1C> \ingroup task
2C> @{
3      logical function task_ecp_deriv_check(rtdb)
4      implicit none
5#include "errquit.fh"
6* $Id$
8#include "stdio.fh"
9#include "mafdecls.fh"
10#include "geom.fh"
11#include "bas.fh"
13      logical int_normalize, raktask25_a
14      external int_normalize, raktask25_a
16      integer rtdb
18      logical status
19      integer basis, geom
20      integer nbf, nat, nshell
21      integer maxg1, maxs1
22      integer hbuf, hbufp, hbufm, hscr, hg, hfd, hxyz
23      integer kbuf, kbufp, kbufm, kscr, kg, kfd, kxyz
24      integer hbufpp, hbufmm, hbuf3
25      integer kbufpp, kbufmm, kbuf3
27      task_ecp_deriv_check = .false.
30      if (.not.geom_create(geom,'geometry')) call errquit
31     &    ('geom create failed',911, GEOM_ERR)
32      if (.not.geom_rtdb_load(rtdb,geom,'geometry')) call errquit
33     &    ('geom_rtdb_load failed',911, RTDB_ERR)
35      if (.not.bas_create(basis,'ao basis')) call errquit
36     &    ('bas_create failed',911, BASIS_ERR)
37      if (.not.bas_rtdb_load(rtdb,geom,basis,'ao basis')) call errquit
38     &    ('bas_rtdb_load failed',911, RTDB_ERR)
40      write(6,*)' geom/basis loaded'
42      if (.not.int_normalize(rtdb,basis)) stop ' norm error 1'
44      if (.not. bas_print(basis))
45     $    call errquit(' basis print failed', 0, BASIS_ERR)
47      if (.not.bas_numbf(basis,nbf)) call errquit
48     &    ('numbf failed',911, BASIS_ERR)
49      if (.not.bas_numcont(basis,nshell)) call errquit
50     &    ('numcont failed',911, BASIS_ERR)
52      if (.not.geom_ncent(geom,nat)) stop 'geom_ncent fe'
53      write(6,*) 'number of atoms ', nat
55      call intd_init(rtdb, 1, basis)
56      call int_mem_1e(maxg1, maxs1)
57      write(luout,*)' maxg1 = ',maxg1
58      write(luout,*)' maxs1 = ',maxs1
59      maxs1 = max(maxs1,(nbf*nbf*3*nat))
60      write(luout,*)' maxs1 = ',maxs1, ' after max for copy '
61      status = .true.
62      status = status .and.
63     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,maxg1,'int buffer' ,hbuf,kbuf)
64      status = status .and.
65     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,maxg1,'int buffer' ,hbuf3,kbuf3)
66      status = status .and.
67     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,maxg1,'int buffer(+)' ,hbufp,kbufp)
68      status = status .and.
69     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,maxg1,'int buffer(2+)' ,hbufpp,kbufpp)
70      status = status .and.
71     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,maxg1,'int buffer(-)' ,hbufm,kbufm)
72      status = status .and.
73     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,maxg1,'int buffer(2-)' ,hbufmm,kbufmm)
74      status = status .and.
75     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,maxs1,'scr buffer' ,hscr,kscr)
76      status = status .and.
77     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,(nbf*nbf*3*nat),'grad' ,hg,kg)
78      status = status .and.
79     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,(nbf*nbf*3*nat),
80     &    'finite difference grad' ,hfd,kfd)
81      status = status .and.
82     &    ma_alloc_get(mt_dbl,3*nat,'my coords',hxyz,kxyz)
83      if (.not.status) stop ' memory failed rak25 '
84      call intd_terminate()
85      task_ecp_deriv_check = raktask25_a(rtdb,
86     &    geom, basis, nbf, nat, nshell, maxg1, maxs1,
87     &    dbl_mb(kg), dbl_mb(kfd),
88     &    dbl_mb(kbuf),
89     &    dbl_mb(kbuf3),
90     &    dbl_mb(kscr),
91     &    dbl_mb(kbufp),
92     &    dbl_mb(kbufm),
93     &    dbl_mb(kbufpp),
94     &    dbl_mb(kbufmm),
95     &    dbl_mb(kxyz))
96      status = .true.
97      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hg)
98      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hfd)
99      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hbuf)
100      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hbuf3)
101      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hscr)
102      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hbufp)
103      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hbufm)
104      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hbufpp)
105      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hbufmm)
106      status = status.and.ma_free_heap(hxyz)
107      status = status.and.bas_destroy(basis)
108      status = status.and.geom_destroy(geom)
109      task_ecp_deriv_check = task_ecp_deriv_check.and.status
110      end
111C> @}
112      logical function raktask25_a(rtdb,
113     &    geom, basis, nbf, nat, nshell,
114     &    sizeg, sizescr,
115     &    grad, fdgrad, buf, buf3, scr, bufp, bufm,
116     &    bufpp, bufmm, xyz)
117      implicit none
118#include "nwc_const.fh"
119#include "mafdecls.fh"
120#include "geom.fh"
121#include "geomP.fh"
122#include "basdeclsP.fh"
123#include "basP.fh"
124#include "bas.fh"
125#include "stdio.fh"
126#include "geobasmapP.fh"
127#include "bas_exndcf_dec.fh"
128#include "bas_ibs_dec.fh"
130      logical int_ecp_init
131      external int_ecp_init
132      double precision ddot
133      external ddot
135      logical ignore
136      integer rtdb, geom, basis, nbf, nat, nshell
137      integer sizeg, sizescr, ecpid, soid
138      double precision xyz(3,nat)
139      double precision grad(nbf,nbf,3,nat)
140      double precision fdgrad(nbf,nbf,3,nat)
141      double precision buf(sizeg), buf3(sizeg)
142      double precision bufp(sizeg), bufm(sizeg)
143      double precision bufpp(sizeg), bufmm(sizeg)
144      double precision scr(sizescr)
146      double precision thresh, delta, factor, norm
147      double precision asum, fdsum
148      integer xbas, xsize
149      integer ii_np, ii_gen, ii_exp, ii_cf, ii_type, ii_atom
150      integer jj_np, jj_gen, jj_exp, jj_cf, jj_type, jj_atom
151      integer ishell, ilo, ihi, nbfshi
152      integer jshell, jlo, jhi, nbfshj
153      integer nbfsh, ucont
154      integer atom, ixyz, cnt, i, j
155      integer nat3, nshell_use
157#include "bas_exndcf_sfn.fh"
158#include "bas_ibs_sfn.fh"
160      call intd_init(rtdb,1,basis)
162      nat3 = 3*nat
163      call dfill((3*nat),0.0d00,xyz,1)
164      call dfill((nbf*nbf*3*nat),0.0d00,grad,1)
165      call dfill((nbf*nbf*3*nat),0.0d00,fdgrad,1)
166      call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,buf,1)
167      call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufp,1)
168      call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufm,1)
169      call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufpp,1)
170      call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufmm,1)
171      call dfill(sizescr,0.0d00,scr,1)
172* store original coordintates
173*      write(6,*)' original coordinates '
174*      if (.not.geom_print(geom)) stop ' gp error'
175      call dcopy(nat3,coords(1,1,geom),1,xyz,1)
177      ignore = bas_get_ecp_handle(basis,ecpid)
178      write(6,*)' ecp id ',ecpid
179      soid = 0
180      thresh = 1.0d-09
181      delta = 0.0025d00
182      write(6,*)' delta =',delta
183      xbas = basis + BASIS_HANDLE_OFFSET
185      nshell_use = nshell
186*      nshell_use = 1
187      do ishell = 1, nshell_use
188        write(6,*)' fd: ishell = ',ishell,' of ',nshell_use
189        call util_flush(6)
190        if (.not.bas_cn2bfr(basis,ishell,ilo,ihi))
191     &      stop 'cn2bfr error i'
192        nbfshi = ihi - ilo + 1
193        ucont = (sf_ibs_cn2ucn(ishell,xbas))
194        ii_np   = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,ucont,xbas)
195        ii_gen  = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN,ucont,xbas)
196        ii_exp  = infbs_cont(CONT_IEXP,ucont,xbas)
197        ii_cf   = infbs_cont(CONT_ICFP,ucont,xbas)
198        ii_type = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE,ucont,xbas)
199        ii_atom = (sf_ibs_cn2ce(ishell,xbas))
200        do jshell = 1, ishell
201          if (.not.bas_cn2bfr(basis,jshell,jlo,jhi))
202     &        stop 'cn2bfr error j'
203          nbfshj = jhi - jlo + 1
204          nbfsh = nbfshi*nbfshj
205*          write(6,*)' fd:     jshell = ',jshell,' size =',nbfsh
206          ucont = (sf_ibs_cn2ucn(jshell,xbas))
207          jj_np   = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,ucont,xbas)
208          jj_gen  = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN,ucont,xbas)
209          jj_exp  = infbs_cont(CONT_IEXP,ucont,xbas)
210          jj_cf   = infbs_cont(CONT_ICFP,ucont,xbas)
211          jj_type = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE,ucont,xbas)
212          jj_atom = (sf_ibs_cn2ce(jshell,xbas))
213          do atom = 1,nat
214            do ixyz = 1,3
215              call dcopy(nat3,xyz,1,coords(1,1,geom),1)
216              coords(ixyz,atom,geom) =
217     &              coords(ixyz,atom,geom) + delta + delta
218              call dfill(sizescr,0.0d00,scr,1)
219              call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,buf,1)
220              call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufpp,1)
222*             write(6,*)' plus ', atom, ixyz
223*              if (.not.geom_print(geom)) stop ' gp error'
224              call int_ecp_terminate()
225              ignore = int_ecp_init(ecpid, soid,1)
226              call int_ecp_hf1(
227     &            coords(1,ii_atom,geom),
228     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_exp,xbas)),
229     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_cf,xbas)),
230     &            ii_np, ii_gen, ii_type, ii_atom,
232     &            coords(1,jj_atom,geom),
233     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_exp,xbas)),
234     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_cf,xbas)),
235     &            jj_np, jj_gen, jj_type, jj_atom,
237     &            bufpp,nbfsh,scr,sizescr,.false.)
238*              if (nbfsh.eq.1) write(6,*)
239*     &            ' ',atom,' X=',ixyz,' +', bufp(1)
241              call dcopy(nat3,xyz,1,coords(1,1,geom),1)
242              coords(ixyz,atom,geom) = coords(ixyz,atom,geom) + delta
243              call dfill(sizescr,0.0d00,scr,1)
244              call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufp,1)
246*             write(6,*)' plus ', atom, ixyz
247*              if (.not.geom_print(geom)) stop ' gp error'
248              call int_ecp_terminate()
249              ignore = int_ecp_init(ecpid, soid,1)
250              call int_ecp_hf1(
251     &            coords(1,ii_atom,geom),
252     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_exp,xbas)),
253     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_cf,xbas)),
254     &            ii_np, ii_gen, ii_type, ii_atom,
256     &            coords(1,jj_atom,geom),
257     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_exp,xbas)),
258     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_cf,xbas)),
259     &            jj_np, jj_gen, jj_type, jj_atom,
261     &            bufp,nbfsh,scr,sizescr,.false.)
262*              if (nbfsh.eq.1) write(6,*)
263*     &            ' ',atom,' X=',ixyz,' +', bufp(1)
265              call dcopy(nat3,xyz,1,coords(1,1,geom),1)
266              coords(ixyz,atom,geom) = coords(ixyz,atom,geom) - delta
267              call dfill(sizescr,0.0d00,scr,1)
268              call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufm,1)
270*              write(6,*)' minus ', atom, ixyz
271*              if (.not.geom_print(geom)) stop ' gp error'
272              call int_ecp_terminate()
273              ignore = int_ecp_init(ecpid, soid,1)
274              call int_ecp_hf1(
275     &            coords(1,ii_atom,geom),
276     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_exp,xbas)),
277     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_cf,xbas)),
278     &            ii_np, ii_gen, ii_type, ii_atom,
280     &            coords(1,jj_atom,geom),
281     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_exp,xbas)),
282     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_cf,xbas)),
283     &            jj_np, jj_gen, jj_type, jj_atom,
285     &            bufm,nbfsh,scr,sizescr,.false.)
287              call dcopy(nat3,xyz,1,coords(1,1,geom),1)
288              coords(ixyz,atom,geom) =
289     &              coords(ixyz,atom,geom) - delta - delta
290              call dfill(sizescr,0.0d00,scr,1)
291              call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,bufmm,1)
293*              write(6,*)' minus ', atom, ixyz
294*              if (.not.geom_print(geom)) stop ' gp error'
295              call int_ecp_terminate()
296              ignore = int_ecp_init(ecpid, soid,1)
297              call int_ecp_hf1(
298     &            coords(1,ii_atom,geom),
299     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_exp,xbas)),
300     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_cf,xbas)),
301     &            ii_np, ii_gen, ii_type, ii_atom,
303     &            coords(1,jj_atom,geom),
304     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_exp,xbas)),
305     &            dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_cf,xbas)),
306     &            jj_np, jj_gen, jj_type, jj_atom,
308     &            bufmm,nbfsh,scr,sizescr,.false.)
309*              if (nbfsh.eq.1) write(6,*)
310*     &            ' ',atom,' X=',ixyz,' -', bufm(1)
312*.............. 3 point
313              factor = 1.0d00/(2.0d00*delta)
314              call dcopy(nbfsh,bufp,1,buf3,1)
315              call daxpy(nbfsh,-1.0d00,bufm,1,buf3,1)
316              call dscal(nbfsh,factor,buf3,1)
317*.............. 5 point
318              factor = 2.0d0/(3.0d0*delta)
319              call dscal(nbfsh,factor,bufp,1)
320              call dscal(nbfsh,factor,bufm,1)
321              factor = 1.0d00/(12.0d00*delta)
322              call dscal(nbfsh,factor,bufpp,1)
323              call dscal(nbfsh,factor,bufmm,1)
324              call dcopy(nbfsh,          bufp, 1,buf,1)
325              call daxpy(nbfsh,-1.0d00,  bufm, 1,buf,1)
326              call daxpy(nbfsh,-1.0d00, bufpp, 1,buf,1)
327              call daxpy(nbfsh, 1.0d00, bufmm, 1,buf,1)
329*              if (nbfsh.eq.1) write(6,*)
330*     &            ' ',atom,' X=',ixyz,' g', buf(1)
331              cnt = 1
332              do i = ilo,ihi
333                do j = jlo, jhi
334                  fdgrad(i,j,ixyz,atom) = buf(cnt)
335                  fdgrad(j,i,ixyz,atom) = buf(cnt)
336                    grad(i,j,ixyz,atom) = buf3(cnt)   ! grad has 3 point
337                    grad(j,i,ixyz,atom) = buf3(cnt)
338                  cnt = cnt + 1
339                enddo
340              enddo
341              if (.not.ma_verify_allocator_stuff())
342     &            stop ' ma broke 3'
343            enddo
344          enddo
345        enddo
346      enddo
347      write(6,*)' differences between 3 point and 5 point '
348      call rak25_diff(fdgrad,grad,nbf,nat)
350*      call prt25(fdgrad,nbf,nat,'fd gradient')
352      call dcopy(nat3,xyz,1,coords(1,1,geom),1)
353      call dfill((nbf*nbf*3*nat),0.0d00,grad,1)
354      call int_ecp_terminate()
355      ignore = int_ecp_init(ecpid, soid,1)
357      nshell_use = nshell
358*      nshell_use = 1
359      do ishell = 1, nshell_use
360        write(6,*)'  a: ishell = ',ishell,' of ',nshell_use
361        call util_flush(6)
362        if (.not.bas_cn2bfr(basis,ishell,ilo,ihi))
363     &      stop 'cn2bfr error i'
364        nbfshi = ihi - ilo + 1
365        ucont = (sf_ibs_cn2ucn(ishell,xbas))
366        ii_np   = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,ucont,xbas)
367        ii_gen  = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN,ucont,xbas)
368        ii_exp  = infbs_cont(CONT_IEXP,ucont,xbas)
369        ii_cf   = infbs_cont(CONT_ICFP,ucont,xbas)
370        ii_type = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE,ucont,xbas)
371        ii_atom = (sf_ibs_cn2ce(ishell,xbas))
372        do jshell = 1, ishell
373          if (.not.bas_cn2bfr(basis,jshell,jlo,jhi))
374     &        stop 'cn2bfr error j'
375          nbfshj = jhi - jlo + 1
376          nbfsh = nbfshi*nbfshj
377*          write(6,*)'  a:     jshell = ',jshell,' size =',nbfsh
378          ucont = (sf_ibs_cn2ucn(jshell,xbas))
379          jj_np   = infbs_cont(CONT_NPRIM,ucont,xbas)
380          jj_gen  = infbs_cont(CONT_NGEN,ucont,xbas)
381          jj_exp  = infbs_cont(CONT_IEXP,ucont,xbas)
382          jj_cf   = infbs_cont(CONT_ICFP,ucont,xbas)
383          jj_type = infbs_cont(CONT_TYPE,ucont,xbas)
384          jj_atom = (sf_ibs_cn2ce(jshell,xbas))
386          call dfill(sizescr,0.0d00,scr,1)
387          call dfill(sizeg,0.0d00,buf,1)
389          call intd_ecp_hf1(
390     &        coords(1,ii_atom,geom),
391     &        dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_exp,xbas)),
392     &        dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(ii_cf,xbas)),
393     &        ii_np, ii_gen, ii_type, ii_atom,
395     &        coords(1,jj_atom,geom),
396     &        dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_exp,xbas)),
397     &        dbl_mb(mb_exndcf(jj_cf,xbas)),
398     &        jj_np, jj_gen, jj_type, jj_atom,
400     &        buf,nbfsh,nat,scr,sizescr,.false.)
401          xsize = nbfsh*3*nat
402*          if (nbfsh.eq.1) then
403*            do i = 1, 3*nat
404*              write(6,*)' grad buff ',i,' ',buf(i)
405*            enddo
406*          endif
407          cnt = 1
408          do atom=1,nat
409            do ixyz = 1,3
410              do i = ilo, ihi
411                do j = jlo, jhi
412                  grad(i,j,ixyz,atom) = buf(cnt)
413                  grad(j,i,ixyz,atom) = buf(cnt)
414                  cnt = cnt + 1
415                enddo
416              enddo
417            enddo
418          enddo
420        enddo
421      enddo
424*      call prt25(grad,nbf,nat,'   gradient')
426      xsize = nbf*nbf*3*nat
427      do i = 1,nbf
428        do j = 1,i
429          asum = 0.0d00
430          fdsum = 0.0d00
431          do atom = 1,nat
432            do ixyz = 1,3
433              asum = asum + grad(i,j,ixyz,atom)
434              fdsum = fdsum + fdgrad(i,j,ixyz,atom)
435            enddo
436          enddo
437          if ((abs(asum).gt.1.0d-06).or.(abs(fdsum).gt.1.0d-06))
438     &        write(6,*)i,j,asum,fdsum
439        enddo
440      enddo
442      xsize = nbf*nbf*3*nat
443      call dcopy(xsize,grad,1,scr,1)
444      call daxpy(xsize,-1.0d00,fdgrad,1,scr,1)
445      norm = ddot(xsize,scr,1,scr,1)
446      write(luout,*)' difference norm for ecp derivs: ',norm
447      call util_flush(luout)
449      call intd_terminate()
450      raktask25_a = norm .lt. thresh
451      if (raktask25_a) return
453      call rak25_diff(fdgrad,grad,nbf,nat)
455      end
456      subroutine prt25(g,nbf,nat,msg)
457      implicit none
458#include "stdio.fh"
459      integer nbf
460      integer nat
461      double precision g(nbf,nbf,3,nat)
462      character*(*) msg
464      double precision thresh, val
465      integer i,j,x,a
467      thresh = 1.0d-06
468      write(luout,*)'........................................   ',msg
469      do i = 1,nbf
470        do j = 1,i
471          do x = 1,3
472            do a = 1,nat
473              val = g(i,j,x,a)
474              if (abs(val).gt.thresh) then
475                write(luout,10000)i,j,x,a,val
476              endif
477            enddo
478          enddo
479        enddo
480      enddo
481      write(luout,*)
482      write(luout,*)
48310000 format(1x,'g(',4i5,') =',1pd20.10)
484      end
485      subroutine rak25_diff(fd,g,nbf,nat)
486      implicit none
487#include "stdio.fh"
488      integer nbf, nat
489      double precision fd(nbf,nbf,3,nat)
490      double precision  g(nbf,nbf,3,nat)
492      double precision aval, val, thresh
493      integer i, j, x, a, t
494      integer hgram(10)
495      double precision tt(9)
496      logical pheader
498      call ifill(10,0,hgram,1)
499      do i = 1,9
500        tt(i) = 10.0d00**(-(12-i))
501      enddo
502*      write(6,*)' tt is ', tt
503      write(luout,*)
504      write(luout,*)
505      write(luout,*)
506      pheader = .false.
507      thresh = 1.0d-05
508      do i = 1,nbf
509        do j = 1,nbf
510          do x = 1,3
511            do a = 1,nat
512              val = g(i,j,x,a) - fd(i,j,x,a)
513              aval = abs(val)
514              if (aval.lt.tt(1)) then
515                hgram(1) = hgram(1) + 1
516              else if (aval.gt.tt(9)) then
517                hgram(10) = hgram(10) + 1
518              else
519                do t = 2,9
520                  if (aval.le.tt(t).and.aval.gt.tt((t-1)))
521     &                hgram(t) = hgram(t) + 1
522                enddo
523              endif
524              if (aval.gt.thresh)then
525                if (.not.pheader) then
526                  write(luout,10000)
527                  pheader = .true.
528                endif
529                write(luout,10001)
530     &              i,j,x,a,g(i,j,x,a),fd(i,j,x,a),val
531              endif
532            enddo
533          enddo
534        enddo
535      enddo
53710010 format(1x,'Difference count <',1x,1pd8.2,18x,i10,' values')
53810011 format(1x,'Difference count <',1x,
539     &    1pd8.2,' and >',1x,1pd8.2,3x,i10,' values')
54010012 format(1x,'Difference count ',15x,'>',1x,1pd8.2,3x,i10,' values')
541      write(luout,10010)tt(1),hgram(1)
542      do i = 2,9
543        write(luout,10011) tt(i),tt(i-1),hgram(i)
544      enddo
545      write(luout,10012)tt(9),hgram(10)
546*                12345
54710000 format(1x,'   i ','   j ','   x ','   a ',3x,
548*          12345678901234567890123
549     &    '   ---- analytic ------',3x,
550     &    '   - FiniteDifference -',3x,
551     &    '   --- difference -----')
55210001 format(1x,4i5,3(3x,1pd20.10))
553      end