2% $Id$
5All methods which include treatment of relativistic effects are ultimately
6based on the Dirac equation, which has a four component wave function. The
7solutions to the Dirac equation describe both positrons (the ``negative
8energy'' states) and electrons (the ``positive energy'' states), as well as
9both spin orientations, hence the four components. The wave function may be
10broken down into two-component functions traditionally known as the large
11and small components; these may further be broken down into the spin
14The implementation of approximate all-electron relativistic methods in
15quantum chemical codes requires the removal of the negative energy states
16and the factoring out of the spin-free terms. Both of these may be achieved
17using a transformation of the Dirac Hamiltonian known in general as a
18Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation. Unfortunately this transformation cannot be
19represented in closed form for a general potential, and must be
20approximated.  One popular approach is that originally formulated by Douglas
21and Kroll\footnote{M.~Douglas and N.~M.~Kroll, Ann. Phys. (N.Y.)  {\bf 82},
2289 (1974)} and developed by Hess\footnote{B.A.~Hess, Phys.~Rev.~A~{\bf 32},
23756 (1985); {\bf 33}, 3742 (1986)}. This approach decouples the positive and
24negative energy parts to second order in the external potential (and also
25fourth order in the fine structure constant, $\alpha$). Other approaches include
26the Zeroth Order Regular Approximation (ZORA)\footnote{C.~Chang, M.~Pelissier,
27M.~Durand, Physica Scripta ~{\bf 34}, 294 (1986); E.~van Lenthe, ~{\it The ZORA Equation},
28doctoral thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (1996); S.~Faas, J.G.~Snijders,
29J.H.~van Lenthe, E.~van Lenthe, and E.J.~Baerends, Chem.~Phys.~ Lett.~{\bf 246}, 632 (1995).}
30and modification of the Dirac equation by Dyall\footnote{K.~G.~Dyall,
31J.~Chem.~Phys.~{\bf 100}, 2118 (1994)}, and involves an exact FW
32transformation on the atomic basis set level\footnote{K.~G.~Dyall,
33J.~Chem.~Phys.~{\bf 106}, 9618 (1997); K.~G.~Dyall and T.~Enevoldsen,
34J.~Chem.~Phys.~{\bf 111}, 10000 (1999).}.
36Since these approximations only modify the integrals, they can in principle
37be used at all levels of theory. At present the Douglas-Kroll and ZORA
38implementations can be used at all levels of theory whereas
39Dyall's approach is currently available at the Hartree-Fock level.
40The derivatives have been implemented, allowing both methods to be used in
41geometry optimizations and frequency calculations.
43The \verb+RELATIVISTIC+ directive provides input for the implemented relativistic
44approximations and is a compound directive that encloses additional directives
45specific to the approximations:
48   [DOUGLAS-KROLL [<string (ON||OFF) default ON> \
49                 <string (FPP||DKH||DKFULL||DK3||DK3FULL) default DKH>]  ||
50    ZORA [ (ON || OFF) default ON ] ||
51    DYALL-MOD-DIRAC [ (ON || OFF) default ON ]
52                  [ (NESC1E || NESC2E) default NESC1E ] ]
53   [CLIGHT <real clight default 137.0359895>]
54  END
57Only one of the methods may be chosen at a time.  If both methods are found
58to be on in the input block, NWChem will stop and print an error message.
59There is one general option for both methods, the definition of the speed
60of light in atomic units:
63  CLIGHT <real clight default 137.0359895>
66The following sections describe the optional sub-directives that
67can be specified within the \verb+RELATIVISTIC+ block.
69\section{Douglas-Kroll approximation}
72The spin-free and spin-orbit one-electron Douglas-Kroll
73approximation have been implemented. The use of relativistic effects
74from this Douglas-Kroll approximation can be invoked by specifying:
77  DOUGLAS-KROLL [<string (ON||OFF) default ON> \
78                 <string (FPP||DKH||DKFULL|DK3|DK3FULL) default DKH>]
81The \verb+ON|OFF+ string is used to turn on or off the
82Douglas-Kroll approximation.  By default, if the \verb+DOUGLAS-KROLL+
83keyword is found, the approximation will be used in the calculation.
84If the user wishes to calculate a non-relativistic quantity after turning
85on Douglas-Kroll, the user will need to define a new \verb+RELATIVISTIC+
86block and turn the approximation \verb+OFF+.  The user could also simply
87put a blank \verb+RELATIVISTIC+ block in the input file and all options
88will be turned off.
90The \verb+FPP+ is the approximation based on free-particle projection
91operators\footnote{B.A.~Hess, Phys.~Rev.~A~{\bf 32}, 756 (1985)} whereas the
92\verb+DKH+ and \verb+DKFULL+ approximations are based on external-field
93projection operators\footnote{B.A.~Hess, Phys.~Rev.~A~{\bf 33}, 3742 (1986)}.
94The latter two are considerably better approximations than the former. \verb+DKH+
95is the Douglas-Kroll-Hess approach and is the approach that is generally
96implemented in quantum chemistry codes. \verb+DKFULL+ includes certain
97cross-product integral terms ignored in the \verb+DKH+ approach (see for example
98H\"{a}berlen and R\"{o}sch\footnote{O.D.~H\"{a}berlen, N.~R\"{o}sch,
99Chem.~Phys.~Lett.~{\bf 199}, 491 (1992)}). The third-order Douglas-Kroll
100approximation has been implemented by T. Nakajima and K. Hirao\footnote{T. Nakajima
101and K. Hirao, Chem.~Phys.~Lett.~{\bf 329}, 5111 (2000); T. Nakajima and K. Hirao,
102J.~Chem.~Phys.~{\bf 113}, 7786 (2000)}. This approximation can be called using
103\verb+DK3+ (DK3 without cross-product integral terms) or \verb+DK3FULL+ (DK3 with
104cross-product integral terms).
106The contracted basis sets used in the calculations should reflect the relativistic
107effects, i.e. one should use contracted basis sets which were generated using the
108Douglas-Kroll Hamiltonian. Basis sets that were contracted using the
109non-relativistic (Sch\"{o}dinger) Hamiltonian WILL PRODUCE ERRONEOUS RESULTS for
110elements beyond the first row. See appendix \ref{sec:knownbasis} for available
111basis sets and their naming convention.
113NOTE: we suggest that spherical basis sets are used in the calculation. The use of
114high quality cartesian basis sets can lead to numerical inaccuracies.
116In order to compute the integrals needed for the Douglas-Kroll approximation
117the implementation makes use of a fitting basis set (see literature given
118above for details). The current code will create this fitting basis set
119based on the given {\tt "ao basis"} by simply uncontracting that basis. This
120again is what is commonly implemented in quantum chemistry codes that
121include the Douglas-Kroll method.  Additional flexibility is available to
122the user by explicitly specifying a Douglas-Kroll fitting basis
123set. This basis set must be named {\tt "D-K basis"} (see Chapter
126\section{Zeroth Order regular approximation (ZORA)}
129The spin-free and spin-orbit one-electron zeroth-order regular approximation (ZORA)
130have been implemented. The use of relativistic effects with ZORA
131can be invoked by specifying:
134  ZORA [<string (ON||OFF) default ON>
137The \verb+ON|OFF+ string is used to turn on or off ZORA.
138By default, if the \verb+ZORA+ keyword is found, the approximation
139will be used in the calculation. If the user wishes to calculate
140a non-relativistic quantity after turning on ZORA, the user
141will need to define a new \verb+RELATIVISTIC+ block and turn
142the approximation \verb+OFF+.  The user can also simply put
143a blank \verb+RELATIVISTIC+ block in the input file and all options
144will be turned off.
146\section{Dyall's Modified Dirac Hamitonian approximation}
149The approximate methods described in this section are all based on Dyall's
150modified Dirac Hamiltonian. This Hamiltonian is entirely equivalent to the
151original Dirac Hamiltonian, and its solutions have the same properties.
152The modification is achieved by a transformation on the small component,
153extracting out \hbox{$\sigma\cdot{\bf p}/2mc$}. This gives the modified small
154component the same symmetry as the large component, and in fact it differs
155from the large component only at order $\alpha^2$.  The advantage of the
156modification is that the operators now resemble the operators of the
157Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian, and can be classified in a similar fashion into
158spin-free, spin-orbit and spin-spin terms. It is the spin-free terms which
159have been implemented in NWChem, with a number of further approximations.
161The first is that the negative energy states are removed by a normalized
162elimination of the small component (NESC), which is equivalent to an exact
163Foldy-Wouthuysen (EFW) transformation. The number of components in the wave
164function is thereby effectively reduced from 4 to 2. NESC on its own does
165not provide any advantages, and in fact complicates things because the
166transformation is energy-dependent. The second approximation therefore
167performs the elimination on an atom-by-atom basis, which is equivalent to
168neglecting blocks which couple different atoms in the EFW transformation.
169The advantage of this approximation is that all the energy dependence can be
170included in the contraction coefficients of the basis set.  The tests which
171have been done show that this approximation gives results well within
172chemical accuracy. The third approximation neglects the commutator of the
173EFW transformation with the two-electron Coulomb interaction, so that the
174only corrections that need to be made are in the one-electron integrals.
175This is the equivalent of the Douglas-Kroll(-Hess) approximation as it is
176usually applied.
178The use of these approximations can be invoked with the use of the
179\verb+DYALL-MOD-DIRAC+ directive in the \verb+RELATIVISTIC+ directive block.
180The syntax is as follows.
183  DYALL-MOD-DIRAC [ (ON || OFF) default ON ]
184                  [ (NESC1E || NESC2E) default NESC1E ]
187The \verb+ON|OFF+ string is used to turn on or off the
188Dyall's modified Dirac approximation. By default, if the \verb+DYALL-MOD-DIRAC+
189keyword is found, the approximation will be used in the calculation.
190If the user wishes to calculate a non-relativistic quantity after turning
191on Dyall's modified Dirac, the user will need to define a new
193block and turn the approximation \verb+OFF+.  The user could also simply
194put a blank \verb+RELATIVISTIC+ block in the input file and all options
195will be turned off.
197Both one- and two-electron approximations are available
198\verb+NESC1E || NESC2E+, and both have
199analytic gradients. The one-electron approximation is the default.
200The two-electron approximation specified by \verb+NESC2E+ has some sub
201options which are placed on the same logical line as the
202\verb+DYALL-MOD-DIRAC+ directive, with the following syntax:
205  NESC2E [ (SS1CENT [ (ON || OFF) default ON ] || SSALL) default SSALL ]
206         [ (SSSS [ (ON || OFF) default ON ] || NOSSSS) default SSSS ]
209The first sub-option gives the capability to limit the two-electron
210corrections to those in which the small components in any density must be on
211the same center.  This reduces the $(LL|SS)$ contributions to at most
212three-center integrals and the $(SS|SS)$ contributions to two centers. For a
213case with only one relativistic atom this option is redundant. The second
214controls the inclusion of the $(SS|SS)$ integrals which are of order
215$\alpha^4$. For light atoms they may safely be neglected, but for heavy
216atoms they should be included.
218In addition to the selection of this keyword in the \verb+RELATIVISTIC+
219directive block, it is necessary to supply basis sets in addition to the
220\verb+ao basis+. For the one-electron approximation, three basis sets are
221needed: the atomic FW basis set, the large component basis set and the small
222component basis set. The atomic FW basis set should be included in the
223\verb+ao basis+.
224The large and small components should similarly be incorporated
225in basis sets named \verb+large component+ and \verb+small component+,
226respectively. For the two-electron approximation, only two basis sets are
227needed. These are the large component and the small component. The large component
228should be included in the \verb+ao basis+ and the small component
229is specified separately as \verb+small component+, as for the one-electron
230approximation. This means that the two approximations can {\it not} be run
231correctly without changing the \verb+ao basis+, and it is up to the user to
232ensure that the basis sets are correctly specified.
234There is one further requirement in the specification of the basis sets. In
235the \verb+ao basis+, it is necessary to add the \verb+rel+ keyword either to the
236\verb+basis+ directive or the library tag line (See below for examples).
237The former marks the basis
238functions specified by the tag as relativistic, the latter marks the whole
239basis as relativistic. The marking is actually done at the unique shell
240level, so that it is possible not only to have relativistic and
241nonrelativistic atoms, it is also possible to have relativistic and
242nonrelativistic shells on a given atom. This would be useful, for example,
243for diffuse functions or for high angular momentum correlating functions,
244where the influence of relativity was small. The marking of shells as
245relativistic is necessary to set up a mapping between the ao basis and the
246large and/or small component basis sets. For the one-electron approximation
247the large and small component basis sets MUST be of the same size and
248construction, i.e. differing only in the contraction coefficients.
250It should also be noted that the relativistic code will NOT work with basis
251sets that contain sp shells, nor will it work with ECPs. Both of these are
252tested and flagged as an error.
254Some examples follow. The first example sets up the data for relativistic
255calculations on water with the one-electron approximation and the
256two-electron approximation, using the library basis sets.
259  start h2o-dmd
261  geometry units bohr
262  symmetry c2v
263    O       0.000000000    0.000000000   -0.009000000
264    H       1.515260000    0.000000000   -1.058900000
265    H      -1.515260000    0.000000000   -1.058900000
266  end
268  basis "fw" rel
269    oxygen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_fw
270    hydrogen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_fw
271  end
273  basis "large"
274    oxygen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_lc
275    hydrogen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_lc
276  end
278  basis "large2" rel
279    oxygen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_lc
280    hydrogen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_lc
281  end
283  basis "small"
284    oxygen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_sc
285    hydrogen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_sc
286  end
288  set "ao basis" fw
289  set "large component" large
290  set "small component" small
292  relativistic
293    dyall-mod-dirac
294  end
296  task scf
298  set "ao basis" large2
299  unset "large component"
300  set "small component" small
302  relativistic
303    dyall-mod-dirac nesc2e
304  end
306  task scf
309The second example has oxygen as a relativistic atom and hydrogen nonrelativistic.
312  start h2o-dmd2
314  geometry units bohr
315  symmetry c2v
316    O       0.000000000    0.000000000   -0.009000000
317    H       1.515260000    0.000000000   -1.058900000
318    H      -1.515260000    0.000000000   -1.058900000
319  end
321  basis "ao basis"
322    oxygen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_fw rel
323    hydrogen library cc-pvdz
324  end
326  basis "large component"
327    oxygen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_lc
328  end
330  basis "small component"
331    oxygen library cc-pvdz_pt_sf_sc
332  end
334  relativistic
335    dyall-mod-dirac
336  end
338  task scf