2% $Id$
6ONIOM is the hybrid method of Morokuma and co-workers that enables
7different levels of theory to be applied to different parts of a
8molecule/system and combined to produce a consistent energy
9expression.  The objective is to perform a high-level calculation on
10just a small part of the system and to include the effects of the
11remainder at lower levels of theory, with the end result being of
12similar accuracy to a high-level calculation on the full system.
15\item M. Svensson, S. Humbel, R.D.J. Froese, T. Mastubara, S. Sieber, and
16K. Morokuma, J.~Phys.~Chem., 100, 19357 (1996).
17\item  S. Dapprich, I. Komaromi, K.S. Byun, K. Morokuma, and M.J. Frisch,
18J.~Mol.~Struct.~(Theochem), 461-462, 1 (1999).
19\item R.D.J. Froese and K. Morokuma in ``Encylopedia of Computational Chemistry,''
20volume 2, pp.1244-1257, (ed. P. von Rague Schleyer, John Wiley and Sons,
21Chichester, Sussex, 1998).
24The NWChem ONIOM module implements two- and three-layer ONIOM models
25for use in energy, gradient, geometry optimization, and vibrational
26frequency calculations with any of the pure quantum mechanical methods
27within NWChem.  At the present time, it is not possible to perform
28ONIOM calculations with either solvation models or classical force
29fields.  Nor is it yet possible to compute properties except as
30derivatives of the total energy.
32Using the terminology of Morokuma et al., the full molecular geometry
33including all atoms is referred to as the ``real'' geometry and it is
34treated using a ``low''-level of theory.  A subset of these atoms
35(referred to as the ``model'' geometry) are treated using both the
36``low''-level and a ``high''-level of theory.  A three-layer model
37also introduces an ``intermediate'' model geometry and a ``medium''
38level of theory.
40The two-layer model requires a high and low level of theory and a
41real and model molecular geometry.  The energy at the high-level of
42theory for the real geometry is estimated as
44      E(High,Real) = E(Low,Real) + [E(High,Model) - E(Low,Model)].
46The three-layer model requires high, medium and low levels of theory,
47and real, intermediate and model geometries and the corresponding
48energy estimate is
50      E(High,Real) = E(Low,Real) + [E(High,Model) - E(Medium,Model)]
51                     +  [E(Medium,Inter) - E(Low,Inter)].
54When does ONIOM work well?  The approximation for a two-layer model
55will be good if
57\item the model system includes the interactions that dominate the
58   energy difference being computed and the high-level of theory
59   describes these to the required precision, and
60\item the interactions between the model and the rest of the real system
61    (substitution effects) are described to sufficient accuracy at the
62    lower level of theory.
64ONIOM is used to compute energy differences and the absolute energies
65are not all that meaningful even though they are well defined.  Due to
66cancellation of errors, ONIOM actually works better than you might
67expect, but a poorly designed calculation can yield very bad results.
68Please read and heed the caution at the end of the article by Dapprich
69et al.
71The input options are as follows
74  HIGH   <string theory> [basis <string basis default "ao basis">] \
75                         [ecp <string ecp>] [input <string input>]
76 [MEDIUM <string theory> [basis <string basis default "ao basis">] \
77                         [ecp <string ecp>] [input <string input>]]
78  LOW    <string theory> [basis <string basis default "ao basis">] \
79                         [ecp <string ecp>] [input <string input>]
80  MODEL <integer natoms> [charge <double charge>] \
81                         [<integer i1 j1> <real g1> [<string tag1>] ...]
82 [INTER <integer natoms> [charge <double charge>] \
83                         [<integer i1 j1> <real g1> [<string tag1>] ...]]
84 [VECTORS [low-real <string mofile>] [low-model <string mofile>] \
85          [high-model <string mofile>] [medium-model <string mofile]\
86          [medium-inter <string mofile>] [low-inter <string mofile>]]
87 [PRINT ...]
88 [NOPRINT ...]
91which are described in detail below.
93{\em  For better validation of user input, the \verb+HIGH+,
94\verb+LOW+ and \verb+MODEL+ directives must always be specified.  If
95the one of the \verb+MEDIUM+ or \verb+INTER+ directives are specified,
96then so must the other.}
98\section{Real, model and intermediate geometries}
100The geometry and total charge of the full or real system should be
101specified as normal using the geometry directive (see Section
102\ref{sec:geom}).  If $N_{model}$ of the atoms are to be included in
103the model system, then these should be specified first in the
104geometry.  Similarly, in a three-layer calculation, if there are
105$N_{inter}$ atoms to be included in the intermediate system, then
106these should also be arranged together at the beginning of the
107geometry.  The implict assumption is that the model system is a subset
108of the intermediate system which is a subset of the real system.  The
109number of atoms to be included in the model and intemediate systems
110are specified using the \verb+MODEL+ and \verb+INTER+ directives.
111Optionally, the total charge of the model and intermediate systems may
112be adjusted.  The default is that all three systems have the same
113total charge.
115Example 1.  A two-layer calculation on $K^{+}(H_2O)$ taking the
116potassium ion as the model system.  Note that no bonds are broken so
117no link atoms are introduced.  The real geometry would be specified
118with potassium (the model) first.
120    geometry autosym
121      K  0    0.00    1.37
122      O  0    0.00   -1.07
123      H  0   -0.76   -1.68
124      H  0    0.76   -1.68
125    end
127and the following directive in the ONIOM input block indicates that
128one atom (implicitly the first in the geometry) is in the model system
130    model 1
133\subsection{Link atoms}
134Link atoms for bonds spanning two regions are automatically generated
135from the bond information.  The additional parameters on the
136\verb+MODEL+ and \verb+INTER+ directives describe the broken bonds
137including scale factors for placement of the link atom
138and, optionally, the type of link atom.  The type of link atom
139defaults to hydrogen, but any type may be specified (actually here you
140are specifying a geometry tag which is used to associate a geometrical
141center with an atom type and basis sets, etc..  See section
143For each broken bond specify the numbers of the two atoms (i and j),
144the scale factor (g) and optionally the tag of the link atom.  Link
145atoms are placed along the vector connecting the the first to the
146second atom of the bond according to the equation
148\underline{R}_{link} = (1-g)\underline{R}_{1} + g*\underline{R}_{2}
150where $g$ is the scale factor.  If the scale factor is one, then the
151link atom is placed where the second atom was.  More usually, the
152scale factor is less than one, in which case the link atom is placed
153between the original two atoms.  The scale factor should be chosen so
154that the link atom (usually hydrogen) is placed near its equilibrium
155bond length from the model atom.  E.g., when breaking a single
156carbon-carbon bond (typical length 1.528 {\angstroms}) using a hydrogen
157link atom we will want a carbon-hydrogen bond length of about 1.084
158{\angstroms}, so the scale factor should be chosen as $1.084/1.528
159\approx 0.709$.
161Example 2.  A calculation on acetaldehyde ($H_3C-CHO$) using aldehyde
162($H-CHO$) as the model system. The covalent bond between the two
163carbon atoms is broken and a link atom must be introduced to replace
164the methyl group.  The link atom is automatically generated --- all
165you need to do is specify the atoms in the model system that are also
166in the real system (here $CHO$) and the broken bonds.  Here is the
167geometry of acetaldehyde with the $CHO$ of aldehyde first
169    geometry
170      C    -0.383    0.288    0.021
171      H    -1.425    0.381    0.376
172      O     0.259    1.263   -0.321
174      H     0.115   -1.570    1.007
175      H    -0.465   -1.768   -0.642
176      H     1.176   -1.171   -0.352
177      C     0.152   -1.150    0.005
178    end
180There are three atoms (the first three) of the real geometry included
181in the model geometry, and we are breaking the bond between atoms 1
182and 7, replacing atom 7 with a hydrogen link atom.  This is all
183accomplished by the directive
185    model 3   1 7 0.709 H
187Since the default link atom is hydrogen there is actually no need to
188specify the ``H''.
190See also Section \ref{sec:oniomeg3} for a more complex example.
192\subsection{Numbering of the link atoms}
194The link atoms are appended to the atoms of the model or intermediate
195systems in the order that the broken bonds are specified in the input.
196This is of importance only if manually constructing an initial guess.
198\section{High, medium and low theories}
200The two-layer model requires both the high-level and low-level
201theories be specified.  The three-layer model also requires the
202medium-level theory.  Each of these includes a theory (such as SCF,
203MP2, DFT, CCSD, CCSD(T), etc.), an optional basis set, an optional ECP,
204and an optional string containing general NWChem input.
206\subsection{Basis specification}
207The basis name on the theory directive (high, medium, or low) is that
208specified on a basis set directive (see Section \ref{sec:basis}) and
209{\em not} the name of a standard basis in the library.  If not
210specified, the basis set for the high-level theory defaults to the
211standard \verb+"ao basis"+.  That for the medium level defaults to the
212high-level basis, and the low-level basis defaults to the medium-level
213basis.  Other wavefunction parameters are obtained from the standard
214wavefunction input blocks.  See \ref{sec:oniomeg2} for an example.
216\subsection{Effective core potentials}
218If an effective core potential is specified in the usual fashion (see
219Section \ref{sec:ecp}) outside of the ONIOM input then this will be
220used in all calculations.  If an alternative ECP name (the name
221specified on the ECP directive in the same manner as done for basis
222sets) is specified on one of the theory directives, then this ECP will
223be used in preference for that level of theory.  See Section
224\ref{sec:oniomeg2} for sample input.
226\subsection{General input strings}
228For many purposes, the ability to specify the theory, basis and
229effective core potential is adequate.  All of the options for each
230theory are determined from their independent input blocks.  However,
231if the same theory (e.g., DFT) is to be used with different options
232for the ONIOM theoretical models, then the general input strings must
233be used.  These strings are processed as NWChem input each time the
234theoretical model is invoked.  The strings may contain any NWChem
235input, except for options pertaining to ONIOM and the task directive.
236The intent that the strings be used just to control the options
237pertaining to the theory being used.
239A word of caution.  Be sure to check that the options are producing
240the desired results.  Since the NWChem database is persistent and the
241ONIOM calculations happen in an undefined order, the input strings
242should fully define the calculation you wish to have happen.
244For instance, if the high model is DFT/B3LYP/6-311g** and the
245low model is DFT/LDA/3-21g, the ONIOM input might look like this
247    oniom
248      model 3
249      low  dft basis 3-21g    input "dft\; xc\; end"
250      high dft basis 6-311g** input "dft\; xc b3lyp\; end"
251    end
253The empty \verb+XC+ directive restores the default LDA
254exchange-correlation option (see Section \ref{sec:xc}).  Note that
255semi-colons and other quotation marks inside the input string must be
256preceded by a backslash to avoid special interpretation.
258See Section \ref{sec:oniomeg4} for another example.
260\section{Use of symmetry}
262Symmetry should work just fine as long as the model and intermediate
263regions respect the symmetry --- i.e., symmetry equivalent atoms need
264to be treated equivalently.  If symmetry equivalent atoms must be
265treated in separate regions then the symmetry must be lowered (or
266completely switched off).
268\section{Molecular orbital files}
270The \verb+VECTORS+ directive in the ONIOM block is different to that
271elsewhere in NWChem.  For each of the necessary combinations of theory
272and geometry you can specify a different file for the molecular
273orbitals.  By default each combination will store the MO vectors in
274the permanent directory using a file name created by appending to the
275name of the calculation the following string
277\item low-real  --- \verb+".lrmos"+
278\item low-inter --- \verb+".limos"+
279\item low-model --- \verb+".lmmos"+
280\item medium-inter --- \verb+".mimos"+
281\item medium-model --- \verb+".mmmos"+
282\item high-model --- \verb+".hmmos"+
284Each calculation will utilize the appropriate vectors which is more
285efficient during geometry optimizations and frequency calculations,
286and is also useful for the initial calculation.  In the absence of
287existing MO vectors files, the default atomic guess is used (see
288Section \ref{sec:vectors}).
290If special measures must be taken to converge the initial SCF, DFT or
291MCSCF calculation for one or more of the systems, then initial vectors
292may be saved in a file with the default name, or another name may be
293specified using the \verb+VECTORS+ directive.  Note that subsequent
294vectors (e.g., from a geometry optimization) will be written back to
295this file, so take a copy if you wish to preserve it.
296To generate the initial guess for the model or intermediate systems
297it is necessary to generate the geometries which is most readily
298done, if there are link atoms, by just running NWChem on the
299input for the ONIOM calculation on your workstation.  It will
300print these geometries before starting any calculations which
301you can then terminate.
303E.g., in a calculation on Fe(III) surrounded by some ligands, it is
304hard to converge the full (real) system from the atomic guess so as to
305obtain a $d^5$ configuration for the iron atom since the $d$ orbitals
306are often nominally lower in energy than some of the ligand orbitals.
307The most effective mechanism is to converge the isolated Fe(III) and
308then to use the fragment guess (see Section \ref{sec:fragguess}) as a
309starting guess for the real system.  The resulting converged molecular
310orbitals can be saved either with the default name (as described above
311in this section), in which case no additional input is necessary.  If
312an alternative name is desired, then the \verb+VECTORS+ directive may
313be used as follows
315    vectors low-real /u/rjh/jobs/fe_ether_water.mos
320Restart of ONIOM calculations does not currently work as smoothly as
321we would like.  For geometry optimizations that terminated gracefully
322by running out of iterations, the restart will work as normal.
323Otherwise, specify in the input of the restart job the last geometry
324of the optimization.  The Hessian information will be reused and the
325calculation should proceed losing at most the cost of one ONIOM
326gradient evaluation.  For energy or frequency calculations, restart
327may not currently be possible.
331\subsection{Hydrocarbon bond energy}
334A simple two-layer model changing just the wavefunction with one
335link atom.
337This reproduces the two-layer ONIOM (MP2:HF) result from Dapprich et
338al.\ for the reaction $R-CH_3 = R-CH_2 + H$ with $R=CH_3$ using $CH_4$
339as the model .  The geometries of $R-CH_3$ and $R-CH_2$ are optimized
340at the DFT-B3LYP/6-311++G** level of theory, and then ONIOM is used to
341compute the binding energy using UMP2 for the model system and HF for
342the real system.  The results, including MP2 calculations on the full
343system for comparison, are as given in Table \ref{tab:oniom1}
348 Theory &   Me-CH2   &   Me-Me   &   H       & De(Hartree)&  De(kcal/mol) \\ \hline
349 B3LYP  &  -79.185062& -79.856575&  -0.502256&  0.169257 &   106.2 \\
350 HF     &  -78.620141& -79.251701&  -0.499817&  0.131741 &    82.7 \\
351 MP2    &  -78.904716& -79.571654&  -0.499817&  0.167120 &   104.9 \\
352 MP2:HF &  -78.755223& -79.422559&  -0.499817&  0.167518 &   105.1 \\ \hline
354\caption{\label{tab:oniom1} Energies for ONIOM example 1, hydrocarbon bond energy using MP2:HF two-layer model.}
358The following input first performs a calculation on $CH_3-CH_2$, and then
359on $CH_3-CH_3$.  Note that in the second calculation we cannot use the
360full symmetry since we are breaking the C-C bond in forming the model
361system (the non-equivalence of the methyl groups is perhaps more
362apparent if we write $R-CH_3$).
365    start
367    basis spherical
368      H library 6-311++G**; C library 6-311++G**
369    end
371    title "ONIOM Me-CH2"
373    geometry autosym
374      H    -0.23429328     1.32498565     0.92634814
375      H    -0.23429328     1.32498565    -0.92634814
376      C    -0.13064265     0.77330370     0.00000000
377      H    -1.01618703    -1.19260361     0.00000000
378      H     0.49856072    -1.08196901    -0.88665533
379      H     0.49856072    -1.08196901     0.88665533
380      C    -0.02434414    -0.71063687     0.00000000
381    end
383    scf; uhf; doublet; thresh 1e-6; end
384    mp2; freeze atomic; end
386    oniom
387      high mp2
388      low  scf
389      model 3   3 7 0.724
390    end
392    task oniom
394    title "ONIOM Me-Me"
396    geometry   # Note cannot use full D3D symmetry here
397      H   -0.72023641     0.72023641    -1.16373235
398      H    0.98386124     0.26362482    -1.16373235
399      H   -0.26362482    -0.98386124    -1.16373235
400      C    0.00000000     0.00000000    -0.76537515
401      H    0.72023641    -0.72023641     1.16373235
402      H   -0.98386124    -0.26362482     1.16373235
403      H    0.26362482     0.98386124     1.16373235
404      C    0.00000000     0.00000000     0.76537515
405    end
407    scf; rhf; singlet; end
409    oniom
410      high mp2
411      low  scf
412      model 4   4 8 0.724
413    end
415    task oniom
418\subsection{Optimization and frequencies}
420A two-layer model including modification of theory, basis, ECP and
421total charge and no link atoms.
423This input reproduces the ONIOM optimization and vibrational frequency
424calculation of $Rh(CO)_2Cp$ of Dapprich et al.  The model system is
425$Rh(CO)_2^+$.  The low theory is the Gaussian LANL2MB model (Hay-Wadt
426n+1 ECP with minimal basis on Rh, STO-3G on others) with SCF.  The
427high theory is the Gaussian LANL2DZ model (another Hay-Wadt ECP with a
428DZ basis set on Rh, Dunning split valence on the other atoms) with
429DFT/B3LYP.  Note that different names should be used for the basis set
430and ECP since the same mechanism is used to store them in the
434    start
436    ecp LANL2DZ_ECP
437      rh library LANL2DZ_ECP
438    end
440    basis LANL2DZ spherical
441      rh library LANL2DZ_ECP
442      o library SV_(Dunning-Hay); c library SV_(Dunning-Hay); h library SV_(Dunning-Hay)
443    end
445    ecp Hay-Wadt_MB_(n+1)_ECP
446      rh library Hay-Wadt_MB_(n+1)_ECP
447    end
449    # This is the minimal basis used by Gaussian.  It is not the same
450    # as the one in the EMSL basis set library for this ECP.
451    basis Hay-Wadt_MB_(n+1) spherical
452      Rh s; .264600D+01 -.135541D+01; .175100D+01  .161122D+01; .571300D+00  .589381D+00
453      Rh s; .264600D+01  .456934D+00; .175100D+01 -.595199D+00; .571300D+00 -.342127D+00
454            .143800D+00  .410138D+00; .428000D-01  .780486D+00
455      Rh p; .544000D+01 -.987699D-01; .132900D+01  .743359D+00; .484500D+00  .366846D+00
456      Rh p; .659500D+00 -.370046D-01; .869000D-01  .452364D+00; .257000D-01  .653822D+00
457      Rh d; .366900D+01  .670480D-01; .142300D+01  .455084D+00; .509100D+00  .479584D+00
458            .161000D+00  .233826D+00
459      o  library sto-3g; c  library sto-3g; h  library sto-3g
460    end
462    charge 0
463    geometry autosym
464      rh       0.00445705    -0.15119674     0.00000000
465      c       -0.01380554    -1.45254070     1.35171818
466      c       -0.01380554    -1.45254070    -1.35171818
467      o       -0.01805883    -2.26420212     2.20818932
468      o       -0.01805883    -2.26420212    -2.20818932
469      c        1.23209566     1.89314720     0.00000000
470      c        0.37739392     1.84262319    -1.15286640
471      c       -1.01479160     1.93086461    -0.70666350
472      c       -1.01479160     1.93086461     0.70666350
473      c        0.37739392     1.84262319     1.15286640
474      h        2.31251453     1.89903673     0.00000000
475      h        0.70378132     1.86131979    -2.18414218
476      h       -1.88154273     1.96919306    -1.35203550
477      h       -1.88154273     1.96919306     1.35203550
478      h        0.70378132     1.86131979     2.18414218
479    end
481    dft; grid fine; convergence gradient 1e-6 density 1e-6; xc b3lyp; end
482    scf; thresh 1e-6; end
484    oniom
485      low scf basis Hay-Wadt_MB_(n+1) ecp  Hay-Wadt_MB_(n+1)_ECP
486      high dft basis LANL2DZ ecp LANL2DZ_ECP
487      model 5 charge 1
488      print low
489    end
491    task oniom optimize
492    task oniom freq
495\subsection{A three-layer example}
498A three layer example combining CCSD(T), and MP2 with two different
499quality basis sets, and using multiple link atoms.
501The full system is tetra-dimethyl-amino-ethylene (TAME) or
502(N(Me)2)2-C=C-(N(Me)2)2.  The intermediate system is (NH2)2-C=C-(NH2)2
503and H2C=CH2 is the model system.  CCSD(T)+aug-cc-pvtz is used for the
504model region, MP2+aug-cc-pvtz for the intermediate region, and
505MP2+aug-cc-pvdz for everything.
507In the real geometry the first two atoms (C, C) are the model system
508(link atoms will be added automatically).  The first six atoms (C, C,
509N, N, N, N) describe the intermediate system (again with link atoms to
510be added automatically).  The atoms have been numbered using comments
511to make the bonding input easier to generate.
513To make the model system, four C-N bonds are broken between the
514ethylene fragment and the dimethyl-amino groups and replaced with C-H
515bonds.  To make the intermediate system, eight C-N bonds are broken
516between the nitrogens and the methyl groups and replaced with N-H
517bonds.  The scaling factor could be chosen differently for each of the
521    start
523    geometry
524      C  0.40337795 -0.17516305 -0.51505208  # 1
525      C -0.40328664  0.17555927  0.51466084  # 2
526      N  1.87154979 -0.17516305 -0.51505208  # 3
527      N -0.18694782 -0.60488524 -1.79258692  # 4
528      N  0.18692927  0.60488318  1.79247594  # 5
529      N -1.87148219  0.17564718  0.51496494  # 6
530      C  2.46636552  1.18039452 -0.51505208  # 7
531      C  2.48067731 -1.10425355  0.46161675  # 8
532      C -2.46642715 -1.17982091  0.51473105  # 9
533      C -2.48054940  1.10495864 -0.46156202  # 10
534      C  0.30027136  0.14582197 -2.97072148  # 11
535      C -0.14245927 -2.07576980 -1.96730852  # 12
536      C -0.29948109 -0.14689874  2.97021079  # 13
537      C  0.14140463  2.07558249  1.96815181  # 14
538      H  0.78955302  2.52533887  1.19760764
539      H -0.86543435  2.50958894  1.88075113
540      ... and 22 other hydrogen atoms on the methyl groups
541    end
543    basis aug-cc-pvtz spherical
544      C library aug-cc-pvtz; H library aug-cc-pvtz
545    end
547    basis aug-cc-pvdz spherical
548      C library aug-cc-pvtz; H library aug-cc-pvtz
549    end
551    oniom
552      high ccsd(t) basis aug-cc-pvtz
553      medium mp2 basis aug-cc-pvtz
554      low mp2 basis aug-cc-pvdz
555      model 2   1 3  0.87   1 4  0.87   2 5  0.87   2 6  0.87
557      inter 6   3 7  0.69   3 8  0.69   4 11 0.69   4 12 0.69 \
558                5 13 0.69   5 14 0.69   6 9  0.69   6 10 0.69
559    end
561    task oniom
564\subsection{DFT with and without charge fitting}
566Demonstrates use of general input strings.
568A two-layer model for anthracene (a linear chain of three fused benzene
569rings) using benzene as the model system.  The high-level theory is
570DFT/B3LYP/TZVP with exact Coulomb. The low level is DFT/LDA/DZVP2 with
571charge fitting.
573Note the following.
575\item The semi-colons and quotation marks inside the input string must be
576quoted with backslash.
577\item The low level of theory sets the fitting basis set and the high level of
578theory unsets it.
582    start
583    geometry
584      symmetry d2h
585      C    0.71237329    -1.21458940     0.0
586      C   -0.71237329    -1.21458940     0.0
587      C    0.71237329     1.21458940     0.0
588      C   -0.71237329     1.21458940     0.0
589      C   -1.39414269     0.00000000     0.0
590      C    1.39414269     0.00000000     0.0
591      H   -2.47680865     0.00000000     0.0
592      H    2.47680865     0.00000000     0.0
593      C    1.40340535    -2.48997027     0.0
594      C   -1.40340535    -2.48997027     0.0
595      C    1.40340535     2.48997027     0.0
596      C   -1.40340535     2.48997027     0.0
597      C    0.72211503     3.64518615     0.0
598      C   -0.72211503     3.64518615     0.0
599      C    0.72211503    -3.64518615     0.0
600      C   -0.72211503    -3.64518615     0.0
601      H    2.48612947     2.48094825     0.0
602      H    1.24157357     4.59507342     0.0
603      H   -1.24157357     4.59507342     0.0
604      H   -2.48612947     2.48094825     0.0
605      H    2.48612947    -2.48094825     0.0
606      H    1.24157357    -4.59507342     0.0
607      H   -1.24157357    -4.59507342     0.0
608      H   -2.48612947    -2.48094825     0.0
609    end
611    basis small
612      h library DZVP_(DFT_Orbital)
613      c library DZVP_(DFT_Orbital)
614    end
616    basis fitting
617      h library DGauss_A1_DFT_Coulomb_Fitting
618      c library DGauss_A1_DFT_Coulomb_Fitting
619    end
621    basis big
622      h library TZVP_(DFT_Orbital)
623      c library TZVP_(DFT_Orbital)
624    end
626    oniom
627      model 8   1 9 0.75   2 10 0.75   3 11 0.75   4 12 0.75
628      high dft basis big   input "unset \"cd basis\"\; dft\; xc b3lyp\; end"
629      low  dft basis small input "set \"cd basis\" fitting\; dft\; xc\; end"
630    end
632    task oniom