3      Subroutine dim_eval_fnl(ptnl,nq,qwght,xyz,qxyz,npert,
4     $                        ipm, imag, muind)
6      implicit none
8#include "stdio.fh"
9#include "rtdb.fh"
10#include "mafdecls.fh"
11#include "dimqm_constants.fh"
12#include "dimqm.fh"
13#include "errquit.fh"
14#include "global.fh"
15#include "tcgmsg.fh"
17c   Input Variables
18      integer nq                       ! Number of quadrature points
19      integer npert
20      double precision ptnl(nq, npert) ! DIM potential at each quadrature point for each perturbation
21      double precision qwght(nq)       ! Quadrature weights
22      double precision xyz(3, nDIM)    ! DIM atom coordinates
23      double precision qxyz(3, nq)     ! Quadrature point coodinates
24      integer ipm
25      integer imag
26      double precision muind(3, nDIM, npert)  ! Array that holds induced dipoles.  Structured as (component, atom, perturbation)
28c   Local Variables
29      integer jj, n, i, idir, id
30      double precision r(3), dist, dist3
31      double precision screen_mu, screen
32      double precision util_erf
33c      character*(1) direction(3)
34c      character*(1) dpm(2)
35c      character*(1) dri(2)
36c      data direction /'x', 'y', 'z'/
37c      data dpm /'+', '-'/
38c      data dri /'r', 'i'/
40      id = ga_nodeid()
41c      write(luout,*) "id:", npert, ipm, imag, nq
43c   Zero potential array
44      call dfill(nq*npert, 0.d0, ptnl, 1)
45c      muind = ZERO
46      do idir = 1, npert ! Loop over perturbations
48c        if(id .eq.0) then
49c        if(npert > 1) then ! only 1 perturbation for ground state, 3 for response
50c          if(ipm .gt. 0) then ! FD Response (real and imaginary, +/-)
51c            if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,'dimqm:muind_'//direction(idir)
52c     $                        //'_'//dri(imag)//dpm(ipm), mt_dbl,
53c     $                                                  3*nDIM, muind))
54c     $      call errquit('get perturbed +/- dipoles failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
55c          else ! Static response
56c            if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,'dimqm:muind_'//direction(idir),
57c     $                                        mt_dbl,3*nDIM, muind))
58c     $      call errquit('get perturbed xyz dipoles failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
59c          end if
60c        else ! Ground state
61c          if(.not.rtdb_get(dimqm_rtdb,'dimqm:muind',
62c     $                                        mt_dbl,3*nDIM, muind))
63c     $        call errquit('get perturbed dipoles failed',1,RTDB_ERR)
64c        endif
65c        end if
67c        write(luout,*) "muind", id, muind
68        do n = 1, nq ! Loop over quadrature points
69          do i = 1, nDIM ! Loop over DIM atoms
71c           Distance between two points
72            r(:) = xyz(:,i) - qxyz(:,n)
73            dist = SQRT(DOT_PRODUCT(r, r))
75c           Screening
76            screen_mu = ONE
77            select case (scrnType)
78            case(ERFSCRN)
79              screen = util_erf(scrnFactor * dist)
80              screen_mu = screen * screen
81            case(EXPSCRN)
82              screen = 1.0d0 - EXP(-dist*scrnFactor)
83              screen_mu = screen * screen * screen
84            case default
85              if (dist < 1.0d-12) dist = 1.0d-12
86            end select
87            dist3 = dist * dist * dist
89c           Calculate potential
90            ptnl(n,idir) = ptnl(n,idir)
91     $                           - screen_mu*muind(1,i,idir)*r(1)/dist3
92            ptnl(n,idir) = ptnl(n,idir)
93     $                           - screen_mu*muind(2,i,idir)*r(2)/dist3
94            ptnl(n,idir) = ptnl(n,idir)
95     $                           - screen_mu*muind(3,i,idir)*r(3)/dist3
96          end do ! End loop over DIM atoms
97        end do ! End loop over quadratrue points
99c       Combine with quadrature weights
100        do jj = 1, nq
101          ptnl(jj,idir) = -ptnl(jj,idir)*qwght(jj)
102        enddo
104      end do ! End loop over perturbations
105c      write(luout,*) "End eval_fnl"
106      return
107      end subroutine dim_eval_fnl