1      Subroutine xc_sic(rtdb, nExc, iVxc_opt,
2     &                  g_dens, g_vxc,  g_wght, g_xyz,g_nq,
3     &                  wght_GA, rdens_atom,
4     &                  cetobfr, natoms,
5     &                  g_movecs, totsic, i_degen, n_levels)
9      implicit none
10#include "errquit.fh"
12      integer iVxc_opt, nExc, g_dens(*), g_vxc(4), g_wght,
13     &        g_xyz,g_nq
14c     integer noc(2)
15      integer ik, ij, isp, n_states, naux_ipol, size_mat,
16c    &        g_sic_dens(2),g_orb,g_vxc_orb(4),g_movecs(2),
17     &        g_orb,g_vxc_orb(4),g_movecs(2),
18     &        g_matm, g_vectu,  g_coul_orb, g_vxc_sig(2),
19     &        l_vec_aux, i_vec_aux, j,
20     &        l_vec_u, i_vec_u, l_consti, i_consti,
21     &        i_degen(2), i_gauxsig, l_gauxsig,
22     &        n_levels(2), n_orbitals, i_level, i_orb, j_level, j_orb,
23     &        m_orbitals, elem_i, elem_j
24      double precision Exc_orb(2), tot_sic_xc, tot_sic_coul, ecoul_orb,
25     &                 u_array, res_int,const_ci, totsic
26      integer natoms
27      logical  wght_GA
28      integer rtdb
30#include "mafdecls.fh"
31#include "rtdb.fh"
32#include "bas.fh"
33#include "global.fh"
34#include "tcgmsg.fh"
35#include "cdft.fh"
36#include "util.fh"
37#include "sym.fh"
38#include "stdio.fh"
40      integer cetobfr(2,natoms)
41      double precision rho_n, rdens_atom(ipol*natoms*natoms)
42      double precision jfac(4),kfac(4)
44      integer  ga_create_atom_blocked
45      external ga_create_atom_blocked
47      integer me,nproc,ii
48c     integer me,nproc,i,nTrows,nTcols
49c     integer lTmat,iTmat
50      double precision zero,one,onem
51      logical oprint_intermediate_xc, oprint_time, oprint_sic
52      parameter(zero=0.d0,one=1.d0,onem=-1.d0)
53      double precision tol2e,edodumm
56c Compute the matrix elements for the XC potential of the OEP and the
57c energy of the SIC approximation
59      oprint_intermediate_xc = util_print('intermediate XC matrix',
60     $     print_debug)
61      oprint_time = util_print('dft timings', print_high)
62      oprint_sic = util_print('SIC information', print_high)
64      me=ga_nodeid()
65      nproc=ga_nnodes()
67c     tol2e def
69      tol2e = 10.d0**(-itol2e)
71      if (iVxc_opt.eq.0) then
73c           Option A:  Compute via direct numerical quadrature.
75        if (ipol.eq.2) then
76          if (noc(2).eq.0) call ga_zero(g_vxc(2))
77        end if
79        if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_sic) write(LuOut,*)
80     &               ' Starting SIC by orbital..'
81        g_vxc_orb(1) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,
82     &                                      'Vxc_orb_alpha')
83        g_vxc_orb(2) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,
84     &                                        'Vxc_orb_beta')
85        g_orb = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han, 'Orbsic')
86        g_sic_dens(1) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,
87     &                                          'Densic_alpha')
88        g_sic_dens(2) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,
89     &                                           'Densic_beta')
90        g_coul_orb= ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,
91     &                                       'V_coul_orb')
92        g_vxc_sig(1) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,
93     &                                          'Vxc_sig_alpha')
94        if (ipol.eq.2) then
95          g_vxc_sig(2) = ga_create_atom_blocked(geom, ao_bas_han,
96     &                            'Vxc_sig_beta')
97        end if
99        tot_sic_xc = 0.d0
100        tot_sic_coul = 0.d0
102        if (ipol.eq.2) then
103          naux_ipol = 2
104          sic_orb_occ = 1
105        else
106          naux_ipol = 1
107          sic_orb_occ = 2
108        end if
110        do 300 isp = 1,ipol
112          n_states = noc(isp)
113          size_mat = 0
114          if (noc(isp).ne.0) then
115            do j = 2, n_levels(isp)
116              n_orbitals = Int_MB(i_degen(isp) + j - 1)
117              do ik = 1, n_orbitals
118                size_mat = size_mat + 1
119              end do
120            end do
121          end if
122          call ga_zero(g_vxc_sig(isp))
123          if (size_mat.gt.0) then
124            if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl, size_mat,size_mat,'Mat_m',
125     &          size_mat, size_mat, g_matm))
126     &        call errquit('dft_main0d: error creating g_matm',0,
127     &       GA_ERR)
128            if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl, size_mat, 1, 'Vet_u',
129     &           size_mat, 1, g_vectu))
130     &        call errquit('dft_main0d: error creating Vet_u',0,
131     &       GA_ERR)
132            if (.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl, size_mat, 'const_i',
133     &               l_consti, i_consti))
134     &       call errquit('xc_sic: cannot allocate vec aux',0, MA_ERR)
135          end if
136          if (.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl, nbf_ao, 'vec aux',
137     &                 l_vec_aux, i_vec_aux))
138     &         call errquit('xc_sic: cannot allocate vec aux',0, MA_ERR)
139          if (size_mat.gt.0) then
140            if (.not.MA_Push_Get(MT_Dbl, size_mat, 'vec u',
141     &                   l_vec_u, i_vec_u))
142     &           call errquit('xc_sic: cannot allocate vec u',0, MA_ERR)
143            if (.not.ma_push_get(mt_int, size_mat, 'g_aux_sig',
144     &                           l_gauxsig, i_gauxsig))
145     &           call errquit('xc_sic:push_get failed', 0, MA_ERR)
146          end if
148c   Start loop of total states by spin
151          ik = noc(isp) + 1
152          elem_i = size_mat + 1
153          do 100 i_level = 1,n_levels(isp)
154            n_orbitals = Int_MB(i_degen(isp) + i_level - 1)
155            do 90 i_orb = 1,n_orbitals
156              ik = ik  - 1
157              if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_sic) write(LuOut,*) ' Orbital ',ik
158              call ga_zero(g_sic_dens(1))
159              call ga_zero(g_sic_dens(2))
160              call ga_zero(g_orb)
161              call ga_zero(g_vxc_orb(1))
162              call ga_zero(g_vxc_orb(2))
163              call ga_zero(g_coul_orb)
164              call ga_get(g_movecs(isp), 1, nbf_ao, ik, ik,
165     &                      Dbl_MB(i_vec_aux), nbf_ao)
166              call ga_put(g_orb, 1, nbf_ao, ik, ik,
167     &                    Dbl_MB(i_vec_aux), nbf_ao)
168              call ga_dgemm('n', 't', nbf_ao, nbf_ao, nbf_ao, 1.0d00,
169     &                      g_orb, g_orb, 0.d00, g_sic_dens(1))
171c    g_sic_dens(1) is the orbital density of the state ik
173              if (abs(xfac(1)).gt.1e-8 )then
174                if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_sic) write(LuOut,*)
175     &                                    ' NO SIC in Coulomb term'
176              else
177                if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_sic) write(LuOut,*)
178     &                            ' SIC approximation in Coulomb term'
179                kfac(1) = 0.d00
180                jfac(1) = 1.0d0
181                jfac(2) = 1.0d0
182                kfac(2) = 0d0
183                tol2e=10.d0**(-itol2e)
184                call fock_2e(geom, AO_bas_han, 2, jfac, kfac,
185     &               tol2e, oskel, g_sic_dens(1), g_vxc_orb(1),.false.)
186                ecoul_orb = 0.0d0
187                ecoul_orb = 0.5d0*ga_ddot(g_sic_dens(1), g_vxc_orb(1))
189c   ecoul_orb is the orbital coulomb energy
191                tot_sic_coul = tot_sic_coul -
192     &                         dble(sic_orb_occ)*ecoul_orb
193                call ga_copy(g_vxc_orb(1), g_coul_orb)
194              end if
196              ipol = 2
197              call ga_zero(g_vxc_orb(1))
198              Exc_orb(1) = 0.0d0
199              Exc_orb(2) = 0.0d0
200              if (oprint_time)call dft_tstamp
201     &                           ('Before call to grid_quadv0.')
202              sic_orb_spin = isp
203              sic_orb_index = 0
204              rho_n = 0.0d00
205              if(naux_ipol.eq.1) then
206                 do ii=1,natoms*natoms
207                    rdens_atom(natoms*natoms+ii)=rdens_atom(ii)
208                 enddo
209              endif
210              call grid_quadv0(rtdb, g_sic_dens, g_vxc_orb,
211     ,           nexc,rho_n,  Exc_orb,edodumm)
213c   Exc_orb(1) is the exchange-correlation energy by orbital
215              tot_sic_xc = tot_sic_xc - dble(sic_orb_occ)*Exc_orb(1)
217              if (i_level.ne.1) then
218                elem_i = elem_i - 1
219                call ga_zero(g_orb)
220                call ga_add(1.0d0, g_coul_orb, 1.0d0, g_vxc_orb(1),
221     &                      g_orb)
223c  g_orb contains the coulomb + exchange-correlation potential evaluated with
224c        the ik-orbital
226                u_array = -ga_ddot(g_sic_dens(1), g_orb)
227                Dbl_MB(i_vec_u + elem_i - 1) = u_array
228              end if
230              call ga_zero(g_vxc_orb(1))
231              call ga_zero(g_vxc_orb(2))
232              sic_orb_spin = isp
233              sic_orb_index = 1
234              rho_n = 0.0d00
235              call grid_quadv0(rtdb,   g_dens, g_vxc_orb,
236     &                       nexc,rho_n, Exc_orb,edodumm)
237              sic_orb_index = 0
238              ij = noc(isp) - Int_MB(i_degen(isp)) + 1
239              elem_j = size_mat + 1
240              do 80 j_level = 2, n_levels(isp)
241                m_orbitals = Int_MB(i_degen(isp) + j_level - 1)
242                do 70 j_orb = 1, m_orbitals
243                  if (i_level.ne.1) then
244                    ij = ij -1
245                    elem_j = elem_j - 1
246                    call ga_zero(g_orb)
247                    call ga_zero(g_sic_dens(2))
248                    call ga_get(g_movecs(isp), 1, nbf_ao, ij, ij,
249     &                          Dbl_MB(i_vec_aux) ,nbf_ao)
250                    call ga_put(g_orb, 1, nbf_ao, ij, ij,
251     &                          Dbl_MB(i_vec_aux) ,nbf_ao)
252                    call ga_dgemm('n', 't', nbf_ao, nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
253     &                            1.0d00, g_orb, g_orb, 0.d00,
254     &                            g_sic_dens(2))
255                    res_int = -ga_ddot(g_sic_dens(2), g_vxc_orb(2))
256                    if (ij.eq.ik) res_int = 1.0d00 + res_int
257                    call ga_fill_patch(g_matm, elem_i, elem_i,
258     &                                 elem_j, elem_j, res_int)
259                  end if
260   70           continue
261   80         continue
263              if (i_level.ne.1) then
264                if (.not. ga_create(mt_dbl, nbf_ao, nbf_ao,'i_gauxsig',
265     &                              nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
266     &                              int_mb(i_gauxsig + elem_i - 1)))
267     &               call errquit(
268     '                ' xc_sic: error creating i_gauxsig',0, GA_ERR)
269                call ga_copy(g_vxc_orb(2),
270     &                       int_mb(i_gauxsig + elem_i - 1))
271              end if
273              call ga_add(-1.0d0, g_vxc_orb(1), 1.0d00,
274     &                    g_vxc_sig(isp), g_vxc_sig(isp))
275              if (naux_ipol.eq.1) then
276                 ipol=1
277              end if
278              if (oprint_time)call dft_tstamp
279     &                             (' After call to grid_quadv0.')
280   90       continue
281  100     continue
283          ik = noc(isp) - Int_MB(i_degen(isp)) + 1
284          elem_i = size_mat + 1
285          do 200 i_level = 2, n_levels(isp)
286            n_orbitals = Int_MB(i_degen(isp) + i_level - 1)
287            do 190 i_orb = 1,n_orbitals
288              ik = ik  - 1
289              elem_i = elem_i - 1
290              call ga_zero(g_orb)
291              call ga_zero(g_sic_dens(2))
292              call ga_get(g_movecs(isp), 1, nbf_ao, ik, ik,
293     &                    Dbl_MB(i_vec_aux) ,nbf_ao)
294              call ga_put(g_orb, 1, nbf_ao, ik, ik,
295     &                    Dbl_MB(i_vec_aux), nbf_ao)
296              call ga_dgemm('n', 't', nbf_ao, nbf_ao, nbf_ao,
297     &                      1.0d00, g_orb, g_orb, 0.d00,
298     &                      g_sic_dens(2))
299              res_int = ga_ddot(g_sic_dens(2), g_vxc_sig(isp))
300              Dbl_MB(i_consti + elem_i - 1) = res_int-Dbl_MB(i_vec_u +
301     &                                                   elem_i - 1)
302  190       continue
303  200     continue
305          if (size_mat.gt.0) then
306            call ga_zero(g_vectu)
307            call ga_put(g_vectu, 1, size_mat, 1, 1, Dbl_MB(i_consti),
308     &                  size_mat)
309            call ga_lu_solve_seq('n', g_matm, g_vectu)
310            call ga_get(g_vectu, 1, size_mat, 1, 1, Dbl_MB(i_consti),
311     &                  size_mat)
312            call ga_zero(g_orb)
313            elem_i = size_mat + 1
314            do 400 i_level = 2, n_levels(isp)
315              n_orbitals = Int_MB(i_degen(isp) + i_level - 1)
316              do 390 i_orb = 1,n_orbitals
317                elem_i = elem_i - 1
318                const_ci= Dbl_MB(i_consti + elem_i - 1)
319                call ga_add(1.0d0, g_orb, const_ci,
320     &                      int_mb(i_gauxsig + elem_i - 1), g_orb)
321  390         continue
322  400       continue
323            call ga_add(1.0d0, g_orb, 1.0d00, g_vxc_sig(isp),
324     &                  g_vxc_sig(isp))
325            do ik = 1, size_mat
326              if (.not. ga_destroy(int_mb(i_gauxsig + ik - 1)))
327     &             call errquit ('xc_sic: could not destroy i_gauxsig',
328     &                            0, GA_ERR)
329            end do
330            if (size_mat.gt.0) then
331              if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_gauxsig))
332     &              call errquit('xc_sic: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR)
333              if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_vec_u))
334     &              call errquit('xc_sic: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR)
335            end if
336            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_vec_aux))
337     &            call errquit('xc_sic: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR)
339c  g_vxc_sig is the exchange-correlation potential associate to the OEP
341          end if
342          call ga_add(1.0d0, g_vxc_sig(isp), 1.0d00, g_vxc(isp),
343     &                g_vxc(isp))
345          if (size_mat.gt.0) then
346            if (.not.ma_pop_stack(l_consti))
347     &          call errquit('xc_sic: cannot pop stack',0, MA_ERR)
348            if (.not. ga_destroy(g_matm)) call errquit
349     &         ('xc_getv: could not destroy g_matm', 0, GA_ERR)
350            if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vectu)) call errquit
351     &         ('xc_getv: could not destroy g_vectu', 0, GA_ERR)
352          end if
353  300   continue
354        totsic = tot_sic_xc + tot_sic_coul
355        sic_orb_occ = 0
356        if (me.eq.0.and.oprint_sic) write(LuOut,*)
357     &    ' tot_sic_coul, tot_sic_xc, tot_sic: ',tot_sic_coul,
358     &                               tot_sic_xc, totsic
360        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc_orb(1))) call errquit
361     &       ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_vxc_orb(1)', 0, GA_ERR)
362        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc_orb(2))) call errquit
363     &       ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_vxc_orb(2)', 0, GA_ERR)
364        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_orb)) call errquit
365     &       ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_orb', 0, GA_ERR)
366        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_sic_dens(1))) call errquit
367     &       ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_sic_dens(1)', 0, GA_ERR)
368        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_sic_dens(2))) call errquit
369     &       ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_sic_dens(2)', 0, GA_ERR)
370        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_coul_orb)) call errquit
371     &       ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_coul_orb', 0, GA_ERR)
372        if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc_sig(1))) call errquit
373     &       ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_vxc_sig', 0, GA_ERR)
374        if (ipol.eq.2) then
375          if (.not. ga_destroy(g_vxc_sig(2))) call errquit
376     &     ('xc_sic: could not destroy g_vxc_sig', 0, GA_ERR)
377        end if
379       elseif (iVxc_opt.eq.1 )then
380           call errquit
381     &      ('xc_sic: SIC + XC fitting not implemented', 0, INPUT_ERR)
382         endif
384      if (oprint_intermediate_xc)then
385         write(*,*)' Fock XC matrix leaving xc_sic: '
386         call ga_print(g_vxc(1))
387         if(ipol.eq.2)call ga_print(g_vxc(2))
388      endif
390      return
391      end