC maintains it's own XDR file ptr
141   // set fp to a null pointer so parent dump class will not use it
143   fp = nullptr;
144   if (me == 0)
145     if (xdropen(&xd,filename,"w") == 0) error->one(FLERR,"Cannot open dump file");
146 }
148 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_header(bigint nbig)150 void DumpXTC::write_header(bigint nbig)
151 {
152   if (nbig > MAXSMALLINT) error->all(FLERR,"Too many atoms for dump xtc");
153   int n = nbig;
154   if (update->ntimestep > MAXSMALLINT)
155     error->one(FLERR,"Too big a timestep for dump xtc");
156   int ntimestep = update->ntimestep;
158   // all procs realloc coords if total count grew
160   if (n != natoms) {
161     natoms = n;
162     memory->destroy(coords);
163     memory->create(coords,3*natoms,"dump:coords");
164   }
166   // only proc 0 writes header
168   if (me != 0) return;
170   int tmp = XTC_MAGIC;
171   xdr_int(&xd,&tmp);
172   xdr_int(&xd,&n);
173   xdr_int(&xd,&ntimestep);
174   float time_value = ntimestep * tfactor * update->dt;
175   xdr_float(&xd,&time_value);
177   // cell basis vectors
178   if (domain->triclinic) {
179     float zero = 0.0;
180     float xdim = sfactor * (domain->boxhi[0] - domain->boxlo[0]);
181     float ydim = sfactor * (domain->boxhi[1] - domain->boxlo[1]);
182     float zdim = sfactor * (domain->boxhi[2] - domain->boxlo[2]);
183     float xy = sfactor * domain->xy;
184     float xz = sfactor * domain->xz;
185     float yz = sfactor * domain->yz;
187     xdr_float(&xd,&xdim); xdr_float(&xd,&zero); xdr_float(&xd,&zero);
188     xdr_float(&xd,&xy  ); xdr_float(&xd,&ydim); xdr_float(&xd,&zero);
189     xdr_float(&xd,&xz  ); xdr_float(&xd,&yz  ); xdr_float(&xd,&zdim);
190   } else {
191     float zero = 0.0;
192     float xdim = sfactor * (domain->boxhi[0] - domain->boxlo[0]);
193     float ydim = sfactor * (domain->boxhi[1] - domain->boxlo[1]);
194     float zdim = sfactor * (domain->boxhi[2] - domain->boxlo[2]);
196     xdr_float(&xd,&xdim); xdr_float(&xd,&zero); xdr_float(&xd,&zero);
197     xdr_float(&xd,&zero); xdr_float(&xd,&ydim); xdr_float(&xd,&zero);
198     xdr_float(&xd,&zero); xdr_float(&xd,&zero); xdr_float(&xd,&zdim);
199   }
200 }
202 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
pack(tagint * ids)204 void DumpXTC::pack(tagint *ids)
205 {
206   int m,n;
208   tagint *tag = atom->tag;
209   double **x = atom->x;
210   imageint *image = atom->image;
211   int *mask = atom->mask;
212   int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
214   m = n = 0;
215   if (unwrap_flag == 1) {
216     double xprd = domain->xprd;
217     double yprd = domain->yprd;
218     double zprd = domain->zprd;
219     double xy = domain->xy;
220     double xz = domain->xz;
221     double yz = domain->yz;
223     for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
224       if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
225         int ix = (image[i] & IMGMASK) - IMGMAX;
226         int iy = (image[i] >> IMGBITS & IMGMASK) - IMGMAX;
227         int iz = (image[i] >> IMG2BITS) - IMGMAX;
229         if (domain->triclinic) {
230           buf[m++] = sfactor * (x[i][0] + ix * xprd + iy * xy + iz * xz);
231           buf[m++] = sfactor * (x[i][1] + iy * yprd + iz * yz);
232           buf[m++] = sfactor * (x[i][2] + iz * zprd);
233         } else {
234           buf[m++] = sfactor * (x[i][0] + ix * xprd);
235           buf[m++] = sfactor * (x[i][1] + iy * yprd);
236           buf[m++] = sfactor * (x[i][2] + iz * zprd);
237         }
238         ids[n++] = tag[i];
239       }
241   } else {
242     for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++)
243       if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
244         buf[m++] = sfactor*x[i][0];
245         buf[m++] = sfactor*x[i][1];
246         buf[m++] = sfactor*x[i][2];
247         ids[n++] = tag[i];
248       }
249   }
250 }
252 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_data(int n,double * mybuf)254 void DumpXTC::write_data(int n, double *mybuf)
255 {
256   // copy buf atom coords into global array
258   int m = 0;
259   int k = 3*ntotal;
260   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
261     coords[k++] = mybuf[m++];
262     coords[k++] = mybuf[m++];
263     coords[k++] = mybuf[m++];
264     ntotal++;
265   }
267   // if last chunk of atoms in this snapshot, write global arrays to file
269   if (ntotal == natoms) {
270     write_frame();
271     ntotal = 0;
272   }
273 }
275 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
modify_param(int narg,char ** arg)277 int DumpXTC::modify_param(int narg, char **arg)
278 {
279   if (strcmp(arg[0],"unwrap") == 0) {
280     if (narg < 2) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
281     if (strcmp(arg[1],"yes") == 0) unwrap_flag = 1;
282     else if (strcmp(arg[1],"no") == 0) unwrap_flag = 0;
283     else error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
284     return 2;
285   } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"precision") == 0) {
286     if (narg < 2) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
287     precision = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[1],false,lmp);
288     if ((fabs(precision-10.0) > EPS) && (fabs(precision-100.0) > EPS) &&
289         (fabs(precision-1000.0) > EPS) && (fabs(precision-10000.0) > EPS) &&
290         (fabs(precision-100000.0) > EPS) &&
291         (fabs(precision-1000000.0) > EPS))
292       error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
293     return 2;
294   } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"sfactor") == 0) {
295     if (narg < 2) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
296     sfactor = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[1],false,lmp);
297     if (sfactor <= 0.0)
298       error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify sfactor value (must be > 0.0)");
299     return 2;
300   } else if (strcmp(arg[0],"tfactor") == 0) {
301     if (narg < 2) error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify command");
302     tfactor = utils::numeric(FLERR,arg[1],false,lmp);
303     if (tfactor <= 0.0)
304       error->all(FLERR,"Illegal dump_modify tfactor value (must be > 0.0)");
305     return 2;
306   }
307   return 0;
308 }
310 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
311    return # of bytes of allocated memory in buf and global coords array
312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
memory_usage()314 double DumpXTC::memory_usage()
315 {
316   double bytes = Dump::memory_usage();
317   bytes += memory->usage(coords,natoms*3);
318   return bytes;
319 }
321 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write_frame()323 void DumpXTC::write_frame()
324 {
325   xdr3dfcoord(&xd,coords,&natoms,&precision);
326 }
328 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
329 // C functions that create GROMOS-compatible XDR files
330 // open-source
331 // (c) 1995 Frans van Hoesel, hoesel@chem.rug.nl
332 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
334 /*____________________________________________________________________________
335  |
336  | Below are the routines to be used by C programmers. Use the 'normal'
337  | xdr routines to write integers, floats, etc (see man xdr)
338  |
339  | int xdropen(XDR *xdrs, const char *filename, const char *type)
340  |        This will open the file with the given filename and the
341  |        given mode. You should pass it an allocated XDR struct
342  |        in xdrs, to be used in all other calls to xdr routines.
343  |        Mode is 'w' to create, or update an file, and for all
344  |        other values of mode the file is opened for reading.
345  |        You need to call xdrclose to flush the output and close
346  |        the file.
347  |
348  |        Note that you should not use xdrstdio_create, which
349  |        comes with the standard xdr library.
350  |
351  | int xdrclose(XDR *xdrs)
352  |        Flush the data to the file, and close the file;
353  |        You should not use xdr_destroy (which comes standard
354  |        with the xdr libraries).
355  |
356  | int xdr3dfcoord(XDR *xdrs, float *fp, int *size, float *precision)
357  |        This is \fInot\fR a standard xdr routine. I named it this
358  |        way, because it invites people to use the other xdr
359  |        routines.
360  |
361  |        (c) 1995 Frans van Hoesel, hoesel@chem.rug.nl
362 */
364 #define MAXID 20
365 static FILE *xdrfiles[MAXID];
366 static XDR *xdridptr[MAXID];
367 static char xdrmodes[MAXID];
368 static int *ip = nullptr;
369 static int *buf = nullptr;
371 /*___________________________________________________________________________
372  |
373  | what follows are the C routines for opening, closing xdr streams
374  | and the routine to read/write compressed coordinates together
375  | with some routines to assist in this task (those are marked
376  | static and cannot be called from user programs)
377 */
378 #define MAXABS INT_MAX-2
380 #ifndef SQR
381 #define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
382 #endif
383 static int magicints[] = {
384   0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
385   8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 64,
386   80, 101, 128, 161, 203, 256, 322, 406, 512, 645,
387   812, 1024, 1290, 1625, 2048, 2580, 3250, 4096, 5060, 6501,
388   8192, 10321, 13003, 16384, 20642, 26007, 32768, 41285, 52015, 65536,
389   82570, 104031, 131072, 165140, 208063, 262144, 330280, 416127,
390   524287, 660561,
391   832255, 1048576, 1321122, 1664510, 2097152, 2642245, 3329021,
392   4194304, 5284491, 6658042,
393   8388607, 10568983, 13316085, 16777216 };
395 #define FIRSTIDX 9
396 /* note that magicints[FIRSTIDX-1] == 0 */
397 #define LASTIDX (sizeof(magicints) / sizeof(int) - 1 )
399 /*__________________________________________________________________________
400  |
401  | xdropen - open xdr file
402  |
403  | This versions differs from xdrstdio_create, because I need to know
404  | the state of the file (read or write) so I can use xdr3dfcoord
405  | in eigther read or write mode, and the file descriptor
406  | so I can close the file (something xdr_destroy doesn't do).
407  |
408 */
xdropen(XDR * xdrs,const char * filename,const char * type)410 int xdropen(XDR *xdrs, const char *filename, const char *type)
411 {
412   static int init_done = 0;
413   enum xdr_op lmode;
414   int xdrid;
416   if (init_done == 0) {
417     for (xdrid = 1; xdrid < MAXID; xdrid++) {
418       xdridptr[xdrid] = nullptr;
419     }
420     init_done = 1;
421   }
422   xdrid = 1;
423   while (xdrid < MAXID && xdridptr[xdrid] != nullptr) {
424     xdrid++;
425   }
426   if (xdrid == MAXID) {
427     return 0;
428   }
429   if (*type == 'w' || *type == 'W') {
430     type = (char *) "w+";
431     lmode = XDR_ENCODE;
432   } else {
433     type = (char *) "r";
434     lmode = XDR_DECODE;
435   }
436   xdrfiles[xdrid] = fopen(filename, type);
437   if (xdrfiles[xdrid] == nullptr) {
438     xdrs = nullptr;
439     return 0;
440   }
441   xdrmodes[xdrid] = *type;
443   /* next test isn't useful in the case of C language
444    * but is used for the Fortran interface
445    * (C users are expected to pass the address of an already allocated
446    * XDR staructure)
447    */
448   if (xdrs == nullptr) {
449     xdridptr[xdrid] = (XDR *) malloc(sizeof(XDR));
450     xdrstdio_create(xdridptr[xdrid], xdrfiles[xdrid], lmode);
451   } else {
452     xdridptr[xdrid] = xdrs;
453     xdrstdio_create(xdrs, xdrfiles[xdrid], lmode);
454   }
455   return xdrid;
456 }
458 /*_________________________________________________________________________
459  |
460  | xdrclose - close a xdr file
461  |
462  | This will flush the xdr buffers, and destroy the xdr stream.
463  | It also closes the associated file descriptor (this is *not*
464  | done by xdr_destroy).
465  |
466 */
xdrclose(XDR * xdrs)468 int xdrclose(XDR *xdrs)
469 {
470   int xdrid;
472   if (xdrs == nullptr) {
473     fprintf(stderr, "xdrclose: passed a NULL pointer\n");
474     exit(1);
475   }
476   for (xdrid = 1; xdrid < MAXID; xdrid++) {
477     if (xdridptr[xdrid] == xdrs) {
479       xdr_destroy(xdrs);
480       fclose(xdrfiles[xdrid]);
481       xdridptr[xdrid] = nullptr;
482       return 1;
483     }
484   }
485   fprintf(stderr, "xdrclose: no such open xdr file\n");
486   exit(1);
487   return 1;
488 }
490 /*_________________________________________________________________________
491  |
492  | xdrfreebuf - free the buffers used by xdr3dfcoord
493  |
494 */
xdrfreebuf()495 void xdrfreebuf()
496 {
497   if (ip) free(ip);
498   if (buf) free(buf);
499   ip = nullptr;
500   buf = nullptr;
501 }
504 /*____________________________________________________________________________
505  |
506  | sendbits - encode num into buf using the specified number of bits
507  |
508  | This routines appends the value of num to the bits already present in
509  | the array buf. You need to give it the number of bits to use and you
510  | better make sure that this number of bits is enough to hold the value
511  | Also num must be positive.
512  |
513 */
sendbits(int buf[],int num_of_bits,int num)515 static void sendbits(int buf[], int num_of_bits, int num)
516 {
517   unsigned int cnt, lastbyte;
518   int lastbits;
519   unsigned char * cbuf;
521   cbuf = ((unsigned char *)buf) + 3 * sizeof(*buf);
522   cnt = (unsigned int) buf[0];
523   lastbits = buf[1];
524   lastbyte =(unsigned int) buf[2];
525   while (num_of_bits >= 8) {
526     lastbyte = (lastbyte << 8) | ((num >> (num_of_bits -8)) /* & 0xff*/);
527     cbuf[cnt++] = lastbyte >> lastbits;
528     num_of_bits -= 8;
529   }
530   if (num_of_bits > 0) {
531     lastbyte = (lastbyte << num_of_bits) | num;
532     lastbits += num_of_bits;
533     if (lastbits >= 8) {
534       lastbits -= 8;
535       cbuf[cnt++] = lastbyte >> lastbits;
536     }
537   }
538   buf[0] = cnt;
539   buf[1] = lastbits;
540   buf[2] = lastbyte;
541   if (lastbits>0) {
542     cbuf[cnt] = lastbyte << (8 - lastbits);
543   }
544 }
546 /*_________________________________________________________________________
547  |
548  | sizeofint - calculate bitsize of an integer
549  |
550  | return the number of bits needed to store an integer with given max size
551  |
552 */
sizeofint(const int size)554 static int sizeofint(const int size)
555 {
556   unsigned int num = 1;
557   int num_of_bits = 0;
559   while (size >= (int) num && num_of_bits < 32) {
560     num_of_bits++;
561     num <<= 1;
562   }
563   return num_of_bits;
564 }
566 /*___________________________________________________________________________
567  |
568  | sizeofints - calculate 'bitsize' of compressed ints
569  |
570  | given the number of small unsigned integers and the maximum value
571  | return the number of bits needed to read or write them with the
572  | routines receiveints and sendints. You need this parameter when
573  | calling these routines. Note that for many calls I can use
574  | the variable 'smallidx' which is exactly the number of bits, and
575  | So I don't need to call 'sizeofints for those calls.
576 */
sizeofints(const int num_of_ints,unsigned int sizes[])578 static int sizeofints( const int num_of_ints, unsigned int sizes[])
579 {
580   int i, num;
581   unsigned int num_of_bytes, num_of_bits, bytes[32], bytecnt, tmp;
582   num_of_bytes = 1;
583   bytes[0] = 1;
584   num_of_bits = 0;
585   for (i=0; i < num_of_ints; i++) {
586     tmp = 0;
587     for (bytecnt = 0; bytecnt < num_of_bytes; bytecnt++) {
588       tmp = bytes[bytecnt] * sizes[i] + tmp;
589       bytes[bytecnt] = tmp & 0xff;
590       tmp >>= 8;
591     }
592     while (tmp != 0) {
593       bytes[bytecnt++] = tmp & 0xff;
594       tmp >>= 8;
595     }
596     num_of_bytes = bytecnt;
597   }
598   num = 1;
599   num_of_bytes--;
600   while ((int)bytes[num_of_bytes] >= num) {
601     num_of_bits++;
602     num *= 2;
603   }
604   return num_of_bits + num_of_bytes * 8;
605 }
607 /*____________________________________________________________________________
608  |
609  | sendints - send a small set of small integers in compressed
610  |
611  | this routine is used internally by xdr3dfcoord, to send a set of
612  | small integers to the buffer.
613  | Multiplication with fixed (specified maximum ) sizes is used to get
614  | to one big, multibyte integer. Although the routine could be
615  | modified to handle sizes bigger than 16777216, or more than just
616  | a few integers, this is not done, because the gain in compression
617  | isn't worth the effort. Note that overflowing the multiplication
618  | or the byte buffer (32 bytes) is unchecked and causes bad results.
619  |
620  */
sendints(int buf[],const int num_of_ints,const int num_of_bits,unsigned int sizes[],unsigned int nums[])622 static void sendints(int buf[], const int num_of_ints, const int num_of_bits,
623                      unsigned int sizes[], unsigned int nums[])
624 {
625   int i;
626   unsigned int bytes[32], num_of_bytes, bytecnt, tmp;
628   tmp = nums[0];
629   num_of_bytes = 0;
630   do {
631     bytes[num_of_bytes++] = tmp & 0xff;
632     tmp >>= 8;
633   } while (tmp != 0);
635   for (i = 1; i < num_of_ints; i++) {
636     if (nums[i] >= sizes[i]) {
637       fprintf(stderr,"major breakdown in sendints num %d doesn't "
638               "match size %d\n", nums[i], sizes[i]);
639       exit(1);
640     }
641     /* use one step multiply */
642     tmp = nums[i];
643     for (bytecnt = 0; bytecnt < num_of_bytes; bytecnt++) {
644       tmp = bytes[bytecnt] * sizes[i] + tmp;
645       bytes[bytecnt] = tmp & 0xff;
646       tmp >>= 8;
647     }
648     while (tmp != 0) {
649       bytes[bytecnt++] = tmp & 0xff;
650       tmp >>= 8;
651     }
652     num_of_bytes = bytecnt;
653   }
654   if (num_of_bits >= (int)num_of_bytes * 8) {
655     for (i = 0; i < (int)num_of_bytes; i++) {
656       sendbits(buf, 8, bytes[i]);
657     }
658     sendbits(buf, num_of_bits - num_of_bytes * 8, 0);
659   } else {
660     for (i = 0; i < (int)num_of_bytes-1; i++) {
661       sendbits(buf, 8, bytes[i]);
662     }
663     sendbits(buf, num_of_bits- (num_of_bytes -1) * 8, bytes[i]);
664   }
665 }
667 /*___________________________________________________________________________
668  |
669  | receivebits - decode number from buf using specified number of bits
670  |
671  | extract the number of bits from the array buf and construct an integer
672  | from it. Return that value.
673  |
674 */
receivebits(int buf[],int num_of_bits)676 static int receivebits(int buf[], int num_of_bits)
677 {
678   int cnt, num;
679   unsigned int lastbits, lastbyte;
680   unsigned char * cbuf;
681   int mask = (1 << num_of_bits) -1;
683   cbuf = ((unsigned char *)buf) + 3 * sizeof(*buf);
684   cnt = buf[0];
685   lastbits = (unsigned int) buf[1];
686   lastbyte = (unsigned int) buf[2];
688   num = 0;
689   while (num_of_bits >= 8) {
690     lastbyte = ( lastbyte << 8 ) | cbuf[cnt++];
691     num |=  (lastbyte >> lastbits) << (num_of_bits - 8);
692     num_of_bits -=8;
693   }
694   if (num_of_bits > 0) {
695     if ((int)lastbits < num_of_bits) {
696       lastbits += 8;
697       lastbyte = (lastbyte << 8) | cbuf[cnt++];
698     }
699     lastbits -= num_of_bits;
700     num |= (lastbyte >> lastbits) & ((1 << num_of_bits) -1);
701   }
702   num &= mask;
703   buf[0] = cnt;
704   buf[1] = lastbits;
705   buf[2] = lastbyte;
706   return num;
707 }
709 /*____________________________________________________________________________
710  |
711  | receiveints - decode 'small' integers from the buf array
712  |
713  | this routine is the inverse from sendints() and decodes the small integers
714  | written to buf by calculating the remainder and doing divisions with
715  | the given sizes[]. You need to specify the total number of bits to be
716  | used from buf in num_of_bits.
717  |
718 */
receiveints(int buf[],const int num_of_ints,int num_of_bits,unsigned int sizes[],int nums[])720 static void receiveints(int buf[], const int num_of_ints, int num_of_bits,
721                         unsigned int sizes[], int nums[])
722 {
723   int bytes[32];
724   int i, j, num_of_bytes, p, num;
726   bytes[1] = bytes[2] = bytes[3] = 0;
727   num_of_bytes = 0;
728   while (num_of_bits > 8) {
729     bytes[num_of_bytes++] = receivebits(buf, 8);
730     num_of_bits -= 8;
731   }
732   if (num_of_bits > 0) {
733     bytes[num_of_bytes++] = receivebits(buf, num_of_bits);
734   }
735   for (i = num_of_ints-1; i > 0; i--) {
736     num = 0;
737     for (j = num_of_bytes-1; j >=0; j--) {
738       num = (num << 8) | bytes[j];
739       p = num / sizes[i];
740       bytes[j] = p;
741       num = num - p * sizes[i];
742     }
743     nums[i] = num;
744   }
745   nums[0] = bytes[0] | (bytes[1] << 8) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[3] << 24);
746 }
748 /*____________________________________________________________________________
749  |
750  | xdr3dfcoord - read or write compressed 3d coordinates to xdr file.
751  |
752  | this routine reads or writes (depending on how you opened the file with
753  | xdropen() ) a large number of 3d coordinates (stored in *fp).
754  | The number of coordinates triplets to write is given by *size. On
755  | read this number may be zero, in which case it reads as many as were written
756  | or it may specify the number if triplets to read (which should match the
757  | number written).
758  | Compression is achieved by first converting all floating numbers to integer
759  | using multiplication by *precision and rounding to the nearest integer.
760  | Then the minimum and maximum value are calculated to determine the range.
761  | The limited range of integers so found, is used to compress the coordinates.
762  | In addition the differences between successive coordinates is calculated.
763  | If the difference happens to be 'small' then only the difference is saved,
764  | compressing the data even more. The notion of 'small' is changed dynamically
765  | and is enlarged or reduced whenever needed or possible.
766  | Extra compression is achieved in the case of GROMOS and coordinates of
767  | water molecules. GROMOS first writes out the Oxygen position, followed by
768  | the two hydrogens. In order to make the differences smaller (and thereby
769  | compression the data better) the order is changed into first one hydrogen
770  | then the oxygen, followed by the other hydrogen. This is rather special, but
771  | it shouldn't harm in the general case.
772  |
773  */
xdr3dfcoord(XDR * xdrs,float * fp,int * size,float * precision)775 int xdr3dfcoord(XDR *xdrs, float *fp, int *size, float *precision)
776 {
777   static int oldsize;
779   int minint[3], maxint[3], mindiff, *lip, diff;
780   int lint1, lint2, lint3, oldlint1, oldlint2, oldlint3, smallidx;
781   int minidx, maxidx;
782   unsigned sizeint[3], sizesmall[3], bitsizeint[3], size3, *luip;
783   int flag, k;
784   int small, smaller, larger, i, is_small, is_smaller, run, prevrun;
785   float *lfp, lf;
786   int tmp, *thiscoord,  prevcoord[3];
787   unsigned int tmpcoord[30];
789   int bufsize, xdrid, lsize;
790   unsigned int bitsize;
791   float inv_precision;
792   int errval = 1;
794   /* find out if xdrs is opened for reading or for writing */
795   xdrid = 0;
796   while (xdridptr[xdrid] != xdrs) {
797     xdrid++;
798     if (xdrid >= MAXID) {
799       fprintf(stderr, "xdr error. no open xdr stream\n");
800       exit (1);
801     }
802   }
803   if (xdrmodes[xdrid] == 'w') {
805     /* xdrs is open for writing */
807     if (xdr_int(xdrs, size) == 0)
808       return 0;
809     size3 = *size * 3;
810     /* when the number of coordinates is small, don't try to compress; just
811      * write them as floats using xdr_vector
812      */
813     if (*size <= 9) {
814       return (xdr_vector(xdrs, (char *) fp, size3, sizeof(*fp),
815                          (xdrproc_t)xdr_float));
816     }
818     xdr_float(xdrs, precision);
819     if (ip == nullptr) {
820       ip = (int *) malloc(size3 * sizeof(*ip));
821       if (ip == nullptr) {
822         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
823         exit(1);
824       }
825       bufsize = (int) (size3 * 1.2);
826       buf = (int *) malloc(bufsize * sizeof(*buf));
827       if (buf == nullptr) {
828         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
829         exit(1);
830       }
831       oldsize = *size;
832     } else if (*size > oldsize) {
833       ip = (int *) realloc(ip, size3 * sizeof(*ip));
834       if (ip == nullptr) {
835         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
836         exit(1);
837       }
838       bufsize = (int) (size3 * 1.2);
839       buf = (int *) realloc(buf, bufsize * sizeof(*buf));
840       if (buf == nullptr) {
841         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
842         exit(1);
843       }
844       oldsize = *size;
845     }
846     /* buf[0-2] are special and do not contain actual data */
847     buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = 0;
848     minint[0] = minint[1] = minint[2] = INT_MAX;
849     maxint[0] = maxint[1] = maxint[2] = INT_MIN;
850     prevrun = -1;
851     lfp = fp;
852     lip = ip;
853     mindiff = INT_MAX;
854     oldlint1 = oldlint2 = oldlint3 = 0;
855     while (lfp < fp + size3) {
856       /* find nearest integer */
857       if (*lfp >= 0.0)
858         lf = *lfp * *precision + 0.5;
859       else
860         lf = *lfp * *precision - 0.5;
861       if (fabs(lf) > MAXABS) {
862         /* scaling would cause overflow */
863         errval = 0;
864       }
865       lint1 = (int) lf;
866       if (lint1 < minint[0]) minint[0] = lint1;
867       if (lint1 > maxint[0]) maxint[0] = lint1;
868       *lip++ = lint1;
869       lfp++;
870       if (*lfp >= 0.0)
871         lf = *lfp * *precision + 0.5;
872       else
873         lf = *lfp * *precision - 0.5;
874       if (fabs(lf) > MAXABS) {
875         /* scaling would cause overflow */
876         errval = 0;
877       }
878       lint2 = (int) lf;
879       if (lint2 < minint[1]) minint[1] = lint2;
880       if (lint2 > maxint[1]) maxint[1] = lint2;
881       *lip++ = lint2;
882       lfp++;
883       if (*lfp >= 0.0)
884         lf = *lfp * *precision + 0.5;
885       else
886         lf = *lfp * *precision - 0.5;
887       if (fabs(lf) > MAXABS) {
888         /* scaling would cause overflow */
889         errval = 0;
890       }
891       lint3 = (int) lf;
892       if (lint3 < minint[2]) minint[2] = lint3;
893       if (lint3 > maxint[2]) maxint[2] = lint3;
894       *lip++ = lint3;
895       lfp++;
896       diff = abs(oldlint1-lint1)+abs(oldlint2-lint2)+abs(oldlint3-lint3);
897       if (diff < mindiff && lfp > fp + 3)
898         mindiff = diff;
899       oldlint1 = lint1;
900       oldlint2 = lint2;
901       oldlint3 = lint3;
902     }
903     xdr_int(xdrs, &(minint[0]));
904     xdr_int(xdrs, &(minint[1]));
905     xdr_int(xdrs, &(minint[2]));
907     xdr_int(xdrs, &(maxint[0]));
908     xdr_int(xdrs, &(maxint[1]));
909     xdr_int(xdrs, &(maxint[2]));
911     if ((float)maxint[0] - (float)minint[0] >= MAXABS ||
912         (float)maxint[1] - (float)minint[1] >= MAXABS ||
913         (float)maxint[2] - (float)minint[2] >= MAXABS) {
914       /* turning value in unsigned by subtracting minint
915        * would cause overflow
916        */
917       errval = 0;
918     }
919     sizeint[0] = maxint[0] - minint[0]+1;
920     sizeint[1] = maxint[1] - minint[1]+1;
921     sizeint[2] = maxint[2] - minint[2]+1;
923     /* check if one of the sizes is to big to be multiplied */
924     if ((sizeint[0] | sizeint[1] | sizeint[2] ) > 0xffffff) {
925       bitsizeint[0] = sizeofint(sizeint[0]);
926       bitsizeint[1] = sizeofint(sizeint[1]);
927       bitsizeint[2] = sizeofint(sizeint[2]);
928       bitsize = 0; /* flag the use of large sizes */
929     } else {
930       bitsize = sizeofints(3, sizeint);
931     }
932     lip = ip;
933     luip = (unsigned int *) ip;
934     smallidx = FIRSTIDX;
935     while (smallidx < (int)LASTIDX && magicints[smallidx] < mindiff) {
936       smallidx++;
937     }
938     xdr_int(xdrs, &smallidx);
939     maxidx = MYMIN((int)LASTIDX, smallidx + 8) ;
940     minidx = maxidx - 8; /* often this equal smallidx */
941     smaller = magicints[MYMAX(FIRSTIDX, smallidx-1)] / 2;
942     small = magicints[smallidx] / 2;
943     sizesmall[0] = sizesmall[1] = sizesmall[2] = magicints[smallidx];
944     larger = magicints[maxidx] / 2;
945     i = 0;
946     while (i < *size) {
947       is_small = 0;
948       thiscoord = (int *)(luip) + i * 3;
949       if (smallidx < maxidx && i >= 1 &&
950           abs(thiscoord[0] - prevcoord[0]) < larger &&
951           abs(thiscoord[1] - prevcoord[1]) < larger &&
952           abs(thiscoord[2] - prevcoord[2]) < larger) {
953         is_smaller = 1;
954       } else if (smallidx > minidx) {
955         is_smaller = -1;
956       } else {
957         is_smaller = 0;
958       }
959       if (i + 1 < *size) {
960         if (abs(thiscoord[0] - thiscoord[3]) < small &&
961             abs(thiscoord[1] - thiscoord[4]) < small &&
962             abs(thiscoord[2] - thiscoord[5]) < small) {
963           /* interchange first with second atom for better
964            * compression of water molecules
965            */
966           tmp = thiscoord[0]; thiscoord[0] = thiscoord[3];
967           thiscoord[3] = tmp;
968           tmp = thiscoord[1]; thiscoord[1] = thiscoord[4];
969           thiscoord[4] = tmp;
970           tmp = thiscoord[2]; thiscoord[2] = thiscoord[5];
971           thiscoord[5] = tmp;
972           is_small = 1;
973         }
975       }
976       tmpcoord[0] = thiscoord[0] - minint[0];
977       tmpcoord[1] = thiscoord[1] - minint[1];
978       tmpcoord[2] = thiscoord[2] - minint[2];
979       if (bitsize == 0) {
980         sendbits(buf, bitsizeint[0], tmpcoord[0]);
981         sendbits(buf, bitsizeint[1], tmpcoord[1]);
982         sendbits(buf, bitsizeint[2], tmpcoord[2]);
983       } else {
984         sendints(buf, 3, bitsize, sizeint, tmpcoord);
985       }
986       prevcoord[0] = thiscoord[0];
987       prevcoord[1] = thiscoord[1];
988       prevcoord[2] = thiscoord[2];
989       thiscoord = thiscoord + 3;
990       i++;
992       run = 0;
993       if (is_small == 0 && is_smaller == -1)
994         is_smaller = 0;
995       while (is_small && run < 8*3) {
996         if (is_smaller == -1 && (SQR(thiscoord[0] - prevcoord[0]) +
997                                  SQR(thiscoord[1] - prevcoord[1]) +
998                                  SQR(thiscoord[2] - prevcoord[2]) >=
999                                  smaller * smaller)) {
1000           is_smaller = 0;
1001         }
1003         tmpcoord[run++] = thiscoord[0] - prevcoord[0] + small;
1004         tmpcoord[run++] = thiscoord[1] - prevcoord[1] + small;
1005         tmpcoord[run++] = thiscoord[2] - prevcoord[2] + small;
1007         prevcoord[0] = thiscoord[0];
1008         prevcoord[1] = thiscoord[1];
1009         prevcoord[2] = thiscoord[2];
1011         i++;
1012         thiscoord = thiscoord + 3;
1013         is_small = 0;
1014         if (i < *size &&
1015             abs(thiscoord[0] - prevcoord[0]) < small &&
1016             abs(thiscoord[1] - prevcoord[1]) < small &&
1017             abs(thiscoord[2] - prevcoord[2]) < small) {
1018           is_small = 1;
1019         }
1020       }
1021       if (run != prevrun || is_smaller != 0) {
1022         prevrun = run;
1023         sendbits(buf, 1, 1); /* flag the change in run-length */
1024         sendbits(buf, 5, run+is_smaller+1);
1025       } else {
1026         sendbits(buf, 1, 0); /* flag the fact that runlength did not change */
1027       }
1028       for (k=0; k < run; k+=3) {
1029         sendints(buf, 3, smallidx, sizesmall, &tmpcoord[k]);
1030       }
1031       if (is_smaller != 0) {
1032         smallidx += is_smaller;
1033         if (is_smaller < 0) {
1034           small = smaller;
1035           smaller = magicints[smallidx-1] / 2;
1036         } else {
1037           smaller = small;
1038           small = magicints[smallidx] / 2;
1039         }
1040         sizesmall[0] = sizesmall[1] = sizesmall[2] = magicints[smallidx];
1041       }
1042     }
1043     if (buf[1] != 0) buf[0]++;;
1044     xdr_int(xdrs, &(buf[0])); /* buf[0] holds the length in bytes */
1045     return errval * (xdr_opaque(xdrs, (caddr_t)&(buf[3]), (u_int)buf[0]));
1046   } else {
1048     /* xdrs is open for reading */
1050     if (xdr_int(xdrs, &lsize) == 0)
1051       return 0;
1052     if (*size != 0 && lsize != *size) {
1053       fprintf(stderr, "wrong number of coordinates in xdr3dfcoor; "
1054               "%d arg vs %d in file", *size, lsize);
1055     }
1056     *size = lsize;
1057     size3 = *size * 3;
1058     if (*size <= 9) {
1059       return (xdr_vector(xdrs, (char *) fp, size3, sizeof(*fp),
1060                          (xdrproc_t)xdr_float));
1061     }
1062     xdr_float(xdrs, precision);
1063     if (ip == nullptr) {
1064       ip = (int *) malloc(size3 * sizeof(*ip));
1065       if (ip == nullptr) {
1066         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
1067         exit(1);
1068       }
1069       bufsize = (int) (size3 * 1.2);
1070       buf = (int *) malloc(bufsize * sizeof(*buf));
1071       if (buf == nullptr) {
1072         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
1073         exit(1);
1074       }
1075       oldsize = *size;
1076     } else if (*size > oldsize) {
1077       ip = (int *)realloc(ip, size3 * sizeof(*ip));
1078       if (ip == nullptr) {
1079         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
1080         exit(1);
1081       }
1082       bufsize = (int) (size3 * 1.2);
1083       buf = (int *)realloc(buf, bufsize * sizeof(*buf));
1084       if (buf == nullptr) {
1085         fprintf(stderr,"malloc failed\n");
1086         exit(1);
1087       }
1088       oldsize = *size;
1089     }
1090     buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = 0;
1092     xdr_int(xdrs, &(minint[0]));
1093     xdr_int(xdrs, &(minint[1]));
1094     xdr_int(xdrs, &(minint[2]));
1096     xdr_int(xdrs, &(maxint[0]));
1097     xdr_int(xdrs, &(maxint[1]));
1098     xdr_int(xdrs, &(maxint[2]));
1100     sizeint[0] = maxint[0] - minint[0]+1;
1101     sizeint[1] = maxint[1] - minint[1]+1;
1102     sizeint[2] = maxint[2] - minint[2]+1;
1104     /* check if one of the sizes is to big to be multiplied */
1105     if ((sizeint[0] | sizeint[1] | sizeint[2] ) > 0xffffff) {
1106       bitsizeint[0] = sizeofint(sizeint[0]);
1107       bitsizeint[1] = sizeofint(sizeint[1]);
1108       bitsizeint[2] = sizeofint(sizeint[2]);
1109       bitsize = 0; /* flag the use of large sizes */
1110     } else {
1111       bitsize = sizeofints(3, sizeint);
1112     }
1114     xdr_int(xdrs, &smallidx);
1115     maxidx = MYMIN((int)LASTIDX, smallidx + 8) ;
1116     minidx = maxidx - 8; /* often this equal smallidx */
1117     smaller = magicints[MYMAX(FIRSTIDX, smallidx-1)] / 2;
1118     small = magicints[smallidx] / 2;
1119     sizesmall[0] = sizesmall[1] = sizesmall[2] = magicints[smallidx] ;
1120     larger = magicints[maxidx];
1122     /* buf[0] holds the length in bytes */
1124     if (xdr_int(xdrs, &(buf[0])) == 0)
1125       return 0;
1126     if (xdr_opaque(xdrs, (caddr_t)&(buf[3]), (u_int)buf[0]) == 0)
1127       return 0;
1128     buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = 0;
1130     lfp = fp;
1131     inv_precision = 1.0 / * precision;
1132     run = 0;
1133     i = 0;
1134     lip = ip;
1135     while (i < lsize) {
1136       thiscoord = (int *)(lip) + i * 3;
1138       if (bitsize == 0) {
1139         thiscoord[0] = receivebits(buf, bitsizeint[0]);
1140         thiscoord[1] = receivebits(buf, bitsizeint[1]);
1141         thiscoord[2] = receivebits(buf, bitsizeint[2]);
1142       } else {
1143         receiveints(buf, 3, bitsize, sizeint, thiscoord);
1144       }
1146       i++;
1147       thiscoord[0] += minint[0];
1148       thiscoord[1] += minint[1];
1149       thiscoord[2] += minint[2];
1151       prevcoord[0] = thiscoord[0];
1152       prevcoord[1] = thiscoord[1];
1153       prevcoord[2] = thiscoord[2];
1156       flag = receivebits(buf, 1);
1157       is_smaller = 0;
1158       if (flag == 1) {
1159         run = receivebits(buf, 5);
1160         is_smaller = run % 3;
1161         run -= is_smaller;
1162         is_smaller--;
1163       }
1164       if (run > 0) {
1165         thiscoord += 3;
1166         for (k = 0; k < run; k+=3) {
1167           receiveints(buf, 3, smallidx, sizesmall, thiscoord);
1168           i++;
1169           thiscoord[0] += prevcoord[0] - small;
1170           thiscoord[1] += prevcoord[1] - small;
1171           thiscoord[2] += prevcoord[2] - small;
1172           if (k == 0) {
1173             /* interchange first with second atom for better
1174              * compression of water molecules
1175              */
1176             tmp = thiscoord[0]; thiscoord[0] = prevcoord[0];
1177             prevcoord[0] = tmp;
1178             tmp = thiscoord[1]; thiscoord[1] = prevcoord[1];
1179             prevcoord[1] = tmp;
1180             tmp = thiscoord[2]; thiscoord[2] = prevcoord[2];
1181             prevcoord[2] = tmp;
1182             *lfp++ = prevcoord[0] * inv_precision;
1183             *lfp++ = prevcoord[1] * inv_precision;
1184             *lfp++ = prevcoord[2] * inv_precision;
1185           } else {
1186             prevcoord[0] = thiscoord[0];
1187             prevcoord[1] = thiscoord[1];
1188             prevcoord[2] = thiscoord[2];
1189           }
1190           *lfp++ = thiscoord[0] * inv_precision;
1191           *lfp++ = thiscoord[1] * inv_precision;
1192           *lfp++ = thiscoord[2] * inv_precision;
1193         }
1194       } else {
1195         *lfp++ = thiscoord[0] * inv_precision;
1196         *lfp++ = thiscoord[1] * inv_precision;
1197         *lfp++ = thiscoord[2] * inv_precision;
1198       }
1199       smallidx += is_smaller;
1200       if (is_smaller < 0) {
1201         small = smaller;
1202         if (smallidx > FIRSTIDX) {
1203           smaller = magicints[smallidx - 1] /2;
1204         } else {
1205           smaller = 0;
1206         }
1207       } else if (is_smaller > 0) {
1208         smaller = small;
1209         small = magicints[smallidx] / 2;
1210       }
1211       sizesmall[0] = sizesmall[1] = sizesmall[2] = magicints[smallidx] ;
1212     }
1213   }
1214   return 1;
1215 }