1 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2 @NAME       : mincresample
3 @INPUT      : argc, argv - command line arguments
4 @OUTPUT     : (none)
5 @RETURNS    : error status
6 @DESCRIPTION: Program to resample a minc file along different spatial
7               coordinate axes.
8 @METHOD     :
9 @GLOBALS    :
10 @CALLS      :
11 @CREATED    : February 8, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
12 @MODIFIED   :
13  * $Log: mincresample.c,v $
14  * Revision 6.23  2008-01-17 02:33:02  rotor
15  *  * removed all rcsids
16  *  * removed a bunch of ^L's that somehow crept in
17  *  * removed old (and outdated) BUGS file
18  *
19  * Revision 6.22  2008/01/13 09:38:54  stever
20  * Avoid compiler warnings about functions and variables that are defined
21  * but not used.  Remove some such functions and variables,
22  * conditionalize some, and move static declarations out of header files
23  * into C files.
24  *
25  * Revision 6.21  2008/01/12 19:08:15  stever
26  * Add __attribute__ ((unused)) to all rcsid variables.
27  *
28  * Revision 6.20  2006/07/28 18:19:46  baghdadi
29  * *** empty log message ***
30  *
31  * Revision 6.19  2006/07/28 17:54:57  baghdadi
32  * added vector dimension to list of excluded files (minc2.
33  *
34  * Revision 6.18  2005/08/26 21:07:17  bert
35  * Use #if rather than #ifdef with MINC2 symbol, and be sure to include config.h whereever MINC2 is used
36  *
37  * Revision 6.17  2005/07/13 21:34:24  bert
38  * Add sinc interpolant (ported from 1.X branch)
39  *
40  * Revision 6.16  2004/11/01 22:38:39  bert
41  * Eliminate all references to minc_def.h
42  *
43  * Revision 6.15  2004/04/30 19:53:40  bert
44  * Remove unused variable
45  *
46  * Revision 6.14  2004/04/30 18:52:49  bert
47  * Remove some unused variables
48  *
49  * Revision 6.13  2004/04/27 15:31:20  bert
50  * Added -2 option
51  *
52  * Revision 6.12  2003/09/18 15:01:33  bert
53  * Removed unnecessary brackets from initializer
54  *
55  * Revision 6.11  2002/11/06 13:32:23  jason
56  * Fixes to mincresample: setting the interpolation type is now done
57  * through an enum rather than function pointers.
58  *
59  * Revision 6.10  2002/10/30 13:53:02  jason
60  * Added a ARGV_LONG argument type to ParseArgv. Used that type for the nelements variable in mincresample
61  *
62  * Revision 6.9  2001/08/24 19:12:50  neelin
63  * Re-ordered variables so that image variable is last. This fixes a problem
64  * with an uninitialized processing variable that shows up when mincresample
65  * is linked with netcdf 3.5.0 and an older program linked with 2.3.2 dies
66  * when reading the mincresample output file.
67  * It also allows use of large volumes with 64-bit minc: all variables
68  * must have 32-bit offset, but one (the image) can extend beyond the
69  * 32-bit limit.
70  *
71  * Revision 6.8  2001/08/16 13:32:39  neelin
72  * Partial fix for valid_range of different type from image (problems
73  * arising from double to float conversion/rounding). NOT COMPLETE.
74  *
75  * Revision 6.7  2001/04/24 13:38:45  neelin
76  * Replaced NC_NAT with MI_ORIGINAL_TYPE.
77  *
78  * Revision 6.6  2001/04/17 18:40:22  neelin
79  * Modifications to work with NetCDF 3.x
80  * In particular, changed NC_LONG to NC_INT (and corresponding longs to ints).
81  * Changed NC_UNSPECIFIED to NC_NAT.
82  * A few fixes to the configure script.
83  *
84  * Revision 6.5  2001/04/10 12:44:34  neelin
85  * Re-introduced fix for fillvalues that was lost with last version
86  *
87  * Revision 6.4  2001/04/02 14:58:09  neelin
88  * Added -keep_real_range option to prevent rescaling of slices on output
89  *
90  * Revision 6.2  1999/10/19 14:45:27  neelin
91  * Fixed Log subsitutions for CVS
92  *
93  * Revision 6.1  1998/02/19 15:04:24  neelin
94  * Minor bug fixes.
95  *
96  * Revision 6.0  1997/09/12  13:23:21  neelin
97  * Release of minc version 0.6
98  *
99  * Revision 5.0  1997/08/21  13:24:22  neelin
100  * Release of minc version 0.5
101  *
102  * Revision 4.1  1997/08/13  15:41:12  neelin
103  * Fixed initialization problem that caused crashing under Linux.
104  *
105  * Revision 4.0  1997/05/07  19:59:42  neelin
106  * Release of minc version 0.4
107  *
108  * Revision 3.5  1996/01/31  15:22:02  neelin
109  * Fixed bug in transformation of input sampling.
110  *
111  * Revision 3.4  1996/01/30  14:10:24  neelin
112  * Added check for -transformation without -like, -tfm_input_sampling or
113  * -use_input_sampling because of change in behaviour.
114  *
115  * Revision 3.3  1995/12/12  19:15:35  neelin
116  * Added -spacetype, -talairach and -units options.
117  *
118  * Revision 3.2  1995/11/21  14:13:20  neelin
119  * Transform input sampling with transformation and use this as default.
120  * Added -tfm_input_sampling to specify above option.
121  * Added -use_input_sampling to get old behaviour (no longer the default).
122  * Added -origin option (to specify coordinate instead of start values).
123  * Added -standard_sampling option (to set standard values of start, step
124  * and direction cosines).
125  * Added -invert_transformation option.
126  *
127  * Revision 3.1  1995/11/07  15:04:02  neelin
128  * Modified argument parsing so that only one pass is done.
129  *
130  * Revision 3.0  1995/05/15  19:30:57  neelin
131  * Release of minc version 0.3
132  *
133  * Revision 2.3  1995/05/05  19:11:05  neelin
134  * Modified call to input_transform.
135  *
136  * Revision 2.2  1995/02/09  14:05:51  neelin
137  * Mods to make irix 5 lint happy.
138  *
139  * Revision 2.1  1995/02/08  19:31:47  neelin
140  * Moved ARGSUSED statements for irix 5 lint.
141  *
142  * Revision 2.0  1994/09/28  10:32:46  neelin
143  * Release of minc version 0.2
144  *
145  * Revision 1.16  94/09/28  10:32:33  neelin
146  * Pre-release
147  *
148  * Revision 1.15  94/03/17  14:12:09  neelin
149  * Exit with failure if no argument given for -transformation or -like.
150  * .,
151  *
152  * Revision 1.14  94/03/15  16:44:21  neelin
153  * Changed default from -clobber to -noclobber.
154  *
155  * Revision 1.13  93/11/04  15:13:13  neelin
156  * Added support for irregularly spaced dimensions.
157  *
158  * Revision 1.12  93/11/03  14:32:44  neelin
159  * Turn off fill for output file.
160  *
161  * Revision 1.11  93/11/03  12:32:17  neelin
162  * Change ncopen, nccreate and ncclose to miopen, micreate and miclose.
163  *
164  * Revision 1.10  93/11/02  11:23:06  neelin
165  * Handle imagemax/min potentially varying over slices (for vector data, etc.)
166  *
167  * Revision 1.9  93/10/12  12:47:50  neelin
168  * Use volume_io.h instead of def_mni.h
169  *
170  * Revision 1.8  93/09/16  09:56:36  neelin
171  * Added use of open_file_with_default_suffix in get_transformation to
172  * append appropriate suffix for xfm files.
173  *
174  * Revision 1.7  93/08/11  14:28:19  neelin
175  * Modified get_arginfo and check_imageminmax to modify type of volume (not
176  * file) so that output volume gets the input volume type by default when
177  * an icv is used on input.
178  *
179  * Revision 1.6  93/08/11  13:27:59  neelin
180  * Converted to use Dave MacDonald's General_transform code.
181  * Fixed bug in get_slice - for non-linear transformations coord was
182  * transformed, then used again as a starting coordinate.
183  * Handle files that have image-max/min that doesn't vary over slices.
184  * Handle files that have image-max/min varying over row/cols.
185  * Allow volume to extend to voxel edge for -nearest_neighbour interpolation.
186  * Handle out-of-range values (-fill values from a previous mincresample, for
187  * example).
188  * Save transformation file as a string attribute to processing variable.
189  *
191               Copyright 1993 Peter Neelin, McConnell Brain Imaging Centre,
192               Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University.
193               Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
194               software and its documentation for any purpose and without
195               fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
196               notice appear in all copies.  The author and McGill University
197               make no representations about the suitability of this
198               software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without
199               express or implied warranty.
200 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
203 #include "config.h"
204 #endif
206 #include <stdlib.h>
207 #include <stdio.h>
208 #include <float.h>
209 #include <limits.h>
210 #include <string.h>
211 #include <math.h>
212 #include <minc.h>
213 #include <ParseArgv.h>
214 #include <time_stamp.h>
215 #include <volume_io.h>
216 #include <convert_origin_to_start.h>
217 #include "mincresample.h"
219 /* Kludge to catch use of -transformation without -like and without
220    -tfm_input_sampling or -use_input_sampling */
223 int Specified_like = FALSE;
224 int Specified_transform = FALSE;
225 #define SAMPLING_ACTION_NOT_SET (-1)
226 #endif
228 static void get_arginfo(int argc, char *argv[],
229                         Program_Flags *program_flags,
230                         VVolume *in_vol, VVolume *out_vol,
231                         General_transform *transformation);
232 static void check_imageminmax(File_Info *fp, Volume_Data *volume);
233 static void get_file_info(char *filename, int initialized_volume_def,
234                           Volume_Definition *volume_def,
235                           File_Info *file_info);
236 static void get_args_volume_def(Volume_Definition *input_volume_def,
237                                 Volume_Definition *args_volume_def);
238 static void transform_volume_def(Transform_Info *transform_info,
239                                  Volume_Definition *input_volume_def,
240                                  Volume_Definition *transformed_volume_def);
241 static int is_zero_vector(double vector[]);
242 static void normalize_vector(double vector[]);
243 static void create_output_file(char *filename, int clobber,
244                                Volume_Definition *volume_def,
245                                File_Info *in_file,
246                                File_Info *out_file,
247                                char *tm_stamp,
248                                Transform_Info *transform_info);
249 static void get_voxel_to_world_transf(Volume_Definition *volume_def,
250                                       General_transform *voxel_to_world);
251 static void irregular_transform_function(void *user_data,
252                                          Real x,
253                                          Real y,
254                                          Real z,
255                                          Real *x_trans,
256                                          Real *y_trans,
257                                          Real *z_trans);
258 static void irregular_inverse_transform_function(void *user_data,
259                                                  Real x,
260                                                  Real y,
261                                                  Real z,
262                                                  Real *x_trans,
263                                                  Real *y_trans,
264                                                  Real *z_trans);
265 static double get_default_range(char *what, nc_type datatype, int is_signed);
266 static void finish_up(VVolume *in_vol, VVolume *out_vol);
267 static int get_transformation(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg);
268 static int get_model_file(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg);
269 static int set_standard_sampling(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg);
270 static int set_spacetype(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg);
271 static int set_units(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg);
272 static int get_axis_order(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg);
273 static int get_fillvalue(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg);
275 /* Main program */
main(int argc,char * argv[])277 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
278 {
279    VVolume in_vol_struct, out_vol_struct;
280    VVolume *in_vol = &in_vol_struct, *out_vol = &out_vol_struct;
281    General_transform transformation;
282    Program_Flags program_flags;
284    /* Get argument information */
285    get_arginfo(argc, argv, &program_flags, in_vol, out_vol, &transformation);
287    /* Do the resampling */
288    resample_volumes(&program_flags, in_vol, out_vol, &transformation);
290    /* Finish up */
291    finish_up(in_vol, out_vol);
293    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
294 }
296 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
297 @NAME       : get_arginfo
298 @INPUT      : argc - number of command-line arguments
299               argv - command-line arguments
300 @OUTPUT     : program_flags - data for program execution
301               in_vol - description of input volume.
302               out_vol - description of output volume.
303               transformation - description of world transformation
304 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
305 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to get information from arguments about input and
306               output files and transfomation. Sets up all structures
307               completely (including allocating space for data).
308 @METHOD     :
309 @GLOBALS    :
310 @CALLS      :
311 @CREATED    : February 8, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
312 @MODIFIED   :
313 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_arginfo(int argc,char * argv[],Program_Flags * program_flags,VVolume * in_vol,VVolume * out_vol,General_transform * transformation)314 static void get_arginfo(int argc, char *argv[],
315                         Program_Flags *program_flags,
316                         VVolume *in_vol, VVolume *out_vol,
317                         General_transform *transformation)
318 {
319    /* Argument parsing information */
321    static int transform_input_sampling = SAMPLING_ACTION_NOT_SET;
322 #else
323    static int transform_input_sampling = TRUE;
324 #endif
325    static Arg_Data args={
326       FALSE,                  /* Clobber */
327       FALSE,                  /* Keep scale */
328       MI_ORIGINAL_TYPE,         /* Flag that type not set */
329       INT_MIN,                /* Flag that is_signed has not been set */
330       {-DBL_MAX, -DBL_MAX},   /* Flag that range not set */
331       FILL_DEFAULT,           /* Flag indicating that fillvalue not set */
332       {NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE}, /* Flag indicating that origin not set */
333       {TRUE},                 /* Verbose */
334       TRILINEAR,              /* use trilinear interpolation by default */
335       {FALSE, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}, /* Transformation info is empty at start.
336                                  Transformation must be set before invoking
337                                  argument parsing */
338       {                       /* Use flags to indicate that values not set */
339           {NO_AXIS, NO_AXIS, NO_AXIS},          /* Axis order */
340           {0, 0, 0},          /* nelements */
341           {0.0, 0.0, 0.0},    /* step */
342           {NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE},    /* start */
343           {{NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE},   /* Default direction cosines */
344            {NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE},
345            {NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE, NO_VALUE}},
346           {NULL, NULL, NULL}, /* Pointers to coordinate arrays */
347           {"", "", ""},       /* units */
348           {"", "", ""}        /* spacetype */
349       },
350       FALSE			/* MINC 2.0 format? */
351    };
353    static ArgvInfo argTable[] = {
354 #if MINC2
355        {"-2", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE,
356 	(char *) &args.v2format,
357        "Produce a MINC 2.0 format output file."},
358 #endif /* MINC2 */
359       {"-clobber", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE,
360           (char *) &args.clobber,
361           "Overwrite existing file."},
362       {"-noclobber", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE,
363           (char *) &args.clobber,
364           "Do not overwrite existing file (default)."},
365       {"-verbose", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE,
366           (char *) &args.flags.verbose,
367           "Print out log messages as processing is being done (default).\n"},
368       {"-quiet", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE,
369           (char *) &args.flags.verbose,
370           "Do not print out any log messages.\n"},
371       {"-transformation", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_transformation,
372           (char *) &args.transform_info,
373           "File giving world transformation. (Default = identity)."},
374       {"-invert_transformation", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE,
375           (char *) &args.transform_info.invert_transform,
376           "Invert the transformation before using it.\n"},
377       {"-noinvert_transformation", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE,
378           (char *) &args.transform_info.invert_transform,
379           "Do not invert the transformation (default).\n"},
380       {"-tfm_input_sampling", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE,
381           (char *) &transform_input_sampling,
382           "Transform the input sampling with the transform (default).\n"},
383       {"-use_input_sampling", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE,
384           (char *) &transform_input_sampling,
385           "Use the input sampling without transforming (old behaviour).\n"},
386       {"-like", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_model_file,
387           (char *) &args.volume_def,
388           "Specifies a model file for the resampling."},
389       {"-standard_sampling", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) set_standard_sampling,
390           (char *) &args.volume_def,
391           "Set the sampling to standard values (step, start and dircos)."},
392       {"-spacetype", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) set_spacetype,
393           (char *) &args.volume_def,
394           "Set the spacetype attribute to a specified string."},
395       {"-talairach", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) set_spacetype,
396           (char *) &args.volume_def,
397           "Output is in Talairach space."},
398       {"-units", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) set_units,
399           (char *) &args.volume_def,
400           "Specify the units of the output sampling."},
401       {"-nelements", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 3,
402           (char *) args.volume_def.nelements,
403           "Number of elements along each dimension (X, Y, Z)"},
404       {"-xnelements", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 0,
405           (char *) &args.volume_def.nelements[X],
406           "Number of elements along the X dimension"},
407       {"-ynelements", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 0,
408           (char *) &args.volume_def.nelements[Y],
409           "Number of elements along the Y dimension"},
410       {"-znelements", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 0,
411           (char *) &args.volume_def.nelements[Z],
412           "Number of elements along the Z dimension"},
413       {"-size", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 3,
414           (char *) args.volume_def.nelements,
415           "synonym for -nelements)"},
416       {"-xsize", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 0,
417           (char *) &args.volume_def.nelements[X],
418           "synonym for -xnelements"},
419       {"-ysize", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 0,
420           (char *) &args.volume_def.nelements[Y],
421           "synonym for -ynelements"},
422       {"-zsize", ARGV_LONG, (char *) 0,
423           (char *) &args.volume_def.nelements[Z],
424           "synonym for -ynelements"},
425       {"-step", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 3,
426           (char *) args.volume_def.step,
427           "Step size along each dimension (X, Y, Z)"},
428       {"-xstep", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 0,
429           (char *) &args.volume_def.step[X],
430           "Step size along the X dimension"},
431       {"-ystep", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 0,
432           (char *) &args.volume_def.step[Y],
433           "Step size along the Y dimension"},
434       {"-zstep", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 0,
435           (char *) &args.volume_def.step[Z],
436           "Step size along the Z dimension"},
437       {"-start", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 3,
438           (char *) args.volume_def.start,
439           "Start point along each dimension (X, Y, Z)"},
440       {"-xstart", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 0,
441           (char *) &args.volume_def.start[X],
442           "Start point along the X dimension"},
443       {"-ystart", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 0,
444           (char *) &args.volume_def.start[Y],
445           "Start point along the Y dimension"},
446       {"-zstart", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 0,
447           (char *) &args.volume_def.start[Z],
448           "Start point along the Z dimension"},
449       {"-dircos", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 9,
450           (char *) args.volume_def.dircos,
451           "Direction cosines along each dimension (X, Y, Z)"},
452       {"-xdircos", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 3,
453           (char *) args.volume_def.dircos[X],
454           "Direction cosines along the X dimension"},
455       {"-ydircos", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 3,
456           (char *) args.volume_def.dircos[Y],
457           "Direction cosines along the Y dimension"},
458       {"-zdircos", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 3,
459           (char *) args.volume_def.dircos[Z],
460           "Direction cosines along the Z dimension"},
461       {"-origin", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 3, (char *) args.origin,
462           "Origin of first pixel in 3D space"},
463       {"-transverse", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_axis_order,
464           (char *) &args.volume_def,
465           "Write out transverse slices"},
466       {"-sagittal", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_axis_order,
467           (char *) &args.volume_def,
468           "Write out sagittal slices"},
469       {"-coronal", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_axis_order,
470           (char *) &args.volume_def,
471           "Write out coronal slices"},
472       {"-byte", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_BYTE, (char *) &args.datatype,
473           "Write out byte data"},
474       {"-short", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_SHORT, (char *) &args.datatype,
475           "Write out short integer data"},
476       {"-int", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_INT, (char *) &args.datatype,
477           "Write out 32-bit integer data"},
478       {"-long", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_INT, (char *) &args.datatype,
479           "Superseded by -int"},
480       {"-float", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_FLOAT, (char *) &args.datatype,
481           "Write out single-precision floating-point data"},
482       {"-double", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) NC_DOUBLE, (char *) &args.datatype,
483           "Write out double-precision floating-point data"},
484       {"-signed", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE, (char *) &args.is_signed,
485           "Write signed integer data"},
486       {"-unsigned", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE, (char *) &args.is_signed,
487           "Write unsigned integer data"},
488       {"-range", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 2, (char *) args.vrange,
489           "Valid range for output data"},
490       {"-keep_real_range", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRUE,
491           (char *) &args.keep_real_range,
492           "Keep the real scale of the input volume"},
493       {"-nokeep_real_range", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) FALSE,
494           (char *) &args.keep_real_range,
495           "Do not keep the real scale of the data (default)"},
496       {"-nofill", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_fillvalue,
497           (char *) &args.fillvalue,
498           "Use value zero for points outside of input volume"},
499       {"-fill", ARGV_FUNC, (char *) get_fillvalue,
500           (char *) &args.fillvalue,
501           "Use a fill value for points outside of input volume"},
502       {"-fillvalue", ARGV_FLOAT, (char *) 0,
503           (char *) &args.fillvalue,
504           "Specify a fill value for points outside of input volume"},
505       {"-trilinear", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRILINEAR,
506           (char *) &args.interpolant_type,
507           "Do trilinear interpolation"},
508       {"-tricubic", ARGV_CONSTANT, (char *) TRICUBIC,
509           (char *) &args.interpolant_type,
510           "Do tricubic interpolation"},
511       {"-nearest_neighbour", ARGV_CONSTANT,
512           (char *) N_NEIGHBOUR,
513           (char *) &args.interpolant_type,
514           "Do nearest neighbour interpolation"},
515       {"-sinc", ARGV_CONSTANT,
516        (char *) WINDOWED_SINC,
517        (char *) &args.interpolant_type,
518        "Do windowed sinc interpolation"},
519       {"-width", ARGV_INT,
520        (char *) 1,
521        (char *) &sinc_half_width,
522       "Set half-width of sinc window (1-10)" },
523       {"-hanning", ARGV_CONSTANT,
524        (char *) SINC_WINDOW_HANNING,
525        (char *) &sinc_window_type,
526        "Set sinc window type to Hanning"},
527       {"-hamming", ARGV_CONSTANT,
528        (char *) SINC_WINDOW_HAMMING,
529        (char *) &sinc_window_type,
530        "Set sinc window type to Hamming"},
532    };
534    /* Other variables */
535    int idim, index;
536    int out_vindex;              /* Volume indices (0, 1 or 2) */
537    int out_findex;              /* File indices (0 to ndims-1) */
538    long size, total_size;
539    char *infile, *outfile;
540    File_Info *fp;
541    char *tm_stamp, *pname;
542    Volume_Definition input_volume_def, transformed_volume_def;
543    General_transform input_transformation;
544    int cflags;
546    /* Initialize the transformation to identity */
547    create_linear_transform(&input_transformation, NULL);
548    args.transform_info.transformation = &input_transformation;
550    /* Get the time stamp */
551    tm_stamp = time_stamp(argc, argv);
553    /* Save the program name */
554    pname=argv[0];
556    /* Call ParseArgv */
557    if (ParseArgv(&argc, argv, argTable, 0) || (argc!=3)) {
558       (void) fprintf(stderr,
559                      "\nUsage: %s [<options>] <infile> <outfile>\n", pname);
560       (void) fprintf(stderr,
561                      "       %s [-help]\n\n", pname);
562       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
563    }
564    infile = argv[1];
565    outfile = argv[2];
568    if (Specified_transform &&
569        !Specified_like &&
570        (transform_input_sampling == SAMPLING_ACTION_NOT_SET)) {
571       (void) fprintf(stderr,
572                      "Use -like, -tfm_input_sampling or "
573                      "-use_input_sampling with -transformation\n");
574       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
575    }
576    if (transform_input_sampling == SAMPLING_ACTION_NOT_SET) {
577       transform_input_sampling = TRUE;
578    }
579 #endif
581    /* Check for an inverted transform. This looks backwards because we
582       normally invert the transform. */
583    if (args.transform_info.invert_transform) {
584       copy_general_transform(args.transform_info.transformation,
585                              transformation);
586    }
587    else {
588       create_inverse_general_transform(args.transform_info.transformation,
589                                        transformation);
590    }
591    args.transform_info.transformation = transformation;
593    /* Get rid of the input transformation */
594    delete_general_transform(&input_transformation);
596    /* Check input file for default argument information */
597    in_vol->file = malloc(sizeof(File_Info));
598    get_file_info(infile, FALSE, &input_volume_def, in_vol->file);
599    transform_volume_def((transform_input_sampling ?
600                          &args.transform_info : NULL),
601                         &input_volume_def,
602                         &transformed_volume_def);
603    get_args_volume_def(&transformed_volume_def, &args.volume_def);
605    /* Check that direction cosines are normalized and look for origin
606       option */
607    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
608       normalize_vector(args.volume_def.dircos[idim]);
609       if (is_zero_vector(args.volume_def.dircos[idim])) {
610          (void) fprintf(stderr, "Bad direction cosines.\n");
611          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
612       }
613    }
614    if (args.origin[0] != NO_VALUE) {
615       if (convert_origin_to_start(args.origin,
616                                   args.volume_def.dircos[XCOORD],
617                                   args.volume_def.dircos[YCOORD],
618                                   args.volume_def.dircos[ZCOORD],
619                                   args.volume_def.start) != 0) {
620          (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error converting origin to start value: ");
621          (void) fprintf(stderr, "Bad direction cosines.\n");
622          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
623       }
624    }
626    /* Save the voxel_to_world transformation information */
627    in_vol->voxel_to_world = malloc(sizeof(General_transform));
628    in_vol->world_to_voxel = malloc(sizeof(General_transform));
629    get_voxel_to_world_transf(&input_volume_def, in_vol->voxel_to_world);
630    create_inverse_general_transform(in_vol->voxel_to_world,
631                                     in_vol->world_to_voxel);
633    /* Get input volume data information */
634    in_vol->slice = NULL;
635    in_vol->volume = malloc(sizeof(Volume_Data));
636    in_vol->volume->datatype = in_vol->file->datatype;
637    in_vol->volume->is_signed = in_vol->file->is_signed;
638    in_vol->volume->vrange[0] = in_vol->file->vrange[0];
639    in_vol->volume->vrange[1] = in_vol->file->vrange[1];
640    if (args.fillvalue == FILL_DEFAULT) {
641       in_vol->volume->fillvalue = 0.0;
642       in_vol->volume->use_fill = TRUE;
643    }
644    else {
645       in_vol->volume->fillvalue = args.fillvalue;
646       in_vol->volume->use_fill = (args.fillvalue != -DBL_MAX);
647    }
649    /* set the function pointer defining the type of interpolation */
650    switch (args.interpolant_type ) {
651    case TRICUBIC:
652      in_vol->volume->interpolant = tricubic_interpolant;
653      break;
654    case TRILINEAR:
655      in_vol->volume->interpolant = trilinear_interpolant;
656      break;
657    case N_NEIGHBOUR:
658      in_vol->volume->interpolant = nearest_neighbour_interpolant;
659      break;
660    case WINDOWED_SINC:
661      in_vol->volume->interpolant = windowed_sinc_interpolant;
662      if (sinc_half_width < SINC_HALF_WIDTH_MIN ||
663          sinc_half_width > SINC_HALF_WIDTH_MAX) {
664          fprintf(stderr, "Invalid sinc half-window size %d\n",
665                  sinc_half_width);
666          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
667      }
668      break;
669    default:
670      (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error determining interpolation type\n");
671      exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
672    }
674    /* Check min/max variables */
675    fp = in_vol->file;
676    fp->using_icv=FALSE;
677    if ((fp->maxid != MI_ERROR) && (fp->minid != MI_ERROR) &&
678        (fp->datatype!=NC_FLOAT) && (fp->datatype!=NC_DOUBLE)) {
679       check_imageminmax(fp, in_vol->volume);
680    }
682    /* Get space for volume data */
683    total_size = 1;
684    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
685       index = input_volume_def.axes[idim];
686       size = input_volume_def.nelements[idim];
687       total_size *= size;
688       in_vol->volume->size[index] = size;
689    }
690    in_vol->volume->data = malloc((size_t) total_size *
691                                  nctypelen(in_vol->volume->datatype));
693    /* Get space for slice scale and offset */
694    in_vol->volume->scale =
695       malloc(sizeof(double) * in_vol->volume->size[SLC_AXIS]);
696    in_vol->volume->offset =
697       malloc(sizeof(double) * in_vol->volume->size[SLC_AXIS]);
699    /* Save the program flags */
700    *program_flags = args.flags;
702    /* Set the default output file datatype */
703    if (args.datatype == MI_ORIGINAL_TYPE)
704       args.datatype = in_vol->file->datatype;
706    /* Explicitly force output files to have regular spacing */
707    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
708       if (args.volume_def.coords[idim] != NULL) {
709          free(args.volume_def.coords[idim]);
710          args.volume_def.coords[idim] = NULL;
711       }
712    }
714    /* Check to see if sign and range have been explicitly set. If not set
715       them now */
716    if (args.is_signed == INT_MIN) {
717       if (args.datatype == in_vol->file->datatype)
718          args.is_signed = in_vol->file->is_signed;
719       else
720          args.is_signed = (args.datatype != NC_BYTE);
721    }
722    if (args.vrange[0] == -DBL_MAX) {
723       if ((args.datatype == in_vol->file->datatype) &&
724           (args.is_signed == in_vol->file->is_signed)) {
725          args.vrange[0] = in_vol->file->vrange[0];
726          args.vrange[1] = in_vol->file->vrange[1];
727       }
728       else {
729          args.vrange[0] = get_default_range(MIvalid_min, args.datatype,
730                                             args.is_signed);
731          args.vrange[1] = get_default_range(MIvalid_max, args.datatype,
732                                             args.is_signed);
733       }
734    }
736    /* Set up the file description for the output file */
737    out_vol->file = malloc(sizeof(File_Info));
738    out_vol->file->ndims = in_vol->file->ndims;
739    out_vol->file->datatype = args.datatype;
740    out_vol->file->is_signed = args.is_signed;
741    out_vol->file->vrange[0] = args.vrange[0];
742    out_vol->file->vrange[1] = args.vrange[1];
743    for (idim=0; idim < out_vol->file->ndims; idim++) {
744       out_vol->file->nelements[idim] = in_vol->file->nelements[idim];
745       out_vol->file->world_axes[idim] = in_vol->file->world_axes[idim];
746    }
747    out_vol->file->keep_real_range = args.keep_real_range;
749    /* Get space for output slice */
750    out_vol->volume = NULL;
751    out_vol->slice = malloc(sizeof(Slice_Data));
753    /* Loop through list of axes, getting size of volume and slice */
754    total_size = 1;
755    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
757       /* Get the index for input and output volumes */
758       out_vindex = args.volume_def.axes[idim];    /* 0, 1 or 2 */
759       out_findex = in_vol->file->indices[out_vindex];   /* 0 to ndims-1 */
760       size = args.volume_def.nelements[idim];
762       /* Update output axes and indices and nelements */
763       out_vol->file->nelements[out_findex] = size;
764       out_vol->file->world_axes[out_findex] = idim;
765       out_vol->file->axes[idim] = out_vindex;
766       out_vol->file->indices[out_vindex] = out_findex;
768       /* Update slice size */
769       if (out_vindex != 0) {
770          out_vol->slice->size[out_vindex-1] = size;
771          total_size *= size;
772       }
773    }
774    out_vol->slice->data = malloc((size_t) total_size * sizeof(double));
776    /* Create the output file */
777    if (args.clobber) {
778        cflags = NC_CLOBBER;
779    }
780    else {
781        cflags = NC_NOCLOBBER;
782    }
783 #if MINC2
784    if (args.v2format) {
785        cflags |= MI2_CREATE_V2;
786    }
787 #endif /* MINC2 */
788    create_output_file(outfile, cflags, &args.volume_def,
789                       in_vol->file, out_vol->file,
790                       tm_stamp, &args.transform_info);
792    /* Save the voxel_to_world transformation information */
793    out_vol->voxel_to_world = malloc(sizeof(General_transform));
794    out_vol->world_to_voxel = malloc(sizeof(General_transform));
795    get_voxel_to_world_transf(&args.volume_def, out_vol->voxel_to_world);
796    create_inverse_general_transform(out_vol->voxel_to_world,
797                                     out_vol->world_to_voxel);
799    /* Free the time stamp */
800    free(tm_stamp);
802 }
804 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
805 @NAME       : check_imageminmax
806 @INPUT      : fp - pointer to file description
807               volume - pointer to volume description
808 @OUTPUT     :
809 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
810 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to check that MIimagemax and MIimagemin do not vary
811               over volume rows and columns. If they do, set up an icv to
812               handle it.
813 @METHOD     :
814 @GLOBALS    :
815 @CALLS      :
816 @CREATED    : August 5, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
817 @MODIFIED   :
818 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
check_imageminmax(File_Info * fp,Volume_Data * volume)819 static void check_imageminmax(File_Info *fp, Volume_Data *volume)
820 {
821    int ndims, idim, dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS], imgdim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
822    int ivar, varid;
824    /* Get MIimage dimensions */
825    (void) ncvarinq(fp->mincid, fp->imgid, NULL, NULL, &ndims, imgdim, NULL);
827    /* Check MIimagemax/min dimensions */
828    for (ivar=0; ivar<2; ivar++) {
829       varid = (ivar==0 ? fp->maxid : fp->minid);
830       (void) ncvarinq(fp->mincid, varid, NULL, NULL, &ndims, dim, NULL);
831       for (idim=0; idim < ndims; idim++) {
832          if ((dim[idim] == imgdim[fp->indices[ROW_AXIS]]) ||
833              (dim[idim] == imgdim[fp->indices[COL_AXIS]])) {
834             fp->using_icv = TRUE;
835          }
836       }        /* End loop over MIimagemax/min dimensions */
837    }        /* End loop over variables MIimagemax/min */
839    /* Set up an icv if needed to handle values varying over slice dims. */
840    if (fp->using_icv) {
842       /* Change type to floating point so that there is no loss of
843          precision (except possibly for long values). */
844       if (volume->datatype != NC_DOUBLE)
845          volume->datatype = NC_FLOAT;
846       volume->is_signed = TRUE;
848       /* Create the icv */
849       fp->icvid = miicv_create();
850       (void) miicv_setint(fp->icvid, MI_ICV_TYPE, volume->datatype);
851       (void) miicv_setstr(fp->icvid, MI_ICV_SIGN,
852                           (volume->is_signed ? MI_SIGNED : MI_UNSIGNED));
853       (void) miicv_setint(fp->icvid, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, TRUE);
854       (void) miicv_setint(fp->icvid, MI_ICV_DO_FILLVALUE, TRUE);
855       (void) miicv_attach(fp->icvid, fp->mincid, fp->imgid);
857       /* Get max and min for doing valid range checking */
858       (void) miicv_inqdbl(fp->icvid, MI_ICV_NORM_MIN, &volume->vrange[0]);
859       (void) miicv_inqdbl(fp->icvid, MI_ICV_NORM_MAX, &volume->vrange[1]);
861    }
863 }
865 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
866 @NAME       : get_file_info
867 @INPUT      : filename - name of file to read
868               initialized_volume_def - if TRUE, then volume_def is taken
869                  as being properly initialized and arrays are freed if
870                  non-NULL. Otherwise arrays are not freed.
871 @OUTPUT     : volume_def - description of volume
872               file_info - description of file
873 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
874 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to get information about the volume definition of
875               a minc file.
876 @METHOD     :
877 @GLOBALS    :
878 @CALLS      :
879 @CREATED    : February 9, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
880 @MODIFIED   :
881 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_file_info(char * filename,int initialized_volume_def,Volume_Definition * volume_def,File_Info * file_info)882 static void get_file_info(char *filename, int initialized_volume_def,
883                           Volume_Definition *volume_def,
884                           File_Info *file_info)
885 {
886    int dim[MAX_VAR_DIMS], dimid;
887    int axis_counter, idim, jdim, cur_axis;
888    int varndims, vardim[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
889    long varstart, varcount, dimlength;
890    char attstr[MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN];
891    char dimname[MAX_NC_NAME];
892    enum {UNKNOWN, REGULAR, IRREGULAR} coord_spacing;
894    /* Open the minc file */
895    file_info->mincid = miopen(filename, NC_NOWRITE);
896    file_info->name = filename;
898    /* Get variable identifiers */
899    file_info->imgid = ncvarid(file_info->mincid, MIimage);
900    ncopts = 0;
901    file_info->maxid = ncvarid(file_info->mincid, MIimagemax);
902    file_info->minid = ncvarid(file_info->mincid, MIimagemin);
903    ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
905    /* Get information about datatype dimensions of variable */
906    (void) miget_datatype(file_info->mincid, file_info->imgid,
907                          &file_info->datatype, &file_info->is_signed);
909    /* Get valid max and min */
910    (void) miget_valid_range(file_info->mincid, file_info->imgid,
911                             file_info->vrange);
913    /* Get information about dimensions */
914    (void) ncvarinq(file_info->mincid, file_info->imgid, NULL, NULL,
915                    &file_info->ndims, dim, NULL);
917    /* Set variables for keeping track of spatial dimensions */
918    axis_counter = 0;                   /* Keeps track of values for axes */
920    /* Initialize volume definition variables */
921    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
922       volume_def->axes[idim] = NO_AXIS;
923       volume_def->step[idim] = 1.0;
924       volume_def->start[idim] = 0.0;
925       for (jdim=0; jdim < WORLD_NDIMS; jdim++) {
926          if (jdim==idim)
927             volume_def->dircos[idim][jdim] = 1.0;
928          else
929             volume_def->dircos[idim][jdim] = 0.0;
930       }
931       if (initialized_volume_def && (volume_def->coords[idim] != NULL)) {
932          free(volume_def->coords[idim]);
933       }
934       volume_def->coords[idim] = NULL;
935       (void) strcpy(volume_def->units[idim], "mm");
936       (void) strcpy(volume_def->spacetype[idim], MI_NATIVE);
937    }
939    /* Loop through dimensions, getting dimension information */
941    for (idim=0; idim < file_info->ndims; idim++) {
943       /* Get size of dimension */
944       (void) ncdiminq(file_info->mincid, dim[idim], dimname,
945                       &file_info->nelements[idim]);
947       /* Check variable name */
948       cur_axis = NO_AXIS;
949       if (strcmp(dimname, MIxspace)==0)
950          cur_axis = XAXIS;
951       else if (strcmp(dimname, MIyspace)==0)
952          cur_axis = YAXIS;
953       else if (strcmp(dimname, MIzspace)==0)
954          cur_axis = ZAXIS;
956       /* Save world axis info */
957       file_info->world_axes[idim] = cur_axis;
959       /* Check for spatial dimension */
960       if (cur_axis == NO_AXIS) continue;
962       /* Set axis */
963       if (volume_def->axes[cur_axis] != NO_AXIS) {
964          (void) fprintf(stderr, "Repeated spatial dimension %s in file %s.\n",
965                  dimname, filename);
966          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
967       }
968       volume_def->axes[cur_axis] = axis_counter++;
970       /* Save spatial axis specific info */
971       file_info->axes[cur_axis] = volume_def->axes[cur_axis];
972       file_info->indices[volume_def->axes[cur_axis]] = idim;
973       volume_def->nelements[cur_axis] = file_info->nelements[idim];
975       /* Check for existence of variable */
976       ncopts = 0;
977       dimid = ncvarid(file_info->mincid, dimname);
978       ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
979       if (dimid == MI_ERROR) continue;
981       /* Get attributes from variable */
982       ncopts = 0;
983       (void) miattget1(file_info->mincid, dimid, MIstep,
984                        NC_DOUBLE, &volume_def->step[cur_axis]);
985       if (volume_def->step[cur_axis] == 0.0)
986          volume_def->step[cur_axis] = 1.0;
987       (void) miattget1(file_info->mincid, dimid, MIstart,
988                        NC_DOUBLE, &volume_def->start[cur_axis]);
989       (void) miattget(file_info->mincid, dimid, MIdirection_cosines,
990                       NC_DOUBLE, WORLD_NDIMS,
991                       volume_def->dircos[cur_axis], NULL);
992       (void) miattgetstr(file_info->mincid, dimid, MIunits,
993                          MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN, volume_def->units[cur_axis]);
994       (void) miattgetstr(file_info->mincid, dimid, MIspacetype,
995                          MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN, volume_def->spacetype[cur_axis]);
996       ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
998       /* Normalize the direction cosine */
999       normalize_vector(volume_def->dircos[cur_axis]);
1001       /* Look for irregular coordinates for dimension variable */
1002       ncopts = 0;
1003       coord_spacing = UNKNOWN;
1004       dimlength = volume_def->nelements[cur_axis];
1005       if (miattgetstr(file_info->mincid, dimid, MIspacing, MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN,
1006                        attstr) != NULL) {
1007          if (strcmp(attstr, MI_IRREGULAR) == 0)
1008             coord_spacing = IRREGULAR;
1009          else if (strcmp(attstr, MI_REGULAR) == 0)
1010             coord_spacing = REGULAR;
1011       }
1012       if (ncvarinq(file_info->mincid, dimid, NULL, NULL,
1013                    &varndims, vardim, NULL) == MI_ERROR) {
1014          ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1015          continue;
1016       }
1017       if ((coord_spacing != REGULAR) &&
1018           (varndims == 1) && (vardim[0] == dim[idim])) {
1019          coord_spacing = IRREGULAR;
1020       }
1021       if ((coord_spacing == UNKNOWN) || (dimlength <= 1)) {
1022          coord_spacing = REGULAR;
1023       }
1024       if (coord_spacing == IRREGULAR) {
1025          volume_def->coords[cur_axis] = malloc(sizeof(double) * dimlength);
1026          varstart = 0;
1027          varcount = dimlength;
1028          if (mivarget(file_info->mincid, dimid, &varstart, &varcount,
1029                       NC_DOUBLE, MI_SIGNED, volume_def->coords[cur_axis])
1030                    == MI_ERROR) {
1031             ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1032             free(volume_def->coords[cur_axis]);
1033             volume_def->coords[cur_axis] = NULL;
1034             continue;
1035          }
1036          volume_def->start[cur_axis] = volume_def->coords[cur_axis][0];
1037          if (dimlength > 1) {
1038             volume_def->step[cur_axis] =
1039                (volume_def->coords[cur_axis][dimlength-1] -
1040                             volume_def->coords[cur_axis][0]) /
1041                                (dimlength - 1);
1042             if (volume_def->step[cur_axis] == 0.0)
1043                volume_def->step[cur_axis] = 1.0;
1044          }
1045       }
1046       ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1048    }   /* End of loop over dimensions */
1050    /* Check that we have the correct number of spatial dimensions */
1051    if (axis_counter != WORLD_NDIMS) {
1052       (void) fprintf(stderr,
1053                      "Incorrect number of spatial dimensions in file %s.\n",
1054                      filename);
1055          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1056    }
1058    return;
1059 }
1061 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1062 @NAME       : get_args_volume_def
1063 @INPUT      : input_volume_def - description of input volume
1064 @OUTPUT     : args_volume_def - description of new output volume
1065 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
1066 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to copy appropriate information from input volume
1067               definition to output volume definition, overriding values
1068               not set on the command line.
1069 @METHOD     :
1070 @GLOBALS    :
1071 @CALLS      :
1072 @CREATED    : November 7, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
1073 @MODIFIED   :
1074 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_args_volume_def(Volume_Definition * input_volume_def,Volume_Definition * args_volume_def)1075 static void get_args_volume_def(Volume_Definition *input_volume_def,
1076                                 Volume_Definition *args_volume_def)
1077 {
1078    int idim, jdim;
1080    /* Loop over dimensions */
1081    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1083       /* Copy values, as needed */
1084       if (args_volume_def->axes[idim] == NO_AXIS)
1085          args_volume_def->axes[idim] = input_volume_def->axes[idim];
1086       if (args_volume_def->nelements[idim] == 0)
1087          args_volume_def->nelements[idim] = input_volume_def->nelements[idim];
1088       if (args_volume_def->step[idim] == 0.0)
1089          args_volume_def->step[idim] = input_volume_def->step[idim];
1090       if (args_volume_def->start[idim] == NO_VALUE)
1091          args_volume_def->start[idim] = input_volume_def->start[idim];
1092       if (args_volume_def->dircos[idim][0] == NO_VALUE) {
1093          for (jdim=0; jdim < WORLD_NDIMS; jdim++)
1094             args_volume_def->dircos[idim][jdim] =
1095                input_volume_def->dircos[idim][jdim];
1096       }
1097       if (strlen(args_volume_def->units[idim]) == 0)
1098          (void) strcpy(args_volume_def->units[idim],
1099                         input_volume_def->units[idim]);
1100       if (strlen(args_volume_def->spacetype[idim]) == 0)
1101          (void) strcpy(args_volume_def->spacetype[idim],
1102                         input_volume_def->spacetype[idim]);
1104    }
1105 }
1107 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1108 @NAME       : transform_volume_def
1109 @INPUT      : transform_info - description of output to input transform
1110                  (if NULL, then don't transform).
1111               input_volume_def - description of input volume
1112 @OUTPUT     : transformed_volume_def - description of new output volume
1113 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
1114 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to copy appropriate information from input volume
1115               definition to a new volume definition, after transformation
1116               from with the output to input transform.
1117 @METHOD     :
1118 @GLOBALS    :
1119 @CALLS      :
1120 @CREATED    : November 7, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
1121 @MODIFIED   :
1122 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
transform_volume_def(Transform_Info * transform_info,Volume_Definition * input_volume_def,Volume_Definition * transformed_volume_def)1123 static void transform_volume_def(Transform_Info *transform_info,
1124                                  Volume_Definition *input_volume_def,
1125                                  Volume_Definition *transformed_volume_def)
1126 {
1127    int idim, jdim;
1128    Coord_Vector origin = {0, 0, 0};
1129    Coord_Vector transformed_origin, vector;
1130    double length, nelements;
1132    /* Copy the volume definition */
1133    *transformed_volume_def = *input_volume_def;
1135    /* Modify things if the transform has changed */
1136    if ((transform_info != NULL) && (transform_info->file_name != NULL)) {
1138       /* Set up origin vector */
1139       for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++)
1140          for (jdim=0; jdim < WORLD_NDIMS; jdim++)
1141             origin[idim] += input_volume_def->start[jdim] *
1142                input_volume_def->dircos[jdim][idim];
1144       /* Transform origin vector */
1145       DO_INVERSE_TRANSFORM(transformed_origin,
1146                            transform_info->transformation, origin);
1148       /* Loop over dimensions */
1149       for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1151          /* Get number of elements */
1152          nelements = input_volume_def->nelements[idim] - 1;
1153          if (nelements < 1) nelements = 1.0;
1155          /* Transform whole axis */
1156          VECTOR_SCALAR_MULT(vector, input_volume_def->dircos[idim],
1157                             nelements * input_volume_def->step[idim]);
1158          VECTOR_ADD(vector, vector, origin);
1159          DO_INVERSE_TRANSFORM(vector, transform_info->transformation, vector);
1160          VECTOR_DIFF(vector, vector, transformed_origin);
1162          /* Calculate length of transformed axis - new step value */
1163          length = sqrt(vector[XCOORD]*vector[XCOORD] +
1164                        vector[YCOORD]*vector[YCOORD] +
1165                        vector[ZCOORD]*vector[ZCOORD]);
1166          transformed_volume_def->step[idim] = length / nelements;
1168          /* Calculate new direction cosines */
1169          for (jdim=0; jdim < WORLD_NDIMS; jdim++) {
1170             transformed_volume_def->dircos[idim][jdim] =
1171                (length > 0.0 ? vector[jdim] / length :
1172                 (jdim == idim ? 1.0 : 0.0));
1173          }
1175          /* Make sure that direction cosines point the right way */
1176          if (transformed_volume_def->dircos[idim][idim] < 0.0) {
1177             VECTOR_SCALAR_MULT(transformed_volume_def->dircos[idim],
1178                                transformed_volume_def->dircos[idim],
1179                                -1.0);
1180             transformed_volume_def->step[idim] *= -1.0;
1181          }
1182       }
1184       /* Calculate the start along each axis - check for bad dircos. */
1185       if (convert_origin_to_start(transformed_origin,
1186                                   transformed_volume_def->dircos[XCOORD],
1187                                   transformed_volume_def->dircos[YCOORD],
1188                                   transformed_volume_def->dircos[ZCOORD],
1189                                   transformed_volume_def->start) != 0) {
1191          /* If dircos are bad, set them to default */
1192          for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1193             for (jdim=0; jdim < WORLD_NDIMS; jdim++) {
1194                transformed_volume_def->dircos[idim][jdim] =
1195                   ((idim==jdim) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
1196             }
1197          }
1199          /* Try to convert point again */
1200          if (convert_origin_to_start(transformed_origin,
1201                                      transformed_volume_def->dircos[XCOORD],
1202                                      transformed_volume_def->dircos[YCOORD],
1203                                      transformed_volume_def->dircos[ZCOORD],
1204                                      transformed_volume_def->start) != 0) {
1205             (void) fprintf(stderr,
1206                            "Serious problem converting origin to start!\n");
1207             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1208          }
1209       }
1211    }
1213 }
1215 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1216 @NAME       : is_zero_vector
1217 @INPUT      : vector - 3D vector
1218 @OUTPUT     : (none)
1219 @RETURNS    : 1 if vector has zero length, 0 otherwise
1220 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to check for a zero length vector.
1221 @METHOD     :
1222 @GLOBALS    :
1223 @CALLS      :
1224 @CREATED    : November 9, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
1225 @MODIFIED   :
1226 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
is_zero_vector(double vector[])1227 static int is_zero_vector(double vector[])
1228 {
1229    return ((vector[0] == 0.0) &&
1230            (vector[1] == 0.0) &&
1231            (vector[2] == 0.0));
1232 }
1234 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1235 @NAME       : normalize_vector
1236 @INPUT      : vector - 3D vector
1237 @OUTPUT     : (none)
1238 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
1239 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to normalize a vector
1240 @METHOD     :
1241 @GLOBALS    :
1242 @CALLS      :
1243 @CREATED    : November 9, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
1244 @MODIFIED   :
1245 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
normalize_vector(double vector[])1246 static void normalize_vector(double vector[])
1247 {
1248    int idim;
1249    double magnitude;
1251    /* Normalize the direction cosine */
1252    magnitude = 0.0;
1253    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1254       magnitude += (vector[idim] * vector[idim]);
1255    }
1256    magnitude = sqrt(magnitude);
1257    if (magnitude > 0.0) {
1258       for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1259          vector[idim] /= magnitude;
1260       }
1261    }
1263 }
1265 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1266 @NAME       : create_output_file
1267 @INPUT      : filename - name of file to create
1268               cflags - flag creation flags
1269               volume_def - description of volume
1270               in_file - description of input file
1271               out_file - description of output file
1272               tm_stamp - string describing program invocation
1273               transformation - transformation to be applied to data
1274 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
1275 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
1276 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to create an minc output file and set up its parameters
1277               properly.
1278 @METHOD     :
1279 @GLOBALS    :
1280 @CALLS      :
1281 @CREATED    : February 9, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1282 @MODIFIED   :
1283 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
create_output_file(char * filename,int cflags,Volume_Definition * volume_def,File_Info * in_file,File_Info * out_file,char * tm_stamp,Transform_Info * transform_info)1284 static void create_output_file(char *filename, int cflags,
1285                                Volume_Definition *volume_def,
1286                                File_Info *in_file,
1287                                File_Info *out_file,
1288                                char *tm_stamp,
1289                                Transform_Info *transform_info)
1290 {
1291    int ndims, in_dims[MAX_VAR_DIMS], out_dims[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
1292    int out_maxmin_dims[MAX_VAR_DIMS];
1293    char dimname[MAX_NC_NAME];
1294    int nmaxmin_dims, nimage_dims, axis, idim, dimid, varid, itrans;
1295    int att_length;
1296    nc_type datatype;
1297    int nexcluded, excluded_vars[10];
1298    char *string;
1299    int dim_exists, is_volume_dimension;
1300    int in_index, out_index;
1302    /* Save the file name */
1303    out_file->name = filename;
1305    /* Create the list of excluded variables */
1306    nexcluded = 0;
1307    ncopts = 0;
1308    if ((varid=ncvarid(in_file->mincid, MIxspace)) != MI_ERROR)
1309       excluded_vars[nexcluded++] = varid;
1310    if ((varid=ncvarid(in_file->mincid, MIyspace)) != MI_ERROR)
1311       excluded_vars[nexcluded++] = varid;
1312    if ((varid=ncvarid(in_file->mincid, MIzspace)) != MI_ERROR)
1313       excluded_vars[nexcluded++] = varid;
1314    if ((varid=ncvarid(in_file->mincid, MIimage)) != MI_ERROR)
1315       excluded_vars[nexcluded++] = varid;
1316    if ((varid=ncvarid(in_file->mincid, MIimagemax)) != MI_ERROR)
1317       excluded_vars[nexcluded++] = varid;
1318    if ((varid=ncvarid(in_file->mincid, MIimagemin)) != MI_ERROR)
1319       excluded_vars[nexcluded++] = varid;
1320 #if MINC2
1321    if ((varid=ncvarid(in_file->mincid, MIvector_dimension)) != MI_ERROR)
1322       excluded_vars[nexcluded++] = varid;
1323 #endif /* MINC2 */
1324    ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1326    /* Create the file */
1327    out_file->mincid = micreate(filename, cflags);
1329    /* Copy all other variable definitions */
1330    (void) micopy_all_var_defs(in_file->mincid, out_file->mincid,
1331                               nexcluded, excluded_vars);
1333    /* Add the time stamp */
1334    ncopts=0;
1335    if ((ncattinq(out_file->mincid, NC_GLOBAL, MIhistory, &datatype,
1336                  &att_length) == MI_ERROR) ||
1337        (datatype != NC_CHAR))
1338       att_length = 0;
1339    att_length += strlen(tm_stamp) + 1;
1340    string = malloc(att_length);
1341    string[0] = '\0';
1342    (void) miattgetstr(out_file->mincid, NC_GLOBAL, MIhistory, att_length,
1343                       string);
1344    ncopts=NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1345    (void) strcat(string, tm_stamp);
1346    (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, NC_GLOBAL, MIhistory, string);
1347    free(string);
1349    /* Get the dimension ids from the input file */
1350    (void) ncvarinq(in_file->mincid, in_file->imgid, NULL, NULL,
1351                    &ndims, in_dims, NULL);
1353    /* Check for screw-up on number of dimensions */
1354    if (ndims != out_file->ndims) {
1355       (void) fprintf(stderr,
1356                      "Error in number of dimensions for output file.\n");
1357       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1358    }
1360    /* Create the dimensions for the image variable */
1361    for (out_index=0; out_index<ndims; out_index++) {
1363       /* Check to see if this is a volume dimension */
1364       is_volume_dimension = (out_file->world_axes[out_index] != NO_AXIS);
1366       /* Get the input index */
1367       if (!is_volume_dimension)
1368          in_index = out_index;
1369       else {
1370          axis = out_file->world_axes[out_index];
1371          if ((axis<0) || (axis>=WORLD_NDIMS)) {
1372             (void) fprintf(stderr,
1373                            "Error creating dimensions for output file.\n");
1374             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1375          }
1376          in_index = in_file->indices[in_file->axes[axis]];
1377       }
1379       /* Get the dimension name from the input file */
1380       (void) ncdiminq(in_file->mincid, in_dims[in_index], dimname, NULL);
1382       /* Check to see if the dimension already exists */
1383       ncopts = 0;
1384       out_dims[out_index] = ncdimid(out_file->mincid, dimname);
1385       ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1386       dim_exists = (out_dims[out_index] != MI_ERROR);
1388       /* If we have a volume dimension and it exists already with the wrong
1389          size, then we must rename it */
1390       if (is_volume_dimension && dim_exists &&
1391           (out_file->nelements[out_index] != in_file->nelements[in_index])) {
1392          string = malloc(MAX_NC_NAME);
1393          ncopts = 0;
1394          idim = 0;
1395          do {
1396             (void) sprintf(string, "%s%d", dimname, idim);
1397             idim++;
1398          } while (ncdimid(out_file->mincid, string) != MI_ERROR);
1399          ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1400          (void) ncdimrename(out_file->mincid, out_dims[out_index], string);
1401          free(string);
1402          out_dims[out_index] = ncdimdef(out_file->mincid, dimname,
1403                                         out_file->nelements[out_index]);
1404       }
1405       else if (!dim_exists)
1406          out_dims[out_index] = ncdimdef(out_file->mincid, dimname,
1407                                         out_file->nelements[out_index]);
1409       /* If this is a volume dimension, create a variable */
1410       if (is_volume_dimension) {
1412          /* Create the variable */
1413          dimid = micreate_group_variable(out_file->mincid, dimname);
1414          (void) miattputdbl(out_file->mincid, dimid, MIstep,
1415                             volume_def->step[axis]);
1416          (void) miattputdbl(out_file->mincid, dimid, MIstart,
1417                             volume_def->start[axis]);
1418          (void) ncattput(out_file->mincid, dimid, MIdirection_cosines,
1419                          NC_DOUBLE, WORLD_NDIMS, volume_def->dircos[axis]);
1420          (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, dimid, MIunits,
1421                             volume_def->units[axis]);
1422          (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, dimid, MIspacetype,
1423                             volume_def->spacetype[axis]);
1425       }       /* If volume dimension */
1426    }       /* Loop over dimensions */
1428    /* Create the image max and min variables. These do not vary over
1429       the volume rows and columns even if they are not image dimensions,
1430       so we have to copy down the elements of the array (excluding image
1431       dimensions). Compute number of slices (row,columns) in an image
1432       (minc file def'n) and number of images in the file. */
1433    nimage_dims = 2;
1434    ncdiminq(out_file->mincid, out_dims[ndims-1], dimname, NULL);
1435    if (strcmp(dimname, MIvector_dimension)==0)
1436       nimage_dims++;
1437    nmaxmin_dims = 0;
1438    out_file->slices_per_image = 1;
1439    out_file->images_per_file = 1;
1440    for (idim=0; idim<ndims; idim++) {
1441       if ((idim != out_file->indices[COL_AXIS]) &&
1442           (idim != out_file->indices[ROW_AXIS])) {
1443          if (idim < ndims-nimage_dims) {
1444             out_maxmin_dims[nmaxmin_dims] = out_dims[idim];
1445             nmaxmin_dims++;
1446             out_file->images_per_file *= out_file->nelements[idim];
1447          }
1448          else {
1449             out_file->slices_per_image *= out_file->nelements[idim];
1450          }
1451       }
1452    }
1453    out_file->do_slice_renormalization =
1454       ((out_file->datatype != NC_FLOAT) &&
1455        (out_file->datatype != NC_DOUBLE) &&
1456        (out_file->slices_per_image > 1));
1458    /* Create the variables */
1459    out_file->maxid = micreate_std_variable(out_file->mincid, MIimagemax,
1460                                            NC_DOUBLE, nmaxmin_dims,
1461                                            out_maxmin_dims);
1462    if (in_file->maxid != MI_ERROR)
1463       (void) micopy_all_atts(in_file->mincid, in_file->maxid,
1464                              out_file->mincid, out_file->maxid);
1465    out_file->minid = micreate_std_variable(out_file->mincid, MIimagemin,
1466                                            NC_DOUBLE, nmaxmin_dims,
1467                                            out_maxmin_dims);
1468    if (in_file->minid != MI_ERROR)
1469       (void) micopy_all_atts(in_file->mincid, in_file->minid,
1470                              out_file->mincid, out_file->minid);
1472    /* Add transformation information to image processing variable if
1473       a transformation is given on the command line */
1475    if (transform_info->file_name != NULL) {
1477       ncopts = 0;
1479       /* Get id of processing variable (create it if needed) */
1480       varid = ncvarid(out_file->mincid, PROCESSING_VAR);
1481       if (varid == MI_ERROR) {
1482          varid = ncvardef(out_file->mincid, PROCESSING_VAR, NC_INT, 0, NULL);
1483          (void) miadd_child(out_file->mincid,
1484                             ncvarid(out_file->mincid, MIrootvariable), varid);
1485       }
1487       /* Look for an unused transformation attribute */
1488       string = malloc(MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN);
1489       itrans = 0;
1490       do {
1491          (void) sprintf(string, "transformation%d-filename", itrans);
1492          itrans++;
1493       } while (ncattinq(out_file->mincid, varid, string,
1494                         NULL, NULL) != MI_ERROR);
1495       itrans--;
1497       /* Reset error handling */
1498       ncopts = NC_VERBOSE | NC_FATAL;
1500       /* Add the attributes describing the transformation */
1501       (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, varid, string,
1502                          transform_info->file_name);
1503       (void) sprintf(string, "transformation%d-filedata", itrans);
1504       (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, varid, string,
1505                          transform_info->file_contents);
1506       if (transform_info->invert_transform) {
1507          (void) sprintf(string, "transformation%d-inverted", itrans);
1508          (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, varid, string, MI_TRUE);
1509       }
1511       free(string);
1513    }         /* If transform specified on command line */
1515    /* Create the image variable */
1516    out_file->imgid = micreate_std_variable(out_file->mincid, MIimage,
1517                                            out_file->datatype,
1518                                            ndims, out_dims);
1519    (void) micopy_all_atts(in_file->mincid, in_file->imgid,
1520                           out_file->mincid, out_file->imgid);
1521    (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, out_file->imgid, MIcomplete,
1522                       MI_FALSE);
1523    (void) miset_valid_range(out_file->mincid, out_file->imgid,
1524                             out_file->vrange);
1525    if (out_file->is_signed)
1526       (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, out_file->imgid,
1527                          MIsigntype, MI_SIGNED);
1528    else
1529       (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, out_file->imgid,
1530                          MIsigntype, MI_UNSIGNED);
1532    /* Get into data mode */
1533    (void) ncsetfill(out_file->mincid, NC_NOFILL);
1534    (void) ncendef(out_file->mincid);
1536    /* Copy all the other data */
1537    (void) micopy_all_var_values(in_file->mincid, out_file->mincid,
1538                                 nexcluded, excluded_vars);
1540    /* Create and attach an icv */
1541    out_file->using_icv = TRUE;
1542    out_file->icvid = miicv_create();
1543    (void) miicv_setint(out_file->icvid, MI_ICV_TYPE, NC_DOUBLE);
1544    (void) miicv_setint(out_file->icvid, MI_ICV_DO_NORM, TRUE);
1545    (void) miicv_setint(out_file->icvid, MI_ICV_USER_NORM, TRUE);
1546    (void) miicv_attach(out_file->icvid, out_file->mincid, out_file->imgid);
1548    return;
1549 }
1551 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1552 @NAME       : get_voxel_to_world_transf
1553 @INPUT      : volume_def - description of volume
1554 @OUTPUT     : voxel_to_world - transformation
1555 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
1556 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to convert a Volume definition specification of sampling
1557               to a voxel-to-world transformation
1558 @METHOD     :
1559 @GLOBALS    :
1560 @CALLS      :
1561 @CREATED    : February 9, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1562 @MODIFIED   :
1563 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_voxel_to_world_transf(Volume_Definition * volume_def,General_transform * voxel_to_world)1564 static void get_voxel_to_world_transf(Volume_Definition *volume_def,
1565                                       General_transform *voxel_to_world)
1566 {
1567    int idim, jdim, cur_dim, vol_axis;
1568    int irregular;
1569    long ielement, dimlength;
1570    Transform matrix;
1571    Irregular_Transform_Data *irreg_transf_data;
1572    General_transform linear_transf, irreg_transf;
1574    /* Make an identity matrix */
1575    make_identity_transform(&matrix);
1577    /* Loop over rows of matrix */
1578    for (idim=0; idim<WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1580       /* Loop over columns of matrix */
1581       for (jdim=0; jdim<WORLD_NDIMS; jdim++) {
1582          cur_dim = volume_def->axes[jdim];
1584          /* Get rotation/scale components of matrix */
1585          Transform_elem(matrix, idim, cur_dim) =
1586             volume_def->step[jdim] * volume_def->dircos[jdim][idim];
1588          /* Get translation components */
1589          Transform_elem(matrix, idim, VOL_NDIMS) +=
1590             volume_def->start[jdim] * volume_def->dircos[jdim][idim];
1591       }
1592    }
1594    /* Save the general transform */
1595    create_linear_transform(voxel_to_world, &matrix);
1597    /* Check for an irregularly spaced dimension */
1598    irregular = FALSE;
1599    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1600       if (volume_def->coords[idim] != NULL)
1601          irregular = TRUE;
1602    }
1604    /* If we have an irregularly spaced dimension, then create the appropriate
1605       transform */
1606    if (irregular) {
1607       irreg_transf_data = malloc(sizeof(*irreg_transf_data));
1609       /* Loop through the axes */
1610       for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
1612          vol_axis = volume_def->axes[idim];
1613          irreg_transf_data->last_index[vol_axis] = 0;
1615          /* Check whether the axis is irregularly spaced or not */
1616          if (volume_def->coords[idim] == NULL) {
1617             irreg_transf_data->nelements[vol_axis] = 0;
1618             irreg_transf_data->coords[vol_axis] = NULL;
1619          }
1620          else {
1622             /* If irregular then get the number of elements and
1623                allocate space */
1624             dimlength = volume_def->nelements[idim];
1625             irreg_transf_data->nelements[vol_axis] = dimlength;
1626             irreg_transf_data->coords[vol_axis] =
1627                malloc(sizeof(double) * dimlength);
1629             /* Normalize the coordinates to give first coord 0 and
1630                last coord n-1 (so that we can concat with the linear
1631                transform already created */
1632             for (ielement=0; ielement < dimlength; ielement++) {
1633                irreg_transf_data->coords[vol_axis][ielement] =
1634                   (volume_def->coords[idim][ielement] -
1635                               volume_def->start[idim]) /
1636                                  volume_def->step[idim];
1637             }
1638          }
1639       }
1641       /* Create an irregular transform and free the data (we only free
1642          the Irregular_Transform_Data structure, not the coord pointers,
1643          since these arrays are not copied) */
1644       create_user_transform(&irreg_transf, (void *) irreg_transf_data,
1645                             sizeof(*irreg_transf_data),
1646                             irregular_transform_function,
1647                             irregular_inverse_transform_function);
1648       free(irreg_transf_data);
1650       /* Concatenate the linear transform with the irregular transform */
1651       copy_general_transform(voxel_to_world, &linear_transf);
1652       delete_general_transform(voxel_to_world);
1653       concat_general_transforms(&irreg_transf, &linear_transf,
1654                                 voxel_to_world);
1656    }
1658    return;
1659 }
1661 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1662 @NAME       : irregular_transform_function
1663 @INPUT      : user_data - pointer to user data
1664               x, y, z   - coordinate to transform
1665 @OUTPUT     : x_trans, y_trans, z_trans - resulting coordinate
1666 @RETURNS    : (nothin)
1667 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to transform irregularly spaced coordinate to a
1668               regular spacing.
1669 @METHOD     :
1670 @GLOBALS    :
1671 @CALLS      :
1672 @CREATED    : November 4, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1673 @MODIFIED   :
1674 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
irregular_transform_function(void * user_data,Real x,Real y,Real z,Real * x_trans,Real * y_trans,Real * z_trans)1675 static void irregular_transform_function(void *user_data,
1676                                          Real x,
1677                                          Real y,
1678                                          Real z,
1679                                          Real *x_trans,
1680                                          Real *y_trans,
1681                                          Real *z_trans)
1682 {
1683    Irregular_Transform_Data *irreg_transf_data;
1684    int idim;
1685    long dimlength, index;
1686    double coord[VOL_NDIMS], coord_transf[VOL_NDIMS];
1687    double frac;
1689    /* Get the pointer to the data */
1690    irreg_transf_data = (Irregular_Transform_Data *) user_data;
1692    /* Get the coordinate */
1693    coord[0] = x; coord[1] = y; coord[2] = z;
1695    /* Loop through axes, renormalizing coordinate */
1696    for (idim=0; idim < VOL_NDIMS; idim++) {
1697       dimlength = irreg_transf_data->nelements[idim];
1698       if (dimlength <= 1) {
1699          coord_transf[idim] = coord[idim];
1700       }
1701       else {
1703          /* For irregular dimension, do linear interpolation between coords */
1704          index = (long) coord[idim];
1705          if (index < 0) index = 0;
1706          if (index > dimlength-2) index = dimlength-2;
1707          frac = coord[idim] - index;
1708          coord_transf[idim] =
1709             (1.0 - frac) * irreg_transf_data->coords[idim][index] +
1710             frac * irreg_transf_data->coords[idim][index + 1];
1712       }
1713    }
1715    /* Save the coordinates */
1716    *x_trans = coord_transf[0];
1717    *y_trans = coord_transf[1];
1718    *z_trans = coord_transf[2];
1720    return;
1721 }
1723 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1724 @NAME       : irregular_inverse_transform_function
1725 @INPUT      : user_data - pointer to user data
1726               x, y, z   - coordinate to transform
1727 @OUTPUT     : x_trans, y_trans, z_trans - resulting coordinate
1728 @RETURNS    : (nothin)
1729 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to transform irregularly spaced coordinate to a
1730               regular spacing.
1731 @METHOD     :
1732 @GLOBALS    :
1733 @CALLS      :
1734 @CREATED    : November 4, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1735 @MODIFIED   :
1736 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
irregular_inverse_transform_function(void * user_data,Real x,Real y,Real z,Real * x_trans,Real * y_trans,Real * z_trans)1737 static void irregular_inverse_transform_function(void *user_data,
1738                                                  Real x,
1739                                                  Real y,
1740                                                  Real z,
1741                                                  Real *x_trans,
1742                                                  Real *y_trans,
1743                                                  Real *z_trans)
1744 {
1745    Irregular_Transform_Data *irreg_transf_data;
1746    int idim, not_found;
1747    long dimlength, index;
1748    double coord[VOL_NDIMS], coord_transf[VOL_NDIMS];
1749    double first, next, step, frac;
1751    /* Get the pointer to the data */
1752    irreg_transf_data = (Irregular_Transform_Data *) user_data;
1754    /* Get the coordinate */
1755    coord[0] = x; coord[1] = y; coord[2] = z;
1757    /* Loop through axes, renormalizing coordinate */
1758    for (idim=0; idim < VOL_NDIMS; idim++) {
1759       dimlength = irreg_transf_data->nelements[idim];
1760       if (dimlength <= 1) {
1761          coord_transf[idim] = coord[idim];
1762       }
1763       else {
1765          /* Search for the closest index (checking for out-of-range values) */
1766          index = irreg_transf_data->last_index[idim];
1767          if (index < 0) index = 0;
1768          if (index > dimlength-2) index = dimlength-2;
1769          not_found = TRUE;
1770          while (not_found) {
1771             if (coord[idim] < irreg_transf_data->coords[idim][index]) {
1772                if (index > 0) index--;
1773                else {
1774                   index = 0;
1775                   not_found = FALSE;
1776                }
1777             }
1778             else if (coord[idim] > irreg_transf_data->coords[idim][index+1]) {
1779                if (index < dimlength-2) index++;
1780                else {
1781                   index = dimlength-2;
1782                   not_found = FALSE;
1783                }
1784             }
1785             else {
1786                not_found = FALSE;
1787             }
1789          }
1790          irreg_transf_data->last_index[idim] = index;
1792          /* Do linear interpolation */
1793          first = irreg_transf_data->coords[idim][index];
1794          next = irreg_transf_data->coords[idim][index + 1];
1795          step = next - first;
1796          if (step == 0.0)
1797             frac = 0.0;
1798          else
1799             frac = (coord[idim] - first) / step;
1800          coord_transf[idim] =
1801             (1.0 - frac) * index + frac * (index + 1);
1803       }
1804    }
1806    /* Save the coordinates */
1807    *x_trans = coord_transf[0];
1808    *y_trans = coord_transf[1];
1809    *z_trans = coord_transf[2];
1811    return;
1812 }
1814 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1815 @NAME       : get_default_range
1816 @INPUT      : what     - MIvalid_min means get default min, MIvalid_min means
1817                  get default min
1818               datatype - type of variable
1819               is_signed   - TRUE if variable is signed
1820 @OUTPUT     : (none)
1821 @RETURNS    : default maximum or minimum for the datatype
1822 @DESCRIPTION: Return the defaults maximum or minimum for a given datatype
1823               and sign.
1824 @METHOD     :
1825 @GLOBALS    :
1826 @CALLS      :
1827 @CREATED    : August 10, 1992 (Peter Neelin)
1828 @MODIFIED   : February 10, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1829                  - ripped off from MINC code
1830 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_default_range(char * what,nc_type datatype,int is_signed)1831 static double get_default_range(char *what, nc_type datatype, int is_signed)
1832 {
1833    double limit;
1835    if (strcmp(what, MIvalid_max)==0) {
1836       switch (datatype) {
1837       case NC_INT:   limit = (is_signed) ? INT_MAX : UINT_MAX; break;
1838       case NC_SHORT: limit = (is_signed) ? SHRT_MAX : USHRT_MAX; break;
1839       case NC_BYTE:  limit = (is_signed) ? SCHAR_MAX : UCHAR_MAX; break;
1840       default: limit = DEFAULT_MAX; break;
1841       }
1842    }
1843    else if (strcmp(what, MIvalid_min)==0) {
1844       switch (datatype) {
1845       case NC_INT:  limit = (is_signed) ? INT_MIN : 0; break;
1846       case NC_SHORT: limit = (is_signed) ? SHRT_MIN : 0; break;
1847       case NC_BYTE:  limit = (is_signed) ? SCHAR_MIN : 0; break;
1848       default: limit = DEFAULT_MIN; break;
1849       }
1850    }
1851    else {
1852       limit = 0.0;
1853    }
1855    return limit;
1856 }
1859 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1860 @NAME       : finish_up
1861 @INPUT      : in_vol - input volume
1862               out_vol - output volume
1863 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
1864 @RETURNS    : (nothing)
1865 @DESCRIPTION: Routine to finish up at end of program, closing files, etc.
1866 @METHOD     :
1867 @GLOBALS    :
1868 @CALLS      :
1869 @CREATED    : February 15, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1870 @MODIFIED   :
1871 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
finish_up(VVolume * in_vol,VVolume * out_vol)1872 static void finish_up(VVolume *in_vol, VVolume *out_vol)
1873 {
1874    File_Info *in_file, *out_file;
1876    /* Get file info pointers */
1877    in_file = in_vol->file;
1878    out_file = out_vol->file;
1880    /* Close the output file */
1881    (void) miattputstr(out_file->mincid, out_file->imgid, MIcomplete, MI_TRUE);
1882    if (out_file->using_icv) {
1883       (void) miicv_free(out_file->icvid);
1884    }
1885    (void) miclose(out_file->mincid);
1887    /* Close the input file */
1888    if (in_file->using_icv) {
1889       (void) miicv_free(in_file->icvid);
1890    }
1891    (void) miclose(in_file->mincid);
1893    return;
1894 }
1896 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1897 @NAME       : get_transformation
1898 @INPUT      : dst - Pointer to client data from argument table
1899               key - argument key
1900               nextArg - argument following key
1901 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
1902 @RETURNS    : TRUE so that ParseArgv will discard nextArg, unless there
1903               is no following argument.
1904 @DESCRIPTION: Routine called by ParseArgv to read in a transformation file
1905 @METHOD     :
1906 @GLOBALS    :
1907 @CALLS      :
1908 @CREATED    : February 15, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
1909 @MODIFIED   :
1910 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_transformation(char * dst,char * key,char * nextArg)1911 static int get_transformation(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg)
1912      /* ARGSUSED */
1913 {
1914    Transform_Info *transform_info;
1915    General_transform *transformation;
1916    FILE *fp;
1917    int ch, index;
1919    /* Check for following argument */
1920    if (nextArg == NULL) {
1921       (void) fprintf(stderr,
1922                      "\"%s\" option requires an additional argument\n",
1923                      key);
1924       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1925    }
1927    /* Get pointer to transform info structure */
1928    transform_info = (Transform_Info *) dst;
1930    /* Save file name */
1931    transform_info->file_name = nextArg;
1932    transformation = transform_info->transformation;
1934    /* Open the file */
1935    if (strcmp(nextArg, "-") == 0) {
1936       /* Create a temporary for standard input */
1937       fp=tmpfile();
1938       if (fp==NULL) {
1939          (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error opening temporary file.\n");
1940          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1941       }
1942       while ((ch=getc(stdin))!=EOF) (void) putc(ch, fp);
1943       rewind(fp);
1944    }
1945    else {
1946       if (open_file_with_default_suffix(nextArg,
1947                     get_default_transform_file_suffix(),
1948                     READ_FILE, ASCII_FORMAT, &fp) != OK) {
1949          (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error opening transformation file %s.\n",
1950                         nextArg);
1951          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1952       }
1953    }
1955    /* Read in the file for later use */
1956    if (transform_info->file_contents == NULL) {
1957       transform_info->file_contents = malloc(TRANSFORM_BUFFER_INCREMENT);
1958       transform_info->buffer_length = TRANSFORM_BUFFER_INCREMENT;
1959    }
1960    for (index = 0; (ch=getc(fp)) != EOF; index++) {
1961       if (index >= transform_info->buffer_length-1) {
1962          transform_info->buffer_length += TRANSFORM_BUFFER_INCREMENT;
1963          transform_info->file_contents =
1964             realloc(transform_info->file_contents,
1965                     transform_info->buffer_length);
1966       }
1967       transform_info->file_contents[index] = (char) ch;
1968    }
1969    transform_info->file_contents[index] = '\0';
1970    rewind(fp);
1972    /* Get rid of the old transformation */
1973    delete_general_transform(transformation);
1975    /* Read the file */
1976    if (input_transform(fp, transform_info->file_name,
1977                        transformation)!=OK) {
1978       (void) fprintf(stderr, "Error reading transformation file.\n");
1979       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
1980    }
1981    (void) close_file(fp);
1984    Specified_transform = TRUE;
1985 #endif
1987    return TRUE;
1988 }
1990 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
1991 @NAME       : get_model_file
1992 @INPUT      : dst - Pointer to client data from argument table
1993               key - argument key
1994               nextArg - argument following key
1995 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
1996 @RETURNS    : TRUE so that ParseArgv will discard nextArg unless there
1997               is no following argument.
1998 @DESCRIPTION: Routine called by ParseArgv to read in a model file (-like)
1999 @METHOD     :
2000 @GLOBALS    :
2001 @CALLS      :
2002 @CREATED    : February 15, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
2003 @MODIFIED   :
2004 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_model_file(char * dst,char * key,char * nextArg)2005 static int get_model_file(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg)
2006      /* ARGSUSED */
2007 {
2008    Volume_Definition *volume_def;
2009    File_Info file;
2011    /* Check for following argument */
2012    if (nextArg == NULL) {
2013       (void) fprintf(stderr,
2014                      "\"%s\" option requires an additional argument\n",
2015                      key);
2016       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
2017    }
2019    /* Get pointer to volume definition structure */
2020    volume_def = (Volume_Definition *) dst;
2022    /* Get file information */
2023    get_file_info(nextArg, TRUE, volume_def, &file);
2025    /* Close the file */
2026    (void) miclose(file.mincid);
2029    Specified_like = TRUE;
2030 #endif
2032    return TRUE;
2033 }
2035 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2036 @NAME       : set_standard_sampling
2037 @INPUT      : dst - Pointer to client data from argument table
2038               key - argument key
2039               nextArg - argument following key
2040 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
2041 @RETURNS    : FALSE so that ParseArgv will not discard nextArg.
2042 @DESCRIPTION: Routine called by ParseArgv to set the sampling to standard
2043               values (sets only step, start and direction cosines).
2044 @METHOD     :
2045 @GLOBALS    :
2046 @CALLS      :
2047 @CREATED    : November 14, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
2048 @MODIFIED   :
2049 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
set_standard_sampling(char * dst,char * key,char * nextArg)2050 static int set_standard_sampling(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg)
2051      /* ARGSUSED */
2052 {
2053    Volume_Definition *volume_def;
2054    int idim, jdim;
2056    /* Get pointer to volume definition structure */
2057    volume_def = (Volume_Definition *) dst;
2059    /* Set sensible values */
2060    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
2061       volume_def->step[idim] = 1.0;
2062       volume_def->start[idim] = 0.0;
2063       for (jdim=0; jdim < WORLD_NDIMS; jdim++) {
2064          volume_def->dircos[idim][jdim] = (idim == jdim ? 1.0 : 0.0);
2065       }
2066    }
2068    return FALSE;
2069 }
2071 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2072 @NAME       : set_spacetype
2073 @INPUT      : dst - Pointer to client data from argument table
2074               key - argument key
2075               nextArg - argument following key
2076 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
2077 @RETURNS    : TRUE if nextArg should be discarded, FALSE otherwise
2078 @DESCRIPTION: Routine called by ParseArgv to set the space type of the
2079               output sampling.
2080 @METHOD     :
2081 @GLOBALS    :
2082 @CALLS      :
2083 @CREATED    : December 12, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
2084 @MODIFIED   :
2085 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
set_spacetype(char * dst,char * key,char * nextArg)2086 static int set_spacetype(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg)
2087      /* ARGSUSED */
2088 {
2089    Volume_Definition *volume_def;
2090    char *spacetype;
2091    int idim;
2092    int return_value;
2094    /* Get pointer to client data */
2095    volume_def = (Volume_Definition *) dst;
2097    /* Check key for spacetype */
2098    return_value = FALSE;
2099    if (strcmp(key, "-talairach") == 0) {
2100       spacetype = MI_TALAIRACH;
2101    }
2102    else {
2104       /* Check for following argument */
2105       if (nextArg == NULL) {
2106          (void) fprintf(stderr,
2107                         "\"%s\" option requires an additional argument\n",
2108                         key);
2109          exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
2110       }
2112       spacetype = nextArg;
2114       return_value = TRUE;
2115    }
2117    /* Copy the strings */
2118    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
2119       (void) strncpy(volume_def->spacetype[idim], spacetype,
2120                      MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN);
2121       volume_def->spacetype[idim][MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN-1] = '\0';
2122    }
2124    return return_value;
2126 }
2128 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2129 @NAME       : set_units
2130 @INPUT      : dst - Pointer to client data from argument table
2131               key - argument key
2132               nextArg - argument following key
2133 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
2134 @RETURNS    : TRUE if nextArg should be discarded, FALSE otherwise
2135 @DESCRIPTION: Routine called by ParseArgv to set the units of the
2136               output sampling.
2137 @METHOD     :
2138 @GLOBALS    :
2139 @CALLS      :
2140 @CREATED    : December 12, 1995 (Peter Neelin)
2141 @MODIFIED   :
2142 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
set_units(char * dst,char * key,char * nextArg)2143 static int set_units(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg)
2144      /* ARGSUSED */
2145 {
2146    Volume_Definition *volume_def;
2147    char *units;
2148    int idim;
2150    /* Get pointer to client data */
2151    volume_def = (Volume_Definition *) dst;
2153    /* Check for following argument */
2154    if (nextArg == NULL) {
2155       (void) fprintf(stderr,
2156                      "\"%s\" option requires an additional argument\n",
2157                      key);
2158       exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
2159    }
2160    units = nextArg;
2162    /* Copy the strings */
2163    for (idim=0; idim < WORLD_NDIMS; idim++) {
2164       (void) strncpy(volume_def->units[idim], units, MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN);
2165       volume_def->units[idim][MI_MAX_ATTSTR_LEN-1] = '\0';
2166    }
2168    return TRUE;
2170 }
2172 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2173 @NAME       : get_axis_order
2174 @INPUT      : dst - Pointer to client data from argument table
2175               key - argument key
2176               nextArg - argument following key
2177 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
2178 @RETURNS    : FALSE so that ParseArgv will not discard nextArg
2179 @DESCRIPTION: Routine called by ParseArgv to get the axis order
2180 @METHOD     :
2181 @GLOBALS    :
2182 @CALLS      :
2183 @CREATED    : February 15, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
2184 @MODIFIED   :
2185 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_axis_order(char * dst,char * key,char * nextArg)2186 static int get_axis_order(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg)
2187      /* ARGSUSED */
2188 {
2189    Volume_Definition *volume_def;
2191    /* Get pointer to client data */
2192    volume_def = (Volume_Definition *) dst;
2194    /* Check key for order */
2195    if (strcmp(key, "-transverse") == 0) {
2196       volume_def->axes[Z] = 0;
2197       volume_def->axes[Y] = 1;
2198       volume_def->axes[X] = 2;
2199    }
2200    else if (strcmp(key, "-sagittal") == 0) {
2201       volume_def->axes[X] = 0;
2202       volume_def->axes[Z] = 1;
2203       volume_def->axes[Y] = 2;
2204    }
2205    else if (strcmp(key, "-coronal") == 0) {
2206       volume_def->axes[Y] = 0;
2207       volume_def->axes[Z] = 1;
2208       volume_def->axes[X] = 2;
2209    }
2211    return FALSE;
2212 }
2214 /* ----------------------------- MNI Header -----------------------------------
2215 @NAME       : get_fillvalue
2216 @INPUT      : dst - Pointer to client data from argument table
2217               key - argument key
2218               nextArg - argument following key
2219 @OUTPUT     : (nothing)
2220 @RETURNS    : FALSE so that ParseArgv will not discard nextArg
2221 @DESCRIPTION: Routine called by ParseArgv to set the fill value
2222 @METHOD     :
2223 @GLOBALS    :
2224 @CALLS      :
2225 @CREATED    : February 15, 1993 (Peter Neelin)
2226 @MODIFIED   :
2227 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
get_fillvalue(char * dst,char * key,char * nextArg)2228 static int get_fillvalue(char *dst, char *key, char *nextArg)
2229      /* ARGSUSED */
2230 {
2231    double *dptr;
2233    /* Get pointer to client data */
2234    dptr = (double *) dst;
2236    /* Check key for fill value to set */
2237    if (strcmp(key, "-fill") == 0) {
2238       *dptr = -DBL_MAX;
2239    }
2240    else if (strcmp(key, "-nofill") == 0) {
2241       *dptr = FILL_DEFAULT;
2242    }
2244    return FALSE;
2245 }