1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2     This is the
4     ██╗     ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗████████╗███████╗
5     ██║     ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
6     ██║     ██║██║  ███╗██║  ███╗██║  ███╗███████║   ██║   ███████╗
7     ██║     ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ╚════██║
8     ███████╗██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ███████║
9     ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝®
11     DEM simulation engine, released by
12     DCS Computing Gmbh, Linz, Austria
13     http://www.dcs-computing.com, office@dcs-computing.com
15     LIGGGHTS® is part of CFDEM®project:
16     http://www.liggghts.com | http://www.cfdem.com
18     Core developer and main author:
19     Christoph Kloss, christoph.kloss@dcs-computing.com
21     LIGGGHTS® is open-source, distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
22     License, version 2 or later. It is distributed in the hope that it will
23     be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
25     received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LIGGGHTS®.
26     If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses . See also top-level README
27     and LICENSE files.
29     LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM® are registered trade marks of DCS Computing GmbH,
30     the producer of the LIGGGHTS® software and the CFDEM®coupling software
31     See http://www.cfdem.com/terms-trademark-policy for details.
33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34     Contributing author and copyright for this file:
35     This file is from LAMMPS
36     LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator
37     http://lammps.sandia.gov, Sandia National Laboratories
38     Steve Plimpton, sjplimp@sandia.gov
40     Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation.  Under the terms of Contract
41     DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
42     certain rights in this software.  This software is distributed under
43     the GNU General Public License.
44 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
46 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
47    Contributing author: Mike Brown (SNL)
48 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
50 #include <stdio.h>
51 #include <string.h>
52 #include "math_extra.h"
54 #define MAXJACOBI 50
56 namespace MathExtra {
58 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
59    output a matrix
60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
write3(const double mat[3][3])62 void write3(const double mat[3][3])
63 {
64   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
65     for (unsigned j = 0; j < 3; j++) printf("%g ",mat[i][j]);
66     printf("\n");
67   }
68 }
70 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
71    solve Ax = b or M ans = v
72    use gaussian elimination & partial pivoting on matrix
73 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
mldivide3(const double m[3][3],const double * v,double * ans)75 int mldivide3(const double m[3][3], const double *v, double *ans)
76 {
77   // create augmented matrix for pivoting
79   double aug[3][4];
80   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
81     aug[i][3] = v[i];
82     for (unsigned j = 0; j < 3; j++) aug[i][j] = m[i][j];
83   }
85   for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
86     unsigned p = i;
87     for (unsigned j = i+1; j < 3; j++) {
88       if (fabs(aug[j][i]) > fabs(aug[i][i])) {
89         double tempv[4];
90         memcpy(tempv,aug[i],4*sizeof(double));
91         memcpy(aug[i],aug[j],4*sizeof(double));
92         memcpy(aug[j],tempv,4*sizeof(double));
93       }
94     }
96     while (aug[p][i] == 0.0 && p < 3) p++;
98     if (p == 3) return 1;
99     else
100       if (p != i) {
101         double tempv[4];
102         memcpy(tempv,aug[i],4*sizeof(double));
103         memcpy(aug[i],aug[p],4*sizeof(double));
104         memcpy(aug[p],tempv,4*sizeof(double));
105       }
107     for (unsigned j = i+1; j < 3; j++) {
108       double m = aug[j][i]/aug[i][i];
109       for (unsigned k=i+1; k<4; k++) aug[j][k]-=m*aug[i][k];
110     }
111   }
113   if (aug[2][2] == 0.0) return 1;
115   // back substitution
117   ans[2] = aug[2][3]/aug[2][2];
118   for (int i = 1; i >= 0; i--) {
119     double sumax = 0.0;
120     for (unsigned j = i+1; j < 3; j++) sumax += aug[i][j]*ans[j];
121     ans[i] = (aug[i][3]-sumax) / aug[i][i];
122   }
124   return 0;
125 }
127 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
128    compute evalues and evectors of 3x3 real symmetric matrix
129    based on Jacobi rotations
130    adapted from Numerical Recipes jacobi() function
131 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
jacobi(double matrix[3][3],double * evalues,double evectors[3][3])133 int jacobi(double matrix[3][3], double *evalues, double evectors[3][3])
134 {
135   int i,j,k;
136   double tresh,theta,tau,t,sm,s,h,g,c,b[3],z[3];
138   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
139     for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) evectors[i][j] = 0.0;
140     evectors[i][i] = 1.0;
141   }
142   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
143     b[i] = evalues[i] = matrix[i][i];
144     z[i] = 0.0;
145   }
147   for (int iter = 1; iter <= MAXJACOBI; iter++) {
148     sm = 0.0;
149     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
150       for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++)
151         sm += fabs(matrix[i][j]);
152     if (sm == 0.0) return 0;
154     if (iter < 4) tresh = 0.2*sm/(3*3);
155     else tresh = 0.0;
157     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
158       for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++) {
159         g = 100.0*fabs(matrix[i][j]);
160         if (iter > 4 && fabs(evalues[i])+g == fabs(evalues[i])
161             && fabs(evalues[j])+g == fabs(evalues[j]))
162           matrix[i][j] = 0.0;
163         else if (fabs(matrix[i][j]) > tresh) {
164           h = evalues[j]-evalues[i];
165           if (fabs(h)+g == fabs(h)) t = (matrix[i][j])/h;
166           else {
167             theta = 0.5*h/(matrix[i][j]);
168             t = 1.0/(fabs(theta)+sqrt(1.0+theta*theta));
169             if (theta < 0.0) t = -t;
170           }
171           c = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t);
172           s = t*c;
173           tau = s/(1.0+c);
174           h = t*matrix[i][j];
175           z[i] -= h;
176           z[j] += h;
177           evalues[i] -= h;
178           evalues[j] += h;
179           matrix[i][j] = 0.0;
180           for (k = 0; k < i; k++) rotate(matrix,k,i,k,j,s,tau);
181           for (k = i+1; k < j; k++) rotate(matrix,i,k,k,j,s,tau);
182           for (k = j+1; k < 3; k++) rotate(matrix,i,k,j,k,s,tau);
183           for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) rotate(evectors,k,i,k,j,s,tau);
184         }
185       }
186     }
188     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
189       evalues[i] = b[i] += z[i];
190       z[i] = 0.0;
191     }
192   }
193   return 1;
194 }
jacobi(double ** matrix,double * evalues,double ** evectors)196 int jacobi(double **matrix, double *evalues, double **evectors)
197 {
198   int i,j,k;
199   double tresh,theta,tau,t,sm,s,h,g,c,b[3],z[3];
201   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
202     for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) evectors[i][j] = 0.0;
203     evectors[i][i] = 1.0;
204   }
205   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
206     b[i] = evalues[i] = matrix[i][i];
207     z[i] = 0.0;
208   }
210   for (int iter = 1; iter <= MAXJACOBI; iter++) {
211     sm = 0.0;
212     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
213       for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++)
214         sm += fabs(matrix[i][j]);
215     if (sm == 0.0) return 0;
217     if (iter < 4) tresh = 0.2*sm/(3*3);
218     else tresh = 0.0;
220     for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
221       for (j = i+1; j < 3; j++) {
222         g = 100.0*fabs(matrix[i][j]);
223         if (iter > 4 && fabs(evalues[i])+g == fabs(evalues[i])
224             && fabs(evalues[j])+g == fabs(evalues[j]))
225           matrix[i][j] = 0.0;
226         else if (fabs(matrix[i][j]) > tresh) {
227           h = evalues[j]-evalues[i];
228           if (fabs(h)+g == fabs(h)) t = (matrix[i][j])/h;
229           else {
230             theta = 0.5*h/(matrix[i][j]);
231             t = 1.0/(fabs(theta)+sqrt(1.0+theta*theta));
232             if (theta < 0.0) t = -t;
233           }
234           c = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+t*t);
235           s = t*c;
236           tau = s/(1.0+c);
237           h = t*matrix[i][j];
238           z[i] -= h;
239           z[j] += h;
240           evalues[i] -= h;
241           evalues[j] += h;
242           matrix[i][j] = 0.0;
243           for (k = 0; k < i; k++) rotate(matrix,k,i,k,j,s,tau);
244           for (k = i+1; k < j; k++) rotate(matrix,i,k,k,j,s,tau);
245           for (k = j+1; k < 3; k++) rotate(matrix,i,k,j,k,s,tau);
246           for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) rotate(evectors,k,i,k,j,s,tau);
247         }
248       }
249     }
251     for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
252       evalues[i] = b[i] += z[i];
253       z[i] = 0.0;
254     }
255   }
256   return 1;
257 }
259 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
260    perform a single Jacobi rotation
261 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
rotate(double matrix[3][3],const int i,const int j,const int k,const int l,const double s,const double tau)263 void rotate(double matrix[3][3], const int i, const int j, const int k, const int l,
264             const double s, const double tau)
265 {
266   const double g = matrix[i][j];
267   const double h = matrix[k][l];
268   matrix[i][j] = g-s*(h+g*tau);
269   matrix[k][l] = h+s*(g-h*tau);
270 }
rotate(double * const * const matrix,const int i,const int j,const int k,const int l,const double s,const double tau)272 void rotate(double * const * const matrix, const int i, const int j, const int k, const int l,
273             const double s, const double tau)
274 {
275   const double g = matrix[i][j];
276   const double h = matrix[k][l];
277   matrix[i][j] = g-s*(h+g*tau);
278   matrix[k][l] = h+s*(g-h*tau);
279 }
281 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
282    Richardson iteration to update quaternion from angular momentum
283    return new normalized quaternion q
284    also returns updated omega at 1/2 step
285 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
richardson(double * q,double * m,double * w,double * moments,double dtq)287 void richardson(double *q, double *m, double *w, double *moments, double dtq)
288 {
289   // full update from dq/dt = 1/2 w q
291   double wq[4];
292   MathExtra::vecquat(w,q,wq);
294   double qfull[4];
295   qfull[0] = q[0] + dtq * wq[0];
296   qfull[1] = q[1] + dtq * wq[1];
297   qfull[2] = q[2] + dtq * wq[2];
298   qfull[3] = q[3] + dtq * wq[3];
299   MathExtra::qnormalize(qfull);
301   // 1st half update from dq/dt = 1/2 w q
303   double qhalf[4];
304   qhalf[0] = q[0] + 0.5*dtq * wq[0];
305   qhalf[1] = q[1] + 0.5*dtq * wq[1];
306   qhalf[2] = q[2] + 0.5*dtq * wq[2];
307   qhalf[3] = q[3] + 0.5*dtq * wq[3];
308   MathExtra::qnormalize(qhalf);
310   // re-compute omega at 1/2 step from m at 1/2 step and q at 1/2 step
311   // recompute wq
313   MathExtra::mq_to_omega(m,qhalf,moments,w);
314   MathExtra::vecquat(w,qhalf,wq);
316   // 2nd half update from dq/dt = 1/2 w q
318   qhalf[0] += 0.5*dtq * wq[0];
319   qhalf[1] += 0.5*dtq * wq[1];
320   qhalf[2] += 0.5*dtq * wq[2];
321   qhalf[3] += 0.5*dtq * wq[3];
322   MathExtra::qnormalize(qhalf);
324   // corrected Richardson update
326   q[0] = 2.0*qhalf[0] - qfull[0];
327   q[1] = 2.0*qhalf[1] - qfull[1];
328   q[2] = 2.0*qhalf[2] - qfull[2];
329   q[3] = 2.0*qhalf[3] - qfull[3];
330   MathExtra::qnormalize(q);
331 }
333 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
334    compute omega from angular momentum, both in space frame
335    only know Idiag so need to do M = Iw in body frame
336    ex,ey,ez are column vectors of rotation matrix P
337    Mbody = P_transpose Mspace
338    wbody = Mbody / Idiag
339    wspace = P wbody
340    set wbody component to 0.0 if inertia component is 0.0
341      otherwise body can spin easily around that axis
342 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
angmom_to_omega(double * m,double * ex,double * ey,double * ez,double * idiag,double * w)344 void angmom_to_omega(double *m, double *ex, double *ey, double *ez,
345                      double *idiag, double *w)
346 {
347   double wbody[3];
349   if (idiag[0] == 0.0) wbody[0] = 0.0;
350   else wbody[0] = (m[0]*ex[0] + m[1]*ex[1] + m[2]*ex[2]) / idiag[0];
351   if (idiag[1] == 0.0) wbody[1] = 0.0;
352   else wbody[1] = (m[0]*ey[0] + m[1]*ey[1] + m[2]*ey[2]) / idiag[1];
353   if (idiag[2] == 0.0) wbody[2] = 0.0;
354   else wbody[2] = (m[0]*ez[0] + m[1]*ez[1] + m[2]*ez[2]) / idiag[2];
356   w[0] = wbody[0]*ex[0] + wbody[1]*ey[0] + wbody[2]*ez[0];
357   w[1] = wbody[0]*ex[1] + wbody[1]*ey[1] + wbody[2]*ez[1];
358   w[2] = wbody[0]*ex[2] + wbody[1]*ey[2] + wbody[2]*ez[2];
359 }
361 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
362    compute omega from angular momentum
363    w = omega = angular velocity in space frame
364    wbody = angular velocity in body frame
365    project space-frame angular momentum onto body axes
366      and divide by principal moments
367 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
mq_to_omega(double * m,double * q,double * moments,double * w)369 void mq_to_omega(double *m, double *q, double *moments, double *w)
370 {
371   double wbody[3];
372   double rot[3][3];
374   MathExtra::quat_to_mat(q,rot);
375   MathExtra::transpose_matvec(rot,m,wbody);
376   if (moments[0] == 0.0) wbody[0] = 0.0;
377   else wbody[0] /= moments[0];
378   if (moments[1] == 0.0) wbody[1] = 0.0;
379   else wbody[1] /= moments[1];
380   if (moments[2] == 0.0) wbody[2] = 0.0;
381   else wbody[2] /= moments[2];
382   MathExtra::matvec(rot,wbody,w);
383 }
385 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
386    compute angular momentum from omega, both in space frame
387    only know Idiag so need to do M = Iw in body frame
388    ex,ey,ez are column vectors of rotation matrix P
389    wbody = P_transpose wspace
390    Mbody = Idiag wbody
391    Mspace = P Mbody
392 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
omega_to_angmom(double * w,double * ex,double * ey,double * ez,double * idiag,double * m)394 void omega_to_angmom(double *w, double *ex, double *ey, double *ez,
395                      double *idiag, double *m)
396 {
397   double mbody[3];
399   mbody[0] = (w[0]*ex[0] + w[1]*ex[1] + w[2]*ex[2]) * idiag[0];
400   mbody[1] = (w[0]*ey[0] + w[1]*ey[1] + w[2]*ey[2]) * idiag[1];
401   mbody[2] = (w[0]*ez[0] + w[1]*ez[1] + w[2]*ez[2]) * idiag[2];
403   m[0] = mbody[0]*ex[0] + mbody[1]*ey[0] + mbody[2]*ez[0];
404   m[1] = mbody[0]*ex[1] + mbody[1]*ey[1] + mbody[2]*ez[1];
405   m[2] = mbody[0]*ex[2] + mbody[1]*ey[2] + mbody[2]*ez[2];
406 }
408 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
409    create unit quaternion from space-frame ex,ey,ez
410    ex,ey,ez are columns of a rotation matrix
411 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
exyz_to_q(double * ex,double * ey,double * ez,double * q)413 void exyz_to_q(double *ex, double *ey, double *ez, double *q)
414 {
415   // squares of quaternion components
417   double q0sq = 0.25 * (ex[0] + ey[1] + ez[2] + 1.0);
418   double q1sq = q0sq - 0.5 * (ey[1] + ez[2]);
419   double q2sq = q0sq - 0.5 * (ex[0] + ez[2]);
420   double q3sq = q0sq - 0.5 * (ex[0] + ey[1]);
422   // some component must be greater than 1/4 since they sum to 1
423   // compute other components from it
425   if (q0sq >= 0.25) {
426     q[0] = sqrt(q0sq);
427     q[1] = (ey[2] - ez[1]) / (4.0*q[0]);
428     q[2] = (ez[0] - ex[2]) / (4.0*q[0]);
429     q[3] = (ex[1] - ey[0]) / (4.0*q[0]);
430   } else if (q1sq >= 0.25) {
431     q[1] = sqrt(q1sq);
432     q[0] = (ey[2] - ez[1]) / (4.0*q[1]);
433     q[2] = (ey[0] + ex[1]) / (4.0*q[1]);
434     q[3] = (ex[2] + ez[0]) / (4.0*q[1]);
435   } else if (q2sq >= 0.25) {
436     q[2] = sqrt(q2sq);
437     q[0] = (ez[0] - ex[2]) / (4.0*q[2]);
438     q[1] = (ey[0] + ex[1]) / (4.0*q[2]);
439     q[3] = (ez[1] + ey[2]) / (4.0*q[2]);
440   } else if (q3sq >= 0.25) {
441     q[3] = sqrt(q3sq);
442     q[0] = (ex[1] - ey[0]) / (4.0*q[3]);
443     q[1] = (ez[0] + ex[2]) / (4.0*q[3]);
444     q[2] = (ez[1] + ey[2]) / (4.0*q[3]);
445   }
447   qnormalize(q);
448 }
450 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
451    compute space-frame ex,ey,ez from current quaternion q
452    ex,ey,ez = space-frame coords of 1st,2nd,3rd principal axis
453    operation is ex = q' d q = Q d, where d is (1,0,0) = 1st axis in body frame
454 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
q_to_exyz(double * q,double * ex,double * ey,double * ez)456 void q_to_exyz(double *q, double *ex, double *ey, double *ez)
457 {
458   ex[0] = q[0]*q[0] + q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] - q[3]*q[3];
459   ex[1] = 2.0 * (q[1]*q[2] + q[0]*q[3]);
460   ex[2] = 2.0 * (q[1]*q[3] - q[0]*q[2]);
462   ey[0] = 2.0 * (q[1]*q[2] - q[0]*q[3]);
463   ey[1] = q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1] + q[2]*q[2] - q[3]*q[3];
464   ey[2] = 2.0 * (q[2]*q[3] + q[0]*q[1]);
466   ez[0] = 2.0 * (q[1]*q[3] + q[0]*q[2]);
467   ez[1] = 2.0 * (q[2]*q[3] - q[0]*q[1]);
468   ez[2] = q[0]*q[0] - q[1]*q[1] - q[2]*q[2] + q[3]*q[3];
469 }
471 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
472    compute rotation matrix from quaternion
473    quat = [w i j k]
474 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
quat_to_mat(const double * quat,double mat[3][3])476 void quat_to_mat(const double *quat, double mat[3][3])
477 {
478   double w2 = quat[0]*quat[0];
479   double i2 = quat[1]*quat[1];
480   double j2 = quat[2]*quat[2];
481   double k2 = quat[3]*quat[3];
482   double twoij = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[2];
483   double twoik = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[3];
484   double twojk = 2.0*quat[2]*quat[3];
485   double twoiw = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[0];
486   double twojw = 2.0*quat[2]*quat[0];
487   double twokw = 2.0*quat[3]*quat[0];
489   mat[0][0] = w2+i2-j2-k2;
490   mat[0][1] = twoij-twokw;
491   mat[0][2] = twojw+twoik;
493   mat[1][0] = twoij+twokw;
494   mat[1][1] = w2-i2+j2-k2;
495   mat[1][2] = twojk-twoiw;
497   mat[2][0] = twoik-twojw;
498   mat[2][1] = twojk+twoiw;
499   mat[2][2] = w2-i2-j2+k2;
500 }
502 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
503    compute rotation matrix from quaternion conjugate
504    quat = [w i j k]
505 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
quat_to_mat_trans(const double * quat,double mat[3][3])507 void quat_to_mat_trans(const double *quat, double mat[3][3])
508 {
509   double w2 = quat[0]*quat[0];
510   double i2 = quat[1]*quat[1];
511   double j2 = quat[2]*quat[2];
512   double k2 = quat[3]*quat[3];
513   double twoij = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[2];
514   double twoik = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[3];
515   double twojk = 2.0*quat[2]*quat[3];
516   double twoiw = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[0];
517   double twojw = 2.0*quat[2]*quat[0];
518   double twokw = 2.0*quat[3]*quat[0];
520   mat[0][0] = w2+i2-j2-k2;
521   mat[1][0] = twoij-twokw;
522   mat[2][0] = twojw+twoik;
524   mat[0][1] = twoij+twokw;
525   mat[1][1] = w2-i2+j2-k2;
526   mat[2][1] = twojk-twoiw;
528   mat[0][2] = twoik-twojw;
529   mat[1][2] = twojk+twoiw;
530   mat[2][2] = w2-i2-j2+k2;
531 }
533 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
534    compute space-frame inertia tensor of an ellipsoid
535    radii = 3 radii of ellipsoid
536    quat = orientiation quaternion of ellipsoid
537    return symmetric inertia tensor as 6-vector in Voigt notation
538 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inertia_ellipsoid(double * radii,double * quat,double mass,double * inertia)540 void inertia_ellipsoid(double *radii, double *quat, double mass,
541                        double *inertia)
542 {
543   double p[3][3],ptrans[3][3],itemp[3][3],tensor[3][3];
544   double idiag[3];
546   quat_to_mat(quat,p);
547   quat_to_mat_trans(quat,ptrans);
548   idiag[0] = 0.2*mass * (radii[1]*radii[1] + radii[2]*radii[2]);
549   idiag[1] = 0.2*mass * (radii[0]*radii[0] + radii[2]*radii[2]);
550   idiag[2] = 0.2*mass * (radii[0]*radii[0] + radii[1]*radii[1]);
551   diag_times3(idiag,ptrans,itemp);
552   times3(p,itemp,tensor);
553   inertia[0] = tensor[0][0];
554   inertia[1] = tensor[1][1];
555   inertia[2] = tensor[2][2];
556   inertia[3] = tensor[1][2];
557   inertia[4] = tensor[0][2];
558   inertia[5] = tensor[0][1];
559 }
561 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
562    compute space-frame inertia tensor of a line segment in 2d
563    length = length of line
564    theta = orientiation of line
565    return symmetric inertia tensor as 6-vector in Voigt notation
566 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inertia_line(double length,double theta,double mass,double * inertia)568 void inertia_line(double length, double theta, double mass, double *inertia)
569 {
570   double p[3][3],ptrans[3][3],itemp[3][3],tensor[3][3];
571   double q[4],idiag[3];
573   q[0] = cos(0.5*theta);
574   q[1] = q[2] = 0.0;
575   q[3] = sin(0.5*theta);
576   MathExtra::quat_to_mat(q,p);
577   MathExtra::quat_to_mat_trans(q,ptrans);
578   idiag[0] = 0.0;
579   idiag[1] = 1.0/12.0 * mass * length*length;
580   idiag[2] = 1.0/12.0 * mass * length*length;
581   MathExtra::diag_times3(idiag,ptrans,itemp);
582   MathExtra::times3(p,itemp,tensor);
583   inertia[0] = tensor[0][0];
584   inertia[1] = tensor[1][1];
585   inertia[2] = tensor[2][2];
586   inertia[3] = tensor[1][2];
587   inertia[4] = tensor[0][2];
588   inertia[5] = tensor[0][1];
589 }
591 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
592    compute space-frame inertia tensor of a triangle
593    v0,v1,v2 = 3 vertices of triangle
594    from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inertia_tensor_of_triangle
595    inertia tensor = a/24 (v0^2 + v1^2 + v2^2 + (v0+v1+v2)^2) I - a Vt S V
596    a = 2*area of tri = |(v1-v0) x (v2-v0)|
597    I = 3x3 identity matrix
598    V = 3x3 matrix with v0,v1,v2 as rows
599    Vt = 3x3 matrix with v0,v1,v2 as columns
600    S = 1/24 [2 1 1]
601             [1 2 1]
602             [1 1 2]
603    return symmetric inertia tensor as 6-vector in Voigt notation
604 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inertia_triangle(double * v0,double * v1,double * v2,double mass,double * inertia)606 void inertia_triangle(double *v0, double *v1, double *v2,
607                       double mass, double *inertia)
608 {
609   double s[3][3] = {{2.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 2.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.0, 2.0}};
610   double v[3][3],sv[3][3],vtsv[3][3];
611   double vvv[3],v1mv0[3],v2mv0[3],normal[3];
613   v[0][0] = v0[0]; v[0][1] = v0[1]; v[0][2] = v0[2];
614   v[1][0] = v1[0]; v[1][1] = v1[1]; v[1][2] = v1[2];
615   v[2][0] = v2[0]; v[2][1] = v2[1]; v[2][2] = v2[2];
617   times3(s,v,sv);
618   transpose_times3(v,sv,vtsv);
620   double sum = lensq3(v0) + lensq3(v1) + lensq3(v2);
621   vvv[0] = v0[0] + v1[0] + v2[0];
622   vvv[1] = v0[1] + v1[1] + v2[1];
623   vvv[2] = v0[2] + v1[2] + v2[2];
624   sum += lensq3(vvv);
626   sub3(v1,v0,v1mv0);
627   sub3(v2,v0,v2mv0);
628   cross3(v1mv0,v2mv0,normal);
629   double a = len3(normal);
630   double inv24 = mass/24.0;
632   inertia[0] = inv24*a*(sum-vtsv[0][0]);
633   inertia[1] = inv24*a*(sum-vtsv[1][1]);
634   inertia[2] = inv24*a*(sum-vtsv[2][2]);
635   inertia[3] = -inv24*a*vtsv[1][2];
636   inertia[4] = -inv24*a*vtsv[0][2];
637   inertia[5] = -inv24*a*vtsv[0][1];
638 }
640 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
641    compute space-frame inertia tensor of a triangle
642    idiag = previously computed diagonal inertia tensor
643    quat = orientiation quaternion of triangle
644    return symmetric inertia tensor as 6-vector in Voigt notation
645 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
inertia_triangle(double * idiag,double * quat,double mass,double * inertia)647 void inertia_triangle(double *idiag, double *quat, double mass,
648                       double *inertia)
649 {
650   double p[3][3],ptrans[3][3],itemp[3][3],tensor[3][3];
652   quat_to_mat(quat,p);
653   quat_to_mat_trans(quat,ptrans);
654   diag_times3(idiag,ptrans,itemp);
655   times3(p,itemp,tensor);
656   inertia[0] = tensor[0][0];
657   inertia[1] = tensor[1][1];
658   inertia[2] = tensor[2][2];
659   inertia[3] = tensor[1][2];
660   inertia[4] = tensor[0][2];
661   inertia[5] = tensor[0][1];
662 }
664 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
666 }