1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# $Id$
3# -*- coding: utf-8
6test libcint
9__author__ = "Qiming Sun <osirpt.sun@gmail.com>"
11import sys
12import os
13import ctypes
14import numpy
16_cint = numpy.ctypeslib.load_library('libcint', '/opengrok/src/dports/science/libcint/.build')
19PTR_EXPCUTOFF      = 0
22PTR_RINV_ORIG      = 4
23PTR_RINV_ZETA      = 7
25PTR_ENV_START      = 20
26NGRIDS             = 11
27PTR_GRIDS          = 12
29CHARGE_OF  = 0
30PTR_COORD  = 1
31NUC_MOD_OF = 2
32PTR_ZETA   = 3
33RAD_GRIDS  = 4
34ANG_GRIDS  = 5
35ATM_SLOTS  = 6
37ATOM_OF   = 0
38ANG_OF    = 1
39NPRIM_OF  = 2
40NCTR_OF   = 3
41KAPPA_OF  = 4
42PTR_EXP   = 5
46natm = 4
47nbas = 0
48atm = numpy.zeros((natm,ATM_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
49bas = numpy.zeros((1000,BAS_SLOTS), dtype=numpy.int32)
50env = numpy.zeros(10000)
52for i in range(natm):
53    atm[i, CHARGE_OF] = (i+1)*2
54    atm[i, PTR_COORD] = off
55    env[off+0] = .2 * (i+1)
56    env[off+1] = .3 + (i+1) * .5
57    env[off+2] = .1 - (i+1) * .5
58    off += 3
59off0 = off
61# basis with kappa > 0
62nh = 0
64bas[nh,ATOM_OF ]  = 0
65bas[nh,ANG_OF  ]  = 1
66bas[nh,KAPPA_OF]  = 1
67bas[nh,NPRIM_OF]  = 1
68bas[nh,NCTR_OF ]  = 1
69bas[nh,PTR_EXP]   = off
70env[off+0] = 1
71bas[nh,PTR_COEFF] = off + 1
72env[off+1] = 1
73off += 2
74nh += 1
76bas[nh,ATOM_OF ]  = 1
77bas[nh,ANG_OF  ]  = 2
78bas[nh,KAPPA_OF]  = 2
79bas[nh,NPRIM_OF]  = 2
80bas[nh,NCTR_OF ]  = 2
81bas[nh,PTR_EXP]   = off
82env[off+0] = 5
83env[off+1] = 3
84bas[nh,PTR_COEFF] = off + 2
85env[off+2] = 1
86env[off+3] = 2
87env[off+4] = 4
88env[off+5] = 1
89off += 6
90nh += 1
92bas[nh,ATOM_OF ]  = 2
93bas[nh,ANG_OF  ]  = 3
94bas[nh,KAPPA_OF]  = 3
95bas[nh,NPRIM_OF]  = 1
96bas[nh,NCTR_OF ]  = 1
97bas[nh,PTR_EXP ]  = off
98env[off+0] = 1
99bas[nh,PTR_COEFF] = off + 1
100env[off+1] = 1
101off += 2
102nh += 1
104bas[nh,ATOM_OF ]  = 3
105bas[nh,ANG_OF  ]  = 4
106bas[nh,KAPPA_OF]  = 4
107bas[nh,NPRIM_OF]  = 1
108bas[nh,NCTR_OF ]  = 1
109bas[nh,PTR_EXP ]  = off
110env[off+0] = .5
111bas[nh,PTR_COEFF] = off + 1
112env[off+1] = 1.
113off = off + 2
114nh += 1
116nbas = nh
118# basis with kappa < 0
119n = off - off0
120for i in range(n):
121    env[off+i] = env[off0+i]
123for i in range(nh):
124        bas[i+nh,ATOM_OF ] = bas[i,ATOM_OF ]
125        bas[i+nh,ANG_OF  ] = bas[i,ANG_OF  ] - 1
126        bas[i+nh,KAPPA_OF] =-bas[i,KAPPA_OF]
127        bas[i+nh,NPRIM_OF] = bas[i,NPRIM_OF]
128        bas[i+nh,NCTR_OF ] = bas[i,NCTR_OF ]
129        bas[i+nh,PTR_EXP ] = bas[i,PTR_EXP ]  + n
130        bas[i+nh,PTR_COEFF]= bas[i,PTR_COEFF] + n
131        env[bas[i+nh,PTR_COEFF]] /= 2 * env[bas[i,PTR_EXP]]
133env[bas[5,PTR_COEFF]+0] = env[bas[1,PTR_COEFF]+0] / (2 * env[bas[1,PTR_EXP]+0])
134env[bas[5,PTR_COEFF]+1] = env[bas[1,PTR_COEFF]+1] / (2 * env[bas[1,PTR_EXP]+1])
135env[bas[5,PTR_COEFF]+2] = env[bas[1,PTR_COEFF]+2] / (2 * env[bas[1,PTR_EXP]+0])
136env[bas[5,PTR_COEFF]+3] = env[bas[1,PTR_COEFF]+3] / (2 * env[bas[1,PTR_EXP]+1])
138natm = ctypes.c_int(natm)
139nbas = ctypes.c_int(nbas)
140c_atm = atm.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
141c_bas = bas.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
142c_env = env.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
144opt = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_void_p)()
145_cint.CINTlen_spinor.restype = ctypes.c_int
148def close(v1, vref, count, place):
149    return round(abs(v1-vref)/count**.5, place) == 0
151def test_int1e_sph(name, vref, dim, place):
152    intor = getattr(_cint, name)
153    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
154    op = (ctypes.c_double * (10000 * dim))()
155    v1 = 0
156    cnt = 0
157    for j in range(nbas.value*2):
158        for i in range(j+1):
159            di = (bas[i,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
160            dj = (bas[j,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
161            shls = (ctypes.c_int * 2)(i, j)
162            intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
163            v1 += abs(numpy.array(op[:di*dj*dim])).sum()
164            cnt += di*dj*dim
165    if close(v1, vref, cnt, place):
166        print("pass: ", name)
167    else:
168        print("* FAIL: ", name, ". err:", '%.16g' % abs(v1-vref), "/", vref)
170def cdouble_to_cmplx(arr):
171    return numpy.array(arr)[0::2] + numpy.array(arr)[1::2] * 1j
173def test_int1e_spinor(name, vref, dim, place):
174    intor = getattr(_cint, name)
175    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
176    op = (ctypes.c_double * (20000 * dim))()
177    v1 = 0
178    cnt = 0
179    for j in range(nbas.value*2):
180        for i in range(j+1):
181            di = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(i, c_bas, nbas) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
182            dj = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(j, c_bas, nbas) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
183            shls = (ctypes.c_int * 2)(i, j)
184            intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
185            v1 += abs(cdouble_to_cmplx(op[:di*dj*dim*2])).sum()
186            cnt += di*dj*dim*2
187    if close(v1, vref, cnt, place):
188        print("pass: ", name)
189    else:
190        print("* FAIL: ", name, ". err:", '%.16g' % abs(v1-vref), "/", vref)
192def max_loc(arr):
193    loc = []
194    maxi = arr.argmax()
195    n = maxi
196    for i in arr.shape:
197        loc.append(n % i)
198        n /= i
199    loc.reverse()
200    return maxi, loc
202def test_comp1e_spinor(name1, name_ref, shift, dim, place):
203    intor     = getattr(_cint, name1)
204    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
205    intor_ref = getattr(_cint, name_ref)
206    intor_ref.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
207    op =     (ctypes.c_double * (20000 * dim))()
208    op_ref = (ctypes.c_double * (20000 * dim))()
210    pfac = 1
211    if shift[0] > 0:
212        pfac *= -1j
213    if shift[1] > 0:
214        pfac *= 1j
216    for j in range(nbas.value*2 - shift[1]):
217        for i in range(min(nbas.value*2-shift[0],j+1)):
218            di = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(i, c_bas, nbas) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
219            dj = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(j, c_bas, nbas) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
220            shls = (ctypes.c_int * 2)(i+shift[0], j+shift[1])
221            intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
222            shls_ref = (ctypes.c_int * 2)(i, j)
223            intor_ref(op_ref, shls_ref, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
224            dd = abs(pfac * cdouble_to_cmplx(op[:di*dj*dim*2]).reshape(di,dj,dim)
225                     - cdouble_to_cmplx(op_ref[:di*dj*dim*2]).reshape(di,dj,dim))
226            if numpy.round(dd, place).sum():
227                maxi = dd.argmax()
228                print("* FAIL: ", name1, "/", name_ref, ". shell:", i, j, \
229                        "err:", dd.flatten()[maxi], \
230                        "/", op_ref[maxi*2]+op_ref[maxi*2+1]*1j)
231                return
232    print("pass: ", name1, "/", name_ref)
235def test_int2e_sph(name, vref, dim, place):
236    intor = getattr(_cint, name)
237    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
238    op = (ctypes.c_double * (1000000 * dim))()
239    v1 = 0
240    cnt = 0
241    for l in range(nbas.value*2):
242        for k in range(l+1):
243            for j in range(nbas.value*2):
244                for i in range(j+1):
245                    di = (bas[i,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
246                    dj = (bas[j,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
247                    dk = (bas[k,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[k,NCTR_OF]
248                    dl = (bas[l,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[l,NCTR_OF]
249                    shls = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i, j, k, l)
250                    intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env, opt)
251                    v1 += abs(numpy.array(op[:di*dj*dk*dl*dim])).sum()
252                    cnt += di*dj*dk*dl*dim
253    if close(v1, vref, cnt, place):
254        print("pass: ", name)
255    else:
256        print("* FAIL: ", name, ". err:", '%.16g' % abs(v1-vref), "/", vref)
258def test_erf(name, omega, place):
259    intor = getattr(_cint, name)
260    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
261    env_lr = env.copy()
262    env_lr[PTR_RANGE_OMEGA] = omega
263    env_sr = env.copy()
264    env_sr[PTR_RANGE_OMEGA] = -omega
265    c_env_lr = env_lr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
266    c_env_sr = env_sr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p)
268    op_lr = numpy.empty(10000)
269    op_sr = numpy.empty(10000)
270    op = numpy.empty(10000)
271    v1 = 0
272    cnt = 0
273    shls = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(3,3,3,3)
274    intor(op.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env, opt)
275    intor(op_lr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env_lr, opt)
276    intor(op_sr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env_sr, opt)
278    for l in range(nbas.value):
279        for k in range(l+1):
280            for j in range(l+1):
281                for i in range(j+1):
282                    di = (bas[i,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
283                    dj = (bas[j,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
284                    dk = (bas[k,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[k,NCTR_OF]
285                    dl = (bas[l,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[l,NCTR_OF]
286                    shls = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i, j, k, l)
287                    intor(op.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env, opt)
288                    intor(op_lr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env_lr, opt)
289                    intor(op_sr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env_sr, opt)
290                    cnt = di * dj * dk * dl
291                    dd = abs(op_lr[:cnt] + op_sr[:cnt] - op[:cnt])
293                    with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
294                        dd[dd > 1e-6] / op[:cnt][dd > 1e-6]
295                    if numpy.round(dd.max(), place) > 0:
296                        maxi = dd.argmax()
297                        print("* FAIL: erf+erfc", name, "omega=", omega,
298                              " shell:", i, j, k, l,
299                              "erf:", op_lr[maxi], "erfc:", op_sr[maxi],
300                              "regular:", op[maxi], "err:", dd[maxi])
301                        return
302    print("pass: erf+erfc", name, "omega=", omega)
304def test_int2e_spinor(name, vref, dim, place):
305    intor = getattr(_cint, name)
306    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
307    op = (ctypes.c_double * (2000000 * dim))()
308    v1 = 0
309    cnt = 0
310    for l in range(nbas.value*2):
311        for k in range(l+1):
312            for j in range(nbas.value*2):
313                for i in range(j+1):
314                    di = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(i, c_bas, nbas) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
315                    dj = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(j, c_bas, nbas) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
316                    dk = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(k, c_bas, nbas) * bas[k,NCTR_OF]
317                    dl = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(l, c_bas, nbas) * bas[l,NCTR_OF]
318                    shls = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i, j, k, l)
319                    intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env, opt)
320                    v1 += abs(cdouble_to_cmplx(op[:di*dj*dk*dl*dim*2])).sum()
321                    cnt += di*dj*dk*dl*dim*2
322    if close(v1, vref, cnt, place):
323        print("pass: ", name)
324    else:
325        print("* FAIL: ", name, ". err:", '%.16g' % abs(v1-vref), "/", vref)
327def test_int1e_grids_sph(name, vref, dim, place):
328    intor = getattr(_cint, name)
329    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
330    ngrids = 141
331    numpy.random.seed(12)
332    grids = numpy.random.random((ngrids, 3)) - 5.2
333    env_g = numpy.append(env, grids.ravel())
334    env_g[NGRIDS] = ngrids
335    env_g[PTR_GRIDS] = env.size
336    op = (ctypes.c_double * (1000000 * dim))()
337    v1 = 0
338    cnt = 0
339    for j in range(nbas.value*2):
340        for i in range(j+1):
341            di = (bas[i,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
342            dj = (bas[j,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
343            shls = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i, j, 0, ngrids)
344            intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas,
345                  env_g.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), opt)
346            v1 += abs(numpy.array(op[:ngrids*di*dj*dim])).sum()
347            cnt += ngrids*di*dj*dim
348    if close(v1, vref, cnt, place):
349        print("pass: ", name)
350    else:
351        print("* FAIL: ", name, ". err:", '%.16g' % abs(v1-vref), "/", vref)
353def test_int1e_grids_spinor(name, vref, dim, place):
354    intor = getattr(_cint, name)
355    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
356    ngrids = 141
357    numpy.random.seed(12)
358    grids = numpy.random.random((ngrids, 3)) - 5.2
359    env_g = numpy.append(env, grids.ravel())
360    env_g[NGRIDS] = ngrids
361    env_g[PTR_GRIDS] = env.size
362    op = (ctypes.c_double * (1000000 * dim))()
363    v1 = 0
364    cnt = 0
365    for j in range(nbas.value*2):
366        for i in range(j+1):
367            di = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(i, c_bas, nbas) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
368            dj = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(j, c_bas, nbas) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
369            shls = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i, j, 0, ngrids)
370            intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env, opt)
371            v1 += abs(cdouble_to_cmplx(op[:ngrids*di*dj*dim*2])).sum()
372            cnt += ngrids*di*dj*dim*2
373    if close(v1, vref, cnt, place):
374        print("pass: ", name)
375    else:
376        print("* FAIL: ", name, ". err:", '%.16g' % abs(v1-vref), "/", vref)
378def test_comp2e_spinor(name1, name_ref, shift, dim, place):
379    intor     = getattr(_cint, name1)
380    intor.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
381    intor_ref = getattr(_cint, name_ref)
382    intor_ref.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
383    op =     (ctypes.c_double * (2000000 * dim))()
384    op_ref = (ctypes.c_double * (2000000 * dim))()
386    pfac = 1
387    if shift[0] > 0:
388        pfac *= -1j
389    if shift[1] > 0:
390        pfac *= 1j
391    if shift[2] > 0:
392        pfac *= -1j
393    if shift[3] > 0:
394        pfac *= 1j
396    for l in range(nbas.value*2 - shift[3]):
397        for k in range(min(nbas.value*2-shift[0],l+1)):
398            for j in range(nbas.value*2 - shift[1]):
399                for i in range(min(nbas.value*2-shift[0],j+1)):
400                    di = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(i, c_bas, nbas) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
401                    dj = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(j, c_bas, nbas) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
402                    dk = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(k, c_bas, nbas) * bas[k,NCTR_OF]
403                    dl = _cint.CINTlen_spinor(l, c_bas, nbas) * bas[l,NCTR_OF]
404                    shls = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i+shift[0], j+shift[1], k+shift[2], l+shift[3])
405                    intor(op, shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env, opt)
406                    shls_ref = (ctypes.c_int * 4)(i, j, k, l)
407                    intor_ref(op_ref, shls_ref, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env, opt)
408                    dd = abs(pfac * cdouble_to_cmplx(op[:di*dj*dk*dl*dim*2]).reshape(di,dj,dk,dl,dim)
409                             - cdouble_to_cmplx(op_ref[:di*dj*dk*dl*dim*2]).reshape(di,dj,dk,dl,dim))
410                    if numpy.round(dd, place).sum():
411                        maxi = dd.argmax()
412                        print("* FAIL: ", name1, "/", name_ref, ". shell:", i, j, k, l, \
413                                "err:", dd.flatten()[maxi], \
414                                "/", op_ref[maxi*2]+op_ref[maxi*2+1]*1j)
415                        return
416    print("pass: ", name1, "/", name_ref)
419if __name__ == "__main__":
420    if "--high-prec" in sys.argv:
421        def close(v1, vref, count, place):
422            return round(abs(v1-vref), place) == 0
424    for f in (('cint1e_ovlp_sph'  , 320.9470780962389, 1, 11),
425              ('cint1e_nuc_sph'   , 3664.898206036863, 1, 10),
426              ('cint1e_kin_sph'   , 887.2525599069498, 1, 11),
427              ('cint1e_ia01p_sph' , 210.475021425001 , 3, 12),
428              ('cint1e_cg_irxp_sph', 3464.41761486531, 3, 10),
429              ('cint1e_giao_irjxp_sph', 2529.89787038728, 3, 10),
430              ('cint1e_igkin_sph' , 107.6417224161130, 3, 11),
431              ('cint1e_igovlp_sph', 37.94968860771099, 3, 12),
432              ('cint1e_ignuc_sph' , 478.5594827282386, 3, 11),
433              ('cint1e_ipovlp_sph', 429.5284222008585, 3, 11),
434              ('cint1e_ipkin_sph' , 1307.395170673386, 3, 10),
435              ('cint1e_ipnuc_sph' , 8358.422626593954, 3, 10),
436              ('cint1e_iprinv_sph', 385.1108471512923, 3, 11),
437              ('cint1e_prinvxp_sph',210.475021425001, 3, 11),
438              ('cint1e_z_sph'     , 651.8811101988866, 1, 11),
439              ('cint1e_zz_sph'    , 1881.075059037941, 1, 10),
440              ('cint1e_r_sph'     , 1803.13043674652 , 3, 10),
441              ('cint1e_rr_sph'    , 13379.47937680471, 9,  9),
442              ('cint1e_r2_sph'    , 5237.899221349136, 1, 10),
443             ):
444        test_int1e_sph(*f)
446    for f in (('cint1e_ovlp'     , 284.4528456839759, 1, 11),
447              ('cint1e_nuc'      , 3025.766689838620, 1, 10),
448              ('cint1e_gnuc'     , 296.6160944673867, 3, 11),
449              ('cint1e_srsr'     , 1430.424389624617, 1, 10),
450              ('cint1e_sr'       , 240.4064385362524, 1, 11),
451              ('cint1e_srsp'     , 1022.805155947573, 1, 10),
452              ('cint1e_spsp'     , 1554.251610462129, 1, 10),
453              ('cint1e_sp'       , 265.2448605537422, 1, 11),
454              ('cint1e_spspsp'   , 1551.856568558924, 1, 10),
455              ('cint1e_spnuc'    , 3905.024862120781, 1, 10),
456              ('cint1e_spnucsp'  , 20689.33926165072, 1, 9 ),
457              ('cint1e_srnucsr'  , 13408.06084488522, 1, 9 ),
458              ('cint1e_cg_sa10sa01', 319.6545034966355, 9, 11),
459              ('cint1e_cg_sa10sp'  , 1705.563585675829, 3, 10),
460              ('cint1e_cg_sa10nucsp',16506.04502697362, 3, 9 ),
461              ('cint1e_giao_sa10sa01' , 358.7833729392868, 9, 11),
462              ('cint1e_giao_sa10sp'   , 1070.550400465705, 3, 10),
463              ('cint1e_giao_sa10nucsp', 12819.05472701636, 3, 9 ),
464              ('cint1e_govlp'    , 23.2674074483772, 3, 12),
465              ('cint1e_sa01sp'   , 218.244203172625, 3, 11),
466              ('cint1e_spgsp'    , 96.9346217249868, 3, 12),
467              ('cint1e_spgnucsp' , 1659.37670007911, 3, 10),
468              ('cint1e_spgsa01'  , 37.8884662927634, 9, 12),
469              ('cint1e_ipovlp'   , 153.860148521121, 3, 12),
470              ('cint1e_ipkin'    , 497.249399637873, 3, 11),
471              ('cint1e_ipnuc'    , 4506.61348255897, 3, 10),
472              ('cint1e_iprinv'   , 240.036283917245, 3, 11),
473              ('cint1e_ipspnucsp', 35059.4071347107, 3,  9),
474              ('cint1e_ipsprinvsp',1166.20850563398, 3, 10),
475             ):
476        test_int1e_spinor(*f)
478    for f in (# rys_roots for i,j,k,l=3,3,3,3 has round-off error ~ 1e-5
479              ('cint2e_sph'    , 56243.88080655417, 1, 8 ),
480              ('cint2e_ip1_sph', 115489.8647398112, 3, 8 ),
481             ):
482        test_int2e_sph(*f)
484    for f in (('cint1e_grids_sph', 5262.154357565998, 1, 9),
485              ('cint1e_grids_ip_sph', 3121.659392012421, 1, 9),
486             ):
487        test_int1e_grids_sph(*f)
489    for f in (('cint1e_grids_spvsp', 85792.74665645276, 1, 9),
490             ):
491        test_int1e_grids_spinor(*f)
493    test_erf('cint2e_sph', 0.2, 9)
494    test_erf('cint2e_sph', 0.5, 9)
495    test_erf('cint2e_sph', 0.8, 9)
497    if "--quick" not in sys.argv:
498        for f in (('cint2e_ip1_sph', 115489.8647398112, 3, 8 ),
499                  ('cint2e_p1vxp1_sph', 89014.88690617065, 3, 9),
500                 ):
501            test_int2e_sph(*f)
502        for f in (('cint2e'             , 37737.11178943688, 1, 8),
503                  ('cint2e_spsp1'       , 221528.4801800184, 1, 8),
504                  ('cint2e_spsp1spsp2'  , 1391716.710120983, 1, 7),
505                  ('cint2e_srsr1'       , 178572.7403565846, 1, 8),
506                  ('cint2e_srsr1srsr2'  , 860883.5184736011, 1, 8),
507                  ('cint2e_cg_sa10sp1'  , 241519.2142324595, 3, 8),
508                  ('cint2e_cg_sa10sp1spsp2'  , 1419443.36668730, 3, 7),
509                  ('cint2e_giao_sa10sp1'     , 153861.923093945, 3, 8),
510                  ('cint2e_giao_sa10sp1spsp2', 918284.847389833, 3, 8),
511                  ('cint2e_g1'          , 3755.251962011825, 3, 10),
512                  ('cint2e_spgsp1'      , 16626.99245038913, 3, 9 ),
513                  ('cint2e_g1spsp2'     , 22186.56802347518, 3, 9 ),
514                  ('cint2e_spgsp1spsp2' , 107110.2316610047, 3, 8 ),
515                  ('cint2e_ip1'         , 34912.85673865274, 3, 9 ),
516                  ('cint2e_ipspsp1'     , 221092.5698965603, 3, 8 ),
517                  ('cint2e_ip1spsp2'    , 212447.11625827  , 3, 8 ),
518                  ('cint2e_ipspsp1spsp2', 1443972.847900875, 3, 7 ),
519                 ):
520            test_int2e_spinor(*f)
522    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_spsp1', 'cint2e', (4,4,0,0), 1, 11)
523    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_spsp1spsp2', 'cint2e', (4,4,4,4), 1, 11)
524    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_spsp1spsp2', 'cint2e_spsp1', (0,0,4,4), 1, 11)
525    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_spgsp1', 'cint2e_g1', (4,4,0,0), 3, 11)
526    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_g1spsp2', 'cint2e_g1', (0,0,4,4), 3, 11)
527    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_spgsp1spsp2', 'cint2e_g1', (4,4,4,4), 3, 11)
528    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_ipspsp1', 'cint2e_ip1', (4,4,0,0), 3, 11)
529    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_ip1spsp2', 'cint2e_ip1', (0,0,4,4), 3, 11)
530    test_comp2e_spinor('cint2e_ipspsp1spsp2', 'cint2e_ip1', (4,4,4,4), 3, 11)
532    fz  = getattr(_cint, 'cint1e_z_sph')
533    fzz = getattr(_cint, 'cint1e_zz_sph')
534    fr  = getattr(_cint, 'cint1e_r_sph')
535    fr2 = getattr(_cint, 'cint1e_r2_sph')
536    frr = getattr(_cint, 'cint1e_rr_sph')
537    v1 = 0
538    for j in range(nbas.value*2):
539        for i in range(j+1):
540            di = (bas[i,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[i,NCTR_OF]
541            dj = (bas[j,ANG_OF] * 2 + 1) * bas[j,NCTR_OF]
542            opz  = numpy.empty((di,dj)  , order='F')
543            opzz = numpy.empty((di,dj)  , order='F')
544            opr  = numpy.empty((di,dj,3), order='F')
545            opr2 = numpy.empty((di,dj)  , order='F')
546            oprr = numpy.empty((di,dj,9), order='F')
547            shls = (ctypes.c_int * 2)(i, j)
548            fz ( opz.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
549            fzz(opzz.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
550            fr ( opr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
551            fr2(opr2.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
552            frr(oprr.ctypes.data_as(ctypes.c_void_p), shls, c_atm, natm, c_bas, nbas, c_env)
553            v1 = abs(opz-opr[:,:,2]).sum()
554            v1 += abs(opzz-oprr[:,:,8]).sum()
555            v1 += abs(opr2-oprr[:,:,0]-oprr[:,:,4]-oprr[:,:,8]).sum()
556            if round(v1/(di*dj), 13):
557                print("* FAIL: ", i, j, v1)