1 //  $Id: mmdb_utils.h $
2 //  =================================================================
3 //
4 //   CCP4 Coordinate Library: support of coordinate-related
5 //   functionality in protein crystallography applications.
6 //
7 //   Copyright (C) Eugene Krissinel 2000-2008.
8 //
9 //    This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
10 //    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
11 //    License version 3, modified in accordance with the provisions
12 //    of the license to address the requirements of UK law.
13 //
14 //    You should have received a copy of the modified GNU Lesser
15 //    General Public License along with this library. If not, copies
16 //    may be downloaded from http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4license.php
17 //
18 //    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19 //    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21 //    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
22 //
23 //  =================================================================
24 //
25 //    23.10.15   <--  Date of Last Modification.
26 //                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
27 //  -----------------------------------------------------------------
28 //
29 //  **** Module  :   MMDBF_Utils <interface>
30 //       ~~~~~~~~~
31 //  **** Project :   MacroMolecular Data Base (MMDB)
32 //       ~~~~~~~~~
33 //
34 //  **** Classes :   mmdb::ContainerClass ( containered class template )
35 //       ~~~~~~~~~   mmdb::ContString     ( containered string         )
36 //                   mmdb::ClassContainer ( container of classes       )
37 //                   mmdb::AtomPath       ( atom path ID               )
38 //                   mmdb::QuickSort      ( quick sort of integers     )
39 //
40 //  **** Functions : Date9to11  ( DD-MMM-YY   -> DD-MMM-YYYY          )
41 //       ~~~~~~~~~~~ Date11to9  ( DD-MMM-YYYY -> DD-MMM-YY            )
42 //                   Date9toCIF ( DD-MMM-YY   -> YYYY-MM-DD           )
43 //                   Date11toCIF( DD-MMM-YYYY -> YYYY-MM-DD           )
44 //                   DateCIFto9 ( YYYY-MM-DD  -> DD-MMM-YY            )
45 //                   DateCIFto11( YYYY-MM-DD  -> DD-MMM-YYYY          )
46 //                   GetInteger ( reads integer from a string         )
47 //                   GetReal    ( reads real from a string            )
48 //                   GetIntIns  ( reads integer and insert code       )
49 //                   PutInteger ( writes integer into a string        )
50 //                   PutRealF   ( writes real in F-form into a string )
51 //                   PutIntIns  ( writes integer and insert code      )
52 //                   CIFGetInteger ( reads and deletes int from CIF   )
53 //                   CIFGetReal    ( reads and deletes real from CIF  )
54 //                   CIFGetString  ( reads and deletes string from CIF)
55 //                   CIFGetInteger1 (reads and del-s int from CIF loop)
56 //                   CIFGetReal1    (reads and del-s int from CIF loop)
57 //                   Mat4Inverse    ( inversion of 4x4 matrices       )
58 //                   GetErrorDescription (ascii line to an Error_XXXXX)
59 //                   ParseAtomID    ( parses atom ID line             )
60 //                   ParseResID     ( parses residue ID line          )
61 //                   ParseAtomPath  ( parses full atom path           )
62 //
63 //   (C) E. Krissinel  2000-2015
64 //
65 //  =================================================================
66 //
68 #ifndef __MMDB_Utils__
69 #define __MMDB_Utils__
71 #include "mmdb_io_stream.h"
72 #include "mmdb_mmcif_.h"
73 #include "mmdb_defs.h"
75 namespace mmdb  {
77   // ==================  Date functions  ===================
79   // converts  DD-MMM-YY  to DD-MMM-YYYY; appends terminating zero
80   extern void  Date9to11   ( cpstr Date9, pstr Date11 );
82   // converts DD-MMM-YYYY to DD-MMM-YY;  does not append terminating zero
83   extern void  Date11to9   ( cpstr Date11, pstr Date9 );
85   // converts DD-MMM-YY   to YYYY-MM-DD;  appends terminating zero
86   extern void  Date9toCIF  ( cpstr Date9, pstr DateCIF );
88   // converts DD-MMM-YYYY to YYYY-MM-DD;  appends terminating zero
89   extern void  Date11toCIF ( cpstr Date11, pstr DateCIF );
91   // converts YYYY-MM-DD  to DD-MMM-YY;   appends terminating zero
92   extern void  DateCIFto9  ( cpstr DateCIF, pstr Date9 );
94   // converts YYYY-MM-DD  to DD-MMM-YYYY; appends terminating zero
95   extern void  DateCIFto11 ( cpstr DateCIF, pstr Date11 );
98   // =================  Format functions  ==================
100   //   Returns true if S contains an integer number in its
101   // first M characters. This number is returned in N.
102   //   The return is false if no integer number may be
103   // recognized. In this case, N is assigned MinInt4 value.
104   extern bool GetInteger ( int & N, cpstr S, int M );
106   //   Returns true if S contains a real number in its
107   // first M characters. This number is returned in R.
108   //   The return is false if no real number may be
109   // recognized. In this case, R is assigned -MaxReal value.
110   extern bool GetReal ( realtype & R, cpstr S, int M );
112   //   Returns true if S contains an integer number in its
113   // first M characters. This number is returned in N. In addition
114   // to that, GetIntIns() retrieves the insertion code which may
115   // follow the integer and returns it in "ins" (1 character +
116   // terminating 0).
117   //   The return is false if no integer number may be
118   // recognized. In this case, N is assigned MinInt4 value,
119   // "ins" just returns (M+1)th symbol of S (+terminating 0).
120   extern bool  GetIntIns ( int & N, pstr ins, cpstr S, int M );
122   //  Integer N is converted into ASCII string of length M
123   // and pasted onto first M characters of string S. No
124   // terminating zero is added.
125   //  If N is set to MinInt4, then first M characters of
126   // string S are set to space.
127   extern void  PutInteger ( pstr S, int N, int M );
129   //  Real R is converted into ASCII string of length M
130   // and pasted onto first M characters of string S. No
131   // terminating zero is added. The conversion is done
132   // according to fixed format FM.L
133   //  If R is set to -MaxReal, then first M characters of
134   // string S are set to the space character.
135   extern void  PutRealF ( pstr S, realtype R, int M, int L );
137   //  Integer N is converted into ASCII string of length M
138   // and pasted onto first M characters of string S. No
139   // terminating zero is added. The insert code ins is put
140   // immediately after the integer.
141   //  If N is set to MinInt4, then first M+1 characters of
142   // string S are set to space, and no insert code are
143   // appended.
144   extern void  PutIntIns ( pstr S, int N, int M, cpstr ins );
147   //   CIFInteger(..), CIFReal(..) and CIFGetString(..) automate
148   // extraction and analysis of data from CIF file. If the data
149   // is erroneous or absent, they store an error message in
150   // CIFErrorLocation string (below) and return non-zero.
151   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetInteger  ( int & I, mmcif::PStruct Struct,
152                                      cpstr Tag,
153                                      bool Remove=true );
154   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetReal     ( realtype & R, mmcif::PStruct Struct,
155                                      cpstr Tag,
156                                      bool Remove=true );
157   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetString   ( pstr S, mmcif::PStruct Struct,
158                                       cpstr Tag, int SLen,
159                                       cpstr DefS,
160                                       bool Remove=true );
162   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetInteger  ( int & I, mmcif::PLoop Loop, cpstr Tag,
163                                      int & Signal );
164   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetIntegerD ( int & I, mmcif::PLoop Loop, cpstr Tag,
165                                      int defValue=MinInt4 );
166   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetInteger1 ( int & I, mmcif::PLoop Loop, cpstr Tag,
167                                      int nrow );
169   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetReal     ( realtype & R, mmcif::PLoop Loop,
170                                      cpstr Tag, int & Signal );
171   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetReal1    ( realtype & R, mmcif::PLoop Loop,
172                                      cpstr Tag, int nrow );
174   extern ERROR_CODE CIFGetString   ( pstr S, mmcif::PLoop Loop, cpstr Tag,
175                                      int row, int SLen, cpstr DefS );
177   //  Calculates AI=A^{-1}
178   extern void  Mat4Inverse ( const mat44 & A, mat44 & AI );
179   //  Calculates A=B*C
180   extern void  Mat4Mult    ( mat44 & A, const mat44 & B, const mat44 & C );
181   //  Calculates A=B^{-1}*C
182   extern void  Mat4Div1    ( mat44 & A, const mat44 & B, const mat44 & C );
183   //  Calculates A=B*C^{-1}
184   extern void  Mat4Div2    ( mat44 & A, const mat44 & B, const mat44 & C );
185   //  Calculates determinant of the rotation part
186   extern realtype Mat4RotDet ( mat44 & T );
188   //  Sets up a unit matrix
189   extern void  Mat4Init  ( mat44 & A );
190   extern void  Mat3Init  ( mat33 & A );
192   //  Calculates AI=A^{-1}, returns determinant
193   extern realtype Mat3Inverse ( const mat33 & A, mat33 & AI );
195   extern bool isMat4Unit ( const mat44 & A, realtype eps, bool rotOnly );
197   //  Copies A into AC
198   extern void  Mat4Copy  ( const mat44 & A, mat44 & ACopy );
199   extern void  Mat3Copy  ( const mat33 & A, mat33 & ACopy );
200   extern bool  isMat4Eq  ( const mat44 & A, const mat44 & B, realtype eps,
201                            bool rotOnly );
203   extern void TransformXYZ   ( const mat44 & T,
204                                realtype & X, realtype & Y, realtype & Z );
205   extern realtype TransformX ( const mat44 & T,
206                                realtype X, realtype Y, realtype Z );
207   extern realtype TransformY ( const mat44 & T,
208                                realtype X, realtype Y, realtype Z );
209   extern realtype TransformZ ( const mat44 & T,
210                                realtype X, realtype Y, realtype Z );
213   extern char CIFErrorLocation[200];
215   //  Returns ASCII string explaining the nature of
216   // Error_xxxx error code.
217   extern cpstr  GetErrorDescription ( ERROR_CODE ErrorCode );
221   //  ================  ContainerClass  ====================
223   DefineClass(ContainerClass);
224   DefineStreamFunctions(ContainerClass);
226   class ContainerClass : public io::Stream  {
228     friend class ClassContainer;
230     public :
232       ContainerClass ();
233       ContainerClass ( io::RPStream Object );
~ContainerClass()234       ~ContainerClass() {}
236       //    ConvertPDBASCII(..) will return one of the Error_XXXXX
237       // constants, see <mmdb_defs.h>
ConvertPDBASCII(cpstr)238       virtual ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr )
239                                          { return Error_NoError; }
PDBASCIIDump(pstr,int)240       virtual void PDBASCIIDump    ( pstr, int ) {}
PDBASCIIDump1(io::RFile)241       virtual bool PDBASCIIDump1   ( io::RFile ) { return false; }
MakeCIF(mmcif::PData,int)242       virtual void MakeCIF         ( mmcif::PData, int ) {}
244       //   Append(..) should return true if CC is appended to this class.
245       // If this is not the case, CC is merely put on the top of
246       // container.
247       //   Note: Append(..) detects the necessity to append CC and
248       // performs all the necessary actions for that. The rest of CC
249       // will be disposed by Class Container.
250       //   Note: Class Container checks every new class, which is
251       // being added to it (see CClassContainer::AddData(..)), only
252       // against the top of container.
253       virtual bool Append ( PContainerClass CC );
255       //  GetCIF(..) extracts any necessary information from CIF and
256       //  returns in Signal:
257       //    Error_noError : the information was successfully extracted,
258       //                  this instance of container class should be
259       //                  stored, and unchanged value of Signal should
260       //                  be passed to the next (newly created) instance
261       //                  of this container class.
262       //    Error_EmptyCIF : there is no information for this type of
263       //                  containers to extract. This instance of
264       //                  container class should be deleted and input
265       //                  for this type of container class terminated.
266       //    Other          : the corresponding error. This instance of
267       //                  container class should be deleted and the
268       //                  whole input stopped.
GetCIF(mmcif::PData,int & n)269       virtual ERROR_CODE GetCIF ( mmcif::PData, int & n )
270                                      { n = -1; return Error_EmptyCIF; }
GetClassID()271       virtual CLASS_ID GetClassID () { return ClassID_Template; }
Copy(PContainerClass)273       virtual void Copy ( PContainerClass ) {}
write(io::RFile)275       void write ( io::RFile ) {}
read(io::RFile)276       void read  ( io::RFile ) {}
278     protected :
279       int  ContinuationNo;
281   };
284   //  ========================  ContString  =========================
286   DefineClass(ContString);
287   DefineStreamFunctions(ContString);
289   class ContString : public ContainerClass  {
291     public :
293       pstr Line;  // a string
295       ContString ();
296       ContString ( cpstr S );
297       ContString ( io::RPStream Object );
298       ~ContString();
300       ERROR_CODE ConvertPDBASCII ( cpstr S );
301       void       PDBASCIIDump    ( pstr S, int N );
302       bool       PDBASCIIDump1   ( io::RFile f );
303       void       MakeCIF         ( mmcif::PData CIF, int N );
304 //      void       GetCIF1         ( mmcif::PData CIF, ERROR_CODE & Signal,
305 //                                   int & pos );
306       bool       Append          ( PContainerClass ContString   );
GetClassID()307       CLASS_ID   GetClassID      () { return ClassID_String; }
309       void  Copy  ( PContainerClass CString );
311       void  write ( io::RFile f );
312       void  read  ( io::RFile f );
314     protected :
315       pstr CIFCategory,CIFTag;
317       void InitString();
319   };
322   //  ==============  ClassContainer  ====================
324   DefineClass(ClassContainer);
325   DefineStreamFunctions(ClassContainer);
327   class ClassContainer : public io::Stream  {
329     public :
331       ClassContainer  ();
332       ClassContainer  ( io::RPStream Object );
333       ~ClassContainer ();
335       void    FreeContainer      ();
336       void    AddData            ( PContainerClass Data );
337       virtual void PDBASCIIDump  ( io::RFile f );
338       virtual void MakeCIF       ( mmcif::PData CIF );
339       //  GetCIF(..) will return one of the Error_XXXXX constants,
340       //  see <mmdb_defs.h>
341       virtual ERROR_CODE  GetCIF ( mmcif::PData CIF, int ClassID );
342       virtual PContainerClass MakeContainerClass ( int ClassID );
344       // Copy will empty the class if parameter is set to NULL
345       virtual void Copy          ( PClassContainer CContainer );
Length()347       inline int Length()  { return length; }
348       PContainerClass  GetContainerClass ( int ContClassNo );
350       void  write ( io::RFile f );
351       void  read  ( io::RFile f );
353     protected :
354       int              length;
355       PPContainerClass Container;
357       void Init();
359   };
362   //  ======================  ID parsers  ==========================
364   DefineClass(AtomPath);
365   DefineStreamFunctions(AtomPath);
367   enum APATH_FLAG  {
368     APATH_ModelNo     = 0x00000001,
369     APATH_ChainID     = 0x00000002,
370     APATH_SeqNum      = 0x00000004,
371     APATH_InsCode     = 0x00000008,
372     APATH_ResName     = 0x00000010,
373     APATH_AtomName    = 0x00000020,
374     APATH_Element     = 0x00000040,
375     APATH_AltLoc      = 0x00000080,
376     APATH_Incomplete  = 0x00000100,
377     APATH_WC_ModelNo  = 0x00001000,
378     APATH_WC_ChainID  = 0x00002000,
379     APATH_WC_SeqNum   = 0x00004000,
380     APATH_WC_InsCode  = 0x00008000,
381     APATH_WC_ResName  = 0x00010000,
382     APATH_WC_AtomName = 0x00020000,
383     APATH_WC_Element  = 0x00040000,
384     APATH_WC_AltLoc   = 0x00080000
385   };
387   class AtomPath : public io::Stream  {
389     public :
391       int      modelNo;
392       ChainID  chainID;
393       int      seqNum;
394       InsCode  insCode;
395       ResName  resName;
396       AtomName atomName;
397       Element  element;
398       AltLoc   altLoc;
399       int      isSet;
401       AtomPath  ();
402       AtomPath  ( cpstr ID );
403       AtomPath  ( io::RPStream Object );
404       ~AtomPath ();
406       //  SetPath(..) parses the Atom Path ID string, which
407       //  may be incomplete. Below {..} means blocks that
408       //  may be omitted; any elements within such blocks
409       //  may be omitted as well.
410       //
411       //  1. If ID starts with '/' then the ID must be of
412       //     the following form:
413       //   /mdl{/chn{/seq(res).i{/atm[elm]:a}}}
414       //
415       //  2. If ID starts with a letter:
416       //        chn{/seq(res).i{/atm[elm]:a}}
417       //
418       //  3. If ID starts with a number or '(':
419       //            seq(res).i{/atm[elm]:a}
420       //
421       //  4. If ID contains colon ':' or '[' then
422       //     it may be just
423       //                       atm[elm]:a
424       //
425       //  The following are valid samples of IDs:
426       //
427       //     /1      model number 1
428       //     /1/A/23(GLU).A/CA[C]:A  model number 1, chain A,
429       //             residue 23 GLU insertion code A, C-alpha
430       //             atom in alternative location A
431       //     A/23    residue 23 of chain A
432       //     CA[C]:  atom C-alpha
433       //     [C]     a carbon
434       //     *[C]:*  same as above
435       //     :A      an atom with insertion code A
436       //     5       residue number 5
437       //     (GLU)   residue GLU
438       //
439       //   All spaces are ignored. SetPath(..) sets bit of isSet
440       // for each element present. Any element may be a wildcard
441       // '*'. Wildcard for model will set modelNo=0, for sequence
442       // number will set seqNum=MinInt4.
443       //
444       // Returns:
445       //   0   <-> Ok
446       //   -1  <-> wrong numerical format for model
447       //   -2  <-> wrong numerical format for sequence number
448       int SetPath ( cpstr ID );
450       void write ( io::RFile f );
451       void read  ( io::RFile f );
453     protected :
454       void InitAtomPath();
456   };
459   //  --------------------------------------------------------------
461   DefineClass(QuickSort);
463   class QuickSort : public io::Stream  {
465     public :
466       QuickSort ();
467       QuickSort ( io::RPStream Object );
~QuickSort()468       ~QuickSort() {}
469       virtual int  Compare ( int i, int j );
470       virtual void Swap    ( int i, int j );
471       void Sort ( void * sortdata, int data_len );
473     protected :
474       int    selSortLimit,dlen;
475       void * data;
477       void SelectionSort ( int left, int right );
478       int  Partition     ( int left, int right );
479       void Quicksort     ( int left, int right );
481   };
484   //  --------------------------------------------------------------
486   extern void  takeWord ( pstr & p, pstr wrd, cpstr ter, int l );
488   //   ParseAtomID(..) reads the atom ID of the following form:
489   //    {name} {[element]} {:altcode}
490   // (here {} means that the item may be omitted; any field may have
491   // value of wildcard '*'), and returns the atom name in aname,
492   // element name - in elname, and alternate location code - in aloc.
493   // Except for the alternate location code, missing items are
494   // replaced by wildcards. Missing alternate location code is
495   // returned as empty string "".
496   //   Leading spaces are allowed; any other space will terminate
497   // the parsing.
498   //   The followings are perfectly valid atom IDs:
499   //        CA[C]:A     (carbon C_alpha in location A)
500   //        CA[*]:A     (either C_alpha or Ca in location A)
501   //        CA:A        (same as above)
502   //        CA          (either C_alpha or Ca with no location indicator)
503   //        CA[]        (same as above)
504   //        CA[C]:      (C_alpha with no location indicator)
505   //        [C]         (any carbon with no location indicator)
506   //        [C]:*       (any carbon with any location indicator)
507   //        *[C]:*      (same as above)
508   //        :A          (any atom in location A)
509   //        *[*]:A      (same as above)
510   //        *[*]:*      (any atom)
511   //        *           (any atom with no alternate location indicator)
512   extern void ParseAtomID ( cpstr ID, AtomName aname,
513                             Element elname, AltLoc   aloc );
515   //   ParseResID(..) reads the residue ID of the following form:
516   //    {seqnum} {(name)} {.inscode}
517   // (here {} means that the item may be omitted; any field may have
518   // value of wildcard '*'), and returns the sequence number in sn,
519   // insertion code - in inscode, and residue name - in resname.
520   // If a wildcard was specified for the sequence number, then
521   // ParseResID(..) returns 1. Missing residue name is replaced by
522   // the wildcard '*', and misisng insertion code is returned as empty
523   // string "".
524   //   Leading spaces are allowed; any other space will terminate
525   // the parsing.
526   //   Return 0 means Ok, 1 - wildcard for the sequence number,
527   // 2 - an error in numerical format of the sequence number
528   // (other items are parsed).
529   //   The followings are perfectly valid residue IDs:
530   //        27(ALA).A   (residue 27A ALA)
531   //        27().A      (residue 27A)
532   //        27(*).A     (same as above)
533   //        27.A        (same as above)
534   //        27          (residue 27)
535   //        27().       (same as above)
536   //        (ALA)       (any ALA without insertion code)
537   //        (ALA).      (same as above)
538   //        (ALA).*     (any ALA)
539   //        *(ALA).*    (any ALA)
540   //        .A          (any residue with insertion code A)
541   //        *(*).A      (same as above)
542   //        *(*).*      (any residue)
543   //        *           (any residue with no insertion code)
544   extern int ParseResID ( cpstr ID, int & sn,
545                           InsCode inscode, ResName resname );
548   //   ParseAtomPath(..) parses an atom path string of the following
549   // structure:
550   //   /mdl/chn/seq(res).i/atm[elm]:a
551   // where all items may be represented by a wildcard '*' and
552   //   mdl   - model number (mandatory); at least model #1 is always
553   //           present; returned in mdl; on a wildcard mdl is set to 0
554   //   chn   - chain identifier ( mandatory); returned in chn; on a
555   //           wildcard chn is set to '*'
556   //   seq   - residue sequence number (mandatory); returned in sn;
557   //           on a wild card ParseAtomPath(..) returns 1
558   //   (res) - residue name in round brackets (may be omitted);
559   //           returnded in res; on a wildcard res is set to '*'
560   //   .i    - insert code after a dot; if '.i' or 'i' is missing
561   //           then a residue without an insertion code is looked for;
562   //           returned in ic; on a wildcard (any insertion code would
563   //           do) ic is set to '*'
564   //   atm   - atom name (mandatory); returned in atm; on a wildcard
565   //           atm is set to '*'
566   //   [elm] - chemical element code in square brackets; it may
567   //           be omitted but could be helpful for e.g.
568   //           distinguishing C_alpha and CA; returned in elm;
569   //           in a wildcard elm is set to '*'
570   //   :a    - alternate location indicator after colon; if
571   //           ':a' or 'a' is missing then an atom without
572   //           alternate location indicator is looked for; returned
573   //           in aloc; on a wildcard (any alternate code would do)
574   //           aloc is set to '*'.
575   // All spaces are ignored, all identifiers should be in capital
576   // letters (comparisons are case-sensitive).
577   //   The atom path string may be incomplete. If DefPath is supplied,
578   // the function will try to get missing elements from there. If
579   // missing items may not be found in DefPath, they are replaced by
580   // wildcards.
581   //   ParseAtomPath(..) returns the following bits:
582   //      0                 - Ok
583   //      APATH_Incomplete  - if path contains wildcards. Wildcards for
584   //                          residue name and chemical element will be
585   //                          ignored here if sequence number and
586   //                          atom name, correspondingly, are provided.
587   //      APATH_WC_XXXXX    - wildcard for different elements
588   //      -1                - wrong numerical format for model (fatal)
589   //      -2                - wrong numerical format for seqNum (fatal)
591   extern int ParseAtomPath ( cpstr     ID,
592                              int &     mdl,
593                              ChainID   chn,
594                              int &     sn,
595                              InsCode   ic,
596                              ResName   res,
597                              AtomName  atm,
598                              Element   elm,
599                              AltLoc    aloc,
600                              PAtomPath DefPath=NULL );
604   extern int ParseSelectionPath ( cpstr   CID,
605                                   int &   iModel,
606                                   pstr    Chains,
607                                   int &   sNum1,
608                                   InsCode ic1,
609                                   int &   sNum2,
610                                   InsCode ic2,
611                                   pstr    RNames,
612                                   pstr    ANames,
613                                   pstr    Elements,
614                                   pstr    altLocs );
618   extern void MakeSelectionPath ( pstr       CID,
619                                   int        iModel,
620                                   cpstr      Chains,
621                                   int        sNum1,
622                                   const InsCode ic1,
623                                   int        sNum2,
624                                   const InsCode ic2,
625                                   cpstr      RNames,
626                                   cpstr      ANames,
627                                   cpstr      Elements,
628                                   cpstr      altLocs );
630 }  // namespace mmdb
632 #endif