2C> \brief calculate the gradient terms due to the interaction with the
3C> COSMO charges
5C> Evaluate the gradient contributions from the COSMO embedding. The
6C> original part is from Klamt and Schüürmann [1]
7C> (see Eqs.(13-16)). The derivatives of matrix \f$A\f$ have been
8C> modified by York and Karplus [2] (see Eqs.(73-76)) to obtain smooth
9C> potential energy surfaces. York and Karplus also modified matrix
10C> \f$B\f$ which is easy to do in their classical force field code.
11C> In an ab-initio code this not so easy to do and as it is not
12C> required to eliminate singularities the original expression from [1]
13C> for \f$B\f$ is used here.
15C> ### References ###
17C> [1] A. Klamt, G. Schüürmann,
18C>     "COSMO: a new approach to dielectric screening in solvents with
19C>      explicit expressions for the screening energy and its gradient",
20C>     <i>J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 2</i>, 1993, pp 799-805, DOI:
21C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1039/P29930000799">
22C>     10.1039/P29930000799</a>.
24C> [2] D.M. York, M. Karplus,
25C>     "A smooth solvation potential based on the conductor-like
26C>      screening model", <i>J. Phys. Chem. A</i> (1999) <b>103</b>,
27C>     pp 11060-11079, DOI:
28C>     <a href="https://doi.org/10.1021/jp992097l">
29C>     10.1021/jp992097l</a>.
31      subroutine grad_hnd_cos ( H, lbuf, scr, lscr,
32     $                   dens, frc_cos_nucq, frc_cos_elq,
33     $                   frc_cos_qq,
34     $                   g_dens, basis, geom, nproc, nat,
35     $                   max_at_bf, rtdb, oskel )
36c$Id: grad1.F 27488 2015-09-10 08:44:11Z alogsdail $
38C     COSMO one electron contribution to RHF, ROHF and UHF gradients
39C     now also UMP2 ??? unlikely as that requires solutions to the
40c     CPHF equation???
42c     Terms included in this subroutine are:
43c     1. Electron - COSMO charge interactions
44c     2. Nuclear - COSMO charge interactions
45c     3. COSMO charge - COSMO charge interactions
47c     Terms NOT included are:
48c     1. All regular QM derivatives
50      implicit none
52#include "nwc_const.fh"
53#include "mafdecls.fh"
54#include "errquit.fh"
55#include "global.fh"
56#include "cosmoP.fh"
57#include "cosmo_params.fh"
58#include "geomP.fh"
59#include "geom.fh"
60#include "bq.fh"
61#include "bas.fh"
62#include "rtdb.fh"
63#include "sym.fh"
64#include "stdio.fh"
65#include "prop.fh"
68      integer g_dens !< [Input] the total electron density matrix GA
69      integer basis  !< [Input] the basis set handle
70      integer geom   !< [Input] the geometry handle
71      integer rtdb   !< [Input] the RTDB handle
72      integer lbuf   !< [Input] the length of the integral buffer
73      integer lscr,  !< [Input] the length of the scratch space
74     $     nproc, nat, max_at_bf
76      double precision frc_cos_nucq(3,nat) !< [Output] the forces due
77                                           !< nuclear-COSMO charge
78                                           !< interaction
79      double precision frc_cos_elq(3,nat)  !< [Output] the forces due
80                                           !< electron-COSMO charge
81                                           !< interaction
82      double precision frc_cos_qq(3,nat)   !< [Output] the forces due
83                                           !< COSMO charge-COSMO charge
84                                           !< interaction
85      double precision H(lbuf)   !< [Scratch] the derivative integrals
86      double precision scr(lscr) !< [Scratch] scratch space
87      double precision dens(max_at_bf,max_at_bf) !< [Scratch] local
88                                                 !< density block
90      logical oskel   ! symmetry?
93C-------------------------local variables--------------------------
95      integer ijatom, next, iat1, iat2, iat3, ish1, ish2,
96     $     iab1f, iab1l, iab2f, iab2l, iac1f, iac1l, iac2f, iac2l,
97     $     if1, il1, if2, il2,
98     $     icart, ic, nint, ip1, ip2
99      integer im1, im2, nprim, ngen, sphcart, ityp1, ityp2
100      integer ich1, ich2
102      integer nefc        ! the number of COSMO charges
103      integer l_efciat    ! the handle of the COSMO charge-atom map
104      integer k_efciat    ! the index of the COSMO charge-atom map
105      integer l_rad       ! the handle of the atom radii
106      integer k_rad       ! the index of the atom radii
107      integer nefcl       ! the number of COSMO charge for a given atom
108      integer iefc        ! counter over COSMO charges
109      integer iefc_c      ! memory index for COSMO charge coordinates
110      integer iefc_q      ! memory index for COSMO charges
112      double precision dE, qfac, fact, dx, dy, dz, rr
113      double precision invscreen, bohr, pi
114      double precision zeta1, zeta2, zeta12
115      parameter (bohr=0.529177249d0)
117      logical status, pointforce
119      double precision util_erf, cosff, cosdff
120      external         util_erf, cosff, cosdff
122      integer nxtask, task_size
123      external nxtask
125      double precision rin, rout, alphai, xyzff
126      integer iat
127      parameter (alphai = 0.5d0)
128      rin(iat)=dbl_mb(k_rad-1+iat)
129     &        *(1.0d0-alphai*gammas*sqrt(0.25d0**minbem))
130      rout(iat)=dbl_mb(k_rad-1+iat)
131     &         *(1.0d0+(1.0d0-alphai)*gammas*sqrt(0.25d0**minbem))
133c     ---- -cosmo- gradient term -----
134      logical odbug
136      pi = acos(-1.0d0)
137      odbug=.false.
138      if(odbug) then
139         write(Luout,*) 'in -grad1_hnd_cos- ...'
140      endif
142      task_size = 1
143      status = rtdb_parallel(.true.) ! Broadcast reads to all processes
145      pointforce = geom_include_bqbq(geom)
146      if (.not.bq_create('cosmo efc bq',cosmo_bq_efc))
147     $   call errquit("grad_hnd_cos: bq_create on cosmo failed",
148     $                0,GEOM_ERR)
149      if (.not.bq_rtdb_load(rtdb,cosmo_bq_efc))
150     $   call errquit('grad_hnd_cos: rtdb load failed for Bq',916,
151     $                rtdb_err)
152      if (.not.bq_ncenter(cosmo_bq_efc,nefc))
153     $   call errquit('grad_hnd_cos: could not retrieve nefc',917,
154     $                GEOM_ERR)
155      if (.not.bq_index_coord(cosmo_bq_efc,iefc_c))
156     $   call errquit('grad_hnd_cos: could not get coordinate index Bq',
157     $                cosmo_bq_efc,MA_ERR)
158      if (.not.bq_index_charge(cosmo_bq_efc,iefc_q))
159     $   call errquit('grad_hnd_cos: could not get charge index Bq',
160     $                cosmo_bq_efc,MA_ERR)
162      if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_DBL,nat,"rad",l_rad,k_rad))
163     $  call errquit("grad_hnd_cos: could not allocate rad",
164     $               ma_sizeof(MT_BYTE,nat,MT_DBL),MA_ERR)
165      call cosmo_def_radii(rtdb,geom,nat,dbl_mb(k_rad))
166      status = rtdb_get(rtdb,'cosmo:radius',mt_dbl,nat,
167     $                  dbl_mb(k_rad))
168      do iat1=0,nat-1
169        dbl_mb(k_rad+iat1) = dbl_mb(k_rad+iat1)/bohr
170      enddo
172      if (.not.ma_push_get(MT_INT,nefc,"efciat",l_efciat,k_efciat))
173     $  call errquit("grad_hnd_cos: could not allocate efciat",
174     $               ma_sizeof(MT_BYTE,nefc,MT_INT),MA_ERR)
175      if(.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'cosmo:efciat',mt_int,nefc,
176     $                 int_mb(k_efciat)))
177     $   call errquit('grad_hnd_cos: rtdb get failed for iatefc',915,
178     $                rtdb_err)
180      call hf_print_set(1)
182      ijatom = -1
183      next = nxtask(nproc,task_size)
184      do 90, iat1 = 1, nat
185        do 80, iat2 = 1, iat1
187          ijatom = ijatom + 1
188          if ( ijatom .eq. next ) then
190            status = bas_ce2bfr(basis,iat1,iab1f,iab1l)
191            status = bas_ce2bfr(basis,iat2,iab2f,iab2l)
193            if (iab1f.le.0 .or. iab2f.le.0) then
195c     At least one center has no functions on it ... next atom
197              goto 1010
198            endif
200            if (oskel) then
201               if (.not. sym_atom_pair(geom, iat1, iat2, qfac))
202     $              goto 1010
203            else
204               qfac = 1.0d0
205            endif
206            qfac = -qfac
208            status = bas_ce2cnr(basis,iat1,iac1f,iac1l)
209            status = bas_ce2cnr(basis,iat2,iac2f,iac2l)
211            call ga_get (g_dens, iab1f,iab1l,iab2f,iab2l,dens,max_at_bf)
213            do 70, ish1 = iac1f, iac1l
214              if ( iat1.eq.iat2 ) iac2l = ish1
215              do 60, ish2 = iac2f, iac2l
217C               shell block in atomic (D/Dw)-matrix block
218                status = bas_cn2bfr(basis,ish1,if1,il1)
219                if1 = if1 - iab1f + 1
220                il1 = il1 - iab1f + 1
222c               Work out the number of Cartesian basis functions
223c               The integrals are evaluated in the Cartesian basis set
224c               and then transformed to spherical harmonics. So the
225c               buffer size depends on the number of Cartesian functions
227                status = bas_continfo(basis,ish1,ityp1,nprim,ngen,
228     +                                sphcart)
229                if (sphcart.eq.1.and.ityp1.ge.2) then
230                  im1 = if1 + (ityp1+1)*(ityp1+2)/2 - 1
231                else
232                  im1 = il1
233                endif
234                status = bas_cn2bfr(basis,ish2,if2,il2)
235                if2 = if2 - iab2f + 1
236                il2 = il2 - iab2f + 1
238c               Same Cartesian vs spherical harmonic catastrophy as
239c               for ish1.
241                status = bas_continfo(basis,ish2,ityp2,nprim,ngen,
242     +                                sphcart)
243                if (sphcart.eq.1.and.ityp2.ge.2) then
244                  im2 = if2 + (ityp2+1)*(ityp2+2)/2 - 1
245                else
246                  im2 = il2
247                endif
249                nint = ( im1 - if1 + 1 ) * ( im2 - if2 + 1 )
251                do iefc = 1, nefc
253                  ic=1
254                  do iat3 = 1, 3 ! centers A, B, and C
255                    do icart = 1, 3
256                      do ip1 = if1, im1
257                        do ip2 = if2, im2
258                          H(ic)=0.0D0
259                          ic = ic + 1
260                        enddo
261                      enddo
262                    enddo
263                  enddo
265C                 1el. -cosmo- derivatives
266c                 Currently calculated on for every COSMO charge
267c                 separately.
268                  call intd_1epot_cosmo(basis,ish1,basis,ish2,lscr,scr,
269     &                 lbuf,H,dbl_mb(iefc_c+3*(iefc-1)),
270     &                 dbl_mb(iefc_q+iefc-1),1)
272C     D x H
274c                 Do center A (associated with ish1)
276                  ic=1
277                  do icart = 1, 3
278                    dE = 0.D0
279                    do ip1 = if1, il1
280                      do ip2 = if2, il2
281                        dE = dE + dens(ip1,ip2) * H(ic)
282                        ic = ic + 1
283                      enddo
284                    enddo
285                    if ( iat1.ne.iat2 .or. ish1.ne.ish2 ) dE = dE + dE
286                    dE = dE * qfac
287                    frc_cos_elq(icart,iat1)
288     &              = frc_cos_elq(icart,iat1) - dE
289                  enddo
291c                 Do center B (associated with ish2)
293                  do icart = 1, 3
294                    dE = 0.D0
295                    do ip1 = if1, il1
296                      do ip2 = if2, il2
297                        dE = dE + dens(ip1,ip2) * H(ic)
298                        ic = ic + 1
299                      enddo
300                    enddo
301                    if ( iat1.ne.iat2 .or. ish1.ne.ish2 ) then
302                      dE = dE + dE
303                    else
304                      dE = 0.0d0
305                    endif
306                    dE = dE * qfac
307                    frc_cos_elq(icart,iat2)
308     &              = frc_cos_elq(icart,iat2) - dE
309                  enddo
311c                 Do center C, i.e. the Cosmo charge (associated with
312c                 the atom stored in int_mb(k_efciat))
314                  do icart = 1, 3
315                    dE = 0.D0
316                    do ip1 = if1, il1
317                      do ip2 = if2, il2
318                        dE = dE + dens(ip1,ip2) * H(ic)
319                        ic = ic + 1
320                      enddo
321                    enddo
322                    if ( iat1.ne.iat2 .or. ish1.ne.ish2 ) dE = dE + dE
323                    dE = dE * qfac
324                    frc_cos_elq(icart,int_mb(k_efciat+iefc-1))
325     &              = frc_cos_elq(icart,int_mb(k_efciat+iefc-1)) - dE
326                  enddo
328                enddo
330 60           continue
331 70         continue
333 1010       continue
335            next = nxtask(nproc,task_size)
336          endif
338 80     continue
339 90   continue
340      next = nxtask(-nproc,task_size)
342      if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) then
344c       Do the Nuclear - Cosmo charge part
345c       - 1. The derivative of matrix B (i.e. the Coulomb interaction
346c            between the nuclear charge and the surface charge).
347c       - 2. The derivative due to the change in the switching
348c            function (see [2] Eq.(74)). This only applies for the
349c            York-Karplus model.
351        invscreen = 1.0d0/(1.0d0*screen)
352        do ich1 = 1, nefc
353          if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
354            zeta1 = zeta*sqrt(ptspatm)
355     $            / (dbl_mb(k_rad+int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)-1)
356     $               * sqrt(2.0d0*pi))
357            xyzff = 1.0d0
358            do iat1 = 1, nat
359              if (iat1.ne.int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) then
360                dx = coords(1,iat1,geom) - dbl_mb(0+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
361                dy = coords(2,iat1,geom) - dbl_mb(1+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
362                dz = coords(3,iat1,geom) - dbl_mb(2+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
363                rr = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
364                if (rr.lt.rout(iat1)) then
365                  xyzff = xyzff
366     $                  * cosff((rr-rin(iat1))/(rout(iat1)-rin(iat1)))
367                endif
368              endif
369            enddo
370          endif
371          do iat1 = 1, nat
372            dx = coords(1,iat1,geom) - dbl_mb(0+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
373            dy = coords(2,iat1,geom) - dbl_mb(1+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
374            dz = coords(3,iat1,geom) - dbl_mb(2+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
375            rr = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
377c           - term 1.
379            fact = -charge(iat1,geom)*dbl_mb(iefc_q+ich1-1) /
380     $              rr**3
382c           - term 2.
384            if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
385              if (iat1.ne.int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) then
386                fact = fact - 2.0d0*zeta1*sqrt(2.0d0/pi)*invscreen
387     $               * dbl_mb(iefc_q+ich1-1)**2
388     $               * cosdff((rr-rin(iat1))/(rout(iat1)-rin(iat1)))
389     $               / (rr*xyzff*(rout(iat1)-rin(iat1))
390     $                  *cosff((rr-rin(iat1))/(rout(iat1)-rin(iat1))))
391              endif
392            endif
394            dE = dx * fact
395            frc_cos_nucq(1,iat1) = frc_cos_nucq(1,iat1) + dE
396            frc_cos_nucq(1,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1))
397     $      = frc_cos_nucq(1,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) - dE
398            dE = dy * fact
399            frc_cos_nucq(2,iat1) = frc_cos_nucq(2,iat1) + dE
400            frc_cos_nucq(2,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1))
401     $      = frc_cos_nucq(2,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) - dE
402            dE = dz * fact
403            frc_cos_nucq(3,iat1) = frc_cos_nucq(3,iat1) + dE
404            frc_cos_nucq(3,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1))
405     $      = frc_cos_nucq(3,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) - dE
406          enddo
407        enddo
409c       Do cosmo charge - cosmo charge interaction
411        invscreen = 1.0d0/(1.0d0*screen)
412        do ich1 = 1, nefc
413          if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
414            zeta1 = zeta*sqrt(ptspatm)
415     $            / (dbl_mb(k_rad+int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)-1)
416     $               * sqrt(2.0d0*pi))
417          endif
418          do ich2 = 1, ich1-1
419            if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
420              zeta2 = zeta*sqrt(ptspatm)
421     $              / (dbl_mb(k_rad+int_mb(k_efciat+ich2-1)-1)
422     $                 * sqrt(2.0d0*pi))
423              zeta12 = zeta1*zeta2/sqrt(zeta1**2+zeta2**2)
424            endif
425            if (ich1.ne.ich2) then
426              dx = dbl_mb(0+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
427     $           - dbl_mb(0+3*(ich2-1)+iefc_c)
428              dy = dbl_mb(1+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
429     $           - dbl_mb(1+3*(ich2-1)+iefc_c)
430              dz = dbl_mb(2+3*(ich1-1)+iefc_c)
431     $           - dbl_mb(2+3*(ich2-1)+iefc_c)
432              rr = sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz)
433              if (rr.lt.1.0d-6) then
434                fact = 0.0d0
435              else
436                if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_KS) then
437                  fact = -invscreen*dbl_mb(iefc_q+ich1-1)
438     $                 * dbl_mb(iefc_q+ich2-1)/(rr**3)
439                else if (do_cosmo_model.eq.DO_COSMO_YK) then
440                  fact = +invscreen*dbl_mb(iefc_q+ich1-1)
441     $                 * dbl_mb(iefc_q+ich2-1)
442     $                 * (2.0d0*zeta12/sqrt(pi)/(rr**2)
443     $                    * exp(-(zeta12*rr)**2)
444     $                    - util_erf(zeta12*rr)/(rr**3))
445                else
446                  call errquit("grad_hnd_cos: panic",
447     $                         do_cosmo_model,UERR)
448                endif
449              endif
450              dE = dx * fact
451              frc_cos_qq(1,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1))
452     $        = frc_cos_qq(1,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) + dE
453              frc_cos_qq(1,int_mb(k_efciat+ich2-1))
454     $        = frc_cos_qq(1,int_mb(k_efciat+ich2-1)) - dE
455              dE = dy * fact
456              frc_cos_qq(2,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1))
457     $        = frc_cos_qq(2,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) + dE
458              frc_cos_qq(2,int_mb(k_efciat+ich2-1))
459     $        = frc_cos_qq(2,int_mb(k_efciat+ich2-1)) - dE
460              dE = dz * fact
461              frc_cos_qq(3,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1))
462     $        = frc_cos_qq(3,int_mb(k_efciat+ich1-1)) + dE
463              frc_cos_qq(3,int_mb(k_efciat+ich2-1))
464     $        = frc_cos_qq(3,int_mb(k_efciat+ich2-1)) - dE
465            endif
466          enddo
467        enddo
468      endif
470      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_efciat))
471     $   call errquit("grad_hnd_cos: could not deallocate l_efciat",
472     $                0,MA_ERR)
473      if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_rad))
474     $   call errquit("grad_hnd_cos: could not deallocate l_rad",
475     $                0,MA_ERR)
476      if (.not.bq_destroy(cosmo_bq_efc))
477     $   call errquit("grad_hnd_cos: bq_destroy on cosmo failed",
478     $                0,GEOM_ERR)
480      return
481      end