1language: cpp
2cache: ccache
4  - osx
5  - linux
7  - clang
8  - gcc
10  #- GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=buildonly
11  #- GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=buildonly
12  #- GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=buildonly
13  - GCC_VERSION=5 RUN_TEST=buildonly
14  #- GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=world
15  #- GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=world
16  #- GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=world
17  - GCC_VERSION=5 RUN_TEST=world
18  #- GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=tensor
19  #- GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=tensor
20  #- GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=tensor
21  - GCC_VERSION=5 RUN_TEST=tensor
22  #- GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=mra
23  #- GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=mra
24  #- GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=mra
27  exclude:
28    - compiler: clang
29      env: GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=buildonly
30    - compiler: clang
31      env: GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=buildonly
32    - compiler: clang
33      env: GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=buildonly
34    - compiler: clang
35      env: GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=world
36    - compiler: clang
37      env: GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=world
38    - compiler: clang
39      env: GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=world
40    - compiler: clang
41      env: GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=tensor
42    - compiler: clang
43      env: GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=tensor
44    - compiler: clang
45      env: GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=tensor
46    - compiler: clang
47      env: GCC_VERSION=4.7 RUN_TEST=mra
48    - compiler: clang
49      env: GCC_VERSION=4.8 RUN_TEST=mra
50    - compiler: clang
51      env: GCC_VERSION=4.9 RUN_TEST=mra
52    - os: osx
53      compiler: gcc
55#  email:
56#    recipients:
57#      - madness-developers@googlegroups.com
58#    on_success: change
59#    on_failure: always
60sudo: false
62  apt:
63    sources:
64      - george-edison55-precise-backports
65      - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test
66      - llvm-toolchain-precise-3.8
67    packages:
68      #- gcc-4.7
69      #- g++-4.7
70      #- gfortran-4.7
71      #- gcc-4.8
72      #- g++-4.8
73      #- gfortran-4.8
74      #- gcc-4.9
75      #- g++-4.9
76      #- gfortran-4.9
77      - gcc-5
78      - g++-5
79      - gfortran-5
80      - clang-3.8
81      # These do not lead to the desired result of libc++ >:-(
82      #- libc++-dev
83      #- libc++1
84      # BLAS/LAPACK libraries - use OpenBLAS or ATLAS if faster...
85      - libblas-dev
86      - liblapack-dev
87      #- libopenblas-base # Do NOT use this library! it causes illegal instruction errors.
88      #- libatlas3-base # "E: Unable to locate package libatlas3-base"
89      # END
90      - libgoogle-perftools-dev
91      #- mpich2 # disallowed - build from source
92      - libtbb-dev
93      #- cmake
94# if necessary to debug the install step, move all lines into
95# script step and add appropriate debugging analysis to the
96# after_failure step e.g. find . -name config.log -exec cat {} ";"
98  - ./ci/dep-$TRAVIS_OS_NAME.sh
100  - ./ci/build-$TRAVIS_OS_NAME.sh
102  - cat ./build/config.log