1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2     This is the
4     ██╗     ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗████████╗███████╗
5     ██║     ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
6     ██║     ██║██║  ███╗██║  ███╗██║  ███╗███████║   ██║   ███████╗
7     ██║     ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ╚════██║
8     ███████╗██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ███████║
9     ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝®
11     DEM simulation engine, released by
12     DCS Computing Gmbh, Linz, Austria
13     http://www.dcs-computing.com, office@dcs-computing.com
15     LIGGGHTS® is part of CFDEM®project:
16     http://www.liggghts.com | http://www.cfdem.com
18     Core developer and main author:
19     Christoph Kloss, christoph.kloss@dcs-computing.com
21     LIGGGHTS® is open-source, distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
22     License, version 2 or later. It is distributed in the hope that it will
23     be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
25     received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LIGGGHTS®.
26     If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses . See also top-level README
27     and LICENSE files.
29     LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM® are registered trade marks of DCS Computing GmbH,
30     the producer of the LIGGGHTS® software and the CFDEM®coupling software
31     See http://www.cfdem.com/terms-trademark-policy for details.
33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34     Contributing author and copyright for this file:
35     Alexander Podlozhnyuk (DCS Computing GmbH, Linz)
37     Copyright 2015-     DCS Computing GmbH, Linz
38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
43 #include "pointers.h"
44 #include <cmath>
45 #include <stdio.h>
46 #include <string.h>
47 #include "vector_liggghts.h"
48 #include "math_extra.h"
49 #include "random_park.h"
50 #include "ctype.h"
51 #include "contact_interface.h"
52 #include "math_extra_liggghts.h"
54 #define TOLERANCE_ORTHO 1e-10
56 using namespace LIGGGHTS::ContactModels;
58 namespace MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical {
60   const double scale_koef = 1.0001;
62   struct point {
63     double x,y,z;
pointpoint64     point():
65       x(0), y(0), z(0) {};
pointpoint66     point(double *coords):
67       x(coords[0]), y(coords[1]), z(coords[2]) {}
68   };
70   inline double sign(const double val);
71   inline double pow_abs(double a, double b);
72   inline double normN(const double *a, const int len);
73   inline double normNsq(const double *a, const int len);
74   inline void vectorCopyN(const double *from, const int len, double *to);
75   inline double dotN(const double *a, const double *b, const int len);
76   inline void addN(const double *a, const double *b, const int len, double *result);
77   inline void subN(const double *a, const double *b, const int len, double *result);
78   inline void mulN(const double *a, const double k, const int len, double *result);
79   inline void mulN(const double k, const double *a, const int len, double *result);
80   inline void matvecN(const double *A, const double *b, const int len, double *c);
81   inline void matmat(const double *A, double *B, const int N, const int K, const int M, double *C);
82   inline void zeros(double *a, const int len);
83   inline void tensor_quat_rotate(const double *mat, const double *quat, double *result);
84   template<int N, int m_start> void GMRES(const double *A, const double *b, const double *x0, double *x);
85   inline double distsq(const double *v1, const double *v2, int len);
86   inline double dist(const double *v1, const double *v2, int len);
87   double point_wall_projection(const double *normal_vector, const double *point_on_wall, const double *input_point, double *output_point);
88   inline void rotate_local2global(const double *quat, const double *input_coord, double *result);
89   inline void rotate_global2local(const double *quat, const double *input_coord, double *result);
90   double point_line_distance(double *pointA, double *pointB, double *input_point, double *output_point, double *delta);
91   void integrate_quat(double *quat, double *omega, double dtq);
92   void integrate_omega(double *quat, double *torque, double *inertia, double *omega, double dt);
94   void angmom_to_omega(const double *quat, const double *angmom, const double *inertia, double *omega);
95   void omega_to_angmom(const double *quat, const double *omega, const double *inertia, double *angmom);
96   inline void rotate_local2global(const double *mat, const double *input_coord, double *result);
97   inline void rotate_global2local(const double *mat, const double *input_coord, double *result);
98   void no_squish_rotate(int k, double *p, double *q, double *inertia, double dt);
99   void calc_conjqm(double *quat, double *angmom_body, double *conjqm);
100   inline void invquat(double *quat);
101   double clamp(double val, double min, double max);
102   void line_segments_distance(double *P1, double *Q1, double *P2, double *Q2, double *C1, double *C2);
103   double get_effective_radius(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, double *blockiness_i, double *blockiness_j,double koefi, double koefj, double curvatureLimitFactor,LAMMPS_NS::Error *error);
104   double get_effective_radius_wall(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, double *blockiness_i, double koefi, double curvatureLimitFactor,LAMMPS_NS::Error *error);
105   inline void yabx3D(double *a, double b, double *x, double *y);
106   inline double pow_abs_int(double a, int b);
107   inline int round_int(double x);
108   inline void matvec(const double *m, const double *v, double *ans);
109   inline void transpose_matvec(const double *m, const double *v, double *ans);
110   inline void times3(const double *m, const double *m2, double *ans);
111   inline void transpose_times3(const double *m, const double *m2, double *ans);
112   inline void times3_transpose(const double *m, const double *m2, double *ans);
113   inline void quat_to_mat(const double *quat, double *rotation_matrix);
115   inline bool isInteger(double x);
116   inline void surfacesIntersectNonSpherical(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, double **x);
117 };
119 //rotate tensor by quaternion
tensor_quat_rotate(const double * tensor,const double * quat,double * result)120 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::tensor_quat_rotate(const double *tensor, const double *quat, double *result)
121 {
122   double rotation_matrix[9], temp[9];
123   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::quat_to_mat(quat, rotation_matrix); //calc rotation matrix (A) from quaternion
124   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::times3(rotation_matrix, tensor, temp); // calc temp = A * M
125   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::times3_transpose(temp, rotation_matrix, result); //calc result = A * M * A^T
126 }
128 //calculation of 2-norm of the vector
normN(const double * a,const int len)129 inline double MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::normN(const double *a, const int len)
130 {
131   double result = 0.0;
132   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
133     result += a[i]*a[i];
134   return ::sqrt(result);
135 }
pow_abs_int(double a,int b)137 inline double MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::pow_abs_int(double a, int b)
138 {
139   double result;
140   a = fabs(a);
141   switch(b) {
142   case 0:
143     result = 1.0;
144     break;
145   case 1:
146     result = a;
147     break;
148   case 2:
149     result = a*a;
150     break;
151   case 3:
152     result = a*a*a;
153     break;
154   case 4: {
155     double a2 = a*a;
156     result = a2*a2;
157     break;
158   }
159   case 5: {
160     double a2 = a*a;
161     result = a2*a2*a;
162     break;
163   }
164   case 6: {
165     double a3 = a*a*a;
166     result = a3*a3;
167     break;
168   }
169   case 7: {
170     double a2 = a*a;
171     double a3 = a2*a;
172     result = a2*a2*a3;
173     break;
174   }
175   case 8: {
176     double a2 = a*a;
177     double a4 = a2*a2;
178     result = a4*a4;
179     break;
180   }
181   case 9: {
182     double a3 = a*a*a;
183     result = a3*a3*a3;
184     break;
185   }
186   default:
187     result = a;
188     for(int i = 0; i < b - 1; i++)
189       result *= a;
190     break;
191   }
192   return result;
193 }
pow_abs(double base,double exponent)195 inline double MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::pow_abs(double base, double exponent)
196 {
197   base = fabs(base);
198   double tol = 1e-12;
199   if(fabs(exponent)<tol or fabs(base - 1.0) < tol)
200     return 1.0;
201   else if(fabs(base) < tol)
202     return 0.0;
203   else
204   {
205     double n = floor(fabs(exponent));
206     int n_int = static_cast<int>(n);
207     double result = pow_abs_int(base, n_int);
208     double n_delta = fabs(exponent) - n;
209     if(n_delta > 0.0) {
210       if(fabs(2.0*n_delta - 1.0) < 2.0*tol)
211         result *= ::sqrt(base);
212       else
213       {
214        result *= ::pow(base, n_delta);
215       }
216     }
217     if(exponent > 0.0)
218       return result;
219     else
220       return 1.0 / result;
221   }
222 }
224 //GMRES Linear System Solver
225 //https://math.berkeley.edu/~mgu/MA228A/saad-schultz.pdf
GMRES(const double * A,const double * b,const double * x0,double * x)226 template<int N, int m_start> void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::GMRES(const double *A, const double *b, const double *x0, double *x)
227 {
228   int m = m_start;
229   double res[N];
230   double Ax0[N];
231   matvecN(A, x0, N, Ax0); // calc A*x0
232   subN(b, Ax0, N, res); //res = b - A*x0
233   vectorCopyN(x0, N, x);
234   double beta_sq = normNsq(res, N); //beta = ||res||
235   if(beta_sq < 1e-20) {
236     return;
237   }
239   double beta = ::sqrt(beta_sq);
241   double y[m_start];
242   double v[(m_start+1)*N];
243   double h[(m_start+1)*m_start];
244   double w[m_start*N];
246   zeros(y, m);
247   zeros(v, (m+1)*N);
248   zeros(h, (m+1)*m);
249   zeros(w, m*N);
251   mulN(1.0/beta, res, N, v); //v0 = res / beta
253   for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
254     matvecN(A, v + j*N, N, w + j*N);
255     for(int i = 0; i < j + 1; i++) {
256       for(int ix = 0; ix < N; ix++) {
257         h[i*m+j] += w[j*N + ix]*v[i*N + ix];
258       }
259       for(int ix = 0; ix < N; ix++)
260         w[j*N + ix] -= h[i*m+j]*v[i*N + ix];
261     }
262     h[(j+1)*m + j] = normN(w + j*N, N);
264     if(h[(j+1)*m + j] < 1e-12) {
265       m = j + 1;
266       break;
267     } else
268       mulN(1.0/h[(j+1)*m + j], w+j*N, N, v+(j+1)*N);
269   }
271   double hm[(m_start+1)*m_start];
272   double g[m_start+1];
273   zeros(g, m+1);
274   g[0] = beta;
276   for(int i = 0; i < m + 1; i++) {
277     for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
278       hm[i*m_start+j] = h[i*m_start+j];
279     }
280   }
282   double row1[m_start];
283   double row2[m_start];
285   for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
286     double root_inv = 1.0 / sqrt(hm[j*m_start+j]*hm[j*m_start+j] + hm[(j+1)*m_start+j]*hm[(j+1)*m_start+j]);
287     double s =   hm[(j+1)*m_start+j] * root_inv;
288     double c =       hm[j*m_start+j] * root_inv;
290     for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
291       row1[i] =  c*hm[j*m_start+i] + s*hm[(j+1)*m_start+i];
292       row2[i] = -s*hm[j*m_start+i] + c*hm[(j+1)*m_start+i];
293     }
294     for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) {
295       hm[j*m_start+i] = row1[i];
296       hm[(j+1)*m_start+i] = row2[i];
297     }
298     double g1_temp =  c*g[j] + s*g[j+1];
299     double g2_temp = -s*g[j] + c*g[j+1];
301     g[j] = g1_temp;
302     g[j + 1] = g2_temp;
303   }
305   for(int j = 0; j < m; j++) {
306     int j1 = m - 1 - j;
307     double summ = 0.0;
308     for(int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
309       int i1 = m - 1 - i;
310       summ += hm[j1*m_start+i1] * y[i1];
311     }
312     y[j1] = (g[j1] - summ) / hm[j1*m_start + j1];
313     for(int i = 0; i < N; i++)
314       x[i] += y[j1] * v[j1*N+i];
315   }
316 }
318 //signum function
sign(const double val)319 inline double MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::sign(const double val)
320 {
321   if(val > 1e-14)
322     return 1.0;
323   else if (val < -1e-14)
324     return -1.0;
325   else // -1e-14 <= val <= 1e-14
326     return 0.0;
327 }
329 //calculation of 2-norm of the vector
normNsq(const double * a,const int len)330 inline double MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::normNsq(const double *a, const int len)
331 {
332   double result = 0.0;
333   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
334     result += a[i]*a[i];
335   return result;
336 }
338 //copy vector
vectorCopyN(const double * from,const int len,double * to)339 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::vectorCopyN(const double *from, const int len, double *to)
340 {
341   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
342     to[i] = from[i];
343 }
345 //vector addition: result = a+b
addN(const double * a,const double * b,const int len,double * result)346 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::addN(const double *a, const double *b, const int len, double *result)
347 {
348   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
349     result[i] = a[i] + b[i];
350 }
352 //vector substract: result = a-b
subN(const double * a,const double * b,const int len,double * result)353 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::subN(const double *a, const double *b, const int len, double *result)
354 {
355   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
356     result[i] = a[i] - b[i];
357 }
359 //vector-scalar multiplication
mulN(const double * a,const double k,const int len,double * result)360 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::mulN(const double *a, const double k, const int len, double *result)
361 {
362   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
363     result[i] = a[i]*k;
364 }
366 //vector-scalar multiplication
mulN(const double k,const double * a,const int len,double * result)367 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::mulN(const double k, const double *a, const int len, double *result)
368 {
369   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
370     result[i] = a[i]*k;
371 }
373 //dot product of two vectors a and b of length N
dotN(const double * a,const double * b,const int len)374 inline double MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::dotN(const double *a, const double *b, const int len)
375 {
376   double result = 0.0;
377   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
378     result += a[i]*b[i];
379   return result;
380 }
382 //matrix-vector multiplication, size of A is NxN, size of b is N, (N = len)
matvecN(const double * A,const double * b,const int len,double * c)383 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::matvecN(const double *A, const double *b, const int len, double *c)
384 {
385   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
386     c[i] = 0.0;
387     for(int j = 0; j < len; j++)
388     {
389       if(A[i*len+j] != 0.0 and b[j] != 0.0)
390         c[i] += A[i*len+j]*b[j];
391     }
392   }
393 }
394 //matrix-matrix multiplication: C = A*B, A(NxK), B(KxM), C(NxM)
matmat(const double * A,double * B,const int N,const int K,const int M,double * C)395 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::matmat(const double *A, double *B, const int N, const int K, const int M, double *C)
396 {
397   for(int iM = 0; iM < M; iM++) {
398     for(int iN = 0; iN < N; iN ++) {
399       C[iN * M + iM] = 0.0;
400       for(int iK = 0; iK < K; iK++) {
401         if(A[iN * K + iK] != 0.0 and B[iK * M + iM] != 0.0)
402           C[iN * M + iM] += A[iN * K + iK] * B[iK * M + iM];
403       }
404     }
405   }
406 }
408 //fill the first <len> elements of a with zeros
zeros(double * a,const int len)409 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::zeros(double *a, const int len)
410 {
411   memset(a, 0.0, len*sizeof(double));
412 }
414 //squared distance between two points in N-dimensional space
distsq(const double * v1,const double * v2,int len)415 inline double MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::distsq(const double *v1, const double *v2, int len)
416 {
417   double result = 0.0;
418   for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
419     result += (v1[i]-v2[i])*(v1[i]-v2[i]);
420   return result;
421 }
423 //rotate vector from local to global reference frame with a given quaternion
rotate_local2global(const double * quat,const double * input_coord,double * result)424 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::rotate_local2global(const double *quat, const double *input_coord, double *result) {
425   double A[9];
426   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::quat_to_mat(quat, A);
427   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::matvec(A, input_coord, result);
428 }
430 //rotate vector from global to local reference frame with a given quaternion
rotate_global2local(const double * quat,const double * input_coord,double * result)431 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::rotate_global2local(const double *quat, const double *input_coord, double *result) {
432   double A[9];
433   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::quat_to_mat(quat, A);
434   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::transpose_matvec(A, input_coord, result);
435 }
invquat(double * quat)437 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::invquat(double *quat)
438 {
439   double norm_sq_inv = 1.0 / LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag4D(quat);
440   quat[0] *= norm_sq_inv;
441   quat[1] *= -norm_sq_inv;
442   quat[2] *= -norm_sq_inv;
443   quat[3] *= -norm_sq_inv;
444 }
yabx3D(double * a,double b,double * x,double * y)446 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::yabx3D(double *a, double b, double *x, double *y)
447 {
448   y[0] = a[0] + b*x[0];
449   y[1] = a[1] + b*x[1];
450   y[2] = a[2] + b*x[2];
451 }
round_int(double x)453 inline int MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::round_int(double x)
454 {
455   return static_cast<int>(x+0.5);
456 }
matvec(const double * m,const double * v,double * ans)458 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::matvec(const double *m, const double *v, double *ans)
459 {
460   ans[0] = m[0]*v[0] + m[1]*v[1] + m[2]*v[2];
461   ans[1] = m[3]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[5]*v[2];
462   ans[2] = m[6]*v[0] + m[7]*v[1] + m[8]*v[2];
463 }
transpose_matvec(const double * m,const double * v,double * ans)465 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::transpose_matvec(const double *m, const double *v, double *ans)
466 {
467   ans[0] = m[0]*v[0] + m[3]*v[1] + m[6]*v[2];
468   ans[1] = m[1]*v[0] + m[4]*v[1] + m[7]*v[2];
469   ans[2] = m[2]*v[0] + m[5]*v[1] + m[8]*v[2];
470 }
times3(const double * m,const double * m2,double * ans)472 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::times3(const double *m, const double *m2, double *ans)
473 {
474   ans[0*3+0] = m[0*3+0]*m2[0*3+0] + m[0*3+1]*m2[1*3+0] + m[0*3+2]*m2[2*3+0];
475   ans[0*3+1] = m[0*3+0]*m2[0*3+1] + m[0*3+1]*m2[1*3+1] + m[0*3+2]*m2[2*3+1];
476   ans[0*3+2] = m[0*3+0]*m2[0*3+2] + m[0*3+1]*m2[1*3+2] + m[0*3+2]*m2[2*3+2];
477   ans[1*3+0] = m[1*3+0]*m2[0*3+0] + m[1*3+1]*m2[1*3+0] + m[1*3+2]*m2[2*3+0];
478   ans[1*3+1] = m[1*3+0]*m2[0*3+1] + m[1*3+1]*m2[1*3+1] + m[1*3+2]*m2[2*3+1];
479   ans[1*3+2] = m[1*3+0]*m2[0*3+2] + m[1*3+1]*m2[1*3+2] + m[1*3+2]*m2[2*3+2];
480   ans[2*3+0] = m[2*3+0]*m2[0*3+0] + m[2*3+1]*m2[1*3+0] + m[2*3+2]*m2[2*3+0];
481   ans[2*3+1] = m[2*3+0]*m2[0*3+1] + m[2*3+1]*m2[1*3+1] + m[2*3+2]*m2[2*3+1];
482   ans[2*3+2] = m[2*3+0]*m2[0*3+2] + m[2*3+1]*m2[1*3+2] + m[2*3+2]*m2[2*3+2];
483 }
transpose_times3(const double * m,const double * m2,double * ans)485 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::transpose_times3(const double *m, const double *m2, double *ans)
486 {
487   ans[0*3+0] = m[0*3+0]*m2[0*3+0] + m[1*3+0]*m2[1*3+0] + m[2*3+0]*m2[2*3+0];
488   ans[0*3+1] = m[0*3+0]*m2[0*3+1] + m[1*3+0]*m2[1*3+1] + m[2*3+0]*m2[2*3+1];
489   ans[0*3+2] = m[0*3+0]*m2[0*3+2] + m[1*3+0]*m2[1*3+2] + m[2*3+0]*m2[2*3+2];
490   ans[1*3+0] = m[0*3+1]*m2[0*3+0] + m[1*3+1]*m2[1*3+0] + m[2*3+1]*m2[2*3+0];
491   ans[1*3+1] = m[0*3+1]*m2[0*3+1] + m[1*3+1]*m2[1*3+1] + m[2*3+1]*m2[2*3+1];
492   ans[1*3+2] = m[0*3+1]*m2[0*3+2] + m[1*3+1]*m2[1*3+2] + m[2*3+1]*m2[2*3+2];
493   ans[2*3+0] = m[0*3+2]*m2[0*3+0] + m[1*3+2]*m2[1*3+0] + m[2*3+2]*m2[2*3+0];
494   ans[2*3+1] = m[0*3+2]*m2[0*3+1] + m[1*3+2]*m2[1*3+1] + m[2*3+2]*m2[2*3+1];
495   ans[2*3+2] = m[0*3+2]*m2[0*3+2] + m[1*3+2]*m2[1*3+2] + m[2*3+2]*m2[2*3+2];
496 }
times3_transpose(const double * m,const double * m2,double * ans)498 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::times3_transpose(const double *m, const double *m2, double *ans)
499 {
500   ans[0*3+0] = m[0*3+0]*m2[0*3+0] + m[0*3+1]*m2[0*3+1] + m[0*3+2]*m2[0*3+2];
501   ans[0*3+1] = m[0*3+0]*m2[1*3+0] + m[0*3+1]*m2[1*3+1] + m[0*3+2]*m2[1*3+2];
502   ans[0*3+2] = m[0*3+0]*m2[2*3+0] + m[0*3+1]*m2[2*3+1] + m[0*3+2]*m2[2*3+2];
503   ans[1*3+0] = m[1*3+0]*m2[0*3+0] + m[1*3+1]*m2[0*3+1] + m[1*3+2]*m2[0*3+2];
504   ans[1*3+1] = m[1*3+0]*m2[1*3+0] + m[1*3+1]*m2[1*3+1] + m[1*3+2]*m2[1*3+2];
505   ans[1*3+2] = m[1*3+0]*m2[2*3+0] + m[1*3+1]*m2[2*3+1] + m[1*3+2]*m2[2*3+2];
506   ans[2*3+0] = m[2*3+0]*m2[0*3+0] + m[2*3+1]*m2[0*3+1] + m[2*3+2]*m2[0*3+2];
507   ans[2*3+1] = m[2*3+0]*m2[1*3+0] + m[2*3+1]*m2[1*3+1] + m[2*3+2]*m2[1*3+2];
508   ans[2*3+2] = m[2*3+0]*m2[2*3+0] + m[2*3+1]*m2[2*3+1] + m[2*3+2]*m2[2*3+2];
509 }
quat_to_mat(const double * quat,double * rotation_matrix)511 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::quat_to_mat(const double *quat, double *rotation_matrix) {
512   double w2 = quat[0]*quat[0];
513   double i2 = quat[1]*quat[1];
514   double j2 = quat[2]*quat[2];
515   double k2 = quat[3]*quat[3];
516   double twoij = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[2];
517   double twoik = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[3];
518   double twojk = 2.0*quat[2]*quat[3];
519   double twoiw = 2.0*quat[1]*quat[0];
520   double twojw = 2.0*quat[2]*quat[0];
521   double twokw = 2.0*quat[3]*quat[0];
523   rotation_matrix[0] = w2+i2-j2-k2;
524   rotation_matrix[1] = twoij-twokw;
525   rotation_matrix[2] = twojw+twoik;
527   rotation_matrix[3] = twoij+twokw;
528   rotation_matrix[4] = w2-i2+j2-k2;
529   rotation_matrix[5] = twojk-twoiw;
531   rotation_matrix[6] = twoik-twojw;
532   rotation_matrix[7] = twojk+twoiw;
533   rotation_matrix[8] = w2-i2-j2+k2;
534 }
surfacesIntersectNonSpherical(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata,double ** x)536 inline void MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::surfacesIntersectNonSpherical(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, double **x)
537 {
539   double xci[3], xcj[3];
540   double v_rot_i[3], v_rot_j[3];
541   double omega_relative[3], v_relative[3], v_rot_relative[3];
542   if(sidata.is_wall) {
543     LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(sidata.contact_point, x[sidata.i], xci);
544     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCross3D(sidata.omega_i, xci, v_rot_i);
545     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(v_rot_i, v_rot_relative);
546     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(sidata.omega_i, omega_relative);
547     sidata.cri = LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag3D(xci);
548   } else {
549     LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(sidata.contact_point, x[sidata.i], xci);
550     LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(sidata.contact_point, x[sidata.j], xcj);
551     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCross3D(sidata.omega_i, xci, v_rot_i);
552     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCross3D(sidata.omega_j, xcj, v_rot_j);
553     LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(v_rot_i, v_rot_j, v_rot_relative);
554     LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(sidata.omega_i, sidata.omega_j, omega_relative);
555     sidata.cri = LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag3D(xci);
556     sidata.crj = LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag3D(xcj);
557   }
558       // relative velocity
559   v_relative[0] = sidata.v_i[0] - sidata.v_j[0] + v_rot_relative[0];
560   v_relative[1] = sidata.v_i[1] - sidata.v_j[1] + v_rot_relative[1];
561   v_relative[2] = sidata.v_i[2] - sidata.v_j[2] + v_rot_relative[2];
563   // normal component
564   const double vn = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(v_relative, sidata.en);
565   // tangential components
566   sidata.vtr1 = v_relative[0] - vn * sidata.en[0];
567   sidata.vtr2 = v_relative[1] - vn * sidata.en[1];
568   sidata.vtr3 = v_relative[2] - vn * sidata.en[2];
570   sidata.wr1 = omega_relative[0];
571   sidata.wr2 = omega_relative[1];
572   sidata.wr3 = omega_relative[2];
574   sidata.vn = vn;
575   #endif
576 }
isInteger(double x)578 inline bool MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::isInteger(double x)
579 {
580   double x_temp = floor(x + 1e-2);
581   return MathExtraLiggghts::compDouble(x, x_temp, 1e-2);
582 }
583 #endif