1import math, sys
3# Element info taken mostly from Rasmol but the effective covalent
4# radii are from NWChem with those probably coming from Hondo.
6cpk = {0: "light grey",
7       1: "sky blue",
8       2: "red",
9       3: "yellow",
10       4: "white",
11       5: "pink",
12       6: "gold",
13       7: "blue",
14       8: "orange",
15       9: "dark grey",
16       10: "brown",
17       11: "purple",
18       12: "deep pink",
19       13: "green",
20       14: "fire brick",
21       15: "mid green"}
23# Colors from X11/rgb.txt
24colors = {
25    "light grey": (211,211,211),
26    "sky blue": (135,206,235),
27    "red": (255,0,0),
28    "yellow": (255,255,0),
29    "white": (255,255,255),
30    "pink": (255,105,180),
31    "gold": (255,215,0),
32    "blue": (0,0,255),
33    "orange": (255,165,0),
34    "dark grey": (169,169,169),
35    "brown": (165,42,42),
36    "purple": (160,32,240),
37    "deep pink": (205,16,118),
38    "green": (0,255,0),
39    "fire brick": (178,34,34),
40    "mid green": (60,179,113)}
42for color in colors.keys():
43    r,g,b = colors[color]
44    colors[color]=r/255.0,g/255.0,b/255.0
46class Element:
47    def __init__(self,symbol,covrad,vdwrad,col,name,atno):
48        self.symbol = symbol
49        self.covrad = covrad
50        self.vdwrad = vdwrad
51        self.col    = colors[cpk[col]]
52        self.name   = name
53        self.atno   = atno
55    def __str__(self):
56        return "%3d %2s %16s %.1f %.1f (%.2f %.2f %.2f) " % (
57            self.atno,self.symbol,self.name,self.covrad,self.vdwrad,
58            self.col[0],self.col[1],self.col[2])
60elements = range(104)
61elements[  0] = Element('Bq' ,0.00, 0.0,  0, "Dummy"    ,  0 )
62elements[  1] = Element('H' ,0.30, 2.75,  4, "HYDROGEN"    ,  1 )
63elements[  2] = Element('He',1.22, 5.50,  5, "HELIUM"      ,  2 )
64elements[  3] = Element('Li',1.23, 3.05, 14, "LITHIUM"     ,  3 )
65elements[  4] = Element('Be',0.89, 1.57, 12, "BERYLLIUM"   ,  4 )
66elements[  5] = Element('B' ,0.88, 3.87, 13, "BORON"       ,  5 )
67elements[  6] = Element('C' ,0.77, 3.87,  9, "CARBON"      ,  6 ) # was color 0
68elements[  7] = Element('N' ,0.70, 3.50,  1, "NITROGEN"    ,  7 )
69elements[  8] = Element('O' ,0.66, 3.37,  2, "OXYGEN"      ,  8 )
70elements[  9] = Element('F' ,0.58, 3.25,  6, "FLUORINE"    ,  9 )
71elements[ 10] = Element('Ne',1.60, 5.05, 12, "NEON"        , 10 )
72elements[ 11] = Element('Na',1.66, 5.50,  7, "SODIUM"      , 11 )
73elements[ 12] = Element('Mg',1.36, 3.75, 15, "MAGNESIUM"   , 12 )
74elements[ 13] = Element('Al',1.25, 3.75,  9, "ALUMINIUM"   , 13 )
75elements[ 14] = Element('Si',1.17, 5.50,  6, "SILICON"     , 14 )
76elements[ 15] = Element('P' ,1.10, 4.70,  8, "PHOSPHORUS"  , 15 )
77elements[ 16] = Element('S' ,1.04, 4.52,  3, "SULPHUR"     , 16 )
78elements[ 17] = Element('Cl',0.99, 4.37, 13, "CHLORINE"    , 17 )
79elements[ 18] = Element('Ar',1.91, 6.92, 12, "ARGON"       , 18 )
80elements[ 19] = Element('K' ,2.03, 5.97, 12, "POTASSIUM"   , 19 )
81elements[ 20] = Element('Ca',1.74, 4.87,  9, "CALCIUM"     , 20 )
82elements[ 21] = Element('Sc',1.44, 3.30, 12, "SCANDIUM"    , 21 )
83elements[ 22] = Element('Ti',1.32, 4.87,  9, "TITANIUM"    , 22 )
84elements[ 23] = Element('V' ,1.22, 2.65, 12, "VANADIUM"    , 23 )
85elements[ 24] = Element('Cr',1.19, 2.82,  9, "CHROMIUM"    , 24 )
86elements[ 25] = Element('Mn',1.17, 2.97,  9, "MANGANESE"   , 25 )
87elements[ 26] = Element('Fe',1.165,4.87,  8, "IRON"        , 26 )
88elements[ 27] = Element('Co',1.16, 2.82, 12, "COBALT"      , 27 )
89elements[ 28] = Element('Ni',1.15, 3.10, 10, "NICKEL"      , 28 )
90elements[ 29] = Element('Cu',1.17, 2.87, 10, "COPPER"      , 29 )
91elements[ 30] = Element('Zn',1.25, 2.87, 10, "ZINC"        , 30 )
92elements[ 31] = Element('Ga',1.25, 3.87, 12, "GALLIUM"     , 31 )
93elements[ 32] = Element('Ge',1.22, 9.99, 12, "GERMANIUM"   , 32 )
94elements[ 33] = Element('As',1.21, 2.07, 12, "ARSENIC"     , 33 )
95elements[ 34] = Element('Se',1.17, 2.25, 12, "SELENIUM"    , 34 )
96elements[ 35] = Element('Br',1.14, 4.37, 10, "BROMINE"     , 35 )
97elements[ 36] = Element('Kr',1.98, 4.75, 12, "KRYPTON"     , 36 )
98elements[ 37] = Element('Rb',2.22, 6.62, 12, "RUBIDIUM"    , 37 )
99elements[ 38] = Element('Sr',1.92, 5.05, 12, "STRONTIUM"   , 38 )
100elements[ 39] = Element('Y' ,1.62, 4.02, 12, "YTTRIUM"     , 39 )
101elements[ 40] = Element('Zr',1.45, 3.55, 12, "ZIRCONIUM"   , 40 )
102elements[ 41] = Element('Nb',1.34, 3.32, 12, "NIOBIUM"     , 41 )
103elements[ 42] = Element('Mo',1.29, 4.37, 12, "MOLYBDENUM"  , 42 )
104elements[ 43] = Element('Tc',1.27, 4.50, 12, "TECHNETIUM"  , 43 )
105elements[ 44] = Element('Ru',1.24, 3.00, 12, "RUTHENIUM"   , 44 )
106elements[ 45] = Element('Rh',1.25, 3.05, 12, "RHODIUM"     , 45 )
107elements[ 46] = Element('Pd',1.28, 3.60, 12, "PALLADIUM"   , 46 )
108elements[ 47] = Element('Ag',1.34, 3.87,  9, "SILVER"      , 47 )
109elements[ 48] = Element('Cd',1.41, 4.37, 12, "CADMIUM"     , 48 )
110elements[ 49] = Element('In',1.50, 3.62, 12, "INDIUM"      , 49 )
111elements[ 50] = Element('Sn',1.40, 4.17, 12, "TIN"         , 50 )
112elements[ 51] = Element('Sb',1.41, 2.80, 12, "ANTIMONY"    , 51 )
113elements[ 52] = Element('Te',1.37, 3.15, 12, "TELLURIUM"   , 52 )
114elements[ 53] = Element('I' ,1.33, 4.37, 11, "IODINE"      , 53 )
115elements[ 54] = Element('Xe',2.09, 5.25, 12, "XENON"       , 54 )
116elements[ 55] = Element('Cs',2.35, 7.52, 12, "CAESIUM"     , 55 )
117elements[ 56] = Element('Ba',1.98, 6.02,  8, "BARIUM"      , 56 )
118elements[ 57] = Element('La',1.69, 4.57, 12, "LANTHANUM"   , 57 )
119elements[ 58] = Element('Ce',1.65, 4.65, 12, "CERIUM"      , 58 )
120elements[ 59] = Element('Pr',1.65, 4.05, 12, "PRASEODYMIUM", 59 )
121elements[ 60] = Element('Nd',1.64, 4.47, 12, "NEODYMIUM"   , 60 )
122elements[ 61] = Element('Pm',1.65, 4.40, 12, "PROMETHIUM"  , 61 )
123elements[ 62] = Element('Sm',1.66, 4.35, 12, "SAMARIUM"    , 62 )
124elements[ 63] = Element('Eu',1.65, 4.90, 12, "EUROPIUM"    , 63 )
125elements[ 64] = Element('Gd',1.61, 4.22, 12, "GADOLINIUM"  , 64 )
126elements[ 65] = Element('Tb',1.59, 4.15, 12, "TERBIUM"     , 65 )
127elements[ 66] = Element('Dy',1.59, 4.07, 12, "DYSPROSIUM"  , 66 )
128elements[ 67] = Element('Ho',1.58, 4.02, 12, "HOLMIUM"     , 67 )
129elements[ 68] = Element('Er',1.57, 3.97, 12, "ERBIUM"      , 68 )
130elements[ 69] = Element('Tm',1.56, 3.92, 12, "THULIUM"     , 69 )
131elements[ 70] = Element('Yb',1.56, 3.85, 12, "YTTERBIUM"   , 70 )
132elements[ 71] = Element('Lu',1.56, 3.82, 12, "LUTETIUM"    , 71 )
133elements[ 72] = Element('Hf',1.44, 3.50, 12, "HAFNIUM"     , 72 )
134elements[ 73] = Element('Ta',1.34, 3.05, 12, "TANTALUM"    , 73 )
135elements[ 74] = Element('W' ,1.30, 3.15, 12, "TUNGSTEN"    , 74 )
136elements[ 75] = Element('Re',1.28, 3.25, 12, "RHENIUM"     , 75 )
137elements[ 76] = Element('Os',1.26, 3.95, 12, "OSMIUM"      , 76 )
138elements[ 77] = Element('Ir',1.26, 3.05, 12, "IRIDIUM"     , 77 )
139elements[ 78] = Element('Pt',1.29, 3.87, 12, "PLATINUM"    , 78 )
140elements[ 79] = Element('Au',1.34, 3.62,  6, "GOLD"        , 79 )
141elements[ 80] = Element('Hg',1.44, 4.95, 12, "MERCURY"     , 80 )
142elements[ 81] = Element('Tl',1.55, 4.27, 12, "THALLIUM"    , 81 )
143elements[ 82] = Element('Pb',1.54, 5.40, 12, "LEAD"        , 82 )
144elements[ 83] = Element('Bi',1.52, 4.32, 12, "BISMUTH"     , 83 )
145elements[ 84] = Element('Po',1.53, 3.02, 12, "POLONIUM"    , 84 )
146elements[ 85] = Element('At',1.50, 2.80, 12, "ASTATINE"    , 85 )
147elements[ 86] = Element('Rn',2.20, 5.75, 12, "RADON"       , 86 )
148elements[ 87] = Element('Fr',3.24, 8.10, 12, "FRANCIUM"    , 87 )
149elements[ 88] = Element('Ra',2.68, 6.42, 12, "RADIUM"      , 88 )
150elements[ 89] = Element('Ac',2.25, 5.30, 12, "ACTINIUM"    , 89 )
151elements[ 90] = Element('Th',2.16, 4.60, 12, "THORIUM"     , 90 )
152elements[ 91] = Element('Pa',1.93, 4.00, 12, "PROTACTINIUM", 91 )
153elements[ 92] = Element('U' ,3.00, 4.37, 12, "URANIUM"     , 92 )
154elements[ 93] = Element('Np',1.57, 4.27, 12, "NEPTUNIUM"   , 93 )
155elements[ 94] = Element('Pu',1.81, 4.17, 12, "PLUTONIUM"   , 94 )
156elements[ 95] = Element('Am',2.21, 4.15, 12, "AMERICIUM"   , 95 )
157elements[ 96] = Element('Cm',1.43, 4.12, 12, "CURIUM"      , 96 )
158elements[ 97] = Element('Bk',1.42, 4.10, 12, "BERKELIUM"   , 97 )
159elements[ 98] = Element('Cf',1.40, 4.07, 12, "CALIFORNIUM" , 98 )
160elements[ 99] = Element('Es',1.39, 4.05, 12, "EINSTEINIUM" , 99 )
161elements[100] = Element('Fm',1.38, 4.02, 12, "FERMIUM"     ,100 )
162elements[101] = Element('Md',1.37, 4.00, 12, "MENDELEVIUM" ,101 )
163elements[102] = Element('No',1.36, 3.97, 12, "NOBELIUM"    ,102 )
164elements[103] = Element('Lr',1.34, 3.95, 12, "LAWRENCIUM"  ,103 )
166default_radii = range(104)
167default_colors = range(104)
168for i in range(1,len(elements)):
169    default_radii[i]  = elements[i].covrad
170    default_colors[i] = elements[i].col
172def scale_coords(coords, fac):
173    natom = len(coords)
174    for atom in range(natom):
175        for i in range(3):
176            coords[atom][i] = coords[atom][i]*fac
178def dist(i,j):
179    return math.sqrt((i[0]-j[0])**2+
180                     (i[1]-j[1])**2+
181                     (i[2]-j[2])**2)
183def make_bonds(coords, z, radii):
184    bonds = []
185    for i in range(len(coords)):
186        for j in range(i):
187            rij = dist(coords[i],coords[j])
188            if rij < 1.1*(radii[z[i]]+radii[z[j]]):
189                #print "bond",i,j,rij
190                bonds.append([i,j])
191    return bonds
193def moldx(coords,z,bonds=None,units="angstrom",fname="mol.dx",
194          radii=default_radii,colors=default_colors,
195          scale=None,shift=None):
196    '''
198    Make an Opendx format file with a stick representation of the
199    molecule.  Additional representations will be easy to add.
201    coords = coords[natom][3] input coords (unchanged on output)
203    z = z[natom] input atomic number of each atom (unchanged on output)
205    bonds = optional list of precomputed connections.  If None, these
206    .       are computed from the covalent radii.
208    units = the input units.  If the input units are atomic, they will be
209    .       converted to angstrom.  The output units are always angstrom
210    .       unless additional scaling is specified.
212    fname = the name of the output file
214    radii = covalent radii for forming bonds.  Defaults will be used
215    .       if not speficied.
217    colors = colors for the atoms (3-vector float in [0,1]).  Defaults
218    .        will be used if not specified.
220    scale = if scale (scalar float) is specified, the *output*
221    .       coordinates are scaled by that factor.
223    shift = if shift (3-vector float) is specified, the *output*
224    .       coordinates are shifted *after* scaling
225    .       (e.g., x*scale+shift[0])
227    '''
229    au_to_angs = 0.529177249
230    if len(z) != len(coords): raise ValueError
232    if not bonds:
233        # Need angstroms for making bonds
234        if units in ["au","a.u.","atomic","bohr"]:
235            scale_coords(coords,au_to_angs)
237        bonds = make_bonds(coords,z,radii)
239        if units in ["au","a.u.","atomic","bohr"]:
240            scale_coords(coords,1.0/au_to_angs)
242    # We have the atomic coordinates, numbers, radii, and
243    # connectivity.  The opendx stick representation is formed
244    # by splitting the bonds at the midpoint (weighted by
245    # the ratio of the radii) with appropriate coloring.
247    if not units in ["au","a.u.","atomic","bohr"]:
248        # Need atomic units for the output
249        scale_coords(coords,1.0/au_to_angs)
251    pos = []
252    col = []
253    con = []
255    for i,j in bonds:
256        npos = len(pos)
257        rij = dist(coords[i],coords[j])
258        si = radii[z[i]]/(radii[z[i]]+radii[z[j]])
259        sj = 1.0-si
260        mid = [coords[i][0]*sj+coords[j][0]*si,
261               coords[i][1]*sj+coords[j][1]*si,
262               coords[i][2]*sj+coords[j][2]*si]
264        pos.append(coords[i]); col.append(colors[z[i]])
265        pos.append(mid); col.append(colors[z[i]])
267        pos.append(mid); col.append(colors[z[j]])
268        pos.append(coords[j]); col.append(colors[z[j]])
270        con.append([npos,npos+1])
271        con.append([npos+2,npos+3])
273    f = open(fname,'w+')
275    f.write("object 1 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items %d data follows\n" % len(pos))
276    for x,y,z in pos:
277        if scale: x, y, z = x*scale, y*scale, z*scale
278        if shift: x, y, z = x+shift[0], y+shift[1], z+shift[2]
279        f.write("%f %f %f\n" % (x,y,z))
280    f.write('attribute "dep" string "positions"\n')
282    f.write("object 2 class array type int rank 1 shape 2 items %d data follows\n" % len(con))
283    for i,j in con: f.write("%d %d \n" % (i,j))
284    f.write('attribute "element type" string "lines"\n')
285    f.write('attribute "ref" string "positions"\n')
286    f.write('attribute "dep" string "connections"\n')
288    f.write("object 3 class array type float rank 0 items %d data follows\n" % len(pos))
289    for p in pos: f.write("0 ")
290    f.write("\n")
291    f.write('attribute "dep" string "positions"\n')
293    f.write("object 4 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items %d data follows\n" % len(col))
294    for r,g,b in col: f.write("%f %f %f\n" % (r,g,b))
295    f.write('attribute "dep" string "positions"\n')
297    f.write('object "irregular positions irregular connections" class field\n')
298    f.write('component "positions" value 1\n')
299    f.write('component "connections" value 2\n')
300    f.write('component "data" value 3\n')
301    f.write('component "colors" value 4\n')
302    f.write('attribute "name" string "irregular positions irregular connections"\n')
303    f.write('end\n')
305    f.close()
307    # Undo-Force a.u. while making the bonds (cannot do until after
308    # writing file since pos contains references to these values).
309    if not units in ["au","a.u.","atomic","bohr"]:
310        scale_coords(coords,au_to_angs)
313def symtoatn(sym):
314    sym = sym.lower()
315    for el in elements:
316        if el.symbol.lower() == sym:
317            return el.atno
318    raise "Uh?"
320if __name__ == "__main__":
321    # Read first molecule from the madness output file
322    f = sys.stdin
323    while 1:
324        line = f.readline().split()
325        if len(line) and line[0] == 'geometry':
326            coords = []
327            z = []
328            units = 'au'
329            while 1:
330                line = f.readline().split()
331                if len(line) == 0: continue
332                if line[0] == 'end':
333                    break
334                elif line[0] == 'units':
335                    units = line[1]
336                elif not (line[0] == 'units' or line[0] == 'eprec'):
337                    z.append(symtoatn(line[0]))
338                    coords.append([float(line[1]), float(line[2]), float(line[3])])
339            moldx(coords, z, units=units, fname='molecule.dx')
340            sys.exit(0)