2* McXtrace, x-ray tracing package
3*         Copyright (C) Risoe National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark
5* Component: PowderN
7* %I
8* Written by: P. Willendrup, L. Chapon, K. Lefmann, A.B.Abrahamsen, N.B.Christensen, E.M.Lauridsen.
9* Date: 4.2.98
10* Version: $Revision$
11* Origin: McStas release
12* Modified by: KL, KN 20.03.98   (rewrite)
13* Modified by: KL,    28.09.01   (two lines)
14* Modified by: KL,    22.05.03   (background)
15* Modified by: KL, PW 01.05.05   (N lines)
16* Modified by: PW, LC 04.10.05   (Merge with Chapon Powder_multi)
17* Modified by: PW, KL 05.06.07   (Concentricity)
18* Modified by: EF,    17.10.08   (added any shape sample geometry)
19* Modified for X-ray use: EK, 28.10.10
21* General powder sample (N lines, single scattering, incoherent scattering)
23* %D
24* General powder sample with
25*         many scattering vectors
26*         possibility for intrinsic line broadening
27*         incoherent backgorund ratio is specified by user.
28*         No multiple scattering. No secondary extinction.
30* Based on Powder1/Powder2/Single_crystal.
31* Geometry is a powder filled cylinder or a box.
32* Incoherent scattering is only provided here to account for a background
33* The efficient is highly improved when restricting the vertical scattering
34* range on the Debye-Scherrer cone (with 'd_phi').
35* The unit cell volume Vc may also be computed when giving the density,
36* the atomic/molecular weight and the number of atoms per unit cell.
38* <b>Sample shape:</b>
39* Sample shape may be a cylinder, a sphere, a box or any other shape.
40*   box/plate:       xwidth x yheight x zdepth (thickness=0)
41*   hollow box/plate:xwidth x yheight x zdepth and thickness>0
42*   cylinder:        radius x yheight (thickness=0)
43*   hollow cylinder: radius x yheight and thickness>0
44*   sphere:          radius (yheight=0 thickness=0)
45*   hollow sphere:   radius and thickness>0 (yheight=0)
46*   any shape:       geometry=OFF_file
48*   The complex geometry option handles any closed non-convex polyhedra.
49*   It computes the intersection points of the xray with the object
50*   transparently, so that it can be used like a regular sample object.
51*   It supports the OFF and NOFF file format but not COFF (colored faces).
52*   Such files may be generated from XYZ data using:
53*     qhull < coordinates.xyz Qx Qv Tv o > geomview.off
54*   and viewed with geomview or java -jar jroff.jar (see below).
55*   The default size of the object depends of the OFF file data, but its
56*   bounding box may be resized using xwidth,yheight and zdepth.
58* If you use this component and produce valuable scientific results, please
59* cite authors with references bellow (in <a href="#links">Links</a>).
61* Example: PowderN(reflections = "c60.lau", d_phi = 15 , radius = 0.01,
62*   yheight = 0.05, Vc = 1076.89, Delta_d=0, DW=1,
63*   format=Crystallographica)
65* <b>Powder definition file format</b>
66* Powder structure is specified with an ascii data file 'reflections'.
67* The powder data are free-text column based files.
68* Lines begining by '#' are read as comments (ignored) but they may contain
69* the following keywords (in the header):
70*   #Vc           <value of unit cell volume Vc [Angs^3]>
71*   #Debye_Waller <value of Debye-Waller factor DW>
72*   #Delta_d/d    <value of Detla_d/d width for all lines>
73* These values are not read if entered as component parameters (Vc=...)
75* The signification of the columns in the numerical block may be
76* set using the 'format' parameter. Built-in formats are:
77*   format=Crystallographica
78*   format=Fullprof
79*   format=Lazy
80* and these specifications it is important NOT to use quotes, as shown.
82* An other possibility to define other formats is to set directly
83* the signification of the columns as a vector of indexes in the order
84*   format={j,d,F2,DW,Delta_d/d,1/2d,q,F}
85* Signification of the symbols is given below. Indexes start at 1.
86* Indexes with zero means that the column is not present, so that:
87*   Crystallographica={ 4,5,7,0,0,0,0,0 }
88*   Fullprof         ={ 4,0,8,0,0,5,0,0 }
89*   Lazy             ={17,6,0,0,0,0,0,13}
90* Here again, NO quotes should be around the 'format' value.
92* At last, the format may be overridden by direct definition of the
93* column indexes in the file itself by using the following keywords
94* in the header (e.g. '#column_j 4'):
95*   #column_j     <index of the multiplicity 'j' column>
96*   #column_d     <index of the d-spacing 'd' column [Angs]>
97*   #column_F2    <index of the squared str. factor '|F|^2' column [b]>
98*   #column_F     <index of the structure factor norm '|F|' column>
99*   #column_DW    <index of the Debye-Waller factor 'DW' column>
100*   #column_Dd    <index of the relative line width Delta_d/d 'Dd' column>
101*   #column_inv2d <index of the 1/2d=sin(theta)/lambda 'inv2d' column>
102*   #column_q     <index of the scattering wavevector 'q' column [Angs-1]>
104* <b>Concentricity</b>
106* PowderN assumes 'concentric' shape, i.e. can contain other components inside its
107* optional inner hollow. Example, Sample in Al cryostat:
110* COMPONENT Cryo = PowderN(reflections="Al.laz", radius = 0.01, thickness = 0.001,
111*                          concentric = 1, p_interact=0.1)
112* AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE Somewhere
114* COMPONENT Sample = some_other_component(with geometry FULLY enclosed in the hollow)
115* AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE Somewhere
117* COMPONENT Cryo2 = COPY(Cryo)(concentric = 0)
118* AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE Somewhere
121* (The second instance of the cryostat component can also be written out completely
122*  using PowderN(...). In both cases, this second instance needs concentric = 0.)
124* %P
126* radius:   Outer radius of sample in (x,z) plane [m]
127* xwidth:   Horiz. dimension of sample, as a width [m]
128* yheight:  Height of sample y direction [m]
129* zdepth:   Depth of box sample [m]
130* thickness:Thickness of hollow sample.
131*                Negative value extends the hollow volume outside of the box/cylinder. [m]
132* reflections: Input file for reflections.
133*                Use only incoherent scattering if NULL or "" [string]
135* Optional parameters:
136* d_phi:    Angle corresponding to the vertical angular range
137*             to focus to, e.g. detector height. 0 for no focusing [deg,0-180]
138* pack:     Packing factor [1]
139* Delta_d:  Global relative Delta_d/d spreading when the 'w' column
140*             is not available. Use 0 if ideal. [Angs]
141* format:   Name of the format, or list of column indexes
142*             (see Description). [no quotes]
143* p_inc:    Fraction of incoherently scattered xrays [1]
144* p_transmit: Fraction of transmitted (only attenuated) xrays [1]
145* p_interact: Fraction of events interacting with sample, e.g. 1-p_transmit-p_inc [1]
146* concentric: Indicate that this component has a hollow geometry
147*               and may contain other components. It should then be duplicated
148*               after the inside part (only for box, cylinder, sphere) [1]
149* geometry:   Name of an Object File Format (OFF) file for complex geometry.
150*               The OFF file may be generated from XYZ coordinates using qhull/powercrust [str]
151* barns:    Flag to indicate if |F|^2 from 'reflections' is in barns or fm^2
152*             (barns=1 for laz, barns=0 for lau type files).[1]
153* Vc:       Volume of unit cell=nb atoms per cell/density of atoms [AA^3]
154* DW:       Global Debey-Waller factor when the 'DW' column
155*             is not available. Use 1 if included in F2 [1]
156* weight:   Atomic/molecular weight of material [g/mol]
157* density:  Density of material. rho=density/weight/1e24*N_A. [g/cm^3]
158* nb_atoms: Number of sub-unit per unit cell, that is ratio of sigma for chemical formula to sigma per unit cell [1]
160* %L
161* “Validation of a realistic powder sample using data from DMC at PSI” Willendrup P, Filges U, Keller L, Farhi E, Lefmann K, Physica B-Cond Matt 385 (2006) 1032.
162* %L
163* See also: Powder1, Powder2 and PowderN
164* %L
165* See <a href="http://icsd.ill.fr">ICSD</a> Inorganic Crystal Structure Database
166* %L
167* Cross sections for single elements: http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/resources/n-lengths/
168* %L
169* Cross sections for compounds:       http://www.ncnr.nist.gov/resources/sldcalc.html
170* %L
171* Web Elements                        http://www.webelements.com/
172* %L
173* Fullprof powder refinement:         http://www.ill.eu/sites/fullprof/index.html
174* %L
175* Crystallographica software:         http://www.crystallographica.com/
176* %L
177* Geomview and Object File Format (OFF) <http://www.geomview.org>
178* %L
179* Java version of Geomview (display only) jroff.jar <http://www.holmes3d.net/graphics/roffview/>
180* %L
181* Powercrust/qhull <http://qhull.org>
183* %E
186DEFINITION PARAMETERS (format=Undefined)
187     SETTING PARAMETERS (string reflections=0, string material=0, string geometry=0,
188                    radius=0, yheight=0, xwidth=0, zdepth=0, thickness=0,
189                    pack=1, Vc=0, Delta_d=0, p_inc=0.1, p_transmit=0.1,
190                    DW=0, nb_atoms=1, d_phi=0, p_interact=0,
191                    concentric=0, density=0, weight=0, barns=1)
192OUTPUT PARAMETERS (line_info, Nq, my_s_k2, XsectionFactor,
193  my_s_k2_sum, my_a_k, my_inc, my_q, my_w, columns,
194  radius_i, xwidth_i, yheight_i, zdepth_i, offdata)
195/* X-ray parameters: (x,y,z,kx,ky,kz,phi,t,Ex,Ey,Ez,p) */
198  /* used for reading data table from file */
199  %include "read_table-lib"
200  %include "interoff-lib"
201/* Declare structures and functions only once in each instrument. */
202#ifndef POWDERN_DECL
203#define POWDERN_DECL
204/* format definitions in the order {j d F2 DW Dd inv2d q F} */
205#ifndef Crystallographica
206#define Crystallographica { 4,5,7,0,0,0,0,0 }
207#define Fullprof          { 4,0,8,0,0,5,0,0 }
208#define Lazy              {17,6,0,0,0,0,0,13 }
209#define Undefined         { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }
212  struct line_data
213    {
214      double F2;                  /* Value of structure factor */
215      double q;                   /* Qvector */
216      int j;                      /* Multiplicity */
217      double DWfactor;            /* Debye-Waller factor */
218      double w;                   /* Intrinsic line width */
219    };
221  struct abs_data
222  {
223    double E;       /*energy (in keV)*/
224    double k;       /*wavenumber corresponding to E*/
225    double sigma_a; /*absorption cross section for energy E*/
226    double mu;      /*absoprtion coefficient for the energy E*/
227  };
228  struct line_info_struct
229    {
230      struct line_data *list;     /* Reflection array */
231      int  count;                  /* Number of reflections */
232      double Dd;
233      double DWfactor;
234      double V_0;
235      double rho;
236      double at_weight;
237      double at_nb;
238      double sigma_a;
239      double sigma_i;
240      char   compname[256];
241      double flag_barns;
242      int    shape; /* 0 cylinder, 1 box, 2 sphere, 3 OFF file */
243      int    column_order[8]; /* column signification */
244      int    flag_warning;
245    };
247  off_struct offdata;
249  int read_abs_data(char *ABS_file, struct abs_data **abs)
250  {
251    t_Table table;
252    char **parsing;
253    int status,i;
255    if (!ABS_file || !strlen(ABS_file) || !strcmp(ABS_file, "NULL")) {
256      fprintf(stderr,"Warning: material file (%s) not found.\n",ABS_file);
257      *abs=calloc(2,sizeof(struct abs_data));
258      (*abs)[1].E=-1;
259      (*abs)[1].k=-1;
260      (*abs)[1].mu=-1;
261    }else{
262      if ( (status=Table_Read(&table,ABS_file,0))==-1){
263        fprintf(stderr,"Error: %s Could not parse file \"%s\"\n",NAME_CURRENT_COMP,ABS_file);
264        exit(-1);
265      }
266      parsing=Table_ParseHeader(table.header,"Z","A[r]","rho",NULL);
267      *abs=calloc(table.rows+1,sizeof(struct abs_data));
268      for (i=0;i<table.rows;i++){
269        (*abs)[i].E=table.data[i*table.columns];
270        (*abs)[i].k=(*abs)[i].E*E2K;
271        // get from cox_76 abs_info.data[i].sigma_a=aba_info.data[i]*
272        (*abs)[i].mu=table.data[i*table.columns + 7];
273      }
274      (*abs)[i].E=-1;
275      (*abs)[i].k=-1;
276      (*abs)[i].mu=-1;
277      Table_Free(&table);
278      return 1;
279    }
280  }
282  int read_line_data(char *SC_file, struct line_info_struct *info)
283  {
284    struct line_data *list = NULL;
285    int    size = 0;
286    t_Table sTable; /* sample data table structure from SC_file */
287    int    i=0;
288    int    mult_count  =0;
289    char   flag=0;
290    double q_count=0, j_count=0, F2_count=0;
291    char **parsing;
292    int    list_count=0;
294    if (!SC_file || !strlen(SC_file) || !strcmp(SC_file, "NULL")) {
295      printf("PowderN: %s: Using incoherent elastic scattering only\n",
296          info->compname);
297      info->count = 0;
298      return(0);
299    }
300    Table_Read(&sTable, SC_file, 1); /* read 1st block data from SC_file into sTable*/
302    /* parsing of header */
303    parsing = Table_ParseHeader(sTable.header,
304      "Vc","V_0",
305      "column_j",
306      "column_d",
307      "column_F2",
308      "column_DW",
309      "column_Dd",
310      "column_inv2d", "column_1/2d", "column_sintheta/lambda",
311      "column_q", /* 10 */
312      "DW", "Debye_Waller",
313      "Delta_d/d",
314      "column_F ",
315      "V_rho",
316      "density",
317      "weight",
318      "nb_atoms","multiplicity",
319      NULL);
321    if (parsing) {
322      if (parsing[0] && !info->V_0)     info->V_0    =atof(parsing[0]);
323      if (parsing[1] && !info->V_0)     info->V_0    =atof(parsing[1]);
324      if (parsing[2])                   info->column_order[0]=atoi(parsing[2]);
325      if (parsing[3])                   info->column_order[1]=atoi(parsing[3]);
326      if (parsing[4])                   info->column_order[2]=atoi(parsing[4]);
327      if (parsing[5])                   info->column_order[3]=atoi(parsing[5]);
328      if (parsing[6])                  info->column_order[4]=atoi(parsing[6]);
329      if (parsing[7])                  info->column_order[5]=atoi(parsing[7]);
330      if (parsing[8])                  info->column_order[5]=atoi(parsing[8]);
331      if (parsing[9])                  info->column_order[5]=atoi(parsing[9]);
332      if (parsing[10])                  info->column_order[6]=atoi(parsing[10]);
333      if (parsing[11] && info->DWfactor<=0)    info->DWfactor=atof(parsing[11]);
334      if (parsing[12] && info->DWfactor<=0)    info->DWfactor=atof(parsing[12]);
335      if (parsing[13] && info->Dd <0)          info->Dd      =atof(parsing[13]);
336      if (parsing[14])                  info->column_order[7]=atoi(parsing[14]);
337      if (parsing[15] && !info->V_0)    info->V_0    =1/atof(parsing[15]);
338      if (parsing[16] && !info->rho)    info->rho    =atof(parsing[16]);
339      if (parsing[27] && !info->at_weight)     info->at_weight    =atof(parsing[17]);
340      if (parsing[18] && info->at_nb <= 1)  info->at_nb    =atof(parsing[18]);
341      if (parsing[19] && info->at_nb <= 1)  info->at_nb    =atof(parsing[19]);
342      for (i=0; i<=19; i++) if (parsing[i]) free(parsing[i]);
343      free(parsing);
344    }
346    if (!sTable.rows)
347      exit(fprintf(stderr, "PowderN: %s: Error: The number of rows in %s "
348       "should be at least %d\n", info->compname, SC_file, 1));
349    else size = sTable.rows;
350    Table_Info(sTable);
351    printf("PowderN: %s: Reading %d rows from %s\n",
352          info->compname, size, SC_file);
354    if (info->column_order[0] == 4 && info->flag_barns !=0)
355    printf("PowderN: %s: Powder file probably of type Crystallographica/Fullprof (lau)\n"
356           "WARNING: but F2 unit is set to barns=1 (barns). Intensity might be 100 times too high.\n",
357           info->compname);
358  if (info->column_order[0] == 17 && info->flag_barns == 0)
359    printf("PowderN: %s: Powder file probably of type Lazy Pulver (laz)\n"
360           "WARNING: but F2 unit is set to barns=0 (fm^2). Intensity might be 100 times too low.\n",
361           info->compname);
362    /* allocate line_data array */
363    list = (struct line_data*)malloc(size*sizeof(struct line_data));
365    for (i=0; i<size; i++)
366    {
367      /*      printf("Reading in line %i\n",i);*/
368      double j=0, d=0, w=0, q=0, DWfactor=0, F2=0;
369      int index;
371      if (info->Dd >= 0)      w         = info->Dd;
372      if (info->DWfactor > 0) DWfactor  = info->DWfactor;
374      /* get data from table using columns {j d F2 DW Dd inv2d q F} */
375      /* column indexes start at 1, thus need to substract 1 */
376      if (info->column_order[0] >0)
377        j = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[0]-1);
378      if (info->column_order[1] >0)
379        d = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[1]-1);
380      if (info->column_order[2] >0)
381        F2 = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[2]-1);
382      if (info->column_order[3] >0)
383        DWfactor = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[3]-1);
384      if (info->column_order[4] >0)
385        w = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[4]-1);
386      if (info->column_order[5] >0)
387        { d = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[5]-1);
388          d = (d > 0? 1/d/2 : 0); }
389      if (info->column_order[6] >0)
390        { q = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[6]-1);
391          d = (q > 0 ? 2*PI/q : 0); }
392      if (info->column_order[7] >0  && !F2)
393        { F2 = Table_Index(sTable, i, info->column_order[7]-1); F2 *= F2; }
395      /* assign and check values */
396      j = (j > 0 ? j : 0);
397      q = (d > 0 ? 2*PI/d : 0); /* this is q */
398      DWfactor = (DWfactor > 0 ? DWfactor : 1);
399      w = (w>0 ? w : 0); /* this is q and d relative spreading */
400      F2 = (F2 >= 0 ? F2 : 0);
401      if (j == 0 || q == 0) {
402        printf("PowderN: %s: line %i has invalid definition\n"
403               "         (mult=0 or q=0 or d=0)\n", info->compname, i);
404        continue;
405      }
406      list[list_count].j = j;
407      list[list_count].q = q;
408      list[list_count].DWfactor = DWfactor;
409      list[list_count].w = w;
410      list[list_count].F2= F2;
412      /* adjust multiplicity if j-column + multiple d-spacing lines */
413      /* if  d = previous d, increase line duplication index */
414      if (!q_count)     q_count = q;
415      if (!j_count)     j_count = j;
416      if (!F2_count)     F2_count = F2;
417      if (fabs(q_count-q) < 0.0001*fabs(q)
418       && fabs(F2_count-F2) < 0.0001*fabs(F2) && j_count == j) {
419       mult_count++; flag=0; }
420      else flag=1;
421      if (i == size-1) flag=1;
422      /* else if d != previous d : just passed equivalent lines */
423      if (flag) {
424        if (i == size-1) list_count++;
425      /*   if duplication index == previous multiplicity */
426      /*      set back multiplicity of previous lines to 1 */
427        if (mult_count && list_count>0 &&
428          (mult_count == list[list_count-1].j
429          || (mult_count == list[list_count].j && i == size-1)) ) {
430          printf("PowderN: %s: Set multiplicity to 1 for lines [%i:%i]\n"
431                  "         (d-spacing %g is duplicated %i times)\n",
432            info->compname, list_count-mult_count, list_count-1, list[list_count-1].q, mult_count);
433          for (index=list_count-mult_count; index<list_count; list[index++].j = 1);
434          mult_count   = 1;
435          q_count = q;
436          j_count = j;
437          F2_count = F2;
438        }
439        if (i == size-1) list_count--;
440        flag=0;
441      }
442      list_count++;
443    } /* end for */
444    printf("PowderN: %s: File %s done (%i valid lines).\n", info->compname, SC_file, list_count);
445    Table_Free(&sTable);
446    info->list  = list;
447    info->count = list_count;
449    return(list_count);
450  }
451#endif /* !POWDERN_DECL */
457  struct line_info_struct line_info;
458  struct abs_data *a_info;
459  int Nq=0;
460  double my_s_k2_sum=0;
461  double my_a_k=0, my_inc=0;
462  double *my_w,*my_q, *my_s_k2;
463  int    columns[8] = format;
464  double XsectionFactor;
465  double radius_i=0, xwidth_i=0, yheight_i=0, zdepth_i=0;
467  off_struct offdata;
471  int i=0;
472  struct line_data *L;
473  line_info.Dd       = Delta_d;
474  line_info.DWfactor = DW;
475  line_info.V_0      = Vc;
476  line_info.rho      = density;
477  line_info.at_weight= weight;
478  line_info.at_nb    = nb_atoms;
479  line_info.flag_barns=barns;
480  line_info.shape    = 0;
481  line_info.flag_warning=0;
482  for (i=0; i< 8; i++) line_info.column_order[i] = columns[i];
483  strncpy(line_info.compname, NAME_CURRENT_COMP, 256);
485  line_info.shape=-1; /* -1:no shape, 0:cyl, 1:box, 2:sphere, 3:any-shape  */
486  if (geometry && strlen(geometry) && strcmp(geometry, "NULL") && strcmp(geometry, "0")) {
487	  if (off_init(geometry, xwidth, yheight, zdepth, 0, &offdata)) {
488      line_info.shape=3; thickness=0; concentric=0;
489    }
490  }
491  else if (xwidth && yheight && zdepth)  line_info.shape=1; /* box */
492  else if (radius > 0 && yheight)        line_info.shape=0; /* cylinder */
493  else if (radius > 0 && !yheight)       line_info.shape=2; /* sphere */
495  if (line_info.shape < 0)
496    exit(fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s: sample has invalid dimensions.\n"
497                        "ERROR    Please check parameter values (xwidth, yheight, zdepth, radius).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP));
498  if (thickness) {
499    if (radius && (radius < fabs(thickness))) {
500      fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s: hollow sample thickness is larger than its volume (sphere/cylinder).\n"
501                     "WARNING  Please check parameter values. Using bulk sample (thickness=0).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
502      thickness=0;
503    }
504    else if (!radius && (xwidth < 2*fabs(thickness) || yheight < 2*fabs(thickness) || zdepth < 2*fabs(thickness))) {
505      fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s: hollow sample thickness is larger than its volume (box).\n"
506                     "WARNING  Please check parameter values.\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
507    }
508  }
510  if (concentric && thickness==0) {
511    printf("PowderN: %s:Can not use concentric mode\n"
512           "WARNING     on non hollow shape. Ignoring.\n",
513           NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
514    concentric=0;
515  }
517  if (thickness>0) {
518    if (radius>thickness) {
519      radius_i=radius-thickness;
520    } else {
521      if (xwidth>2*thickness)  xwidth_i =xwidth -2*thickness;
522      if (yheight>2*thickness) yheight_i=yheight-2*thickness;
523      if (zdepth>2*thickness)  zdepth_i =zdepth -2*thickness;
524    }
525  } else if (thickness<0) {
526    thickness = fabs(thickness);
527    if (radius) {
528      radius_i=radius;
529      radius=radius_i+thickness;
530    } else {
531      xwidth_i =xwidth;
532      yheight_i=yheight;
533      zdepth_i =zdepth;
534      xwidth   =xwidth +2*thickness;
535      yheight  =yheight+2*thickness;
536      zdepth   =zdepth +2*thickness;
537    }
538  }
540  if (!yheight_i) {
541    yheight_i = yheight;
542  }
543  if (p_interact) {
544    if (p_interact < p_inc) { double tmp=p_interact; p_interact=p_inc; p_inc=tmp; }
545    p_transmit = 1-p_interact-p_inc;
546  }
548  if (p_inc + p_transmit > 1) {
549    fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s: You have requested an unmeaningful choice of the 'p_inc' and 'p_transmit' parameters (sum is %g, exeeding 1). Fixing.\n",
550                 NAME_CURRENT_COMP, p_inc+p_transmit);
551    if (p_inc > p_transmit) p_transmit=1-2*p_inc;
552    else p_transmit=1-2*p_inc;
553  } else if (p_inc + p_transmit == 1) {
554    printf("PowderN: %s: You have requested all xrays be attenuated\n"
555           "WARNING  or incoherently scattered!\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
556  }
558  if (concentric) {
559    printf("PowderN: %s WARNING: Concentric mode - remember to include the 'opposite' copy of this component !\n (The equivalent, 'opposite' comp should have concentric=0)\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
560    if (p_transmit == 0) {
561      printf("PowderN: %s: Concentric mode and p_transmit==0 !?\n"
562             "WARNING  Don't you want any transmitted xrays?\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
563    }
564  }
566  if (reflections && strlen(reflections) && strcmp(reflections, "NULL") && strcmp(reflections, "0")) {
567    i = read_line_data(reflections, &line_info);
568    if (i == 0)
569      exit(fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s: reflection file %s is not valid.\n"
570                        "ERROR    Please check file format (laz or lau).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP, reflections));
571  }
573  /* compute the scattering unit density from material weight and density */
574  /* the weight of the scattering element is the chemical formula molecular weight
575   * times the nb of chemical formulae in the scattering element (nb_atoms) */
576  if (!line_info.V_0 && line_info.at_nb > 0
577    && line_info.at_weight > 0 && line_info.rho > 0) {
578    /* molar volume [cm^3/mol] = weight [g/mol] / density [g/cm^3] */
579    /* atom density per Angs^3 = [mol/cm^3] * N_Avogadro *(1e-8)^3 */
580    line_info.V_0 = line_info.at_nb
581      /(line_info.rho/line_info.at_weight/1e24*6.02214199e23);
582  }
584  /* the scattering unit cross sections are the chemical formula onces
585   * times the nb of chemical formulae in the scattering element */
586  if (line_info.at_nb > 0) {
587    line_info.sigma_a *= line_info.at_nb; line_info.sigma_i *= line_info.at_nb;
588  }
590  if (line_info.V_0 <= 0)
591    fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s: density/unit cell volume is NULL (Vc). Unactivating component.\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
593  if (line_info.V_0 && p_inc && !line_info.sigma_i) {
594    printf("PowderN %s WARNING: You have requested statistics for incoherent scattering but not defined sigma_inc!\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
595  }
597  if (line_info.flag_barns) { /* Factor 100 to convert from barns to fm^2 */
598    XsectionFactor = 100;
599  } else {
600    XsectionFactor = 1;
601  }
603  if (line_info.V_0 && i) {
604    L = line_info.list;
606    Nq  = line_info.count;
607    my_q = malloc(Nq*sizeof(double));
608    my_w = malloc(Nq*sizeof(double));
609    my_s_k2 = malloc(Nq*sizeof(double));
610    if (!my_q || !my_w || !my_s_k2)
611      exit(fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s: ERROR allocating memory (init)\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP));
612    for(i=0; i<Nq; i++)
613    {
614      my_s_k2[i] = 4*PI*PI*PI*pack*(L[i].DWfactor ? L[i].DWfactor : 1)
615                 /(line_info.V_0*line_info.V_0)
616                 *(L[i].j * L[i].F2 / L[i].q)*XsectionFactor;
617      /* Is not yet divided by k^2 */
618      /* Squires [3.103] */
619      my_q[i] = L[i].q;
620      my_w[i] = L[i].w;
621    }
622  }
623  if (!read_abs_data(material,&a_info)){
624    fprintf(stderr,"PowderN: %s Error reading absorption data from file %s - will proceed without absorption.\n",NAME_CURRENT_COMP,material);
625  }
626//  if (line_info.V_0) {
627//    /* Is not yet divided by v */
628//    my_abs = pack*line_info.sigma_a/line_info.V_0*2200*100;   // Factor 100 to convert from barns to fm^2
629//    my_inc = pack*line_info.sigma_i/line_info.V_0*100;   // Factor 100 to convert from barns to fm^2
631//    printf("PowderN: %s: Vc=%g [Angs] sigma_abs=%g [barn] sigma_inc=%g [barn] reflections=%s\n",
632//      NAME_CURRENT_COMP, line_info.V_0, line_info.sigma_a, line_info.sigma_i, reflections && strlen(reflections) ? reflections : "NULL");
633//  }
638  double l0, l1, l2, l3, k, k1,l_full, l, l_1, dl, alpha0, alpha, theta, my_s, my_s_n;
639  double solid_angle, type;
640  double arg, tmp_kx, tmp_ky, tmp_kz, kout_x, kout_y, kout_z, nx, ny, nz, my_abs, pmul=1;
641  int    line;
642  char   intersect=0;
643  char   intersecti=0;
645  if (line_info.V_0 && (Nq || my_inc)) {
646    if (line_info.shape == 1) {
647      intersect  = box_intersect(&l0, &l3, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, xwidth, yheight, zdepth);
648      intersecti = box_intersect(&l1, &l2, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, xwidth_i, yheight_i, zdepth_i);
649    } else if (line_info.shape == 0) {
650      intersect  = cylinder_intersect(&l0, &l3, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, radius, yheight);
651      intersecti = cylinder_intersect(&l1, &l2, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, radius_i, yheight_i);
652    } else if (line_info.shape == 2) {
653      intersect  = sphere_intersect  (&l0, &l3, x,y,z, kx,ky,kz, radius);
654      intersecti = sphere_intersect  (&l1, &l2, x,y,z, kx,ky,kz, radius_i);
655    } else if (line_info.shape == 3) {
656      intersect  = off_intersect  (&l0, &l3, NULL, NULL, x,y,z, kx,ky,kz, offdata);
657      intersecti = 0;
658    }
659  }
661  if(intersect && l3 >0) {
663    if (concentric) {
664      /* Set up for concentric case */
665      /* 'Remove' the backside of this comp */
666      if (!intersecti) {
667        l1 = (l3 + l0) /2;
668      }
669      l2 = l1;
670      l3 = l1;
671      dl = -1.0*rand01(); /* In case of scattering we will scatter on 'forward' part of sample */
672    } else {
673      if (!intersecti) {
674        l1 = (l3 + l0) /2;
675        l2 = l1;
676      }
677      dl = randpm1(); /* Possibility to scatter at all points in line of sight */
678    }
680    /* X-ray enters at t=l0. */
681    if(l0 < 0) l0=0; /* already in sample */
682    if(l1 < 0) l1=0; /* already in inner hollow */
683    if(l2 < 0) l2=0; /* already past inner hollow */
684    k = sqrt(kx*kx + ky*ky + kz*kz);
685    l_full =l3 - l2 + l1 - l0;
687    /* Calculate total scattering cross section at relevant velocity */
688    my_s_k2_sum=0;
689    for(line=0; line<Nq; line++) {
690      if (my_q[line] <= 2*k) {
691        my_s_k2_sum+=my_s_k2[line];
692      }
693    }
698    if (l3 < 0) {
699      l3=0; /* Already past sample?! */
700      if (line_info.flag_warning < 100)
701      printf("PowderN: %s: Warning: xray has already passed us? (Skipped).\n"
702             "         In concentric geometry, this may be caused by a missing concentric=0 option in 2nd enclosing instance.\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
703      line_info.flag_warning++;
704    } else {
705      if (dl<0) { /* Calculate scattering point position */
706        dl = fabs(dl)*(l1 - l0); /* 'Forward' part */
707      } else {
708        dl = dl * (l3 - l2) + (l2-l0) ; /* Possibly also 'backside' part */
709      }
711      my_s = my_s_k2_sum/(k*k);
712      /* Total attenuation from scattering */
714      /* Total attenuation from absorption */
715      int ii=0;
716      double delta;
717      while(a_info[ii].k!=-1 && k>a_info[ii].k){
718        ii++;
719      }
720      if (a_info[ii].k==-1) {
721        my_abs=density*a_info[ii-1].mu;
722      }else{
723        delta=(k-a_info[ii-1].k)/(a_info[ii].k-a_info[ii-1].k);
724        my_abs=density*( (1-delta)*a_info[ii-1].mu + delta*a_info[ii].mu );
725      }
726      //printf("myabs=%g, k=%g\n",my_abs,k);
728      type = rand01();
729      p_inc=0; /*is turned off till we fix the Compton scattering code*/
730      /* How to handle this one? Transmit (1) / Incoherent (2) / Coherent (3) ? */
731      if (type < p_transmit) {
732        type = 1;
733        l = l_full; /* Passing through, full length */
734        PROP_DL(l3);
735//      } else if (type >= p_transmit && type < (p_transmit + p_inc)) {
736//        type = 2;
737//        l = v*dt;       /* Penetration in sample */
738//        PROP_DL(dl+l0); /* Point of scattering */
739//        SCATTER;
740      } else if (type >= p_transmit + p_inc) {
741        type = 3;
742        PROP_DL(dl+l0); /* Point of scattering */
743        SCATTER;
744      } else {
745        exit(fprintf(stderr,"PowderN %s: DEAD - this shouldn't happen!\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP));
746      }
748      if (type == 3) { /* Make coherent scattering event */
749        if (line_info.count > 0) {
750          /* choose line */
751          if (Nq > 1) line=floor(Nq*rand01());  /* Select between Nq powder lines */
752          else line = 0;
753          if (my_w[line])
754            arg = my_q[line]*(1+my_w[line]*randnorm())/(2.0*k);
755          else
756            arg = my_q[line]/(2.0*k);
757          my_s_n = my_s_k2[line]/(k*k);
758          if(fabs(arg) > 1)
759            ABSORB;                   /* No bragg scattering possible*/
760          theta = asin(arg);          /* Bragg scattering law */
762          /* Choose point on Debye-Scherrer cone */
763          if (d_phi)
764          { /* relate height of detector to the height on DS cone */
765            arg = sin(d_phi*DEG2RAD/2)/sin(2*theta);
766            /* If full Debye-Scherrer cone is within d_phi, don't focus */
767            if (arg < -1 || arg > 1) d_phi = 0;
768            /* Otherwise, determine alpha to rotate from scattering plane
769               into d_phi focusing area*/
770            else alpha = 2*asin(arg);
771          }
772          if (d_phi) {
773            /* Focusing */
774            alpha = fabs(alpha);
775            /* Trick to get scattering for pos/neg theta's */
776            alpha0= 2*rand01()*alpha;
777            if (alpha0 > alpha) {
778              alpha0=PI+(alpha0-1.5*alpha);
779            } else {
780              alpha0=alpha0-0.5*alpha;
781            }
782          }
783          else
784            alpha0 = PI*randpm1();
786          /* now find a nearly vertical rotation axis:
787           * Either
788           *  (k along Z) x (X axis) -> nearly Y axis
789           * Or
790           *  (k along X) x (Z axis) -> nearly Y axis
791           */
792          if (fabs(scalar_prod(1,0,0,kx/k,ky/k,kz/k)) < fabs(scalar_prod(0,0,1,kx/k,ky/k,kz/k))) {
793            nx = 1; ny = 0; nz = 0;
794          } else {
795            nx = 0; ny = 0; nz = 1;
796          }
797          vec_prod(tmp_kx,tmp_ky,tmp_kz, kx,ky,kz, nx,ny,nz);
799          /* k_out = rotate 'k' by 2*theta around tmp_k: Bragg angle */
800          rotate(kout_x,kout_y,kout_z, kx,ky,kz, 2*theta, tmp_kx,tmp_ky,tmp_kz);
802          /* tmp_k = rotate k_out by alpha0 around 'k' (Debye-Scherrer cone) */
803          rotate(tmp_kx,tmp_ky,tmp_kz, kout_x,kout_y,kout_z, alpha0, kx, ky, kz);
804          kx = tmp_kx;
805          ky = tmp_ky;
806          kz = tmp_kz;
807          /* Since now scattered and new direction given, calculate path to exit */
808          if (line_info.shape == 1) {
809            intersect  = box_intersect(&l0, &l3, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, xwidth, yheight, zdepth);
810            intersecti = box_intersect(&l1, &l2, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, xwidth_i, yheight_i, zdepth_i);
811          } else if (line_info.shape == 0) {
812            intersect  = cylinder_intersect(&l0, &l3, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, radius, yheight);
813            intersecti = cylinder_intersect(&l1, &l2, x, y, z, kx, ky, kz, radius_i, yheight_i);
814          } else if (line_info.shape == 2) {
815            intersect  = sphere_intersect  (&l0, &l3, x,y,z, kx,ky,kz, radius);
816            intersecti = sphere_intersect  (&l1, &l2, x,y,z, kx,ky,kz, radius_i);
817          } else if (line_info.shape == 3) {
818            intersect  = off_intersect  (&l0, &l3, NULL, NULL, x,y,z, kx,ky,kz, offdata);
819            intersecti = 0;
820          }
822          if (!intersect) {
823            /* Strange error: did not hit cylinder */
824            if (line_info.flag_warning < 100)
825              fprintf(stderr, "PowderN: %s: FATAL ERROR: Did not hit sample from inside (coh).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
826            line_info.flag_warning++;
827            ABSORB;
828          }
830          if (!intersecti) {
831            l1 = (l3 + l0) /2;
832            l2 = l1;
833          }
835          if (concentric && intersecti) {
836            /* In case of concentricity, 'remove' backward wall of sample */
837            l2 = l1;
838            l3 = l1;
839          }
841          if(l0 < 0) l0=0; /* already in sample */
842          if(l1 < 0) l1=0; /* already in inner hollow */
843          if(l2 < 0) l2=0; /* already past inner hollow */
846          l_1 = l3 - l2 + l1 - l0; /* Length to exit */
848          pmul  = Nq*l_full*my_s_n*exp(-(my_abs+my_s)*(l+l_1))/(1-(p_inc+p_transmit));
849          /* Correction in case of d_phi focusing - BUT only when d_phi != 0 */
850          if (d_phi) pmul *= alpha/PI;
851        } /* else transmit <-- No powder lines in file */
852      }  /* Coherent scattering event */
853//      else if (type == 2) {  /* Make incoherent scattering event */
854      /*should be replaced by Compton scattering and/or TDS*/
855//        if(d_phi) {
856//          randvec_target_rect_angular(&vx, &vy, &vz, &solid_angle,
857//                                      0, 0, 1,
858//                                      2*PI, d_phi*DEG2RAD, ROT_A_CURRENT_COMP);
859//        } else {
860//          randvec_target_circle(&vx, &vy, &vz,
861//                                &solid_angle, 0, 0, 1, 0);
862//        }
863//        v1 = sqrt(vx*vx+vy*vy+vz*vz);
864//        vx *= v/v1;
865//        vy *= v/v1;
866//        vz *= v/v1;
868//        /* Since now scattered and new direction given, calculate path to exit */
869//        if (line_info.shape == 1) {
870//          intersect  = box_intersect(&l0, &l3, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, xwidth, yheight, zdepth);
871//          intersecti = box_intersect(&l1, &l2, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, xwidth_i, yheight_i, zdepth_i);
872//        } else if (line_info.shape == 0) {
873//          intersect  = cylinder_intersect(&l0, &l3, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, radius, yheight);
874//          intersecti = cylinder_intersect(&l1, &l2, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, radius_i, yheight_i);
875//        } else if (line_info.shape == 2) {
876//          intersect  = sphere_intersect  (&l0, &l3, x,y,z, vx,vy,vz, radius);
877//          intersecti = sphere_intersect  (&l1, &l2, x,y,z, vx,vy,vz, radius_i);
878//        } else if (line_info.shape == 3) {
879//          intersect  = off_intersect  (&l0, &l3, NULL, NULL, x,y,z, vx,vy,vz, offdata);
880//          intersecti = 0;
881//        }
883//        if (!intersect) {
884//          /* Strange error: did not hit cylinder */
885//          if (line_info.flag_warning < 100)
886//            fprintf(stderr, "PowderN: %s: FATAL ERROR: Did not hit sample from inside (inc).\n", NAME_CURRENT_COMP);
887//          line_info.flag_warning++;
888//          ABSORB;
889//        }
891//        if (!intersecti) {
892//          l1 = (l3 + l0) /2;
893//          l2 = l1;
894//        }
896//        if (concentric && intersecti) {
897//          /* In case of concentricity, 'remove' backward wall of sample */
898//          l2 = l1;
899//          l3 = l1;
900//        }
902//        if(l0 < 0) l0=0; /* already in sample */
903//        if(l1 < 0) l1=0; /* already in inner hollow */
904//        if(l2 < 0) l2=0; /* already past inner hollow */
907//        l_1 = v*(l3 - l2 + l1 - l0); /* Length to exit */
909//        pmul = l_full*my_inc*exp(-(my_a_v/v+my_s)*(l+l_1))/(p_inc);
910//        pmul *= solid_angle/(4*PI);
912//      }  /* Incoherent scattering event */
913      else if (type == 1) {
914        /* Make transmitted (absorption-corrected) event */
915        /* No coordinate changes here, simply change xray weight */
916        pmul = exp(-(my_abs+my_s)*(l))/(p_transmit);
917      }
918      p *= pmul;
919    } /* Neutron leaving since it has passed already */
920  } /* else transmit non interacting xrays */
926  free(line_info.list);
927  free(my_q);
928  free(my_w);
929  free(my_s_k2);
930  if (line_info.flag_warning)
931    fprintf(stderr, "PowderN: %s: Error message was repeated %i times with absorbed xrays.\n",
932      NAME_CURRENT_COMP, line_info.flag_warning);
938  if (line_info.V_0) {
939    magnify("xyz");
940    if (line_info.shape == 0) { /* cyl */
941      circle("xz", 0,  yheight/2.0, 0, radius);
942      circle("xz", 0, -yheight/2.0, 0, radius);
943      line(-radius, -yheight/2.0, 0, -radius, +yheight/2.0, 0);
944      line(+radius, -yheight/2.0, 0, +radius, +yheight/2.0, 0);
945      line(0, -yheight/2.0, -radius, 0, +yheight/2.0, -radius);
946      line(0, -yheight/2.0, +radius, 0, +yheight/2.0, +radius);
947      if (thickness) {
948        double radius_i=radius-thickness;
949        circle("xz", 0,  yheight/2.0, 0, radius_i);
950        circle("xz", 0, -yheight/2.0, 0, radius_i);
951        line(-radius_i, -yheight/2.0, 0, -radius_i, +yheight/2.0, 0);
952        line(+radius_i, -yheight/2.0, 0, +radius_i, +yheight/2.0, 0);
953        line(0, -yheight/2.0, -radius_i, 0, +yheight/2.0, -radius_i);
954        line(0, -yheight/2.0, +radius_i, 0, +yheight/2.0, +radius_i);
955      }
956    } else if (line_info.shape == 1) {  /* box */
957      double xmin = -0.5*xwidth;
958      double xmax =  0.5*xwidth;
959      double ymin = -0.5*yheight;
960      double ymax =  0.5*yheight;
961      double zmin = -0.5*zdepth;
962      double zmax =  0.5*zdepth;
963      multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmin,
964                   xmax, ymin, zmin,
965                   xmax, ymax, zmin,
966                   xmin, ymax, zmin,
967                   xmin, ymin, zmin);
968      multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmax,
969                   xmax, ymin, zmax,
970                   xmax, ymax, zmax,
971                   xmin, ymax, zmax,
972                   xmin, ymin, zmax);
973      line(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmax);
974      line(xmax, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymin, zmax);
975      line(xmin, ymax, zmin, xmin, ymax, zmax);
976      line(xmax, ymax, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);
977      if (zdepth_i) {
978        xmin = -0.5*xwidth_i;
979        xmax =  0.5*xwidth_i;
980        ymin = -0.5*yheight_i;
981        ymax =  0.5*yheight_i;
982        zmin = -0.5*zdepth_i;
983        zmax =  0.5*zdepth_i;
984        multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmin,
985                  xmax, ymin, zmin,
986                  xmax, ymax, zmin,
987                  xmin, ymax, zmin,
988                  xmin, ymin, zmin);
989        multiline(5, xmin, ymin, zmax,
990                  xmax, ymin, zmax,
991                  xmax, ymax, zmax,
992                  xmin, ymax, zmax,
993                  xmin, ymin, zmax);
994        line(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmin, ymin, zmax);
995        line(xmax, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymin, zmax);
996        line(xmin, ymax, zmin, xmin, ymax, zmax);
997        line(xmax, ymax, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax);
998      }
999    } if (line_info.shape == 2) { /* sphere */
1000      if (radius_i) {
1001        circle("xy",0,0,0,radius_i);
1002        circle("xz",0,0,0,radius_i);
1003        circle("yz",0,0,0,radius_i);
1004      }
1005      circle("xy",0,0,0,radius);
1006      circle("xz",0,0,0,radius);
1007      circle("yz",0,0,0,radius);
1008    } else if (line_info.shape == 3) {	/* OFF file */
1009      off_display(offdata);
1010    }
1011  }