2C> \brief Calculate Fukui indeces
4C> Calculate Fukui indeces for open shell wavefunctions [1,2].
6C> [1] E. Chamorro, P. Pérez,
7C>     <i>"Condensed-to-atoms electronic Fukui functions within the
8C>     framework of spin-polarized density-functional theory"</i>,
9C>     J. Chem. Phys. <b>123</b>, 114107 (2005), DOI:
10C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1063/1.2033689">
11C>     10.1063/1.2033689</a>.
13C> [2] R.G. Parr, W. Yang,
14C>     <i>"Density functional approach to the frontier-electron theory
15C>     of chemical reactivity"</i>,
16C>     J. Am. Chem. Soc. <b>106</b>, 4049-4050 (1984), DOI:
17C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1021/ja00326a036">
18C>     10.1021/ja00326a036</a>.
20      Subroutine fukui(g_movecs, k_eval, tol2e, rtdb,
21     &                 nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv, IOLGC, g_wght,
22     &                 g_xyz, g_nq, wght_GA, rho_n, irdens_atom,
23     &                 icetobfr, natoms)
25c     $Id$
27      implicit none
28#include "errquit.fh"
29      integer g_dens_HOMO(2), g_dens_LUMO(2), g_orb, g_dens_ss, ik,
30     &        g_movecs(2), isp, k_eval(2), g_s,
31     &        me, l_temp_vec, i_temp_vec,
32     &        g_dens(2), noc_aux_1, noc_aux_2, noc_test
33      integer irdens_atom, icetobfr
35      integer nExc
36      integer iVxc_opt
37      integer g_xcinv, g_vxc(4), g_wght, g_xyz,g_nq
38      integer natoms
39      logical IOLGC, wght_GA
40      integer rtdb
42      double precision eig_lumo(2), eig_homo(2), jfac(4), kfac(4),
43     &                 mu_n_mas, mu_n_men, mu_n_cer, tol2e,
44     &                 mu_s_mas, mu_s_men, mu_s_cer,
45     &                 int_HaHa, int_HbHb, int_LaLa, int_LbLb,
46     &                 int_HaLb, int_LaHb, Exc(2), ecoul, rho_n,
47     &                 int_vxc_H(2), int_vxc_L(2), Exc_zero,
48     &                 Exc_pert, diff_Exc, ion_pot, ele_afi,
49     &                 high_mult, low_mult, e_orbital, e_coul,
50     &                 e_xc
52c #include "stdio.fh"
53c #include "mafdecls.fh"
54c #include "global.fh"
55c #include "util.fh"
57#include "mafdecls.fh"
58#include "rtdb.fh"
59#include "bas.fh"
60#include "global.fh"
61#include "tcgmsg.fh"
62#include "cdft.fh"
63#include "util.fh"
64#include "sym.fh"
66#include "stdio.fh"
68      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
69      external ga_create_atom_blocked
70      logical oprint_fukui
71      me = ga_nodeid()
72      oprint_fukui = util_print('Fukui information', print_high)
73      g_orb = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, AO_bas_han, 'ga_orb')
74      if (.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl, nbf_ao, 'temp vec',
75     &   l_temp_vec, i_temp_vec))
76     &   call errquit('fukui: cannot allocate temp vec',0, MA_ERR)
77      do isp = 1, 2
78         g_dens_HOMO(isp) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,
79     &                      AO_bas_han, 'ga_dens_orb_homo')
80         g_dens_LUMO(isp) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,
81     &                      AO_bas_han, 'ga_dens_orb_lumo')
82         call ga_zero(g_dens_HOMO(isp))
83         call ga_zero(g_dens_LUMO(isp))
84      end do
86      g_dens_ss = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, AO_bas_han,
87     &            'ga_dens_orb_ss')
89      do isp = 1, ipol
90         if (noc(isp).eq.0) then
91           noc_aux_1 = 1
92           noc_aux_2 = 1
93         else
94           noc_aux_1 = noc(isp)
95           noc_aux_2 = noc(isp) + 1
96         end if
97C        do ik = noc(isp), (noc(isp)+1)
98         do ik = noc_aux_1, noc_aux_2
99            call ga_zero(g_orb)
100            call ga_get(g_movecs(isp), 1, nbf_ao, ik, ik,
101     &                  Dbl_MB(i_temp_vec), nbf_ao)
102            call ga_put(g_orb, 1, nbf_ao, ik, ik,
103     &                  Dbl_MB(i_temp_vec), nbf_ao)
104            if (ik.eq.noc(isp)) then
105               eig_homo(isp) = dbl_mb(k_eval(isp) +
106     &                         noc(isp) - 1)
107               call ga_dgemm('N', 'T', nbf_ao, nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
108     &                       1.0d00, g_orb, g_orb, 0.d00,
109     &                       g_dens_HOMO(isp))
110            else
111               eig_lumo(isp) = dbl_mb(k_eval(isp) + noc(isp))
112               call ga_dgemm('N', 'T', nbf_ao, nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
113     &                       1.0d00, g_orb, g_orb, 0.d00,
114     &                       g_dens_LUMO(isp))
115            end if
116         end do
117      end do
119      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_temp_vec))
120     &   call errquit('fukui: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR)
122      if (ipol.eq.1) then
123         call ga_copy(g_dens_HOMO(1), g_dens_HOMO(2))
124         call ga_copy(g_dens_LUMO(1), g_dens_LUMO(2))
125         eig_homo(2) = eig_homo(1)
126         eig_lumo(2) = eig_lumo(1)
127      end if
129      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
130     &    call dft_header(' Reactivity Parameters ')
132      mu_n_mas = 0.5d00*(eig_lumo(1) + eig_lumo(2))
133      mu_n_men = 0.5d00*(eig_homo(1) + eig_homo(2))
134      mu_n_cer = 0.5*(mu_n_mas + mu_n_men)
135      mu_s_mas = 0.5d00*(eig_lumo(1) - eig_homo(2))
136      mu_s_men = 0.5d00*(eig_homo(1) - eig_lumo(2))
137      mu_s_cer = 0.5*(mu_s_mas + mu_s_men)
139      g_s = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, AO_bas_han, 'AO ovl')
140      call ga_zero(g_s)
141      call int_1e_ga(ao_bas_han,ao_bas_han,g_s,'overlap',.false.)
143      call ga_zero(g_dens_ss)
144      call ga_add(0.5d00, g_dens_LUMO(2), 0.5d00,
145     &            g_dens_LUMO(1), g_dens_ss)
146      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
147     &   call dft_header('  Condensed Fukui function [fnn(+)]')
148      call mull_pop_fuk(geom, AO_bas_han, g_dens_ss, g_s)
150      call ga_zero(g_dens_ss)
151      call ga_add(0.5d00, g_dens_HOMO(2), 0.5d00,
152     &             g_dens_HOMO(1), g_dens_ss)
153      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
154     &   call dft_header(' Condensed Fukui function [fnn(-)]')
155      call mull_pop_fuk(geom, AO_bas_han, g_dens_ss, g_s)
157      call ga_zero(g_dens_ss)
158      call ga_add(-0.5d00, g_dens_LUMO(2), 0.5d00,
159     &             g_dens_LUMO(1), g_dens_ss)
160      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
161     &   call dft_header(' Condensed Fukui function [fsn(+)]')
162      call mull_pop_fuk(geom, AO_bas_han, g_dens_ss, g_s)
164      call ga_zero(g_dens_ss)
165      call ga_add(0.5d00, g_dens_HOMO(2), 0.5d00,
166     &             g_dens_LUMO(1), g_dens_ss)
167      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
168     &   call dft_header(' Condensed Fukui function [fss(+)]')
169      call mull_pop_fuk(geom, AO_bas_han, g_dens_ss, g_s)
171      call ga_zero(g_dens_ss)
172      call ga_add(-0.5d00, g_dens_HOMO(2), 0.5d00,
173     &             g_dens_LUMO(1), g_dens_ss)
174      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
175     &   call dft_header(' Condensed Fukui function [fns(+)]')
176      call mull_pop_fuk(geom, AO_bas_han, g_dens_ss, g_s)
178      call ga_zero(g_dens_ss)
179      call ga_add(0.5d00, g_dens_HOMO(1), 0.5d00,
180     &             g_dens_LUMO(2), g_dens_ss)
181      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
182     &   call dft_header(' Condensed Fukui function [fss(-)]')
183      call mull_pop_fuk(geom, AO_bas_han, g_dens_ss, g_s)
185      call ga_zero(g_dens_ss)
186      call ga_add(0.5d00, g_dens_HOMO(1), -0.5d00,
187     &             g_dens_LUMO(2), g_dens_ss)
188      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)
189     &   call dft_header(' Condensed Fukui function [fns(-)]')
190      call mull_pop_fuk(geom, AO_bas_han, g_dens_ss, g_s)
192      mu_n_men = 0.5d00*(eig_homo(1) + eig_homo(2))
193      mu_n_cer = 0.5*(mu_n_mas + mu_n_men)
194      mu_s_mas = 0.5d00*(eig_lumo(1) - eig_homo(2))
195      mu_s_men = 0.5d00*(eig_homo(1) - eig_lumo(2))
196      mu_s_cer = 0.5*(mu_s_mas + mu_s_men)
197      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)then
198         write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
199         write(LuOut,*) '    mu_n(+)    mu_n(-)    mu_n(0)'
200         write(LuOut,'(3f11.4)')  mu_n_mas, mu_n_men, mu_n_cer
201         write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
202         write(LuOut,*) '    mu_s(+)    mu_s(-)    mu_s(0)'
203         write(LuOut,'(3f11.4)')  mu_s_mas, mu_s_men,mu_s_cer
204         write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
205      endif
207cc    Evaluating Coulomb integrals for HOMO, LUMO and differences
209      kfac(1) = 0.d00
210      jfac(1) = 1.0d0
211      jfac(2) = 1.0d0
212      kfac(2) = 0.0d0
213      call ga_zero(g_orb)
214      call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 1, jfac, kfac,
215     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens_HOMO(1), g_orb, .false.)
216      int_HaHa = ga_ddot(g_dens_HOMO(1), g_orb)
218      int_HaLb = ga_ddot(g_dens_LUMO(2), g_orb)
220      call ga_zero(g_orb)
221      call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 1, jfac, kfac,
222     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens_HOMO(2), g_orb, .false.)
223      int_HbHb = ga_ddot(g_dens_HOMO(2), g_orb)
225      int_LaHb = ga_ddot(g_dens_LUMO(1), g_orb)
227      call ga_zero(g_orb)
228      call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 1, jfac, kfac,
229     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens_LUMO(1), g_orb, .false.)
230      int_LaLa = ga_ddot(g_dens_LUMO(1), g_orb)
232      call ga_zero(g_orb)
233      call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 1, jfac, kfac,
234     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens_LUMO(2), g_orb, .false.)
235      int_LbLb = ga_ddot(g_dens_LUMO(2), g_orb)
238cc     Evaluating exchange-correlation integrals
240      g_dens(1) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, AO_bas_han,
241     &                                       'ga_dens(1)')
242      g_vxc(1) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, AO_bas_han,
243     &                                       'g_vxc(1)')
244      call ga_zero(g_dens(1))
245      call ga_zero(g_vxc(1))
246      if (ipol.eq.2) then
247        g_dens(2) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, AO_bas_han,
248     &                                       'ga_dens(2)')
249        g_vxc(2) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, AO_bas_han,
250     &                                       'g_vxc(2)')
251        call ga_zero(g_dens(2))
252        call ga_zero(g_vxc(2))
253      endif
254      do isp=1,ipol
255        call ga_dgemm('N', 'T', nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
256     &                noc(isp), 2d0/dble(ipol), g_movecs(isp),
257     &                g_movecs(isp), 0.0d00, g_dens(isp))
258      enddo
259      Exc(1) = 0.0d00
260      Exc(2) = 0.0d00
261      Ecoul = 0.0d00
262      call xc_pot(rtdb, Exc, Ecoul,nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv, g_dens,
263     &             g_vxc, IOLGC, g_wght, g_xyz, g_nq,wght_GA, rho_n,
264     &             dbl_mb(irdens_atom),
265     &             int_mb(icetobfr), natoms)
266      Exc_zero = Exc(1)
267      call ga_zero(g_orb)
268      call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 1, jfac, kfac,
269     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens_HOMO(1), g_orb, .false.)
270      do isp = 1, ipol
271        int_vxc_H(isp) = ga_ddot(g_dens_HOMO(isp), g_vxc(isp))
272        int_vxc_L(isp) = ga_ddot(g_dens_LUMO(isp), g_vxc(isp))
273      end do
274      if(ipol .eq.1) then
275        int_vxc_H(2) = int_vxc_H(1)
276        int_vxc_L(2) = int_vxc_L(1)
277      endif
279cc    Approximating the ionization potential
281      noc_aux_1 = noc(1)
282      noc_aux_2 = noc(2)
283C    Think about it.  How can you excite only one electron and still be RKS?
284C    Code produces rubbish with RKS - compare to UKS/ROKS and see
285C    This code assumes once closed shell, then always closed shell
286      if(ipol .eq.1) then
287        noc_aux_2 = noc_aux_1
288        call errquit('fukui: UKS or ROKS required. No RKS', 0, 0)
289      end if
291      noc_test = noc_aux_1 - noc_aux_2
293      if (noc_test.eq.0) then
294        noc(2) = noc_aux_2 - 1
295        e_orbital = -eig_homo(2)
296        e_coul = 0.5d00*int_HbHb
297        e_xc = int_vxc_H(2)
298      else
299        noc(1) = noc_aux_1 - 1
300        e_orbital = -eig_homo(1)
301        e_coul = 0.5d00*int_HaHa
302        e_xc = int_vxc_H(1)
303      end if
304      ion_pot = e_orbital + e_coul + e_xc
305      if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb, 'dft:noc', mt_int, 2, noc))
306     &   call errquit('fukui: rtdb_put of noc failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
307      do isp=1,ipol
308        call ga_zero(g_dens(isp))
309        call ga_dgemm('N', 'T', nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
310     &                noc(isp), 2d0/dble(ipol), g_movecs(isp),
311     &                g_movecs(isp), 0.0d00, g_dens(isp))
312      enddo
314      Exc(1) = 0.0d00
315      Exc(2) = 0.0d00
316      Ecoul = 0.0d00
317      do isp = 1, ipol
318        call ga_zero(g_vxc(isp))
319      end do
320      call xc_pot(rtdb, Exc, Ecoul,nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv, g_dens,
321     &             g_vxc, IOLGC, g_wght, g_xyz, g_nq,wght_GA, rho_n,
322     &             dbl_mb(irdens_atom),
323     &             int_mb(icetobfr), natoms)
324      Exc_pert = Exc(1)
325      diff_Exc = Exc_pert - Exc_zero
326      ion_pot = ion_pot + diff_Exc
327      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)then
328         write(LuOut,'("  Alpha = ",i3," ; Beta = ",i3)')
329     &                   noc(1), noc(2)
330         write(LuOut,*) ' Contributions in atomic units:'
331         write(LuOut,'("      Orbital Energy = ",f10.4)') e_orbital
332         write(LuOut,'("      Coulomb Integral = ",f10.4)') e_coul
333         write(LuOut,'("      XC Integral = ",f10.4)') e_xc
334         write(LuOut,'("      XC Diff. Energy = ",f10.4)') diff_Exc
335         write(LuOut,'("      Ionization potential = ",f7.4," a.u.")')
336     &                                           ion_pot
337         write(LuOut,'("                           = ",f7.2," eV")')
338     &                                           ion_pot*27.211
339      end if
341cc    Approximating the electron affinity
343      if (noc_test.eq.0) then
344        noc(1) = noc_aux_1 + 1
345        noc(2) = noc_aux_2
346        e_orbital = -eig_lumo(1)
347        e_coul = - 0.5d00*int_LaLa
348        e_xc = int_vxc_L(1)
349      else
350        noc(1) = noc_aux_1
351        noc(2) = noc_aux_2 + 1
352        e_orbital = -eig_lumo(2)
353        e_coul = - 0.5d00*int_LbLb
354        e_xc = int_vxc_L(2)
355      end if
356      ele_afi = e_orbital + e_coul + e_xc
357      if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb, 'dft:noc', mt_int, 2, noc))
358     &   call errquit('fukui: rtdb_put of noc failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
359      do isp=1,ipol
360        call ga_zero(g_dens(isp))
361        call ga_dgemm('N', 'T', nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
362     &                noc(isp), 2d0/dble(ipol), g_movecs(isp),
363     &                g_movecs(isp), 0.0d00, g_dens(isp))
364      enddo
366      Exc(1) = 0.0d00
367      Exc(2) = 0.0d00
368      Ecoul = 0.0d00
369      do isp = 1, ipol
370        call ga_zero(g_vxc(isp))
371      end do
372      call xc_pot(rtdb, Exc, Ecoul,nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv, g_dens,
373     &             g_vxc, IOLGC, g_wght, g_xyz, g_nq,wght_GA, rho_n,
374     &             dbl_mb(irdens_atom),
375     &             int_mb(icetobfr), natoms)
376      Exc_pert = Exc(1)
377      diff_Exc = Exc_pert - Exc_zero
378      ele_afi = ele_afi - diff_Exc
379      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)then
380         write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
381         write(LuOut,'("  Alpha = ",i3," ; Beta = ",i3)')
382     &                   noc(1), noc(2)
383         write(LuOut,*) ' Contributions in atomic units:'
384         write(LuOut,'("      Orbital Energy = ",f10.4)') e_orbital
385         write(LuOut,'("      Coulomb Integral = ",f10.4)') e_coul
386         write(LuOut,'("      XC Integral = ",f10.4)') e_xc
387         write(LuOut,'("      XC Diff. Energy = ",f10.4)') diff_Exc
388         write(LuOut,'("      Electron Affinity = ",f7.4," a.u.")')
389     &                                        ele_afi
390         write(LuOut,'("                        = ",f7.2," eV")')
391     &                                        ele_afi*27.211
392      end if
393      if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)then
394         write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
395         write(LuOut,'("  Electronegativity (I+A)/2 = ",f7.2," eV")')
396     &                        0.5d00*(ion_pot + ele_afi)*27.211
397         write(LuOut,'("  Hardness (I-A) = ",f7.2," eV")')
398     &                        (ion_pot - ele_afi)*27.211
399      end if
401cc    Energy difference for high multiplicity
403      if (noc_aux_2.gt.0) then
404        noc(1) = noc_aux_1 + 1
405        noc(2) = noc_aux_2 - 1
406        e_orbital = eig_lumo(1) - eig_homo(2)
407        e_coul = 0.5d00*(int_LaLa + int_HbHb) - int_LaHb
408        e_xc = int_vxc_H(2) - int_vxc_L(1)
409        high_mult = e_orbital + e_coul + e_xc
410        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb, 'dft:noc', mt_int, 2, noc))
411     &     call errquit('fukui: rtdb_put of noc failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
412        do isp=1,ipol
413          call ga_zero(g_dens(isp))
414          call ga_dgemm('N', 'T', nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
415     &                  noc(isp), 2d0/dble(ipol), g_movecs(isp),
416     &                  g_movecs(isp), 0.0d00, g_dens(isp))
417        enddo
418        Exc(1) = 0.0d00
419        Exc(2) = 0.0d00
420        Ecoul = 0.0d00
421        do isp = 1, ipol
422          call ga_zero(g_vxc(isp))
423        end do
424        call xc_pot(rtdb, Exc, Ecoul,nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv, g_dens,
425     &               g_vxc, IOLGC, g_wght, g_xyz, g_nq,wght_GA, rho_n,
426     &               dbl_mb(irdens_atom),
427     &               int_mb(icetobfr), natoms)
428        Exc_pert = Exc(1)
429        diff_Exc = Exc_pert - Exc_zero
430        high_mult = high_mult + diff_Exc
431        if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)then
432           write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
433           write(LuOut,'("  Alpha = ",i3," ; Beta = ",i3)')
434     &                     noc(1), noc(2)
435           write(LuOut,*) ' Contributions in atomic units:'
436           write(LuOut,'("      Orbital Energy = ",f10.4)') e_orbital
437           write(LuOut,'("      Coulomb Integrals = ",f10.4)') e_coul
438           write(LuOut,'("      XC Integrals = ",f10.4)') e_xc
439           write(LuOut,'("      XC Diff. Energy = ",f10.4)') diff_Exc
440           write(LuOut,'("      High Multiplicity = ",f7.4," a.u.")')
441     &                                          high_mult
442           write(LuOut,'("                        = ",f7.2," eV")')
443     &                                          high_mult*27.211
444        end if
445      end if
447cc    Energy difference for low multiplicity
449      if (noc_test.ge.2) then
450        noc(1) = noc_aux_1 - 1
451        noc(2) = noc_aux_2 + 1
452        low_mult = eig_lumo(2) - eig_homo(1) +
453     &              0.5d00*(int_LbLb + int_HaHa) - int_HaLb +
454     &              int_vxc_H(1) - int_vxc_L(2)
455        e_orbital = eig_lumo(2) - eig_homo(1)
456        e_coul = 0.5d00*(int_LbLb + int_HaHa) - int_HaLb
457        e_xc = int_vxc_H(1) - int_vxc_L(2)
458        low_mult = e_orbital + e_coul + e_xc
459        if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb, 'dft:noc', mt_int, 2, noc))
460     &     call errquit('fukui: rtdb_put of noc failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
461        do isp=1,ipol
462          call ga_zero(g_dens(isp))
463          call ga_dgemm('N', 'T', nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
464     &                  noc(isp), 2d0/dble(ipol), g_movecs(isp),
465     &                  g_movecs(isp), 0.0d00, g_dens(isp))
466        enddo
468        Exc(1) = 0.0d00
469        Exc(2) = 0.0d00
470        Ecoul = 0.0d00
471        do isp = 1, ipol
472          call ga_zero(g_vxc(isp))
473        end do
474        call xc_pot(rtdb, Exc, Ecoul,nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv, g_dens,
475     &               g_vxc, IOLGC, g_wght, g_xyz, g_nq,wght_GA, rho_n,
476     &               dbl_mb(irdens_atom),
477     &               int_mb(icetobfr), natoms)
478        Exc_pert = Exc(1)
479        diff_Exc = Exc_pert - Exc_zero
480        low_mult = low_mult + diff_Exc
481        if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_fukui)then
482           write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
483           write(LuOut,'("  Alpha = ",i3," ; Beta = ",i3)')
484     &                     noc(1), noc(2)
485           write(LuOut,*) ' Contributions:'
486           write(LuOut,'("      Orbital Energy = ",f10.4)') e_orbital
487           write(LuOut,'("      Coulomb Integrals = ",f10.4)') e_coul
488           write(LuOut,'("      XC Integrals = ",f10.4)') e_xc
489           write(LuOut,'("      XC Diff. Energy = ",f10.4)') diff_Exc
490           write(LuOut,'("      Low Multiplicity = ",f7.4," a.u.")')
491     &                                         low_mult
492           write(LuOut,'("                       = ",f7.2," eV")')
493     &                                         low_mult*27.211
494           write(LuOut,*) ' ------------------------------------'
495        end if
496      end if
499      noc(1) = noc_aux_1
500      noc(2) = noc_aux_2
501      if (.not.rtdb_put(rtdb, 'dft:noc', mt_int, 2, noc))
502     &   call errquit('fukui: rtdb_put of noc failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
503      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens(1))) call errquit
504     &    ('fukui: could not destroy g_dens(1)',0, GA_ERR)
505      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc(1))) call errquit
506     &    ('fukui: could not destroy g_vxc(1)',0, GA_ERR)
507      if (ipol.eq.2) then
508        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens(2))) call errquit
509     &    ('fukui: could not destroy g_dens(2)',0, GA_ERR)
510        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc(2))) call errquit
511     &    ('fukui: could not destroy g_vxc(2)',0, GA_ERR)
512      end if
514      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_orb)) call errquit
515     &   ('fukui: could not destroy g_orb', 0, GA_ERR)
516      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_HOMO(1))) call errquit
517     &   ('fukui: could not destroy g_dens_HOMO', 0, GA_ERR)
518      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_LUMO(1))) call errquit
519     &   ('fukui: could not destroy g_dens_LUMO', 0, GA_ERR)
520      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_HOMO(2))) call errquit
521     &   ('fukui: could not destroy g_dens_HOMO_bet', 0, GA_ERR)
522      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_LUMO(2))) call errquit
523     &   ('fukui: could not destroy g_dens_LUMO_bet', 0, GA_ERR)
524      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_dens_ss)) call errquit
525     &   ('fukui: could not destroy g_dens_ss', 0, GA_ERR)
526      if (.not. ga_destroy(g_s)) call errquit
527     &   ('fukui: could not destroy g_s', 0, GA_ERR)
528      return
529      end
531      Subroutine mull_pop_fuk( geom, basis, iga_dens,iga_s)
534      Implicit none
535#include "errquit.fh"
536      integer geom,basis
537      integer iga_s              ! overlap   GA handle
538      integer iga_dens           ! dens. mat GA handle
539      integer iga_ps             ! product   GA handle
541      integer natoms,nshells
542      integer lPSmat,iPSmat,lqatom,iqatom,lqshell,iqshell
543      integer iatom,ilo,ihi,nbf,max_at_bf2
545      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
546      external ga_create_atom_blocked
547      logical status
549#include "bas.fh"
550#include "geom.fh"
551#include "global.fh"
552#include "cscfps.fh"
553#include "mafdecls.fh"
555      if (oscfps) call pstat_on(ps_mull)
561      if(.not.geom_ncent(geom, natoms))
562     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop',0, GEOM_ERR)
563      if( .not. bas_numcont(basis,nshells) )
564     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop',1, BASIS_ERR)
565      if ( .not. bas_numbf(basis,nbf) )
566     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_op',1, BASIS_ERR)
567      max_at_bf2 = 0
568      do iatom = 1, natoms
569        if (.not. bas_ce2bfr(basis, iatom, ilo, ihi))
570     $       call errquit('mul_pop: bas_ce2bfr failed', iatom,
571     &       BASIS_ERR)
572        max_at_bf2 = max(max_at_bf2, ihi-ilo+1)
573      enddo
574      max_at_bf2 = max_at_bf2*max_at_bf2
576      if(.not.MA_Push_Get(mt_dbl,max_at_bf2,'PS',lPSmat,iPSmat))
577     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop: insuff stack',21, MA_ERR)
578      if(.not.MA_Push_Get(mt_dbl,natoms,'q atom',lqatom,iqatom))
579     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop: insuff stack',22, MA_ERR)
580      if(.not.MA_Push_Get(mt_dbl,nshells,'q shell',lqshell,iqshell))
581     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop: insuff stack',3, MA_ERR)
583      iga_PS=ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, basis, 'PS product')
585      call ga_dgemm('N','N',nbf,nbf,nbf,1.d0,
586     &     iga_dens,iga_s,0.d0,iga_PS)
587      call mull_calc_fuk(basis,natoms, nshells,max_at_bf2,iga_PS,
588     &     dbl_mb(iqatom),dbl_mb(iqshell),dbl_mb(iPSmat))
590      call ga_sync
592      if(.not.MA_Pop_Stack(lqshell))
593     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop',33, MA_ERR)
594      if(.not.MA_Pop_Stack(lqatom))
595     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop',34, MA_ERR)
596      if(.not.MA_Pop_Stack(lPSmat))
597     &     call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop',35, MA_ERR)
598      status= ga_destroy(iga_PS)
600      if (oscfps) call pstat_off(ps_mull)
602      return
603      end
607      Subroutine mull_calc_fuk(basis, natoms, nshells,max_at_bf2,iga_PS,
608     &     qatom,qshell,PSmat)
610      Implicit none
611#include "errquit.fh"
612#include "geom.fh"
613#include "bas.fh"
614#include "global.fh"
615#include "tcgmsg.fh"
616#include "stdio.fh"
617#include "msgids.fh"
618#include "mafdecls.fh"
619#include "inp.fh"
620      integer basis
621      integer natoms,nshells
622      integer iga_PS             ! product   GA handle
623      integer ifirst,ilast,nbf_at,max_at_bf2
624      integer ish1,ish2,ish,nn,iat,mu
625      integer me,nproc, geom
626      double precision psmu, coord(3), qnuc
627      double precision qatom(natoms),qshell(nshells),PSmat(max_at_bf2)
628      character*2 symbol
629      character*16 tag
630      character*32 element
631      integer atn
633      me=ga_nodeid()
634      nproc=ga_nnodes()
636      call dfill(natoms,0.D0,qatom,1)
637      call dfill(nshells,0.D0,qshell,1)
639      if (.not. bas_geom(basis, geom)) call errquit
640     $     ('mull_pop: bas_geom failed',basis, BASIS_ERR)
642      do iat=me+1,natoms,nproc
643        if (.not.bas_ce2cnr(basis,iat,ish1,ish2))
644     &       call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop',4, BASIS_ERR)
645        call get_atom_block(iga_PS, basis,
646     $       iat, iat, PSmat, nbf_at, nbf_at)
647        mu=0
648        do ish=ish1,ish2
649          if (.not. bas_cn2bfr(basis,ish,ifirst,ilast))
650     &         call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop.',5, BASIS_ERR)
651          do nn=ifirst,ilast
652            mu=mu+1
653            psmu=PSmat((mu-1)*nbf_at+mu)
654            qshell(ish)=qshell(ish)+psmu
655          enddo
656          qatom(iat)=qatom(iat)+qshell(ish)
657        enddo
658      enddo
659      call ga_sync
660      call ga_dgop(Msg_Mull1,qatom,natoms,'+')
661      call ga_dgop(Msg_Mull2,qshell,nshells,'+')
662      if(me.eq.0) then
663        write(LuOut,1)
664    1   format(/'    Atom       Condensed Fukui ')
665        write(luout,11)
666 11     format( ' -----------   ----------------')
667        do iat=1,natoms
668          if (.not.bas_ce2cnr(basis,iat,ish1,ish2))
669     &         call errquit(' exiting in mull_pop',4, BASIS_ERR)
671          if (.not. geom_cent_get(geom, iat, tag, coord, qnuc))
672     $         call errquit('mull_pop: geom_cent_tag failed',0,
673     &       GEOM_ERR)
675          if (.not. geom_tag_to_element(tag, symbol, element, atn))
676     $         symbol = 'X'
677          if (ish2.ge.ish1) then
678             write(LuOut,2) iat,symbol,nint(qnuc),qatom(iat)
679 2           format(1x,i4,1x,a2,i4,1x,f10.4)
680          endif
681        enddo
682      endif
684      call ga_sync
686      return
687      end
689      Subroutine xc_pot(rtdb, Exc, ecoul,nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv,
690     &                   g_dens, g_vxc, IOLGC, g_wght, g_xyz,g_nq,
691     &                   wght_GA, rho_n, rdens_atom,
692     &                   cetobfr, natoms)
696      implicit none
697#include "errquit.fh"
698#include "stdio.fh"
700      integer nExc
701      integer iVxc_opt
702      integer g_xcinv, g_dens(2), g_vxc(4), g_wght, g_xyz,g_nq
703      integer natoms
704      logical IOLGC, wght_GA
705      integer rtdb
707#include "mafdecls.fh"
708#include "rtdb.fh"
709#include "bas.fh"
710#include "global.fh"
711#include "tcgmsg.fh"
712#include "cdft.fh"
713#include "util.fh"
714#include "sym.fh"
716      integer cetobfr(2,natoms)
717      double precision rho_n, rdens_atom(ipol*natoms*natoms)
718      double precision jfac(4),kfac(4)
719      integer g_jk(4), g_d(4)
721      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
722      external ga_create_atom_blocked
724c--> XC Energy
726      double precision Exc(2)
727      double precision ecoul ! [output]
729c This driver routine solves for the XC energy and potential (Vxc) via
730c numerical quadrature methods. The results are obtained either by direct
731c numerical integration or by means of a LSQ fit of the Vxc to a set of
732c Gaussian functions. This fitted function can be used to evaluate Vxc
733c via a summation of a series of 3-center overlap integrals (3OIs). The
734c algorithms are formulated in terms of matrix products. See subsequent
735c subroutines for further explanation.
737c              XC Energy and Potential Index Key, Vxc(pq,i)
739c              Value of     |     Definition of index "i"
740c            ipol     nExc  |    1        2        3       4
741c           --------------------------------------------------
742c              1        1   |   Vxc
743c              2        1   |   Vxc^up   Vxc^dw
744c              1        2   |   Vxc
745c              2        2   |   Vxc^up   Vxc^dw
747c           nTcols = ipol
749      integer me,nproc,i,nTrows,nTcols
750      integer lTmat,iTmat,g_oep
751      double precision zero,one,onem
752      logical oprint_intermediate_xc, oprint_time, grid_on_file
753      parameter(zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,onem=-1.d0)
754      double precision tol2e,tot
757c Compute the matrix elements for the XC potential and energy.
759      oprint_intermediate_xc = util_print('intermediate XC matrix',
760     $     print_debug)
761      oprint_time = util_print('dft timings', print_high)
762      Exc(1)=0.d0
763      Exc(2)=0.d0
764      me=ga_nodeid()
765      nproc=ga_nnodes()
767      if (oprint_intermediate_xc)then
768         write(*,*)' rtdb, Exc, nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv: ',
769     &               rtdb, Exc, nExc, iVxc_opt, g_xcinv
770         write(*,*)' g_dens(1),g_vxc(1),IOLGC,g_wght,g_xyz,wght_GA: ',
771     &               g_dens(1),g_vxc(1),IOLGC,g_wght,g_xyz,wght_GA
772         write(*,*)' Fock XC matrix entering xc_getv: '
773         call ga_print(g_vxc(1))
774         if(ipol.eq.2)call ga_print(g_vxc(2))
775      endif
777      if (abs(xfac(1)).gt.1e-8 .or. (.not. CDFIT))then
779c        Compute the exact exchange potential (as in Hartree-Fock calculations).
781         tol2e=10.d0**(-itol2e)
782         call ga_sync
783         if (oprint_time)call dft_tstamp(' Before call to fock_2e. ')
784         if (ipol.eq.1) then
785            kfac(1) = -0.5d0*xfac(1)
786            jfac(1)=0.0d0
787            if (.not. CDFIT) then
788             jfac(2) = 1.0d0
789             kfac(2) = 0d0
790              g_vxc(2) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom,ao_bas_han,'jk')
791              g_dens(2)=g_dens(1)
792              call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
793     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens(1), g_vxc(1), .false.)
794              Exc(1) = Exc(1)+0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(1))
795              call ga_zero(g_vxc(2))
796              ecoul = 0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(2))
797              call ga_dadd(1d0,g_vxc(1),1d0,g_vxc(2),g_vxc(1))
798              if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc(2))) call errquit
799     $             ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',0, GA_ERR)
800            else
801              call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 1, jfac, kfac,
802     &             tol2e, oskel, g_dens(1), g_vxc(1), .false.)
803            Exc(1) = Exc(1)+0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(1))
804            endif
805         else
806            if (CDFIT) then
807               jfac(1)=0.d0
808               jfac(2)=0.d0
809               kfac(1)=-1.0d0*xfac(1)
810               kfac(2)=-1.0d0*xfac(1)
811               call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
812     &              tol2e, oskel, g_dens, g_vxc, .false.)
813               Exc(1) = Exc(1)+0.5d0*(ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_vxc(1)) +
814     &              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_vxc(2)))
815            else
816               jfac(1) = 1.0d0
817               jfac(2) = 0.0d0
818               jfac(3) = 1.0d0
819               jfac(4) = 0.0d0
820               kfac(1) = 0.0d0
821               kfac(2) = 1.0d0
822               kfac(3) = 0.0d0
823               kfac(4) = 1.0d0
824               g_jk(1) = g_vxc(1) ! This assignment is assumed
825               g_jk(2) = g_vxc(2)
826               g_jk(3) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han, 'jk')
827               g_jk(4) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han, 'jk')
828               call ga_zero(g_jk(3))
829               call ga_zero(g_jk(4))
830               g_d(1)  = g_dens(1)
831               g_d(2)  = g_dens(1)
832               g_d(3)  = g_dens(2)
833               g_d(4)  = g_dens(2)
834               call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 4, jfac, kfac,
835     &              tol2e, oskel, g_d(1), g_jk(1),.false. )
836               call ga_zero(g_jk(1))
837               call ga_zero(g_jk(3))
838               ecoul = 0.5d0*( ! Alpha coulomb energy
839     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_jk(1)) +
840     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_jk(3)))
841               ecoul = ecoul + 0.5d0*( ! Beta coulomb energy
842     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_jk(1)) +
843     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_jk(3)))
844               exc(1) = exc(1) - xfac(1)*0.5d0*( ! All exchange energy
845     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(1),g_jk(2)) +
846     $              ga_ddot(g_dens(2),g_jk(4)))
847               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_jk(1), 1.0d0, g_jk(3), g_jk(1))
848               call ga_copy(g_jk(1), g_jk(3))
849               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_jk(1), -xfac(1), g_jk(2),
850     $              g_jk(1))
851               call ga_dadd(1.0d0, g_jk(3), -xfac(1), g_jk(4),
852     $              g_jk(2))
853               if (.not. ga_destroy(g_jk(3))) call errquit
854     $              ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',0, GA_ERR)
855               if (.not. ga_destroy(g_jk(4))) call errquit
856     $              ('xc_getv: ga corrupt?',1, GA_ERR)
857            endif
858         endif
859         if (oprint_time)call dft_tstamp('  After call to fock_2e. ')
860         call ga_sync
862c        Symmetrize Vxc?
864c         if (oskel)then
865c            call sym_symmetrize(geom, AO_bas_han, .false., g_vxc(1))
866c            if (ipol.gt.1)then
867c               call sym_symmetrize(geom, AO_bas_han, .false.,
868c     &              g_vxc(2))
869c            endif
870c         endif
872c        Compute the exact exchange energy.
874      endif
876      tot=-xfac(1)
877      do i=1,numfunc
878        tot=tot+xfac(i)+cfac(i)
879      enddo
881      if (.not. rtdb_get(rtdb, 'dft:grid_on_file', mt_log, 1,
882     &     grid_on_file))then
883         grid_on_file = .false.
884      endif
885      if (abs(tot).gt.1e-8) then
886         if(xcfit) then
887            if (.not. bas_numbf(XC_bas_han,nbf_xc) )then
888               call errquit('Exiting in getvxc.',1, BASIS_ERR)
889            endif
890            nTrows = nbf_xc
891            nTcols = ipol
893c           Allocate scratch space for the "T" matrix.
895            if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_Dbl,nTrows*nTcols,'Tmat',lTmat,
896     &         iTmat))call errquit('xc_getv: cannot allocate Tmat',0,
897     &       MA_ERR)
898            call dfill(nTrows*nTcols,0.D0,dbl_mb(iTmat),1)
899         endif
900            call grid_quadv0(rtdb, g_dens, g_vxc, nexc,rho_n,  Exc,
901     .           dbl_mb(itmat))
902      if(xcfit) then
904c           symmetrize the "T" vector
906         if (oskel)then
907            call sym_vec_symmetrize(geom, xc_bas_han, Dbl_MB(iTmat))
908            if (ipol.gt.1)then
909               call sym_vec_symmetrize(geom, xc_bas_han,
910     &              Dbl_MB(iTmat+nbf_xc))
911            endif
912         endif
914            call xc_fitv(rtdb,Dbl_MB(iTmat), nTrows, nTcols,
915     &                   g_vxc, g_xcinv, g_oep, IOLGC)
916            if (oprint_time)call dft_tstamp(' After call to xc_fitv.  ')
917            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(lTmat))
918     &         call errquit('xc_getv: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR)
920         endif
921      endif
923      if (oprint_intermediate_xc)then
924         write(*,*)' Fock XC matrix leaving xc_pot: '
925         call ga_print(g_vxc(1))
926         if(ipol.eq.2)call ga_print(g_vxc(2))
927      endif
930      return
931      end