1 //
2 // fdhess.h
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 1997 Limit Point Systems, Inc.
5 //
6 // Author: Curtis Janssen <cljanss@limitpt.com>
7 // Maintainer: LPS
8 //
9 // This file is part of the SC Toolkit.
10 //
11 // The SC Toolkit is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 // it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by
13 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
14 // any later version.
15 //
16 // The SC Toolkit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // GNU Library General Public License for more details.
20 //
21 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
22 // along with the SC Toolkit; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
23 // the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
24 //
25 // The U.S. Government is granted a limited license as per AL 91-7.
26 //
28 #ifndef _chemistry_molecule_fdhess_h
29 #define _chemistry_molecule_fdhess_h
31 #ifdef __GNUC__
32 #pragma interface
33 #endif
35 #include <iostream>
37 #include <chemistry/molecule/hess.h>
38 #include <chemistry/molecule/energy.h>
40 namespace sc {
42 /** Computes the molecular hessian by finite displacements of gradients.
43     This will use the minimum number of displacements, each in the
44     highest possible point group. */
45 class FinDispMolecularHessian: public MolecularHessian {
46   protected:
47     Ref<MolecularEnergy> mole_;
48     // In case molecule must be given in lower symmetry, its actual
49     // symmetry and the symmetry used to compute displacements is this
50     Ref<PointGroup> displacement_point_group_;
51     // The molecule's original point group for restoration at the end.
52     Ref<PointGroup> original_point_group_;
53     // The molecule's original geometry for restoration at the end and
54     //computing displacements.
55     RefSCVector original_geometry_;
56     // the cartesian displacement size in bohr
57     double disp_;
58     // the accuracy for gradient calculations
59     double accuracy_;
60     // the number of completed displacements
61     int ndisp_;
62     // the number of irreps in the displacement point group
63     int nirrep_;
64     // whether or not to attempt a restart
65     int restart_;
66     // the name of the restart file
67     char *restart_file_;
68     // whether or not to checkpoint
69     int checkpoint_;
70     // the name of the checkpoint file
71     char *checkpoint_file_;
72     // only do the totally symmetric displacements
73     int only_totally_symmetric_;
74     // eliminate the cubic terms by doing an extra displacement for
75     //each of the totally symmetry coordinates
76     int eliminate_cubic_terms_;
77     // use the gradient at the initial geometry to remove first order terms
78     // (important if not at equilibrium geometry)
79     int do_null_displacement_;
80     // print flag
81     int debug_;
82     // a basis for the symmetrized cartesian coordinates
83     RefSCMatrix symbasis_;
84     // the gradients at each of the displacements
85     RefSCVector *gradients_;
87     void get_disp(int disp, int &irrep, int &index, double &coef);
88     void do_hess_for_irrep(int irrep,
89                            const RefSymmSCMatrix &dhessian,
90                            const RefSymmSCMatrix &xhessian);
91     void init();
92     void restart();
93   public:
94     FinDispMolecularHessian(const Ref<MolecularEnergy>&);
95     /** The FinDispMolecularHessian KeyVal constructor is used to generate a
96         FinDispMolecularHessian object from the input.  It reads the keywords
97         below.
99         <table border="1">
101         <tr><td>Keyword<td>Type<td>Default<td>Description
103         <tr><td><tt>energy</tt><td>MolecularEnergy<td>none<td>This gives an
104         object which will be used to compute the gradients needed to form
105         the hessian.  If this is not specified, the object using
106         FinDispMolecularHessian will, in some cases, fill it in
107         appropriately.  However, even in these cases, it may be desirable
108         to specify this keyword.  For example, this could be used in an
109         optimization to compute frequencies using a lower level of theory.
111         <tr><td><tt>debug</tt><td>boolean<td>false<td>If true,
112         print out debugging information.
114         <tr><td><tt>point_group</tt><td>PointGroup<td>none<td>
115         The point group to use for generating the displacements.
117         <tr><td><tt>restart</tt><td>boolean<td>true<td>If true, and a
118         checkpoint file exists, restart from that file.
120         <tr><td><tt>restart_file</tt><td>string
121         <td><em>basename</em><tt>.ckpt.hess</tt><td>The name of
122         the file where checkpoint information is written to or read from.
124         <tr><td><tt>checkpoint</tt><td>boolean<td>true<td>If true,
125         checkpoint intermediate data.
127         <tr><td><tt>only_totally_symmetric</tt><td>boolean<td>false
128         <td>If true, only follow totally symmetric displacments.  The
129         hessian will not be complete, but it has enough information
130         to use it in a geometry optimization.
132         <tr><td><tt>eliminate_cubic_terms</tt><td>boolean<td>true<td>
133         If true, then cubic terms will be eliminated.  This requires
134         that two displacements are done for each totally symmetric
135         coordinate, rather than one.  Setting this to false will reduce
136         the accuracy, but the results will still probably be accurate
137         enough for a geometry optimization.
139         <tr><td><tt>do_null_displacement</tt><td>boolean<td>true<td>Run
140         the calculation at the given geometry as well.
142         <tr><td><tt>displacement</tt><td>double<td>1.0e-2<td>The size of
143         the displacement in Bohr.
145         <tr><td><tt>gradient_accuracy</tt><td>double<td><tt>displacement</tt>
146         / 1000<td>The accuracy to which the gradients will be computed.
148         </table>
149     */
150     FinDispMolecularHessian(const Ref<KeyVal>&);
151     FinDispMolecularHessian(StateIn&);
152     ~FinDispMolecularHessian();
153     void save_data_state(StateOut&);
155     /** These members are used to compute a cartesian hessian from
156         gradients at finite displacements. */
157     RefSymmSCMatrix compute_hessian_from_gradients();
158     int ndisplace() const;
ndisplacements_done()159     int ndisplacements_done() const { return ndisp_; }
160     RefSCMatrix displacements(int irrep) const;
161     void displace(int disp);
162     void original_geometry();
163     void set_gradient(int disp, const RefSCVector &grad);
164     void checkpoint_displacements(StateOut&);
165     void restore_displacements(StateIn&);
167     /** This returns the cartesian hessian.  If it has not yet been
168         computed, it will be computed by finite displacements. */
169     RefSymmSCMatrix cartesian_hessian();
171     /// Set checkpoint option.
set_checkpoint(int c)172     void set_checkpoint(int c) { checkpoint_ = c; }
173     /// Return the current value of the checkpoint option.
checkpoint()174     int checkpoint() const { return checkpoint_; }
176     void set_energy(const Ref<MolecularEnergy> &energy);
177     MolecularEnergy* energy() const;
matrixkit()179     Ref<SCMatrixKit> matrixkit() const { return mole_->matrixkit(); }
d3natom()180     RefSCDimension d3natom() const { return mole_->moldim(); }
181 };
183 }
185 #endif
187 // Local Variables:
188 // mode: c++
189 // c-file-style: "CLJ"
190 // End: