1 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2 @NAME       : dicom_to_minc.h
3 @DESCRIPTION: Header file for dicom_to_minc.h
4 @METHOD     :
5 @GLOBALS    :
6 @CALLS      :
7 @CREATED    : January 28, 1997 (Peter Neelin)
9  * $Log: dicom_to_minc.h,v $
10  * Revision 1.10  2010-11-23 23:30:50  claude
11  * dcm2mnc: fixed seg fault bug (Claude) and added b-matrix (Ilana)
12  *
13  * Revision 1.9  2007-06-08 20:28:57  ilana
14  * added several fields to mincheader (dicom elements and found in ASCONV header)
15  *
16  * Revision 1.8  2006/04/09 15:33:10  bert
17  * Add flags and fields for DTI
18  *
19  * Revision 1.7  2005/11/04 22:25:34  bert
20  * Change COORDINATE_EPSILON again, now set to 0.005
21  *
22  * Revision 1.6  2005/10/26 23:43:55  bert
23  * Fix COORDINATE_EPSILON at 0.0001
24  *
25  * Revision 1.5  2005/07/14 19:00:30  bert
26  * Changes ported from 1.X branch
27  *
28  * Revision  2005/06/20 22:00:26  bert
29  * Simplify Image_Data structure, add is_siemens_mosaic() function declaration
30  *
31  * Revision  2005/05/12 21:16:47  bert
32  * Initial checkin
33  *
34  * Revision 1.4  2005/04/28 17:10:22  bert
35  * Added width information to General_Info and File_Info structures
36  *
37  * Revision 1.3  2005/04/20 23:14:32  bert
38  * Remove unnecessary fields, add copy_spi_to_acr() function definition
39  *
40  * Revision 1.2  2005/03/02 18:25:13  bert
41  * Add Mri_Names and Volume_Names
42  *
43  * Revision 1.1  2005/02/17 16:38:10  bert
44  * Initial checkin, revised DICOM to MINC converter
45  *
46  * Revision  2003/08/15 19:52:55  leili
47  * Leili's dicom server for sonata
48  *
49  * Revision 1.6  2002/04/26 03:27:03  rhoge
50  * fixed MrProt problem - replaced fixed lenght char array with malloc
51  *
52  * Revision 1.5  2002/04/08 17:26:34  rhoge
53  * added additional sequence info to minc header
54  *
55  * Revision 1.4  2002/03/27 18:57:50  rhoge
56  * added diffusion b value
57  *
58  * Revision 1.3  2002/03/19 13:13:57  rhoge
59  * initial working mosaic support - I think time is scrambled though.
60  *
61  * Revision 1.2  2001/12/31 18:27:21  rhoge
62  * modifications for dicomreader processing of Numaris 4 dicom files - at
63  * this point code compiles without warning, but does not deal with
64  * mosaiced files.  Also will probably not work at this time for Numaris
65  * 3 .ima files.  dicomserver may also not be functional...
66  *
67  * Revision  2000/11/30 02:13:15  rhoge
68  * imported sources to CVS repository on amoeba
69  *
70  * Revision 6.1  1999/10/29 17:51:59  neelin
71  * Fixed Log keyword
72  *
73  * Revision 6.0  1997/09/12 13:24:27  neelin
74  * Release of minc version 0.6
75  *
76  * Revision 5.0  1997/08/21  13:25:26  neelin
77  * Release of minc version 0.5
78  *
79  * Revision 4.0  1997/05/07  20:06:20  neelin
80  * Release of minc version 0.4
81  *
82  * Revision 1.1  1997/03/04  20:56:47  neelin
83  * Initial revision
84  *
86               Copyright 1997 Peter Neelin, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
87               Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University.
88               Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
89               software and its documentation for any purpose and without
90               fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
91               notice appear in all copies.  The author and McGill University
92               make no representations about the suitability of this
93               software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without
94               express or implied warranty.
95 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
97 #include <minc.h>
99 /* General constants */
100 #define SECONDS_PER_MINUTE 60
101 #define MINUTES_PER_HOUR 60
103 #define HOURS_PER_DAY 24
105 #define MS_PER_SECOND 1000
106 #define COORDINATE_EPSILON (0.005) /* bert- relaxed from 1.0e-5 */
108 /* Default value for ncopts */
111 /* MINC variable for dicom elements */
112 #define DICOM_ROOT_VAR "dicom_groups"
114 /* Possible MRI dimensions */
115 typedef enum { SLICE = 0, ECHO, TIME, PHASE, CHEM_SHIFT, MRI_NDIMS } Mri_Index;
117 extern const char *Mri_Names[MRI_NDIMS];
119 /* World dimensions */
120 typedef enum { XCOORD = 0, YCOORD, ZCOORD, WORLD_NDIMS } World_Index;
122 extern const char *World_Names[WORLD_NDIMS];
124 /* Volume dimensions */
125 typedef enum { VSLICE = 0, VROW, VCOLUMN, VOL_NDIMS } Volume_Index;
127 extern const char *Volume_Names[VOL_NDIMS];
129 /* Orientations */
130 typedef enum {TRANSVERSE = 0, SAGITTAL, CORONAL, NUM_ORIENTATIONS} Orientation;
132 /* Structure for general info about files */
133 typedef struct {
134     int initialized;
135     double study_id;
136     int acq_id;                 /* Time of scan */
137     int rec_num;
138     string_t image_type_string;
139     int nrows;
140     int ncolumns;
141     int default_index[MRI_NDIMS]; /* Index for dimensions with size == 1 */
142     int cur_size[MRI_NDIMS]; /* Size of dimension across these files */
143     int max_size[MRI_NDIMS]; /* Size of dimension across acquisition */
144     int *indices[MRI_NDIMS]; /* List of indices found for each dimension.
145                                 Only allocated when size > 1 */ /*  */
146     int search_start[MRI_NDIMS]; /* Indices into lists for starting searches */
147     double *coordinates[MRI_NDIMS]; /* Array indicating coordinate of each
148                                        index in indices array */
149     double *widths[MRI_NDIMS];  /* Array indicating width of each index in
150                                    indices array */
151     int image_index[MRI_NDIMS];  /* Mapping from MRI dim to output image dim */
152     World_Index slice_world;
153     World_Index row_world;
154     World_Index column_world;
155     double step[WORLD_NDIMS];
156     double start[WORLD_NDIMS];
157     double dircos[WORLD_NDIMS][WORLD_NDIMS];
158     nc_type datatype;           /* netCDF (and therefore MINC) datatype */
159     int is_signed;              /* TRUE of 2's compliment data */
160     double pixel_min;
161     double pixel_max;
162     string_t units;
163     double window_min;
164     double window_max;
165     int num_mosaic_rows;
166     int num_mosaic_cols;
167     int num_slices_in_file;
168     int sub_image_rows;
169     int sub_image_columns;
170     struct {
171         string_t name;
172         string_t identification;
173         string_t birth_date;
174         string_t age;
175         string_t sex;
176         string_t reg_date;
177         string_t reg_time;
178         double weight;
179 	string_t position; /*added ilana*/
180     } patient;
181     struct {
182         string_t start_time;
183         string_t modality;
184         string_t manufacturer;
185         string_t model;
186         double  field_value;
187         string_t software_version;
188         string_t serial_no;
189         string_t calibration_date;
190 	string_t calibration_time;
191         string_t institution;
192         string_t station_id;
193         string_t referring_physician;
194         string_t performing_physician;
195         string_t operator;
196         string_t procedure;
197         string_t study_id;
198         string_t acquisition_id;
199     } study;
200     struct {
201         string_t scan_seq;
202 	string_t acquisition_time; /*added by ilana*/
203 	string_t image_time; /*added by ilana*/
204 	string_t series_time; /*added by ilana*/
205         string_t protocol_name;
206 	string_t series_description; /*added by ilana*/
207         string_t receive_coil;
208         string_t transmit_coil;
209         double rep_time;
210         double slice_thickness;
211         double num_slices;
212 	string_t slice_order;
213         double echo_time;
214 	double echo_train_length; /*added by ilana*/
215         double echo_number;
216         double inv_time;
217 	double delay_in_TR; /*added by ilana*/
218         double b_value;
219         double flip_angle;
220         double num_avg;
221         double num_dyn_scans;
222         double imaging_freq;
223         string_t imaged_nucl;
224         double  win_center;
225         double  win_width;
226         double  num_phase_enc_steps;
227         double  percent_sampling;
228         double  percent_phase_fov;
229         double  pixel_bandwidth;
230         string_t phase_enc_dir;
231         string_t mr_acq_type;
232         string_t image_type;
233         double  sar;
234         string_t comments;
235         char *MrProt;           // Siemens Numaris 4 specific
236         short dti;              /* TRUE if we think this is DTI */
237     } acq;
238     Acr_Group group_list;
239 } General_Info;
241 /* Structure for file-specific info */
242 typedef struct {
243    int valid;
244    int bits_alloc;
245    int bits_stored;
246    int index[MRI_NDIMS];
247    double pixel_max;
248    double pixel_min;
249    double slice_max;
250    double slice_min;
251    double window_max;
252    double window_min;
253    double coordinate[MRI_NDIMS];
254    double width[MRI_NDIMS];     /* Sample width along each MRI dimension */
255    double b_value;              /* DTI b-value, if present */
256    double grad_direction[WORLD_NDIMS]; /* DTI gradient direction */
257    double b_matrix[6];
258 } File_Info;
260 /* Structure for storing the actual image data */
261 typedef struct {
262     unsigned short *data;
263 } Image_Data;
265 /* function definitions */
266 extern int dicom_to_minc(int num_files,
267                          const char **file_list,
268                          const char *minc_file,
269                          int clobber,
270                          const char *file_prefix,
271                          char **output_file_name);
272 extern Acr_Group read_std_dicom(const char *filename, int max_group);
273 extern Acr_Group read_numa4_dicom(const char *filename, int max_group);
274 extern int search_list(int value, const int *list_ptr, int list_length,
275                        int start_index);
276 extern Acr_Group copy_spi_to_acr(Acr_Group group_list);
278 extern int is_siemens_mosaic(Acr_Group group_list);